#;take apart your demons (tong verse: modern!fantasy);
iinexorabile · 8 months
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"But what if, right, what if instead of gettin' up and bein' a productive member of society and all that crap, I kept nappin', and didn't do any of that? What then?"
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"Tong, you were never a productive member of society to begin with, neither am I, mind you, but think more about your mounting debt, our mounting debt, and our severe lack of alcohol. None of those things are going to fix themselves, you need to pull your weight around here, too."
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"Argh, alright, fine, whatever, guess I've napped long enough as is. Gods know you can't handle even half of this crap yourself without keelin' over anyway."
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doomxdriven · 2 years
Hokori casually shows up in Tong's place like she belongs, setting a comically expensive bottle of whiskey on a countertop. "Enjoy!" Of course it's out of her normal pay range, but that doesn't matter. It's got a cute little red bow on it and a tiny teddy bear holding onto the bottle.
In the past, Tong might have asked Hokori how she got into his dwelling on her own (considering it was a magically protected pocket dimension), and he had asked her that a couple of times actually (he never did get a good answer from her at that), but he was so used to her showing up by now that the thought didn't even cross his mind-- no the first thing he focused on was the bottle of alcohol she set down on one of his counters.
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"What? That? That's really for me?" Tong said, an eyebrow raised, "Ain't no way."
Tong, getting up from the make-shift summoning circle he was working on (the summoning of a few demonic pals was going to have to wait), makes his way over to the countertop and leans his face in close to that bottle of whisky.
Tong could already tell what brand it was (or what brand it seemed to be) from where he had been sitting across the room, it was a personal favorite of his but at the same time, it was insanely expensive, and sort of rare-- it was a spirit that Tong could only ever afford to sip a few times every few years maybe, but here Hokori was, with a whole bottle of it, and she was giving it to him?
Tong, after picking up the bottle and setting aside the miniature plush that was attached, continues to observe it, wondering if maybe this was some sort of knock-off variety or worse, a prank (it wouldn't be the first time Hokori mischievously pulled some wool over his eyes) but once he popped the top off and took a whiff of it's contents, he knew for sure that this was the real deal.
Tong had a lot of questions to be sure, none more prominent in his mind than 'where on earth did Hokori get this bottle'-- he figured she didn't pay for it, there was no way she could afford something like this, he knew damn well she was almost as broke as he was (if not broke-r), but where...? No, no, ultimately, Tong decided that wasn't the question to ask, in fact, he resolved to not ask any questions, period.
There's a few more moments of silence and stillness that follow, with Tong just staring at that bottle, but eventually he brings up his free hand and removes his mask, along with the silly hat he usually wore, and when he turns around to face Hokori, there's something on his face that she might have only seen once or a twice now, a smile; a small but genuine one, genuine as in warm, and not mixed in with sarcasm or the product of some facetious remark.
To boot, Tong even sounds grateful when he says,
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"Heh, thanks, thanks a whole lot, I owe you one, or a few actually-- just gimme a day or two before you start tryin' to collect, I'm gonna be enjoyin' this." // @heincus
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weiidafeng · 2 years
zhuangshii replied: :)
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"So it lasts six months straight, eh? Huh. Is the other person still alive by the end of that, or?"
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iinexorabile · 2 years
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a little tag dumping for your woes
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iinexorabile · 2 years
(note: extra info links on this post arent yet mobile friendly… working on that!!! sorry!!)
The year is 208 A.D, and Pang Tong, a genius and sorcerer of Eastern Han China known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, has entered into service under the up and coming warlord Liu Bei, serving alongside his fellow Enigma, Zhuge Liang, as one of the warlord’s strategists, and mages. In comparison to his fellow Enigma Liang, Tong acts as the devil on Liu Bei’s shoulder, the ruthless pragmatist who seeks to help his lord unify the land by any means necessary.
There are a great many obstacles that stand in Liu Bei’s way– to the north, Cao Cao is solidifying their power, and while Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang have worked out an alliance between their lord and the Sun family of the south, even those allies must be closely watched, for if Liu Bei is to unite the land, then ALL must eventually be made to serve him.
Most threatening of all, however, are Tong’s former comrades, the other six Enigma’s, strategists and sorcerer’s of great power, who have also thrown their lot in with either Cao Cao or the Sun family, seemingly forgetting the oath they all took to work together in bringing peace to the land. Regardless, Tong thinks Liu Bei’s chances are pretty good, especially with Zhuge Liang in their service too, even if he and Tong don’t often see eye to eye. Tong see’s the future of China in Liu Bei, and whatever it takes, he’ll see them seated upon the throne as Emperor.
Tong is a sorcerer and genius, well known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, who years ago, served a group fighting a war against the criminal empire known as the Wei Conglomerate Association and the vigilantes of the Wu Syndicate for control of China (and what may have eventually been for control of the world). However, with the sudden death of Tong’s leader Liu Chong during the Red Cliff's Incident, and the eventual collapse of the W.C.A’s and Wu Syndicate that later followed, Tong parted ways with his comrades, deciding to strike out on  his own for a while as he searched for another worthy person or group to serve.
On his own, Tong has taken up work as a sort of sorcerer-for-hire, both locally and abroad, dealing with issues of the magical and generally supernatural nature (exorcising spirits, hunting down rogue supernatural creatures, occasionally taking out other sorcerer’s who’ve ticked off the wrong people, etc) in exchange for much needed money (food and intoxicants aren’t gonna just fall into his lap you know), though he does also sometimes solve problems for the sake of restoring order, and maintaining peace (don’t think that always makes him the good guy, though).
Tong also stays in loose contact with a collective of like-minded sorcerer’s and geniuses known as the Eight Enigma’s (a group he has been a part of for quite some time) despite some grievances he still has with them from his days dealing with the Wei Triad and Wu Syndicate, and while progress is slow, he works with his fellow Enigma’s toward achieving true peace for the world, though it’s an understandably slow process, made slower by the fact that Tong is currently not a apart of any major organizations that he could use as a vehicle for getting closer to that goal, but who knows what the future may hold?
Tong is a “Jujutsu Sorcerer” (or “Curse User” depending on who you ask) originating from China, and is one of the few “Sorcerer’s” from his homeland to have any repute across the Jujutsu World, being known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”. Tong has recently arrived in Japan on a special mission given to him by a group known as the Eight Enigmas, a secretive group of Jujutsu Sorcerer’s that Tong counts himself a member of. Tong’s main mission is to observe, and assist any other Enigma’s who have also been sent to Japan on various tasks, but to say he has no intentions of involving himself in the strange happenings across the land of the rising sun would be a lie…
Pang Tong is a Kido Master, Hollow-soul Hybrid (a result of experiments in the past), and genius strategist known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, who belongs to a minor noble family working in tandem with one of the Four Great Noble Families, and currently serves as the Soul Society’s Vice Kidō Chief, having been in the position since Hachigen Ushōda’s discharge more than a century ago. Tong could easily fill the position of Kido Corps Commander if he wished on account of being one of the Soul Society’s greatest Kido practitioners and having served in the Kido Corps for nearly a millennia, but he turned the position down in the past, and has no ambitions to rise any further than he currently is, thinking the Kido Corps current leadership to be fine enough.
Tong also belongs to a secret collective known as the Eight Enigma’s, a group of Kido master’s who try to maintain the balance of peace within the Soul Society, but due to internal struggles, they haven’t been as active lately, and Tong has mostly written them off, especially in light of current events.
Before, Tong didn’t bother much with the rest of the Soul Society outside of the Kido Corps or the Eight Enigma’s machinations, but with the recent troubles that had afflicted the World of the Living, the Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo as of late, he’s taken a more active role (or as active as he can be) in matters.
“Demons” as they are known in Japan, are not the only immortal, supernatural creatures that stalk the realm of man. There are many beings who prey on the flesh and blood of humans, many twisted creatures who have become the thing of legends, the centers of folklore, and terrors of the night. Across the Sea of Japan, in the various lands of East Asia are an ancient race of these beings known as the Yaoguai (also known as Yaogui, Yaomo, or Yaojing, depending on the type of Yaoguai in question), and it is to this clade that Tong belongs.
Tong, a military strategist and Greater Yaoguai of the Yaogui variety (i.e a former mortal who became a Yaoguai through dark means, shedding all or most of their humanity in the process) known as the “Fledgling Phoenix” or “Beast of the Winds” (depending on who you ask) is the first of his race to set foot in Japan since their extermination at the hands of the land’s native ‘Demons’ nearly 1,000 years ago. Tong has not arrived on the shores of this blighted land on behalf of the Yaoguai, however– he comes as an agent of the Eight Enigma’s, a mysterious group (consisting of both mortals and other Yaoguai) who has set their sights on the events transpiring within Japan between it’s native ‘Demons’ and those who hunt them.
Some within the Eight Enigma’s, Tong included, hope to exploit the worsening conflict between the Demon Slayer’s Corp and their namesake targets, to the point of destabilizing Japan as a whole and ending its Imperialist ambitions overseas, but who’s to say what might happen in the coming months, and years? And who’s to say that Tong won’t take his sweet, lazy time in carrying out his mission, as he’s wont to do….?
Pang Tong is a foreign sorcerer and strategist from a continent far to the south of Fodlan who ended up stranded on the coast of the Adrestian Empire, and along with his traveling companion, eventually made his way to Garreg Mach Monastery, and the Officer’s Academy. Tong, being from a foreign land, and a powerful user of magic, has naturally faced great suspicion from Fodlan’s natives and the Church of Seiros, but he’s treated as a guest of the Church, and can be found hanging around the monastery (occasionally assisting the Church with various matters, reluctantly most times) or offering advice on magic to the students of the Officer’s Academy. Tong is deeply troubled by the state of Fodlan, however, and even more troubled by the forces that seem to control it, and one day hopes to set things here right, perhaps with the help of those in his homeland, if he can ever find his way back to them…
Pang Tong (Caster) is the famed “Fledgling Phoenix”, a contemporary and reputed equal to Zhuge Liang. Tong has answered the call of Chaldea’s master and has pledged to aid them in their struggles against Humanity’s various threats, even if he can come off as a bit difficult, and lazy at times. Tong works best when he’s paired with his old friend and rival, Zhuge Liang, but otherwise tries to keep to himself. That said, given the state of Chaldea and his master’s other servants, sometimes he can’t help but interact with others.
Tong is a hermetic sorcerer and genius who at one time acted as advisor and preceptor to Queen Marika, being instrumental in their initial rise to power over the Lands Between. Tong was one of eight such legendary advisors and preceptors, collectively known as the ’Eight Enigma’s’, of which he was personally known as the great ’Fledgling Phoenix’, however through the years, his fellows turned on one another in bids to gain more power, and when all was said and done, Tong emerged as the last one standing, fully earning Marika’s trust, and their favour. Following the death of Marika’s son, Godwyn, however, during the Night of Black Knives, Tong’s rapport with the Queen sharply fell, and any further strategy or advice he tried to offer them fell on deaf ears. There was nothing Tong could say or do to stay the Queen’s grief, nor anything he could do to stop the chaos that would soon follow with event known as The Shattering.
With war now raging across the land between Marika’s children, Tong would initially find shelter in the halls of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, but in time, he would make his way back to the Capital, Leyndell, where he would pledge his services to the Omen King, Morgott. Tong’s service as an advisor and preceptor of the sorcerer arts under Morgott is something of a tenuous position, if only because Tong see’s them as the least terrible option among the other leaders in the Lands Between, but he works with them nonetheless, seeing to it that the Capital stands strong against those who try to invade, having already been instrumental in repelling countless attacks by the armies of Morgott’s siblings.
Tong believes, however, that while Morgott, and none of Marika’s children for that matter will ever truly emerge victorious in this war, that out there somewhere is the next Elden Lord, and it’s for that person he waits– to help guide them to their destiny, and bring true peace back to the Lands Between, one way or the other.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
tong: ic 
headcanons: tong 
tong: shitposting 
music: tong
musings: tong
;take apart your demons (TONG: MODERN!FANTASY VERSE); 
;a land in chaos (TONG: BASE FANDOMLESS VERSE); 
;cyclones and blood-soaked dreams (TONG: BLEACH VERSE); 
;the deep. the dark (TONG: JJK VERSE); 
;the winds of change (TONG: FE3H VERSE); 
;soaring phoenix (TONG: FGO VERSE); 
;the worst in turn (TONG: ELDEN RING VERSE); 
;demon of the winds (TONG: DEMON SLAYER VERSE); 
;we speak in tongues (TONG ASKS);
;the fledgling phoenix (pang tong | images);
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doomxdriven · 2 years
(note: extra info links on this post arent yet mobile friendly... working on that!!! sorry!!)
The year is 208 A.D, and Pang Tong, a genius and sorcerer of Eastern Han China known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, has entered into service under the up and coming warlord Liu Bei, serving alongside his fellow Enigma, Zhuge Liang, as one of the warlord’s strategists, and mages. In comparison to his fellow Enigma Liang, Tong acts as the devil on Liu Bei’s shoulder, the ruthless pragmatist who seeks to help his lord unify the land by any means necessary.
There are a great many obstacles that stand in Liu Bei’s way– to the north, Cao Cao is solidifying their power, and while Pang Tong and Zhuge Liang have worked out an alliance between their lord and the Sun family of the south, even those allies must be closely watched, for if Liu Bei is to unite the land, then ALL must eventually be made to serve him.
Most threatening of all, however, are Tong’s former comrades, the other six Enigma’s, strategists and sorcerer’s of great power, who have also thrown their lot in with either Cao Cao or the Sun family, seemingly forgetting the oath they all took to work together in bringing peace to the land. Regardless, Tong thinks Liu Bei’s chances are pretty good, especially with Zhuge Liang in their service too, even if he and Tong don’t often see eye to eye. Tong see’s the future of China in Liu Bei, and whatever it takes, he’ll see them seated upon the throne as Emperor.
Tong is a sorcerer and genius, well known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, who years ago, served a group fighting a war against the criminal empire known as the Wei Triad and the vigilantes of the Wu Syndicate for control of China (and what may have eventually been for control of the world). However, with the sudden death of Tong’s leader Liu Chong, and the eventual collapse of the Wei Triad and Wu Syndicate due to internal matters, Tong parted ways with his comrades, deciding to strike out on his own for a while as he searched for another worthy person or group to serve.
On his own, Tong has taken up work as a sort of sorcerer-for-hire, both locally and abroad, dealing with issues of the magical and generally supernatural nature (exorcising spirits, hunting down rogue supernatural creatures, occasionally taking out other sorcerer’s who’ve ticked off the wrong people, etc) in exchange for much needed money (food and intoxicants aren’t gonna just fall into his lap you know), though he does also sometimes solve problems for the sake of restoring order, and maintaining peace (don’t think that always makes him the good guy, though).
Tong also stays in loose contact with a collective of like-minded sorcerer’s and geniuses known as the Eight Enigma’s (a group he has been a part of for quite some time) despite some grievances he still has with them from his days dealing with the Wei Triad and Wu Syndicate, and while progress is slow, he works with his fellow Enigma’s toward achieving true peace for the world, though it’s an understandably slow process, made slower by the fact that Tong is currently not a apart of any major organizations that he could use as a vehicle for getting closer to that goal, but who knows what the future may hold?
Pang Tong is a Kido Master, Hollow-soul Hybrid (a result of experiments in the past), and genius strategist known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”, who belongs to a minor noble family working in tandem with one of the Four Great Noble Families, and currently serves as the Soul Society’s Vice Kidō Chief, having been in the position since Hachigen Ushōda’s discharge more than a century ago. Tong could easily fill the position of Kido Corps Commander if he wished on account of being one of the Soul Society’s greatest Kido practitioners and having served in the Kido Corps for nearly a millennia, but he turned the position down in the past, and has no ambitions to rise any further than he currently is, thinking the Kido Corps current leadership to be fine enough.
Tong also belongs to a secret collective known as the Eight Enigma’s, a group of Kido master’s who try to maintain the balance of peace within the Soul Society, but due to internal struggles, they haven’t been as active lately, and Tong has mostly written them off, especially in light of current events.
Before, Tong didn’t bother much with the rest of the Soul Society outside of the Kido Corps or the Eight Enigma’s machinations, but with the recent troubles that had afflicted the World of the Living, the Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo as of late, he’s taken a more active role (or as active as he can be) in matters.
“Demons” as they are known in Japan, are not the only immortal, supernatural creatures that stalk the realm of man. There are many beings who prey on the flesh and blood of humans, many twisted creatures who have become the thing of legends, the centers of folklore, and terrors of the night. Across the Sea of Japan, in the various lands of East Asia are an ancient race of these beings known as the Yaoguai (also known as Yaogui, Yaomo, or Yaojing, depending on the type of Yaoguai in question), and it is to this clade that Tong belongs.
Tong, a military strategist and Greater Yaoguai of the Yaogui variety (i.e a former mortal who became a Yaoguai through dark means, shedding all or most of their humanity in the process) known as the “Fledgling Phoenix” or “Beast of the Winds” (depending on who you ask) is the first of his race to set foot in Japan since their extermination at the hands of the land’s native ‘Demons’ nearly 1,000 years ago. Tong has not arrived on the shores of this blighted land on behalf of the Yaoguai, however– he comes as an agent of the Eight Enigma’s, a mysterious group (consisting of both mortals and other Yaoguai) who has set their sights on the events transpiring within Japan between it’s native ‘Demons’ and those who hunt them.
Some within the Eight Enigma’s, Tong included, hope to exploit the worsening conflict between the Demon Slayer’s Corp and their namesake targets, to the point of destabilizing Japan as a whole and ending its Imperialist ambitions overseas, but who’s to say what might happen in the coming months, and years? And who’s to say that Tong won’t take his sweet, lazy time in carrying out his mission, as he’s wont to do….?
Tong is a “Jujutsu Sorcerer” (or “Curse User” depending on who you ask) originating from China, and is one of the few “Sorcerer’s” from his homeland to have any repute across the Jujutsu World, being known as the “Fledgling Phoenix”. Tong has recently arrived in Japan on a special mission given to him by a group known as the Eight Enigmas, a secretive group of Jujutsu Sorcerer’s that Tong counts himself a member of. Tong’s main mission is to observe, and assist any other Enigma’s who have also been sent to Japan on various tasks, but to say he has no intentions of involving himself in the strange happenings across the land of the rising sun would be a lie…
Pang Tong is a foreign sorcerer and strategist from a continent far to the south of Fodlan who ended up stranded on the coast of the Adrestian Empire, and along with his traveling companion, eventually made his way to Garreg Mach Monastery, and the Officer’s Academy. Tong, being from a foreign land, and a powerful user of magic, has naturally faced great suspicion from Fodlan’s natives and the Church of Seiros, but he’s treated as a guest of the Church, and can be found hanging around the monastery (occasionally assisting the Church with various matters, reluctantly most times) or offering advice on magic to the students of the Officer’s Academy. Tong is deeply troubled by the state of Fodlan, however, and even more troubled by the forces that seem to control it, and one day hopes to set things here right, perhaps with the help of those in his homeland, if he can ever find his way back to them…
Pang Tong (Caster) is the famed “Fledgling Phoenix”, a contemporary and reputed equal to Zhuge Liang. Tong has answered the call of Chaldea’s master and has pledged to aid them in their struggles against Humanity’s various threats, even if he can come off as a bit difficult, and lazy at times. Tong works best when he’s paired with his old friend and rival, Zhuge Liang, but otherwise tries to keep to himself. That said, given the state of Chaldea and his master’s other servants, sometimes he can’t help but interact with others.
Tong is a hermetic sorcerer and genius who at one time acted as advisor and preceptor to Queen Marika, being instrumental in their initial rise to power over the Lands Between. Tong was one of eight such legendary advisors and preceptors, collectively known as the ’Eight Enigma’s’, of which he was personally known as the great ’Fledgling Phoenix’, however through the years, his fellows turned on one another in bids to gain more power, and when all was said and done, Tong emerged as the last one standing, fully earning Marika’s trust, and their favour. Following the death of Marika’s son, Godwyn, however, during the Night of Black Knives, Tong’s rapport with the Queen sharply fell, and any further strategy or advice he tried to offer them fell on deaf ears. There was nothing Tong could say or do to stay the Queen’s grief, nor anything he could do to stop the chaos that would soon follow with event known as The Shattering.
With war now raging across the land between Marika’s children, Tong would initially find shelter in the halls of the Academy of Raya Lucaria, but in time, he would make his way back to the Capital, Leyndell, where he would pledge his services to the Omen King, Morgott. Tong’s service as an advisor and preceptor of the sorcerer arts under Morgott is something of a tenuous position, if only because Tong see’s them as the least terrible option among the other leaders in the Lands Between, but he works with them nonetheless, seeing to it that the Capital stands strong against those who try to invade, having already been instrumental in repelling countless attacks by the armies of Morgott’s siblings.
Tong believes, however, that while Morgott, and none of Marika’s children for that matter will ever truly emerge victorious in this war, that out there somewhere is the next Elden Lord, and it’s for that person he waits– to help guide them to their destiny, and bring true peace back to the Lands Between, one way or the other.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
❛  this is an internal matter now. your assistance is not required.  ❜
the blacklist sentence starters | selectively accepting | @lunarscaled
Tong wouldn't pretend to understand everything about how Lyric's guild worked or how it functioned within the greater association of guilds they were linked to, but he knew enough-- when he heard about all the trouble Lyric now had on their hands, he knew it was something he could help with. "Oh yeah, I hear you and all," Tong says in an almost flat but dismissive tone, "but I'm already here, and since I wasted so much energy and time on gettin' here," as in literal time and energy, having performed a whole scrying and teleportation ritual to track Lyric and travel to their location, "I may as well spend a little more and help out."
Tong normally would have been inclined to jump at the notion of 'not doing anything', that was his natural state, but there were some exceptions to that inclination, one of those exceptions being when people he considered his friends and allies truly needed help.
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"I know I'm an insufferable bastard and all," Tong nonchalantly continued, "but with the threat you're facin', it couldn't hurt to have some extra magical and strategical expertise backin' you up, two things you know I ain't lackin' in." Tong sports a smirk, and in a dry manner, he jests, "Guess you could always fight me too and try to force me away, but otherwise I ain't goin anywhere, buddy; you're stuck with me, 'internal matter' or not."
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doomxdriven · 2 years
❛  we need to go now. i hope you’re not afraid of heights.  ❜ hokori to tong
the blacklist sentence starters | selectively accepting | @heincus
What a shit-show this had all turned out to be-- it wasn't as bad as that Neon heist Tong had pulled off with Hokori a while back, and they did achieve all their objectives here, but battling a group of highly trained, magically equipped assassins and nearly destroying the plane they were on was a huge deviation from what Tong had envisioned. Naturally, Tong and Hokori (mostly Hokori) had dealt with the attackers swiftly but at great cost to the aircraft. "Afraid of heights? Nah." replied Tong in casual fashion despite the fire that raged around them and the smoke that clouded what scarce breathable air there still was in the cargo bay of this plane. "More afraid of possibly losin' our haul here on the way down, but I think it'll be alright."
Tong briefly turns to a large shipping container that he proceeds to weave a protective barrier around, and once that's in place, he scales it, sits on top, and uses some of his air magic to lift Hokori up and sit her up there with him. "This thing's pretty heavy, got a lot of crap in there, but I shouldn't have too much trouble keepin' it in the air-- the landin', though, might need some of your energy to make sure that's smooth."
Up ahead of Tong and Hokori's position, the plane's main cargo door breaks off, and the plane itself begins to take a noticeable dive-- it was just like Hokori said, they needed to go, now. "My magic should keep us both tethered to this container while we're flyin'," continued Tong, looking back at Hokori with a smirk, "but just in case, if you need to hold onto anythin', feel free to use me." Tong raises a hand, and behind the shipping container he and Hokori both sat atop, a large concentration of wind would gather, which then propelled them toward the open sky where they would soon be soaring toward their freedom, and their payday.
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Turning away from Hokori the moment that shipping container took to the air, Tong let out a brief chuckle and then added, "If you get motion sick and have to throw up or somethin' though, uh, stay away, this is my good outfit."
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weiidafeng · 3 years
// @zhuangshii​​ liked for smth!!
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            Though his face lay hidden beneath a mask of oak, Tong very clearly, and shamelessly, eyes Shao from head to toe, twice even, before calmly and casually saying, “Looks like Jia wasn’t completely exaggerating about you after all, Miss Dragonhead, surprise surprise. Makes me wonder if everything else he’s said about you is true, too...”
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doomxdriven · 2 years
//tag dump for two of my muses that i'm throwing on here.... still a few things to work out, but i'm hoping to write them on here once i can actually, you know, compose myself and write SDJHFJGHS.
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weiidafeng · 3 years
"Fuck you're beefy." Alys adjusts how he's standing on his skates, absolutely admiring Tong. "How much for you to pick me up?"
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"Don't think I've heard anyone call me that yet, so kudo's for originality." Tong stares at the other, arms crossed behind his back, a brow raised in mild curiosity while a subtle smirk crept across his face. "Not really in the business of pickin' anyone up right now," continued Tong in a casual tone, "in the middle of somethin' important, a job I've been slackin' off on for too long." Tong was about a week late to that effect, a few too many naps and drinks had gone a long way. "But, since you look interestin'," Tong brings one of his hands around, a card in his grasp that he had fished out of his pocket, one with his name and phone number on it, "maybe we can work somethin' out another time." Tong tosses the card into the air as a small gust of magically charged wind flies it directly into Alys pocket.
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"Give me a ring one of these days, eh?" says Tong as he makes brief, though deep eye contact with Alys before moving past them, returning to his task at hand.
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doomxdriven · 2 years
The rollerblading bastard finds himself skating up to Tong, remembering the once distant encounter. "It's you! You free right now? Got some time to fuck around?"
Tong didn't recognize the man on roller-blades at first, but as they got closer, he remembered well enough. "Oh, you." Tong says, his tone casual, flat even, though with a smirk forming on his face. "Yeah, I'm not in the middle of anythin' right now, why not?" That was a lie, but Tong didn't see why he couldn't indulge in a bit of leisurely free time, it's not like he was in a rush to get anything done at the moment. Not to mention that Tong expected the target of his current job today to seek him out, not the other way around, and having someone else on hand to help deal with them would make his day a lot easier.
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"I know a place down the road where they serve real fancy drinks, why don't we head that way? I'll buy." //@tarotborn
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weiidafeng · 3 years
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t.ag du.mp
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