pollackpatrol · 2 years
inventing a new game called Deadname Wordle for trans friend/family groups where it’s exactly what it sounds like
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
i simply love cbildren and would like to see one of the fab four teaching the girl how to walk where her feet are on top of their feet and shes holding their hands and she still has so so so much baby fat (due to being a baby). is that so much to ask
im thinking the four teaching the girl how to walk. im thinking them sitting in a circle on the diner floor just far enough apart that they could all reach out and grab her if they need to and telling her “go walk to ghoulie!” “good job! Go say hi to jet!” and letting her wobble between them. im thinkin them all freaking out in equal measure when she falls and bonks her head (shes ok babies just do that). im thinkin them kissing her bumps better. im thinkin them absolutely LOSING it the first day she makes it down the whole hallway (!!!) by herself and im thinking them crying the first time she gets out of bed on her own to go to the other bedroom and wake up ghoul because she wanted to cuddle him and not jet.
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augustheart · 4 years
hey you post about stargirl a lot. whats it about?
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jewfrogs · 4 years
sorry if this is annoying but whats the difference between a special interest + a hyperfixation (in yr opinion at least)? ive always thought the difference was like, length, which is probably dumb tbh
length is part of it! for me hyperfixations last for weeks/months while special interests are a lot longer-term (classics has been one of mine since i was seven and i dont think its going anywhere anytime soon), but its also that hyperfixations are really intense (like this is the only thing i want to think or talk about right now i dont care about anything else) but they tend to sputter out after a while, whereas special interests are more passive? (they dont occupy my Entire brain) but also way more sustainable. its interests that i obsess over for a while but then move on from vs. interests that are Part Of Me Forever
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boywizard-moved · 4 years
hot take: the clone wars was the best star wars (not including extended universe)
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satanfemme · 4 years
girlie + she can see ghosts
LOVE! | like it | neutral | eh... | don’t like that :(
interesting! considering poison’s mask isn’t in a mailbox, and therefor they haven’t moved on by the comics era, this would have some interesting implications wrt her relationship with them. and this would also just be Very Cool overall considering how many ghosts r probably in the zones in general! would she be seeing ghosts perfectly like having convos with a living person, or would it be more of an apparition thing like seeing things out of the corner of her eyes / hearing just one or two faint words? either way I’m invested in this hc now thank u
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transvampirism · 3 years
show me the cat as proof he is not evil. please. also kiss his little head
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[ID: An orange cat curled up on a bed. Sunlight is coming through a window behind him, making the edges of his fur appear to be glowing. End ID.]
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newsagogos · 4 years
if youre still doing the meme thing can i get vamos 🥺
Not entirely vamos, but it fits?
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1st image:The metronome meme. At the top is an image of a semicircular dial with a needle in the middle. The left end is labelled “looking masculine”, and the right end is labelled “looking feminine”. Below, text says “vamos:”. Below is an image of a metronome ticking back and forth so quickly that the needle is blurred.
2nd image: The David Lynch “elaborate on that” meme where Lynch says “Believe it or not, vaya and vamos are seperate people”. The interviewer says “Elaborate on that” and Lynch responds “no.”
3rd image: A two paneled image. The first panel, labelled “val Velocity content”, shows someone reading an extremely large book. The second panel, labelled “the rest of the ultra vs content”, is the Lisa Simpson plate meme. Lisa Simpson looks down at an empty plate. End ID]
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amanekasai · 4 years
lmao i remember when you were 11. tiny :)
i remember when you were 13. sligbtly older but still tiny :)
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chunkecheeks · 4 years
etcetera 🔫 also jenny and 2019 skimbleshanks
send me a character and I'll answer these
I’ll just answer for cettie since i’ve already done jenny and i’ve got absolutely nothing for 2019 skimble
1: sexuality headcanon- bi
2: otp- eleccetera! i also love jemcetera
3: brotp- tugger and etcetera i think they’d make good friends after cettie stops fangirling so hard
4: notp- tugger/cettie as a couple what the fuck is wrong with people
5: first headcanon that pops into my head- she wants to become an actress (hence her performance as trash teazer) and is being mentored by jellylorum who used to be an actress herself
6: favorite line from this character- the scream absolutely counts so i’m going for the scream
7: one way in which I relate to this character- i’d like to dress up in trash and parade around too
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character- that one part in the 1998 film where she’s acting like bustopher jones is gross (why the fuck did they do her so dirty with that)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?- cinnamon roll
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pollackpatrol · 1 year
oh fuck its wildcats month
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sleevesareforlosers · 4 years
jordan sleevesareforlosers trying to cause my fathers second divorce 🙄
oh shit did jordan sleevesareforlosers do something problematic
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augustheart · 4 years
hello after liking doom patrol for ~6 months and doing nothing about it i am wondering if you can make a dp reading list (not like, every issue but the ones you think are important)?
Sorry this took me a second to finish! Here are in my opinion the essential Doom Patrol issues. I left out some runs altogether because you really do not need to read them--in vol. 3′s case those characters aren’t seen again in any notable capacity and in vol. 4′s case it was a total reboot that was wiped from canon. It’s also literally repulsive past a certain point and is a part of Byrne’s very disturbing trend that makes me think he should be investigated.
Bolded ones are ones I can vouch for as being good/personal favorites. Some of these have potentially triggering subject matter in them, shoot me an ask with the issue and I can probably break the warnings down and definitely can for the ones in the bolded issues. 
vol. 1 (My Greatest Adventure/Doom Patrol (1964) by Arnold Drake--many of these are essential because of character introductions): 
#80, #84, #86-91, #100, #104, #107, #121
vol. 2 (Doom Patrol (1987) by Morrison, Pollack. Technically Kupperberg as well, but we’re skipping him, if you want to go back and read his run I’d recommend skipping the showcase stuff and just picking and choosing the pre-Morrison vol. 2 issues. They’re not...uh...great):
#19-22 (Morrison opening arc), #25-30, #35-36, #42, #54, #62, #64-66 (Pollack opening arc), #70, #74-79, #81-82
vol. 5 (Doom Patrol (2009) by Giffen):
#6-9, #13-15, #21
vol. 6 (Doom Patrol (2016) by Gerard Way): 
#1-6, #8-12
Looking at this it feels pretty short, but it’s honestly a lot of issues. There are some more in vol. 2 that I enjoy/feel are semi-important (“Imagine Ari’s Friends” by Pollack and the entire Candlemaker arc of Morrison’s for example), and I think I’m technically supposed to tell you that Milk Wars/Doom Patrol: Weight of the Worlds are essential, but while I do genuinely think the JLA/Doom Patrol segments of Milk Wars are good, they’re not necessary. And the less people who read Weight of the Worlds, the better.
I hope this helps you on your Doom Patrol Journey™!
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saveyourself · 4 years
personally i recommend you follow Me (hiii cherri) :3 but also joy tasteofamnesia nestie killjoynest and jordan sleevesareforlosers. AND teeth wishiwasthemoon-tonight
well i’m not gonna lie i did unfollow u but that’s just because yr turquoise blog accent color on light pink gives me headaches alskdjfalkdsjfaklj
anyway yes all of these ppl deserve all the follows and recognition cos they’re cool as hell 🥰
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boywizard-moved · 4 years
nice header!!
idk when u sent this because tumblr is currently fucking with my notifs but thanks!
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satanfemme · 4 years
literally evil of u to make me choose between bert mccracken and ray toro. also jephas clearly a milf
hfgdhfgkfdh sorry, sometimes life is just full of tough choices. and sometimes those choices r “is bert mccracken or ray toro cuter? 🤔” twice in one quiz
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