#jfk coin doom patrol forever
jfktalkstomeasacoin · 3 years
Someone please show cliff an internet safety video otherwise he’s gonna get into weird conspiracy theories
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jfktalkstomeasacoin · 3 years
JFK’s Doom Patrol Review of S3E10
I’ll be honest, the middle of this season was a drag to get through. I wasn’t happy with the direction the show was going, I didn’t care about the new characters introduced, and I was ready to stop watching. I am glad to say that this season finale has changed my feelings.
I am a lot happier with everything that happened in this episode compared to every other this season. Instead of more “Sisterhood of discount X-Men”, we got compelling interpersonal drama between characters, like Rita and Rouge, Larry and Keeg. Plus, everyone is getting a good ending! Cliff and Jane are at a good place with each other! Rita is doing something other than being sassy! Madame Rouge is gonna get a redemption arc come S4! the only outliers in this are Vic and Larry.
Vic is a tough character for me to talk about this season. If It’s not obvious by know, I have lived a white experience in America (My genetic make-up is not entirely white but it’s a complicated issue and nun ya business). I have not faced racial discrimination in my life, and I don’t have many people in my life that have (not by choice), so I don’t believe I can give a meaningful statement about the scenes in this season that depict racial discrimination and what that does to a child. I would imagine however that the show tackled the topic well, given the few things I have read on the subject.
Larry in this season has been a rough watch for people who really like his dynamic with The Negative Spirit. I know that some have sworn of the show because of this, citing that it’s just not the same or more personal reasons. It’s not surprising that many would, because a large amount of people seem to really only enjoy Larry and his relationship with The Negative Spirit in this show (or at least an affinity for him that outmatches anyone else). For me personally, I enjoy the direction the writers are taking him and Keeg (Sidenote: I’m making a difference between the alien being inside Larry in S1-2 and the alien being in S3-beyond because I’m not sure they’re the same). I think Larry needs some love in his life that is parent/child based and Keeg is a good way to bring that to him.
This episode is so poetic to S1. When Vic tells Rita “We’re not heroes”, my eyes fell out of my head. I was so amazed when Rita stopped Cliff at the baseball game, not only being able to use her powers, not only being able to use her powers like in the comics, but the two of them saying the exact same lines to each other in the Pilot. Like poetry, they rhyme.
Sometimes i think about how this series will eventually end. What I wanted them to do before i saw this episode, is to finally be rewarded for doing something heroic. When asked who they are, they say, “We’re the Doom Patrol.”, Finally deciding that this is who they want to be. So when Rita started to talk about actually being a Superhero team, I leaned forward into my seat, waited for them to say exactly what i thought they would say, and then Cliff made a Doom Force joke. Funny, but my dreams were halted another day. For the best.
I will have to re watch this season again to make an accurate judgment of it, which probably means I’ll have to re watch the show again. For the 4th-5th time. Idk. Hard to keep track. Ta-Ta for now.
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jfktalkstomeasacoin · 3 years
JFK’s Doom Patrol Rewatch: Jane/Hair/Frances Patrol
So i decided i would group these three together because of their connection. Tl;dr, Frances patrol is the best, with Jane being a good second.
Starting with Jane patrol, i loved the original comic it was based from (Doom Patrol Vol. 2 #30) and i thought it was handled really well here. I liked Cliff appearing human and being able to touch, i liked the interpersonal work of the underground, and i like how cliff didn’t tell about what happened as it wasn't his story to tell. I’m not diving into the climax because i dont wanna put up trigger warnings, but i think it was almost as good as it was in the comics.
Hair patrol, while the weakest, is still a good story. I like how we learn more of who Niles is when backed up against the wall, i like the beard hunter, and i like Vic and Rita. Timothy Dalton is great as the chief, and he is really given the chance to act in this episode. Most of his work has just sitting and emoting or throwing up, so seeing him have to act physically is a treat. And as a fuzzy lady, i love seeing him attracted to Slava rather than be horrified. wheres my unethical scientist?
Beard Hunter in the comics would not work in the show, and i love how they change him to suit the medium. There might be a few light allusions to fat jokes, but i might be overthinking on that. I do love the image of this schluby guy running around to eat beard hair, even if i dont love the image of him eating said beard hair (Really? Right in front of my Salad?). The fact that he has such strength after his...little snack...is such a kick in the teeth.
This might be controversial, but i think Vic and Rita would be a good ship. idkw but the two have this vibe of slightly dysfunctional couple. don't get me wrong, i like Ronnie, but i think the writers should visit Vita sometime.
Frances patrol is better than Puppet or Therapy. Almost everyone has something really good going on. Larry reunites with John. Cliff sees his daughter again. Cyborg has some computer stuff. Dianne has that ‘fit. this episode is amazing. KEEG FINALLY COMMUNICATES WITH LARRY AAAAAAAAAAAAA!
the use of moon river is worth a separate post of its on. Paint me blue and call me Otis, it is one of the best needle drops of the series and this series has great needle drops.
the only real problems i have are with Rita not having as much to do this episode except being sassy, and the search for flex not having as much screen time. all in all, very solid episode though. this whole trilogy has something for everyone.
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