#jikook matching bandaids
stormblessed95 · 2 years
Hi! do you know where the line "You are me, I am you" came from? was it first mentioned in Serendipity? or were the guys mentioning it already and RM included in the song? thanks!
I could take this to a very in depth and deep place, but I'll try to keep it more contained. I'm still on vacation technically, but can't sleep amd im just enjoying streaming SMFpt2 so I'm trying to catch up on all I've ignored over here on tumblr. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long anon!
Basically, did RM make up the phrase "i am you, you are me" (or vice versa) and the first time we ever heard the phrase was in Serendipity? No. Lol it in fact has orgins in kpop previous to Serendipity in the song by Zico, "I am You, You are Me."
English lyrics here (just a lyric video)
"I am You. You are Me" is also actually an ancient Mayan phrase, Essentially meaning "I am another yourself." It's basically used to describe being so similar to another person, it brings your connection closer and their is an ease of interaction and closeness there. For Mayans it was used as a way of honoring each other, as a statement of unity and oneness. It is not necessarily romantic in nature as a phrase. But both Zico and Jimin made it a very romantic connotation in their songs.
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Anyway, back to Zico... he released this song in January of 2016. And "I am you, you are me" is literally the title. Lol so Serendipity does not have first claim to the phrase in kpop at all either. We also know that BTS has been on friendly terms with Block B (Zicos group) and that they worked together for MAMA back in 2014 too.
During his MV, Zico basically matches by accident with this girl over and over again and says they are therefore destiny. One of the ways they match is through both ending up wearing bandaids on their fingers, the same finger.
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A few months later, at a fansign on 160402, Jikook were sitting next to each other and fans noticed they were wearing matching bandaids on the same hand. When a fan first noticed it on Jimin and asked about it, he said JK gave it to him. When a fan asked JK about it, he said he wasn't hurt and was just wearing it just because. Lol, it's a mystery. Why did JK decide to give a matching bandaid to Jimin? Why did Jimin just go along with it? (I know this one actually because his precious maknae gave him something, and Jimin has been whipped from the get-go. Lol) is it related to the MV and their first moment of acknowledging (or at least JKs first moment, I would fully believe Jimin just wore it because JK gave it to him, no questions asked lmfao) you are me, I am you? Who knows. Or maybe it was just coincidence of timing and still JK being flirty in his own goofball odd way that no one but himself probably understood. Lol but regardless, there is that connection there. Maybe intentional, maybe not. We will never know.
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Neither were hurt. So just a random little matching moment with cutesy bandaids courtesy of Jungkook. Just because. 😂 (also catch them in that black and white fit. For them to later on in the years get dubbed the black and white couple as a nickname lol).
ANYWAYS back to Serendipity, after it released and became the icon queen she is. Jikook fully adopted that song as their own and the first moment of them verbally going "I am you. You are me" happened in a run bts episode....
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And has since therefore continued consistently over the years with them. They sing it from Serendipity to each other too, not just saying the phrase. That is THEIR SONG. Which is an inherently romantic song, and therefore gives the phrase that romantic connotation in the way that they are using it. In my opinion.
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So were jikook using it before Serendipity, depends on what you think of the whole bandaid incident. Lol but not really. Were the rest of BTS saying it pre-Serendipity? Not really that we know of either. And while they may say it now, they say it differently then jikook do, who have made it a whole little thing with finger touches that they do silently to basically say it no verbally to each other or they sing the lyric to each other. Either way, making it fairly romantic lol but only after Serendipity was released. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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So, your own thoughts will have to be formed about all of that and if there is any connection there on your own. Lol hope that helps though!
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goldenhickeysandramen · 5 months
Serendipity is the occurrence of an unexpected and fortunate discovery that happens when you are looking for something else. It is the "happy or beautiful coincidence".
One of the most important serendipities in history is the discovery of penicillin, that happened when Fleming went on holiday and left behind a bacterial culture plate on which a fungus happened to be growing.
In the context of love, serendipity often manifests itself as meeting someone special in the most unexpected circumstances or finding love in someone unexpected. Perhaps you were expecting another thing to happen (like a strong friendship to grow?😏), but something else BEAUTIFUL occurred.
Jimin's Serendipity song is about a love that is born out of the unexpected and is so surprising that it is frightening.
It is very interesting to see that the song uses the concepts of destiny and serendipity (you are my penicillin), which are apparently opposed.
What we call "destiny" is a philosophical and existential concept that alludes to the belief that everything that happens in life happens inexorably and according to some kind of "plan". To believe in destiny is to believe that everything happening has some predetermined meaning and coherence, and that there is therefore little point in resisting it ("It was fate that led to this... that we crossed paths..., that we came this far... "🥰).
From the perspective of serendipity, what there is the happiness of having met in the midst of chaos, where it was highly unlikely that we would meet or spend enough time together to build a love story. There is no destiny, only the most beautiful coincidence.
I find interesting how the song mixed both philosophies. The lyrics talking about destiny, and what happened ...that must be "the providence of the universe"...
.. there’s a kind of “acceptance” that "It just had to be"... maybe because despite initial caution or opposition, there existed no alternative path for the souls involved but to inevitably fall in love.
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Funny thing is to see that - as far as we know - these are the two visions that JK and Jimin have of their own lives ☺️ (One firmly believing in destiny and the other in building his own paths).
And you will say .... It's Namjoom who wrote the lyrics.
Yes, I know.
BUT....I really think that Jimin gave him certain hints of what he wanted to say, or alternatively… Namjoon already knew. Because this song is so Jikook coded.. Jimin (and Jungkook too) giving us some hints during years.
The first one was in Run episode 61 (which was recorded in summer 2018). BTS split into teams to compete for snacks and in the game Jimin and JK got the same score: 738.
Jungkook asked "Destiny?" (see where JK is going? 😊)
And Jimin replied "I told you, you are me, I am you".
When did he tell him?
Did we miss something?
Do you mean he told him so in the song?
Or did he tell him before, in 2016, when Zico released a song with that name (I am you, you are me) about love and destiny that Jungkook and him decided to pay homage to on a fansign?
At the beginning of 2016 Zico released the song 지코(ZICO) - 너는 나 나는 너 (I am you, you are me)
In his MV Zico appears visiting a convenience store, where the girl working there always happens to match clothes (LOL) with him. And in one of the last scenes, the two appear with a similar wound on their finger, and with matching band-aids.
And the lyrics...
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If both hearts feel the same, they're ONE..
So.. I am you, you are me
In Puma's April 2016 fansign, Jimin and JK appeared with matching Pororo’s bandaids on their fingers. And although some fans asked if they were injured, neither answered in that way. Jimin even admitted that he wore the bandaid because "the lil one" gave it to him.
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The next time the two said the line to each other was on BTS Love Yourself Japan Dome Tour Documentary & Interview 2018 on TBS.....
Then Jungkook gave the only explanation we have so far... that Jimin was messing with his song the whole time....(???)
Jungkook made the finger gesture and Jimin finished the verse for him.
(I wonder if the finger gesture came about while Jimin was doing the choreo, as he has many moments where his finger stands alone... I'm already envisioning the scene where JK possibly walked over and...🥰🥰🥰🤡🤡🤡🤡)
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That moment in the interview speaks for itself... but as usual, the members’ reaction reveal even more, if that's possible...😂😂
So….long story short….how much of a coincidence is there when...
1. Jimin said that he would give a song (as a gift) to the person he loves in the future…? (Jungkook being very “curious” about the answer 😉)
2. He doesn't let Jungkook visit him in the MV recording ... only to see later in the MV certain sus date 😶..?
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3. He includes as part of his song the title from a love song that he and JK paid homage to a year ago…?
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4. Jimin told Jungkook that line and makes it "the line" between them for years…?
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5. Jungkook not only accepted it, but still sings and hums the song years later, as the precious gift it is…. ?
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..... ????? (closing question)
You know the answer.
Jimin told us
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There is no "for army" involved here.
No fan song to allude to this time.
2017 was a year of declarations of LOVE from both of them.
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Each of them chose their own artistic expression.💛💜
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Serendipity, pt.4: jikook
Where do I begin?
"I am you. You are me."
In my opinion, this song was not written with jikook in mind, but both Jimin and Jungkook made this song theirs and of course they would!
It fits their story perfectly.
The phrase "I am you, you are me" was coined by the artist Zico in his music video for the song of the same name. This was released in January 24, 2016.
In the song, the characters notice the similarities in the stuff they do and wear. In one particular scene, both characters have bandaids on their fingers.
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Jikook were both seen wearing matching bandaids in a fan meet in April 2016. When asked about it, Jimin mentioned Jk gave him and Jk wore one too. When Jk was asked about it, he said he wore it just because.
"I am you, you are me."
Serendipity was released on September 4, 2017 and Namjoon explained that the lyrics took a long time to write. Also, Zico's song was well received in Korea which makes me think that Namjoon and jikook both were inspired by this song...separately. Which is to be expected.
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In the music video, the date 2017.09.01 appears. While many might think this is due to Jk's birthday and therefore the song was a gift from Jimin to him, the date is when the video was approved and finalized (if I'm not mistaken). This is truly a coincidence.
The first mention of the famous Serendipity phrase was in the Run BTS episode 62, when both Jimin and Jungkook got the same score in the machine that measure the strengths of their fingers.
Jk mentions it must the destiny but Jimin, not a destiny believer, says, "I told you. I am you, you are me" which means that they had had a conversation about their similarities before.
In these past years, Jimin and Jungkoo quoted the song for the most random things.
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Both were feeling the hot temperatures of Malta?
"I am you, you are me."
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Jimin had to talk about Serendipity?
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Jikook came back from Tokyo? Jimin sang Serendipity while looking straight at Jk.
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Touching each other's fingertips became their thing as they serenaded each other "Neoneun na, Naneun neo."
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Jungkook was an avid fan of the song and was often seen seen watching Jimin rehearse the song for their tour.
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Jungkook, being the big supporter of the song, would also get triggered by little things and he would randomly burst into song.
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In 2020, Jk wrote his FESTA profile about Jimin and described Jimin as his “You are me, I am you."
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Not only has jikook made the song theirs, they literally accused the writer of the song of plagiarism when Namjoon used a phrase similar to
"I am you, you are me."
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They truly applied the song to their lives as little coincidences added up...just like in Zico's music video.
"I am you, you are me."
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Personally, I can't get behind the theory that Namjoon wrote this song for jikook because that would be very weird. Namjoon would have had to be ok with writing about jikook blooming...I mean..
Namjoon also had a very clear idea of what he wanted the song to convey and how he wanted it to sound. From the sounds of that, he wasn't taking recommendations from the members. Serendipity was Namjoon's statement.
Also, the BTS book revealed that Jimin found the penicillium line funny so it makes me think that Jimin wouldn't be laughing if Jk was indeed the penicillium the song was referring to.
The song is incredibly intimate and personal so attributing it to other people feels like an insult to Namjoon's artistry.
However, I do believe that jikook made the song theirs and took the lyrics to heart.
Being from Busan, debuting with BTS, being dancers and singers, having similar goals and work ethic, and the little coincidences that connect them do make it seem like the song was serendipity for them as well.
"I am you. You are me."
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 51
HYYH2 Era Part 7: (thank you to @wrreckinqs for the help!)
April 1, 2016: April Fools Day!
a) Jikook Twitter Video
Caption/Trans: The song is so good
JK: Why you can’t come to me
JM: I don’t know how to calculate or do push-and-pull, I just want you
JK: Are you sure? Can’t you take my love for you
JM: I will make you happy, I will give you everything, just come to me
BTS Twitter Layout Changes
b) BTS Twitter Layout changes
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Name: Busan Men
Description: Because we’ve been using Seoul speak we’ve forgotten all our dialect
c) Jikook Tweet:
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Caption: Busan men who know nothing besides Seoul speak ✌️
April 2, 2016: PUMA BlazeXBTS Fansign
a) Jikook wear matching bandaids on their fingers (I can talk about the theory behind this in a separate post if anyone would like)
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April 7, 2016: Highcut Magazine Photoshoot
Jikook subunit shoot 00:15
April 10, 2016: Jimin Twitter Post
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  Caption: By Kook #JIMIN
April 12, 2016: Highcut Magazine spread
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April 16, 2016: High Cut Magazine Behind the Scenes
View this post on Instagram
A post shared by HIGHCUT Official Instagram (@highcutstar) on Apr 16, 2016 at 12:26am PDT
a few quick jikook moments
April 18, 2016: BBQ X BTS shooting sketch
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HYYH2 Content Released Later:
00:56 Jikook singing a romantic song together
2:33 Jimin sitting on Hobi/JK’s lap and JK playing with JM’s neck/hair
next will be Young Forever era!
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jikook-love · 8 years
Funny, I saw the anon about ship Jimin/Everyone and makes me realize that I started shippin Kookmin and Vmin, but I don't know what happened in the middle that now I only see Vmin like really good friends, like a beautiful friendship, but with Jungkook it's a different story, like I see/feel that is more than just a friendship, but also when I see some post about some Jikook moments too elaborate I'm just like " Nah, even for me that's too much ". So, concluding I totally understand u! hahaha
I’m really glad to see all these outbursts of “WAIT I ONLY SHIP JIKOOK TOO” lol
As much as I’m firmly aware that the human mind can probably convince itself of anything given enough effort and lack of concrete, irresolute evidence (...well, in many cases it still can despite cold hard facts but I don’t want to get into politics yet), there are just some things about Jikook that fit together really nicely. Almost like puzzle pieces. Something that I think the other ships may lack in comparison, if only mildly.
To diverge, a lot of us are enraptured by this “soulmates” theory when it comes to jikook (myself included), because they have so much in common and a lot of times, it really does seem they’re a “match made in heaven”. And it didn’t really help when we recently discovered that Jungkook himself is kind of a romantic, and wishes for a “destined love” himself as mentioned in that recent show they were on. It really gets you thinking...is he really, truly unaware of the uncanny “coincidences” between himself and Jimin?
And their actions kind of imply it too. Kookmin World recently posted a video in regards to their last Puma fansigning, where Jungkook was wearing matching bandaids with Jimin for no particular reason, in reference to a music video about soulmates and such. And again we have this example where the puzzle pieces fit.
Which is why I think some of us have gone nuts over jikook recently. More than I have ever seen since I officially joined this fandom last summer. The “evidence” is just stacking up for some reason, and more and more people seem to be convinced of the possibility that a romantic love could exist between them...? I think it’s gotten a lot more heated recently because of this, I’ve even heard of someone getting blocked for merely questioning evidence, which is beyond ridiculous to me (what some of us have to realize is that: we’re not reporters. Or journalists. Not even close.)
That being said, I still think this should just be fun, and I think most of us are just intrigued by the idea of two undoubtedly attractive men uh catering to each other. Which is nice. Realistic? Well, what are the chances?
What about me then? Someone who has a blog centred around the idea of them being romantically involved and only them? Well again, it’s a nice idea, and their dynamics make for a lot of good stories. And that’s all it is for now, until further proven. That being said, there’s nothing wrong with compiling all this “evidence” in your mind, simply because it exists.
And I say this again and again but, no matter what, they’d probably end up together. Perhaps not in this life but maybe the next one ;)
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jiminieloved · 4 years
Im not sure if you've answered this but would you mind sharing what moment first caught your eye with Jikook? A moment that made you stop and go theres definitely something there.
I actually don’t think I’ve answered an ask about this; I’d love to share!
So for background, I actually only found out about BTS in late September/early October 2019, and was introduced to the fandom through Youtube. (I know, I’m late to the party.)
 I funnily enough actually looked them up originally because of a Taekook fanfiction I read (I wanted to read a story with a very specific subject matter and searched by any fandom, and a BTS taekook fic was at the top of the results). So then I naturally grew curious about their personalities/what they looked like, so I looked them up on Youtube and watched the Buzzfeed puppy interview. Within the first ten seconds of the video I fell completely head over heels for Jimin, and from this point on I became invested in learning their names, and we all know how this ends up. :)So anyhow, I watched pretty much whatever videos about BTS that youtube recommended me, but was a firmly established Jimin bias since day one so I tended to gravitate toward Jimin compilation videos and such. I actually was first introduced to shipping through Yoonmin videos because there are SO many yoonmin shippers on Youtube, and I enjoyed watching them but I did notice it felt like the same 10 clips were repeated in every single Yoonmin video. I didn’t actually explore much into Taekook because (though I hate to admit this) at the beginning I couldn’t tell Tae and JK apart. It was hard to ship two people i couldn’t tell apart, lol. 
Anyway, this was all pretty casual, and I really liked shipping Yoonmin, but a video kept coming into my recommended, “The Ultimate Jikook Video”. I ignored it for so long because for some reason I was really resistant to watching any Jikook videos (maybe some early conditioning from those stereotyping/ignorant youtube compilation videos), but finally I ran out of content to the point where I was bored enough to watch it. I remember watching it and being completely blown away. I had to keep pausing the video and questioning my entire life… I remember there were tears in my eyes by the end from being so shocked and blown away. Somehow the fandom hides away these facts and moments from new ARMYs, so unless you specifically seek out information on Jikook (or have it incessantly recommended by Youtube) you could not find out forever. 
Out of this video, though a lot of points were made, I think the things that really put me over the edge from thinking ‘oh they look cute together’ to ‘Oh shit they seem like they might actually be a couple’ are….1. The matching bandaids.. there’s not really a ‘bro’ explanation for that
2. GCF Tokyo & GCF Saipan: I think these honestly speak for themselves
3. Osaka vlive… it’s a theory, but I think it’s heavily supported by evidence enough for me to not feel like a clown believing in it
4. Rings: At the time I didn’t know that multiple members had matching rings, but even so…. those inscriptions on the rings they (might have) bought together in Tokyo are not exactly brotherly
I mean, every single point in that video helped in convincing me of something, but these are the ones that had me pausing the video in shock and tearing up. 
If you haven’t watched the video before, even if you’re a seasoned Jikooker, I urge you to take some time out of your day to watch it. It has converted so many people, and seeing all the facts laid out in one video may help you to reaffirm your own beliefs, or form new ones. 
Anyway, thank you for asking me; it was fun to take a trip down memory lane and remind myself how I got to this point. Have a good day/night! 
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