#jhonny jr
jorrated · 8 months
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some EXIT stuff. chunky guys <3
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hermannco · 1 year
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The rat bastards of the Crime Syndicate
Owlman and Power Ring designs belong to @harveydont
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elyseortizz · 2 months
The Help Tumblr Blog 2
The Help starring Emma Stone, Viola Davis, Octavia Spencer, Allison Janey and many more as it has a full cast of A list actors and actresses produced by DreamWorks Studios released first as a novel in 2009 by Kathryn Stockett and turned into a live action movie directed by Tate Taylor in 2011.
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The help movie poster https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/the-help/images/43234987/title/help-2011-poster-photo
Set during the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, the story mainly follows  Skeeter Phelan, a young white aspiring writer. Who Skeeter returns to her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi, and secures a job writing in the local paper writing a column giving cleaning advice that she is unwary about, as she applied for a job  publisher Harper & Row in Manhattan, but senior editor Elaine Stein encourages her to write about what bother her in society. However, becomes increasingly annoyed with the racist attitudes of her privileged friends and family. As well as disturbed by the mistreatment of the Black maids who raise white children but are often treated as inferior, Skeeter decides to draft a book that tells their stories from their perspective (hence what bothers her about society and the inspiration The Help). Aibileen Clark, is another of the maids who agrees to share her experiences despite her better judgment as well as the risks that are involved. Aibileen works for Elizabeth, and cares for her daughter Mae Mobley, who sadly her own mother, Elizabeth Leefolt  is more concerned with her social status than the care for her daughter. Adding onto that maid Minny Jackson, also decides to contribute to Skeeter's book. Despite facing her own challenges with her horrible and racist employer, Hilly Holbrook Minny's outspokenness becomes a voice for change within the community. As tensions escalate in Jackson, exposing a deep-rooted racism as well as challenging the current status quo. With the maids' courageous decision to speak whist sadly risks their jobs, as well as  their safety, horribly even their lives. Amazingly their stories empower many others to confront the current  prejudice and discrimination. With the publishing of ‘The Help’ Skeeter helps all the maids voices be heard and passively calls out the status quo and her racist friends (who are terribly upset, but they cannot do anything as if they do it will become clearer to society how true their actions were). At the end of the movie Skeeter ends up taking the job in New York and sharing the proceeds of the book to help the maids gets  better pay, as Minny can work full time again for Celia and Jhonny and sadly after Hillys pressure Elizabeth fires Aibileen for ‘stolen Silverware’ as she leaves she begs Elizabeth o love her daughter as she quits domestic work to become an author.
"You Is Smart, You Is Kind, You Is Important" (youtube.com)
Abilene speaking and caring for to Mae (it is so sweet)
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Civil rights movement in 1960 for Martin Luther King Jr,=. https://www.bustle.com/articles/138780-5-images-of-civil-rights-protests-in-the-60s-that-are-eerily-similar-to-what-were
The movie The Help relates to current topics and reading as not included in the summery but in the movie it is believed that ‘black people carry different diseases than white people’  Even though The Help is not photography it still displays how black people were treated in the form of visual art as taken from “Only Skin Depp” by Mirzoeff “ By making visible the effects of a system on one person’s body the picture brought the shadow archive in the open and countered it” It brought to life to social injustice of Africans /African Americans into todays society through the visuals of words and personal accounts instead of pictures. The racial discrimination and misjudgment based on skin color and features  and where someone comes from “racism itself has been intensely ambivalent about he place of one’s skin or other physical features in determining race” Taken from Mirzoeff as The Help as well as ‘Only Skin Deep’ both equally the same in either photography or in words shows the racial discrimination and horrible atrocities though means of physical media. There can be change Minny and Aibileen also embody Sojourner Truths “I sell the Shadow to Support The Substance” (even anonymously) as they worked and took so much billeting from many but used their experiences and life stories to help (and for The Help) as they used to work for others benefits but now sold their life experiences for their own benefit.
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“I sell The Shadow That Supports The Substance” Sojourner Truth Unknown | Sojourner Truth, "I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance" | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org)
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The Help represents racial and ethnic identities by showing what life was like during the 1960s civil rights movement, by exposing the social gaps between African Americans and Whites during this time, by showing what life was like for domestic workers from a full on POV of their everyday lives and how they were treated, talked to and frowned upon.  It generates conversation regarding races, ethnicity and cultural diversity by showing the racial segregation and horrible rumors believed to be true by many, an example of this is during the movie it is said to be believed that “black people carry different diseases than white people and we shouldn’t share bathroom with them” Thus why many women in the movie forced their maids to use the outdoors or separate bathrooms, but at the same time wanted them to cook, clean and take care of their children for them. It shows the different classes between maids and white women by clothing and how they are dressed and perceived in society White women and men wearing nice clothing with hair and makeup done, and the maids dressed in the same dirty clothing and tired from doing everything in the house.  It generates a conversation to the perception of African American during the Civil rights movement and how little power they had and how they were segregated and treated. Taken from Mirzoeff “Numerous accounts argue that while these signs may be important what matters is the internal of the difference that may be as effectively concealed as revealed by external appearance.”  The Help generated this discussion in real time and in the movie/book of how the treatment of African Americans and domestic workers was horrendous and needed improvement and that we are all the same at the end of the day no matter our skin color, origin, and background everyone deserves to be treated like a human being.
Mirzoeff “Only Skin Deep” 2003 Mirzoeff150.pdf
 The help movie poster https://www.fanpop.com/clubs/the-help/images/43234987/title/help-2011-poster-photo
"You Is Smart, You Is Kind, You Is Important" (youtube.com)
Abilene speaking and caring for to Mae (it is so sweet)
“I sell The Shadow That Supports The Substance” Sojourner Truth Unknown | Sojourner Truth, "I Sell the Shadow to Support the Substance" | The Metropolitan Museum of Art (metmuseum.org)
Civil rights movement in 1960 for Martin Luther King Jr,=. https://www.bustle.com/articles/138780-5-images-of-civil-rights-protests-in-the-60s-that-are-eerily-similar-to-what-were
All of humanity is beautiful https://www.pinterest.com/pin/everyone-deserves-respect-no-one-should-be-treated-differently-based-off-of-appearance-we-all-human-worthy-of-love-life-fre--399624166938113214/
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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#AmigosInolvidables #Poesia
🗯 Publicacion que es un manojo de poemas que rinde homenaje a la tradición surrealista desde el Perú. Desfilan por estos versos algunos de los íconos más conocidos de esa tendencia literaria, con el sutil mensaje, desde el título, de que la literatura no tiene fronteras y que puede expresarse, manejada por un mismo escritor, en una lengua u otra, por ejemplo, el francés y el español, como es el caso de César Moro, o impregnarse de varias culturas, como ocurre con Emilio Adolfo Westphalen, múltiple en sus actividades. Tal es el caso también del celebrado André Breton, el fundador del grupo que, por su estancia en México, tuvo contacto directo con la cultura en español. Estos versos que ahora se publican expresan, en la entrelínea, la importancia literaria de París para los creadores de todo el mundo y al mismo tiempo, en la escritura misma, muestra la huella imperecedera que ha dejado el surrealismo en la poesía. Cabe pues, saludar a la madurez literaria de Johnny Barbieri, quien no cesa de responder a la expectativa de muchos lectores.
✍️ Autoría: Jhonny Barbieri
🎤 Comentarios: Henry M. Córdova, Grover González
👥 Invitados: Domingo de Ramos y Edián Novoa
📕 Editorial: Apogeo.
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📆 Martes 02 de Julio
🕕 6:00pm.
🏫 Auditorio de la Casa de la Literatura (jr. Ancash 207, Estación Desamparados – Centro de Lima)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre 
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
En candeloso partido de alternativas, donde ambos elencos asumen el control de la pizarra en distintas etapas, el Caracas una vez más cuenta con Harold Castro en plan de héroe; el “Tren del 23” deja a Lara en el campo Harold Capote Fernández Como es común en todos los equipos de la Liga Venezolana de Beisbol Profesional (LVBP), la ofensiva representa la principal cualidad de cada uno de los conjuntos, en algunos se denota más pero es lo que a todos les define; a ese aspecto recurren los Leones del Caracas para imponerse este martes a los Cardenales de Lara en un duelo que puede tener afincada significación en lo que resta del torneo 2023/2024. Del mismo modo, los melenudos apelan a otra de sus aptitudes, la capacidad de revertir marcadores adversos; luego de un inusitado 2do inning de los pájaros rojos, que marcan 2 luego de 3 balk por parte del abridor caraquista, Lázaro Blanco, su ataque rápido voltea el marcador al cierre de ese tramo. Ahí Aldrem Corredor, Jhonny Pereda y Freddy Fermín ligan sencillos consecutivos que permiten la primera anotación, mientras Oswaldo Arcia suma otras 2 para que Leones asuma el control de la pizarra; para el hermano mayor de Orlando con ese par arriba a 200 en su trayectoria en el circuito. Todo el daño es asestado ante el iniciador crepuscular, Max Castillo. Pero este duelo prometía candela desde antes de empezar y el Cardenales de nuevo se va arriba con otras 2, esta vez en el 4to con remolcadas a la cuenta de Jermaine Palacios. Anotaciones que igualmente se anotan en los registros de Blanco. Ante su público en el Monumental, Caracas se acerca a cuenta gotas; iguala otra vez en el 5to cuando Harold Castro comienza con biangular, avanza tras el toque de sacrificio de Wilfredo Tovar para pisar el pentágono con el hit de José Rondón. Esto del mismo modo es responsabilidad del serpentinero Castillo. Para la sexta los felinos, esta vez ante el exleón Luis Rico, suman 1 más por intermedio de Arcia con inatrapable, se mueve a la intermedia con toque de Gabriel Noriega y aunque Alexfri Plánez se poncha, el “Tren del 23” responde al dar indiscutible que permite la anotada de Arcia. Ese margen estrecho es bien manejado por los relevistas Luis Palacios (1), Miguel Rodríguez (1), Miguel Socolovich (1) excepto José Mujica (1). Previamente, la ofensiva manufactura otra carrera en el tramo 8, Fermín da hit, aterriza en la antesala con indiscutible de Arcia y se engoma luego del imparable de Noriega, pero el hombre convocado por el mánager José Alguacil para colocar el candado no tiene su noche. El derecho recibe doblete de César Izturis Jr., triple de Javier Sanoja más sencillo de Flores, el daño no es mayor porque Castellanos batea para doble play. A pesar de ese fuerte golpe psicológico, los Leones se mantienen firmes en el cierre de la 9na; con 1 out Aldrem Corredor da hit y tras doble de Fermín, es reventado en la goma con gran disparo del hombre corte, Palacios. Pero Caracas es difícil de derrumbar, llegan al 10mo con Fermín como el corredor asignado en la intermedia, Arcia recibe pasaporte intencional, Noriega saca boleto, el bateador emergente Jeferson Morales se poncha, pero Castro da elevado al jardín derecho que en la piernas de Freddy Antonio trae el mensaje de la victoria 7x6. El resultado permite que felinos y alados estén igualados en el 1er lugar de la tabla de posiciones; si este martes Cardenales vence a Águilas y Leones tropieza con Tiburones, la azotea será para Lara, pero si ellos pierden y Caracas gana será para estos. De culminar igualados debe ser para los crepusculares de acuerdo el primer criterio de desempate en las condiciones de campeonato: a) Se considerará mejor clasificado al equipo que haya alcanzado el número de victorias que le garantice el empate en el mejor puesto posible de la tabla de posiciones, en la menor cantidad de juegos. El resultado permite que felinos y alados estén igualados en el 1er lugar de la tabla de posiciones; si este martes
Cardenales vence a Águilas y Leones tropieza con Tiburones, la azotea será para Lara, pero si ellos pierden y Caracas gana será para estos, igual se culminan igualados por asegurar la serie particular 5-3. Así lo establecen los dos primeros criterios de desempate en las condiciones de campeonato: a) Se considerará mejor clasificado al equipo que haya alcanzado el número de victorias que le garantice el empate en el mejor puesto posible de la tabla de posiciones, en la menor cantidad de juegos. En este caso, si los dos ganan estarían llegando a 33 victorias en el juego 56, por eso imperaría el segundo criterio que favorece a Leones.  b) De continuar empatados, se definirá el orden en la clasificación atendiendo al criterio de la serie particular; es decir, quien la haya ganado entre los equipos involucrados ocupará la mejor plaza clasificatoria. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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goalhofer · 2 years
2023 World Baseball Classic Panama Roster
#12 Javy Guerra (Milwaukee Brewers/David)
#18 Matt Hardy (Nashville Sounds/Plantation, Florida)
#23 James González (Stockton Ports/David)
#25 Alberto Baldonado (Washington Nationals/Ciudad Colón)
#26 Wilfredo Pereira (Peoria Chiefs/Puerto Armuelles)
#41 Alberto Guerrero (Tomateros De Culiacán/Pacora)
#43 Andy Otero (C.T.B.C. Xiōngdì/David)
#48 Randall Delgado (Águilas Cibaeñas/Las Tablas)
#51 Jaime Barría (Los Angeles Angels/Ciudad Panama)
#52 Severino González (Federales De Chiriquí/Santiago De Veraguas)
#61 Justin Lawrence (Colorado Rockies/Jacksonville, Florida)
#62 Humberto Mejía (Leones Del Escogido/Ciudad Panama)
#88 Davis Romero (Atlánticos De Bocas Del Toro y Colón/Aguadulce)
#92 Harold Araúz (Federales De Chiriquí/David)
#5 Yolmer Sánchez (free agent/Maracay, Venezuela)
#22 Christian Bethancourt (Tampa Bay Rays/Ciudad Panama)
#80 Pedro Aguilar (free agent/Ciudad Panama)
#3 Jonathan Araúz (New York Mets/Alanje)
#10 Edgar Muñoz (Atlánticos De Bocas Del Toro y Colón/Cristóbal)
#11 Rubén Tejada; Jr. (Long Island Ducks/Santiago De Veraguas)
#24 Gerald Chin (Águilas Metropolitanas/Changuinola)
#39 Joshwan Wright (Lansing Lugnuts/Changuinola)
#77 José Caballero (Seattle Mariners/Ciudad Panama)
#98 Erasmo Caballero (Federales De Chiriquí/Ciudad Panama)
#13 Allen Córdoba (Algodoneros De Unión Laguna/Changuinola)
#42 Rodrigo Orozco (Ottawa Titans/Ciudad Panama)
#81 Jahdiel Santamaría (Federales De Chiriquí/Ciudad Colón)
#89 Luis Castillo (Atlánticos De Bocas Del Toro y Colón/Aguadulce)
#94 Jhonny Santos (Federales De Chiriquí/Puerto Armuelles)
#99 José Ramos (Great Lakes Loons/Ciudad Chepo)
Manager Luis Ortiz (Béisbol De Panamá/Balboa)
Bench coach Luis Caballero (Béisbol De Panamá/Bocas Del Toro)
Hitting coach Earl Agnoly (Béisbol De Panamá/Ciudad Colón)
Assistant hitting coach Victor Preciado (Béisbol De Panamá/David)
Pitching coach Enrique Burgos (Béisbol De Panamá/La Chorrera)
Assistant pitching coach Wilfredo Cordoba (Béisbol De Panamá/Ciudad Panama)
Bullpen coach Hipólito Ortiz (Béisbol De Panamá/Ciudad Panama)
1B coach Cirilo Cumberbatch (Béisbol De Panamá/Ciudad Panama)
3B coach Cristóbal Garibaldo (Béisbol De Panamá/Ciudad Chepo)
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umi-no-onnanoko · 3 years
Ringrazio @promisemeabrandnewday
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Taggo: @littlestar-f , @pensieri-liberi-nella-mente e chiunque abbia voglia di farlo
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paranaturalpop · 5 years
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He just loves his friends you guys
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downeysbitch · 5 years
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givemegifs · 2 years
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jorrated · 10 months
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UMMMMMM.. i think jhonny jr should be a beaver!!!
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dblackhand · 7 years
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Sweet Dreams, Dr. King! :)
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kamixae · 4 years
The signs appearence
These are observations i made based on people i’ve met :) Check your sun,moon,rising and planets that are aspecting your ascendant (especially conjunct and opposite) !
Aries (Mars) : They usually have veryy dark hair, dark eyebrows, dark beard etc. Their eyebrows are really prominant and they also might have acne. Their eyes are intense but it’s different from scorpio’s intensity, they have more of a “fiery” intensity.
Exp : Lady gaga / Robert Downey jr / Mariah Carey / Emma Watson
Taurus (Venus) : They have large features, especially the mouth. Their eyes are almond and when they smile they have kind of puppy eyes ^o^ (example Jeno from nct’s eyes). They have strong jaws and that are a bit squarrish. Women are curvy and men have strong bodies with an earthy vibe ~
Exp : Adele / John Cena / Gigi Hadid / Dwayne Jhonson
Gemini (Mercury) : THEIR EYES !!! Geminis eyes are soo pretty, they’re so sparkly and bright, you feel like they hold all mysteries of the world. Also their eyes are usually upturned. They are very attractive, their body is slim and they’re also very stylish.
Exp : Natalie Portman / Kanye West / Jhonny Depp / Tom Holland
Cancer (Moon) : They have a round face (just like the moon) and are very pale. Lot of cancers i know have AMAZIING skin ! Their lips are pretty and pinkish. They have full apple cheeks. Cancer women usually have big breasts. They have a very dreamy vibe
Exp : Selena Gomez / Post Malone / Lana Del Rey / Ariana Grande
Leo (Sun) : They also have round face. But the MOST noticeable thing about them is their hair ! They don’t always have nice hair, but there’s always something special about leos hair (color, thickness, haircut..) Their height is average and they kinda look like cats lmao
Exp : Joey King / Shawn Mendes / Kylie Jenner / Barack Obama
Virgo (Mercury) : There’s a very calm and pure vibe to them. They have a slim and oval face. Their eyes are usually sharp and you can feel like they’re analyzing you in some way. Their jaws are usually V shaped, and they can have slim bodies
Exp :  Beyoncé / Keanu Reeves / Zendaya / Dylan O’brien
Libra (Venus) : Libras are really feminine, even males. They have the best lips, very full and also nice teeth. They can have dimples too and their smile is so attractive, they also have a puppy eyes when they smile just like Taurus. Also their features are so symmetric. Women have nice hourglass body.
Exp : Bella Hadid / Zac Effron / Kim Kardashian / Will Smith
Scorpio (Pluto/Mars) : Scorpios are really popular for their eyes, they have a very intense gaze and it’s so penetrating. Some people find it intimidating but others find it extremely attractive. Just like Aries they have very dark facial hair, their eyes are really dark too ! They usually have dark circles and they have a really sexy smirk ;)
Exp : Anne Hathaway / Leonardo DiCaprio / Winona Ryder / Ryan Reynolds
Sagittarius (Jupiter) : The most noticeable thing for sagittarius is their body ! They are either really tall or have a very sportif and even muscular body. They have really nice thighs and butt also their shoulders are broad. The face tend to be oval and they have bright and warm eye and hair colors. They also have a large smile and tend to smile a looot
Exp : Nicki Minaj / Brad Pitt / Miley Cirus / Taylor Swift
Capricorn (Saturn) : They have strong jawline, sometimes an oblong face shape. They also have really cute ears that stick out. They have round eyes and a serious look on their face, they usually have a resting bitch face x’). Their body tend to be big and heavy
Exp : Michelle Obama / Liam Hemsworth / Dolly Parton /Eugene Lee Yang
Aquarius (Uranus/Saturn) : I noticed that aquarius people kinda look like aliens lmao (in a good way). They have the same eyes as the alien emoji 👽(Example : I.N fom stray kids eyes). Their face is really lift up and they have nice eyebrows. They are a bit tall and have slim bodies
Exp : Jennifer Anniston / Harry Styles / Shakira / Cristiano Ronaldo
Pisces (Neptune/Jupiter) : They have an etheral beauty and a really dreamy vibe. They look sleepy all the time but their eyes are really gorgeous. They can have problems with their teeth. They have a diamond face shape and their height tend to be short
Exp : Rihanna / Justin Bieber / Millie Bobby Brown / Madison Beer / Camilla Cabello
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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👥 The Miguel Aragaki Project
😎Invitados: Carlos Velásquez (Ertiub), José Carlos Raggio (Rayo Cósmico), Jhonny Maurer (Textura), César Palza (Extraño Deseo) y Fausto Cotrina (artista y poeta)
© Producción: True Revolution Lab.
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📆 Jueves 27 de Junio
🕗 8:00pm.
☕ Icafé (jr. Sucre 317 - Barranco)
🎫 Entrada: S/.40
📱Reservas: 977205399 [Plin]
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diarioelpepazo · 2 years
Harold Capote Desde antes de comenzar el Clásico Mundial de Beisbol 2023, el Grupo D fue denominado el de la “Muerte” por la presencia de Venezuela, Puerto Rico y República Dominicana; estas dos últimas selecciones se enfrentaron en un juego donde la obligación era ganar, misión cumplida por los de borinquen con marcador final de 5x2. Para lograrlo aplicaron los fundamentos de la pelota, buen pitcheo, ofensiva oportuna y defensa de altura. El camino hacia la victoria comenzó y se aseguró en la tercera entrada con rally de 4 anotaciones; Christian Vázquez dio el primer golpe con cuadrangular solitario, Vimael Machín y Martín Maldonado continuaron dieron sencillos, Francisco Lindor remolcó 1 con imparable, Enrique Hernández lo emuló, mientras M.J Meléndez trajo la otra en jugada de selección. La respuesta de los merengueros fue rápida, descontando con el vuelacercas solitario de Juan Soto; ya en la quinta, los puertorriqueños anotaron de nuevo aprovechando los pecados de la defensiva dominicana, cuando Lindor ligó sencillo al centro, pero la esférica se le escapó en el rebote a Julio Rodríguez y el bateador logró llegar hasta el plato. Otra vez, República Dominicana no tardó en replicar, al cierre del quinto Francisco Mejía abrió con boleto y posteriormente pisó el plato en rodado para doble play de Manny Machado; eso es todo lo que podrían hacer, porque desde ese punto, los relevistas de Puerto Rico cerraron las compuertas. Nicholas Padilla (1), Jorge López (1), Duane Underwood Jr. (1) y Edwin Díaz (1), completaron los outs restantes que les permitió clasificar a los Cuartos de Final. Lamentablemente, el estelar cerrador se lesionó apenas comenzó la celebración en el terreno. El lauro fue a los registros de Jovani Morán (1-0, 5.40) a pesar de que recibió ese tablazo de Soto; salvó Díaz (1, 0.00). Perdió el abridor de Dominicana, Jhonny Cueto (0-1, 13.50), inefectivo en 2 innings de 4 indiscutibles, 3 ponches.     Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/Meridiano
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
Same OP. The only thing we have over here that's American is mcdonalds and subway
nah i still have a fair amount of american restaurants. like uuh subway,mcdobalds,burger king, wendys (in 2015), carls jr, popeyes, jhonny rockets but im not sure if thats one american?? never seen ppl talk abt it so lmao
i live in the capital so like thats why,other parts in my country just dont rlly have em
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