#jhope dior outfit
peachjagiya · 3 months
i’m so confused as to how everyone seemingly came to the collective consensus that the dream premiere was some huge pivotal moment/statement for taekook. i don’t rlly understand how them showing up to a movie premiere together is a huge deal? it’s not like they waltzed in holding hands or anything like that. it very well could have just been two close friends/bandmates going to a movie premiere together bc why not? if any two other members had gone to a movie premiere together it would be seen as completely platonic and normal so why is tkk going made out to be some crazy brave and “wow” moment for them? everyone knows they’re friends. is it just bc jk was shy? bc that’s pretty normal for him tbh especially given that it was his first public outing since being on hiatus for a long time and only doing weverse lives from his house/gym.
also everyone seems to have concluded that they were definitely intentionally wearing queer coded clothes when honestly their outfits were pretty normal. ppl just dug extensively into the background of every item they wore and found some far-off connection to queerness/tkk when rlly it’s so unlikely they planned each article of clothing out like that. bc for what? they’re not actually trying to come out so why would they plan queer coded outfits as some “secret sign” ? like ppl really think jungkook looked up the exact quotes of the print on his jacket and traced it back to being vaguely alluded to something queer? and then said to himself “yes this is what i’ll wear to show the world” ?? and ppl genuinely believe taehyung intentionally wore the brand juntae kim to symbolize the connection of their two names together…like rlly? it’s just a brand…we talk so much abt how shippers connecting clothes/accessories to prove a relationship is stupid yet we’re out here doing the same and making it one of our biggest moments?
don’t get me wrong i love the dream premiere, it was cute, but i rlly don’t get why it’s been made out to be THAT much of a big deal. like i get the kappa tshirts thing bc those r clearly the exact same shirt on the same day but in what way is going to a movie premiere together some “huge step” ?
Vibes, my friend. Vibes.
Let me start by saying I also don't put much into the clothing. They may have been styled for it, they may have chosen themselves. Who knows? But I also wouldn't be surprised to find out it was deliberate. Tae is knowledgeable about queer culture, British music and art, etc. I don't think it's a reach to assume he knows who Morrissey or Oscar Wilde are. But ultimately no, I'm not factoring it into my thinking.
I found videos of a couple of other times two members attended a thing together.
Joonie and Hobi at Love Your W 2022 photowall.
They do heart poses together but when you watch the video, they are both completely focused on posing for camera. I'm not implying they're not close but there's a business-like vibe to it. Joonie was there to perform, it's on schedule etc.
I also found Jimin and Hobi at Dior in Paris.
This video doesn't show it but they arrive seperately, do photowall seperately* then sit together at the runway. They're on schedule.
(* there are some pictures showing them together at photo wall but they're edited.)
These both feel a bit different to:
👉 An off schedule event to support Seojoon.
👉 Tae going to his best friends premiere and taking a plus one.
👉 Being together at all points of the event from arriving in same car to leaving together to then continue being together with Wooga after the event.
👉 Hyungsik and Wooshik posed alone and they're super close. This might be because Tae and JK are grouped as BTS though.
👉 The pair of them having a number of moments of eyes on each other rather than anywhere else.
👉 JKs extreme giggliness which, though I see your point about him being shy, seemed excessively nervous.
👉 The fancams of JK stopping and Tae encouraging him.
👉 JKs somewhat pensive live later.
👉 This picture:
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(I know it's a still photograph of a millisecond in time. I'm just being a dork.)
Thanks anon. It's good to look at this stuff twice and compare. If you know any other times two of them attended something, let me know! 💜
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maineventbts · 1 year
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pairing: idol!jhope x idol!reader
genre: pwp , fluff
word count: 2.2k
warnings: unprotected sex , oral m!receiving, deep throating, dirty talk , crying (minors do NOT engage).
summary: loved by everyone but ignored by the person you want the most. you’re determined to get hoseok’s attention.
a/n: i hope you all enjoy this ! pls ignore any mistakes and feel free to leave any comments/feedback in my inbox (anons are on) 🫶🏾
As an idol, you didn't have much time for romance. No dates or situationships, just you and your music. Though you were lacking in that area, you were very successful. Everyone believed that you were the sweetest angel, so kind and poised. With large audiences all over the world, you were loved for your many talents and visuals. Brand deals with Fenty, working with Dior, producing for artists like SZA. You were adored by everyone, except for Jung Hoseok.
You were infatuated with Hoseok. The way he walked, and talked, you were instantly hooked. You first realized you had feelings for him after meeting him at an awards ceremony. Of course, you loved his music and thought he was super talented, but seeing him in person changed the game. Unfortunately, he wouldn't even look your way. For the past few months, you've been trying to get Hoseok's attention. Batting your lashes at him, talking softly and sweetly. Parading around in your risqué performance outfits, whenever you get the chance.
The majority of your conversations consisted of compliments, admiring each other's music, and plans to work together soon. In all of your interactions, you've only seen him look once. But! He did stare for a long time. In fact, you received looks from all sorts of people, admiring your beauty. You were getting sick of getting attention from everyone but him. This week, you'll have the chance to talk to him again. There were rehearsals for the AMA's and you would both be there. This time, you were determined to reel him in.
You just walked off the stage with your group members. Rehearsals were out of the way, and you could focus on what you truly came here for. Stalking through the halls, peering around different corners, you waited to catch a glimpse of him. Your fellow members watched you from a distance, cackling at your devious antics. They knew all about your crush and encouraged you to indulge in some form of romance.
Finally, he was walking down the hallway you were in. It was nearly impossible to pry your eyes away from him. Admiring his casual yet stunning Louis Vuitton outfit. You whip your head around quickly, praying he didn't catch your wandering eyes.
You hear your name called, and you pick your head up, looking at the man of your dreams. "Hey, Hobi!" You both lean in for a small side hug and you're hit in the face with his alluring cologne. This man smelled and looked absolutely amazing, you were ready to drop dead.
"It's nice to see you again," you leaned up against the wall, gazing into his eyes. His hands are in his pockets as he faces you, dawning a sincere smile, "it's great to see you too! I saw you up on the stage, you guys were amazing." That one compliment has your knees buckling—he watched your performance?! You didn't show it but, on the inside, you were jumping up and down.
You thank him calmly while screeching on the inside. "It's a shame I didn't get to see you guys rehearse, I'm sure you did amazing though." The small talk between you two continues, with you throwing compliments and praise back and forth. The conversation further confirmed that you were indeed crushing on him. Hoseok was charming, just a few words from him and you were mesmerized. You've never been this infatuated with another person before, it was odd.
"Can I just say how great you look," you decided that it was time to make a move, you could only put up with the small talk for so long. Your bold statement caught him off guard, cheeks blushing a bright fuchsia. "Well thanks, you look amazing yourself," his words came out quickly, slightly stammered. His nervousness was apparent, and quite frankly, you were loving every minute of it.
Hoseok's face is blazing hot, while he struggles to look you in the eyes. He's trying hard to hold himself together, but everything you're saying to him sounds heavenly. You're one of the most attractive people he's ever met and you're giving him the time of day; he didn't know how to act.
"I mean it, anybody would be lucky to have you," you tilt your head to the side, refusing to break eye contact, "you're a total catch, kinda surprised no one's snatched you up yet." Fidgeting with the embroidery on his pants, Hoseok chuckled, looking down at his shoes. "I'm really busy, not much time for that," his response was quick yet calm, he was struggling to keep his cool. He hadn't been approached by someone as bold as you, he was caught off guard.
"Poor Hobi, all work and no play. Don't you want to have fun," you question, crossing your arms, "You like fun, don't you?" At this point, you were just messing with him, but hoping that he'd take the bait. Watching him be frazzled by your words was the highlight of your year. He brought his hand up, rubbing the back of his neck, he couldn't stay still if his life depended on it. "I like fun, I'm just stressed these days," his response was the perfect set up for you to pull him in.
"Why don't you let me help you relax."
A few hours later, you find yourself in his hotel room. Hoseok's sitting at a desk while you stand behind him, hands massaging his shoulders. You can't believe that you were really doing this, you've never been this bold before. "That feels so good," he groans, visibly settling into his seat. Your hands slowly move from his collarbone to the buttons on his shirt, carefully undoing the top one. Before you know it, his shirt is open, and your palms are caressing his abs.
Hoseok was enjoying every second of this. The prettiest girl he's ever met rubbing him all over, willing to do anything to make him feel better; he was in heaven. Then reality hit him, "We really shouldn't." He instantly stood up, looking concerned. Your hands rested on the chair, fingers tracing the edges. "We really should," you responded softly yet swiftly. He rubbed his eyes, looking disheveled, and said, "I just don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." He was so sweet and concerned for your well-being. You didn't give a fuck. Hoseok could do anything to you, and you'd let him.
Your hand gripping the collar of his shirt, you pull him down to your level, "but I want you." He stared down at you, looking a little nervous, and what you said next didn’t help. "Don't you want me too?"
His hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest. Without any hesitation, he smashed his lips up against yours. Parting your lips, you allowed his tongue to sliver through, battling with your own. Moving away from the desk, you move your make-out session toward the edge of the bed. He pulls away, gripping the hem of your shirt, pulling it over your head. Your skirt and panties follow behind, dropping to the floor, piling up with his discarded shirt.
Taking initiative, you push him onto the bed, forcing him to sit. Standing before him, you press a light kiss onto his lips. The tingly feeling lingers as you pull away from him. "Been looking forward to this for a long time," your admission comes out slowly, extending your words. You carefully lower yourself to your knees, brushing your hair away from your shoulders.
You sit prettily in front of an excited Hoseok, eager to get his hands on you. His eyes are lazy, and he's sporting the cockiest smirk you've ever seen, waiting to see how well you can handle his cock. Unbuttoning his bottoms, you slowly pull them down, wanting to take your time. Pulling him out of his boxers, you let out a small gasp. You didn't know what to expect, but you were thoroughly impressed. You couldn't wait to sink your claws into him and swallow him whole (literally).
You wrap your mouth around the tip, precum giving your lips a shimmering coat. Letting your tongue carefully flick over his slit. Slowly, your mouth slides down his cock, almost stuffed. Hoseok looks down at you, taking in the angelic sight. "You look so pretty like this," he compliments, hands coming up to caress your face. He wonders how someone with such an innocent image is on her knees for him. He lets out a low groan, overwhelmed by the warmth from your mouth.
He admires your dedication, saliva dripping from the corners of your mouth as you try to fit all of him into your mouth. The sounds of you gagging and slobbering on his cock are divine. Each time his tip hits the back of your throat, he's gripping the bedding under him, trying to fight the urge to explode in your mouth.
You pull his cock out of your mouth, a string of saliva following your lips. Instantly, his hands are cupping your face, and he's giving you a harsh kiss. As you stand up, you're lightly pushed from behind, falling over onto the bed. Hoseok is quick to discard the rest of his clothes, tossing them along with yours. He follows you, his hand smacking against your ass, enticed by the recoil.
Hoseok is behind you, hands rubbing over the entirety of your ass, "So fuckin' perfect," he mutters under his breath. Lining his cock up with your soaked hole, he slowly slides in. You moan in unison, overwhelmed by the pleasurable feeling. His hands come up to your hips, gripping them tightly as he begins to thrust into you. His pace started slowly, allowing you to adjust to his size. "So big," you whimper, leaning your head against the bed.The stretch was refreshing, and you drooled at the thought of being filled with his cock.
Picking up the pace, your hips smacking against each other, echoing through the hotel room. Your arousal dripped from your pussy, making a mess on the bedspread. Each thrust is harder than the last, leaving you breathless. His cock easily slides in and out of your pussy with ease. You were soaking wet since you had your hands all over him. You find yourself trying to move away from him, only to be snatched back against his hips in a powerful thrust. "You wanted my attention so badly; don't run now," Hoseok chuckles, you're practically in tears as your nails dig into the bed. He found your behavior amusing; not too long ago, he was putty in your hands. Now, he has you lost for words, too cock drunk to speak.
Lifting your head, you turn to face the man behind you. "Feels so good," you whine while he continues to wreck your drenched hole. "Yeah? "You take me so well," he says, his words followed by low groans. "Been wanting this for a long time," he shamelessly admits, "thinking about how pretty you'd look on my cock." His words rush to your core. Everything he was saying was music to your ears; he wanted you just as much as you wanted him. Your mind felt hazy, clouded by euphoric feelings and Hoseok. For the last few months, you've wanted nothing more than to be stuffed with his cock, and now you don't want it to end. "Oh, my god," you exclaim as you turn your head to face Hoseok, who is staring at you and biting his lower lip. It was the hottest thing you've ever seen. Smacks and moans can be heard throughout the room, you pray no one has come looking for him.
Too fucked out to form a coherent sentence, all you can do is let out an airy moan. You're hit with a powerful wave of pleasure, letting out a string of curse words as you fall apart on his cock. This doesn't stop Hoseok, he's still ramming into you from behind, hitting all of the right spots. "Look at you, doing so well," the compliment hits you right in your core, and you whimper in response.
Hoseok's thrusts begin to falter, his hands still tightly gripping your hips. "Cum in me, please," you're begging, which makes him lose all of his composure, paired with how tight you're squeezing him. Before you know it, he's letting out a series of grunts and groans. With one last thrust, he's spilling into you. He pulls out slowly, and you both sigh deeply, trying to catch your breath. Sitting back, you both watch his cum drip from your pussy. "So fucking beautiful," He says, staring in awe at the sight, ecstatic to see how messy he made you.
Pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, Hoseok runs his hand down your back as you struggle to pull yourself together. "You did so well for me," he reassures you, before grabbing a towel to clean you up. For someone you didn’t have much of a relationship with, you were surprised that he took such great care of you.
After you've both cleansed yourselves, you're sitting across from each other on the bed. "Oh, my god! You liked me this whole time," you exclaim, sounding slightly frustrated. You've been showing off for months, thinking he wasn't interested, only to discover he's just as interested in you. Giggles come from the man in front of you as you explain all of your elaborate plans to get his attention. "You were just so intimidating, I didn't know how to approach you." His admission made you feel much better, you knew you weren't delusional!
"So, what are you doing tomorrow night?"
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
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Is thinking Jungkook would have killed Vibes 😔
Vocally at least. That pop groovy style is so Jungkook. So it surprised me when I read reviews from other blogs and they are all seemed to suggest that Taeyang stepped outside his comfort zone for this. One of these days I will sue auto correct.
The song in its entirety is reminiscent of BTS's recent pop songs and style. I swear I could hear and feel BTS in the song. Or perhaps it's because I'm used to listening to JMs voice intertwined with V's Jin's and Jungkook's. But I also wondered if whoever wrote the song had BTS in mind. Won't be surprised.
It reminds me of My Universe. The drums, the beat the pauses- especially towards the end of the song.
But this Taeyang person brought something to the table. He sounds very seasoned and confident and I love his swag. It's everything the song needed to be transformed.
Looking at him, I think of Suga and Namjoon and even Hobi. Not sure if it's because he's mature and a hyung but I think he shares a similar style of delivery when it comes to his swag.
I always say this, in my head of course, most of what excites me about the hyung line is their attitude, their delivery and then the whole package.
Jungkook has swag but he has a lot of humility too. Not sure if performance wise he would have been able to pull off that swag and attitude and bravado this song needs.
Jimin himself seemed a little reserved in the performance. Except for the opening. And a few sprinkled moments here and there.
I've seen Jimin go crazy on a track during performances on stage. I've seen wild hip thrusts, and sexiness and Diva vibes and energy and seduction and oomph.
It's frustrating when he tries to be gentle won't lie
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And it's crazy how he complains of muscle aches but will keep going and pushing himself. He's so disciplined and such a professional.
Vibe is a Vibe.
I wish Jungkook leaned a lot more into himself.
I want to see sexy, and swag and attitude.
I remember he said he struggled with filming his part in Dynamite. Seems he struggles getting it up sometimes.
See this why you gotta sniff some shit sometimes. Wash it down with Heineken and go your merry way. I'm a blogger and sometimes even I have performance anxiety 🥴
Don't do drugs kiddos. Drug bad😌
During dreamers he said he wasn't even nervous which is awesome. Can't wait for his turn when it's time to do promos and release his album.
My obsession with Dior.
People don't seem to understand why Jimin's dior is such a big deal for me. Sometimes I forget we all have different experiences and joined the Fandom in different time lines.
Jimin's dior is a big deal because Jhope's dior was a big deal for me and for the Fandom.
Remember this?
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Yall remember this epic dior moment??
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This moment shook the entire Fandom and had us talking for years unend. I still remember this sensation like it was yesterday.
This is the brand JIMIN IS THE FACE OF
The biggest moment in fashion history
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And for them to crown JM 👑 as ambassador implies so many things. The spoils go to whomever they felt represented the brand well, whomever slayed, whomever wears it best- yall see where I'm going with this???
Toxic I know but someone has to say it😫
Won't lie, Jhope's Dior outfit was a killer moment
It gave Micheal Jackson level insane
Thriller king of pop energy
But then there's Jimin in all his andro glory
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What a cultural moment whew take me back
What I'm saying is Dior is the IT BRAND
We talking top of the top tier
They scream daddy
They are daddy what's up
And yes, Jhope could have easily been the first Asian male artist face of Dior. He killed that look. But it's not about that one moment of daddiness kiddos. It's the aggregate. The sum of all the daddy moments
Jimin is so Daddy he makes daddy look like baby.
Whoever this Kim jones person is they are not Just PJM they are PJM vvip. Classy.
Just as I didn't shut up about JHope and that dior moment, expect to hear about JM and dior as long as I'm out here😓
It's like they were waiting for him to go solo to snatch him off the streets. I'm not mad at that🤭
Yes, grab a seat I'm letting it all out.
I've said nothing about this because truth is I'm nervous 😅
I don't know what the reception will be like. Sometimes his own fans will turn around and say they didn't like it 🤷🏾
People like to set themselves up for disappointment by having expectations and when those expectations aren't met they get disappointed.
I'm doing the opposite of that. I don't have any expectations whatsoever. I want to go in with a clean slate and consume whatever he has made objectively. He might try something new, something old, introduce us to new things, remind us of old things, reminisce, give us butterflies in the stomach and make us feel nostalgic.
Some of his songs will make us dance, some will make us cry, some will be on replay on the drive or it won't. Regardless I will be so happy and excited for him because this is his first project.
It's not a make it or break it situation. He will have so many years ahead of him to make new songs different songs and so many opportunities redeem himself or make hit songs.
I don't want him to feel a sense of pressure thinking he has to get it right. He is simply making a foray into new territory. No body will judge him based on his first album. It's his second that matters. And even that the third will matter more and the forth and the fith.
You can't live in your past glory and whatever you do today is already gone.
If you mess up today tomorrow is an opportunity to redeem yourself. You just have to try and keep going.
So no, I don't have any expectations. Whatever he has done is already great and I know in my hearts of hearts I will enjoy it regardless.
Well done Jimin.
Keep going.
Keep making songs.
We have your back.
Just do a live often chilee😩
What's a kpop idol if you're not vliving like crazy.
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love4hobi · 1 year
pjms are only mad jhope showed up to the dior show as well bc his outfit was better 🤐
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I just saw what jhope was wearing for lv today and wow such a disappointment. Bts Grammy fits were also disappointing. I truely hope Dior does a better with/ for Jimin, esp. his hair. I hate when they apply loads of whatever and make it all flat.
Really not a fan of his outfit 😬 But LV is really not my taste and this collection did nothing to change my mind. The kitschy aspect might work for Hobi, I do see him able to pull it of only because his style is such a mix and match. I feel like the LV collections, especially what they had put out in the last few years are really made for those who are into fashion, but rarely have actual style and are focusing too much on trends. It's big, bold and ugly and it only works to wear it during the fashion week. Trend followers and not trend setters. Although there's nothing LV has done lately to actually start a trend.
I found this photo just now, such a weird combination. But this is one fun part of watching Fashion Week, I end up seeing Hobi next to Tahar Rahim. I could have never come up with that. Oh, and Kit Harington who is really yellow. He puts Hobi under a shadow with that pop of color.
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I was really looking forward to Jimin's Dior outfit but that was a bit disappointing. He looks good, but the outfit is too basic, I don't like the colors, and I hate the shoes. Jhope is so Jhope that he managed to make Dior not look like Dior lmao, but he looks awesome - it's not really my style, but he took a risk and it paid off; I liked it better than his LV outfit. It's cute that they're going together because Jimin is probably so nervous.
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blackswanhobi · 4 years
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redvelvetby · 5 years
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ilivesoilove · 5 years
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peachy-tata · 5 years
Still not over this
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mochi-sun · 5 years
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He went from the first pose to the second one in 3 seconds 🤯😳
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jjkmakne · 5 years
girls don't want boys. girls want dior outfit Hoseok.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years
I love hearing your opinion on different things. My question is what are the live performances where you think each bts member shined the most (for them as individuals, not in comparison), and what was it about their performance that really did it for you? Was it the live vocal/rap or dance or stage presence etc. I also want to encourage your community to join in. What I’ve realised after jimin’s ost doing so well, is that I should really do what rm told us to.The haters will hate and the lovers will love. I spend a lot time worrying about anti’s and haters more than I spend trying to enjoy my time as an army, so I’m trying to change that. I don’t have any bts friends in real life but this is the type of question I’d love to discuss with people and see if I can be swayed lol. I sincerely wanna thank you for injecting some joy into my life and dealing with all the crazies to give us the space to do that. Hope that you’re well and you stay well xx
Now, here are my answers, which are low-key (highkey) the right ones 😂😂😂. Jin- Every single epiphany performance. His vocals, visuals and stage presence. You can really tell Jin studied studied acting. Just wow Rm- Unpopular but the Grammy performance with Lil Nas x. He rapped really confidently that day and he was so suave. The reason why I searched up the bts members names, and now look at me. Suga- Hands down Grammy performance 2022. 30yr old yoongi can hurt me. He danced so so well esp during the dance break but his rap verse in butter was just crazy good. Bias wrecked me entirely. Jhope- Outro:Tear Dior outfits… Need I say more. Iconic. It’s one of hobi’s best verses and he delivered!!! Stage presence was just crazy. Jimin-Part of me wants to say Lie cause that performance on the red bullet tour is just something else, another part of me wants to say serendipity cause the sexy and cute duality is just stupid good, but then there’s filter which gave me EVERYTHING.... can you tell I’m a Jimin biased? No, but honestly there is something about jimin in idol that really does it for me. The way he moves in this song is so unique, his athleticism and contemporary background come together and deliver a powerful dance performance and his vocals are always killer. I literally can’t pick one performance but under duress I’d say mma with the iconic fan dance. V- Singularity Seoul. This is the only answer. It’s the perfect song for V imo. The deep voice, the amazing stage set up, the iconic jacket. The way he performs for the close up camera at the beginning. He commands attention and you literally cannot look away. Jk- Maybe unpopular but Pied piper Muster. I don’t know what was in jk’s drink that day but that was a jk I had never seen before. His vocals were heavenly good but his whole vibe was just next level. The hair, the shirt, the mic stand and did I mention those vocals. Pied piper is literally one of my favourite songs in part cause of this performance alone! Bonus jikook- THE black swan performance. Period.
Oh wow, hi anon.
These are in fact almost impossible questions to answer. I genuinely believe that every performance, whether in concert or at award shows etc., is special and every member shines in them.
I think I could answer which has been one of my favourites for each member or where the members left me even more speechless, so even though it's also difficult, I can try to answer it but before I do I want to make it clear that this is not to say that all the other performances were not great, these answers are based on what I remember at the top of my head:
Joon: BTS World Tour: Love Yourself Japan, in Fukuoka Dome.
There is something special about concerts in Japan. IMO they are some of my favourites. Namjoon's Trivia 承: Love performance video is one of my favourites. His attitude. The atmosphere of the crowd and of course the song. Sometimes out of nowhere I watch the video of that performance and I watch it more than 5 times.
Jin: Singing epiphany in Brazil. The first time I saw a video of this performance was from a fancam and maybe it's the excitement of the crowd, B-ARMYs are in a league of their own but that performance is one of my favourites and is one of the ones I remember most from him. That and Moon's performance, during the MOTS concert.
Yoongi: Seesaw's first performance in Seoul. The first time I saw the video of that performance I probably had the same reaction that everyone had when they understood that the song had choreography AND that Yoongi was dancing too.
Hobi: This man shines just by standing on stage but the performances where he shone even more because he was extra happy in my opinion were in Brazil and Wembley because the crowd responded as they should have. And Hobi was extra happy. Besides that one and many others, I agree with you, Dior Hoseok is simply masterful.
Jimin: Each and every performance of Serendipity. Also some of the first PTD performances and during MAMA 2019.
Tae: Dimple and Pied Piper's performances during the fifth musters. I LOVEEEE that man during those musters.
Jungkook: 2021 MUSTER SOWOOZOO. I have nothing more to say.
As for your second question, I think that's all you mentioned. I've been to several concerts in my life of other artists and I've seen many others on video and BTS, unlike many, knows how to make themselves felt. They know how to transmit and elevate the energy of their audience even from behind a screen and I think that's pretty hard to do. Their vocals are another reason, all the members are genuinely talented and they sound great live! Something that other artists, as amazing as it sounds, can't say or do. These guys are performers in every sense of the word.
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
May I ask you for Jhope gifs in his Dior outfit or other black outfits looking like his Dior outfit? With rough boots, so on? 😍
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You must enjoy suffering lmao
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Enjoyyyy he is amazing 😍😍
(Gifs and photos not mine)
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jhpedream · 3 years
Jhope Dior outfit update 🥵
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chromecaffe · 4 years
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Chrome x Jhope Dior Outfit
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