#jim ning nong
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spilladabalia · 1 year ago
Raspberry Bulbs - Midnight Line
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444namesplus · 1 month ago
#25 monosyllabics
A Ba Bam Ban Bang Bas Be Bem Ben Beng Bes Bi Bim Bin Bing Bis Bo Bom Bon Bong Bos Bu Bum Bun Bung Bus Da Dam Dan Dang Das De Dem Den Deng Des Di Dim Din Ding Dis Do Dom Don Dong Dos Du Dum Dun Dung Dus E Ga Gam Gan Gang Gas Ge Gem Gen Geng Ges Gi Gim Gin Ging Gis Go Gom Gon Gong Gos Gu Gum Gun Gung Gus I Ji Jim Jin Jing Jis Ju Jum Jun Jung Jus Ma Mam Man Mang Mas Me Mem Men Meng Mes Mi Mim Min Ming Mis Mo Mom Mon Mong Mos Mu Mum Mun Mung Mus Na Nam Nan Nang Nas Ne Nem Nen Neng Nes Ni Nim Nin Ning Nis No Nom Non Nong Nos Nu Num Nun Nung Nus O Qi Qim Qin Qing Qis Qu Qum Qun Qung Qus Ra Ram Ran Rang Ras Re Rem Ren Reng Res Ri Rim Rin Ring Ris Ro Rom Ron Rong Ros Ru Rum Run Rung Rus U Va Vam Van Vang Vas Ve Vem Ven Veng Ves Vi Vim Vin Ving Vis Vo Vom Von Vong Vos Vu Vum Vun Vung Vus Za Zam Zan Zang Zas Ze Zem Zen Zeng Zes Zi Zim Zin Zing Zis Zo Zom Zon Zong Zos Zu Zum Zun Zung Zus
Can be written with Angmus.
Abamjinqus Abamramqung Abanamjim Abumbonumrong Ademqusvi Adujinomqi Agasbungji Agojum Ajijungquzen Ajimovusda Ajingedos Ajingjus Ajinjune Ajinnenon Ajinzos Ajisbeno Ajivejimmi Ajizengde Ajubom Ajumjing Ajumne Ajumonnu Ajunma Ajuqiqum Ajusjiqi Ajusrumjinji Amammomjure Amumdasqu Anangjuqimju Anangvesmaro Anemzuqumjus Anengjuzo Aqibare Aqidoma Aqinggesvan Aqingnongbim Aqisqingrejim Aqudajing Aqujujing Aqujuqin Aqumbenqibo Aqunboquji Aqungengumgeng Aqungqiszang Aququng Aququngqi Aqusrimqum Aquzanza Arasbinqu Arenbes Arengqibo Avangdesdesju Avendi Avingmo Azajujin Azeqiqing Azojumre Bajubo Bamnajung Banjiqisji Baquqi Benji Benqin Bequ Besdane Bevumros Bibos Bojungze Bonmes Boqu Buqu Dadomvem Dajijuzi Dajimesqi Dajunggasji Danasdaji Daqim Daqusbo Dedunzen Denis Desdiqi Domjusjung Dosququs Dusbonroni Ebeqisqis Edasvujumqi Edibiqiqu Eduqujum Edusnejim Egaroji Egengju Ejijiji Ejimjiju Ejingqumingdis Ejiquqis Ejubijung Ejujirem Ejunvijing Ejusgamqus Ememones Emesbequn Emiqusrenmas Emongberis Emuqinozu Enemdendum Eninajus Eninnuzanqu Eqimgonvequn Eqingammengbes Eqingboqis Eqinvam Eqinvu Eqiqungqu Eqisququ Eqizemqijing Equdongdo Equjiqu Equrin Equroma Equsjumjing Erebun Erenrangni Erenrojiju Erodo Eruvenvane Evanqu Evequm Everoqis Ezomjizanji Gabamji Gare Gasgannon Gejijidis Gejun Gemqum Gemris Gequbimqus Gingnesmom Gonjusqun Gumnes Gungqu
Ibongzonqu Idesqin Igejismin Igenromju Igiju Igingqim Igunqijus Ijimjirasbin Ijimjujimno Ijingjinnibum Ijisqigas Ijisqumjuji Ijugeju Ijunqusjuju Imammoqu Imeqi Imingqijunong Inangnungzen Inejingjin Inomuvam Iqiqiqus Iqugosdi Iqujigenjing Iqumquju Iqungveng Iqunonqis Iquro Iragebes Irijunasvo Jidungmo Jijimjum Jijinganqus Jijingzabis Jijisju Jimqunji Jingqimqus Jingzeng Jinqu Jiqin Jiqungju Jiququsjim Jisjim Jisjin Jisjumjunos Jisqiju Jisquju Jisqungjungzom Jisriqing Jivaqu Jivojuqun Jizuqubos Jubaquning Jujung Jujunnedo Jumamivo Jumji Jumjinengni Jumju Jumoqube Jumqinqi Jumqisqugo Jumqumo Jumrumjim Junbengrun Jungamju Jungenmi Jungjun Junguji Jungveng Jungvengenum Jungzogonjing Jungzungzan Junji Junjuqingqun Junqin Junujusdon Junving Juqinbe Juqumji Juqung Juququqi Jusqu Juvunqimji Mangda Manjunqung Manqiqiju Maququm Mequngneszi Mevoqin Mijiqungji Minqumqigen Mojum Mombimzo Mongbisju Mongjisbim Monqisru Moqiqi Moqiqu Moqunjin Munggemjing Mungqimumqus Nageqijum Naji Najiqusqu Namas Nemdong Neniqungji Nenni Neqiqing Nigoqima Ninjumni Nongo Nummeqi Nusgerus Obejus Odanzenjing Odesjunju Odojineng Odomro Odongbimqungva Odova Ogasro Ogeju Ogesrimji Ogojumqiga Ogongdonbingzun Ojiji Ojimzandis Ojingjijunben Ojingruvin Ojiqin Ojiqing Ojiqumjime Ojiromzeri Ojisjimva Ojisqing Ojisroqim Ojubeji Ojubus Ojuju Ojumjinganqis Ojumqinongjun Ojumri Ojumunqi Ojunoju Ojuqibangjis Ojuqijirang Ojuqinjige Ojura Ojusqimjineng Ojuza Omamzan Omangoboju Omemzajis Omenungquqi Omugeba Omunvemjijing Onajuqingji Onanjuju Onaqu Onarojin Onisqu Oqijin Oqijinji Oqijubis Oqijudanqu Oqimzogeri Oqiqugi Oqiquji Oqujibo Oqujum Oqujuri Oqummoqung Oqungdesju Oqungvo Oqunqiszu Oquqiqung Oqusmusva Oqusqumon Oraguji Oranjimgi Orejujun Oresquvamvis Ovangmomqus Ovemjumji Ovoqurum Ozangzizu Ozaszeqines Ozejuniju Ozenquzom Ozequnnumbon Ozongjisro Ozonqijusqin Ozoqujun Qibujuqung Qigim Qijijun Qijim Qijimju Qijis Qijize Qijuju Qijumna Qijung Qimji Qindojus Qingjungvun Qingnedong Qingqing Qingzemgeng Qinining Qinmuqi Qiqijung Qiqungqi Qiqunqisqu Qisjimqin Qisjujung Qisjunos Qivimqum Qubaju Qudengqus Qugegun Qujijis Qujunrongqim Qumjiqis Qumjumji Qunengmos Qungding Qungrozung Qunqijum Qunqung Quqi Quriqis Qusmingqim Qusqibo Qusvomqi Quvas Quvoqi Quzaqi Quzos Rajisqumre Rajus Rebajis Rebiqun Rejideng Rejimqi Reme Rengqingung Renqiqis Resruqiro Rinizavung Riqiravos Rogozi Rojis Roren Rungqimqu Udoqubonqu Ugivongre Ujibasgis Ujismo Ujungqisjisjung Ujunqidengres Ujuqinqimem Uqimjuqisno Uqinvonmo Uqiqin Uqisqiqu Uquji Uqujuzan Uqungji Uqungqiba Uqura Uromqingqing Uzemjungjim Uzesgingjin Vajuqu Vejira Venarem Venqisdeqi Vequbem Vesqi Viqi Vomingvoro Vomqung Vongjing Voqing Vosdiqisqu Vosdongjing Zajumre Zandosganra Zangudus Zejiqu Zemronnang Zenzom Zequjuzas Zibu Zijuza Zonggeqis Zongnobequn Zonjunvoris Zoqum Zovimququ Zundesjimron
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jgthirlwell · 5 years ago
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An enormous career-spanning interview with JG Thirlwell by Karl O'Connor (aka Regis) and Jim Siegal (aka Ning Nong) has just been published in The Quietus. And don't forget you can pick up the brand new JG Thirlwell & Simon Steensland album Oscillospira from the Foetus Online Shoppe now! Photo by Marylene Mey
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thessalian · 7 years ago
The Gift That Keeps On Annoying
5 (Owen Harper, Torchwood) has to buy a birthday present for 11 (Henry Deacon, Eureka). What does 2 (Alec Hardison, Leverage), 8 (Jim Sterling, Leverage) and 10 (Donna Noble, Doctor Who) suggest and why is 12 (Harry Dresden, The Dresden Files) laughing like a mad thing? "Could someone explain to me why I am shopping for this man again?" "Couldn't have had anything to do with the fact that you blew the man up, could it? And on his birthday. And might I add that you blew me up too? And I had my eye on some T3 cable." Jim Sterling grinned at Owen. "You blew him up? I like you already." Owen Harper rolled his eyes. "I did not blow that Deacon bugger up! He blew himself up, if you must know. You'd think a man who works with that sort of thing would know not to ignore the 'do not press this button' sign." Donna raised an eyebrow at Owen. "What language was it written in?" "I dunno; some alien thing." "And you expect someone who hasn't got the TARDIS translation thingummy wodged in their head to be able to read that? You're sort of stupid, aren't you?" Owen glared at her. "Well, that Sarf of the Rivah shrill of yours doesn't do your image as a great intellect any favours, sweetheart." "Oi! Shut it, Dead-Man!" Sterling stepped between them and raised his hands. "Miss Noble, we're supposed to be helping this walking case of 'tude. The quicker we do that, the quicker we get shot of him." "So I have to wander a shopping centre with him. Well, isn't that wizard?" Donna sighed. "All right, what do we know about this Deacon person?" Hardison frowned at his open laptop. "Wish I could tell y'all, but this man just doesn't exist. No credit card logs to show his preferences, no Facebook page, no..." He looked at his screen and his frown deepened. "C'mon now; what do you mean, no social security number?" He looked up from his laptop at his unwilling companions. "Who is this guy?" "That's classified," said Sterling, slapping Hardison's laptop shut. "FBI? I can so crack that." "DARPA. Not to mention DoD." Hardison blinked at Sterling. "Man, I thought I was gettin' used to you. Now? Now you go scarin' me all over again." Donna, meanwhile, rummaged through her handbag. "Here," she said, handing over an elaborately carved wooden flute. "Give him this, and don't say I never gave you nothing." Owen took the flute and looked it over. "What makes you think Mr Fix-It over in Middle-of-Nowhere, Oregon will want this?" "'Cos it's extraterrestrial, you ning-nong! I got it on R... Raxa... Some planet beginning with R and sounds like some kind of disease. Maybe we give him this to poke at, he won't go blowing things up for awhile." Owen looked gratified, and Sterling just looked relieved that the whole thing was over, but Hardison happened to note the tall man in the big leather duster, watching the exchange and trying to stifle laughter. He eased over to stranger and asked, "Y'all mind either minding your own damn business or telling me what's so funny?" The tall man looked Hardison over and then said, "You don't want me near you for long, so I'll only say this. The thing's not exactly alien, even if aliens were selling it. And incidentally..." Most of the tall man's comment was lost in a feedback whine from Hardison's earbud. By the time the hacker had removed the malfunctioning bit of equipment, the stranger in the duster was halfway out the shopping centre's front doors, still laughing. After a moment in which he carefully studied his now useless earbud (the circuits were fried, if he was any judge), part of the lanky man's comment registered. "Wait a minute; what do you mean, 'have I heard of the Pied Piper of Hamlin'?!?"
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