#jeza talks
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Jazz leaves a few cubes of energon for Grimlock to drink and sits down next to the dinobot he is looking at Sari as she is interacting/talking to her Dad. He is carefully holding Jeza in his arms after pick her up from the little basket and cooing softly at her.
“So Grimlock not to try and upset you but are there other dinobots like you out there somewhere? Sorry for asking I just wanted to get to know you better. Oh and yes this is Jeza my sparkling and heh Prowl’s sparkling too.”
Jazz said and kept sitting with Jeza while watching Sari and Prowl bond some more.
Grim: [takes a cube] They're actually near by! They don't come around often, but they're here. Before the Drones found the warehouse, they found a cave big enough for al of us dinobots.
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Puška ustreli.
Obstaja življenje pred tem
In po tem.
No spring should remain asleep.
And no morning should ever remain silent.
Ampak bilo je eno jutro, eno jutro, ko je tišina brzela po moji koži ;
That morning was longer than many and shorter than most
And silence
Was running down my skin.
I open my body to his instrument
And he dared to become a bastard to it.
red flush, heat heat heat; hit hit and run,
faster than you ever could.
I open my body to his instrument
Only to realize much later that in fact it was he.
He the one who opened it. He the one who forced through.
And the glass door
Shattered. Shattered. Shattered.
small, a morning of nothing except that it is everything;
nothing nothing fucking; beg. Beg. Beg.
Slain by desire once again. Spawning his little fingers all over my body, falling next to me, my shame, unsurprisingly, reaching a climax.
Za gorami mi je vzel telo. Bila sem kot črnilo in polzela po njegovih mastnih rokah. Koža se je lepila na njegove pijane kaplje.
I removed myself from existence and sentenced myself to paper and silence.
how do I hold my hands when they are handcuffed?
Od svojega mednožja bi rada obdržala le nož.
You want to talk sexuality? Then talk about silence; talk about tongues too tangled in their shame to even know when and what to talk for; talk submission; talk romanticizing toxic traits; you see, my kink, my kink is having someone to fuck my brains with; it’s absolute infatuation; reci mi, da sem tvoja lutka, princeska, malička;
These are the archetypes of my sexuality :
angel, heartbreaker, homewrecker, the other woman, a myth, Saloma, pure maddening sex, wrote Bukowski, “She was perfect, pure maddening sex, and she knew it, and she played on it, dripped it, and allowed you to suffer for it." Pure maddening sex, pure and mad;
Want to talk about sexuality? Then talk about shame; hands around the throat, powerless doll, breathless; at least I do not need to talk; I built my desire by first analysing the desire of men; by removing myself from existence and re-emerging almost as a myth; pure, maddening sex; nedolžen in nor seks;
want to talk about sexuality? Then I’ll talk about violence confused for love; lust confused for love; sex as forgiveness, as devotion, as love; včasih si jeza in ljubezen izposodita isto sobo in meni vedno znova uspe izgubiti ključ;
you can go deep, deep, deep into my body; reach until there is nothing to reach anymore but all that matters is how I spilled on the streets
The rusted and dirty canals underneath
Taking my liquids ;
For some reason,
I did want to be devoured.
But that comes as no surprise –
When you refuse your body, it starts refusing you;
Relapsing underneath someone else’s body was still the warmest collapse I could ever experience –
In the process I lost my words, I lost my language.
So if you want to talk about sexuality, then find a language to talk about it, first; unlearn the language of love that is in fact only violence; I thought getting fucked by life was enough but then I got fucked by men; I touch and touch as if blind; ; I can move and shape the air between our skins to mean I am adored, I am adored, I am adored; I can ride you until you start loving me;
if I can make you cum, you’ll always come back to me, right?
But at the end of it, I wish to be untouched.
I’m opening the words I left on my skin, reaching back for those I left on yours; but please –
find my tongue and untangle it without ever touching it and I will let my words shape this air between us
These miles and miles of all I wanted to write in this air
To touch you with my breath
Count the whispers that never left my skin ;
I am back
To the long longing
The necessary tremble of the chest
I wish to be
Untouched untouched
I am back
But the days to follow miss the touch of my hands
and time is a marathon runner.
Catching glimpses of reflections; be it this or that, it never fully matters;
or it matters
way too much.
I extended my hands too far, too often;
letting my veins
pump too fast;
I am flooding; a flood ready to be drank, indulged in by someone seeking
the bits of sun's reflection in my liquids. Devour, devour me.
Depersonalize me. Become my questions and papercuts;
You breathe on my words. Become them; i tell you. Become my words. Take their shape and form like the mattress underneath.
Morph in my verbs and commas ; become not the ending marks, become only what indicates continuation, please.
Please never become the ending sign.
Your story needs more. More than a question mark, more than a dot, more than an exclamation mark - except in fucking, then, morph yourself into all of the exclamation marks you want, shout them out in my body, make my body become one as well.
tvoji kodri letijo nad mojim obrazom - tvoj nežen nasmeh, ko se zazibaš med mojimi mišicami - tvoji prsti, ki skočijo v mojo ustno votlino in razvozlajo moj jezik
I do not know if my body is the beginning or the end but I want to dance, baby, dance on top of your tired and sad body, as if trying to bring it back to life, as if trying to separate present from past, past from future; as if trying to separate sound from echo; to invent a new language in which the sound of my desire is not only an echo of yours; I want to stop believing that blood stains are as lovely as rose petals;
Some departures take us and drown us, without ever being hit by an iceberg. The cutting of the anchor rode is enough for a farewell that will never reach mother land again. The cutting of the umbilical cord when birth becomes the first exit, withdrawal, flight. The first rare change of course, the Atlantic Ocean spilling into the Mediterranean sand, the coast of Gibraltar becoming a dire strait, the Atlas Mountains emerging as a reminder that this skin is not your country anymore;
I take a minute
To mourn the body
Buried underneath yours.
On a day like today, this is a reminder that my art is not dead even if I might be -
That every sound I make is a bit of an autobiography.
and that my poetry is the art of my silence.
Words carry doubts, as much as they carry hope. As long as they can be uttered – spoken – let free. Every word used has a particular history on its small back, a backpack of worry, of trust, of effort.
Words sound different when they are sentenced to paper. A death sentence of truth. Words remain, articulating all that cannot be found on the tongue itself. It is in written words that my bones reveal their cracks. A thought travels from the insides to the tip of the fingers and draws. Body becomes word, becomes language. Poetry is what I do not dare to say with my tongue. Or, maybe, poetry is when I don’t know how to say it with my tongue. With my voice. It is also only one of the many truths, raw and nasty, symbolic and metaphoric;
It is only now that I am learning how to not be conquered by silence anymore – because
I too am a conqueror.
And if spring cannot be stopped from waking up, then neither can my words. Neither can I.
I am a conqueror. Polishing my word. Becoming it. Becoming word. I pick up my bones from the cemetery of my words. I am raising my bones. I will find the muscle. The skin. I will find the eyes and the mouth. I will find the glue to put it all together. To make a body of work. A body of words. A body of myself. I will find myself –
Will become myself.
Od svojega mednožja bi rada obdržala le nož;
Nož = knife
Mednožje = that, which is between the legs
From what is between my legs I would like to keep only the knife.
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Depuis que je vais mieux et le service civique qui m'a mise dans une autre sphère que artistique, je me rend compte de l'écart de mentalité.
Je n'aime pas penser comme ça mais c'est le cas. J'ai la sensation d'être supérieure aux autres et en manque de stimulation intellectuelle.
Je suis passée d'un milieu de passionnés, qui vivent plus ou moins bien de leur art mais qui s'en fichent car c'est leur moteur, leur amour. Mes camarades étaient la dans le même but, on se cultivait entre nous, à partager nos artistes préférés, nos avis critiques sur tout art tout en restant constructif et à se conseiller films, séries d'animations ou les livres qui ont fait que : Oui, je veux vivre de mes gribouillages qu'importe ce qui arrive.
Par contre, on a tous été (et pour la plupart encore aujourd'hui) bien amochés. On a tous des crises de stress, angoisses, malnutritions, hygiène de vie et de sommeil quasi alarmante (et le pire c'est qu'on s'en vante, mais ça c'est autre chose).
Quand je suis arrivée en service civique je me reconstruisais mentalement et physiquement. Je combattais mes 2 crises d'angoisses et insomnies journalières. Chaque personne a vécu des situations difficiles et différentes dans la promo, mais je n'arrivais pas à m'identifier ou sympathiser. (Sauf une ou deux personnes, mais pas beaucoup de discussion). En partie parce qu'on était le seul groupe pas mal isolé, mais surtout je ressentais un énorme écart culturel.
Même coéquipier C, mon âge, sort du bac (5ans de lycée a fait deux 1ères et deux terminales dans différents secteur), et se revendiquait "fan de cinéma". Pour moi un fan de cinéma s'intéresse à tout, même s'il n'aime pas ça. Il n'allait voir que les gros titres au gros cinéma. Certes je n'ai pas vu pas mal de classiques, mais allez soutenir les petites salles, les films et studios indépendants, les films étrangers et les petits festivals. C'est ça la richesse de "la culture cinéma".
Tout ça pour revenir au fait, que je voyais une certaine immaturité (déjà juger et rigoler du physique des gens NON), et chez 90% des coéquipiers de cette promo. Pas encore tombés dans certaines épreuves, enfoncés jusqu'au cou dans le plaisir capitaliste de la consommation et surtout, pas assez curieux.
Je n'ai pas encore eu l'occasion de discuter avec tout le monde dans la formation commencée, mais j'ai noté deux filles clichés des nanas qui discutent, réfléchissent à voix haute et s'envoient des snaps H24. Et j'avoue que ça me met un énorme à priori sur elles alors qu'elles sont probablement adorables.
En gros, ma confiance trouvée une fois sortie de ma dépression m'a développé une attitude hautaine et bourrée d'égo. Et je sais que c'est pas top comme façon d'être mais je n'arrive pas à m'en vouloir.
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La voisine de mes parents est intéressée par mes sacs à vracs et aimerait m'en acheter, et ma mère m'incite à vendre.
Cela fait un moment que j'hésite à ouvrir une boutique etsy. Mais comme je ne suis pas très productive au niveau de (dessins) originaux, je me disais que ça ne servait pas à grand chose.
Donc je pense ouvrir une boutique en ligne prochainement avec des sacs à vracs, des portes clefs en tissus, des trousses et des dessins :)
#jeza talks#text post#boutique#j'aimerai essayer de coudre des serviettes hygiéniques lavables aussi#mais je dois d'abord faire des tests#ca serait cool si ca pouvait me permettre d'économiser mon budget bouffe
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Japan expo
Je serais à la japan expo le jeudi et vendredi ! Je trainerai du côté des fanzines. Si vous y êtes les mêmes jours ce serait sympa de se rencontrer :)
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Ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas posté ici. D'ici les prochains jours je vais scanner mon dernier carnet fini la semaine précédente. Il m'aura duré toute l'année scolaire et reflète mon artblock qui a duré le même temps. C'est fou, j'ai l'impression de découvrir que je peux dessiner pour moi, je me re approprie cette sensation et je pourrais ainsi me remettre aux dessins perso ! (Sinon je suis prise en année sup de mon école, j'attend juste les papiers officiels)
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I posted 475 times in 2022
14 posts created (3%)
461 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 380 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 218 posts
#kylux - 123 posts
#general hux - 19 posts
#comic - 16 posts
#kylo ren - 13 posts
#love this - 11 posts
#art - 11 posts
#dinluke - 11 posts
#grogu - 10 posts
#the sandman - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#also - assuming that the only reason a person is friends with someone is so they can maybe have sex with them is pretty sad
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just as a note for anyone following me who came from Twitter…I avoided retweeting or talking about certain things on Twitter because there was no good way for people to avoid the topics if they wanted to. Here, however, you can hide things based on tags, and so I reblog and post about a wider range of topics here. I try to tag anything I think people may want to hide. I also always tag ships by ship name. So if you know there are things you definitely don’t want to see, I recommend adding those to your filtered tags in Settings > General Settings > Content You See.
17 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
Kylux: Catsitting for Phasma was harder than they thought.
"'Just leave them with Millie,' you said," Hux hissed. "'They're all cats; they'll get along great,' you said. But my Millie does not share, I told you this, and you didn't listen, and now Phasma is going to literally murder me—"
"They're fine," Ren said, waving dismissively at the havoc the three cats had wreaked upon Hux's chambers and each other (the sofa was covered in cat hair, the caf table had been upended, Millie's toys were everywhere, Pudge's tail was missing a chunk of hair, Miu Miu was covered in jam for some reason, and in a fit of pique Millie had made a deposit in the middle of the floor), and Hux realized Ren truly did not fathom the danger they were in.
"Ah," Hux said, a deadly calm settling over him, "I can just tell her this is all your fault."
20 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
I was thinking of trying to write something in the style of A Christmas Carol kind of like how I wrote somewhat in the style of The Headless Horseman a few years ago, but then I read the first page and I was like ah. He really was paid by the word
21 notes - Posted December 4, 2022
People grow and adapt and make mistakes and change their minds. It can take much longer than five seconds to make a big decision. A person you knew years ago probably isn’t the same person they were then. Everyone has different experiences. Everyone is in a different place at the same time.
Choose slowly and thoughtfully. Practice grace. Accept others for who they are. Forgive. Validate. Appreciate.
Love is the only way we can survive.
24 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Soft kylux but pre-movies (like how they met or how they started getting along or sommat, but gently)
They'd only just met, but suddenly Kylo was holding Armitage's hand, pulling him closer, and whispering, "We have a lot in common."
It had happened before that some upstart would try to ingratiate himself with Armitage; he was tired of it, and this time he let himself show it, muttering a terse "I don't have anything in common with anyone."
But, "We're not the same," Kylo said fervently, "but we are the same, in the ways that matter."
It was a ridiculous statement, and Kylo himself was ridiculous, big and brash and beautiful, with an intensity in his deep brown eyes that Armitage had only ever seen in the mirror before now.
Despite himself, despite everything, Armitage thought he might be persuaded to believe him.
64 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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⭐️ Put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. It’s time to spread positivity! ⭐️
Thank you for the ask kixthecondomfairy!!
Tbh I love the blogs of all my followers (including yours ;) ), yall content either make me cackle, cry or feel wholesome 🥺❤!! I'm going to tag as many as I can! Much love XOXO
@kavecika @501fettish @moodysgirlsblog @bikerlorian @degreeinsimping @clxnewxrs @alamogirl80 @anaselleskywalker @notsosimpleblr @numberoneyouthcupcake @dinbeskarbaby @captainrexswh0re @killergamer97 @inkyblves @hislittlegrace @elsaanna007 @fuckyeahbeskar @jeza-red @weirdpurppleunicorn @shove-an-ass-up-my-stick @booksandcatslover @perfectcolortreestudent @ph0enixpers0n @imrowanartist @gobuyastarwars @agentoffandomtrash @dinsprettygirl @poe-damnnn-eron @jyvorakal @deewithani @roxannevomitsrainbows @rewin-d @ct-9904 @ashxdragon @starkstruckus @angelwars11 @questforgalas @samanila-sandwich @raven05fairy @nerf-herder0 @persaloodles and many more!!!
Truly thank you so much, yall make my day when I open this app !!!😘😘💖 Wish yall the best always and dont hesitate to leave a msg if you need someone to talk to ❤
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Come What May Part 4
Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Summary: You and Poe are sent undercover in order to gain information about the First Order and hope to recruit. But what begins to bloom as you and Poe continue to work closer throughout this mission? And, what happens when you happen to catch the eye of one of the most dangerous men?
Warnings: none really? Besides Poe wanting to beat a bitch up but that is really it.
A/N: It’s finally here! Thanks for being patient, I had to listen to both Moulin Rouge soundtracks to get some inspiration but I mainly did it to sing out loud to Onyx who seemed entertained.
GIF by @vakariaan
It was times like these when Poe wished he was back at the Resistance Base— where he could escape to his X-Wing with BB-8 and just fly amongst the stars, basking in the silence and the seemingly, never ending freedom that space had to offer. He loved just looking down, seeing the way the land and water made up the planet. It was always where he felt the most sane. At least there, it was the closest to knowing what peace could feel like even in the midst of the war.
Here, he was stuck between the same walls, constantly walking the same path throughout the club, seeing the same patrons, and trying to get whatever information he could either about the other workers or whatever drunk First Order officers would loudly spill along with their drinks usually.
He missed flying.
He missed his friends.
But at least he wasn’t alone in this. He still had you.
Poe had always been fond of you since the moment he met you. Your hard work and determination towards the Resistance inspired him, but your kindness and willingness to help others is what caught his eye. That’s why he had become so protective of you.
Sure, you were pretty badass already even without him being there— he still can’t help but think of the way you stood your ground and nearly snapped that man’s wrist in half when he laid his hand on you. And don’t get him started on how he would glance over at you when you took down your sparring opponent in the training room before all this was going on. Poe knew that you were able to hold your own physically, but Poe couldn’t risk anything happening to you.
That’s why he currently stands there, glowering at the way you laugh at something that Tyris Prick— sorry, Pic— says. Poe forced himself to look away.
Since being introduced to him, he started coming to the club more frequently. He always requested to see you, and Poe would watch miserably as you talked, laughed, and shared one or two drinks with him. Something about this guy did not settle right with Poe. He especially did not like the way he was looking at you right now.
When Poe asked Finn about any information on the guy, he said that he would look into it. He also noted that the name did sound familiar. Poe just wished he was able to hear back from him soon.
After checking his regular posts, Poe decides to glance back only to find that you and Tyris were nowhere to be found.
He is way more alert now— never had you taken off without at least waiting to give him a signal or even telling him straight up. And the fact that Tyris wasn’t there, either only made him feel more on edge.
Before Poe can move from his post in search of you, Jeza steps in front of him, placing her hand on his chest.
“You look a little lonely, handsome. Care for some company? I don’t charge much,” she smirks.
Poe sighs, grabbing her hand and pulling it off of him. “Not now, Jeza. I have to find Kyla—“
“Oh, please. I’m much more fun than she is, and I can actually play with you.”
Poe was getting agitated, this wasn’t the first time Jeza made advances towards him. Whether she was joking or not, he did not enjoy having to deal with her. Sure, others would offer fun nights and good company that Poe would reject. Hell, there was even Tin, but Poe at least knew she was joking.
What made him resent Jeza even more was the way she often talked about you. It was no secret there were a few girls who threw glares at you daily just because their customers would drool at the sight of you, but no one verbally claimed their dislike except for Jeza.
Poe only shakes his head and moves past her, in search of you.
Pushing past a group of patrons who are too busy watching the entertainment on stage, he nearly topples over a server droid. Poe displays a calm demeanor when in reality sirens are ringing in his ears. His senses block out his surroundings and he tries focusing them on locating you.
When he doesn’t spot you anywhere inside the club, he decides to check outside— very rarely do the girls leave the club during business hours, but they were still allowed to leave whenever. He glances to the window, and manages to spot a glimpse of you walking past it with Tyris.
The patience Poe had now snapped like a twig and he rushed outside. Just as you laugh at something Tyris says, Poe steps in front of you both.
“You’re not supposed to leave without telling me, Kyla.” Poe says, his tone sharp.
Tyris knits his brows, almost in an amused way. “Sorry, who are you?”
“Tyris, this is Tel. He’s my escort.”
“Your escort? Well, as you can see she is in one piece. So if you’ll excuse us—“
At this point, everything happens in an instant. Poe grabs Tyris by his collar, and despite how much shorter he is, he manages to shove him up against the wall just slightly. Poe feels your hands on his arm, as you try to loosen his grip.
“Tel, stop.”
“I’m supposed to keep watch over you, Kyla. What if something happened?”
“We just went on a walk to get some fresh air. That’s it. Now let him go.”
Poe breathes sharply through his nose, still staring up at the man with an undisguised, furious look. In return, Tyris gives Poe a smug grin, one of those that clearly states he doesn't care simply because of his status. Poe had the sense to strangle him right then and there, but when he feels your hands squeeze his arm, he relents and releases Tyris.
Poe steps back, watching as Tyris smooths out his shirt. Poe feels your hands pull away as you step towards Tyris— and he doesn’t realize how much he misses the simple touch from you.
“Are you alright?”
“Fine, fine,” Tyris waves you off. “Your escort really takes his job seriously, doesn’t he?”
You force a thin smile. “He’s just very protective. Even when there’s no need to be.”
Shooting a glance at Poe, he looks down before clearing his throat.
“Forgive me, Ms. Tille. But I stand by my actions. Also, it’s actually time for you to retire to bed. You have an early morning, remember?”
You stare at Poe, and he knows you're pissed but he doesn’t care. He just wants to get you away from Tyris as quickly as possible. In response to Poe’s statement, you nod curtly, before turning to give Tyris an apologetic smile.
“Mr. Dara is right, Tyris. I do have an early morning and need to be well rested. Thank you for the evening walk.”
“Of course,” he takes your hand, kissing it. Poe refrains from rolling his eyes. “I shall see you soon.”
He then turns to Poe. “I’m assuming I’ll see more of you, Mr. Dara. Have a good night.”
Poe doesn’t respond, and only turns to follow you once you decide to head back inside. Poe stays behind you as you walk briskly to the elevator, and you don’t even say one word to him the entire ride up.
But as soon as the door to the bedroom closes, you face him and Poe is not prepared for the anger in your tone.
“What the kriff, Poe? Are you trying to blow our cover?”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“You can’t just go up to anyone and man handle them like that! Especially Mr. Pic!”
Poe scoffs, shaking his head as he places his hands on his hips. “I’m not sorry for what I did.”
“There’s something about this guy, okay? I don’t know what it is, but he is not what he seems.”
“You’re being ridiculous. He’s been nothing but nice to me—“
“Please, I know you see how he acts to everyone that he thinks is below him. You saw how he looked down on me just for being a bodyguard.”
Your mouth gapes open, as if you’re trying to find something to reply with. Poe doesn’t give you the chance as he steps towards you.
“Just… trust me. There’s something going on. I’m going to find out—“
“Poe, please just stop.”
He says your name but you hold your hand up, stopping him.
“You can’t just jump to conclusions because you don’t like the guy.”
“I’m serious, Poe. Just leave him alone, okay?” You say, clearly annoyed. ”We can’t blow our cover. We’ve been in this for a while now and what we got so far is working.”
You grab your robe, and Poe watches as you head to the refresher.
“Now, I’m going to shower and get ready to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
You close the door behind you before Poe can retort, and he stands dumbfounded. Poe doesn’t know what the sickening feeling forming in his stomach and chest is, but he can’t stand it much longer. He leaves the room, and walks down the hallway out towards one of the balconies.
The cool, light breeze that brushes against Poe’s face is soothing, but the city air is nothing compared to the clean, brisk air of Ajan Kloss that he had grown accustomed to. Sure, the view was nice, but he could barely see the stars shining above. That’s what he truly missed, and it felt as if a part of him was empty without it. As he stares out to the city, seeing lights from buildings and speeders flying past, Poe can’t help but think of the argument.
How is it that you can’t see what he sees? That this guy is bad news and Poe has a feeling that soon his true intentions will be shown. Sure, the guy has done nothing but treat you decently, but the way Poe catches him staring at you every now and then gives him an uneasy feeling. Almost as if he was an Edan tiger and you were his next prey.
Poe didn’t like that one bit.
Sighing, Poe reaches into his pocket, and grabs a pack of cigarras. He stares down at them— he doesn’t even smoke but he figured that Tel would, which is why he carried them around seemingly for show. Poe turns one in the pack before he pulls it out, putting it between his lips as he searches for a lighter in his other pockets.
As the bitterness of the tabac hits his tongue while he finally finds the lighter and lights the cigarra, the door hisses open and Poe turns to see Rix, Tin, and Zoras walk out. Poe was relieved to see them, he at least got along with them and after Finn gave him some background information about them, he knew they were trustworthy.
Rix turned out to have one hell of a past. Though the quietest one, he is actually a master splicer and also managed to crack a few First Order codes and shut down some AT-AT walkers that were attacking the small town he was taking cover at. This put him really high on the First Order wanted list for sure, and he knew he had to go into hiding. That caught Poe by surprise for sure, considering how awkward and quiet the Rodian was.
Zoras had previously traveled around the galaxy, bouncing planet to planet to perform with the galactic circus she was a part of. Turns out, she was very talented: an acrobat, often showing off her agility and flexibility throughout shows. She was the star of the show, with her name and face plastered along every poster that was printed out. Although after an incident having to do with the First Order getting the circus disbanded caused them all to split, Zoras figured that being a featured dancer at the Crimson Club would be a way to lay low.
Tin, on the other hand, didn’t have much of a backstory. She had a way with words, Poe noticed— a natural pickpocket. And what better way to use those gifts than in the red-light district? Tin regularly conned her usual customers into paying more than what is usually offered for doing much less. Hell, if Poe didn’t know better he probably would have fallen for many of her tricks like the others did.
Each one of them had their talents, and Poe realized just how advantageous they would help make the Resistance against the First Order.
“Well, that’s a nasty habit, isn’t it Tel?” Zoras nods at the cigarra.
Poe sighs, before he pulls it out of his mouth and flicks it over the edge.
“Something on your mind, handsome?” Tin asks, leaning up against the railing of the balcony. “This wouldn’t have to do with our girl, Kyla, now would it?”
“What makes you think that?”
“Well, considering the way your jaw twitched at the mention of her name and the lack of eye contact, I would say it does have something to do with her.”
Poe really needed to work on his facial and body movements, he realizes.
“Let me ask you guys something,” he turns, now facing the three of them. “What do you think of that Tyris Pic?”
“I don’t think about him at all,” Rix states bluntly. Poe scoffs a laugh, patting his shoulder.
“He’s handsome, though, gives you a run for your money,” Tin jokes, nudging Poe with her elbow.
“Why are you asking?” Zoras tilts her head.
“Isn’t it obvious? Tel here is tired of sharing The Sparkling Kyber with him.”
“No, that’s not it,” Poe quickly denies.
“Oh, then what is it?”
“There’s something sketchy about this guy. I can’t figure it out yet, but he’s bad news.”
The three glance at one another, clearly skeptical at his statement. Part of him doesn’t blame them, of course he sounds ridiculous when there isn’t any given proof yet. Zoras is the first to speak, crossing her arms as she steps forward.
“Tel, are you sure this isn’t about something else?”
“Like what?”
“That you’re jealous of Mr. Pic,” Rix says, simply. Poe is quick to face Rix, who only shrugs. “Just saying.”
“I’m not jealous—“
“You know what this reminds me of?” Rix intercedes, raising a scaled green finger. “Auren and Lorn.”
“Oh my stars, right! I forgot about them.” Tin pushes off the railing of the balcony. “Didn’t they head somewhere together?”
“Who are Auren and Lorn?” Poe asks.
“Auren used to be a dancer here. And Lorn was one of her regular clients. But he wasn’t just that.”
“They were in love. Auren used to give him private dances, and then slowly stopped giving her other usuals dances as well,” Zoras sighs. “It was plainly obvious to everyone.”
“One of her other, more high ranking customers turned out to be a General for the First Order. He wasn’t too happy about it, and threatened the two of them and Boz.”
“But then they took off. Just disappeared one night. Everyone says that they skipped the planet to be together, but others say that the First Order grabbed them before they could.”
Everyone stays quiet after that. Whether or not the latter happened, the fact that the First Order was involved sent chills throughout Poe’s body. It just seems that you both can’t get away from them.
“You may not see it, but we do, Tel,” Zoras says. “We see how protective the escorts are, but you can be on a whole different level when it comes to Kyla.”
“I told you to dial it down,” Tin sings.
“There’s nothing to dial down,” Poe huffs, slightly annoyed. “I’m just doing my job.”
“And taking it more seriously than others would. Plus, you look at her differently.”
Poe wants to deny it, he really does. Deep down, something is keeping him from doing so, but he doesn’t know exactly what that is.
So he only shakes his head, not even sparing a glance at his three friends— which Poe realizes is the first time he’s actually thought of them as friends.
“I’m going to bed, I’ll see you guys down at the club tomorrow.”
He doesn’t give them a chance to say anything, because he just has to get out of there as quickly as he can.
Poe doesn’t know why everything Rix, Zoras, and Ton said to him affects him in such a way. Sure, he is very protective of you— okay, maybe he can be a little too overbearing. But that’s because he doesn’t want you to get hurt or in any type of trouble.
But… what if it is something more? Or is it just the fact that you’re the only familiar thing in his life at this moment? Were Rix, Zoras, and Tin right?
Then he realizes… shit, they are right.
Because every night since before the mission even started, he felt this tug towards you. He always had to make sure you were okay, that you had eaten or were prepared for everything. He always glanced over at you in case you decided you needed him and he would quickly drop whatever he was doing just to help you. You became his first priority.
Not to mention how he often thought about you even if you were right next to him— how he loved hearing your laugh or seeing you smile, the smell of the perfume you wore slowly became his favorite scent. And it wasn’t just his thoughts, you also invaded his dreams. They started off as just simple dreams, but then over time since he’d gotten to know you, they became something… more. And he often scolded himself for it because he shouldn’t think of you in those ways. You were his partner and he knew there were boundaries set.
As Poe continues down the hall, he finds himself automatically in front of your door. He should apologize, right? For almost putting you guys at risk? Although he doesn’t regret shoving Mr. Prick up against the wall, he knows it made you upset. And since you’re all he has in this moment, he can’t risk something like this getting in between you both.
He stares at your door, and though he lifts his hand up, he doesn’t move it an inch closer. He was sure you were asleep by now— it was late, and you had been spending your nights with Tyris. This was probably the earliest you got to bed this week.
Poe doesn’t want to ruin whatever sweet dreams you are having. He knows he should apologize, but your well-being right now is important. With a heavy sigh and guilt-bearing weight in his chest, he turns away to go to his own room.
When he dreams that night, it’s filled with the wonderful sound of your laughter and the beautiful sight of your smile— at something he said and not Tyris.
FIC TAGLIST: @tintinwrites @sheridans-dynamos @agoldpixie @shakespeareanwannabe @starkiller-queen @netflixandsnuggle @nowheredreamer @blackhawklove @jennibradley @rewritingstars @chewymoustachio @iamaunicorn4704 @spider-starry @roserrys @spectre-leader @loveisjustfortheweak @fandomqueenlove
#poe dameron x reader#poe x reader#poe dameron#poe dameron au#poe dameron x f!reader#moulin rouge!au
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"Because three heads are good, but four are better." —Jeza "Jeopardy" Verlayn
Weapon Type: Auto Rifle
Ammo Type: Kinetic
Slot: Primary
Foundry: Jeza Verlayn
Rarity: Exotic
Exotic Perk: Fires from all four barrels at once. ADSing while firing reduces bullet spread.
Obtainment: Drop, Xūr
Other Notes: Keeping with the lore of the gun, you can see parts from other guns can be seen, including the Khvostov 7G-02.
I had plans for the Photonic Heart.
First I was gonna take it straight to Marcus, gloat for a bit. "Look what I found, told you the rumors were true, how fast d'you think my Sparrow'd go if I swapped my engine out for it…"
Then see what I could get for it in the Bazaar. Not 'cause I wanted to sell it. Just 'cause it'd feel good to know.
Then I was gonna take a little vacation with it to Venus, and THEN I'd figure out what to do with it. At my leisure.
But no. Had to get sucker punched by an asteroid.
Barely made the landing on this dusty spit of Shore. Lost all my weapons in the crash. Heart only survived 'cause I put it in my helmet and buckled it in my seat.
So my Ghost revives me, and there I am in a crater surrounded by fragmentalized auto rifles and a Golden Age microstellar dynamo. Talk about hell.
I started with three barrels. Figured I might as well lean into the hell vibe. Shoulda known that wouldn't have been enough to really min/max with a power source this feisty. Especially once I noticed the coronal containment shield was cracked.
The first time I fired the Cerberus+1 and felt that puppy kick, I knew: plans are overrated.
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Toutes les questions un 7 :D 😌
7- Je n’ai pas de “meilleur.e ami.e”. Mais ceux les plus proches que j’ai sont Sacha (presque 10 ans qu’on se connait !), son copain Thomas et la convo groupée Skype.
17- Je dirais la rougaille saucisse ! (bonus si c’est de la saucisse fumée citronnelle)
27- “Jeza” un des diminutifs de mon prénom. “talks”, car je voulais parler de tout et de rien. Mais aussi qu’en vrai, je ne parle pas des masses à l’oral. Mais à l’écrit je suis une pipelette haha
37- Les tatouages j’hésite. Je pensais à une composition florale au niveau du buste/clavicule. Mais l’idée m’intéresse de moins en moins. Il y a peu, j’ai découvert le travail de Lionel Fahy (https://www.instagram.com/lioneloutofsteptattoo/) et j’aime beaucoup ses tatouages type “lignes”, sauf que je ne me vois pas avec une grande compo. Donc j’y réfléchis. Niveau percing, peut être des nouveaux aux oreilles, sauf je ne pense pas à mettre de bijoux le matin. ^^’
47- Avec un son raisonnable, je suis assez sensible au bruit.
57- A mes projets futurs (voyage, études,illustrations, projet de VN, vidéos, foodtruck, vie en ermite, où habiter, etc)
67- Oulaah, en entier c’était Le bizarre Incident du Chien Pendant la Nuit. J’essaye de lire régulièrement quelques pages Du Côté de Chez Swann. Mais j’ai beaucoup de mal à rester concentrée plus de 10 minutes…
70- M’être renversée une bouilloire sur la jambe. Brûlure au second (ou troisième degré ?) sur un diamètre de 8 cm. J’ai boité 2 semaines.
71- J’économise, mais ces derniers temps je me retiens de dépenser, j’ai repéré des fringues en fripes haha
72- Non :(
73- Ma house de couette est rose pale avec des taches bleutées.
74- En ce moment je suis passion chiens !
75- Hier/cette nuit minuit. Je commençais la saison 2 de The Wrong Mans (j’ai vu les 2 saisons hier soi haha)
76- Sachant qu’un de mes potes se surnomme (à raisons) Satan j’ai mon idée.
77- Le premier générique de Fin de France Five.
78- Etre bienveillant, à l’écoute, gentil, drôle, avoir les mêmes intérêts/goûts, aimer partager ses passions (exactement ce qu’est le crush maintenant amoureux ♥)
79- Je n’y ai pas réfléchit haha. Sûrement un jeu de mot foireux ou quelque chose du style “J’étais quelqu’un de très vivante, me voici morte”
87- Ça va bientôt faire un an pile que je n’ai pas pratiqué le coït à deux haha
97- Jamais en publique non, et ça ne me tente pas l’exhibitionnisme.
107- Oh que oui, trop souvent même. (je n’ai même pas Netflix en plus)
117- Très peu !(en partie à cause de mon anxiété sociale) Karpatt 2 fois, Ben l’oncle soul. Je ne compte pas les groupes de mon père. Sinon je pense aller voir Giedré en décembre !
127- J’étais coincée à côté de Nota Bene dans mon train pour Nantes en octobre dernier. J’ai croisé SolangeTeParle. Pour ces deux là, je ne me suis pas arrêtée. Sinon j’ai juste eu Maliki et Thomas Astruc en dédicace.
137- Je l’aime bien. Mais il faudrait que je reprenne le temps de m’appliquer. Je ne suis plus habituée à tenir mon crayon dans le but d’écrire (différent de dessiner)
147- Le résumé parfait de mon école d’art. (mais je retiens énormément de positif de ces deux années)
et voila ! Merci des questions ! :D
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@jeza-red That's what I was talking about.
“well i guess newgrounds is the place to go at least they still support nsfw lol” you idiots do realize this means that shadman is still a prominent presence there right
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Je viens de finir la saison 2 de my hero academia. Je suis désolée mais Shouto todoroki c'est Zuko 2.0.
#jeza talks#j'ai l'impression de râler mais en vrai j'adore ce perso#non en vrai gros coup de coeur pour cette série#tous les personnages sont adorables#Mais il faut avouer que le disegn et le background de todoroki sont assez similaires à ceux de Zuko
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Hello ! Cette année je ne participe pas aux 23hbd. Je n'ai pas fini mes devoirs et je tiens à garder mon rythme de sommeil en vue de mon concours qui se passera mercredi. Sinon je vais essayer de faire quelques planches de mon côté. Pas 24, ni en 23h, juste pour m'amuser ^^. Je les posterais peut être. A bientôt :)
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At the vet with my mom and dog
We've talked to the vet so far about the dogs issues, then about my rat.. and I was told to step out.... I think they're talking about my cat Jeza now possibly...
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