#jim mason fan fiction
austinstyles · 10 months
can i request a lil cute thing with jim mason where you’re paired up with him for a school project and you’re both nervous bc you like each other? and maybe a lil kissie somewhere? 🥺🥺🩷🩷
Hey anon thanks for your request. And I definitely love your idea. And I hope you enjoy what I came up with inspired by your request. Also disclaimer I have not seen this movie. But I have seen clips from it online. And I am definitely going to be watching his movie. But I definitely love the idea of writing this sort of fanfics. And Thai fanfic might be short fanfic for some people.
Jim Mason x reader
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Summary: You and Jim are partners for a project at school. And they like each other.
Warning: small amounts of kissing, and spelling mistakes. Tell me if I miss anything.
Y/n pov
(at the Library after school)
I was sitting with Jim Mason one of my classmates working on our project for history class. Actually I am nervous of working on this project with Jim, because I have a crush on this cute guy. Actually this crush has been going on for a while. And now we are partners on a history project.
And I can just get lost in his beautiful blue eyes, it is like looking at a beautiful blue ocean.
I just wish I could know if he feels the same for me. And maybe we can start a relationship together.
Jim pov
I can’t believe that for my history project I get to work with my crush. This is exciting, but I am so nervous of making a full of myself in front of her.
And maybe today can be the day I tell her how I feel. Y/n has an amazing laugh, and I love the way y/n eyes shine in sunlight.
I could never get enough of this amazing person. And i hope that maybe we both have the same feelings for each other.
“ hey y/n, I wanted to tell you something. Do you think we can take a break form this project?” I asked while I put close my history book for a moment.
“ yes Jim. And we should totally take a break.” Y/n said while she also closed her book.
“ Y/n I have feelings for you, like romantic feelings for you. And I hope you fell the same.” I said as my eyes look right at her. My heart is betting out of my chest.
“Jim I feel exactly the same way about you. And I have been for some time. I am so happy you fell the same.”
Y/n just told me she feels the same way. I can’t believe it. I feel my happiness is skyrocketing.
Y/n pov
Me and Jim have feelings for each other . I can’t believe this is happening. All I want to do is jump up and down form happiness. And I want to know what its like to kiss this guy in front of me.
My head is leaning more into Jim’s head, my lips are moving towards his lips. And his lips are moving towards my lips.
When we kissed I can feel sparks flying and this is so magical.
I just can’t believe this is happening. Omg, and can’t believe we have the same feelings for each other. And I am so happy to know we feel the same.
And know we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend. I asked him to be my boyfriend.
This is one of the best days of my life.
Tag list (Cody Fern fanfics): @morby
Thanks for reading. I hope everyone enjoy this. And also it is my first fanfic for Jim Mason. And I am excited to write more. Also sorry this fanfic is a bit short for some people.
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chloelucia13 · 5 years
Three Men and a Baby Part 1/?
Pairing: Jim Mason x reader (platonic), Michael Langdon x reader (platonic), Duncan Shepherd x reader (platonic)
Prompt: each of the boys has a crush on you, and it’s your time to choose when something life-changing occurs
Warnings: fluff, angst, language, violence, light sexual situations, descriptions of pregnancy/pregnancy symptoms,mentions of abortion (it doesn’t happen though), just lots of drama
A/N: should I make this a series instead of the two parts I’m planning? Hope everyone likes it! Dreams and thoughts are in italics
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Bile rose to your throat once again today, just like it has for the past few days, but this time it was for a different reason. 
You threw the test into the trash and collapsed onto the covered toilet seat, burying your face in your hands. 
How is this possible. I-I always use a condom and I’m on birth control and-
The last guy you hooked up with was a guy you knew in high school. You trusted him, you trusted yourself, you trusted the goddamn birth control.
The birth control you hadn’t taken for a month because you couldn’t afford a refill because you had to afford living in a fucking dorm.
Tears welled in your eyes and you clenched your jaw, your hand slowly drifting down to rest on your stomach which had yet to show any sign of pregnancy. Your lip quivered, panic and fear and sadness and utter confusion building up in your body, ready to burst at any moment.
How am I gonna tell the boys?
Oh God, the boys.
You sprinted out of the bathroom and into your room, slamming the door shut before collapsing onto your bed. A sob ripped through your body and you buried your face into a pillow.
How could you afford a baby when you already could barely afford paying for yourself and the three adult babies that lived with you?
“Babe, we’re home!” Duncan shouted, setting the bag of Chinese food down on the coffee table. Michael and Jim followed in behind him, the door slamming shut afterwards. 
You trudged out of bed and into the living room, rubbing your bleary eyes on the way there. “Feeling any better?” Jim asked, handing you a bottle of water.
“Worse, way worse,” you admitted, tongue darting out to lick your dry lips before chugging half of the bottle in one go.
“Sure looks like it,” Duncan hummed and you chucked the bottle at him, earning a laugh from all three of the boys.
“How were your classes today?” you asked, moving to sit down on the couch.
“Boring without you there,” Michael hummed as he sat down next to you, reaching over and smoothing your hair down. “God, I don’t know why you're choosing to be an English major.”
“Speaking of which,” Jim piped in, sitting down on the other side of you, “can you help me on my paper?”
You nodded and leaned your head back, letting your eyes flutter closed for a moment. “What’s it on?” you mumbled.
“The formation of black holes.”
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“So, what did you do at home all by yourself?” Duncan asked, sitting in the recliner next to the couch. He wiggled an eyebrow at you and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Oh, ya know, threw some wild parties, smoked crack, fucked every guy at the school, the usual.”
“Sounds like it.”
I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant, I’m pregnant. The thought wouldn’t leave your mind and you had to bite down on your lower lip to keep yourself from letting it slip. 
“Well, if you’re feeling up to it, we got you some sesame chicken,” Michael told you, his hand moving to rub your shoulder.
“You boys are too good to me.”
“Hmm, I don’t know about that.”
You hadn’t noticed Duncan slink away into the kitchen until he stepped back into the living room holding a bottle of whiskey and four glasses. “Who wants a drink?” he announced, setting the glasses down and cracking open the bottle.
“I think we all need a drink,” Jim admitted, his hand drifting up to card through his hair.
Duncan poured the glasses up and handed them out, giving the last one to you. “Oh, I-uh, I can’t drink.”
“Why not?” Michael quirked an eyebrow at you. “It’s very unlike you to not drink.”
You sucked in a deep breath and set the glass down on the table. You avoided everybody’s gaze as you choked out the words, “I’m... I’m pregnant.”
It felt like the entire world froze at the moment. A hush fell over the room and tears began to well in your eyes, your throat tightening.
Jim finally broke the silence when he practically shouted, “Pregnant?! Is-is this a prank?”
You shook your head and a few tears slipped down your cheeks. “I wish it was.”
Jim launched up from his seat and took both of your hands in his. “You’re gonna be a mom?! You-you’re gonna have a little baby growing inside of you?”
You nodded and Jim pulled you to your feet, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist when you were standing. “Y/N, you’re gonna be a mom! That-That’s amazing!”
“I’m-I’m gonna be a mom...” A short chuckle of disbelief fell from your lips and you looked up into Jim’s bright blue eyes which were welling with tears, as well. “I’m gonna be a mom!”
You threw your arms around his neck and he lifted you off the ground, spinning you around. Once he set you back on the ground, you felt two other pairs of arms wrap around you, pulling all of you into a tight group hug. “We’re gonna be uncles!” Duncan exclaimed.
However, the word “uncle” left a sour taste in his mouth. He wanted to be more than just an uncle to your child. 
Duncan, and the other two men, wanted to be the father of your child.
The father to the child of the girl they all loved so fucking much.
Duncan shook the thought from his head, though, and pulled away from the hug to grab his glass of whiskey. The two other boys understood the cue and grabbed their glasses as well, all three of them holding their glasses in the air. “To Y/N and the little demon growing in her belly!” Duncan shouted, earning him a swat against his arm. “You’re gonna be a great mother, babe,” he reassured you, a grin on his face.
“To Y/N!” the other two boys repeated, followed by them all downing their whiskey in one go. 
After what felt like hours and hours of celebrating, you reluctantly pushed yourself off the couch. “Alright boys, mama’s going to bed,” you told them, a soft and tired smile on your face.
“Do you need anything? Some more pillows?” Jim asked, his hand reaching out to gently clutch yours. 
“Jim, I’m only a few weeks along, not eight months along.” You chuckled and leaned down to press a kiss to his forehead. “I’ll be just fine. Thank you, though.”
“Of course, Y/N. Sleep well.”
You smiled at him and moved over to Michael, pressing a kiss to his forehead as well. Finally, you walked over to Duncan and pushed yourself up onto your tiptoes. Duncan wrapped an arm around your waist and leaned down, making it easier for you to kiss his forehead. Your lips lingered against his forehead for a moment before you released yourself from Duncan’s grasp, slinking off down the hallway to your room. “Goodnight boys!”
A chorus of “Goodnight Y/N”s sounded from the living room as you finally entered your room and laid down on your bed. The last thing you remember before drifting off to sleep was pressing your fingers to your lips and smiling, thoughts occupied by all three boys. 
Panic. Panic was all you felt when you saw him.
Trevor sat on one of the benches on campus, laughing along with his group of friends.
Completely unaware that his child was growing in your stomach.
You gulped harshly and tucked your phone into your back pocket, shifting nervously for a moment as you worked up the courage to talk to him. "He needs to know. He deserves go know," you whispered to yourself, eyes locked on his carefree figure.
In what felt like a burst of confidence, you walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder, subtly holding your breath as you waited for him to turn around. The moment his eyes looked up to you, you let out all the air in your lungs. "Y/N, hey!" he voiced almost immediately, pushing himself to his feet. "How are you?"
"Can I-uh... Can I talk to you?" you rushed out, fear once again gripping at your body.
"Oh, um- Yeah, of course!" He took your hand and led you over to a more secluded area of the campus, shielded off by a small littering of trees. "What's up?"
You nervously tugged at the hem of your shirt and looked down at your feet, wishing that burst of confidence was still flowing through your veins. "I... I need to tell you something, and you need to promise me that you won't get mad at me."
"What is it?" He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck. "You're making me a little worried-"
"Just promise me. Please."
"Okay, I promise." He reached over and rested his hand on your shoulder. "What's going on?"
"I... I'm pregnant." You sucked in a deep breath. "And it's yours."
Silence hung over the two of you like a thick blanket, smothering and unrelenting. "No," he choked out finally. "No, this is a prank. It has to be."
"As much as I wish it is, it's not." A lump formed in your throat.
"No. We had sex once and-and it was safe. You told me you were on birth control."
"I know, but this just as much your fault as it is mine-"
"Bullshit. This is all your fucking fault. It's not my fucking fault that you let every guy within a 100-mile radius cum inside you."
"And how are you even sure that it is my kid? You probably banged another guy right after that. Because that's who you are. That's what you do." He squeezed your shoulder tighter, forcing you to look up at him. "You're a slut and a fucking liar."
"You're hurting me-"
"Good." He pushed your shoulder and let you go, letting to stumble slightly. "I don't want to see your goddamn face ever again. Stay the fuck away from me. Understood?"
You nodded and sniffled, feeling the tears dripping down your face as you directed your gaze back to the ground. In the back of your mind, you heard his retreating footsteps. You, however, were frozen in your place.
After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few moments, you pulled your phone out and texted Michael, telling him that you were gonna be home soon. Your phone buzzed not even a moment later with his response.
M: Why? Is everything okay?
Y/N: I just need to go home.
M: Okay. I'll be home in just a minute.
Y/N: You don't have to do that.
M: Something happened and you need someone to talk to. The prof isn't even here today.
Y/N: Thank you.
M: Of course. See you soon.
With that, you hurried back to your car, immediately flooring it to get to the dorm as soon as possible before you broke down and cried.
Tears were already brimming your eyes when you pulled up, and you didn't even lock your car when you basically sprinted into the building, down the hall, and into your dorm. Michael was clearly already there because the door was unlocked, which you were extremely grateful for considering you wouldn't be able to distinguish which key was the house key through your tear-blurred vision. You kicked the door shut and let the tears flow down your face, nearly collapsing right where you stood.
Michael appeared in front of you not even a moment later, his arms immediately winding around your middle and pulling you into a tight hug. "Oh, beautiful, what happened?" he whispered, pressing his lips against your hair.
"C-Can I sit down?" you choked out, hands reaching up and clutching onto his sweatshirt.
"Of course." He moved one of his arms to drift down the backs of your thighs until it hooked around the bend of your knee, lifting you up and carrying you bridal style over to the couch. He sat down and you laid your legs over his lap, your arms wrapped around his neck and your head resting on his shoulder. His hand rested against your back, rubbing soothing circles. "What happened?"
You sniffled and reluctantly removed your arms from around his neck so you could take his free hand in yours. The fingers of your other hand traced the lettering on his shirt. "I talked to Trevor." Your voice cracked when you said his name.
A simple "oh" was all that left his lips, his face shifting into a look of disdain.
"I told him about the baby." You sucked in a deep breath and squeezed your eyes shut. "He... He told me that it can't be his because I sleep with so many guys and..." You covered your mouth with your hand and let out a sob. "And that I let them all cum inside of me because I'm a slut. And-and he called me a liar because I told him it was his." You shook your head softly. "I didn't even get the chance to tell him that he was the first person I'd slept with in months. It's not like he'd believe me anyway." You glanced at your shoulder and bit down on your bottom lip. "Then, he... He pushed me."
"He pushed you?"
"Not hard enough to knock me down, but hard enough to make me stumble. Probably left a bruise on my shoulder from gripping it so hard before he pushed me."
It was silent for a while, and when you glanced up to look at Michael's face, all you saw was a look of pure anger and hatred. "I'm gonna kill him," he stated plainly. "I'm gonna slit his goddamn throat and make him pay." His volume rose with each word and you flinched, reaching up to cup Michael's cheek.
"It's okay, Michael." You licked your lips and looked at his shirt once again. "Maybe... Maybe he's right. Maybe I'm just a slut."
"I think I should..." You sucked in a deep breath and lets the tears drip down your face. "I think I should go to the clinic and see if I can... Get rid of it."
"Y/N, no." Michael cupped your cheek and forced you to look at him. "Y/N, you've been so excited for this baby. Don't let him ruin it."
Your lip quivered and you rested your hand above his. "I don't want this baby growing up without a father, much less a father that hates him." You gulped. "I don't want him growing up with three uncles and no father." A small sigh left your lips and you wiped the tear tracks away. "And that doesn't mean that you guys won't be the best uncles in the fucking world, but... This baby needs more than that."
"I know." Michael pressed your head against his chest and rested his chin atop your head. "I mean, Duncan and Jim and I all grew up with a shitty father figure and we're all kinda fucked up."
"I think you guys just grew up with shitty parents in general."
"That's probably more accurate." A small chuckle left both of your lips and you sniffled. "What I'm saying is that..." Michael sucked in a deep breath. "You're an amazing girl, and I think you can definitely find an amazing guy who can take on the role of a father figure for this kid."
You sighed and nuzzled closer to Michael. "If only it was that easy." You licked your lips. "Every guy our age is shit. Well, except you three, but..."
Michael's heart began to race. "But what?"
"But I think you guys are too good for me. You guys need a girl who is a lot more stable. A girl who isn't fucking pregnant."
He sighed and wrapped his arms around you. "Trust me, Y/N, any of us would die for you. You're more than any of us deserve to have."
Your breath caught in your throat and you risked a glance up at him. His eyes were trained on you, and his lower lip was caught between his teeth. "I'd die for any of you. All of you." You cracked a small smile. "I love you all so fucking much, and I'd love it if any of you were the baby's father figure."
Michael just nodded and you both sat in silence for a while. "So this is gonna be like a Bachelorette type situation."
"You did not just reference that god-awful show during a heartfelt moment." You looked up at Michael and teasingly quirked a brow at him.
"How else am I gonna describe it?"
"A love triangle or something."
"This is a love square, dear. A love diamond."
"Oh my god." You rolled your eyes and swatted his chest playfully. "Alright, I'm done. I'm tired. I'm gonna take a nap and pray that I forget that you ever referenced The Bachelorette."
Michael laughed and wrapped both of his arms around you, holding you captive. "You can sleep right here."
You rolled your eyes but relaxed against him, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Get comfy then, bitch. You're not gonna be moving for a while.” You laid back until your back connected with the couch, pulling Michael down with you. A chuckle fell from his lips and he shifted so you both were laying on your sides. His fingers lightly dug into your sides and he puffed out a deep breath before resting his head against your chest. Your fingers carded through his hair and your body curled into his, a small shiver running up your back at the feeling of his warm breath fanning over your skin.
“Go to sleep, love,” Michael hummed, his fingers beginning to skim up and down your spine.
You just nodded and fluttered your eyes shut, letting Michael’s gentle touches and warmth lull you to sleep.
Two months.
It had been two months already and you still hadn’t decided on one of the three boys who you loved with your whole heart. 
It was dreadful. 
You discussed the situation with the three boys, who each had a look of pure unadulterated admiration on their faces as they listened to you explain that you loved them all, and they took matters into their own hands. 
Duncan had bought you gift after expensive gift, ranging from a new pair of sneakers (which costed a whopping $300) to a new mattress so you didn’t get bad back pains from carrying a new life inside of you. 
Michael had taken you on multiple dates, each of them a complete surprise to you. He took you to concerts, museums, fancy restaurants, parks, and ice cream shops, his eyes trained on you the entire time as if he wanted to memorize the look on your face each time.
Jim, however, had done something completely different. Something non-material. 
He revealed to you his memories, his life before college, before you. How his mother was an overbearing and obsessive woman who used Jim as her therapy pet. How he overdosed twice, nearly killing himself. He talked about his twin sister, his only friend, and his love for the ocean and the stars, his three saving graces before you came along.
And that was what brought you to the beach in the middle of the night, watching Jim glide through the waves and ride them like the king of the sea. He was completely in his element, with the moon and the stars lighting his way as he tore through the ocean. 
You wrapped the blanket tighter around your body as you watched him, completely hypnotized by him. You knew he surfed and he did it well, but you didn’t know that he was that good. A cheer erupted from you when you watched him slice right through the wave and appear on the other side untouched. His smile was visible from your spot on the sand, and it shone brighter than any of the stars in the sky. 
He paddled back to shore a short while later, undoing his ankle leash before he walked over to you. “You killed it out there, handsome,” you announced when he was only a few feet away from you, watching as he tossed his board into the sand before sitting down next to you.
“Really?” he asked, his hand reaching up to his neck to undo the Velcro that hid the start to his zipper.
“Definitely.” You grabbed the towel next to you and let the blanket fall off your shoulders as you leaned over and began to rub the towel on his hair. A soft chuckle bubbled in his chest and he unzipped his wet suit. “You should teach me how to surf one of these days.”
He grinned brightly, his nose crinkling and his eyes squinting at you. “Would you like that?”
You nodded and helped him tug his arms out of the sleeves of the wet suit, handing the towel to him a moment later. “I would love it.” You licked your lips and smiled. “Maybe you can teach the baby, too.”
His heart skipped a beat at that. “That would be awesome.”
You nodded and turned your body to face him, your eyes trained on his face. “Like a mini you or Medina just out there, conquering those waves.”
A soft silence washed over the two of you as he dried himself off. The wind kicked up slightly and you pulled the blanket back onto yourself, scooting closer to him to keep warm. “Y/N?”
“Yeah?” You locked eyes with him and noticed the tears that began to brim. “What’s wrong?”
His tongue darted out to lick his lips and you scooted even closer, taking the blanket and draping it over his shoulders. “This baby... I-I think it could keep me from falling.”
You tilted your head slightly. “What do you mean?”
“If I can be this baby’s father, I can have something that could keep me stable. Keep me from wanting to slip back into my old habits.”
“Keep you alive,” you choked out.
He nodded and you reached your hand up to cup his cheek. “I’d have something I’d want to stay alive to see. To look forward to.” He slowly extended his arm until his fingers skimmed across your stomach. “I’d have two things to live for. Two people.”
“I know that you love Duncan and Michael too but...” He sniffled and stared at your stomach, his palm now laying flat against it. “But I love you. You and this baby.”
You both began to cry, tears falling down your faces as the sound of the waves crashing echoed through the night. “Jim,” you whispered, your hand lifting his face so you could look into his eyes. “I love you.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
You nodded and moved even closer to him, your lips only centimeters apart from his. “I don’t have to choose, yet. But there is one decision I can make right now.”
“What is that?”
“I’ve decided that I really want to kiss you right now.”
“I do too.” 
You bumped your nose against his and let your eyes flutter shut, surging forward slightly and finally connecting your lips with his.  He smelled like saltwater and tasted like the sugary cereals he basically survived on, and it made your head spin. 
His hand moved to your hip and pulled you up onto his lap, his other hand going up so he could tangle his fingers in your hair. A gasp fell from your lips when he began to nibble at your lower lip, and a shiver ran up your spine. “God, you’re gorgeous,” he mumbled, lifting his hips slightly to grind against yours. “Wanted you for so long, baby.” You let out a small whimper and ground down against him in return, prompting him to throw his head back and let a hiss out from between his teeth. “Fuck me.”
You hummed and pressed an open-mouthed kiss to his adam’s apple. “Not now, baby,” you whispered, brushing his hair back before sliding off his lap and onto the spot next to him.
“Come on, sweetheart. Don’t be a tease.” He pouted and gently lowered you down onto your back. He moved to hover over you, his hands framing the sides of your head and his knees resting on either sides of your hips. 
A small chuckle bubbled up and escaped through your lips. “I’m sorry, handsome. We need to get back before the boys wonder where we went.”
He sighed and leaned down, capturing your lips once again. “Fine. But we’re gonna pick up where we left off soon. Deal?”
“Deal.” A final kiss was pressed to the tip of your nose before he stood up, taking your hands and pulling you up afterwards. “My butt’s all wet now ‘cause I sat on your wet suit,” you grumbled, bending over to grab the blanket and towel.
“You sure that’s the reason?” he hummed, smacking your right ass cheek when you straightened back up.
You jumped slightly and spun around to snap him in the chest with the towel in your hand. “Watch those hands, mister.”
“Ooh, I like that name. Say it again.”
You rolled your eyes. “God, you’re insufferable.”“But you love me.”
“Yes, yes I do.” God, more than you can imagine.
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The dorm was more silent than usual this morning, vacant of thundering footfalls, playful bickering, and blaring music.
The boys had all left for a weekend getaway in the mountains that they had been planning for months, and due to your situation, they vehemently rejected your pleas to go with.
So you were stuck in your dorm room with nothing to do, no one to hang out with, and a fucking baby in your stomach that prohibited you from ingesting anything that would harm it (i.e. alcohol). The boys had called you from a payphone the first night, but you hadn’t heard from them for the days following. 
You were worried for all three of them, but especially for Jim. Knowing Michael and Duncan, they would probably get themselves into a stupid situation, and now being aware of Jim’s struggles, you feared that he would stumble down that same path again. 
On top of that, after the conflict with Trevor began, you were on edge all the time, not knowing what he would do. You didn’t want to leave your dorm in case you ran into him, or in case he was watching you. 
The bowl of cereal sat on the counter in front of you, untouched as you were too held up by your own thoughts to eat. The boys said they’d call when they got back into town, you thought to yourself. It’s already noon. They should be back by now. What if something happened to them? You shook your head. “Breathe, just breathe,” you told yourself. “I’ll just call them. They probably forgot.”
You grabbed your phone off the counter and dialed Duncan, nervously drumming your fingers along your thigh as it rang. “Hey babe,” Duncan’s voice purred after the fourth ring.
“Good, you guys are alive.” You let out a soft sigh and tugged lightly at a strand of hair. “You were supposed to call me when you got service.”
“It’s dangerous to drive and be on your phone.”
“It’s also dangerous to stress out a pregnant lady, asshole! I was worried that you guys died or something!”
Duncan sighed and you could tell that he was scrubbing a hand down his face. “I’m sorry, babe. We all weren’t thinking.”
You chewed on your lower lip and let out a small huff. “Sure you weren’t. Are you ever?”
“How about I make it up to you? Peanut butter shakes and french fries?”
You pursed your lips for a moment. “Dammit, Shepherd, you really know the way to my heart.”
“I pride myself on that.” His chuckle echoed through the phone and gave you slight chills. “We’ll be home in about an hour. How about you run a bath and relax until we get there? You seem worked up.”
“It’s because I am.” Again, he chuckled that chuckle that gave you chills. “See you in an hour, Shepherd.”
“Until then, babe.”
He hung up and you sat there for a moment, the phone still pressed against your ear, his voice still echoing in your mind. 
God, why does everything have to be such a mess?
You grabbed your bowl and cleaned it out in the sink before heading to your room. Sifting through your closet, you grabbed your black silk robe that you splurged on a while back, along with a matching underwear set, a sheer tank top, and satin shorts. With all of your clothes in your arms, you headed into the bathroom and drew yourself a bath. 
Keeping in mind that the boys would be home soon, you decided against adding a bath bomb since that would make you want to stay in the tub forever. Instead, you added a generous amount of bubbles and sunk into the hot water, letting it sooth away all the tension in your body.
“Y/N,” a groan echoed out, followed by a harmony of grunts. 
But they all weren’t from the same person.
You felt your back being pressed against a solid chest, three different sets of hands roaming all of your body. 
“Fuck, you’re so gorgeous,” another voice hummed.
Jim’s voice.
You looked around and saw the three boys surrounding you, all of you very naked. Jim and Michael were knelt in front of you, their hands skimming up your legs and going towards your core. Duncan sat behind you, his hands cupping your breasts as he laid kisses along your neck. Your hands flew over to grip onto Michael’s hair as he dragged a finger along your slit, a small moan falling from your lips. “How’s she look, Mikey?” Duncan asked, tongue darting out momentarily to lick at your sweat-soaked skin. 
“Delicious,” Michael grunted. “Bet she tastes even better.”
You threw your head back in bliss, resting on Duncan’s shoulder. “Fuck, Y/N.”
“Y/N!” Duncan nearly shouted, startling you awake. Cold water sloshed around you and your hands instinctively flew up to cover your chest. 
“You scared the shit out of me!” You screamed, grabbing a washcloth and flinging it at him.
He chuckled and dodged it, a shit-eating grin on his face. “Really? It seemed like you were having some very different feelings before I woke you.”
Your face grew hot and you sunk slightly lower into the water, cringing. “Oh my god.”
“Heard you say something like that. In a different tone, though.”
You covered your face with your hands and huffed, sucking in a deep breath before facing him with a glare. “Get out.”
He just laughed and turned on his heel. “Alright Miss Feeling Myself. Your shake and fries are out on the counter, if that’s what you’re still craving.” He turned around and winked before slinking out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 
You flipped him the bird- well, more to his back- and stood up. You grabbed a towel and hastily dried yourself off before slipping on your underwear and the robe, ditching the shirt and shorts you grabbed. After throwing your hair up into a ponytail, you slinked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen.
“Michael Langdon, I swear to God!” you shouted.
In the kitchen, Michael stood there with your milkshake in his hand, slurping away happily. 
He jumped at your voice and set the shake down, feigning innocence. “Hey, Y/N,” he hummed, smiling softly.
“Don’t eat the pregnant lady’s food!” You walked over to him and slapped his arm before grabbing the shake, shooting a cold glare at him. “You owe me for this.”
He sighed and pursed his lips. “What do you want?”
You thought for a moment. “Hmm, a massage sounds nice.”
His eyes nearly rolled back into his head and he let out a groan, but you really couldn’t tell if it was out of annoyance or... lust? You shook the thought out of your head and arched an eyebrow at him. 
“Fine,” he grumbled. “Go lay down on the couch.”
You took a sip of your shake as you walked over to the couch, setting the drink down on the coffee table before attempting to lay on your stomach. A huff fell past your lips after a moment and you flashed him a remorseful look. “I don’t think I can lay on my stomach. It hurts.”
His expression shifted to one of gentle sorrow and he nodded, sitting down behind you with his legs crossed. Wordlessly, he pulled you back until you were almost in his lap and your lower back was pressed against his crossed legs. “Comfy?”
You nodded, reaching over and grabbing your drink before situating yourself back to where you were. Michael’s hands skimmed up your back, fingers delicately tracing along your spine and ribs before they rested on your shoulders. Slowly, he began to apply pressure to your sore muscles, untying the knots buried underneath your skin.
Small groans of satisfaction fell from your lips every few moments, head lolling slightly as you melted under his touch. It ended as soon as it started, though, and you huffed when he pulled his hands away. “There, all done,” he whispered in your ear, patting your shoulder.
“No,” you whined, leaning back on him.
He just chuckled and ran his hands along your upper arms, resting his chin upon your shoulder for a moment. “Alright, little baby, lay on your back.”
You rolled your eyes at his nickname but obliged, setting your now-empty cup on the table before tucking an arm under your head as you laid down. Your eyes fluttered shut and you sighed softly, wiggling slightly to get a bit more comfortable.
A small warmth radiated on your thighs and you opened your eyes to see Michael straddling your legs.”What are you up to?” you hummed, narrowing your eyes playfully at him.
He just flashed you a gentle smile and leaned over, his face now level with your slightly-swollen belly. “Hey, kiddo,” Michael whispered, fingers deftly working to undo the tie on your robe. It fell open within a matter of seconds, and your face flushed when you remembered that you were only wearing your underwear underneath the robe.
“Shhh, don’t interrupt.” He let out a low laugh and rested his hands on your stomach, his hair cascading around his face and grazing your skin. “Kiddo, you gotta take it easy on mama. You’re already stressing her out.”
“I don’t think the baby is the thing stressing me out.”
He shook his head and trailed his fingers along your rib cage, threatening to tickle you. You clapped your mouth shut and wiggled away from his touch, prompting a small hum of approval to echo from his chest. “Now, we’re all very excited to see you, sweetheart. You’re gonna be just as beautiful and kind as your mama, I just know it.” He smiled softly and pressed a light kiss to your abdomen, lips barely dusting across your skin. “Just be patient, buddy. Take your time, don’t be hard on her. She loves you. We all do.”
You wiped away a tear that, until that moment, was unnoticed. “You’re such a sap,” you teased, voice thick with emotion. 
“Only for you two.” His fingers grasped the tie for your robe and tied a bow, covering you back up. “Feel better?” His hand reached up and gently cupped your jaw, his thumb grazing along your cheekbone.
“Much better, thank you.”
He smiled satisfactorily and nodded, pressing his lips to your forehead before shifting off of you. A small echo in your mind told you that you missed the feeling of his warm body hovering above you, but you shushed the voice as soon as it spoke. 
“Hey, Michael?”
You hesitated for a moment. “Can you... Can you make sure I drained the tub? I don’t remember if I did.”
He nodded, a flicker of an emotion flashing past his face, but it was gone as soon as it came. “Sure. Anything else?”
You shook your head and pushed yourself up to a sitting position. “Thank you.”
12:31 a.m.
Duncan stumbled into your room, his hair a mess and his shirt halfway up, exposing his stomach. “Woah, woah, woah,” you announced, sitting up in bed and holding your hands out in front of you. “Where’s the fire?”
He gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing and his nostrils flaring slightly. “I have a problem.” Gently, he placed both his hands in yours, fingers curling around yours.
“What’s wrong?” You tugged him closer and pulled your hands from his, moving them to wrap around his waist and hold him tight. 
“Annette and Bill want me to go up to DC for winter break.”
Your heart sunk in your chest at the mention of those two wretched people. The disgust left you for a second, however, when Duncan wrapped his arms around your upper body, caging you in. You wracked your brain for a solution, even though all thought processes basically flew out the window the moment he laid his hands on you.
“I’ll come with you,” you abruptly blurted out, not even giving it a second thought.
He seemed to freeze in your arms. Slowly, he pulled away from you and rested his hands on your biceps, staring into your eyes. “What?”
“I’ll come with you to DC.”
He furrowed his brow and pursed his lips. “Let me get this straight. You want to go up to DC with me to deal with my insufferable family and throw away your whole break?”
You thought for a moment before sighing softly. “I don’t want you to have to be with them all by yourself.” You shrugged slightly. “Besides, I’ve always wanted to go to the Smithsonian. And we’re only gonna be there for like a week, then we can come back to sunny LA and just relax for the rest of break.”
He seemed taken aback, his eyes searching yours. Not even a moment later, he launched himself into your arms and pulled you into a bone-crushing hug. “Thank you so much,” he whispered, pressing his lips to your forehead. 
“Of course. Anything for you.” You squeezed him once before reluctantly pulling away. “Get some sleep, Dunc. My first check-up is at 9 tomorrow morning.”
He nodded and pecked your forehead once more before retreating. He stopped in the doorway, though, and turned on his heel. “I’ll get the plane seats booked.”
You hummed in response and laid back down in bed. “Sounds good. I’ll pay you back in the morning.”
“There’s no need, Y/N. Seriously.”
You flashed him a kind smile and nodded. “Alright. Get some sleep.”
“Goodnight, babe.”
“Goodnight, dork.”
God, you were in deep.
94 notes · View notes
fernfiction · 4 years
(All include smut unless mentioned)
(will be updated as and when)
Michael Langdon
Fire&Reign Michael & Corruption Kink
Fire&Reign Michael & Corruption Kink part 2
Outpost Michael x Reader
Outpost Michael reaches reader how to masturbate
Michael x Reader - Lactation Kink
Jim Mason
Jim taking readers virginity
Jim Mason x Reader - Soft Smut
Baby daddy Jim x Reader
Jim Mason x Reader - Boat Party Sex
Duncan Shepherd
Duncan x Reader - Dick worship
Duncan x Reader - Rough jealous sex
Duncan x Andy x Reader Threesome
Faking an orgasm with Duncan
Xavier Plympton
Xavier helping reader with a panic attack - No smut
Xavier x Reader - Sub Xavier at the studio
Xavier x Reader - Enemies to Lovers
Andy Dolan
Sir - Andy x Reader
Andy x Duncan x Reader Threesome
181 notes · View notes
queencocoakimmie · 6 years
Just Us (Jim Mason)
Jim Mason X Female Reader
Word Count: +6000 
Warnings: Angst, talk of suicide, smut, unprotected sex, drug use.
A/N: So, Surprise! If you know me, you know that I love Cody’s character, Jim Mason. I think I’ve seen The Tribes of Palos Verdes so many times, and it always leaves me feeling so brokenhearted. I’ve always wanted to give him a different ending, maybe even a happier one. This fic runs along the same theme as the movie, except it diverges in the middle. I changed a couple of characters and some big parts. The Real Estate Agent (Ava) that Phil (the twins’ dad) falls in love with, has a son in the movie, but in this fic, she actually has a daughter, our protagonist. It gets really deep for a bit. The girl suffered a big loss in her life and her memories of it are pretty raw. Anyway, I hope that you like it. Here we go.
           Life in Palos Verdes was boring. Every day was literally the same thing over and over. School, the country club, this fucking house. It was all so monotonous. I hated it here and longed to be away, maybe someplace new. New York? Miami? Mexico? The only thing that I loved about this place was the beach. It’s like the ocean would call my name and beg me to go out there and sketch it. It was all around us, and it was mine.
           I would stare out of my window for hours, it would seem and daydream about moving away from everyone. From her. My relationship with my mother was complicated at best. At worst? I hated that bitch and she hated me. She was your typical Palos Verdes sheep. They all played tennis in their tight, little green tennis outfits, trying to bag the next rich guy or fuck the towel boy. They would gossip in the club’s restaurant and be drunk by noon. Every time there was a new member, they’d swarm them like sharks at a feeding frenzy. I hated them.
Ava (my mom) would always try to get me to hang around with them and maybe go on dates with their sons. Seriously? What would I want with them? They all looked the same. Like they all came out of the same lame factory or something.
Then one night, she dragged me to some party at the club. “We have a new family to welcome”, she said. Like I cared. “Honey, they have a son and a daughter, maybe you’ll hit it off with them. I sold them a house, isn’t that funny? The kids’ father seems so…nice.” Dear God, I knew that twinkle in her eye. She thought he was attractive. I feel sorry for his wife, against my piranha of a mother, she’ll stand no chance.
The party was like everything else here, bland and full of middle-aged rich people, trying to be cool. I saw some kids from school and waved to them. But I had zero interest in talking to any of them. It was enough that I saw them at school during the day, but here? Now? Nope. I wanted to get away. Take a midnight swim. Sketch some doodles by the water. Forget about my life for a few hours.
I saw the pack descend on the new family. There were people all over them, I couldn’t even get a good look at them. All I could hear were people saying how good looking a family they were. How nice they seemed. Great, another group of social climbers, as if we didn’t already have enough. I had to leave.
I walked outside onto the lanai and felt the cool breeze from the water roll off my skin. The air was clean and fresh, not like other places. I could taste the salt in the air when I opened my mouth. The DJ put on some 90’s hip-hop and I started to sway to it. It reminded me of my dad. He loved 90’s music. God, I miss him.
“Hey” I heard a small voice from behind me say. I turn to see a pretty blond girl who looks a bit lost. “Hey,” I say back. She stands next to me and we both look out at the ocean. We don’t say a word to each other. It’s like…it’s like we just understand. Is that weird?
After a few minutes of silence, I say, “My name is Kassidy, but people just call me Kass.” She nods her head. But, before she can tell me her name, she sees her mom and takes off without saying a word. I call after her, “Nice to meet you.” She turns back to wave then continues walking over to her mother.
It’s a curious sight watching the two of them. The mom was sitting there smoking all by herself. The girl walks over to her and sits next to her on the steps. They’re actually talking to each other. I wish I had that with my mom. After dad died, our relationship was never the same. She didn’t talk to me for a while, she said that I looked too much like him and it hurt her to see me. As if that was my fault.
I see them both look off into the distance and I follow their gaze. I see Heather has caught another boy in her web. He’s cute and a bit dorky. He’s wearing a sombrero, with a white shirt and tie. Totally not Heather’s type. He has a nice smile, though.
No longer wanting to stick around, I leave the party, without my mother. What’s the worst the could happen? I get grounded? Big deal. I’d rather walk along the beach anyway, alone. I look back and see the mom and daughter still talking. Tears sting my eyes. Ava and I would never be like that. There’s too much baggage there. In two years, I’ll be 18, then I’ll go wherever I want. Do whatever I want. I’ll be away from her and this place.
At school the next day, I see the new girl at the lunch table by herself. I contemplate walking over there to sit with her because she seems lonely. Instead, I join my friends, if that’s what you would call them. They’re in mid-conversation about the new kids. “She’s weird. Her brother is over there with them and she’s sitting by herself?” “What a freak!” I shake my head, “Guys, you don’t even know her, chill.” They laugh and call me sensitive. “It’s gotta be hard coming here from another place. We’ve been in Palos Verdes our whole lives. It’s gotta be a culture shock.” They nod their heads in agreement and then start talking about plans for the weekend. I look back over to her and feel her sadness. She’s staring at her brother. He seemed to fit right in with everybody. Ugh, Heather is sitting on the edge of the table, flirting heavily with him. I roll my eyes. I hate that girl.
In class, I say hi to her as I pass her desk. She looks up at me and smiles, “hey”.  I sit at the desk next to her and get my books and pencils out. “My name’s Medina. I didn’t get to tell you the other night.” I smile at her. She seems like a sad soul. Kind of like me.
After school is over, I wait for my mom on the steps of the school and see her and her brother ride off on their bikes. I wish I could go with them, they look so happy. What I would give to have that. If only my dad were here…
One night, I overheard Ava on the phone with some man, making plans for the night. It makes me sick to my stomach. Here she goes again. Pretty soon, she’ll come up and tell me to get lost, go stay at friend’s house, so she can have some privacy. I leave before she comes to knock on my door. I run out to the beach and strip off my clothes. My tears mixing with the salty water. I sob into the waves. My lonely mother, stalking her prey, like a hungry animal. She can’t have her own happiness, so she’s going to take someone else’s. It’s not fair.
I swim until my arms are sore. I can’t do this anymore. I contemplate drowning myself right here and now, to escape the pain. But, a memory of my dad flashes through my mind. He’s laughing and teaching me how to swim. We were so happy then. It’s been so long since he’s been gone, that I’ve begun to forget his voice. He had such sad eyes. Like Medina, like Jim. I drag myself out of the water and dry myself off. I go home to pack an overnight bag. I’ll have to find a place to sleep tonight.
I text Medina. She says come right over. We all stay up late that night. Laying on the floor, me, her and Jim. Talking about moving to Bali or Fiji, getting away from here. Jim rubs my back and I feel a tingle go down my spine. Medina throws a pillow at me and laughs. We all end up falling asleep on the floor of Medina’s room, wrapped up in each other’s arms. I wish I could freeze this moment and keep it forever.
As time goes by, Medina, Jim and I spend more time together. Most of it is spent watching them surf, while I sketch them in my notebook. We laugh and talk about the future. What we want to do or hope to have. I can tell there is something just underneath the surface. A tension going on behind the scenes. There’s a real sadness that’s taken over the two of them. I want to ask, but I’m afraid.
Medina texted me one afternoon and told me to meet them at our usual spot. I rush out of the house and arrive to see a big group of people hanging out. I’m confused because the Bay Boys are there. I expected just the three of us, like always. The guys are passing beer and weed around, and pills too. I see Heather and she’s cornered, Jim. I watch helplessly as she reaches up on her tiptoes to kiss him. It hurts and I feel my heartbreak. I turn to see that Medina has seen it too. She looks at me in horror. She knew how I felt about him.
When it would be just me and her, she would tease me about how I looked at him, how I acted around him. “Medina, you’re insane. You guys are like my family. I don’t see him like that, he is like my brother.” She would roll her eyes and nod, “Yeah, ok Kass. I see things y’know.”
The sun goes down and they’re all high and drunk. Even Jim. His eyes glazed over and blissed out. He’s not acting like himself. I watch as he runs and jumps on the hood of someone’s car and hangs on as it drives around in circles. It’s not like him. I look over to Medina and she shakes her head. She doesn’t know what to do either. We get away from the group and find ourselves sitting together on the rocks watching the waves crash against the shore.  
“You should tell him, you know.” She breaks the silence. I don’t look at her, but I know what she’s talking about. “You should tell him that you’re in love with him. If you don’t, I will.” I sigh, “But Medina, he’s with Heather. I don’t want to break them up. I’d be just like Ava.” It hurts to say that out loud. I’ve never said that to anyone. I’ve never actually acknowledged what she had done to our family. “You can’t tell your heart what not to feel, Kass. You should just tell him.”
Medina calls me frantic one day. Her father told her that he’s fallen in love with someone else. That he has a new chance in life to have love. “How could he do this to us?” She screams over and over into the phone. When I get there, her and Jim are standing outside, hugging each other. I can still hear their mother screaming at their dad. It’s hard to hear because it reminds me of my parents. I grab them both and we all stand there, locked into this triangle embrace. I feel their loss. I’ve been through this before.
When my Dad found out that my mom was cheating on him. He flipped out and lost it. It really broke his heart. They argued and argued, and things never got better. After the divorce, I would still try to see him every day after school, but it got really tough. He was so sad all of the time. Until one day, I came to visit him and there were an ambulance and police cars outside. I tried to run to the condo, but they kept pushing me back. One of the neighbors came over to me and hugged me. She kept apologizing to me. I saw them roll the stretcher out of his condo. Realization and nausea hit me like a wave. It was him. It was my Dad.
I’m there long enough to hear my mom’s name come up in their parents’ argument and I crane my neck to hear what they’re saying. He said that he loves her and has a chance to be happy. She screams when she realizes that Ava is the Real Estate agent, they had dinner with a year ago, the one that sold them this house. Jim and Medina look at me and Medina says, “Isn’t that your mom?” I nod my head and we all just stand there in silence. We don’t know what to say to each other.
My phone buzzes as I see Phil’s car pull away from the house. It’s her, it’s Ava. I don’t answer. I know what she wants to tell me. I throw my phone into the sand. I hate her even more now.
Time passes and Phil has now moved into our house. It’s so disturbing to see him at the kitchen table in the morning. Sitting in the same spot my dad used to. He tries to talk to me, to reach out but I have nothing to say to him. I don’t want a “relationship” with him. Even if they are engaged. She scolds me for not speaking to my soon-to-be stepfather. Disgusting.
Medina and I have grown closer as we’ve grown apart from our parents. All we have is each other these days. Jim is growing more and more distant. When I see him now, he’s always so wasted. I’m worried about him. Medina tells me that she’s watching him spiral and she can’t do anything to stop it. Their mother, Sandy, is so deep into her depression, that she doesn’t even notice Jim’s change. She’s even begun to treat him like a husband instead of a son. She reminds me of my Dad when he started to lose himself.
A text in the middle of the night from Medina, makes me jump in my seat by the window. I have insomnia so at night when I can’t sleep, I draw. I was lost in concentration. Sketching the planes of Jim’s face from memory, when her frantic texts ping on my phone. She tells me to meet her at the hospital. When I get there, I find her sitting next to a sleeping Jim. He’s wearing a hospital gown, with tubes in his arms. She looks up at me with red-rimmed eyes. “He overdosed tonight. He almost died.” She cries. I feel myself get faint. My poor sweet Jim, laying there like an Angel. He looks so…
I walk over to him and touch his cheek and it’s cold. My heart is heavy because I know that he is struggling with so much inner turmoil. Trying to be strong for Medina. Trying to be supportive to Sandy. But who is there for him? Who can he turn to? He can’t lay all of his problems at his sister’s feet. My poor Jim is lost. But, not anymore, he has me. I lean forward and kiss his forehead and whisper in his ear, “I love you, James.”
Medina and I walk outside, arms around each other. Her mother looks at us both with so much spite. I’m almost certain that she hates not only me but Medina as well. We sit together in the waiting room all night. We make a promise to each other, from here on out, it’s just us. No more Sandy, Ava. No more Phil no more Heather. Just us.
It’s been months since that night. Jim hasn’t touched the drugs. We’ve stuck to our pact, even after Ava married their Dad. The night of my 17th birthday, they all planned a party at the country club. I didn’t want to go, but Medina convinced me. I knew that they were going to be there, so it made me feel better. I had shut myself off from the other people I used to hang out with. They were toxic and immature. Lately, my life seemed to revolve around the twins. At times, I thought that maybe we suffocated each other, but in all actuality, we needed each other. No one else understood loneliness like ours. My love for Jim grew by the minute. I was in love with every detail of him. His floppy hair that always fell into his eyes. The beauty marks that dotted his face and chest. His smile and the way he would laugh at my stupid jokes. Medina would beg me to tell him, he wasn’t with Heather anymore, so there’d be no excuse not to.
           She helped me pick out the dress I got for my party. We had gone into town that previous weekend to buy it. Jim didn’t want to go with us, he couldn’t stand shopping at girly stores. Instead, he went surfing. We worried so about him but he assured us that he would be safe. She picked out a pretty, pale pink sheath dress that fell like silk against my tanned skin. I secretly hoped that it would catch his eye and make him look at me differently.
           The party goes off without a hitch. The country club ballroom was cordoned off just for me. Ava and Phil stood over there in the middle of it all like it was their party. They were it new “it couple”, holding court for the masses. They see me and wave me over to them, to bask in adoration. These people are fake and clamoring for their attention. Half of them don’t even know me.
           After, all the glad-handing, I searched the crowd for the twins. I had started to get nervous until I saw Medina. Her head thrown back in laughter, she was talking to a boy. I remember her talking about him, a few weeks back. His name was Adrian. He was cute, with dark hair and long eyelashes. I watched as she touched his arm and he touched her hand. It made me smile to see her so happy. She deserved that. I kept looking through the crowd for Jim. But when I couldn’t find him and that little bit of pain grew in my heart, I left the ballroom to get away. I couldn’t let anyone see me cry. Today of all days.
When I reach the end of the hallway, I look around to make sure no one is there. I feel the tears well up and the sob begins to rip from my chest. Tonight, was the night I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him that I love him. I’ve loved him since the first time I saw him, with that silly sombrero on his head. I was going to tell him that I needed him more than a friend.
A hand touches my shoulder and I jump. “Hey, what are you crying for?” His voice, so sweet and smooth. I don’t want to face him, I’m too embarrassed. He walks around and steps in front of me. He places one hand on my waist and one under my chin. “Hey”, his voice softer now, “Kass, what’s wrong?” I look up at him, eyes blurry and I say, “I thought you weren’t here. I thought you hadn’t come.” It sounds stupid when I say it out loud. “Why wouldn’t I come, you’re my best friend.”
He pulls me closer to him and stares into my eyes. His face full of understanding, and I think for the first time, he really sees me. He understands my tears. He holds me and we look at each other for what seems like forever. I’m sure he knows how I feel. But I’m too scared to say it.
I hear my name being called, and I know that this moment is gone. He takes my hand and we walk back to the party, not wanting this to end. We walk in and everyone starts singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me. I smile, cheeks blushing. They bring out the big cake and it has seventeen beautiful candles on it. I look over at Ava and she smiles at me, a real smile. She tells me to make a wish. I look over at Medina and Jim, as they flank either side of me. They smile big smiles at me too, they’re happiness filling me with joy. Jim squeezes my hand, I close my eyes, make my wish and I blow out my candles.
A few weeks later, I hear Phil tell Ava that Sandy is going away for a while to get some help and that he wants Jim and Medina to live with us. But he worries about Jim and I being around each other too much. He suspects that we are more than just friends. “It wouldn’t be right, Ava. They’re step-siblings”. After a minute of silence, she says, “If they are in love, it’s not our job to stand in their way. They have been close since before you and I were even together. How horrible would it be to tear that apart?” She’s never stood up for me before. Not for school, not with anything, so I stand there eavesdropping at their door in shock. “Besides, who gives a shit what anyone has to say about us or them?” She continues, “It’s none of their goddamn business. If the kids want to, let them move in for however long they want.”
After they move in, everything is like a dream. We hang out every day on the beach after school, them surfing, me drawing. We have study sessions and throw chips at each other when the topic is getting too boring or we’ve had enough. We have big breakfasts with each other and laugh at our inside jokes. Medina’s boyfriend, Adrian comes around a lot, so now our group of three has expanded to a group of four. Jim and I are getting closer and closer. We have tiny moments when I think something will happen. A brush of his fingertips across my hand when we pass each other. His hand on my hip, when he reaches up to get the cereal over our heads. When he lingers in my bedroom after we all say goodnight. It’s there, that sexual tension. It hangs over us, like a cord ready to snap.
Movie Fridays we all usually go out together, but this time Medina is sick, and Adrian is upstairs taking care of her. Ava and Phil have gone to Paris for some work conference thing of his. It’s just me and Jim and it’s my turn to pick the movie. He makes a huge bowl of popcorn and grabs candy from the pantry. “Ok, Kass, what are we watching tonight?” I picked out ‘A Quiet Place’, I remember Jim saying that he had seen it and thought it was so good. “I thought scary movies freaked you out?” I nod and say, “But you’re here with me. I won’t be too scared.”
As the movie goes on and my anxiety level ratchets up, I feel my nerves bundling. I moved so close to him, I’m almost on top of his thigh. A jump scare happens on screen and I gasp and bury my face into his chest. He wraps his arm around me and when I look up at him, I become hyper-aware of his body and that we are alone. Our eyes lock onto one another and everything else falls away.
Our eyes saying things to each other that words could never convey. I move closer to him, doe-eyed, lips wet. He brings his other hand down to touch my face. “You are so beautiful, Kassidy.” Slowly, our lips meet, and the kiss is passionate and tender. I was expecting it to be hungry and ravenous. But it’s gentle and loving. He runs his hand through my hair and grips it at the base of my head. I feel him moan against my lips when I touch his inner thigh. He pulls me onto his lap and lifts my shirt up over my head. I’ve been around him plenty of times in my bathing suit, but this is so intimate, I suddenly become nervous. I cover up my stomach with my arm, not wanting him to see my soft belly. He pulls my arm away and places my hand on his face. I kiss him again and help him take off his shirt. We share an unspoken understanding. We belong to each other. He asks for my permission to keep going and I nod. He then unfastens my bra and frees my breasts, from their constriction. I sigh audibly at the welcome relief. He holds them in his hands and bites his bottom lip. I’ve never been this close to a boy before. I’ve made out with boys before, but never like this.
He bends his head down and licks languidly at my nipple. I breathe in a sharp intake of air at the sensation. He takes my nipple into his mouth and sucks on it slowly, lazily. I grip his hair, absentmindedly, and pull his head back. “Do you want me to stop?” He asks, huskily. “Please don’t.” I moan. I can feel the wetness pool in my panties, I’m almost certain he can too.
He keeps sucking at my nipple and caressing and pinching the other. I feel my body rocking back and forth on his lap, rubbing myself against his thighs. I don’t know if I can take much more. His bulge growing and becoming harder against his grey sweatpants. He suddenly picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist. “Not here, not like this.”, he says against my neck. He takes me upstairs, kissing me, hands gripping my ass. Our breaths are ragged from excitement. I hear Medina’s door creak open and then shut. I hear her and Adrian laugh. I look down at him and smile, “I think they can hear us.” His blue eyes shine at me, under the moonlight. “I don’t care. I only care about you.” He opens the door and lays me onto the bed.
I look around his room, and his walls are littered with pictures of the three of us. Always the three of us. Laughing, smiling, happy. I look at him standing there and warmth flushes through my body. “I love you, James Mason. I love you with all of my heart.” I scoot to the end of the bed and start to untie his sweatpants, but he stops me. He gets down on his knees and kisses me before he says, “I love you too. I’ve loved you since the beginning. I heard you that night when I was in the hospital. You gave me the will to live. I’m here because you saved me.” I wrap my arms around his neck and tears begin to fall down my face and splash onto his shoulder.
He pulls back from me to wipe my tears and kisses me again. He lays me back down and helps me shimmy out of my pajama pants. Then he hooks his thumbs into the waistband of my panties and slowly pulls them off. The air hits my naked skin, and goosebumps pimple my flesh. I feel so exposed, I put my hand over my vagina. He looks up me, a lust has darkened his face. His eyes look like he is ready to devour me. He pulls my hand away and licks his lips. I raise myself up onto my elbows in anticipation. I’ve always heard how good this feels, but I’ve never experienced this before. I’m not sure what to expect.
He scoots in closer and pushes my legs apart. He starts with tiny little kisses on my inner thighs, and my hips are already bucking against him, “Not yet, kitten, you’re going to have to wait.” I feel the heat low in my abdomen and my mind is starting to spin. His tiny kisses turn into tiny licks and when he gets to my entrance, he licks a flat wide, stripe against my folds. I gasp so loudly, I have to cover my mouth with my hand. He licks slow and gentle against my clit, as I buck against his mouth. My hand buries itself in his hair and pulls on it. He groans and sucks on my clit vigorously. The sensations I’m feeling wrack my body. I’m writhing on the bed and push his face into my dripping cunt. His licks and sucks are becoming wetter and the noises are obscene. The tensions building and building until he gently pushes his index finger into me. He starts off slowly and then in between licks he pushes in a little further. I begin to unravel as I breathlessly call out his name. “Please…don't…stop James.” He inserts another finger and stretches me wide. My body can’t take anymore, and I explode. I scream out his name against the inside of my hand and cum all over his tongue. My body still rolling with pleasure, he licks my cunt clean.
I scoot my body up the bed and he crawls on top of me. His chin glistening with my juices. The moonlight streaming through the windows, playing shadows across his face. I’m so turned on by his smile, I pull him towards me roughly. Kissing him, I can taste the tanginess of myself on his lips. He kisses down the side of my face and onto my neck, I turn my head and see the ripples of muscles in his arms as he holds himself above me. He moves down to suck on my nipples again, but I stop him, “I want you, James. I want all of you.”
“Are you sure? I want you to be sure this is what you want” I nod at him and tell him that I am. He hops off the bed and unties his pants, they drop to the floor and there he is, in all his glory. His dick was hardened and the tip was slick with precum. My mouth waters wanting to taste him in my mouth, but before I can, he crawls back on top of me. Kissing me hungrily, rubbing himself against me. I reach down and grab his dick and he tilts his head back in pleasure. I begin to rub up and down the shaft, circling my thumb on the tip. He growls through gritted teeth, “I need you now, are you ready?” I squeeze his dick in response and open my legs wide. He lines himself up with my entrance and slowly starts to guide himself in. A rush of pain pools in my vagina as he thrusts. He’s so gentle, but my body craves this release. I grab his hips and pull him forward. His eyes go big and he takes this a sign to keep going. His rhythm, in tune with my body, rocks back and forth, going deeper and deeper. We’re both breathing so heavily, moans mixed in unison with each other. I feel so much pleasure that I don’t feel the sting of the loss of my virginity. I dig my fingers into his hips, begging him to fill me up. Harder and faster until we both are slick with sweat; his thumb finds its way to my clit and rubs it in circles. With him pumping in and out of me and playing with my clit, I feel the pressure of another orgasm building. “Do you like that, Kass? Does it feel good inside of you?” He says in my ear. The sensation of his breath of the outer shell of my ear, send shocks down my body. I can’t hold on anymore. My body bucks against him and the sounds of our sweaty bodies slapping against each other is explicit and loud. I cum so hard that my body shakes under his. Still clenched onto him, I feel his movements getting sloppier until his body gives out. He cums, calling out my name and collapses on top of me.
Neither of us moves, even after he’s gone soft inside of me. He lays there, kissing my shoulder and my face. “Are you ok, baby?” I smile at him and tell him that I am. He finally pulls out of me and we both get under the covers. He wraps his arm around me and asks, “I never did ask you, what did you wish for on your birthday?” I roll over and look up at him, “I’ll never tell, but this is pretty damn close.”
2 Years Later
The summer we all turned 18, we decided to leave Palos Verdes, like we had always planned. Sandy, the twins’ mom, was doing so much better now. She had moved back to Michigan and started teaching again. She seemed really happy. They would go visit her at Thanksgiving or Christmas and she’d always ask them to stay. But their lives were here in P.V they weren’t ready to leave just yet. Ava and Phil had a nasty divorce. He cheated on her with one of the nurses, apparently, this wasn’t news to Jim and Medina, as it had happened many times before when he was married to their mom. They were surprised though that he had been faithful this long. Ava kicked him out, but let the twins stay with us, much to his chagrin. He moved into a condo on the beach and we’d see him when we’d go surf and hang out. Adrian had been accepted to college but convinced his parents to let him take a gap year. Phil must have felt so bad about disrupting the twins’ lives in the first place, that he barely needed any convincing on letting them travel the world.
When I sat down and told Ava about our plans, she was hesitant at first. She said we were too young to travel without supervision. But I explained to her that we’re all of age now, and could just leave if wanted to, without permission. She seemed to think it over before saying, “Ok, but you have to call every day and check in. I need to know where you are at all times. Do you understand?” I hugged and kissed her cheek, something I hadn’t done since before Dad died. “Thank you, Mom. I love you.” She was so shocked that tears sprang from her eyes and she hugged me so tight I thought I would suffocate.
The day we left Palos Verdes, we all stood on the rocks, arms around each other and said goodbye to this place. Let the spray from the ocean sprinkle our faces. This was the last time, I’d feel this here. This was the last time this sun would set on my face. We were taking the good memories, like the ones I had of my dad and the laughs the four of us shared together, with us. We were leaving behind the bad memories, like the twins’ parents breaking up and Jim’s drug overdose. That stuff didn’t matter anymore. We had each other, and we were going to look out for one another.
We packed up the van and said our goodbyes to our parents. I sat in the passenger seat as Jim drove. Medina and Adrian played Uno in the back, singing along to the radio. This was as close to perfect as life could get. I was staring out of the window, lost in thought when I felt Jim’s hand enclose around mine. I look over at him and smile. He was so beautiful, and he was mine. All mine. I turn back to the window and I’m reminded of the wish I made for my 17th birthday. It had come true after all. I wanted to leave Palos Verdes and its perfectly manicured lawns and glistening white sands. I wanted to leave this place and be with the people who loved me the most. I wanted to be with him. Just us.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 5 years
Punishment Or Pleasure Dark!Jim x Reader
A/N: took a shot at a @dark-jim fic so hope I did it justice, let me know what you guys think feedback is appreciated!
Warnings: Daddy Kink, Degredation, Bondage, Overstimulation, Hair Pulling, Use Of A Riding Crop, Orgasm Delay/Hedging, Boot Humping, Oral Male Receives, Dirty Smut, Praise, Dark Jim Being Soft Towards The End
“You’re a nasty, little slut,” Jim Mason tsked. “Repeat after me.”
“I’m a nasty, little slut,” Y/N reiterated.
“You’re a filthy, nasty, little slut that lies to her Daddy.” He barked. “Say it.”
“I’m a f-filthy, nasty, little slut-t that lies to her Daddy,” She sobbed, pulling against the restraints in hopes of gaining relief from the vibrations that seemed to wrack her entire frame.
They’d been at this for what felt like days, but Y/N knew it’d only been hours with the wand.
“You thought that was strong? Listen close, slut.”
The buzzing in the room increased, bringing her perspective to a lurching halt. She felt as if she were ready to choke on the sound alone, that is if the pleasure didn’t kill her first. Her skin was slick with a mixture of sweat, snot, and tears which he used to taunt her, rubbing the wetness across her peaked nipples. It was degrading and intoxicating. She deserved it; she had lied straight to Jim’s face and humiliated him as well.
She’d long lost the ability to moan. Low grunts left her mouth instead.
“Are you ready to explain the picture?” His hands traveled the expanse of her taut, sweat-soaked stomach, teasing the underside of her breasts with light pinches that made her back sharply arch.
“Yes, Daddy.” Y/N swallowed heavily, “I-I went to a party and d-didn’t tell you. I got drunk with my friends and Jessa kissed me, her boyfriend had his phone out and took the picture. I swear I didn't want it, though.”
“And you thought that was acceptable,” His eyebrow rose, “to hide that from me? How do you think that makes me feel? You not only lied about where you were Saturday night, but I had to find out through Facebook? Lying, little whore. I bet you liked kissing her?"
"No, Daddy." She pleaded. "I didn't."
“If you cum you won’t be able to sit for a week.” He threatened, completely ignoring her. While he spoke, he’d relented the vibrations on her clit, pressing the wand to her opening instead and teasing the slit of her sex. She jumped and moaned, trying to escape.
“Yes, Daddy. Yes, I understand.” Y/N pleaded. She knew what was coming, a punishment fuck. And oh, if she didn’t crave it like she craved air. “Oh, fuck me. Please?”
“You crave my cock? Suck it.” Jim positioned himself near her head, carelessly leaning on her hair to stuff his weeping cock into her mouth. Still, he held the wand to her pussy until her clit became numb and tears began to leak from her eyes. He fucked her mouth without care, choking her and sinking his shaft further down her throat.  
In the act of begging, Y/N  ran her tongue along the underside of his member, hoping he’d take mercy on her.
“My little cock sucker.” Softly, he stroked her cheek, feeling the head of his protruding cock. He tapped it twice. “Is that how badly you want my cock?”
Y/N moaned, hoping to convey the overwhelming need to have him inside her.
"Remember what I said," He warned.
He undid her leg restraints, quickly flipping her onto her stomach so that her hands remained tied and crossed at the wrists. Complying with his order, Y/N lifted her hips so that he could stuff a pillow beneath her tummy, bringing her slick entrance leveled with his cock.
He paused behind her. The air seemed to still, and it was enough to bring her to the brink of tears. Jim was cruel for teasing her, turning her to a sopping mess between her legs but she deserved it.
The sharpness of his penetration took the air straight from her gut; she could hardly exhale—hardly think as he rutted her. There isn’t any other way to describe it. He used her body solely for the ache he felt deep in his groin, it almost angered him to be so consumed by this raw need, and he gave it back to her in a vicious cycle.
Y/N could hardly think, only grasp that her body was no longer hers. She was merely a vessel for Jim’s cum. A throaty whimper left her mouth, and he was there by her ear, releasing soft threats before shoving her face into the bedspread.
Nothing would ever compare to being at the mercy of a man, not like this. Y/N could care less about social conventions or the 'right way' women were meant to be treated in the bedroom. Was it her fault that she craved to be used by Jim like this? Only he could understand and keep the balance, maintain the adultery that she needed to break up the monotony of her life.
“You may cum.” It’s more of a command—a demand, then anything else.
Y/N’s inner walls contracted once, clenching around his pulsating cock as she cried out into the silk of his sheets, voicing each delicious contraction as they came. It hurt so good, and still, he fucked her through the entirety of it, pressing her screams into the mattress as he filled her with his release.
"I'm sorry, Daddy."
He stroked her hair tenderly, pushing the wet tendrils away from her face.
"I know, Y/N." He sighed softly. "Now stay here and think about what you did."
Jim left the room, leaving Y/N to wallow in her tears.
Hours later Y/N hears the click of the lock as the door is opened. “I take it you have had time to think… no?” Jim states.
From where Y/N was knelt in the floor with hands restrained behind her back she was mere inches from his cock. She was desperate for it, she needed it.
Y/N’s knees chafe against the floor as she desperately mouths the bulge in Jim’s jeans.
Strong fingers carde through strands of h/c hair. Y/N looks beautiful like this. On her knees, naked, ass and thighs red from the riding crop, hands tied behind her back, and begging to suck his cock.
Jim leans back in his chair and smirks as Y/N lets out a pleading whine.
“Fucking slut, on your knees and begging to suck my cock. You want it? Use your words, whore.”
Y/N looks up at Jim, panting. A large wet stain covers the front of his jeans from Y/N’s spit. She lets her eyes roam Jim’s clothed body, god, he looks so good no matter what he wears. Arousal shivers down her spine as leather-covered hands tighten around the riding crop.
The crop swishes through the air and lands on Y/N’s blushing ass. She jerks and yelps, cunt throbbing in delight as the pain melts into tingling pleasure.
“Lazy bitch, I told you to use your words so use them. “
“Ah! I’m sorry Jim! Please Daddy! Please, let me suck you, let me suck your cock. Please Daddy, let me make you feel good.”
Jim huffs, “That’s better.” and drags the crop over Y/N’s quivering thighs and in between her legs. She whines when the tip of the crop comes into contact with her dripping cunt and rubs across her swollen clit.
Jim brings the crop out from under Y/N and sees that it’s shiny with her juices.
“You made it dirty.”
“I-I’m sorry Jim, I couldn’t help it.”
Y/N shudders.
“Ahh, you...you touched my.....my cunt with it and.... I’m wet, Jim.”
“Oh?” He says. Tone mocking. “How come?”
“I...I’m aroused, Daddy.”
“And what have we done to make you aroused? I haven’t even touched you.”
“You..oh Daddy, y-you hit me, you hit me with the crop and-“
“I punished you,” Jim interrupts ”and that made you aroused?”
Suddenly, there’s a steel hand in her hair, pulling Y/N’s head up.
“And what does that make you?”
The hand in her hair tightens and pulls until Y/N yelps.
“It makes me a horny bitch!”
”What makes you a horny bitch?”
“Getting wet when you punish me makes me a horny bitch!”
Jim purrs. “Good girl.”
Finally, Jim loosens his hold on Y/N’s hair and his hands go to unzip his fly.
“If you’re going to be a bitch then at least be a useful one.”
Y/N’s mouth waters as Jim pulls his cock out, but she knows better than to be greedy. She looks up at Jim with desperate eyes, asking for permission.
“You look like a puppy waiting for a treat, go on then, Y/N.”
Y/N moans in delight as she leans forward. She lovingly kisses up the shaft until she reaches the leaking tip. She licks away the precum dribbling from the slit before lavishing it all with wet, messy strokes of her tongue, savoring his treat.
All of a sudden, the tip is being shoved into her mouth and Jim is growling.
“Get on with it, fucking lazy whore.”
Y/N gladly complies, relaxing her jaw so that Jim can slide in deeper. She closes her eyes in bliss as Jim’s hand returns to her hair. She starts moving her tongue along the shaft and Jim moans, slowly drawing her head back only to shove it back onto his cock.
Y/N whines and shifts as Jim uses her mouth. Her cunt is drooling, she can feel how wet she is as it drips down her thighs,and her clit hard and throbbing. She humps against the air and moans, high and desperate.
Jim sees this and pulls his cock out of Y/N’s mouth, letting her catch her breath. He runs a hands along Y/N’s chin, collecting some of the drool that covers it before slowly caressing her body.
Her breath hitches as Jim pinches her nipples with wet fingers. They’re tugged on for a moment longer before that hand feels in between Y/N’s legs, gently rubbing her clit, making her buck and mewl.
“Aww poor baby,” he coos, “your clit is so hard, I can feel it pulsing. You want me to make you feel good, don’t you?”
Y/N nods enthusiastically.
“You know how to ask for things.”
“Yes Jim, please Daddy, please make me feel good, please please, oh, oohhh my god.”
The rest of Y/N’s sentence dissolves into shrieks of pleasure as Jim starts to roughly rub her clit in fast, circular motions.
Jim leans further out of his chair to get a better angle of her clit. His ears are graced with the sound of melodic sighs and mewls of pleasure as he moves his hand faster.
Y/N’s hips move on their own against Jim’s fingers. She’s close, she’s so close and oh yes, right there, right there!
And then Jim takes his hand away.
He can’t help but smirk as Y/N groans and sobs.
“Hush now, you said it yourself, or have you already forgotten? You’re a horny bitch, look, you’re even howling and drooling like one. So,”
He presses his leather boot against Y/N’s dripping cunt, enjoying her strangled gasp of surprise and pleasure that follows.
“if you insist on acting like a dog then rut like one.”
Y/N bucks her hips, the contrast between the smooth leather and the roughness of the laces making her whine. Soon, she’s humping the boot with wanton abandon, her wetness making the leather shiny and slick.
Jim presses his cock back to Y/N’s lips and groans as it’s engulfed without hesitation. They quickly build up a rhythm, him thrusting into that welcoming mouth and Y/N rutting against his boot.
“Ngh, looks like you’re good for something after all, Y/N,” she falters, nearing the edge, “Don’t you dare cum before me, you’ll wait until I say you can.”
Y/N whimpers at the command, desperately grinding her clit against the smooth leather, unable to slow down. She hollows her cheeks to make it tighter for Jim, coaxing him to orgasm.
He grits his teeth and buries his cock down Y/N’s throat as he cums.
“Aahh, fuck. Swallow it, good girl.”
Y/N purred happily as she tastes Jim on her tongue, suckling until he pulls out.
“Mhhm, what a talented little whore I have.”
Y/N keens as the praise goes straight to her clit.
“P-please Jim.”
“Please what?”
“Please, let me cum Jim.” She begs, voice feathery with arousal.
“I suppose you’ve earned it, go ahead, cum.”
Y/N howls as she cums all over Jim’s boot, eyes rolling back and drooling as she arches her back.
“Thank you, ohh thank you Daddy.”
Jim gently cups Y/N’s face, tracing over her swollen lips with his thumb.
“You’re so beautiful.”
Y/N feels her stomach flutter happily at the praise, kissing Jim’s thumb as it passes by her mouth again.
Then Jim’s pushing his head down to face the boot that she just came on.
“Look at what your messy cunt did to my boots. Disgraceful.”
“I’m sorry Jim.”
“Lick it up.”
Y/N moans, gladly licking at the tip, the taste of herself mingling with well cared for leather is intoxicating.
“Yes Daddy.”
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Credit to owner for gif
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
hey guys
I may be a little inactive today because I have a ton of stuff to do BUT 👀 would y’all be interested in a Jim x Reader fic involving a fake relationship 👀
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daadddysprincessss · 4 years
welcome to my blog, my blog was formally known as @daaddysprincesss - it was terminated (reasons unknown.. still)
things to know about me,
alias: cece
pronouns: she/they - i answer to anything really
sexual orientation: pansexual 🏳️‍🌈
zodiac: capricorn, gemini, libra
fun facts.. maybe ?
yes i still write fanfic (cody fern characters mainly)
i love star wars(leia, han and ben are my favourite characters), anime everything, comic universes - are mainly dc, and some of marvel.. i’m not a huge fan of them BUT i do love scarlet witch, xmen, and spiderman(sorry not sorry)
current fictional characters im simping over: any Robert Pattinson character, Steve Harrington(joe keery), Eddie Munson (Joseph Quinn), Peter Parker(Andrew Garfield), any Rory Culkin character, Jim Mason(cody fern), OLDER Michael Langdon(cody fern), Ben Solo/Kylo Ren(adam driver), Druig(barry keoghan)
also i started cosplaying about 2 years ago now !
things to respect while on my blog:
we love and respect the lgbtq+ community, blm, and pronouns.
do not send me nudes, you will be blocked
do not send me any sexual comments in my dms or on my posts, it makes me very uncomfortable, you will be blocked.
if you can not respect any of these rules - then there’s the door
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aion-rsa · 3 years
How TCM Resurrects Plan 9 from Outer Space for Ghoulish Table Read
UFOs are often visible, but not always. Sometimes they make noise, sometimes they are silent. If you’ve never seen a flying saucer, that is proof they are everywhere. This is one of the many amazing things we learn in TCM’s upcoming table read of Ed Wood’s masterwork, Plan 9 from Outer Space.
We once laughed at the horseless carriage, the aero-plane, the telephone, the electric light, vitamins, radio, and even television. But it took a while to get the joke about Plan 9 from Outer Space. Written and directed by Edward D. Wood Jr. in 1959, it was a little-known independent film with a direct line through directors who carried on the DIY-filmmaking spirit like John Cassavetes, Melvin Van Peebles and John Waters. The Cult of Plan 9 began when Ed Wood was posthumously awarded a Golden Turkey Award for Worst Director of All Time in 1980. Though this has been disputed.
Turner Classic Movies is the go-to channel for prestigious films. You can always count on a showing of The Treasure of Sierra Madre or The Public Enemy, or Citizen Kane. But top prize in the Golden Turkey awards carries its own prestige.
“This isn’t ‘Plans One Through Eight from Outer Space,’” Jerry Seinfeld proclaimed at the Chinese restaurant in a 1991 episode of Seinfeld. “This is Plan 9. The one that worked. The worst movie ever made.”
The SF Sketchfest presentation was adapted for the stage and virtual stage by former The Simpsons writer, and self-proclaimed Ed Wood superfan, Dana Gould. He and his Stan Against Evil co-star Janet Varney have been acting in live staged reads with a revolving cast of eager comic actors for over three years. The Zoom production also features Kat Aagesen, Bob Odenkirk, Bobcat Goldthwait, Oscar Nuñez, Deborah Baker Jr., Maria Bamford, David Koechner, Jonah Ray, Paul F. Tompkins, Baron Vaughn, and Gary Anthony Williams. The miniature visual effects, which are by no means just cardboard cutouts, were done by Mike Carano, and the sounds of musical accompaniment came out of Eban Schletter.
Laraine Newman is the narrator. She brings Gould’s adapted stage directions to such vivid life they can reanimate the dead, which is a key element of the actual plan at the center of the cult movie. Originally titled “Grave Robbers from Outer Space,” the film marked the last appearance of Bela Lugosi, who had also acted in Wood’s 1953 feature Glen or Glenda.
Lugosi’s footage for Wood’s unmade film “The Vampire’s Tomb,” was repurposed for Plan 9. Lugosi died of a heart attack on Aug. 16, 1956. To complete the film, Wood cast his chiropractor, Tom Mason, who in spite of his professional familiarity with the human skeletal structure, somehow believed he could mask the fact that he was much taller than the horror icon by pulling his cape over his face.
The table read of Ed Wood’s Plan 9 from Outer Space is part of TCM’s Classic Film Festival weekend, which runs through May 9. For easy comparisons, the original film will air directly after the event. Dana Gold and Janet Varney spoke with Den of Geek about refurbishing the low-budget cult classic, and how, like their predecessor, they proudly spared every expense on its new décor.
Den of Geek: I watched the table read a second time while playing Plan 9 in another window, and I just have to say, recreating those sets must’ve cost a fortune.
Janet Varney: Yeah, just like it cost Ed Wood a fortune.
Dana Gould: That’s the genius of, of Mike Carano. All those things were this big. You can see, I have the Bela Lugosi statue and the saucer. What he did was so amazing, and it really brought [the production] up to be better than it had a right to be. When Janet and I discussed doing this on Zoom, we were like, “Well, how do we take the limits of Zoom and turn them to our advantage? Why is it on Zoom?” By doing it, one, it allowed us to get a cast that we might not be able to get. Got people in different places. Maria Bamford was in Minnesota. Bob Odenkirk was in Vancouver. So, we could get people that normally we couldn’t get. Doing it in black and white helped. And then what Mike Marano did, it made it something unique.
Janet Varney: I would just also add, as a tribute to Ed Wood, we’ve never had anyone that we’ve asked to do the show who hasn’t wanted to do the show. Whether or not they’ve been in town for the live version, every person that we love that we’ve asked to be a part of the cast at one time or another is like, “Oh, my God, I need to do that. I want to do it. When is it? Please say it’s not a date I’m out of town. Please say it’s not. Will you ask me on the next one?”
Everyone knows this movie. And the idea of getting to step into its shoes in any kind of iteration is really exciting for every single person that we’ve ever asked.
Dana Gould: And it’s great to see how different people play different parts. Joel Murray plays the General different than David Koechner plays the General. Bob Odenkirk plays Eros differently than Patton Oswalt plays Eros. It’s always great. And Janet and I, we don’t want to know what you’re going to do. Just do it.
For this production, you assembled the all-star team. But were you ever tempted to use the same kind of players Wood used: wrestlers, tap dancing accordion players, chiropractors, and radio psychics?
Janet Varney: That’s a great question. I feel like we also have pretty good access to all those folks. So maybe that will get the next variety version. Because our friend, Jim Turner, is just about to do a fundraiser for the kind of variety acts who have been struggling in this last year, because of the many myriad things that they do.
So, I actually love that idea, Tony. And you’re right, it would be a totally different experience. That’s an interesting idea too, because we do come at it with a bunch of people who love the movie, but there’s also some major winking going on, as all the comedians and actors try to lean into being: “It’s my first time on stage, maybe my first time saying words,” really playing that up.
In the future, do you hope to see this performance eviscerated on Mystery Science Fiction Theater 3000?
Dana Gould: That would be great. If they did this.
Janet Varney: Especially because Bill and Kevin have done it. They have been in our production of Plan 9. Bill had been what Laraine [Newman] did. Bill did the narration at a show, at SketchFest, and it was great.
Dana Gould: I would like to see Jonah making fun of himself.
Janet Varney: Yeah. Let’s get meta. Our fans can handle it. Fans of MST3K can handle it. Plant 9 fans can handle it. Everybody could handle it.
I know I’m paraphrasing Seinfeld, but as the person who’s trusted with Plan 9 and all that comes with that, did you get to see the first eight plans from outer space?
Janet Varney: And are you allowed to talk about it if you did?
Dana Gould: Exactly. What were they?
Janet Varney: So many questions.
Dana Gould: So many questions.
Were the first eight plans rejected?
Janet Varney: Or were they all executed? And I use that word purposefully. Were all of those plans executed and they didn’t have great results?
Dana Gould: That’s a drunk man at a typewriter, “Plan 9 sounds good.” I remember showing Plan 9 to somebody who’d never seen it before. And they turned to me afterwards and said, “Did he not have any friends he could have shown this to and gotten notes?” He didn’t have those kinds of friends.
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What are some of your favorite mistakes from the movie?
Janet Varney: Oh, God. I was going to say Dana had mentioned that the first time he saw the movie was on a video cassette that Tom Kenny and Dan Spencer, and Bobcat Goldthwait showed him. And I was actually going to ask, did you think it was the tape glitching at the end when the monologue goes from, blip to [makes a noise]? And you’re like, “Wait a minute. Back that up, hold on. Is somebody going to fix this?”
That’s definitely one. That’s a spectacularly new, weird problem in a movie that was not a consistent problem. So, you’re like, “Wait, how did that happen one time, in this very, very overt way?” So good.
Dana Gould: From the very beginning, it’s like the first time you saw William Shatner do “Rocket Man.” I remember, I had a party at my house, and I was working on The Ben Stiller Show, and everybody was there. And back then, there was no YouTube. You would just have these cassette tapes with all of the weird stuff that you had collected on it, like the farting priest and all these weird things that you had, and “Rocket Man.” And I remember showing “Rocket Man” at this thing and Bob Odenkirk just shouting at my television, “You’re a grown man. You’re a grown man.”
I always thought Shatner gave the same line reading for “Mr. Tambourine Man” as he did for “Kahn.”
Dana Gould: Yes, he did. He did. He had a couple of tricks, and he used them. Yeah. There’s one direction he doesn’t get a lot, “You want to just try one big? You want to just see how it goes?” “Take the chains off and let it rip?”
Was some of the background music in this reading, especially the oxidation bit, inspired by The Simpsons?
Dana Gould: That’s all Eban [Schletter, the musical accompanist], you have to ask Eban. But again, that’s great, especially the Solaronite song. Necessity being the mother of invention, that is a brutal chunk of dialogue for anybody, a thankless, brutal chunk. And every time I give it to Paul, I say, “I’m apologizing ahead of time. I give it to you because I don’t want anybody else to do it. Because if it was anybody else, it would be death.”
Eban came up with that. And we were just like, “Maybe we can break this up. Maybe there’s a way to break this up.” And then Eban came up with that kind of thing. And it is one of those things that I love, that it’s like a mutant. It’s grown into its own weird thing to solve its inherent problems. You can’t describe it to anybody. It’s just like, you have to see it.
I used to remember describing Kevin Meaney, the comedian. I used to just tell people, “I can’t describe what he does. You just have to see him, but then you’ll know. You only need a minute, and you’ll get it. But I can’t describe it to you.” That’s really a good analogy.
Laraine Newman, I believe, steals this as the narrator. How much of that is improvised and how much of that is written by you? Because I know that you wrote the stage directions.
Dana Gould: It’s written, but Laraine, I call it “newscaster flat.” Laraine knows how the notes need to be played. It’s like the Wrecking Crew, you have a guitar behind you. I don’t know what Tommy Tedesco is going to play, but I know it’s going to be good. I don’t know what Carol Kaye is going to play, but I trust it. It’s the same thing. It’s a murderers’ row, and I wouldn’t have the gall to tell them what to do.
Janet Varney: It takes a very specific kind of confidence as a performer to be that deadpan. It’s such a specific skill. And it’s a skill, I think, born out of a type of bravado and expertise that’s all just tightly contained in this tiny space, where she’s not trying to sell any of it. And that is the genius behind what she does is just letting it lay out there like that. I mean, it’s hard.
When you have something that you know is funny and you would be laughing yourself, if you were listening to someone else read it, it’s so hard not to want to sell it. Like, can I make this even funnier? And she’s like, “No, I need to take it all the way back, to the back of the house just like, who me, who me? I’m just reading these things.” And it’s just so brilliant.
Dana Gould: This is a person that did sketches on live television with John Belushi and Bill Murray. So she definitely knows where her center of gravity is.
Janet Varney: That’s right. Well said.
Dana Gould: And yeah, again, unflinching. And that takes, as a performer, just like a little inside baseball, a lot of control and to really, to have control of your own ego, to know that I’m going to get what I want by stepping way back. I mean, Sterling Hayden is the only person I’ve ever seen blow Peter Sellers off the screen. And he does it just by, he’s like a statue, but there’s so much weight to it.
In the original movie, I love the “Criswell Predicts.” So I wanted to ask, Janet, do you get asked to do bathroom readings?
Janet Varney: I would if asked, I would love to. That’s one of the things that’s great about Ed Wood in general too, is just having this a sort of fascination with the occult and that kind of thing. And the way that it fits into camp is so appealing. And so, yeah, I would very happily jump back into some bad psychic practices if I could. Hopefully, I will someday.
Dana Gould: And an unerring dedication to Wicker furnishings.
Janet Varney: That’s right. Always that. Paula and her wicker.
Because the table read is done during COVID and everyone feels an immediacy to Zoom calls, were you ever at all concerned about an Orson Welles’ scenario, where the residents of San Fernando Valley will believe they’re under attack by flying saucers from outer space?
Janet Varney: If only.
Dana Gould: Yeah. That’s the least of our problems out here. I don’t know when you visited last time, but the walking dead, they’re around.
The table read of Ed Wood’s Plan 9 from Outer Space airs on Friday, May 7 at 8pm on TCM. Plan 9 from Outer Space airs at 9:30pm.
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Jim Mason+Influencer! Reader:
(A/N): Hello lovelies!
I am very happy to have you back in this last episode of this miniseries, which I really hope you’ll like, alongside, again, if you have more ideas and want to send asks about this verses... I AM READY FOR IT, BRING IT ON BITCHES!
Also... I have said that this fic might be a bit self-indulgent and it is because, although I am not an influencer of any kind, I am very active on my social medias (mostly instagram, if you want to follow me or anything, and we are mutuals, just DM me) and this July I ended up hitting a very bad kind of exhaustion from that platform.
I honestly ended up feeling extremely shitty, alongside discovering many fake people who were around me, and for this reason I am happy that I managed to get here on tumblr (although there are some fake people on here, but like I don’t have to interact with them).
So, although the cyberbullying part of the story is only fictional, the exhaustion that took over reader, ended up being a reality for me, a bit ago, and although I am all better (better than before), I just wanted to remind you to take healthy pauses from social medias.
Also please don’t shame people who work on them, alongside use them as an outlet for anxiet and stress (like me).
I really hope you won’t judge me too badly, after this...
Also I’ll just remind you to show some love, if you like this, with hearts, reblogs (possibly saying something) and if you have anything to say about these, my DMs and asks are always open!
Much love!
SUMMARY: Jim Mason takes care of his social media exhausted girlfriend.
WORDS: 1,7 K
WARNINGS: Mention of Cyberbulling And Exhaustion from Social Medias (I WASN’T CYBERBULLIED, although I had my fair share of assholish comment, NOT HERE, but the cyberbullying was only fictional, whereas exhaustion is something I experienced back in July)
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Jim knew of his girlfriend’s social media fame.
Although he wasn’t informed about the entire thing and how it worked, being more focused on staying in the moment and living it, he was proud of what she achieved with her photos and captions, even going as far as helping her shot a few.
He still remembered the way she smiled gently meanwhile he tried to take photos of her, meanwhile she pointed out each cheap tip she knew, starting with “shoot from a lower angle than my height, so that I might appear taller” and “make sure to take the right light”.
She might have seemed shallow to others, but whenever Jim cried his heart out in her arm, she only had the sweetest words for him, calming him down enough that they fell asleep calmly, next to each other in her simple pull-out.
She cuddled closer to him, whenever she understood he needed it and made sure to always be there, next to him, her entire attention focused on him.
He had never checked her profile, mostly because she had pleaded with him not to give it a look.
“It’s silly” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had tried to get his phone off his hands “… and embarrassing!”.
And Jim had respected her wishes, offering just his help with photos or ideas, but whenever they were together, the entire social media thought was off the rack between them, preferring a direct conversation, although sometimes she got in overload and at that time social medias were her outlet.
But sometimes they were also her damnation.
Jim had noticed the difference in his girlfriend’s mood, since the start of the week: quieter and definitely less happy, a mumble being her way to speak, if she spoke up, clearly not energetic in the slightest and definitely not focused.
His knowledge of drugs and their effects had made him think that she might have been under those, but slowly the unfocused glaze had moved from rage to sadness: one day she was moping on the beach and another she almost got into a rage-filled fight with whatever was not working.
Jimmy had tried his best to understand her, but she didn’t want to talk about it with him so he tried to stay close to her, but the bad week moved to two bad weeks and there Jim had thought about searching through her social, mostly due to the fact that she focused on them more, even neglecting herself and him a bit.
“I just need to write the last paragraph” she had mumbled, meanwhile she had refused to stop writing to sleep a bit or “I will eat after I edited this photo, I mean… I don’t need food”.
It all got Jim worried, more and more.
And then he had decided that he had only one chance to discover what was going on.
He had opened Instagram, her major social network, and then had moved to her profile, the public one (she had a private one, full of photos that made Jim’s heart jump: candid of them together, not professionally taken but… Jim loved them all the same) and had gone through it.
He had first seen that she hadn’t any stories going on, which was unusual since she did her best to try to at least show a bit of her everyday life each day.
“So, my followers don’t feel left out” she had mumbled and although Jim had thought it was a strange voyeuristic idea, he had just hugged her and called her “angel”.
“Angel” was also part of her username on Instagram, due mostly to her followers, which had started calling her “angel”, because of the intrinsic sweetness of her posts and the personality she showed on the social network.
The stories thing had been already strange, but also her follower count had diminished, nothing too bad, but he had heard his angel protest about that.
“I just can’t believe that these people unfollow me just because I don’t follow them back and you know what is worst… I have talked to them… I felt like… we were friends”.
But he had soon discovered the true reason behind his girlfriend’s sadness: the comments honestly made him angry.
The most recent ones were ruthless: “you are fat”, “kill yourself” “you are annoying”…
And they went on, although some were sweeter, clearly (Y/N)’s true fans.
He had honestly hoped it was a troll, nothing but a joke.
But those comments had been serious, since he hadn’t been able to recognize the familiar path of a troll, instead they were real people, under fake accounts or their real accounts sharing that hate.
He honestly hadn’t been able to stop himself from feeling furious now that he understood what was going on, and meanwhile he had signaled each negative comment, he had seen the stories light up, the first one of the day.
A photo with a writing on it: “guys I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a pause, due to all the hate I have been getting, I don’t know when I will get back”.
Although the text has been intelligently written and concealed her emotion, he had clearly known she was crying meanwhile writing it.
He knew how much work she put into the social media, although it never was her job, she had started, long before meeting him, using it as a relief method from her own problem, so to be let down this way….
… it obviously hurt her.
After he had signaled enough accounts he had just tried to let the rage burn down, meanwhile he had created a plan to make his angel feel better: his first idea had been to go out, knowing that an expensive dinner and a few dances might get her distracted, but this would just push just the argument further.
So, he had just organized a home-made dinner (which meant him ordering take-out), bribing her to attend it with the promise of a lot of cuddles and a make-out session and most importantly to watch for the umpteenth times her favorite movie.
She clearly felt a bit better, when she finally walked in his house, being swept off her feet by an ecstatic Jim, who gently kissed her forehead, before he had put her down, leading her to the little kitchen of his apartment, the one his father had gotten him once he had gone out of rehab.
It was nice, although pretty small, but Jim loved it all more, and since he had met his angel it had all been better.
They had made so many memories, alongside she had helped perfecting it all.
“Ma’am, please sit down” he helped her to the dinner table, taking her jean jacket and her bag, coming back with an open bottle of wine, which he poured in their inadequate glasses, and with the first course, (Y/N)’s favorite course.
“Oh, you went all out” her smile didn’t reach her eyes, but she was indeed grateful, holding out her hand to grab his, which was kept tangled with his for the entire dinner
She talked about her day, chirping happily meanwhile she avoided carefully the social media argument and Jim didn’t pressure her, just watching her eat, in peaceful silence and only when they moved to wash the dishes he grumbled lowly:
-… sweetie, I checked your page on Instagram- he felt her grow stiff next to him -… I know that it embarrasses you, but I thought that you had been so gloomy these past weeks and I thought that your social media might have been bothering you, extremely… so I had to do something…-.
-Oh Jimmy! – she was avoiding his eyes, clearly ashamed -… I am so sorry you had to see all that… it…-.
-You are getting hate thrown your way for nothing, (Y/N)- he wanted to make sure she knew it wasn’t her fault In the slightest -…I can’t honestly fathom people doing this to you, whereas you have been nothing but an angel with them-.
-I am not sure… I mean…- a sad smile was on her face -… I am pretty sure that many people will call me a bitch with no problem…-.
-… well I am gonna fight them all, babe- he brought her closer and smacked a sound kiss on her head -… you don’t deserve this hate, believe me, I spent two hours trying to ban each asshole-.
-That is incredibly sweet, Jimmy Boy- she giggled, but a few tears shone on his eyes -… but I don’t think that it will stop the hate from spreading; that’s why I decided to take a holiday-.
Jim saw that an honest smile shone on her face and moved the rag onto its hook to hug her better, bearhugging her and gently caressing her back, gently, and shushing her cries.
-Angel of mine, I am so so sorry I was not able to know more about this- he mumbled, feeling a low protest -… I honestly thought it wasn’t that bad-.
-I didn’t even talk about it with you- she justified softly, getting a bit of distance between them to be able to watch him in the eyes -… I wanted to handle on my own, because, at first, I thought it wasn’t anything worrying, and then… I just felt like social media were a thing I needed to solve alone, my thing-.
He knew this came from all the prejudices linked with her passion for social medias: he had heard about some of her friends annoying her saying not only she was asocial, but also self-absorbed.
She hadn’t been very open about her life on them with him, also because of this, thinking that he would be making fun of her, exactly like her “friends”.
-I know that you take pride into your profile, but… you can lean onto me, I am here for you- he promised her looking at her in the eyes with extreme seriousness, before hugging her close, keeping his lips on her forehead, a comforting gesture -… I am still extremely proud of you for recognizing that you were having troubles and deciding to distance yourself from that… you are one smart angel-.
She giggled at the nickname, before freeing herself from his hug, although she still felt extremely bad, a smile shone on her face.
-Now you better get in your comfortable pajama, because this smart angel wants to watch for the umpteenth time (Y/F/F), with a lot of cuddles- and she turned around, getting a slight slap on her ass from Jim.
-… don’t forget the make-out session! -.
Hello lovelies!
Thank you for coming this far, in my self-indulgent mumbling and thank you for sticking me all through this series, I really hope you enjoyed it, and in case some of you want to read the previous chapters, you might find them here! (Duncan) (Michael)
@so-langdon @1-800-bitchcraft @emmyrosee @blakewaterxx @rocketgirl2410 @ladynuwanda @w0nder-marie @bitchchatter @eternalnostalgia @chirpdesu @dreamxcollide @head-full-of-thougts @lonely-cloud @im-the-music-whore @orendamill @ayeayecaptaingally @loveofmonstersandroses @kleineshaschen @dramapenguinthe3rd @drama-penguins @vampirefairyestelle @ @hplotrfan @a-exmrie @meandmystrangehabits @lovelylangdonx  @britishmoonchild @michael-langdon-appreciation (I keep tagging you and please let me know if it is fine, but I know that you liked the previous chapter!) @mega-combusken @frenchbread4ever  @confettucini @what-the-hecku @langdonsplaytoy @saviorinsilk @cherrysoda-com@loveableasshole @sona-blues  @xoxocrystal17 @bish-ima-clown  @idespac  @annielovebug22 @literary-monster @g4ost  @rubyeru @breakingsupernaturlbad101 @dyns33 @hadeslittlewhore @ lsutgurxb @kelncurls @lathraios @rosegoldrichie @ohlookheather @ softyash @honeylavender-bombshell @ swinginfestivalhoagieflap @lotsofhunny @ ashleyallen-queen-carter @ uniquepandaeagleparty @ elviradamien23
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austinstyles · 5 months
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Two fanfics I have in drafts I just have been taking a break from to get inspiration again. Because at the moment I have writers block. And I hope to finish one of them or both soon but I can’t really promise when.
I might post one this month or it could be done by next month. Thanks for the patience. Also request are open and I hope you can understand why it can take some time. I get writer block and sometimes I just can’t figure out how I should write some of the stuff the way I want. Also sometimes I just start on different ideas for different fanfics.
Thanks for listening to my little rant.
I hope everyone has a great day and take care.
0 notes
chloelucia13 · 6 years
All That I Want
Pairing: Jim Mason x reader
Prompt: you're the only person there for Jim on his birthday, bit he wouldn't have it any other way.
Warnings: FLUFF, a tiny bit of angst, language, that's about it
A/N: I'm in my Jim feels at the moment so i just needed to write this. Sorry that it's so short!
Tags: @queencocoakimmie, @rocketgirl2410
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The halls were silent and the fluorescent lights burned your eyes as you walked to the mental ward. All you could hear was the incessant thrum of your heart and the millions of thoughts that raced through your mind.
What if they don't let me see him, what if he doesn't want to see me, what if, what if, what if...
"Can I help you, ma'am?" a nurse voiced, pulling you from your thoughts.
You blinked rapidly for a moment before nodding. "I'm here to see Jim Mason?" you admitted, your voice no louder than a whisper. You handed her the stapled papers in your hands that you had filled out earlier.
Instantly, a smile spread across her face. "Wonderful!" She stood from her seat behind the desk and walked around to be face to face with you. "We'll need to do a quick search just to make sure you aren't trying to bring anything in, and then you can go see him!"
Suddenly there was a blizzard of detector wands and a few hands patting along your sides. After about 30 seconds, they deemed you clean of any dangerous materials and led you back to Jim's temporary room.
"It's so wonderful that you came to see him," the same nurse admitted as you two walked. "It's extremely rare for people to come visit at all, let alone on a patient's birthday."
"Well, he's all I have, and he deserves everything good in the world," you responded, a bright smile on your face. "I just try my hardest to make that possible for him."
"I'm sure he deeply appreciates that."
You two stopped in front of the door with Jim's name scribbled on the chalkboard adorning it. She knocked twice and waited a moment before entering. "Who is it?" you heard Jim mumble before you saw him sit up slightly, getting ready to turn and face the door.
"Someone is here to see you." With that, the nurse patted your shoulder before hurrying off, leaving the two of you alone.
Jim turned all the way around and his face immediately lit up when he saw you standing in the door way. "Am I dreaming?"
You shook your head and chuckled softly, stepping inside and pulling the door shut almost all the way. "I'm real, Jimmy."
He sat up and swung his feet off the bed, his eyes trained on you as you walked over to him. "I thought everyone forgot."
His words made you frown slightly, shaking your head as you stepped in-between his legs. "I could never forget about you, love."
He beamed at that, wrapping his arms around your waist and tugging you closer to him. You draped your arms loosely around his neck, your fingers twirling a few strands of his hair around. "Thank you." He pressed his forehead against your abdomen.
"Happy birthday." You leaned down and kissed the crown of his head. "Happy birthday, love."
You watched his shoulders steadily rise and fall with each breath, unable to help but notice that his pace matched yours. "Medina called."
You pulled away momentarily so you could sit down next to him on the bed. "She did? What's she up to?"
"She's down in Hawaii. She got invited to participate in a competition." His voice began to shake slightly and you reached up to brush away a few strands of hair that blocked his face.
"When you get out of here, they'll invite you too. I know they will."
He smiled weakly and took your hands in his. "Will you come with me?"
You nodded and flashed him a bright smile. "Definitely. I go wherever you go, handsome."
A comfortable silence blanketed you two for a moment before he spoke. "Can I have a proper birthday party when I leave?"
You nodded and he rested his head on your shoulder, his forehead pressed against your neck. "We'll have everyone you want there, and I can make that cheesecake you love so much." You sighed softly. "But, as for now, I saw those honey buns you like in the vending machine outside. You want one?"
He nodded and reluctantly lifted his head so he could look into your eyes. "You're too good for me."
"No, I'm just better than who you've had before. I'm far from too good for you, but I try."
He chuckled and rose from the bed, pulling you with him as he made the trek over to the vending machine. "God, I've been craving these things for forever."
Your heart ached at the thought, knowing no one other than you came to visit him and get him something that was far from a luxury in your mind.
You shook the thought from your head and bought four honey buns- one for you and three for him. "Hey Y/N?"
"Yeah, sweetheart?" You grabbed the buns from the slot and handed three of them to him.
"I love you. A lot."
You smiled at that, turning to face him fully. "I know. I love you a lot too."
He led you back to his room and he sat down on his bed, his back against the headboard as he crossed his legs in front of him. You sat down next to him and mirrored his position, resting your head on his shoulder. "Happy birthday, my love," you whispered as he took a bite of his first honey bun.
"Thank you, baby." He turned his head and pecked your lips. The artificial honey transferred onto your lips, but his lips tasted even sweeter than the substance. Your eyes fluttered closed and you pressed your lips to his again, longing for another taste.
"I'm sorry, Jimmy," you whispered, tears welling in your eyes.
"What for?" His free hand cupped the side of your head, his fingers slipping slightly into your hair.
"Everything, I guess. Not visiting you more. Not taking care of you so all of this could be avoided. Not watching you more-"
"Y/N, stop. None of this is your fault." He nuzzled his nose into your hair. "You've visited me more than anyone else has, and that's all that matters. You're here for me, and you care about me."
The tears began to flow freely now. You nuzzled your face into his shoulder and let out a few sobs. “How did I get someone as perfect as you, Jim?” You clutched his shirt and sniffled, taking a few deep breaths. 
“I ask myself that question every day. How did I end up with you, lovely?”
His fingers began to massage your scalp and you melted into his touch. 
Suddenly, a sniffle sounded and you looked up at him to see a few tears slipping down his face. “Oh, Jimmy, don’t cry.” You quickly reached up and wiped them away, your thumbs lingering on his cheeks afterwards. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said all that. I made you upset.”
“Shh, it’s okay, Y/N. It isn’t your fault.” He flashed you a soft smile. “They’re tears of joy, baby. Because I love you so much and I’m so happy you’re here.”
“I love you too.” The tips of your fingers slowly skimmed over his face, stopping to trace over his lips. “So, so much.” Your eyes fluttered shut for a moment and you focused on his gentle breathing and the soft feeling of his skin under your fingertips, taking in the fact that he was still there with you.
He was still alive.
“Y/N?” he hummed, pulling you back to reality. 
A small heat spread across your cheeks and you chuckled, shaking your head softly and opening your eyes to stare into his. “Sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts.” Sitting up, you shifted slightly before draping your legs across his lap, nuzzling your nose into his shoulder. “So, how are you holding up in here?”
A soft sigh slipped past his lips and he kissed the crown of your head. “Boring.” He snaked an arm around your legs and pulled you closer to him. “But everything’s boring without you.”
“Such a sap.” A playful shove was delivered to your arm and you shoved him back. “How are you feeling?”
“Better than I felt when I first got in here.” His teeth found purchase on his lower lip. “I’m just... On edge a lot, I guess.”
You just nodded. “I’m proud of you.”
Your head rose from his shoulder and locked eyes with him. “If I was in your position, I don’t think I could’ve gotten this far.” You offered him a small smile. “You’re strong, love. Much stronger than me.”
His hand cupped your cheek. “You’re the one who kept me going. You’re much stronger. You persevered.”
“We both did.” Your hand took his and led his knuckles to your mouth, pressing soft kisses along the now-smooth skin. “I stayed for you, and you stayed for me.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while, just basking in each other’s presence, letting the peaceful atmosphere wash over you two. 
“Y/N?” he whispered. “When I get out of here, Medina is gonna be in Greece.” His fingers lazily played with a strand of your hair. “Can we go and see her?”
You nodded. “Whatever you want, love. I’ll book the flight when I get home.”
“You’re the best, beautiful.”
“Anything for you.” You pecked his lips. “I’d give you everything if I could.”
“You already have.”
And there the two of you sat for hours, thinking of only the future as the past was too far behind you two. 
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fernfiction · 4 years
hello hi! first off welcome to the fandom luv!!! second,, may i request a lil blurb with jim taking reader’s virginity? if you’re comfy with that ofc! thank you! - jimmason
Thankyou so much for being so welcoming my love. I really enjoyed writing this, but it's a bit too long. I hope you enjoy 🥺
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(fluffy sweet smut. losing virginity)
You answered the door to a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses. You already knew they were from Jim. You'd been together 6 months and were celebrating tonight. It wasn't just your 6 month dinner tonight however. Tonight was the night. Tonight you were going to give yourself fully to Jim.
The best part of this was the fact that it had been your idea. Jim was so patient and understanding. When you'd told him you were a virgin, he simply said "Alright. That's cool. No judgements from me sweets" Jim had already slept with a few girls and although that had initially put you off him, there was something about the way both of you had connected. A deeper connection than Jim had felt with anyone else.
You smiled contentedly as you chose your outfit for tonight. You picked out a black satin mini dress with spaghetii straps and some strappy heels. You were going to quite a fancy restaurant so you wanted to make the effort. The real effort however, went in to picking your lingerie. You'd ordered a red strapless lace bra with a matching red thong. You knew Jim was going to lose it when he saw you in it. You sprayed yourself with your new Gucci perfume and waited for Jim to pick you up.
"Sweets, I'm outside." read the text. You practically ran to the door. As you got into Jims car, you saw him eye you up and down. "Holy shit y/n.. You look breathtaking" "Thankyou Jimmy, you don't look too bad either" you smirked.
Dinner had felt excruciatingly long. The anticipation of what was to come had been making you fidgety all night. Jim seemed fairly relaxed which only made you even more nervous. What if you weren't good enough? What if he compared you to the other girls?! CLICK CLICK. Jim snapped his fingers in front of your face. "Y/n!! Come on, let's go inside!"
You'd arrived at Jims and you hadn't even noticed. He helped you out of the car and you walked in to his flat. He told you to wait whilst he went into the bedroom. 10 minutes later he called you to join him. Your heart fluttered as you noticed the candles and the soft melodic music in the background. Jim had loosened his shirt and unbuttoned it. He pulled you closer and you kissed. This kiss felt different tonight. It was so intense and laced with desire. As Jims used his tongue to suck yours, your hand caressed his toned chest. He pulled you to the bed and laid you down.
"Sweets, we'll take it slow. I'm gonna start and if it feels good just let me know. If you want me to stop, just say so. I want it to be perfect okay?" You nodded and let Jim have his way. He started by kissing your neck and fondling your breasts. He pulled the straps of your dress down and saw the red bra. "Oh fuck.. Your tits look irresistible in this.." You knew he would love it. He left your bra on but removed your dress completely. As he kissed down your stomach, he put his fingers on the waistband of your thong and tugged.
"Is this okay?" he asked. "Yes Jim.. I want this.. Please." You and Jim had only ever touched each other before. No oral sex or anything. But you were ready to finally feel his gorgeous plump lips on your cunt. He peeled off the lace and groaned. "I can't believe I get to taste this finally y/n.." His tongue moved in a slow long manner as he relished in your scent and taste. You instinctively moved your hips up and down as his tongue pleasured you. When he wrapped his lips around your clit, your legs started trembling due to the sensitivity. Jim noticed and slowed down. "Wait Jim..it's too sensitive" "That's okay. Don't worry. Do you want to taste me..?" You had been waiting for this moment all day. "Yes Jim.. I need you"
Jim stood at the edge of the bed as you sat up. He removed his pants and threw them behind him. You started by palming him outside his boxers. He was throbbing in your hand and you felt a damp patch. You released his cock and looked up at him. Jim just nodded. Gently, you kissed the head and swirled your tongue over it. Jim mumbled something and you carried on. Creating the perfect o shape with your lips, you began sucking his cock whilst holding it at the base. "Oh god you're great at this.. How.. Mmhmm" Jim looked down at you with adoring eyes as you continued fucking him with your mouth. You were starting to get into it when Jim pulled out. "Y/n.. I think we should.. You know. Before I cum already"
As you lay back down, you saw Jim pull out a condom and roll it over his cock. Positioning himself on top of you, he stared into your eyes and kissed your lips. "I'm gonna work myself in slowly okay? If it hurts, just tell me." You felt Jim rub your pussy with his fingers, gently opening you up. You could hear how wet you were. Then you felt it. The slight burning sensation of his thick rigid cock. Your walls tightened and Jim stopped." It's okay baby. Relax. It's gonna feel good in a second" You trusted Jim so you told him to continue.
It did hurt slightly, but a sweet pain. Jim pulled out slightly and then back in. A soft rocking rhythm. "Ohh Jim.. Yes.. This feels good baby. Don't stop.." His thrusts were slow but deep. He was hitting a spot you'd never felt before and the sensation was euphoric. "Y/n.. Your pussy feels even better than I had imagined. You're perfect"
You lips met again, but much hungrier than before. "I could lay here and fuck you forever y/n" he whispered in your ear. "We have the rest of our lives together Jim..I can't wait." Gaining confidence, you started to grind your hips to Jims rhythm. Closing your eyes, you took in this moment. Your first time. With Jim Mason - the love of your life.
Taglist - @jimmason @angelicmichael @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern @whatcodysaid @infernwetrust
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 6 years
Michael Langdon
Duncan Shepherd
Jim Mason
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rampantmuses · 6 years
If You Want My Opinion, Which I’m Sure You Didn’t...
I’m 34 years young. I started on Tumblr well over five years ago. With that being said, I’d like to impart the following knowledge to the newest fandom I’m involved with involving the work of actor Cody Fern, knowing for playing the Antichrist Michael Langdon in AHS: Apocalypse, Duncan Shepherd in House of Cards, Jim Mason in the Tribes of Palos Verdes, as well as David Madson in The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story.
Know that my words come from a place of love....and a crap tonne of experience in various fandoms. If you’d like a resume of my fandoms, just know I’ve survived fandom bollocks/nannies in the Cumberbatch, Hiddleston, and Seb Stan fandoms and I’m still here. I speak from experience. I’m not here to gatekeep...what I am here to do is share what I have seen and what can divide.
Don’t Be That Fan...
You don’t get brownie points for being a fandom nanny. The fandoms I’ve dealt with? None of the fans I ever dealt with or am still friends with liked the resident fandom nanny. If they did like them, they were usually sycophantic people who agreed with every word that came out of the nanny’s “mouth”. Why aren’t they liked? One good reason: they suck the life out of the tags. They act like their defence of whichever actor is so groundbreaking and helpful. Some have even gone so far to act like they’ve got a special connect with that actor (which is kinda disrespectful to the boundary between artist and fan...don’t do that either, know your role and know your boundaries). All that seems to accomplish is the fandom equivalent of a dog peeing on a tree. That’s not cute. The actor your defending the “honour” of can more than likely fend for themselves. They don’t need you to do it for them. Slow your roll.
Regarding Fan Fiction...
People will always have opinions about fan fiction. If you enjoy it: read it, share it, give feed back or constructive criticism. Help an author out if you can. Be supportive as best you can as it’s a medium that’s actually a craptonne of work at which people like to sneer.
If you don’t, I don’t know what to tell you. You may want to keep it from existing. However, it’s a public page, and until someone decides to remove fan fic from Tumblr, It may be best to ignore or block these blogs. Best motto is to live and let live.
If you’re in a prudish mode about erotic fan fic you may find in the tags? That’s all you. Self respect and sexual confidence are not mutually exclusive concepts that never meet. That’s an erroneous construct someone fed you and you ate it wholesale. They are a Venn Diagram that is a complete circle. If you have an issue with erotica in fan fic, again...block or ignore the blog. You never have to subject yourself to something if you choose not to seek it out.
Share and Share Alike? Back It Up...
If you have an opinion, share away. Don’t be surprised if someone calls you out. Just be prepared to back yourself up with facts. And by facts, I mean actual facts, not just more of your opinions. Opinion isn’t enough anymore, no matter how persuasive it is. Name calling nullifies your argument and makes you look like a child. Be better than that. Discussion will always lead to a better result than an online screaming match.
Golden Rule...Don’t Be a Bellend
Just...don’t be a dick. Life is chaos. Be kind. You’ll bring in more people with kindness that with prickish behaviour. I’ve made amazing friends through this site. I would like to think that we’d love to be that person made that impact on someone else. A new fan is looking for someone to share their enthusiasm with. Why not geek out with them?
If you’re doing good things, continue to do good. If you’re reading this and getting mad, chances are you’re throwing up walls instead of setting up a longer table for the fandom family to grow. At the end of the day, we’re all fans of an amazing person whose work we enjoy. Why be elusive and exclusive?
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Hi @latimes @latimesmobile-blog,
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This is The Whole Untold Story Of The Great Actor Kenneth Tobey:
Early years
Kenneth Jesse Tobey was born in 1917 in Oakland, California. According to the United States Census of 1930 for Oakland,13-year-old "Kenneth J." was the eldest of three sons of Jesse V. Tobey and his wife Frances H. Tobey. That census also documents that Tobey's father was an automobile-tire salesman and that young Kenneth was of Irish and Russian ancestry. His paternal grandmother's parents were both natives of the "Ireland Free State", and his mother's parents were born in Russia, although they apparently had immigrated to South America, where Frances Tobey had been born and where in her youth the preferred language spoken in her family's household—again documented in the census—was Spanish. Following his graduation from high school in 1935, Kenneth was headed for a career in law when he first dabbled in acting at the University of California Little Theater. That stage experience led to a drama scholarship, a year-and-a-half of study at New York's Neighborhood Playhouse, where his classmates included fellow University of California at Berkeley alumni Gregory Peck, Eli Wallach, and Tony Randall.
During World War II, Tobey joined the United States Army Air Forces, serving in the Pacific as a rear gunner aboard a B-25 bomber. Throughout the 1940s, with the exception of his time in military service, Tobey acted on Broadway and in summer stock. After appearing in a 1943 film short, The Man of the Ferry, he made his Hollywood film debut in the 1947 Hopalong Cassidy western Dangerous Venture. He then went on to appear in scores of features and on numerous television series. In the 1949 film Twelve O' Clock High, he is the negligent airbase sentry who is dressed down by General Frank Savage (played by Gregory Peck). That same year Tobey performed in a brief comedy bit in another film, I Was a Male War Bride. His performance in that minor part caught the attention of director Howard Hawks, who promised to use the thirty-two-year-old actor in something more substantial.
The Thing from Another World
In 1951, Tobey was cast in Howard Hawks' production The Thing from Another World. In this classic sci-fi film he portrays Captain Patrick Hendry, a United States Air Force pilot, who at the North Pole leads a scientific outpost's dogged defense against an alien portrayed by James Arness, later the star of the television series Gunsmoke. Tobey's performance in Hawks' film garnered the actor other parts in science fiction movies in the 1950s, usually reprising his role as a military officer, such as in The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms (1953) and It Came from Beneath the Sea (1956).
Tobey appeared in the 1952 episode "Counterfeit Plates" on the CBS series Biff Baker, U.S.A., an espionage drama starring Alan Hale, Jr. He was cast too in the 1954-1955 CBS legal drama The Public Defender, starring Reed Hadley. He guest-starred in three episodes of NBC's western anthology series Frontier. His Frontier roles were as Wade Trippe in "In Nebraska" (1955) and then as Gabe Sharp in "Out from Texas" and "The Hostage" (1956). In 1955, he also portrayed legendary frontiersman Jim Bowie on ABC's Davy Crockett, a Walt Disney production, with Fess Parker in the title role. After Bowie's death in the series at the Battle of the Alamo, Tobey played a second character, Jocko, in the two final episodes of Davy Crockett.
Tobey then, in 1957, appeared in the syndicated religion anthology series Crossroads in the role of Mr. Alston in the episode "Call for Help" and as Jim Callahan in "Bandit Chief" in the syndicated western series The Sheriff of Cochise. Later that same year, Tobey starred in the television series The Whirlybirds, a successful CBS and then-syndicated adventure produced by Desilu Studios. In it he played the co-owner of a helicopter charter service, along with fellow actor Craig Hill. The Whirlybirds was a major hit in the United States and abroad, with 111 episodes filmed through 1960. It remained in syndication worldwide for many years.
In 1958, Tobey also appeared as John Wallach in the episode "$50 for a Dead Man" in Jeff Richards's NBC western series Jefferson Drum. In 1960, he guest-starred in the episode "West of Boston" of another NBC western series, Overland Trail, starring William Bendix and Doug McClure. He performed as well in the ABC western series The Rebel, starring Nick Adams. Tobey made three guest appearances on Perry Mason, twice in 1960 and once in 1962 as Jack Alvin, a deputy district attorney. On the long-running western series Gunsmoke, he portrayed a cruel, knife-wielding buffalo hunter, Ben Spadden, in the 1960 episode titled "The Worm". Tobey in 1962 also guest-starred on another western series, Lawman, playing the character Duncan Clooney, an engineer who seeks to move a shipment of nitroglycerin through Laramie, Wyoming. When the town is evacuated to allow passage of the explosives, two of Clooney's employees decide they will take advantage of the situation to rob the bank.
Tobey guest-starred as well in Jack Lord's 1962-1963 ABC adventure series about a rodeo circuit rider, Stoney Burke. In 1967 he performed on the series Lassie, in the episode "Lure of the Wild", playing a retired forest ranger who tames a local coyote. He also appeared as a slave owner named Taggart in "The Wolf Man", a 1967 episode of Daniel Boone, starring Fess Parker. A few of the many other series in which Tobey later performed include Adam-12 (1969), Gibbsville (1976), MV Klickitat (1978), Emergency! (1975), and Night Court (1985).
He became a semi-regular on the NBC series I Spy as the field boss of agents Robinson and Scott. Christian Nyby, director of The Thing From Another World, often directed those episodes. Tobey also portrayed a ship's captain on the Rockford Files, in an episode titled "There's One in Every Port".
Other films
In 1957, Tobey portrayed a sheriff in The Vampire (a film that some sources today often confuse with the 1935 production Mark of the Vampire). That year he also appeared in a more prestigious film, serving as a featured supporting character with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, the co-stars of John Ford's The Wings of Eagles. In that film, Tobey—with his naturally red hair on display in vibrant Metrocolor—portrays a highly competitive United States Army Air Service officer. In one memorable scene he has the distinction of shoving a piece of gooey cake into the face of John Wayne, whose character is a rival United States Navy aviation officer. Not surprisingly, a room-wrecking brawl ensues.
Tobey's work over the next several decades was increasingly involved in television productions. He did, though, continue to perform in a range of feature films, such as Stark Fear, Marlowe, Billy Jack, Walking Tall, The Howling, the war movie MacArthur (in which he portrays Admiral "Bull" Halsey), Airplane!, Gremlins, Big Top Pee-wee, and Gremlins 2: The New Batch.
Although Tobey had a busy acting career in films and on television, he also periodically returned to the stage. In 1964 he began a long run on Broadway opposite Sammy Davis, Jr., in the musical version of Clifford Odets' play Golden Boy. Some of his other Broadway credits are As You Like It, Sunny River, Janie, Sons and Soldiers, A New Life, Suds in Your Eye, The Cherry Orchard, and Truckline Cafe.
Later years
As his long career drew to a close, Tobey still received acting jobs from people who had grown up watching his performances in sci-fi films of the 1950s, particularly Joe Dante, who included the veteran actor in his stock company of reliable players. Two appearances on the sitcom Night Court came the same way, through fans of his work. Along with other character actors who had been in 1950s sci-fi and horror films (John Agar, Robert O. Cornthwaite, Gloria Talbott, etc.), Tobey starred in a spoof originally titled Attack Of The B Movie Monster. In 2005, Anthem Pictures released the completed feature version of this spoof on DVD under the new title The Naked Monster. Tobey's scenes in that release were actually shot in 1985, so The Naked Monster is technically his final film credit, being released three years after his death. He had, however, continued to act throughout most of the 1990s. One of those notable roles is his performance in the 1994 Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Shadowplay" as Rurigan, an alien who recreates his dead friends as holograms. Among other examples of Tobey's final decade of work are his two appearances as Judge Kent Watson on the series L.A. Law.
In 2002, Tobey died of natural causes at age 85 in Rancho Mirage, California.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Dead Space And Isaac Clarke
Kind of difficult to think of a title that fits. But just saying wanted to make this after OK KO was done yet was on laptop for a bit not much it's 4:09 pm
Basically what I wanted to talk about a few days ago. I had found out Visceral Games the developer who made the original Dead Space trilogy was shut down. That night or something I had watched some videos and honestly saddened. That I even talked to myself about just my thoughts.
I have mentioned Dead Space before just as my earlier text post today in the morning about some aliens and shit. But I wanna get to this.
I've been wanting to make this and now I have the feeling to make it something interesting. Also spoilers for the Dead Space series just in case.
Seriously I really liked the Dead Space mainly the trilogy never played the other games or seen the animated films. Yet I seriously liked the series. Including the 2nd game. But also the character of Isaac Clarke himself.
Seriously Isaac Clarke was a bad ass mother fucker. I honestly liked it that they developed his character for the first sequel. Including when I was in the shower an hour ago or something. I thought about why I seemed to like the character very much. He's a character that's always stuck in my mind.
Including in a weird way I wanna mention I don't know if I should say Dead Space 2 is a masterpiece. I shouldn't but it's because it's the only game I've completed while I watched the endings of the 1st and 3rd games. Yet got far in them a bit I guess for the first. Seriously I was young a bit. Including I kept replaying Dead Space 2 because it had a new game option where I can have all my equipment I had and I loved that. Along with I honestly loved the story and Isaac in that game.
I thought of possibly the reason why I honestly like Isaac a lot. Including why he's stuck as one of my favorites. Is because despite the series being set in the 26th century in a scifi setting he is seriously a normal guy a engineer who got caught up in shit with the nercomorphs. In a weird way I've kind of compared him to something similar like the protagonist's of the Silent Hill games. Where Resident Evil that series the characters are mostly trained for any sort of situation. Yet that doesn't mean Chris Redfield, Leon Kennedy, and others aren't bad characters. But compared to the likes of Harry Mason from the first Silent Hill game and James Sunderland from Silent Hill 2 had to check Youtube for his last name and again right now in case. But those guys were normal people. Including Silent Hill 2 from what I've know and see is a more personal story compared to Harry while it's another story but also looking for his daughter Cherry.
It's a weird comparison but it's something I feel is like that with Isaac. But this time in a science fiction setting. Including Dead Space 2 is where their was the story about the Sprawl but also Isaac's personal struggle.
Including what amazes me and I can't believe I'm still stunned by this discovery very long ago. Remembering reading a YouTube comment surprised and went to the wiki revealing Isaac was 49 years old during the events of Dead Space 2 and 3 because 3 takes a few months after 2. Meaning he's almost 50 when in the first and second I thought he was in his 30's or 40's not mid to late 40's.
While I'm not surprised by Bill from Left 4 Dead who's age is unknown and some of the Overwatch characters. I think I'm so surprised and enlightened by the character of Isaac of how much shit he goes through. While having some narly suits okay a friend sent a photo but the guy is seriously a normal person. Including someone who's not trained for combat. Something similar to the characters of the first Alien and other stuff. Because people compare Alien and Dead Space.
Also seriously the voice of Gunner Wright is amazing and him voicing but also being the model for the character. That I was looking up some videos while waiting for the OK KO such as this sounds video of him from Dead Space 2 just mainly screaming, groaning, and breathing.
Funny thing I said this when I was in room said I'm 49 fucken years old trying to be Isaac yet he never says that. But it does relate to just....I just love it when he swears or just... seriously. Including my favorite line from the series and kind of want this as a meme it's from the ending of Dead Space 2.
"FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR MARKER!" seriously I love that line Including all the shit leading up to that.
Seriously some people don't seem to like that Isaac got a personality but I'm sorry or not I fucking loved it that the 2nd game went that direction.
Also let's talk about the games themselves the games are awesome. They have awesome gameplay and honestly scary at times. Including the Nercomorphs these brutal undead mother fuckers that do scare me and are just awesome. Along with how gruesome they are and tough. Including the whole dismemberment of arms and legs. Really I feel Dead Space 2 takes the cake as the most fucked up in the series. It's been a while since I've played the first and the third is a different story.
I wanna talk about the shutting down of Visceral Games and that I even thought about and concerned of me buying another EA game. You've heard their terrible. Along with I remember the last EA game I bought was Titanfall 2 got that for Christmas of last year i think. It's a game I really enjoy but been a long while since I've played it. Including fans talking about the possibility of getting a new publisher please.
Also about Dead Space 3 I'm okay with it. Yet yeah I feel the action direction basically people talked about this and it's maybe similar to that of Resident Evil and how it went down that route.
Seriously I liked the addition of John Carver the other character you could play as. A soldier compared to Isaac who is a engineer. I didn't play the co op because I do not wanna get an EA account. Just okay looked twice tv on yet I wanna say I have seen his cutscenes. I seriously felt like and talked to someone who's on Deviantart and on here haven't followed them. We both agreed and I would of personally liked it if John's personal missions where he's basically kind of going through well yeah the same thing as Isaac in the first two games. Including that it mainly stays to the horror side of things.
But seriously their was some stuff I was bothered by with certain directions they went with. Including that story DLC Awakened while nice but this stupid cliffhanger.
Yet will say would of liked it if you could played as John Carver in single player at times instead of... honestly this co op it's a nice idea just....the action direction and just this one video s gaming Jim Sterling I looked on YouTube. Found this video too this is where I found out about the information but just at the part where they talk about Visceral Games shutting down. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HJ4eie-e2hc
Including that guys video I mentioned was the 2nd video I watched.
Really I wasn't all that sad at first but then even thinking about it more. Okay I was sad at first. But then I got to think about it more and it just sucks. Basically a video game franchise I liked and respected. Including a video game character I loved I said is now dead in a way.
Including I think yeah I wanted a Dead Space 4 but seriously even a HD Remaster of the first three games because I love those games and I honestly live for remasters because it's difficult to let go of certain games unless you have the system for it. Just yawned yet not everyone wants to do that.
Even today I thought of can we give Dead Space to a new developer or just reboot Dead Space and give it to a new developer.
Yet honestly realistically that's not gonna happen. Including Dead Space is one of EA's games as Visceral Games was built up with EA. But seriously I'm sure I don't want another EA related game again because I don't wanna give them money.
Really it's sad seeing a series like Dead Space go. A series I honestly liked and would of loved to see more games. Including again me liking the character of Isaac Clarke.
Basically during my time before I wanted to try to make this like I mentioned. But also looked on Wikipedia a bit of Dead Space not Visceral Games. Yet I also watched that funny yet nice Random Encounters musical of Dead Space and honestly would love a 2nd part.
Including decided to listen to it's called award winner a the music playing for the Remembering SpongeBob from well SpongeBob SquarePants. Just thinking of Isaac Clarke mainly. Honestly something like that surprised more people haven't used that as a joke but also a nice thing to remembering something you liked a lot dearly. It should be a meme in a way. So without further a do.
Remembering Dead Space and Isaac Clarke.
*gonna find music https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p6DKzNRdwyI now gifs oh God it's playing the song*
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After the 7th wanted to type but wanted to put more. Yet wanted to say for that part I put there 3rd gif by mistake. Including I even said to myself after I found out the news.
That Isaac Clarke in PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale was honestly awesome and I guess beautiful I'm thinking now. Because I'm a fan of the series and the character. Including it was my first DLC I ever downloaded on my old PS3 when I joined PlayStation Network. Now I can't play my old PS3 and can't get Isaac or any of the other dlc characters. Seriously no complete or ultimate edition definitive edition I wanted to say and spell right before ultimate. Also the music rarely plays like that and tried it again but couldn't lol. Now got tags down wanted to share this lol just wanted to talk just okay to smile. Yet sad but just breathe I wanted to talk about this oh stomach a bit my thoughts on this I'm stalling now 13 just 5:13 typing too fast and smiled a bit even now
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