#jiang fengmian wants to be hip with the kids so bad
qiu-yan · 2 months
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I'd love to know more about LZWWTAU, WWXLZLXTT and MYIWWXM 😅
Oooh three! Okay, let's see....
LZWWTAU = Lan Zhàn Wei Wuxian....I actually forgot what the T stands for but I'm pretty sure the AU is just Alternate Universe lol
It's a "different first meeting" fic about Lan Wangji waking up in a cave in the burial mounds after getting injured in a night hunt, to see Wei Wuxian sitting by him. I haven't written past the first scene of them greeting each other after Lan Wangji wakes up but I do know, in this fic, the wen remnants somehow also live with Wei Wuxian.
( “I am Lan Zhan, courtesy name Wangji, from Gusu Lan.”
“Gusu Lan? Ah! The second young master Lan? Lan Wangji? The Hanguang-Jun?”
Lan Wangji inclines his head in agreement.
“Hmm, wow! I got to say I didn’t expect to ever meet you!” He smiled again, “It’s an honor Hanguang-jun!”
There was a silence then Wei Ying huffed a laugh, “They weren’t kidding when they said you were quiet.”
Lan Wangji felt the urge to defend himself to show this stranger he just met that he wasn’t as bad as people said he was. He wanted this stranger to like him. But before he could even think of how to do that, Wei Ying lifted up the bowl again.
“Here, it’s soup, I made it myself! And I didn’t add any spices! Though I don’t get why people hate it when I do.” Wei Ying pouted. )
2. WWXLZLXTT = Wei Wuxian Lan Zhàn Lan Xichen Time Travel
Just as it states above, it's a fic about the jades and WWX time traveling back to the past. (It's actually a WangXianXi fic because I had just read a really good fic about Wei Wuxian helping Lan Xichen through his seclusion and it made me enjoy the way the pairing can be written lol) I haven't touched it since I wrote the first few paragraphs tbh
( “I don’t want to mess up.”
Lan Zhan carded a hand through his husband’s hair, tugging lightly, “Then breathe. And focus.”
He glanced up at the two Lan’s meeting their soft gazes and breathed in and out, shooting them a weak smile, “Mn.”
He turned back to Lan Xichen, his finger continued brushing blood in an array that Wei Wuxian created himself, He had already done Lan Zhan and himself. The array was small, the size of a token on their hip, if this was done right, it would be marked into their skin forever. A constant reminder of what they had done. )
3. MYIWWXM = Madam Yu Is Wei Wuxian's Mom
I've seen so many fics where Jiang Fengmian is secretly Wei Wuxian's father but I haven't really seen it with Madam Yu.
It's an angst fic of course, it starts off with Madam Yu remembering how before she had Jiang Cheng, she was assaulted by someone and got pregnant with Wei Wuxian, she then gave him up to Cangse Sanren and Wei Changzi, unable to look at the child with anything other than shame and anger.
Of course, he ends up back in Lotus Pier, constantly reminding her of the worst night of her life and the way she wasn't able to protect herself despite being a powerful woman.
Wei Wuxian does know she is his mother, having found out via a letter (either he found it while exploring Lotus Pier on accident or his mother left the letter to him).
She makes it firmly known to him, that she will never consider him her son and that he must never let anyone know. He agrees.
She decides to teach him the Yu style of fighting as it technically is his "birthright" but mostly so he would be better prepared to protect her "real" kids.
( Somehow they end up having tea. Wei Wuxian is ten and has been with them for nearly two years already. He sits in front of her with a wary expression, an unfolded piece of paper laid in between them.
She holds herself stiffly and doesn't let any emotion show on her face. She won’t let him see how much this was affecting her. She flicks her wrist, forcing the trembling back, grabbing her tea.
“This does not change anything. You are Cangse SanRen’s son.”
Wei Wuxian nods, though his eyes lowered, voice soft as he says, “I know. It says in the letter you didn’t want-”
She cuts him off firmly, “I do not expect you to understand. Never bring this up again.”
Wei Wuxian looks at her for a long moment then bows in agreement “Of course, Madam Yu.” )
Thank you for the ask! ^^
WIP Title Game
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larissaloki · 5 years
barely above water: chapter 1
Why do I always get myself into these messes? Jiang Cheng couldn’t help but lament as he knelt in the hall in-front of the chair in the main hall of Lotus Pier, besides him swaying side to side lazily is his ridiculous brother. Wei Wuxian.
He had just managed to drag his chaotic siblings’ ass back after said chaotic sibling had run off after Lan Wangji, doing heavens knows what before he managed to catch up to them and Nie Huaisang. After helping them deal with that mess and Xue Yang, the skirmish at the unclean realm, the two had hurried back. Worried for the safety of their home and family.
Both knew they were most likely in a lot of trouble, Wei Wuxian for running off without any warning to his family, and Jiang Cheng for running after his brother without permission or telling his father or mother.
A sudden nudge to his shoulder prompts Jiang Cheng to glare at his brother irritably, a huff coming from him when he sees the exaggerated pout on Wei Wuxian’s face.
“What sin did I commit in a past life?” Jiang Cheng muses sullenly as he looks at the floor, dreading the punishment they will surely receive. Most likely a punch like Wei Wuxian suggested.
“Don’t be angry,” Wei Wuxian whines as he raises a hand to rub at his brother’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. Wei Wuxian does feel a bit bad for always dragging Jiang Cheng into trouble, but this time Jiang Cheng followed him! “In the afterlife, Let’s still be brother huh?”
Jiang Cheng glances at the hand on his shoulder before looking up at his brothers face, his face drawn into an expression of exasperation as he shakes off the hand that keeps making his own body sway.
“Shut up,” Jiang Cheng orders his brother quietly. Both very much aware that Jiang Fengmian could be by any second to deal with them.
Almost on que, Jiang Fengmian walks through the side door at the back of the hall, both boys immediately straighten their postures from their lazy slouches. Jiang Fengmian is a tall broad man, though not as broad as Nie Mingjue (though is anyone as broad as him?) but still cuts an impressive figure. His dark purple sect leader robes carefully arranged and immaculate as ever. Half his hair is pulled up into a bun that’s held in place by a pin and a headdress, his handsome face seems to have a permanent gentle look. A complete opposite to his wife’s harsher expressions.
Back’s going straight and stiff, faces doing serious and all traces of earlier emotions gone as they watch the sect leader move to stand in front of them. Before Jiang Fengmian even gets a chance to speak, Wei Wuxian opens his mouth.
“Uncle, I accept both mine and Jiang Cheng’s punishment, he only left to come and get me!”
Head snapping up to stare at his brother, Jiang Cheng opens his mouth in surprise and partially indignant, what is this fool pulling now? Did he think that Jiang Cheng couldn’t handle punishment? Scowling at Wei Wuxian to shut up, a subtle elbow hitting him in the chest, Jiang Cheng faces forward again just as his father flicks his sleeves slightly, pacing in front of them with a contemplative look on his face.
“How was the journey? Did you come across any dangers?”
Shocked into silence by the unexpected questions, both boys tilt their heads up wearily as they look up at the sect leader. Should they tell him the truth?
Hands on his hips as he regards the two youths before him, Jiang Fengmian is hit by a wave of nostalgia, an image of two different boys are in his minds eye. Pulling his mind away from those memories, least he gets lost in them, he offers his son and his adoptive son a small smile.
“I’m glad to see you both back in one piece-“
“A-Cheng! A-Xian!”
Face’s lighting up instantaneously the moment both boys hear their beloved sister call their names, both scrambling to stand and be the first to greet her at the double doors.
Jiang Yanli is a small, petite women, delicate looking which hides a strong protective core inside of her. Light purple  robes wrapped carefully around her as befitting a woman of her status, elegant stitching along the hems of her clothing. Her hair half down and half done up with small braids that pull to the back and hang down with a small white ribbon wrapped around it, pins being used to hold everything in place.
“sister! You look thin, did you miss us that much?”
Giggling at her brothers enthusiastic greeting, Jiang Yanli pats them both on the head as she checks them over for any wounds. Satisfied when she finds none, she gives them both her startlingly sweet smile, a smile both covert and treasure in their hearts.
“I’m fine, have you two been eating well out there?”
Trust their sister to worry about them first before herself. Rushing to placate her, both assure her that they indeed looked after themselves, though (mostly in Wei Wuxian’s case) complaining about how much they missed her cooking.
With a small warm laugh, Jiang Fengmian joins his chattering children, giving each a soft indulgent look as he calls for their attention.
“Come, you but must be hungry after travelling, lets go and eat now hm?”
Leading the small group away to where food has been placed for them, a wonderful view of Lotus Pier visible from their seats, Fengmian tells them to take a seat and to start eating.
Jiang Cheng glances at the still empty seat top his right, “where’s mother?”
Pausing at the question, Fengmian swallows the bite he had taken before replying that she is unwell and resting currently and so wouldn’t be joining them today. Barely a second later they hear a hard voice call out from the building behind them, a voice that installs fear into the disciples and children alike.  
“Who says I am unwell and resting? I’m right here”
A harsh, strict looking women walks out slowly from the building, behind her is her two most trusted attendants who follow their mistress everywhere, the women has a beautiful face, lustrous black hair that’s  styled in the most elegant current fashion and the robes of the finest materials adorn her. A beauty yet who’s stern face is enough to send most men leaving the room in fear of getting lashed at by her weapon. Zidian. The owner of such a formidable weapon and wife of the sect leader, Madam Yu.
Trying to avoid any arguing so early on, Fengmian gestures for more food to be brought for his wife, a soft smile as he gestures for her to take a seat before telling the kids to continue eating once Madam Yu joins them.
The peace last’s all of 5 seconds.
“A-li stop peeling those, you are not a servant!”
“Madam Yu, please lets just eat in peace…”
Jiang Fengmian tries to cool his wife’s temper as he sees the three kids freeze in the corner of his eye, all to scared to even look up from their plates now, their lively chatter dying instantly.
“Why? Shouldn’t they practice going without? Or have you not told them about the summons yet?” Scoffing at her husband’s soft nature, Madam Yu turns her attention on the two boys who are silently eating and seemingly trying to avoid her gaze. One more so than the other. “The Wens are demanding the direct hairs to the sects and the head disciples to report Nightless city for indoctrination. If we don’t comply, we will be regarded as traitors. Either send our disciples to be willing hostages or risk war!”  
Despite both Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian saying that they will willingly go, nothing could stop the harsh words that continued to fall from Madam Yu’s mouth, her cruel comparison’s between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian. Her none to subtle digs at her husband that finally caused him to crack and snap back.
With a haughty, sharp laugh, Madam Yu takes her leave first, leaving the tense atmosphere that has now fallen on the group still sat at the dinner table.
Fengmian sighs into a cup of tea as he tries to still his hands that shake slightly. He had wanted to discuss the situation with his son and Wei Wuxian after eating, in his study in a calm peaceful manner. Yet again though, his wife had put tensions between the two lads and added stress to an already stressful situation.
He’s glad though, that she hasn’t seen the proposal letter they had received from the Wens. That is one situation he is hoping to avoid all together.
ok i wrote this on like minimal sleep (i have a hyperactive 5 year old who’s on holiday at mo and just had a birthday. cake fueled last few days woo!) and in between uni work so i have not beta read this, like at all! 
i know this is basically just episode 11 of the untamed but i wanted to set the stage kinda, which is why i didnt go into amazing detail for this chapter as we all pretty much know the scene right? . i debated revealing who the arrange marriage is for in this chapter or later and decided, later would be more fun! anyway this was written for @wifiwuxians and their sorta prompt! 
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