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shmisolo ¡ 7 years ago
“This was never right.”
ben is a very active reader.  
rey has noticed it whenever he’s reading through holos--the way he shifts around, the way his face reacts to what he’s reading, the way he’ll hum along in agreement, or huff in disagreement with whatever the text on the screen is saying.
so she really shouldn’t be surprised when, as he’s leafing his way through the ancient jedi texts that she’d stolen from ahch-to he actually mutters under his breath, “this is some fucking bantha shit,” as he angrily--albeit carefully--turns a page.
“they’re sacred--”
“sacred shit is what they are.” ben’s eyes flash as he looks up at her.  “this was never right.  none of it.  it’s pure arrogance.  like i’m not saying the sith had the right of it either, but the implication that ration can’t exist in the presence of emotions is fundamentally irrational.  on top of the sheer arrogance that...whoever wrote this thing had talking about the force.  that only the jedi should be connected to the force?  really?  how is that rational.  like i said.  pure arrogance.”
rey bites back a smile as he rants at her, but at the last of his words the smile fades and he catches that in her expression.  “what?”
she steels herself.
“luke said something similar.  when i saw him on ahch-to.  when he refused to teach me.”
ben’s hands tighten on the book and for a moment she’s afraid he’ll shatter the spine.  but he doesn’t.  his nostrils flare and he closes his eyes.  his mother always closes her eyes when she’s overwhelmed, but this is the first time that rey has ever seen ben do it.  he rolls his jaw slightly and takes a deep breath.  
“yeah,” he says at last, and there’s a finality to it that means that rey knows he doesn’t want to go further into the mention of his uncle, that he agrees with his uncle, than he already has.
she takes his hand.  time, she thinks, and when she nudges her mind with his, she sees luke’s face, hears i failed you, ben for the first time.
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jeenonamit ¡ 7 years ago
Zip me :)
“Have you lost your mind?!” Rey shouted, pounding her fists as hard as she could against the closet’s very solid – and very locked – door.
The only response she got from the other side were sharp peals of laughter from Finn, Poe, and the other drunken idiots who’d tricked them into this.
“No!” came Poe’s loud voice.  “I haven’t lost my mind.  And you can’t come out for seven minutes!”
Rose said something then, in a much quieter voice.  Rey couldn’t make out most of the words.  But whatever it was made the party erupt in laughter again, so Rey had a feeling she knew the gist of it.
She was just about to beat her fists against the door again and demand they let them out of this fucking closet right now, when Ben – her friend; her best friend, actually; the oddly endearing guy she’d somehow developed a major crush on without her even realizing it had happened; and the guy she now happened to be locked in Rose’s hall closet with – put his large, and very warm, hand on her shoulder.  
The unexpected contact made her jump.
“Um,” he said when she turned to face him.  It was dark in this closet (which was part of the whole point of this stupid game, Rey knew), and Rey’s eyesight was pretty bad in the dark.  But she could still see well enough to make out the faint blush that was now rising on his cheeks.
“Ugh, I’m so sorry about this,” Rey said remorsefully, wringing her hands and not meeting his eyes.
And she was sorry.  This whole thing was her fault.  The second she let slip to Finn and Poe that she liked Ben, despite all his weird idiosyncrasies – that she’d liked him for a couple of months now, actually – she should have known they were going to pull something stupid like this.  
The minute Poe suggested they play Seven Minutes in Heaven at tonight’s party she should have made a bee-line straight for the kitchen until everyone had had their fun and the game was over.
But she’d acted too late.  Almost as soon as the suggestion was made, Rey and Ben were frog-marched to the closet where Rose kept her coats and other winter things.
And now they were locked in here, and everyone out there was expecting them to make out.  Despite the very real fact that Ben had never once made any kind of move on her, or showed any sign at all that he wanted to take their friendship to the next level.  And despite the fact that Rey was way too intimidated by his intensity to make any kind of move on him herself.
Rey wanted the earth to swallow her whole.  She wondered whether, if she hoped for it hard enough, it would happen.
“Look,” Rey said.  She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders.  She could do this.  She could fix this.  “We don’t have to, you know.  Actually do anything in here.”  She looked over his shoulder at a random spot on the far wall, at the snow boots in the far corner of the tiny room – at anything and everything but Ben’s face.  “I’m really sorry our idiot friends made you come in here with me.”
Since getting locked in here with her, Ben had been very quiet. Even more so than he usually was. At her words he ran his hands through his tousled black hair and let out a long sigh.  
“Ok,” he said.  Rey chanced a glance at him then.  If anything his blush was even deeper now than it was before.  He was chewing on his bottom lip, eyes averted.  His hands were stuffed deep in the pockets of his jeans.  “I mean…. yeah.  Of course.  Let’s not do anything.  That’s… yeah.  That’s fine.”
Was that… disappointment she heard in his voice?
Tentatively, Rey reached out and rested her hand on his shoulder.  His eyes snapped to hers, smoldering in the gloom of the closet.  They were deep and unfathomable, and just as beautiful as they always were.
“I mean…you don’t want to do anything in here, do you?” Rey asked, trying to keep her voice from shaking.
Ben held her gaze and slowly, slowly covered the hand touching his shoulder with his own.  Gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Not unless you want to,” he murmured, his voice husky.
Five-and-a-half minutes later, Rey dimly registered that at some point, Ben had slid the sleeves of her cardigan off her shoulders, and that it was lying in a heap on the floor by her feet. 
She also dimly registered that someone had just yanked open the door of their closet.  
Wild applause and catcalls poured into the tiny room.
“You can come ouuuut nowwwww!”  Poe crooned.  
Rey paid him no mind. 
With a groan, she wrapped her arms more tightly around Ben’s shoulders and shoved him up against the far wall of the closet.  Wasting no time, Ben deepened the kiss and slammed the closet door shut with his foot.
“I’m so glad they did this to us,” Ben said, smiling against her lips.
“Yeah,” Rey agreed. “Me too.”
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madaboutasoiaf ¡ 7 years ago
you should write about pod thinking about "nothing's more hateful than failing to protect the ones you love" when he reunites with sansa
This is half of what you asked for (I didn’t make it to a reunion). I hope you don’t mind.
Podrick tells Brienne that he followed her to find Lady Sansa, and it’s true. Lord Tyrion left him. I’m his squire, and he left me. Podrick wants to know why. He tried to be a good squire, and maybe Lady Sansa can tell him why Lord Tyrion left him, or-or where Lord Tyrion is.
They look for her, but they do not find her. Podrick tries to be a good squire for Ser-Lady Brienne. She teaches him, more than anybody has, and she does not mock him as others always did. She also talks to him, as though he’s worth something, and not just because of his name. Names don’t seem to matter much to Brienne.
“Nothing’s more hateful than failing to protect the ones you love,” she tells him.
It haunts her, just as it haunts Podrick. He must find the Lady Sansa. He must have failed Lord Tyrion, for Lord Tyrion to have left him. He didn’t know, he couldn’t, I never said, not to anybody. It hurt too much, thinking of Lady Sansa, and Lord Tyrion.
I failed her too.
It wounds him to remember, and it shames him, because she is Lord Tyrion’s wife, and he mustn’t think of her that way, he mustn’t. He must find her, and find Lord Tyrion, and when he does, he’ll be an even better squire, and give him no cause to leave ever again.
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mnemehoshiko ¡ 7 years ago
OP literally is a badass academic but go off I guess
so kind
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keefechambers ¡ 7 years ago
Ben being forced to spend quality time with crazy Uncle Luke
“Do you want to play chess?” Luke asked. There was no one in the house except he and Ben, and he was a far less impressive uncle to a moody 13 year old.
“Do you want to make brownies?”
“No.” He crossed his arms and sighed.
Luke shook his head and went to pour himself some kombucha and contemplate the world he lived in. He had to be alone with his nephew all night because Finn had decided to sleep over at a friend’s house and Ben hadn’t wanted to go.
By all accounts, Ben didn’t want to do anything.
Luke rolled his eyes and did his patented “weird hippie chanting” instead, lighting some incense and waving it around the sullen teen.
“What the crap?”
“I’m trying to exorcise this boring ass demon from you, nephew.”
“Ugh, why couldn’t I stay with Grandma. You are so weird.”
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aionimica ¡ 7 years ago
FMK Palpatine, Darth Maul, Count Dooku
Fuck MaulKill SheevMarry Count Dooku bc then I’d be a countess and rule and be powerful with my Extra™ sith lover on the side
sleepover saturday
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draganchitsa ¡ 7 years ago
@jeynegrey replied to your post “i got into the talmud class!  orientation is next week holy crap.”
i’m super excited!  altho finding a copy of one of the books they told me i need is an Adventure i will say since it’s out of print and most of the copies i’ve found online are incomplete.
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hyperphonic ¡ 7 years ago
@jeynegrey​ replied to your photoset: wow i fuCKING MISS MY DARK HAIR
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nedlittle ¡ 7 years ago
jeynegrey replied to your photo: i was tasked with creating a shakespeare...
truly what willy shakes would have wanted 
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oberynmartell ¡ 7 years ago
Happy Birthday!!!!!
thank you!!
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politicalmamaduck ¡ 7 years ago
Happy Birthday!!
Thank you so much! Hugs and kisses to you!
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jeenonamit ¡ 7 years ago
“How could you do this?”
“How could you do this?”
Kylo pulls back and looks at her, eyes suddenly wide, terrified, full of the fear of rejection she’s come to recognize all too well.
He swallows, Adam’s apple bobbing slowly in his throat.
“I don’t know,” he says quietly, sounding dazed; his eyes are downcast now, on the floor by her feet instead of meeting her own. “You just appeared here after so long and I just… I couldn’t not.”
Rey can still feel the hungry press of his lips against hers, the tangle of his hands in her hair; and she doesn’t know whether to love him or hate him for changing everything between them in the blink of an eye.
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madaboutasoiaf ¡ 7 years ago
jeynegrey replied to your post “Princess Myrcella nodded a shy greeting at the sound of Sansa’s name,...”
Tbh I always felt like Sansa should have been betrothed to tommen after blackwater—I feel like they could’ve been cute and happy friends who play with kittens and eat lemon cakes
It might have been cute if not for Joffrey still being around. By Blackwater I think Robb had married Jeyne though, and Bran and Rickon were “killed”, and Winterfell burned just after. Tywin’s plotting may have been well underway so Sansa was always going to be wed to a man for her claim to Winterfell :/
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mnemehoshiko ¡ 7 years ago
Top 5 celebs?
uhhh in no particular order and CHANGES WITH THE FIND
- Jessica Chastain
- Letitia Wright
- Adam Driver
- John Cho
- Winston Duke???
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keefechambers ¡ 7 years ago
Top 5 Times asoiaf was really gay
1. that time thoros brought beric back from the dead via kisses2. i mean...renly and loras are adorable right 3. bronn and tyrion’s whole “I KNOW WHAT I’M PAYING YOU FOR” schtick 4. davos’s like...weird stannis speeches about how much he loves him 5. melisandre and selyse okay all the things they do 
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aionimica ¡ 7 years ago
OP literally showed me the cutest dog pics when I was having a bad day but go off I guess
i’m definitely not a dog mom who has way too many pictures/videos of said dog on my phone
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