#jigs is the capybara of the estate
mossymandibles · 1 year
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Seabird Griffins are apex predators of Tattered Wing Island, where Sylvaine lives. She had never known them to exist until she was taken to the estate. She was instantly enamored with them and would often watch them from afar when she was wheelchair bound. They were often the subject of experimentation done by the previous owner, many of the eggs stolen and incubated in his laboratories.
Nimbus Coleridge Asheweaver (yes, Sylvaine gave him a full name) is an Laysan Albatross griffin that she has raised since he was a chick. She found him in one of the said laboratories when the owner of the estate ‘passed’.
Nimbus is a stunted male, having no hand in competition with the other larger male griffins on the island. Sylvaine suspects this is from whatever the previous owner had done to him. Naturally, she had gotten attached to a wounded creature in need and decided to keep him from getting killed by natural selection. Being full grown now, he usually helps Sylvaine out by sometimes fetching interesting specimens for her.
For hunting, he’ll usually migrate farther up north of the island. He always returns to Sylvaine though. During nesting season the cliffs of the fjords can get dangerous with competing griffins, so Nimbus usually chooses to hang around the estate. Sylvaine finds this to be an annoyance at times, having a horny, territorial griffin roaming the premises can get dicey. If Kraw is visiting, he has to make himself scarce during this time.
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