#jim halpert tickle fic
sillyfeathers · 4 years
Care (Jim & Pam x Reader)
Care Characters: Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly, reader Summary: With the end of a Dunder Mifflin internship came time lost, zero experience, and two new friends who have had more of an impact on your life than you realised. Warnings: fluff, implied ‘bad’ home life Words: 1242
A/N: this is part 3 of my Jim/Pam series, prompted by @simplyfluffyfics​! (A little heavy on the sweetness, my apologies if it’s too much)
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“Y/N! Hi!”
You didn’t quite get a response out before a baby was deposited into your arms, and you bit back a grin at the state of the Beesly-Halpert house as you entered.
Cradling Cece, you headed into the living room, having done this routine 100 times before. No matter whether it was last-minute or had been planned for months, whenever Jim and Pam asked you to babysit, there was a fair bit of chaos involved.
You sat down on the sofa, rocking Cece in your arms. Jim entered moments later, his tie slung over one arm and a handful of baby toys in the other.
“Thanks for coming at such short notice,” he said. “I honestly thought Andy would never be allowed to perform in local theatre again.”
“Are you kidding? I’m always happy to,” you hummed, grinning down at the perfect little baby in your arms. You’d always suspected that their kids would turn out to be annoyingly perfect.
After your summer internship at Dunder Mifflin had ended, you’d left that weird few months of your life behind — except for Jim and Pam. They’d pretty much been the one good thing to come out of your time there, and so here you were. A year and a half later, being their on-call babysitter for Cece Halpert.
“Are you sure this is okay? We really don’t have to go,” you heard Pam from over your shoulder, and chuckled.
“Trust me, I would’ve done anything to get out of my house tonight.” Your voice faltered slightly, and Pam slowed in her movements.
You cleared your throat, not liking the feeling that was settling over the room. “Plus, I wouldn’t dare deprive you of seeing Scranton’s most talented actor on stage,” you added, voice dripping with sarcasm. “Go, have fun.”
You saw Jim exchange a familiar look with Pam over your head. She quickly dropped beside you, pressing a kiss to Cece’s forehead, then yours. You wrinkled your nose in fake disgust, smiling as they hurried out the door.
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They arrived home at about 10pm, Cece long asleep and you curled up on their sofa, watching reruns of Boy Meets World. You hardly noticed them come in until the sofa cushions either side of you shifted. You just about jumped out of your skin, looking between the couple who had apparently appeared out of thin air in a mix of amusement and frustration.
“You did that on purpose,” you grumbled, sitting back. They laughed, not even trying to deny it.
“What, you through having a baby would make Jim ‘grow out’ of pranks?” Pam teased. “He has to get his fix somehow.” You rolled your eyes, going to turn the TV off, but Jim grabbed your wrist.
“I need my eyes to be cleansed after seeing what I just saw,” he explained, his voice dramatically pained. You giggled, raising your eyebrows.
“That bad?”
“There was no ‘bird’ this time, so that’s a plus.”
Now, you descended into your favourite part of these nights — just sitting and chatting with Jim and Pam. What with Scranton’s range of people being fairly small, they were kind of your only friends here outside school.
The conversation ended back on pranks, and you were struggling to keep your laughter quiet enough as to not wake Cece.
“I swear, the next time I’m going into work late I’m gonna ask him to pretend to be me,” Jim grinned, clearly proud of his plan.
“Okay, but any photos on either of your desks, you have to retake them with him in it,” you spluttered. “And you have to film it!”
You turned back to Pam as you said this, catching her mid-eye roll. You scoffed.
“I think she’s mocking us, Halpert,” you mused, tilting your head. Pam raised her eyebrows.
“She acts as if she’s so above it all,” Jim added, his smile adding an affectionate tone to his words. “But she loves pranking Dwight just as much as I do.”
“That’s because it’s Dwight. He deserves it.”
“Hold on, I seem to recall the both of you dolling out a fair share of pranks to me,” you said, defensive.
“That was because you were new,” Pam replied. “And it was hardly a prank — look at us now!” She smiled, and while you could have ended the ordeal there, the relationship the three of you had didn’t exactly come about by ending things when they should have been ended.
“Who would’ve known I’d be suffering the consequences over a year later,” you muttered. You didn’t need to look up to know the expressions of fake-hurt that they were surely both bearing.
“I seem to remember a particular prank,” Jim said under his breath. Now you kind of wished you’d stopped.
Anticipating what was to come, you leaned forward, making to leave the sofa — but Jim was ready, and his hands easily found their way to your waist. The moment his fingers curled, you fell back into the sofa, unwilling to put up such a tough fight for a tender moment.
“Jim!” you laughed, his hands scribbling up your sides to pinch at your ribs. You couldn’t help but squirm, and his year and a half of experience was evident as he kneaded his thumbs under your arms, sending you into hysterics.
“Sorry, Y/N, you insult my wife, this is what you get,” he said, shrugging in apparent oblivion to your laughter.
“I was insuhuhulting you tohohoo!” you managed, challenging his smirk with a (less-voluntary) one of your own.
“My mistake,” Jim continued, unphased. “Pam Beesly-Halpert, will you defend my honour?”
“Gladly,” came the hum from behind, and before you could get in a word of protest, another pair of hands found your stomach, nails trailing across to your sides and swirling against your hips. A mumbled mess of various curses was all you could direct to Pam.
“This is so much wohohorse,” you giggled breathlessly, Pam’s tickly fluttering alongside Jim’s ruthless tickles to your ribs driving you half-insane. Your head tilted back to meet Pam’s eyes, her grin almost as wide as yours. You held her gaze as you snorted, a sense of frantic joy and peace written across both your faces.
Having you apologise was unrealistic, so they eventually let up. 6 months ago, in this same position, you remembered curling up, pushing them away until you calmed down. But now? Now, you just lay there, chest heaving and smiling wide.
You stayed like that for a little while longer — you didn’t really know how long. You were almost starting to doze off when realisation struck.
“Um, I should get going,” you said, getting to your feet.
“Oh...yes, of course, let me get the money.” Jim went to grab his wallet, but this time, it was your hand on his wrist.
“You don’t need to pay me. You guys...this...you’ve already ‘paid’ me, you know?” You shifted, unnecessarily uncomfortable in the place you so desperately wanted to call your second home.
Jim just nodded. He knew when not to press. You said your goodbyes, and the two walked you to your car.
“Y/N, you don’t have to come over just to babysit,” Pam said softly. “We care about you, okay?”
You nodded. “Okay.”
A squeeze to your shoulder, a hand closing the car door. Security, care you couldn’t find elsewhere.
You’d never felt more grateful for a summer internship.
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itsrainningjwight · 2 years
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Small one shot Jwight fluff fic
Dwight Schrute/Jim Halpert
Dwight arrives home after a long day.
Jim sat on the couch with his feet up, he was watching the television with a beer. He glanced at his watch and frowned. Dwight was not home yet. He sent him a text and got a reply to say he’d be back soon and that he was at the farm sorting some things out. Jim smiled, Dwight was the most hard working man he knew. He held down his job at Dunder Mifflin and ran the beet farm and occasional guesthouse. They didn’t get much business but he always made sure that the place was ready to receive visitors if they turned up.
Jim heard the key in the lock and looked up as a very tired looking Dwight came through the doors. He was still in his work clothes which was unusual as he’d been at the farm.
“Hey” Jim smiled “how you doing?” he asked.
“Tired” Dwight flopped next to him and rested his head on his shoulder. “Paperwork at the farm, I had got a bit behind and it needed doing” he yawned and took off his glasses.
“I could have helped, save you doing it all alone” Jim said.
“Mmm...but I wanted it done properly” Dwight gave a lopsided grin at Jim.
“Yeah yeah, cheeky” Jim put his arm around Dwight and pulled him in close. “Are you hungry?” he asked.
“A little” Dwight replied as he snuggled into his shoulder.
“What do you fancy?” Jim asked as he pressed a kiss to his head.
“You” Dwight smiled.
“You been drinking?” Jim smirked.
“No, I’m just tired” Dwight said looking up at him and pursing his lips.
“Ahh” Jim leant in and kissed him “want to skip dinner and go to bed?” he asked, cupping Dwight’s cheek gently with his hand.
“No, Jim, we need to eat dinner” Dwight said matter of factly.
“Ok, way to kill the mood” Jim chuckled.
“Hey, some of us have been working”
“I know, I’m only teasing, if you’re hungry then you need food”
“Aren’t you hungry?” Dwight asked “or have you eaten a load of junk while I’ve been out?”
“No...Mom” Jim laughed “I could eat. Look lets order in some fried chicken, I can’t be bothered to cook, it’s late” he said.
“Yeah, I could do some chicken” Dwight nodded “I’ll go order”
“No, you sit tight I’ll go” Jim got up and went to the phone and made an order.
The two men sat and ate their fried chicken, corn on the cob and fries, washed down with a coke.
Dwight sat on the floor in between Jim’s legs, he tilted his head back against Jim’s lap. “
“You ok?” Jim asked with a smile, he leant down and kissed his forehead.
“Yeah, just couldn’t think of anyone else I would ever want to spend my tired evenings with” he smiled.
“Aw, me too D” Jim said “you wanna go to bed and cuddle?” he asked.
“Yeah, I really do” Dwight yawned. He got up and cleared their dinner away, changed into a t shirt and pajama bottoms and went to the bathroom. He cleaned his teeth and used mouthwash. Jim came in behind him and slipped his arms around Dwight and rested his chin on his shoulder and looked at their reflection in the mirror.
“See that Dwight?” he whispered and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“See what?”
“You and me, right there” Jim said with a wry smile. “Perfect” he said quietly “we are perfect” he interlaced his fingers with Dwight’s and held onto his hands.
Dwight smiled and patted Jim on the bum.
“See you in bed” he said as he headed out.
Jim brushed his teeth and turned out the light in the bathroom and he headed to the bedroom. Climbing into bed he scooted up closer to Dwight who squinted at him.
“You really are blind without your glasses aren’t you?” Jim smiled as he placed a tiny kiss on Dwight’s nose.
“Easier to sleep near your ugly face when I can’t see it” Dwight sniggered.
“Oh...you are in cheeky mode tonight hey?” Jim said reaching out and tickling Dwight making him giggle, his face lit up when he smiled, his round cheeks glowing and his blue eyes sparkling.
“Thanks Jim” Dwight said as he nestled in closer to his boyfriend, kissing his shoulder and burying his head in Jim’s neck.
“What for D?” Jim asked.
“Being you, and making me the best I can be” Dwight sighed as he closed his eyes and drifted off into a gentle sleep, safely cuddled in his boyfriends arms.
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tickle-fic-chick · 4 years
Could you write headcanons or even a small fic on what would happen if Jim Halpert not only finds out the reader is super ticklish, but secretly likes being tickled? Platonic please? :)
Sorry sweetie, I don’t do reader inserts.
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sillyfeathers · 4 years
Overtime (Jim & Pam x Reader)
Overtime Prompt: I was just wondering if you could write for the show more, maybe doing a part 2 for making copies? / Do you think you could write a platonic ler Jim Halpert x reader fic? I think I would die of happiness. Maybe a continuation of the Pam fic? Characters: Pam Beesly, Jim Halpert, reader (all platonic) with a mention of Michael and Erin. Summary: Working late as an intern for a paper company was definitely not the way you wanted to spend your Friday night, but lucky for you, your friends are just as bored. Warnings: fluff, slight profanity Words: 1402
A/N: The prompts above were both from anons, so I hope this finds you! I finished rewatching The Office the other night and inspiration definitely struck, so I hope you enjoy <3
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You probably should have accounted for Jim, though.
That was the last thought that flashed through your head before you felt a poke to your side, and you didn’t think, you just ran.
You knew, logically, you couldn’t outrun tall, lanky, Jim, but you might as well try, right?
“Whoa, is she okay?” You heard Kelly’s voice from behind you, and you dared to turn around, drawing to a halt. 
Instead of seeing an ever-advancing Jim Halpert, you instead saw him and Pam grinning ear to ear, not having moved a muscle since you took off.
You glanced around the parking lot, seeing that everyone was now watching you with bewildered expressions.
“Yeah, um, I – I just remembered, I have an assignment due tonight.”
“In the middle of summer –?”
“Yes, Jim, in the middle of summer.” You shot him the most annoyed look you could muster, and refused to look back at any of them as you left in a hurry.
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Turns out, you were going to wish he’d got it over and done with. The next two weeks of your life looked like they were going to be living hell – as if spending your summer working at a paper company with an incompetent boss and a really annoying desk-mate wasn’t enough, you were now looking over your shoulder every minute.
In all honesty, and this was never something you would’ve admitted to anyone in a million years...by the end you began to realise it wasn’t so bad.
While the past couple of weeks had been mildly terrifying, Pam and Jim had taken a genuine liking to you. They’d taken time to get to know you: hanging out in the break room, saving you a seat in the conference room – Jim had even got you in on a prank he was pulling on Dwight (it was hilarious, and definitely worth the 4 hours of work you had to catch up on). 
And so, a mere fortnight after the perilous parking lot incident, you found yourself not hating the fact that you had to stay late on a Friday with Jim, Pam, Michael and Erin.
It was just some inventory stuff, and the accounting department had basically begged you to take on their part. All in the name of ‘invaluable experience’, which you knew was bullshit, but you didn’t have anything better to do...so there you were.
“Hey, Y/N, come here a second?” Pam called you from the break room, and you happily abandoned the work, sauntering over.
She invited you to sit down, and you noticed Jim by the vending machine. You tilted your head, a little confused.
“Y/N, I would say we’ve bonded rather well over the past two weeks, wouldn’t you?” Jim sat down across from you, a pensive expression on his face. “One would even dare say we’ve become friends?”
“I mean, yeah, I guess,” you stammered, unsure of what direction this was heading. Were they going to berate you? Fire you? Invite you to a dinner party? “We just wanted to make sure you’re okay with that. Us...being your friends,” Pam chimed in. 
“Of course – is there a reason I shouldn’t be?” you asked.
“No, we just wanted to really, really, make sure,” Jim replied, and as he spoke, he rose from his seat and started to walk nonchalantly towards you, Pam following behind.
As if he’d hit a switch, the memories of two weeks ago came rushing back. You jumped to your feet, blanching.
“Wahahait,” you giggled, curling in on yourself. “Don’t even think about it.”
It was two against one, and you all knew that if they decided to attack, you would have no way of escaping. All the same, you didn’t make a run for it.
“We know it gets boring around here some...well, all of the time,” Jim said. “We thought we could make it a little more interesting.”
Right when you thought you were done for, they both stopped, looking expectantly at you. You bit your lip. I mean, it was mind-numbingly boring...and they were your friends...so maybe they had a point.
Before you could change your mind, you narrowed your eyes and nodded. “Okay.”
You didn’t get a second to think before they pounced, trapping you in a corner almost immediately.
Jim’s fingers latched onto your sides, scribbling up and down, while Pam curled hers around your neck, making your shoulders scrunch up.
“Noho!” you squealed, giggles pouring from your lips. Jim’s squeezing and poking combined with Pam’s light, feathery touches had you a squirming mess in a matter of seconds, and you could tell they were taking pride in that.
“No? We’ve hardly started!” Jim teased, and you managed to squeeze in a sarcastic groan between your giggles – which was quickly silenced by a pinch to your knee.
You slid down the wall, batting at their hands, your skin, every bit of you that was alive with ticklish electricity. Jim crawled his fingers up your sides, venturing dangerously close to your underarms.
“Should I do it, hun?” he asked Pam, who had made herself busy with seeing which part of your knee made you jerk the most.
“Might as well do it now, I don’t think she can take much more,” Pam teased, smiling affectionately as your face heated up.
“Stohohop,” you giggled breathlessly, your half-hearted tugging against his grip having no real impact. Jim raised an eyebrow, and you held your breath in anticipation, still squirming from Pam’s nails scratching at your knee.
But then, he pulled away, as did Pam, leaving you to sink into a heap on the floor.
You tilted your head up at Jim, your chest heaving. “Huh?”
He and Pam exchanged a look. “We don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything, so, get back out there,” Pam said, offering you her hand. You couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed – as embarrassing as it may be, it was the most fun you’d had in ages. You bit your lip, but got to your feet, grinning sheepishly at the two as you headed back to the office.
“Unless, of course, you’d rather not.” Jim piped up from behind you, and you turned around slowly.
“I mean, we won’t judge.”
You eyed the door to the annex behind them. “Only if you can catch me.”
Before they had time to pounce, you ducked under Jim’s arm and bolted for the door. You heard two pairs of footsteps in close pursuit, and preemptive giggles spluttered out as you looked for a place to run to. 
Try as you might, it was literally just an office, and you soon found yourself cornered between walls and desks.
Pam’s face split into a huge grin when she saw you, wasting no time in running forward and scribbling her hands up your sides. You shrieked, caught off guard, and you were very glad there was a break room separating you from Michael and Erin.
Jim was not far behind, and you hardly had time to cry out a “WAIT!” before you were once again pinned into a corner, Pam gently holding your hands back while Jim crawled his fingers up under your arms – and that was the last straw. You exploded into squirmy, loud laughter, practically melting into the floor, your eyes squeezed shut and your mouth split into a huge smile.
Pam let your hands go soon after, and you recoiled, slapping at Jim and sinking into breathless giggles. The two smiled affectionately between themselves, and then at you, as you got to your feet, grinning sheepishly.
“We never speak of this,” you mumbled. Jim raised his eyebrow. “Well -”
He was cut off by Pam gently hitting him on the shoulder. “We won’t, Y/N, don’t worry.”
You caught a glimpse of movement in your peripheral vision, and your heart dropped.
“Shit -” you pointed at a cameraman who was hiding quite well behind a plant.
“I thought there weren’t supposed to be any here tonight!” Despite having enjoyed yourself, you were now beginning to regret it - this was meant to have been completely private. 
The two sensed your concern, and without hesitation, Pam squeezed your hand as Jim started over towards the offending plant (or rather the person cowering behind it).
Pam pulled you into a hug, and you relaxed.
“We’ll take care of it.”
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