#jia: dash com & banter
iinexorabile · 8 months
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tong, nonchalantly, and flatly, says, "and then she shrunk him down and stuck him in a bottle, funniest shit I've ever seen."
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"you're only saying that because he cannot get to you right now."
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"doubt he can hear me from in there either, think I'm safe." 
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trickandmxgic · 4 years
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Jia, out of nowhere on this fine, beautiful day, just casually spits up some blood and kind of nonchalantly slumps over a nearby table, followed by some coughing. “Oof, I guess there will not be any wild partying tonight.” There was one thing Jia would not be going without, however, his alcohol, as he is soon seen pulling out a large bottle of wine from his coat, “At least I can still have some fun with this--” and then he goes back to the bloody coughing, but don’t mind Jia, he’ll be okay, probably, this is just another Friday for him...
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iinexorabile · 8 months
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"But what if, right, what if instead of gettin' up and bein' a productive member of society and all that crap, I kept nappin', and didn't do any of that? What then?"
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"Tong, you were never a productive member of society to begin with, neither am I, mind you, but think more about your mounting debt, our mounting debt, and our severe lack of alcohol. None of those things are going to fix themselves, you need to pull your weight around here, too."
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"Argh, alright, fine, whatever, guess I've napped long enough as is. Gods know you can't handle even half of this crap yourself without keelin' over anyway."
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