#jim lakin
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nofatclips · 5 months ago
Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish [Making of here]
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doctordune · 26 days ago
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'DUNE' by Tarkovsky (Jim Lakin)
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cointahmin · 11 months ago
Bitcoin analistlerinin konuştukları her vakit gündem oluyor. Artık ise Ağustos beklentileri ile ilgili sayılar gelmeye başladı. Pekala analistler neler bekliyor? Yazıma bir bakalım.Analistler Bitcoin için ne bekliyor?Reflexivity Research’ün kurucu ortaklarından William Clemente, vadeli süreç yapan traderlarının beklentilerine yer veriyor. Clemente, Bitcoin konusunda traderların yükseliş beklemediğinin altını çiziyor.İzleme kaynağı Material Indicators’ın kurucularından Keith Alan hususa farklı yaklaşıyor. Binance sipariş defterinde 36.000 dolar düzeyinde yeni bir direnç bloğu ortaya çıkarken “bir geri çekilme beklediğini” söyledi. Alan bu noktada boğaların 36 bin dolara fiyatı taşıyacaklarından emin olmadıklarına vurgu yapıyor. Başka taraftan ona nazaran ralli şimdi bitmedi. Zira Binance’te 30 milyon dolarlık talep duvarı var.Tom Lee Bitcoin için 200.000 doların masada olduğunu düşünüyorLee yıllardır Bitcoin’de yükselişin olacağını söyleyen isimlerden biri. Mayıs 2021’de, kripto para ünitesinin o yılı 100.000 dolar fiyat etiketiyle kapatacağını öngörmüştü. Fakat bu öngörü gerçekleşmemişti.Bununla birlikte Lee, token’ın önümüzdeki birkaç yıl içinde yükselişe geçmesi için birkaç neden sayıyor. BlackRock üzere büyük varlık yöneticilerinin kripto bölümüne adım atarak FTX üzere berbat aktörlerin bıraktığı boşluğu doldurmasının bilhassa kıymetli olduğunu düşünüyor. BlackRock kısa mühlet evvel bir Bitcoin borsa yatırım fonu (ETF) listelemek için müracaatta bulundu. Ayrıyeten geçmişte olandan farklı bir durum kelam konusu. Zira SEC’in bu başvuruyu onaylayabileceğine dair spekülasyonlar var. Başka taraftan Fidelity Investments’ın da bir Bitcoin ETF’si için müracaatta bulunduğuna dikkat çekelim.Cathie Wood’un ve Michael Pizzino’nun BTC vurgularıArk Investment Management CEO’su Cathie Wood  Bitcoin için bilhassa 7 haneli sayılara vurgu yapıyor. Buna nazaran Bitcoin’in 2030 yılına kadar token başına 600.000 dolara ulaşmasını bekliyor. Ayrıyeten daha yükseliş şartlarında 1 milyon dolara ulaşma potansiyeli olduğunu söylüyor. Wood, Bitcoin’in benimsenmesinde itici güç olarak bu yılki bölgesel bankacılık krizini gösteriyor.Kripto traderı ve eğitimci Michael Pizzino dün attığı bir tweet’te Bitcoin’in tekrar 31 bin doların üzerine çıkamadığını belirtti. Borsada son 100 günün “küçük geri dönüşlerden” öbür bir şey olmadan cansız geçtiğini belirtti. Sonuç olarak, trader kripto piyasasında büyük bir şeyin gerçekleşmesinin çok yakın olduğunu belirtiyor.Rager’den korkutan BTC tahminiBitcoin analisti Josh Rager, Bitcoin’in kıymetinde daha sığ geri çekilmeler öngörüyor. Ayrıyeten 24.000 dolarlık bir düzeltme fikrini reddediyor. Rager, yılın ilerleyen periyotlarında 25.000 dolara potansiyel bir düşüş yaşanabileceğini söylüyor. Fakat bunun lakin daha fazla yükselişin akabinde gerçekleşebileceğini belirtiyor. Başka taraftan BlackRock’ın BTC müracaatının reddedilmesi halinde keskin bir düşüş yaşanabileceği ihtarında bulunuyor.Son devirde 31.000 doların üzerindeki dirence karşın, Bitcoin geçtiğimiz ay %15’lik bir artışla yükselişini sürdürdü. Ayrıyeten Ethereum ve birden fazla altcoin’den daha güzel performans gösterdi.Jim Cramer’ın Bitcoin’e yatırım yapılmaması tarafındaki uyarısı dikkat çektiAmerikalı televizyoncu ve CNBC’nin “Mad Money” sunucusu Jim Cramer, 2 milyon takipçisini Bitcoin’e yatırım yapmamaları konusunda bir sefer daha uyardı. “Ters Cramer” olarak ün kazanan Cramer’ın bu açıklaması, yakın gelecekte Bitcoin’in fiyatı üzerinde potansiyel olarak olumlu bir tesir yaratabilir.Piyasa ve başka her şey tarihi olarak Cramer’in söylediklerinin tam aykırısı tarafta reaksiyon vermiş durumda. Buna nazaran, cointahmin.com olarak baktığımızda bir sonraki fiyat hareketi, Cramer’in ikazlarının akabinde Bitcoin’in bedelinde yeni bir artış olduğunu gösterecek biçimde hareket edebilir.
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year ago
2020'nin büyük ilgi ile beklenen filmlerinden önde gelen lakin pandeminin ortaya çıkmasıyla bir harf fazla bir süre ertelenen Süratli ve Öfkeli 9 (F9)'dan Super Bowl vesilesiyle yeni bir fragman yayınlandı. Dom Toretto ve arkadaşlarının bu sefer Dom'un bireysel geçmişinden gelen bir tehdide karşı mücadelelerini odağına alan Süratli ve Öfkeli 9'un sanatçı kadrosunda Vin Dizel, Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, Michelle RodriguezJohn Cena, Jim Parrack, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tyrese Gibson, Michael Rooker benzer biçimdeki adlar içerir. Bahar aylarında gösterimde olması beklenen filmlerin mühim bir kısmı Kovid-19 nedeniyle bir kez daha ertelenirken, Süratli ve Öfkeli 9'un vizyon zamanı 28 Mayıs 2021'deki yerinde şu anda bekliyor.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year ago
2020'nin büyük ilgi ile beklenen filmlerinden önde gelen lakin pandeminin ortaya çıkmasıyla bir harf fazla bir süre ertelenen Süratli ve Öfkeli 9 (F9)'dan Super Bowl vesilesiyle yeni bir fragman yayınlandı. Dom Toretto ve arkadaşlarının bu sefer Dom'un bireysel geçmişinden gelen bir tehdide karşı mücadelelerini odağına alan Süratli ve Öfkeli 9'un sanatçı kadrosunda Vin Dizel, Charlize Theron, Helen Mirren, Michelle RodriguezJohn Cena, Jim Parrack, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tyrese Gibson, Michael Rooker benzer biçimdeki adlar içerir. Bahar aylarında gösterimde olması beklenen filmlerin mühim bir kısmı Kovid-19 nedeniyle bir kez daha ertelenirken, Süratli ve Öfkeli 9'un vizyon zamanı 28 Mayıs 2021'deki yerinde şu anda bekliyor.
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antonio-velardo · 1 year ago
Antonio Velardo shares: Jim Nutt’s Art Remains a Mystery. Even to Him. by Max Lakin
By Max Lakin In his first show of new work in over a decade, he has been occupied with a single subject: a portrait of a woman, in which he finds endless variation and human emotion. Published: September 13, 2023 at 10:49AM from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/FuWDazO via IFTTT
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kamreadsandrecs · 2 years ago
Essay by Alexander Chee; Photograph by Ryan McGinley; Styling by Shawn Lakin
Who was I imitating when I was 11, dressed in my grandmother’s old nightgown, telling my cousins they should call me Penelope? Who was I imitating when I began to sneak into my mother’s bathroom to experiment with her makeup? It felt powerful to see her alter the color of her lips or to darken the edges around her eyes and eyelashes. I wanted that power too—the command over someone’s attention. I used to think I was alone in such experiments until I wrote about them and learned that I was not.
Lately, I have been trying to think of when I first saw someone in drag. Was it Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing a duet in the musical White Christmas? Or Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria? Barbra Streisand in Yentl? Harvey Korman on The Carol Burnett Show? Or Jim Bailey as Barbra Streisand, also on The Carol Burnett Show? I loved the variety shows of the 1970s and ’80s, and a performer in drag was not an unusual treat. And yet maybe it was my father dressed as a fortune teller, with one hoop earring and a kerchief on his head, reading palms in a tent for the Portland, Maine, chapter of the Rotary’s fundraiser.
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Robert Preston and Julie Andrews in the movie Victor/Victoria, circa 1982 Hulton Archive//Getty Images
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British comedian Benny Hill, 1954 Express//Getty Images
My first drag-queen story hour was probably The Benny Hill Show. For those of you too young to know, he was a British comedian whose shows ran in the U.S. late at night. I watched the show with my dad, and it was a special treat, happening only on the nights when he’d let me stay up with him to laugh at these British people and their jokes about sexism, sex, and social gaffes. If I’m remembering correctly, this was among the things that came to us in Maine in the ’70s or early ’80s with cable, most likely on some PBS channel.
Drag of this kind was uncontroversial and all around me back then. As a kid, I was watching a lot of men and women in gowns on television. We all were. It was mainstream. And we loved it. Most of us, maybe even more now than back then, still do.
I knew it was meant to be humor if someone I thought of as a man appeared dressed as a woman. That or an emergency—maybe both. Bugs Bunny, for example, when dressed in drag, was trying to outwit Elmer Fudd, the hunter, who was hoping to “kill the wabbit.” That famous Merrie Melodies short is also a tribute to Wagner, with Bugs in drag on the back of a horse, wearing pink eye shadow, a blond wig of braids, and some very sexy falsies that look out of place in a Warner Bros. cartoon. Elmer honks his way through an anglicized version of Siegfried’s aria, complete with the trills of an orchestra, calling Bugs “Bwoon Hilda” and asking him to be his love. Bugs bats his eyelashes at Elmer, and it is as beautiful a memory of entertainment in my childhood as I can remember. Like the best satire, it is great in part because it is sincere.
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Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman in a scene from The Carol Burnett Show in 1973 CBS Photo Archive//Getty Images
ragedy comes, as it must in opera, when Bugs’s helmet and wig fall off after he is dipped too intensely by Elmer. Plonk, plonk, plonk goes the helmet, down the stairs of the temple of their love. Bugs pulls Elmer’s own “magic helmet” down over his eyes and escapes. The tunic with falsies flies into the wind, like the ghost of the beauty we saw moments before. Elmer rouses a Wagnerian storm to kill the rabbit as revenge, but only when he sees Bugs, flung down on a rock, under a single dripping rain-wet pink flower, does he repent and gather him into his arms, sobbing as he carries Bugs away. At which point Bugs reveals himself to be alive and says, “Well, what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending?”
Watching it again now in the 21st century, during a manufactured moral panic over drag, I think the lesson of “What’s Opera, Doc?” isn’t that we shouldn’t do drag. Instead, it’s that we shouldn’t kill and that we should love as we feel necessary. I feel like this is always the message of drag, and if that’s dangerous, well, what is it dangerous to? And isn’t the call to love what’s really dangerous—risking it all for love? I think we know it is. It took me a decade at least after first seeing that animated story to learn that “What’s Opera, Doc?” describes the panic defense men have used after killing trans women and gender-nonconforming people for a very long time.
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A lobby card from “What’s Opera, Doc?” from 1957LMPC//Getty Images
As Bugs Bunny knew, gender is theater, whatever else it is. And as one of Neil Gaiman’s characters in a Miracleman comic book said this spring, offhandedly, gender is “a choice, not an obligation.” The people who need your gender choices to affirm their own—for you to obey something like a legally binding contract you never signed, given out at birth—are not any more secure once they’ve obtained this obedience from you. Theirs is a vast and unfeeling appetite for reassurance, and it must not be given room to grow.
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Barbra Streisand filming Yentl in 1982Hulton Archive//Getty Images
I was raised with drag, by drag. We all were. By comedians, by entertainers, by brave friends—the ones who were afraid and still did what they had to do anyway. I am thinking of a friend in high school, a punk boy who was the first man I knew to wear makeup out to the clubs and even to school. I longed to be as beautiful as him, but mostly as brave, and when I remember the power of his beauty, it wasn’t that he didn’t care about what people thought of his choices—it was that he did. He was hoping to confront their disapproval, look by look by look. When I think back to those times before, I remember how it felt like crawling along the edge of a cliff. I know it’s where the enemies of drag want to go with all of these threats.
Do you really want child protective services called by a “concerned neighbor” if you let your children paint their nails or yours in some way considered inappropriate to gender? Do you want librarians living in terror? The freedom you feel now to sit in the sun as children wear tutus and butterfly wings, glitter on their cheeks, regardless of gender, dancing and singing—that was bought in part by a drag queen you’ve never met, in a city you’ll never visit.

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kammartinez · 2 years ago
Essay by Alexander Chee; Photograph by Ryan McGinley; Styling by Shawn Lakin
Who was I imitating when I was 11, dressed in my grandmother’s old nightgown, telling my cousins they should call me Penelope? Who was I imitating when I began to sneak into my mother’s bathroom to experiment with her makeup? It felt powerful to see her alter the color of her lips or to darken the edges around her eyes and eyelashes. I wanted that power too—the command over someone’s attention. I used to think I was alone in such experiments until I wrote about them and learned that I was not.
Lately, I have been trying to think of when I first saw someone in drag. Was it Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye singing a duet in the musical White Christmas? Or Julie Andrews in Victor/Victoria? Barbra Streisand in Yentl? Harvey Korman on The Carol Burnett Show? Or Jim Bailey as Barbra Streisand, also on The Carol Burnett Show? I loved the variety shows of the 1970s and ’80s, and a performer in drag was not an unusual treat. And yet maybe it was my father dressed as a fortune teller, with one hoop earring and a kerchief on his head, reading palms in a tent for the Portland, Maine, chapter of the Rotary’s fundraiser.
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Robert Preston and Julie Andrews in the movie Victor/Victoria, circa 1982 Hulton Archive//Getty Images
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British comedian Benny Hill, 1954 Express//Getty Images
My first drag-queen story hour was probably The Benny Hill Show. For those of you too young to know, he was a British comedian whose shows ran in the U.S. late at night. I watched the show with my dad, and it was a special treat, happening only on the nights when he’d let me stay up with him to laugh at these British people and their jokes about sexism, sex, and social gaffes. If I’m remembering correctly, this was among the things that came to us in Maine in the ’70s or early ’80s with cable, most likely on some PBS channel.
Drag of this kind was uncontroversial and all around me back then. As a kid, I was watching a lot of men and women in gowns on television. We all were. It was mainstream. And we loved it. Most of us, maybe even more now than back then, still do.
I knew it was meant to be humor if someone I thought of as a man appeared dressed as a woman. That or an emergency—maybe both. Bugs Bunny, for example, when dressed in drag, was trying to outwit Elmer Fudd, the hunter, who was hoping to “kill the wabbit.” That famous Merrie Melodies short is also a tribute to Wagner, with Bugs in drag on the back of a horse, wearing pink eye shadow, a blond wig of braids, and some very sexy falsies that look out of place in a Warner Bros. cartoon. Elmer honks his way through an anglicized version of Siegfried’s aria, complete with the trills of an orchestra, calling Bugs “Bwoon Hilda” and asking him to be his love. Bugs bats his eyelashes at Elmer, and it is as beautiful a memory of entertainment in my childhood as I can remember. Like the best satire, it is great in part because it is sincere.
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Carol Burnett and Harvey Korman in a scene from The Carol Burnett Show in 1973 CBS Photo Archive//Getty Images
ragedy comes, as it must in opera, when Bugs’s helmet and wig fall off after he is dipped too intensely by Elmer. Plonk, plonk, plonk goes the helmet, down the stairs of the temple of their love. Bugs pulls Elmer’s own “magic helmet” down over his eyes and escapes. The tunic with falsies flies into the wind, like the ghost of the beauty we saw moments before. Elmer rouses a Wagnerian storm to kill the rabbit as revenge, but only when he sees Bugs, flung down on a rock, under a single dripping rain-wet pink flower, does he repent and gather him into his arms, sobbing as he carries Bugs away. At which point Bugs reveals himself to be alive and says, “Well, what did you expect in an opera, a happy ending?”
Watching it again now in the 21st century, during a manufactured moral panic over drag, I think the lesson of “What’s Opera, Doc?” isn’t that we shouldn’t do drag. Instead, it’s that we shouldn’t kill and that we should love as we feel necessary. I feel like this is always the message of drag, and if that’s dangerous, well, what is it dangerous to? And isn’t the call to love what’s really dangerous—risking it all for love? I think we know it is. It took me a decade at least after first seeing that animated story to learn that “What’s Opera, Doc?” describes the panic defense men have used after killing trans women and gender-nonconforming people for a very long time.
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A lobby card from “What’s Opera, Doc?” from 1957LMPC//Getty Images
As Bugs Bunny knew, gender is theater, whatever else it is. And as one of Neil Gaiman’s characters in a Miracleman comic book said this spring, offhandedly, gender is “a choice, not an obligation.” The people who need your gender choices to affirm their own—for you to obey something like a legally binding contract you never signed, given out at birth—are not any more secure once they’ve obtained this obedience from you. Theirs is a vast and unfeeling appetite for reassurance, and it must not be given room to grow.
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Barbra Streisand filming Yentl in 1982Hulton Archive//Getty Images
I was raised with drag, by drag. We all were. By comedians, by entertainers, by brave friends—the ones who were afraid and still did what they had to do anyway. I am thinking of a friend in high school, a punk boy who was the first man I knew to wear makeup out to the clubs and even to school. I longed to be as beautiful as him, but mostly as brave, and when I remember the power of his beauty, it wasn’t that he didn’t care about what people thought of his choices—it was that he did. He was hoping to confront their disapproval, look by look by look. When I think back to those times before, I remember how it felt like crawling along the edge of a cliff. I know it’s where the enemies of drag want to go with all of these threats.
Do you really want child protective services called by a “concerned neighbor” if you let your children paint their nails or yours in some way considered inappropriate to gender? Do you want librarians living in terror? The freedom you feel now to sit in the sun as children wear tutus and butterfly wings, glitter on their cheeks, regardless of gender, dancing and singing—that was bought in part by a drag queen you’ve never met, in a city you’ll never visit.
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davidosu87 · 5 years ago
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chickenbonevfx · 4 years ago
Hacks 2021 Emmy Award Nominations
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Hacks stars Jean Smart as Deborah Vance, a legendary Las Vegas comedy diva looking to appeal to a younger audience. Vance's agent sends Ava (Hannah Einbinder), an entitled 25-year old, to help freshen up the material, and Vance begins mentoring her. The comedy series on HBO Max was awarded 15 Primetime Emmy Award nominations including Best Comedy, Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress for Smart and Einbinder. So honored to be a part of this production team that included HBO Max, Universal Television in association with Paulilu, First Thought Productions, Fremulon Productions, and 3 Arts Entertainment. Congrats to all the nominees! Here are the list of nominations:
Outstanding Casting For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Jeanne McCarthy, CSA, Casting by Nicole Abellera Hallman, CSA, Casting by
Outstanding Contemporary Costumes - 2021
NOMINEE: Kathleen Felix-Hager, Costume Designer Karen Bellamy, Costume Supervisor
Outstanding Directing For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Lucia Aniello, Directed by
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE:  Hacks "Primm" Susan Vaill, ACE, Editor
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "There Is No Line (Pilot)" Jessica Brunetto, Editor
Outstanding Single-Camera Picture Editing For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "Tunnel Of Love" Ali Greer, Editor
Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Jean Smart, as Deborah Vance
Outstanding Supporting Actress In A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Hannah Einbinder, as Ava Daniels
Outstanding Guest Actress In A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Jane Adams, as Nina Daniels Hacks"I Think She Will"
Outstanding Comedy Series - 2021
Outstanding Sound Mixing For A Comedy Or Drama Series (Half-Hour) And Animation - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "Falling" John W. Cook II, Re-Recording Mixer Ben Wilkins, Re-Recording Mixer Jim Lakin, Production Mixer
Outstanding Writing For A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "There Is No Line (Pilot)" Lucia Aniello, Written by Paul W. Downs, Written by Jen Statsky, Written by
Outstanding Cinematography For A Single-Camera Series (Half-Hour) - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "Primm"
Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series - 2021
NOMINEE: Carl Clemons-Hopkins, as Marcus Vaughan
Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Program (Half-Hour) - 2021
NOMINEE: Hacks "Primm" Jon Carlos, Production Designer James Bolenbaugh, Art Director Ellen Reede Dorros, Set Decorator
About Chicken Bone FX
Chicken Bone FX is one of the finest boutique VFX facilities globally employing up to 80 artists known for 2D technical prowess, highly photoreal FX and hard surfaces integration, and creative global workflow.  The company has grown steadily over 10 years and is attached to some of the industry’s highest-profile series such as Westworld, The Walking Dead, Legion, Krypton, and Godless as well as features like The Highwaymen, To All The Boys 2, and The Kissing Booth 2.  CBFX is TPN certified with artist pools in regions all over the world allowing for versatile pricing in a variety of tax incentive regions plus virtual workforce and technology scalability based on project demand.
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haideraman915 · 3 years ago
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By BY MAX LAKIN from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/3ukDupc
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doctordune · 2 years ago
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Jim Lakin
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cointahmin · 11 months ago
Ortaya çıkan ilgi cazibeli bir alaka var. BRICS birliği ile Ripple XRP’nin blockchain teknolojisi. Bilhassa de XRP Ledger (XRPL) ortasındaki kesişim dikkatler çekiyor. Ayrıntılara bakalım.BRICS ve Ripple (XRPL) Ortasındaki Alaka Nedir?BRICS kısaltması, gelişmekte olan beş büyük iktisattan oluşan bir kümesi söz eden tanıdık bir terim. Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan, Çin ve Güney Afrika. Blockchain alanıyla, bilhassa de XRPL ile olan teması pek çok kişinin merakını uyandırdı. BRICS. ekonomik işbirliği için kolektif bir eforun eseri. BRICS ittifakı, üye ülkeler ortasında ekonomik işbirliği ve stratejik diyalog için bir platform oluşturmaya yönelik ortak bir çabayı temsil ediyor.https://twitter.com/Sprinter99800/status/1694288354538320147 Bu kavram 2001 yılında Goldman Sachs ekonomisti Jim O’Neill tarafından global ekonomiyi yine şekillendirmeye aday gelişmekte olan piyasaları tanımlamak üzere ortaya atıldı. BRICS yıllar içinde bir kısaltmadan çok şey söz ediyor. Buna nazaran iktisat siyaseti, kalkınma ve işbirliği tartışmalarını teşvik eden işbirlikçi bir güce dönüştü. BRICS, tepe bildirgeleri ve ortak bildiriler de dahil olmak üzere temel dokümanlarında egemenliğe hürmet, üye devletlerin iç işlerine karışmama ve çok kutuplu bir dünyaya bağlılık üzere temel prensipleri vurguluyor. Bu dokümanlar çoklukla ticaret, yatırım, teknoloji ve sürdürülebilir kalkınma üzere mevzular etrafında dönüyor.BRICS ve Ripple XRPL: Şaşırtan bir yakınlaşmaŞaşırtıcı bir biçimde, bu evraklar kapsamında blockchain teknolojisiyle bir yakınlaşma kelam konusu. Bilhassa de Ripple’ın XRPL’siyle eşsiz bir yakınlaşma ortaya çıkıyor. BRICS dokümanlarında XRPL’den bahsedilmesi dikkat çekiyor. Buna nazaran blockchain teknolojisinin global finans ortamını tekrar şekillendirme potansiyelinin kabul edildiğini yansıtıyor. Bu kabul, BRICS üyesi ülkelerin blockchain finansal sistemleri geliştirmek, şeffaflığı teşvik etmek ve verimli hudut ötesi süreçleri desteklemek için stratejik bir imkan olarak algıladıklarını gösteriyor.https://twitter.com/edward_farina/status/1693384072804917378 Katılım ve işbirliğinin spesifik kapsamı açıkça detaylandırılmamış durumda. Lakin Ripple XRPL’nin dokümanlara dahil edilmesi bile blockchain teknolojisinin yeteneklerini keşfetme ve kullanma konusunda ortak bir ilgiye işaret ediyor. Bu iştirak, üye ülkelerin ekonomik bağlarını ve global tesirlerini güçlendirmenin bir yolu olarak inovasyonu ve dijital dönüşümü benimseme isteklerinin bir göstergesi olarak yorumlanabilir.BRICS-XRPL işbirliğinin potansiyel faydalarıcointahmin.com olarak baktığımızda Ripple XRP Ledger’ı (XRPL), en az fiyatlarla gerçek vakitli, hudut ötesi süreçleri kolaylaştırmaya odaklanması nedeniyle blockchain alanında öne çıkıyor. Yavaş, maliyetli ve aracılara tabi olabilen klasik finansal sistemlerin tersine bir durum var. Buna nazaran, XRPL’nin merkezi olmayan yapısı, meselesiz eşler ortası süreçlere imkan tanıyor. Öteki taraftan daha süratli havale ve daha düşük fiyatlar sağlıyor. Hasebiyle, XRPL teknolojisinin entegrasyonu BRICS üye ülkeleri ortasındaki ticaret ve yatırımı potansiyel olarak kolaylaştırıyor. Buna nazaran ekonomik büyümeyi ve işbirliğini teşvik ediyor.https://twitter.com/emy_wng/status/1692608616379875398 XRPL’nin benimsenmesi potansiyel olarak BRICS ülkeleri ortasında gelişmiş finansal entegrasyona yol açabilir. Süreçlerin gerçek vakitli olarak ve daha düşük fiyatlarla gerçekleştirilebilmesi kıymetli. Buna nazaran  ticaret ve yatırımın artmasını teşvik ederek hem ekonomilere hem de nüfuslara yarar sağlayacak.Aracılara bağımlılıkXRPL’nin merkezi olmayan yapısı BRICS ülkelerinin klasik finansal aracılara olan bağımlılıklarını azaltmalarına yardımcı olacaktır. Başka taraftan blockchain teknolojisi inançlı dijital kimlikler oluşturmak için kullanılabilir. Dolandırıcılığın azaltılması ve hudut ötesi süreçlerin verimliliğinin artırılması kelam konusu. Bunun BRICS bloğu içindeki havaleler ve memleketler arası ticaret üzerinde derin tesirleri olacak.Yapay Zekaya Sorduk:
Ripple Yerine Bu Altcoini Seçiyor!Ripple XRPL’nin ortaklaşa keşfi, BRICS ülkeleri içindeki inovasyon merkezlerinin ve yeni teşebbüslerin önünü açacak. Onları blockchain tabanlı teknolojilerin ve tahlillerin ön saflarında konumlandıracak. Başka taraftan blockchain teknolojisinin benimsenmesi BRICS’in çok kutuplu dünya vizyonuyla uyumlu. Klâsik finansal güç merkezlerinin tesirini azaltarak, üye devletler daha fazla denetim sağlayacak.
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frankrbremer-blog · 3 years ago
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By BY MAX LAKIN from NYT Arts https://ift.tt/3ukDupc
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micomtr · 3 years ago
Ülkemizde Ulaşamadığımız En İyi Disney Plus Dizi ve Filmleri
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İnternet yayıncılığına talep arttıkça, dünyada birçok firma klâsik yayın tekniklerine değil internet yayıncılığına yatırım yapmaya başladı. Şu anda dünya üzerinde Netflix, Amazon, Hulu üzere birçok internet yayıncılığı platformu bulunuyor. Bu platformlardan en kalitelilerinden birisi de Disney Plus, lakin Disney Plus şimdi ülkemizde kullanılabilir durumda değil. Kendi animasyonları ve canlı aksiyon sinemalarından ve ayrıyeten Marvel, Pixar, National Geographic ve Star Wars üzere birçok şirket özelliğinden yararlanabilen Disney Plus, internet yayıncılığında başka platformlardan öne çıkıyor. Birinci çıktığında bünyesinde 500 sinema ve 7.500 kısım dizi bulunduran Disney Plus, gün geçtikçe kütüphanesini genişletmeye devam ediyor. Biz de Disney Plus burada olsa da izlesek dediğimiz sinemaları ve dizileri sizin için listeledik. Keşke ülkemizden de izleyebilsek dediğimiz Disney Plus dizi ve sinemaları - Wolfgang - Avengers sinemaları - Star Wars – orjinal üçleme - Star Wars – devam üçlemesi - Karayip Korsanları üçlemesi - Oyuncak Kıssası üçlemesi - The Mandalorian - The Simpsons - Loki - Monsters At Work - WandaVision - Çıkış tarihi: 2021 - Oyuncular: Sean Connery, Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier - Direktör: David Gelb - IMDb puanı: 7,0 - Çıkış tarihi: 2012 - Oyuncular: Robert Downey Jr. Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson - Direktör: Joss Whedon - IMDb puanı: 8,0 - Çıkış tarihi: 1977 - Oyuncular: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Alec Guinness - Direktör: George Lucas - IMDb puanı: 8,6 - Çıkış tarihi: 2015 - Oyuncular: Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver - Direktör: J.J. Abrams - IMDb puanı: 7,8 - Çıkış tarihi: 2006 - Oyuncular: Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Keira Knightley, Jack Davenport - Direktör: Nazaran Verbinski - IMDb puanı: 7,3 - Çıkış tarihi: 1995 - Oyuncular: Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Jim Varney - Direktör: John Lasseter - IMDb puanı: 8,3 - Çıkış tarihi: 2019 - ... - Oyuncular: Pedro Pascal, Gina Carano, Giancarlo Esposito, Chriss Bartlett - Direktör: Jon Favreau - IMDb puanı: 8,8 - Çıkış tarihi: 1989 - ... - Oyuncular: Don Castellaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Harry Shearer, Julie Kavner - Direktör: James L. Brooks, Matt Groening, Sam Simon - IMDb puanı: 8,6 - Çıkış tarihi: 2021 - Oyuncular: Tom Hiddleston, Owen Wilson, Gugu Mbatha-Raw - Direktör: Michael Waldron - IMDb puanı: 8,4 - Çıkış tarihi: 2021 - Oyuncular: John Goodman, Billy Crystal, Ben Feldman, Mindy Kaling - Direktör: Bobs Gannaway - IMDb puanı: 7,1 - Çıkış tarihi: 2021 - Oyuncular: Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Bettany, Kathryn Hahn, Teyonah Parris - Direktör: Jac Schaeffer - IMDb puanı: 8,0 Marvel Sinematik Kainatına yönelik bir tenkit, kesişen karakterlerinin ve olay örgülerinin doğal bir sonucu olarak tüm sinemaların temelde tıpkı görünmesi ve hissettirmesidir. Iron Man ya da Kaptan Amerika kadar bilinmeyen iki Marvel karakteri Wanda Maximoff ve Vision’ın 60’lar usulünde bir sitcomda izlediğimiz WandaVision, aslında her şeyin göründüğü üzere olmadığı iletisini izleyiciye veriyor. Read the full article
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nancydhooper · 3 years ago
Block the Vote: How Politicians are Trying to Block Voters from the Ballot Box
Voting should be as easy and accessible as possible, and in many cases it is. But in recent years, more than 400 anti-voter bills have been introduced in 48 states. These bills erect unnecessary barriers for people to register to vote, vote by mail, or vote in person. The result is a severely compromised democracy that doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Our democracy works best when all eligible voters can participate and have their voices heard.
Suppression efforts range from the seemingly unobstructive, like strict voter ID laws and cuts to early voting, to mass purges of voter rolls and systemic disenfranchisement. These measures disproportionately impact people of color, students, the elderly, and people with disabilities. And long before election cycles even begin, legislators redraw district lines that determine the weight of your vote.
Below, we’ve listed some of the most rampant methods of voter suppression across the country — and the advocacy and litigation efforts aimed at protecting our fundamental right to vote.
Voter Registration Restrictions
Restricting the terms and requirements of registration is one of the most common forms of voter suppression. Restrictions can include requiring documents to prove citizenship or identification, onerous obstacles for voter registration drives, or limiting the window of time in which voters can register.
Politicians often use unfounded claims of voter fraud to try to justify registration restrictions. In 2011, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach championed a law requiring Kansans to show “proof of citizenship” documents in order to register to vote, citing false claims of noncitizen voting. Most people don’t carry the required documents on hand — like a passport, or a birth certificate — and as a result, the law blocked the registrations of more than 30,000 Kansans. The ACLU sued and defeated the law in 2018. In 2020, the Supreme Court and a 10th Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed the ruling.
After a surge in registrations during the 2018 midterm election, Tennessee legislators imposed substantial requirements on groups that foster political participation via voter registration efforts and created criminal and civil penalties against those who fail to comply with these onerous requirements and turn in “incomplete” applications. The ACLU filed a federal lawsuit challenging the law and blocked it from going into effect in 2019.
Resources on voter registration restrictions
Look up your state’s voter registration requirements | States with online voter registration
Criminalization of the Ballot Box
Some states are discouraging voter participation by imposing arbitrary requirements and harsh penalties on voters and poll workers who violate these rules. In Georgia, lawmakers have made it a crime to provide food and water to voters standing in line at the polls — lines that are notoriously long in Georgia, especially for communities of color. In Texas, people have been arrested and given outrageous sentences for what amount at most to innocent mistakes made during the voting process. ACLU clients Crystal Mason and Hervis Rogers are examples of this egregious treatment.
Because of racism in law enforcement and the broader criminal legal system, criminalization of the ballot box disproportionately impacts people of color, who are more likely to be penalized. This method of voter suppression aims to instill fear in communities of color and suppress their voices in the democratic process.
More on criminalization of the ballot box
Crystal Mason’s story
Felony Disenfranchisement
A felony conviction can come with drastic consequences, including the loss of your right to vote. Some states ban voting only during incarceration, or while on probation or parole. And other states and jurisdictions, like Maine, Vermont, and Washington, D.C., don’t disenfranchise people with felony convictions at all. The fact that these laws vary so dramatically only adds to the overall confusion that voters face, which is a form of voter suppression in itself.
Due to racial bias in the criminal justice system, felony disenfranchisement laws disproportionately affect Black and Brown people, who often face harsher sentences than white people for the same offenses. Many of these laws are rooted in the Jim Crow era, when legislators tried to block Black Americans’ newly won right to vote by enforcing poll taxes, literacy tests, and other barriers that were nearly impossible to meet. To this day, the states with the most extreme disenfranchisement laws also have long histories of suppressing the rights of Black people.
Felony disenfranchisement laws by state
Thirty-six states have identification requirements at the polls, including seven states with strict photo ID laws.
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For more information on each state, click image for full display.
Resources on felony disenfranchisement
Podcast: Desmond Meade and Dale Ho on restoring the right to vote
Voter Purges
Cleaning up voter rolls can be a responsible part of election administration because many people move, die, or become ineligible to vote for other reasons. But sometimes, states use this process as a method of mass disenfranchisement, purging eligible voters from rolls for illegitimate reasons or based on inaccurate data, and often without adequate notice to the voters. A single purge can stop up to hundreds of thousands of people from voting. Often, voters only learn they’ve been erroneously purged when they show up at the polls on Election Day and it’s too late to correct the error.
Election administrators properly keep voter rolls up to date by filtering out voters who have changed their address, died, or otherwise become ineligible to vote. But states often conduct such purges using inaccurate data, flawed processes, and targeting certain voters such as those with felony convictions without enforcing federally-mandated safeguards to prevent purging voters who don’t even fall under the targeted group.
The ACLU has taken action against unlawful voter purges and laws that enable them. In 2019, we stopped Texas’ flawed, discriminatory voter purge list that targeted naturalized citizens. This year, we blocked an Indiana law that would have allowed county elections officials to kick voters off the rolls immediately without their explicit consent or notice, or an opportunity to correct the record.
More on voter purges
Report: Purges: A Growing Threat to the Right to Vote | Congressional Testimony by Sophia Lin Lakin, Deputy Director of the ACLU’s Voting Rights Project
Redistricting and Gerrymandering
Every 10 years, states redraw district lines based on population data gathered in the census. Legislators use these district lines to allocate representation in Congress and state legislatures. When redistricting is conducted properly, district lines are redrawn to reflect population changes and racial diversity. But too often, states use redistricting as a political tool to manipulate the outcome of elections. That’s called gerrymandering — a widespread, undemocratic practice that’s stifling the voices of millions of voters.
The Census Bureau released data from the 2020 Census in August 2021, triggering this once-in-a-decade line drawing process in most states. These new district lines will determine our political voice for the next decade.
The 2020 Census
In 2018, the Trump administration announced plans to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census, with the goal of suppressing participation of immigrant communities, stunting their growing political influence. The question would have resulted in an undercount that goes against the census’ very purpose — to count everybody in this country. Accurate population data is essential in apportioning representation and public funds. The ACLU sued the administration and successfully blocked the citizenship question before the census was conducted.
The Trump Administration's Census Cover-up
Resources on Redistricting and Gerrymandering
See how your district lines have changed over time
Voter ID Laws
Thirty-six states have identification requirements at the polls. Seven states have strict photo ID laws, under which voters must present one of a limited set of forms of government-issued photo ID in order to cast a regular ballot — no exceptions. These strict ID laws are part of an ongoing strategy to suppress the vote.
Over 21 million U.S. citizens do not have qualifying government-issued photo identification, and these individuals are disproportionately voters of color. That’s because ID cards aren’t always accessible for everyone. The ID itself can be costly, and even when IDs are free, applicants must incur other expenses to obtain the underlying documents that are needed to get an ID. This can be a significant burden on people in lower-income communities. Further, the travel required to obtain an ID is an obstacle for people with disabilities, the elderly, and people living in rural areas.
Voter ID Restrictions Imposed Since 2010
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For more information on each highlighted state, click image for full display.
Map as of February 2020
Resources on Voter ID Laws
Look up your state’s voter ID laws
Who's Affected By Voter Suppression?
The short answer is all of us. Our democracy is debased when the vote is not accessible for all. But the fact is that some groups are disproportionately affected by voter suppression tactics, including people of color, young people, the elderly, and people with disabilities. The proof is in the numbers.
Across the country, 1 in 16 Black Americans cannot vote due to disenfranchisement laws.
Counties with larger minority populations have fewer polling sites and poll workers per voter.
In 2018, Latinx and Black Americans were twice as likely as whites to be unable to get off work while polls were open.
25 percent of voting-age Black Americans do not have a government-issued photo ID.
Geographic isolation is a major barrier to Native American voters due to the inaccessibility of nearby polling locations in many reservations. In South Dakota, 32 percent of Native voters cite travel distance as a factor in deciding whether to vote.
More than one-sixth (18 percent) of voters with disabilities reported difficulties voting in person in 2020.
Nearly two-thirds of polling places had at least one impediment for people with disabilities.
How To Protect Your Vote
The right to vote is the most fundamental constitutional right for good reason: democracy cannot exist without the electoral participation of citizens. We vote because it’s we, the people, who are supposed to shape our government. Not the other way around.
President Biden and states can enact measures to encourage rather than suppress voting. Automatic, online, and same-day voter registration encourage participation and reduce chances of error. Early voting helps people with travel or accessibility concerns participate. And states must enforce the protections of the Voting Rights Act.
At an individual level, the best way to fight voter suppression is to know your rights — and vote.
Tell Congress to pass the VRAA, which would reinstate critical protections against voter suppression left behind after the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013. This is even more urgent in the wake of the Supreme Court’s recent decision in Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee, which significantly undercut the protections of another vital provision of the Voting Rights Act.
Know Your Rights before you get to the polling booth. Read and share our guide on what to do if you face registration issues, need disability or language accommodations, or come across someone who’s interfering with your right to vote. Share the guide on Facebook and Twitter to spread the word.
What you can do:
Expand Voting Access During a Pandemic
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