#jhope fancam
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day 80/548 of hobi's military service
this selca was posted on 131220 with the caption:
Different version of Daejeon shyoong, Hobie that has a weak heart is leaving after pitching a picture like this ... Hopeful night@-@/ Ah! Everyone it's been one whole year since 'A Typical Trainee's Christmas', so do anticipate for our 5-people Christmas track! (Purposeful publicity)
(trans cr: Denise @ bts-trans)
this is the song hobi referred to in his caption, A Typical Trainee's Christmas, posted 121223:
and this is the new song, A Typical Idol's Christmas, posted on 131223:
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hhuta · 1 year
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iamagoober · 1 year
bruh it’s something about the way Hoseok dances. he COMPLETES the movements. like head to shoulder to elbows to wrist to fingers. he dances the way animators animate characters. y’all get me??? like the timing also, fast and slows of his movements are so satisfying. i have no idea so to put it into words.
i like that his stage presence isn’t focused on showing his body too like his stage persona is just about being a good dancer and letting his skill speak. and it’s.. hot..
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jikook - what we see is what we get
When we get to see it.
Not seeing it doesn't mean it's not there though.
Was sitting today BTS songs just playing in the background while I'm working on my post. All this shit just happening around us, around JK and JM (yes, JM is part of it, he's also affected by it all), and The truth untold comes up.
This version:
One of, if not their best performance imo. The emotion just pouring out of them.
This song. It kills me every single time. Brings me to tears every single time. JM turned away from JK singing "and I still want you" in every performance. Well, other than their last 3 in Seoul, changed by them, performed by them, ending facing each other JM singing "but I still want you". Defiant.
All about the need to wear that mask to hide your true self for fear you might not be loved for who you truly are, that you might be seen as ugly, a monster. And the two of them, changing the staging, turning to each other, looking into each other's eyes, while changing the "and" to "but I still want you"... do people understand this? The enormity of this moment?
And then this song comes up, this performance:
This was on day 2, while on day 3 we had this:
Omg, my YT logarithm is trying to kill me today.
And got me thinking about this moment we got on day 3 as well.
This love, people, this chemistry, us not seeing it as often for the lack of BTS ot7 content doesn't mean is gone. It's very much still there. We just aren't as lucky to be able to see them in that one frame as often or even at all. But when we do, there is no denying it. Even if it's for the shortest of moments.
We saw it in 2020 (have people forgot memories 2020 for god sake?)
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We saw it in 2021
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So much more, so little image allowance... But you can find it all in my masterlist.
We saw it throughout 2022 in their Seoul and LV PTD concerts.
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And in JITB even if briefly,
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And in Busan and Run BTS episodes.
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And we even got a little touch of it in 2023, when there was no way of keeping them out of the frame, like in Jhope's enlistment BTB, D-Day in Seoul and even when not being in one frame, in those lives we got to enjoy when the one joined the other in their comments and even without the other even making that kind of appearance.
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Letter, goddamnit.
Oh and then we had JM literally flying across the world to be with JK for his Solo debut (if only GMA concert wasn't cancelled, damn it), and them dipping off for their 4 day private trip in CT.
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It's sad how short people's memories are. Really. I am reading all sorts of fanfictions being put forward as "this is what happened with Jikook over the years", stating facts that are not facts, creating non existent drama, because people love the drama.
This is a loving couple in a long term relationship. You know, that boring kind. The stable, loving, filled with respect and no drama. The one where one supports their partner when they are struggling. One where just being with each other is fulfilling (cough JK coming to JM's room in LA just to be with him in the same room for hours cough).
Funny how people are talking about them breaking up 2020-21 during the pandemic when JK literally had a slip of the tongue spilling the beans they live together, they are one household, in Run BTS episode 142 they were each gifted a knife. JK all proud and piping up "we got 2"...
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JM just sitting there all quiet, smirk on his face.
Stories about breakups. Stories about sexually experimenting but no actual emotional commitment. All while ignoring the constants. Those things that are just there, all the time, whenever we do get to see them:
That electrical chemistry between those two.
The way they look at each other constant over the years.
The way they talk to each other constant over the years.
The way they touch each other constant over the years.
The way they talk about each other.
The way their interactions are so different from the others or their own with the others.
The way the others are around them, their reaction to Jikook.
All still there!!!
I wrote this post yesterday before JK's Radiohead appearance and his TikTok post-delete.
I guess now would be a good time to repeat what the wise @ourwinterspring (yes, I'm mentioning you again, lol) once said (well a couple of days ago, that is):
Rumors are created by haters
accepted by fools
and spread by idiots
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Surely Jimin isn't that popular. When you look at views and everything, he is always falling behind the two maknaes and even Jin. How can people claim him to be the most popular? I guess the other two have a huge shipping fandom but still..
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Anon, you realise those fancams you're talking about Jimin is the reason they're a thing now? The reason people like you care than their fav has the most views? This is the one that started it all
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It had even more views but haters United and reported that video till millions were deleted.
But you're right. He's isn't that popular. He's extremely popular. Him and JK fight neck and neck most popular. This post i made here is for people like you.
Then we have this;
(Look at the name of the account that made that)
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And then we have this where he's dominating the first 8 spots and his own group song is at number 9.
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Not the first time this has happened either and won't be the last.
Remember how Suga is global ambassador for Valentino? Jhope for LV? RM for Botega? V for Celine? Remember how much chaos Jimin caused at Dior? Did u see this happening for others? Did u see the crowd and the big deal he was?
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Never before seen they said....
Numbers don't lie anon.
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I hope u can read because that says first artist. Not first Asian. Not first Korean. First Artist. Mkay?
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Let's not forget for 2 years now Jimin has been number one. Number 1 for 2 consecutive years as brand reputation king 👑
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Jimin is king anon, period. Show him some fucking respect!!
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Oh. I see what this is. You thought his popularity is limited to Korea. Remember the other day when twitter got all nasty and people started trending ugly shit? Guess who had the most trending tweets?
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Billboard did a thing. Best BTS song they said. Guess who's winning
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This is a bit messed up y'all, it should be Run BTS but anyway....
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I am probably forgetting so much, you know, because he's had so many achievements, have broken so many records. Things that actually matter more than views on a fancam? I have a feeling he's joined the rapline in terms of richest members atp.
When JJK1 drops JK will top his boyfriend in more ways than one, of course, 😏 but for now Jimin is holding down the Fort. Okay? Don't ever make the mistake of underestimating Jimin's popularity ever again. Ty
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solarwynd · 5 months
I know art is subjective and it's fine to like certain styles or dancers more. I'm just saying that even when I was a ymk biased army, I had no idea for a long time that Hobi was in any way involved in that dance battle with block b. Every fancam or cut I saw of that was of Jimin. Same goes with Jimin's fan dance. When I was a baby army it took me ages to realise it was a group song with 3J opening and not some solo Jimin dance from a BTS concert. That when you watch a video with iconic moves from BTS, it's going to be 90 percent Jimin or a pair choreo involving Jimin.
And then this fandom has the nerve to act like saying Jimin is the superior dancer in BTS is a slight against Jhope. But not the other way around right? The nonsense we have to sit through....
If armys truly thought hobi was the better dancer, then it’d be the easiest thing in the world to highlight more of his performances over Jimin’s but they don’t. They know who the real draw is. Armys just don’t like giving Jimin his dues.
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peachjagiya · 6 months
i’m so confused as to how everyone seemingly came to the collective consensus that the dream premiere was some huge pivotal moment/statement for taekook. i don’t rlly understand how them showing up to a movie premiere together is a huge deal? it’s not like they waltzed in holding hands or anything like that. it very well could have just been two close friends/bandmates going to a movie premiere together bc why not? if any two other members had gone to a movie premiere together it would be seen as completely platonic and normal so why is tkk going made out to be some crazy brave and “wow” moment for them? everyone knows they’re friends. is it just bc jk was shy? bc that’s pretty normal for him tbh especially given that it was his first public outing since being on hiatus for a long time and only doing weverse lives from his house/gym.
also everyone seems to have concluded that they were definitely intentionally wearing queer coded clothes when honestly their outfits were pretty normal. ppl just dug extensively into the background of every item they wore and found some far-off connection to queerness/tkk when rlly it’s so unlikely they planned each article of clothing out like that. bc for what? they’re not actually trying to come out so why would they plan queer coded outfits as some “secret sign” ? like ppl really think jungkook looked up the exact quotes of the print on his jacket and traced it back to being vaguely alluded to something queer? and then said to himself “yes this is what i’ll wear to show the world” ?? and ppl genuinely believe taehyung intentionally wore the brand juntae kim to symbolize the connection of their two names together…like rlly? it’s just a brand…we talk so much abt how shippers connecting clothes/accessories to prove a relationship is stupid yet we’re out here doing the same and making it one of our biggest moments?
don’t get me wrong i love the dream premiere, it was cute, but i rlly don’t get why it’s been made out to be THAT much of a big deal. like i get the kappa tshirts thing bc those r clearly the exact same shirt on the same day but in what way is going to a movie premiere together some “huge step” ?
Vibes, my friend. Vibes.
Let me start by saying I also don't put much into the clothing. They may have been styled for it, they may have chosen themselves. Who knows? But I also wouldn't be surprised to find out it was deliberate. Tae is knowledgeable about queer culture, British music and art, etc. I don't think it's a reach to assume he knows who Morrissey or Oscar Wilde are. But ultimately no, I'm not factoring it into my thinking.
I found videos of a couple of other times two members attended a thing together.
Joonie and Hobi at Love Your W 2022 photowall.
They do heart poses together but when you watch the video, they are both completely focused on posing for camera. I'm not implying they're not close but there's a business-like vibe to it. Joonie was there to perform, it's on schedule etc.
I also found Jimin and Hobi at Dior in Paris.
This video doesn't show it but they arrive seperately, do photowall seperately* then sit together at the runway. They're on schedule.
(* there are some pictures showing them together at photo wall but they're edited.)
These both feel a bit different to:
👉 An off schedule event to support Seojoon.
👉 Tae going to his best friends premiere and taking a plus one.
👉 Being together at all points of the event from arriving in same car to leaving together to then continue being together with Wooga after the event.
👉 Hyungsik and Wooshik posed alone and they're super close. This might be because Tae and JK are grouped as BTS though.
👉 The pair of them having a number of moments of eyes on each other rather than anywhere else.
👉 JKs extreme giggliness which, though I see your point about him being shy, seemed excessively nervous.
👉 The fancams of JK stopping and Tae encouraging him.
👉 JKs somewhat pensive live later.
👉 This picture:
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(I know it's a still photograph of a millisecond in time. I'm just being a dork.)
Thanks anon. It's good to look at this stuff twice and compare. If you know any other times two of them attended something, let me know! 💜
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bangtanpurplearchive · 4 months
BTS trip through time. December 2014.
141203 Seasons greetings 2015. (archive)
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141203 2014 MAMA (archive)
Jin's birthday
Twitter: Big Hit (1). BTS.(1). (2). (3). RM (1). Jin (1). Suga (1), (2).  Jhope (1). Jimin (1). Tae (1). JK (1)
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141204  Jin Birthday JIN'S BIRTHDAY. Big Hit (1), (2). Fancafe (1) (archive)
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141204 KWave Digital Magazine for BTS ! (archive)
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30 December Tae’s birthday
Twitter: BTS tweet (1), (2), (3).  Jhope (1). Tae (1). Jin & Tae (1). Suga (1). Jimin (1). Jimin & Tae (1). Tae (1), (2).
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 141230 V Birthday HAPPY V'IRTHDAY. Big Hit 1 . Facebook media set. (archive)
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BTS also attended the end of year festivals
141226 2014 KBS Music Festival (KBS Gayo Dhaechuje). Danger. (archive)
141231 MBC Gayo Daejejun (Broadcast) Fancams. (archive) army membership (1)
I loved watching the seasons greetings. They looked so soft
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love4hobi · 8 months
Hi!! I really like your blog and it’s great to find an active Hobi blog. I just got into BTS this past month and was wondering if you had recommendations or favorite Jhope (and overall BTS) content/videos to check out for a complete beginner! Even though I’ve casually listened to BTS since 2015/2016, I didn’t follow them or even know all their names/faces well... until recently I watched a couple of Jhope’s stages and was like damnnn, I need to know him and the whole group more!! Iconic stages, funny videos, interesting interviews, whatever you enjoy :) Thank you!
thank u so much thats very sweet 🥹<33 im very honored that youve chosen to ask me this because this is a biiig question n i shall do my best🫡 ok well firstly, i think it would be insane to not start off with hobipalooza
his lollapalooza set can be watched in full here, which u might have already seen, but for an added bonus u can listen to his albums hope world + jack in the box, THEN watch his lolla set to really get a feel for how he brings his songs to life while performing them. his music is great but for me his true stardom lies in his performance and stage presence and hobipalooza will tell u everything u need to know about jhope as a performer 🥹🤩
just some of his many iconic solo performances:
more + arson at the 2022 mnet asian music awards (+ future)
the only live performance hes done of on the street 🥲
also the dynamite + butter performance from that same day just cus u can see the pure joy in his face and the love he has for performing 🫂 despite them both being songs that he originally had less than like 10 seconds of lines in each
his performance and interview on iu's palette my beloved
all of his just dance performances are amazing and consistent but heres a good fancam
as for bts group performances i think its best to look at their older songs as he has not had many lines in their recent releases :/ some that i really love:
mic drop is kind of known as his song, heres their snl performance, most recent performance of it, and another favorite of mine hehe
outro: tear specifically his verse at the end (around the 4 minute mark)
chicken noodle soup at the 2021 muster, its jhopes song but they performed it all together
boy meets evil + blood sweat & tears at 2016 mama
idk im drawing a blank but honestly any of their old concerts or fanmeets/musters are really great. you can find a lot of them here
some dance focused videos since hes the main dancer 🫶
any of his old hope on the street videos that i miss so dearly. theyre just videos of him freestyling for a while and he does it so effortlessly and its rly satisfying to watch. 2020, 2021, with jimin, with jungkook
the iconic no more dream dance break 🙇
this random dance performance 3j did i use to watch this on a monthly basis
another 3j dance video of the megan thee stallion butter remix
i feel like its kinda obvious but i also want to recommend his music videos since theyre all rly amazing but some of my favs are more, daydream, chicken noodle soup, and on the street
ok im gonna stop cus this is getting long and i dont want to overwhelm u but im also definitely forgetting stuff,, everyone else feel free to add stuff in the replies!! anyway i hope this helps!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hiii.. I was watching random fancams of BTS and then suddenly my mind went into teasing mode 🗿
So now you gotta choose one 😂 Sorry In Advance 😭
190811 Jungkook
2019 Grammy Tae
Mots online concert Filter Jimin
Purple Hair Jin Era
No more dream Dance break Jhope
Old town Road performance Namjoon
180622 Min Yoongi
🌝🌝🌝🌝🌝 You can't refuse to choose
I'm not sure yall realize how often Yoongi will win for me 🤣
180622 Min Yoongi, Airplane Pt 2 😍
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Since you are online, I was wondering what you thought about this.
I recently met some BTS stans and have become close with them. While chatting with them I have realised that they always box Jimin into contemporary and think that he isn't the best dancer/performer of the group. When I ask them why they think that, the answer is that BTS have always said JHope is the best dancer so why would they think differently. It made me really think about it all. I even tried focussing on other members when I watched their performances but honestly I don't see what my friends see. I know JHope is an amazing dancer as is Jungkook but sometimes I feel like Jungkook is more exercising than dancing but I can't seem to agree with Jimin not being the best in the group. Of course this all comes to preference and I understand that. But with these friends, it's not even a preference. They just believe it.
I personally find Jimin to be the best dancer/performer not only in the group but also in K-pop. I would go as far to say he is one of the best performers in the world.
Now do you think I am wrong in my conviction or am I being too biased? My friends do think that it could also be because Jimin is considered better looking so I am more focussed him. I mean I do notice his looks because who wouldn't but I don't know, I don't think it's as much to do with his looks as it is with his skills.
Hi Anon,
I’m pretty sure I’ve answered an ask that had a very similar question before, but almost a year ago maybe. And given I’m just quickly responding to asks now, I can’t easily look it up to link for you, so I’ll likely edit this post later to update you on my opinion re: Jimin, j-hope, and the best dancer debate, also referencing the point about Jimin being better looking apparently. A quick TLDR on that latter point about looks, this is one example of ARMYs mindlessly regurgitating narratives in the fandom and frankly being too stupid to be helped. In my humble opinion.
Anyway, I’ll edit this later when I’m more settled to link to the exact post. I’m home now but tired after my fancam marathon and ready to go to bed lol. So I’ll update this later.
**EDIT: Anon, you can find my reply to a similar ask linked here.
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wegonbealright-09 · 1 year
Idk how ppl can still ship Jikook or why armys like JK so much when he is so insecure and jealous of others.
Mostly of Jimin he cant never compliment him and when he did he said "its so hard blabla" he looks pissed af when Jimin gets attention https://twitter.com/ifaceof/status/1705398170144887136?t=G90-ZjX7GDdfXaHi5bIWqA&s=19 and idk why nobody mentioned how mad he looked in the Special 8 photo-folio when Jimin did better than everyone with his concept and JK was the only one that didnt say anything positive to him and was looking mad/sad smh.
I bet he cried when he saw Jimins #1. Idk if the other members notice how jealous and bitter he is or they just dont care that much bc they need to keep working with him.
Every time jimin gets attention or is being complemented his smile goes from a hundred to a zero. How can you be in a relationship with someone you see as competition. It's been ten years but nigga is still in some one sided competition with jimin.
He always says jhope is the best dancer in the group but he studies jimin's dance moves, he follows him, he watches him.
He probably watches his fancams and dance focused jimin videos all day. Idk if I can call it admiration or what it's just weird super weird because as much as he's competitive in nature he's most competitive with jimin it's weird it gives off major stalker vibes.
That's also why him watching smfpt2 mv didn't phase me that much. Because in his eyes he looked like he envies him, he wishes he could that, be that perfect, dance like that, have that stage presence, have such artistic mind because seeing the MV and knowing that jimin was the brains behind that killed him slowly inside.
He's just weird and he should grow tf up. He doesn't like it when people complement jimin but he doesn't complement him either. He finds it hard to formulate words to complement him. Complementing jimin as a dancer and a singer looks like it kills him inside like everytime he says something nice about his voice or his dance moves a piece of him will die.
And that Heart Radio interview thing he looked like he wanted to die on the spot. As a shipper I used to view or see that moment as a "jeonlous" moment now it has a whole different meaning.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
This fandom in general is not only jikookphobic, it is also Jiminphobic and Jungkookphobic too.
Oh honey you have to realize one more important point, pretty sure Fandom, atleast many in fandom, is NOT jungkookphobic. But Jiminphobic. Many either blatantly or secretly HATE jimin. They cannot bear anything good happening to him. If it was jungkookphobic then we won't see people having no problem in announcing Tkk couple or praise namkook as much as they want - the great crush story.
Don't know whether u will read or post this because its long but it's all fact and surely not any hate against any members
Just look at patterns :
1. Jimin in 2018 sets a record for highest viewed fancam ever, trended fancam for days, purely based on his talent and dancing. 1st fancam to start this fancam streaming culture. Next year onwards bitter stans began mass streaming their favs fancam, buy ads etc to increase views. We have a literal example of an ex Jimin anti saying she viewed Jimin as an enemy because he stands out too much in group and his bond with JK. He's the member who brings most fans to Fandom/ go viral among locals but nope it's X and Y member who's popular.
2. Jimin is knows for his dancing skills even outside the Fandom, rest Fandoms praise him for dancing. But ARMYs can't stand that. For one Jhope is a terrific performer. But when someone is talking about Jimin's dancing they immediately bring Jhope to pull down Jimin, saying Jimin told hobi is best dancer. Like susan what do you expect Jimin to say ??? 'Yes I'm the best dancer of the group' ??? So you can call him rude ?? Go through their recent performance videos you will rarely see a comment praising Jimin's dancing and if anyone say something next moment they are corrected by - but hobi... the recent MMA plaque dancer award for Jimin is latest example on how this Fandom hate when Jimin is recognized for his dancing is.
3. Jimin without any vocal training from company debuted as the Lead vocalist of BTS and share 2nd most lines after JK until recently. Again take a performance video or lyrical video you will see people PRAISING rest 3 vocalists. Everyone happy until someone praise about Jimin's vocals. Suddenly it's too high pitched to them, too much autotune, too many lines for him, they prefer Tae's vocals, Jin should have that lines etc. Now tae won a vocal award in MMA Everyone happy, no questions but imagine Jimin winning it ???
4. Jimin being so fucking close with Jungkook and possibly having romantic relationship with him. One of the major source for Jimin hate - 'The great Jikook' lol. No way Jimin, out of all members, can have jungkook, no way their bond is pure, it's all fanservice, why would JK select Jimin when Tae exist, if JK is in relationship with any band member its Tae. No one calls out anyone who's praising namkook's crush but good God mention GCFT is for Jimin you 'disrespected' JK's work. Everyone and their mommas happy when it's Tae paired with JK but can't stand Jimin existing in same place with JK.
5. All members interact with fans, all of them do this lil flirty FS thing, all of them smile at them and talk sweetly. But rest members doing it is so sweet and nice while Jimin, Godforbid, smile politely at someone he's a FLIRT. He maybe just existing simply still he's portrayed as a flirt, pervert and womanizer in edits and comments and it became normalized to the point uts acceptable to call Jimin any names. No way he's polite and welcoming to someone right, everything he do is with a ill intention that is to flirt with them like the fuckboy he is. The only point everyone in fandom come together is to call him flirt or to say he's making men gay because of 'Jimin effect'
6. Jimin not being so masculine according to societies standards. And i have SEEN many hate him for that. Hate him for being queer, embracing his femininity saying how he's not manly enough for them to like him. I've even seen many saying stylists are purposefully putting him in those outfits and makeup for queer coding, it's his persona given by bh, hes making other boys gay or making them uncomfortable by his gay behavior and that's friend what is homophobia. Rest fandoms openly being homophobic and transphobic to him and treating him like a slut of the group. I/we have SEEN it.
7. Jimin being always portrayed as the weaker one in group. For this they exaggerate other members physical and mental strength as if it's a competition. One, Many conveniently forgets he's blackbelt in taekwondo, have years of practice in kendo and other marital arts. You can see them eliminating him from kpop idols with a blackbelt but insert JK who doesn't have a black belt, Because it's JK who's more bulked up and masculine than Jimin isn't it. Two, he's still the ome insecure in his body and visuals who needs validation from others. He used to have some insecurity I agree but so did rest members and they have spoken multiple times about it. But only Jimin is considered insecure, who still starve everyday to look good while all he's doing is working out and maintaining a diet like most celebs in entertainment field and like rest of boys. He is mentally strong af to withstand all the hate he's getting. Jimin is past that insecure stage but Fandom is not.
8. Criminal underestimatation of him as an artist. I've literally seen discussions on reddit on what Jimin will do when BTS starts a solo career. He is so versatile and can carry himself well but nope that's what make us jealous so we will question his survival in industry. He's not doing several other variety projects like rest boys at present, because HE CHOSE NOT TO but nope it's because Jimin is useless apart from group and can't survive in this industry on his own. Jimin tops brand reputation every fucking months- and it's rigged. Jimin's insta followers - bought, jimin broke record of most iTunes #1 - irrelevant. Like every achievement of him as an artist is underestimated.
So yep, MANY MANY in this Fandom hate Jimin or is just including him for this ot7 love all members kumbaya but when in reality hate him and thinks he's unworthy of praising for his talents, Jungkook, his stans and other good things.
It really really hurt when that producer wrote 2 days before - how much he (JM) loves bts army because in return he's getting jealousy of many bitches here. But hey atleast he has many people who genuinely loves him right 😪🤞 who doesn't care if he feed the shippers or not, is gay/straight, is beautiful or not, is giving them content every two days or not.
It's probably my imagination but the 'oh honey' at the beginning of your ask sounded condescending.
While I agree with several of the things you mention in this ask, I disagree with you when you say that this fandom isn't jungkookphobic as well. Because it is. Maybe it's different from how they react about Jimin but this fandom in general, on an individual level doesn't like Jungkook very much because they are envious of him, because they think he doesn't deserve everything he has, what he gets and the praise he gets.
I was not referring to Jungkook with another member, I am talking about Jungkook only. The individual. The Solo artist.
For the above, I reiterate what I said, this fandom is Jungkookphobic too.
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seoul-bros · 2 years
I'm Fine
In Hobi's visit to the Tokyo Proof Exhibition, he mentioned that the I'm Fine choreography was really tough. I decided to go back and watch some of the performances to see what he meant.
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I'm Fine was performed alongside Idol and Save Me when they did the rounds of the music shows in early September 2018. There are pre-recorded stages for Inkigayo (02/09/2018), KBS Music Bank (05/09/2018) and MBC Music Core (08/09/2018). You can find them all on You Tube. I am using the MBC show for illustration purposes.
There are three things that you immediately notice about the choreography. First, there is a lot of lifting and supporting going on. JHope and Suga have to get into position really quickly to be able to support V as he sings the first line of the song. In some recordings you can see this was not always easy. There is an additional lift at 2.52 mins. These lifts obviously won't have the same impact if someone fails to get in place on time.
MBC Music Core (08/09/2018)
Secondly, the performance has a lot of staccato movements. For example, when J-Hope brings each member to attention at 1.38 min or just the constant sharply defined hand gestures. This has to be very well coordinated to have the desired effect.
Finally, there is a lot of changes of position, jumps and cross overs which could result in a pile up on stage if anyone forgot where they actually needed to be or how they had agreed they would get there. I've include the Jimin fancam just to illustrate how much they all individually moved around the stage for this one.
Jimin Fan Cam MBC Music Core
So yes, I see what you mean Hobi mate. You guys never shy away from a challenge and that is why we have such a catalogue of unforgettable performances to go back to as we wait for the next OT7 comeback.
Here are a couple of other performances of the song. One from the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show which apparently wasn't actually aired and one for the 2018 MGAs.
Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show (25 September 2018)
2018 MGA (06/11/2018)
Post Date: 22/12/2022
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ezamevolni · 1 year
Traces: Two-faced 👹
This moment deserves a whole mention on its own.
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I found it fascinating that it belongs so much to a kdrama yet happened in real life, was captured on camera, and how we were granted a rare glimpse of a pro-idol switching up his persona for someone. And that someone isn't you or me, it's an act solely for his Jin hyung.
The Jeon Kookie has edge.
160513 Sinchon fan sign
The whole fancam is worth a gander. There's quite a few Jinkook crumbs in there.
Zooming in on the moment that blows my mind every time I think about it... the full sequence starts at around 4:45 when the members prompted Jhope to do the ShyShyShy aegyo (dance move from Twice's Cheer Up).
While Hobi was being cute, Tae mischievously nudged him from behind and he fell, caught off guard. Jin instinctively grabbed Hobi trying to keep him upright but gravity was too strong for them both..
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About a minute before any of this happened, Jk had just expertly maneuvered himself from Point A (between RM and Jimin) ➡️ next to Jin
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His steps may say 'I'm casual' but his hands say 'It's premeditated and I'm restless'.
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After 2seok dived off stage, Tae trudged over to take up the spot where Jin had been standing.
When Tae moved up, Jk stared silently at him. In response, Tae glared back at the younger one with a challenging "WHUT?". Then Jk proceeded to 'attack' Tae:
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It was playful with a bit of tension that dispersed quickly. (it looked like Jk was ready to wrestle throw Tae over his leg with the final move)
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Namgi on the other end cued the whole team to perform ShyShyShy at that moment so Jk dropped the fight and followed suit.
Hobi and Jin had both returned onstage by then and were also doing the aegyo.
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Jhope and Jin were standing to the right of Tae now. From the above screenshots, Tae had thought of something related to the aegyo, grabbed Jin's mic to tell the fans about the small correction, and performed aegyo again on his own.
A teeny tiny glimpse of edgy Kookie first showed up here. Just focus on Jk's expression that went from unamused (when Tae took Jin's mic and started talking) to allowing a grin to spread across his face (after Jin turned to face Tae and him)
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It might have looked like Jk was laughing at Tae's aegyo because both Jinkook were focused on him right?
Don't be naive 😈
The split second Jin turned his head away, Jk's laughing expression dropped,
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Look at Jk's face closely and try to keep an eye on Jin's actions at the same time lol. It's so quick but it's true: Jk's smile dropped after Jin turned away.
Who was the smile for? >>>> 🐹 Duh.
But other shippers might argue, Jk's eyes were on Tae??!!?, he was smiling for Tae's aegyo!!?!
But I say, just keep watching.
BTW the first gif at the top is from the following moment - 2seok were offcam giggling together and Jk was watching them with a series of interesting expressions:
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Read it how you will. There's no right answer.
(I'm waiting for Jinkook to one day do a zoom q&a where we send them clips and ask what was happening here and they tell us exactly what they were thinking. [maybe in a parallel universe.])
Then here's Jk breaking back into a smile the second Jin turned to face him and Tae again:
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Look at how slick he was, making sure to turn and fix his gaze on Tae (this kiddo was just vibing out) first, then shifting slightly to meet Jin's eyes before smiling.
Pretended like he hadn't been watching Jin hyung.
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So if we go by what Jin saw:
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And when Jin wasn't looking:
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Indeed, beware the double 🐰.
I doubt Jin watches fancams of their fansigns and mayhaps never seen this whole act by Jk before. If someone did force him to watch, he'll probably say something like "nah, he's been smiling, what are you talking about ☺️" like a Kookie solo
It is that serious though. Jungkook's only a cheerful sunny good boy for his Jin. Anybody else, he don't give a damn. Not even the fans. There's a whole bunch looking right at him. (and also us thanks to the fancam owner 🫶🏼)
Assuringly, Jk knows himself well. When concentrating on a certain one in the moment, he knows he can forget about the countless other presences watching him
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Spoken with years of experience, Tae.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i saw you mention it briefly in a previous post and wondered if you happen to have any examples of jimin acting jealous related to jk
i can’t think of even one instance of it happening jimin has such a good poker face
Finally!! Getting to this ask. Sorry i kept you waiting my dear. Lets get to it.
Disclaimer: My word is not law. I can only point out what I picked up. Its up to you to form your own opinions. You don't have to see what I see 😘
To start us off would be the most recent.
Army: I'm Taehyung's wife
Jimin: Hello Taehyung's wife
Army: Hi, I'm Jhope's wife
Jimin: Hello Jhope's wife.
Army: Hi, I'm Jungkook's wife.
Mans really said "no the fuck you're not. You can call yourself JK's wife but I'm the one who knows what he's doing not you." 😂😂😂 No, but this was funny.
Next we're gonna talk about HOME. But before we do that. Let's understand something. Jikook have these exclusive things they do to/for eo and they prefer if it stays that way. A good example would be Jimin touching JK's chin. It's a Jikook thing or rather used to be, because sometimes in the past u would catch Jimin side eyeing another member when they did it. He's always done it from the beginning and other members started doing it too. But I think Jimin is over it now. Doesn't care anymore. But it did used to bother him. Another example would be the boxing. It's a Jikook thing and they (mostly JK) prefers it that way. We've seen him refuse to play box with V. I even touched on him debunking V here when V said they box together. It's a Jikook thing. Alright? Which brings us to HOME.
As we all know there is that one part where Jikook usually sing to each other during HOME.
My favourite is this one 🥺🥺
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If you don't believe it's a Jikook thing, look at how JK reacted when Jimin sang to Army instead of singing to him. Here is an even better angle. He wasn't impressed. He was looking forward to it, only for Jimin to sing to Army 🤭
All duos have designated moments during songs. Here is angry Jin pulling Jimin away from a Taejin moment. (Sorry if u can't access tiktok. Tumblr only allows one video at a time) So this theory is not too far fetched.
Okay now let's get to the Jimin being annoyed part. Not jealous, annoyed. Its important we differentiate these 2 words. He wasn't jealous of V...he was just annoyed that it happened.
Okay. So first lets look at the Jikook moment. Which i love.
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And then we look at the Taekook moment.
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Why does V always look at members like they're a 5 course meal he's 2 seconds away from devouring? Damn. Anyway, I'd tell you to watch Jimin but that's not the best angle. You see his reaction better from the Jimin fancam.
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Yeah... he wasn't impressed either.
Next we're gonna go back to Army proposing to JK. The infamous "Jungkook marry me" I bet JK regretted bringing that up the moment he started getting grilled. Mans really got the 3rd degree 😂😂 And you can see the exact moment Jimin was like; wtf I'm i doing?
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Right before leaving to go off camera, looking all embarrassed. That shit was hysterical. Really 😂😂
Next we have JK calling RM sexy.
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Jimin rubbing his face like that read to me like "this again?" And I wouldn't have thought anything of it but then he went and repeated the word "sexy" when JK said it which had me 🤔🤔🤔
Next we have this Run Bts episode. I will share Cameron's dubbed version because why not? 😂😂😂😂 JK even tried to make Jimin feel better. Yes, he was doing his mission but why not kill 2 birds with one stone?
Then we have the Busan concert. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't even annoyed. But he was watching them. He took notice. Jimin does it often when it comes to Tkk. He doesn't react, but he pays attention. Idk how to explain it. But he watches them, if that makes sense.
Next one is actually quite popular anon. I'm surprised you've never seen people talk about it. Again I will share the dubbed version because I play too much.
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Aaah. Fine. Here is the original for the boring people 🙄 Watch Jimin's face when JK smiles at him. Then JK immediately lets go of V. Though he does it again, coz he can be a brat sometimes. But y'all get it.
These two Jinkook and Yoonkook moments are not even up for debate. It's pretty freaking clear. And yes. I will use the word jealousy for these ones.
This one is heartbreaking. I prefer when Jimin is angry. I do not like him sad. It's just... 😭😭😭
This one too. My heart breaks every single time.😪😪😪
You can watch this entire compilation if u feel like it. I find it mostly accurate. (Mostly. Not all) But watch this part. Jimin is watching Namkook on the viewfinder. Did you see him look away as soon as JK looked up? Why? Hmmm 🤭🤭
Now this one he was not just bothered but actually got angry. Like fucking pissed.
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Thanks @astutejiminie for coming through. This video is absolute gold. They start reacting at 36:24. It's where it all starts unfolding.
(Keep an eye on Jimin touching his nose. That's usually a sign with him)
So we have V caressing JK's hair for a long ass time. And we have Jimin hating it. We hear him clear his throat abnoxiously at some point which is when JK notices and tries to like sit up and pull away from V. But as usual V doesn't get the memo and continues to touch. Eventually when they finish, Jimin stands up so aggressively that his chair flies back and then storms off before they have even wrapped up. Idk what it was about this day but Jimin got proper angry about the touching.
Another time Jimin didn't like V touching JK was during this live. He even banged his cup on the floor.
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I recommend this analysis of that Dynamite BB hot 100 live/JK's birthday and what was really going on with JK staring at Jimin. Jimin had an issue with all the skinship on this day. That analysis does a good job of explaining why. Give it a go.
This here anon, is what I call the Holy grail. Jimin wanted to kill this army. Well, that's an exaggeration but still, if looks could kill, this Army would have gone up in smoke. So this girl goes to JK and calls his name in this cutesy tone. And watch Jimin. That, is some scary shit right there. 👀 I'd have ran and never come back 🙈
Damn this post got long and these aren't even all of them. I am too hungry to go get this link. So I will describe this moment and u see if it rings a bell or u can go search for it. Run BTS Canada. Jin sits next to JK and Jimin makes him move. He was like "That's my chair" and Jin immediately took off.
This cute winter package moment where Jimin slots himself between Jinkook. I don't think this is part of the list. I just like that moment 🤭🤭🤭
I gotta go eat. So this is all I have for now. Cheers! 🥂🥂
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