#jewish declan
unganseylike · 5 months
previously we have discussed how jewish declan would lead the most rigorous and boring seders. now i would like to add that his matzo stomachache would be legendary.
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saywhatjessie · 10 months
I'm just hoping for some mistletoe
Day eight of the Advent calendar! Using this list. Day 8: Under the Mistletoe Fandom: Ted Lasso - Pairing: RoyJamie 1.2k[Ao3]
“Ayyy!” A cheer went up from all the greyhounds as Moe and Declan kissed in the middle of the dressing room, the team stamping their feet and pumping their fists.
“There’s no way this isn’t an HR violation,” Roy noted, glaring mistrustfully at the innocuous white berried plant hanging from the ceiling.
Beard’s expression didn’t change, standing next to Roy in the coach’s office and watching them through the window. “It’s not compulsory. Smooching is strictly up to player discretion.”
Roy grunted. “Yeah, but what about fucking peer pressure? This bunch of idiots would do anything for each other.”
“Well it’s all about mutual respect and trust, isn’t it?” Nate said from his other side. “They all trust each other to know it’s not that serious and respect each other enough not too push too far. I don’t think Isaac’s kissed anyone, nor Paul or Jeff, out of respect for their wives.” He shrugged. “The team seem fine with it.”
Roy growled, mildly. 
“I got caught under there with Jan,” Beard commented. “Surprisingly gentle.”
Roy turned to look at him fully, his face screwed up with outrage. “What, they expect us to participate?”
“Mistletoe is rated E for everyone,” Beard noted. “Consenting, of course.”
“Well I don’t consent. I’m not doing it.”
“I’m too old for this shit.”
“And too Jewish! Why should I subscribe to your Christian centric traditions?”
“Fair point, Mr. Kent.”
Roy glared at him. Beard’s expression still gave nothing away but Roy could tell he was amused. He turned his gare on Nate who looked back up at him innocently.
“Fuck off,” he barked at both of them before slamming into the locker room and yelling at everyone to get on the pitch.
Roy suffers through watching most of his team kiss under that fucking mistletoe over the following weeks. There was Richard and Thierry, Kyle and Dani, O’briend and Robbie, Colin and Jamie, Sam and Jamie, Will and Jamie.
Jamie spent a lot of time under the mistletoe.
“S’just fun, innit?” Jamie said one evening when Roy hadn’t quite asked about it. “I love the lads. Love kissing.” He shrugged. “Feels like a win-win.”
Roy grunted.
Jamie continued to hum, unbothered, as his feet kicked back against Roy’s cabinets. “He was sat on the counter next to the stove as Roy cooked, being a general nuisance. Roy doesn’t know why he doesn’t kick him out – he’d never invited Jamie over for dinner. Jamie just showed up one day and Roy fed him. And he’d kept showing up and Roy had kept feeding him. It was mad.
“I’m pretty sure Jack is Jewish,” Jamie said. abruptly. “and he definitely kissed Tommy the other day when they got caught in it.”
“Okay?” Roy said, flummoxed.
“I’m just sayin’” Jamie said, watching his finger trace idly over the counter next to his hip. “You’ve been avoiding it like the plague it seems like and Beard said you objected on religious grounds.”
Roy’s eyebrows hiked up. “You asked Beard? Why I haven’t kissed anyone?”
“Well, no. Kind of.” Jamie’s brows furrowed. “I was talking to Sam and Will overheard and said the coaches were talking about it and then Beard just kind of appeared like the creepy cryptic shit he is.”
Roy grunted. Yeah, that sounded about right.
“And then I guess I asked him, yeah. And he said you said you were too Jewish.”
“I did say that,” Roy told him, watching as Jamie nodded in disappointed understanding.
Roy paused, not sure if he wanted to ask the next question, but needing to know the answer.
“Why were you and Sam talking about me.”
Jamie’s cheeks went red, the blush going down his neck and disappearing down his collar. “Nothing, mind your business, grandad.”
Roy put down his spoon. The sauce could simmer for a bit while he dealt with this.
He leaned back against the island counter opposite the sulking footballer on his counter. “Jamie?”
Jamie sighed, turning his head to face Roy.
“Sam asked me why I hung out so much under the mistletoe. I told him I was just waiting for you to wander close enough.”
Jamie sat there, chin jutted out, defiant and scared. He kept full eye contact with Roy during his confession but, hey. no one had ever said the little prick was lacking in courage.
Roy took a step toward him, uncrossing his arms. “So you were just going to ambush me into kissing you?”
Jamie rolled his eyes. “I wasn’t gonna assault you or nothin. Just thought maybe you needed inventive or something. Plausible deniability or whatever.”
“Incentive,” Roy corrected, gruffly and automatically. He took another step forward, hand on Jamie’s knee. “You think I’d need mistletoe as an excuse to kiss you? Like I don’t know I could have kissed you any time I wanted?”
“Well you haven’t yet,” Jamie said, bitchily. “Not sure what you’ve been waiting for, honestly.”
“Well who says I want to, Tartt?”roy asked, his voice low, as he stepped even closer, putting himself between Jamie’s spread thighs. “What makes you so special?”
Jamie spread his legs wider, making room for Roy and smirked, challengingly. “Please.”
And then Roy had to kiss him. Just to get that stupid smug look off his face.
Jamie didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, his hands immediately coming up to pull him in closer by his shoulders and grip onto his hair. His groan sounded a lot like ‘Finally’.
It went on for long enough for Roy to become familiar with what the back of Jamie’s teeth tasted like but Jamie still whined when he pulled away.
Roy laughed, dropping his forehead against Jamie’s. “Did you really think I was gonna do that in front of the whole team?”
“Well how was I supposed to know you’d kiss me like that?” Jamie grinned his shark grin. “I knew you were obsessed with me but fuck.”
“Prick,” Roy said, maybe a little fondly.
“Yup!” Jamie agreed brightly. “You should kiss me some more about it.”
Roy did. The sauce burned.
A couple weeks later, they were back in the locker room.
“Coach, can you come look at this for me?” Dani asked, beckoning Roy/
Roy grunted, meeting him by the benches and everyone started ooh-ing.
He looked up at the, startled, and saw that several of them were gesturing at the ceiling, where a little white berried plant hung.
“Fucking hell,” Roy cursed, glaring around at them. “It’s the tenth of January!”
“Yeah, weird that’s still up there.” Roy whirled around to see that Dani had vanished and Jamie now stood in his place, face overly casual and hands curled in the bottom of his shirt. He shrugged. “Nothing for it, though, is there?”
Roy raised an eyebrow at Jamie. Jamie raised an eyebrow back.
“I hate you,” Roy told him.
“Yeah?” Jamie grinned. “Show me how much.”
And Rolled his eyes, pulling Jamie in to kiss him. The team’s hooting and hollering didn’t stop for five full minutes.
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Hello , just wanna ask if you know more comics where he appears as Mr knight?
I had read the 2014-15 run, and the Lemire run, the 'deadpool kills marvel again' (mk got killed too early :/) and the 'marvel comics present' issue 4, I am also reading the current moon knight run, and also can I ask some music recommendation that I can listen to while reading, (sorry bad English)
I'm so happy and excited to see a Moon Knight question in my box! And your English is perfectly fine. Better than mine on a good day.
You know who you should totally give a follow to? @age-of-moonknight
This guy is amazing and a super Moon Knight fan. If you ask him for an image or what comic something appeared in, he'll get it for you. Like a walking Moon Knight Wikki.
Totally dug around in his archives for this.
THE FIRST appearance as Mr. Knight: Secret Avengers #19 Vol 1 (2010).
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Just a little image or two, but it must have caught someone's eye because just a few years later when Moon Knight needed a jump start and new life we got:
Marvel Now: Moon Knight, Vol 8 (2014-2015) by Warren Ellis and Declan Shalvey.
All hail to the mighty Declan Shalvey.
Vol 1: From the Dead, Vol 2: Blackout (by Brian Wood), and Vol 3: In the Night (By Bullen Bunn).
I say OFFICIALLY because age-of-moon knight found a much earlier issue where Mr Knight sort of appeared off handedly in some random issue.
But officially, you'd need to read anything 2014 onwards to get actual Mr. Knight.
You see, after that, who could resist putting that beautiful suit in their art?
The trouble is finding ALL the other things he's appeared in randomly in the background.
I have my sources that atempts to list all the comics MK has ever apeared in, but even they are limited.
There are side things like "Original Sin event", but we all know how I feel about marvel events… (BOOOOO).
Then there's Deadpool's secret secret wars, but I can't tell you how prominantly MK, much less Mr. Knight appears in that either.
Of course we then jump right into All-New, All Different Marvel with Lemire's run. (2016-2017 and he isn't in any background comics at this time).
Smallwood slaps that scrunkle and suit together like it was made to be.
we aren't going to talk about Marvel Legacy which came right after. (I have a HUGE project I'm working on right now that's taking up a lot of painful time regarding Marvel Legacy run… Expect that to start coming otu soon. I'm sorry.)
BUT. During Legacy, we did see him start to pop up in other comics more.
Like the Marvel Comics Presents (2019) #4: This Benjamin Percy story is billed as “what happened next” after Marc “went completely insane and disappeared.”
Then there's Marvel Knights 2018 (not sure if he's Mr. Knight here… Maybe appears in like a page or two?).
Then we skip Age of Khonshu for reasons I've already ranted about…
And that brings us to current events in 2021 with Mackay.
There's also Doctor Strange Vol 6 Issue #2 (ALSO BY MACKAY)
Hope that helps a little?
As for music recommendations? I'm really bad at music recommendations. It really depends on what you like. Anyone want to sound off in the comments on what they listen to while reading Moon Knight?
I like Leonard Cohen if I'm feeling mellow. He's got an amazing old New York quality to his voice and he basically wrote poetry that he turned into songs about his experiences with love, life, being Jewish, and his experiences.
I also pop in songs that get mentioned in the comic, like "The Killing Moon" by Echo and the Bunnymen... Which Marc made into his alarm clock. And it also makes me think that Marc likes that style of music so I slap that playlist up on YouTube and let it go.
And that leads me down to The Cure, Depeche Mode, and Duran Duran for some reason.
Maybe it's because that was the age that Marc kinda grew up in, depending on what run you are reading.
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marcfrenchie · 2 years
are you a show fan who's learned about how terrible the MCU did moon knight and you want to check out the comics? did you see him in a teamup book and want to know more about him? are you just looking for more comic recs? are you just interested in the character? then you're in the right place!
okay, to begin, i want to say that this is a character that has had a... varying history. there are no moon knight comics you can enjoy without extensive criticism. critisizing the things that you enjoy is good and gives you a better understanding of the work. please do not idolize any of these comics and please work to be kind to the many minorities (jewish people and systems, primarily, but classism, racism, xenophobia, and homophobia are all explored throughout MK's publishing history) that these comics represent. anyway.
tws - doylist racism (racist villainous charactictures, mostly. a lot of this), ableism (outdated terminology for systemhood, occasional slurs), and sexism. extensive discussion of anti-semitism, specifically neo-nazism, in issues 37 and 38.
what happens - moon knight 1980 is a 38 issue comic book centering on the ex-mercenary and now hero moon knight. almost entirely episodic but there are occasionally multi-issue stories.
moon knight, in the day, is the millionare socialite steven grant, and, at night, the hero moon knight- moon knight also "uses" jake lockley as an informant. marc spector was the mercenary moon knight ran away from. doug moench was NOT intending to write a system at this point- steven and marcs relationship is meant to represent one mans struggle with guilt- but its really really easy to gel this with their current situation of being alters in a system and also some of the specifics of their whole thing make me fucking insane. jake is also there and i love him even if he isnt really a major part of the moral conflict
please dont read all 38 issues- attatched is a list of my personal ratings. everything later calls back to this so its best practice to read it first but its very much a slog if you arent already attatched to this character so make your own choice
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nothing from 1980 to 2014 is particularly good (you can read it if you want but i havent) but knowing what happened is pretty important to understanding the later modern runs so a runthrough. throughout the 90s mk continued in the 80s status quo but in 2006 he 1. cut off bushmans (remember that guy from 1980?) face 2. was given a tendency for violence and and 3. became significantly more tense with marlene and frenchie. by 2014 they had completely fallen out. thats all we can continue with the recs now
[Image ID: A list of Moon Knight 1980 issues colored based on their quality. Issues 4, 7-11, 15, 17-20, and 28 are marked as "not good." Issue 27 is marked as "not good makes me insane though." Issues 3, 5, 6, 13, 16, 21, 34, and 35 are marked as "fun." Issues 2, 12, 14, 22 to 26, and 29 to 33, are marked as "good writing." 37 and 38 are marked as "genuinely essential." 1 and 36 are not marked. 29 is denoted as "slightly weird about his DID" and issues 6, 21, and 22, are denoted as "racist." End ID.]
tws - graphic violence. do not buy the book new, warren ellis is an awful person. brief (doylist) ableism.
what happens in it - the first six issues are the warren ellis/declan shalvey run, which is what im reccomending. read the rest if you want, its mediocre but i like it
moon knight 2014 is 6 episodic issues centering on a now alone marc spector. steven and jake only show up twice, both lineless appearances in the back of panels. most of the issues are significantly more violent, dark, callbacks to old 1980 issues. most of the run is silent violence from marc but all of the stories are really good and the art is breathtaking.
tws - unreality. mental hospitals. both doylist and watsonian ableism.
what happens - i am reccomending the lemire/smallwood + co run, the 15 issues before the numbers shoot up. i have not read the bemis run.
moon knight 2016 is 15 issues situated in a hallucinatory version of NYC, following moon knight as he struggles against khonshu's attempts to possess him. the thing is a lot of things in 2016 piss me off so i cant exactly sing its praises but its super important to modern moon knight so just. slog through it. highly reccomend reading after 1980 because it refrences A Lot.
tws - violence, discussion of anti-semitism in issue 5.
what happens - i am reccomending the first 16 issues. the annual sort of triggered a falling off for the series and so i have not read after #16. read the later issues at your own risk
moon knight 2021 follows moon knight as he opens the midnight mission, gains multiple new side characters, and reckons with the consequences of the age of khonshu (an event in jason aarons avengers which is explained fine in 2021 so you dont have to read it). most of the series is typical action juxtaposed with MK's SHEILD-ordered therapy sessions. issues 14 and 15 are possibly the first time jake and steven have been written well since 1980. unfortunately, the annual is deeply xenophobic (villianizing the only romanian hero in marvel) and i have stopped reading the series due to this. the first 16 issues are really good though
tws - violence.
what happens - mkbwb is 4 issues consisting of 12 noncanon moon knight stories, as is typical for bwb series. most of them are pretty good and fun and also really pretty.
- ms. marvel and moon knight
- devils reign: moon knight - tw violence, prisons
- west coast avengers 1985, issues 25-41
- hulk 1978 issues 11-20 (not #16), b stories.
- moon knight 2006 issue 3 - for frenchies coming out scene, which is good. not anything else
- heroes for hire 2011 - hes only in a few issues but im not saying which ones because i want you to read the whole thing. because its good
- defenders 1972 issues 47-51 - its Very 70s but its cute and i like it :)
- werewolf by night 32 and 33 - his first appearance!
ENDING THOUGHTS - please god listen to and make a point to be kind to systems and jewish people when you talk about MK.
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unfortunate-arrow · 9 months
𝒱𝒾𝑔𝓃𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃
A/N: For @hp-12monthsofmagic’s December prompt (“Merry and Bright”). Made up of two short scenes. Note the discussions of Hanukkah and Judaism may not be the most accurate, so apologies for any missteps.
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One: The O’Donnell-Lee Cottage, County Donegal, Ireland, December 25, 2006
Sara O’Donnell-Lee watched the gentle fall of snow, illuminated in the color of the charmed baubles that floated outside around their cottage. Her eldest son, aged 5, was fast asleep in her lap with her fingers carding through his short red hair. Her eldest daughter, aged 7, was asleep on the floor, clutching the plush moon calf that she had received earlier that day. Sara’s younger two children, aged 2 and 7 months, had been put to bed earlier. The floor was strewn with the remnants of gifts that had been received earlier in the day, the lights on their tree sparkling. A calloused hand ran gently over her shoulder, causing her to look up.
“Happy Christmas, my love,” her husband, Barnaby, said, leaning over to press a kiss onto the top of her head.
“Merry Christmas, Barn,” Sara replied, wrapping her hand tightly around his. 
“Was this Christmas everything that you imagined?” 
“Yeah, I think it was. Dora and Declan were so excited for everything. I don’t think we’ll ever get this Ireland quidditch sweater off Dec.”
Barnaby laughed, fondly looking down at their son. Sara’s brother, Conor, had gifted their eldest boy an Ireland quidditch sweater, which their boy had quickly fallen in love with. The boy had even put the sweater on over his pajamas. 
“It was a good Christmas, Barnaby. Everything about it this year was good. Actually, I’m surprised at how smoothly this all went,” Sara said.
“Yeah. I thought it would be a lot more stressful with four. Brendan’s so laid back though,” Barnaby replied. 
“I hope you liked your gifts.”
“Those gloves are absolutely incredible. They’ll be so helpful in the cold. I love them, Sara. I really do. What about you?”
“The necklace is beautiful, Barn. I don’t know where you thought of the idea, but I absolutely adore it. Same with the little ornament with all six of our names on them.” 
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Two: The O’Donnell-Lyman Home, December 24, 2016 
“Momma, why do we light all these candles?” Naomi O’Donnell, aged 7, asked, leaning over the kitchen table, watching as Ruth worked on setting out on the different candles.
“The purple and pink candles are for advent. That’s for the lead-up to Christmas. Dad can explain those better than me. The blue ones and white one are for Hanukkah, which is what my family celebrates,” Ruth explained.
“I like Hanukkah. The food is so fun and good,” Naomi replied.
“Yeah, Hanukkah has good food. We celebrate that because I’m Jewish, just like we have other traditions and holidays than Dad.”
“What’s Daddy, then?”
“Dad’s Catholic, so he has different holidays than I do.”
“Well, we have different beliefs from religions. For Dad, his religion says that Jesus is the son of God and very important. My religion doesn’t believe that. Only God is important, while Jesus isn’t very important and can be seen as hard to understand.”
“What do I believe?” Naomi asked.
“You can believe whatever you want to, Naomi. Dad and I don’t have any one way we want you or your brothers to believe. That’s why we celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas, Passover and Easter. We get to cover the important parts of each culture.” 
“Oh. Is that why we eat certain things sometimes?”
“Yeah, that’s right kiddo.”
The door to the kitchen opened, bringing with it a burst of cold air. Stamping feet immediately followed as Ruth looked up to her husband and two sons. Snow clung to their hair and Conor had taken off his glasses to wipe away the fog. 
“Got the potatoes you asked for,” Conor announced, lifting up a big bag.
“Conor, how many potatoes did you get?” Ruth asked.
A sheepish look appeared on Conor’s face. “Five pounds.”
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deputygonebye · 1 year
Jonathan Walsh could never commit himself to anything, least anything that wasn’t a bottle of Jack. Pure Irish blood that flowed within his veins, those in King County couldn’t blame the man entirely for his faults. His parents hadn’t given a damn about him and it showed. Dreams and hopes were always crushed underneath shoe heels. Workers boots like that of which Jonathan’s father Declan wore, tattered and torn from hard labor out in the Georgia farm fields. Homemaker heels like that of which his mother Orla donned, as pristine as the day that she bought them, as ruby red as the wine that she drank daily. Between a father who worked too much and a mother that worked too little, there was no room for love and support for Jonathan and his six siblings. They were on their own. Could do whatever they wanted, did whatever they wished, school the least of importance. Least, that was how it was for Jon Walsh until he met Annie Carter. A familiar face that made the final two months of high school bearable. 
Annie was everything that Jon was and wasn’t. Richer, though her means were nothing to brag about in King County, her and her parents lived comfortably, smarter and better when it came to academics. She was blonde, gorgeous, but with a dark side to herself that scared all who got too close. As to where it came from, neither her mother nor her father knew. Jean and her Byron always worrying about their little girl, their only child after many failed pregnancies and miscarriages, a blessing that some nosey neighbors had deemed a curse. Retribution for the sins that Jean and Byron carried out. Participated in and explored without care, Jean would cry herself to sleep thinking about where it was her daughter had snuck off to. In the middle of the night - Annie would pay no mind to how her parents begged her not to leave - mysterious strangers the sort of people that she would call friends. Annie was 18, and as she would declare each and every time her father threatened to punish her, she could do whatever she pleased. She never got in trouble at school. She received good grades. She always did her chores. She was about to graduate and move out. She was allowed to have friends; Jonathan Walsh the latest. A fire that burned her gasoline. 
Jean always blamed herself for the shortcomings of her daughter. Regretted the fact that she and Byron weren’t more stern with her before it all got out of hand, either of them too easily manipulated by their beloved child. She never gave much credit to the cruel words that had denounced her decades before, but as Annie grew worse and worse in her habits, late nights powered by drink and unknown companions and undisclosed locations, Jean couldn’t help but think that there was some truth to them. What she and Byron had done: she chose true love over faith. Raised in the small Jewish community that King County had, her parents had wanted Jean to do just as they had done before her, what their parents had done and what their parents had done, too. Married within the faith, stayed within the family. But Jean could not keep her affection for Byron James Carter quiet. Practically cried in happiness whenever she saw him, kiss after kiss upon his lips, would rather abandon all that she knew than ever lose him. He just as devoted to her, his proud English heart beat only and ever for Jean Hoffmann. The other half to his very soul - he would marry her and make her the happiest woman in all of Georgia. 
The happiest and the loneliest all the same, when an engagement band found its way upon Jean’s finger, so did her mother and father’s disownment. She was dead to them. She would never be spoken of again. She had made her choice, and would be left to rot in misery with the man she deserted her people for. No home would welcome her. None from the community would meet her eye in friendship anymore - Jean was alone. But rather would she be alone with Byron than surrounded while in a marriage that she didn’t want. An eternity with someone that she couldn’t love, wouldn’t love, family that was lost would be superseded by one that Jean and Byron would make all their own. Children and grandchildren and more; they would create their own family. Babies that would be loved no matter what - not like how Jean was so viciously tossed out - adored and cherished. 23 and ready to take on the world with her sweetheart, a blushing bride if there ever was one, Jean’s spirit was light. It hurt no longer over the words of her parents, for her future, as she knew and believed in, would be bright. Her and her Byron and their fairytale, what came to be was far from the storybook ending that she prayed to God for. 
Pregnancies never lasted. Miscarriages happened more often than Jean could count, and there had been a part of her that believed that she would never have a child. A baby that she so wished for, that she wanted so desperately, it broke Byron’s heart to see his darling Lil’ Bird in pain. He would’ve done anything to make it go away. Give her as many children as they could have, the moon and the stars. He was so good to her. Gentle, not at all like the mongrels who prowled around the streets looking to break a delicate woman’s heart, certain that, when the time was right, he and Jean would have their family. They only needed to keep trying. And, truly, that was all part of the fun. Pleasure that recognized no pain, just as Byron had said to her, so it did happen. Jean was pregnant. With child in her belly, tears of joy unable to stop their spill down her cheeks as she relayed the news to her husband, a doctor’s visit the validation that the couple needed. If God blessed them, they would have their long awaited family. A little boy or girl of their own - Annie Elizabeth Carter was born nine months later. 
The apple of her parents’ eyes, their sweet girl had turned into an outsider before either Byron or Jean could blink. Graduation come and gone, before the next year came to pass, Annie had married the troubled Jon Walsh. Against the disapproval of her parents, the unsatisfied grumbles from his, Jean’s pleas to wait ignored for a honeymoon based upon cold beers and a cabin in the woods. Her own past thrown into her face like it were poison: I’m just like you, Mama!
And just as fast as the wedding, Annie’s pregnancy came immdeiately. Delayed somewhat, for a jobless couple who were somehow always so busy, 21 years old and not a consideration for the baby that she carried. Still did Annie want to live the lifestyle that she and Jonathan were attached to. Parties and clubs and bloody brawls, Jean and Byron, for the first time in Annie’s life, put their foot down. It had to end. What Annie was doing to herself, what she was exposing the baby to, they wouldn’t lose their only grandchild because of the selfishness of their daughter. But too far gone was Annie to wonder about the baby who grew in her womb. More so another person to keep her from her carnal desires than a piece of her and the man that she loved, Jonathan was no better. A drunk who abused his charm and good looks, a womanizer who bedded any and all. He didn’t care that Annie knew. He didn’t care that it broke her fragile mind even more than it already was, whatever evils that had lurked there before he ever sank his claws into her. A twisted sense of humor within her, when the baby was born, a baby boy who looked so much like Jonathan in the eyes, she named him in honor of two ex-boyfriends: Shane and Everett. Shane Everett Walsh was his name. And Jonathan could barely stand the fact. Only simmered in his anger. Temper about to burst in the hospital room. 
There was no note. No message of hate. No token of love. There was only an empty bottle of liquor that signaled that Jonathan had left his and Annie’s home. Clothes all gone from their drawers and shoes taken from the closet, the little cash that the Walsh’s had was gone, too. Their home was a ghost town. Furnished by the few pieces that were bought for the baby, Grandma and Grandpa’s eager purchases, Annie didn’t have a moment to lose her sanity. Jean nor Byron unable to allow that, not ready to fail a second time to an innocent child, they had her and her baby boy move in with them as soon as the next week. A home just on the street corner, a place not too big but bigger than where the mother and son had come from, comfortable and peaceful, a safe haven. But Annie didn’t care. She never did. Leaving Shane with her parents all day, she could drink until she blacked out. Stumble around with Jonathan’s name screamed from her lips, drew blood from the women in King County who had dared to call him their one-time lover. A lover lost forever - no one knew where he was nor where he went. Jean and Byron were glad for that. Jonathan Walsh was better off alone. 
Byron and Jean adored their Shane. So sweet and so beautiful, he was the perfect child. A glimmering light that brightened their days, they could almost pretend as if life was a happy one. A life that wasn’t spent worrying over their precious Annie still, all but in legality was Shane theirs, and his mother was ever delighted for that. Part of her did love her son. A chunk of her heart branded in his name, but a chunk that couldn’t be outdone by Annie’s marriage to drink and drug. Men that acted just as Jonathan used to, gossip whispered otherwise, but Jean knew that seeing her in such a way was what killed Byron. His beautiful baby girl mutilated by her own doing, poor man couldn’t stand the sight. Was perhaps too tired to fight with her anymore - his heart gave out in his sleep. Beside Jean in their marriage bed, just as he always knew he would go, with his true love beside him, Jean was thankful that Annie went quickly after. Heartache not allowed to fester - two losses within the span of a year - there was hope to a peace found in the afterlife for her treasured husband and daughter. Maybe, then, could Annie find the happiness, the answers, that she didn’t have in the mortal world. At long last, her alcohol glass was free from a fresh pour. 
Jonathan Walsh could never commit himself to anything, but the same would not be said of Jean Carter. She would do all that Jonathan didn’t and more, she would love Shane and protect him, be there for him through all of his days. Fatherless but not without love, Jean would make up for the mistakes that she made with her Annie, the blissful ignorance, the love that blinded her from what her daughter was. How sick she was. Jean would do good for, and by, her darling Shane Everett. But even she couldn’t protect him from everything. 
Rumors rampant in King County, for homegrown scandal always sold, truths hard to differentiate from lies: Jonathan had murdered his best friend in cold blood in the next town over. Shane was really the son of another man. Annie was a part of a crime ridden gang before she died.
But by God above, Jean would try. She would do anything for her Shane.
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creatrackers · 2 years
Creatrackers Characters
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Age: 20
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: ?
Ethnicity & nationality: Jewish, Canadian
Creatrackers position: new member, realist, helper
Likes: soccer/football, annotating books, anime and manga, poetry, live theatre, live sports, Cub, Declan McKenna, Marianas Trench, Phoebe Bridgers, old horror movies, Sing Street
Dislikes: sleeping (insomnia and anxiety-related problems), newer paranormal movies
Fact: Kenny is from Canada but is staying with his aunts who happen to live in Willa’s building
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agentcable · 7 months
Law & Order Special Victims Unit Season 23 Ep. 10 "Silent Night, Hateful Night"
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The Hate Crimes unit, now led by Declan Murphy, has requested the assistance of the SVU in investigating a series of hate crimes that occurred on Christmas Eve. Murphy wants to resolve with Rollins whether he wants to be in his daughter Jessie's life.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
As "Silent Night" plays, a white supremacist discusses his involvement in a war on his podcast. The scene then shifts to a series of hate crimes, including Jews having their synagogue windows broken and Muslims being attacked on the street, with people being beaten up.
Meanwhile, Benson and Noah exit a beautiful church service and witness police cars with their sirens on. Benson receives a call from Chief McGrath. McGrath has requested SVU's assistance with the string of attacks due to Hate Crimes being short-staffed. Murphy, the captain of Hate Crimes, along with Calhoun and two other detectives are also working on the case. Declan has reported that the Embassies are investigating as well. Benson has addressed the press. SVU is committed to helping prevent this type of violence in our city.
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The detective at the synagogue claims that security footage shows two black kids responsible for the violence. However, the Orthodox community is not cooperating today as it is the Sabbath. Benson is interested in obtaining the security footage.
The Muslim victim reported that he did not provoke the attack. He mentioned that kids say stupid things, but this was different. The attackers used racial slurs and told him to go back to the desert. The victim's statement is limited, and he cannot provide much information to the police.
Declan wishes to speak with Rollins. According to some locals, the swastikas were not visible while walking a dog.
After the attack, a Muslim man reported that a white van drove away, but did not provide any further information.
The wife of an Orthodox victim reported that they were attacked by two Black boys. McGrath suggested breaking the law by releasing the suspects' pictures, despite them being minors, but Declan and Benson disagreed. The SVU team canvassed the area, but no one reported seeing the suspects.
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During the incident, a church leader identified Daylen as one of the boys involved. Daylen admitted to running away when he saw what the other kids were doing and provided the names of the other participants. One of the older boys was arrested and claimed that he broke a store window because he believed that the Jews thought they were better than him. Julius, a child who was arrested, claims that the other boy committed all the crimes, not him. He expresses remorse for what happened.
The suspects who attacked the Muslims are still at large. McGrath is eager to hold a news conference as soon as possible, but Benson wants to delay it. It cannot be proben that these kids were involved in the Muslim attack. The arson and graffiti incidents may not have been committed by these kids. Declan agrees with Benson that the other attacks were politically motivated, with people making a statement. McGrath suggests making some arrests to calm the situation down, but Benson informs him that these are two seperate crimes. A mosque in Williamsburg has been bombed and is currently on fire.
The bomb detonated after the last prayer, and another bomb was found at a Jewish old age home before it could detonate. The perpetrators appear to be becoming more violent. The FBI as been notified, but there have been no credible threats this weekend, and these perpetrators are not currently on their radar.
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FIn is tired. Murphy suggests they grab a Red Bull and continue.
Rollins talks on the phone with her daughters while Murphy gets coffee. He tells her that if she needs a few hours with her family, but she doesn't want special Christmas. Declan tells her about the deep undercover assignments he has been on, including being pulled out and having his death faked. He tells her that leaving her was the biggest mistake of his life. She says that it's working out and that Jessie is happy. Just as Murphy asks if Rollins is seeing anyone, the guy with the dog shows up again.
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Dog Guy, who introduces himself as Don Johnson, wants to know if they caught the kids. Rollins and Murphy are suspicious. Rollins obtained Dog Guy's cell number from his dog tag. Additionally, they reviewed security footage, but unfortunately, it did not provide any useful information. Benson receives a call and Murphy informs her that they were deceived.
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Daylen's name has been leaked to the police, and Murphy suspects that McGrath is responsible. Fin shares the same suspicion.
Dog Guy, whose real name is Darko, immigrated from Serbia at the age of 3. He recently lost a lawsuit to a Jewish landlord. He enjoys watching World War II movies. Unfortunately, Darko was shot by a motorcyclist.
Darko claimed that the Black kids shot at him while he was at the hospital. In private, Rollins informed Benson that Darko was fixated on those kids, but she knew that was not the case. Rollins offered to walk Darko's dog while he was in the hospital and he provided her with his key and phone number. Rollins stated that they did not require a warrant since Darko had given them a key. She and Fin enter the apartment and feed the dog. Rollins states that they cannot search, but another detective suggests claiming they were looking for a dog leash. Fin opens the closet and discovers numerous live bombs.
Darko denies ownership of the bombs. Murphy criticizes the FBI's competence. The FBI possesses a video of the podcast. Darko claims he has never seen the guy before and wants his dog. The FBI is uncooperative, making it difficult for the cops to trace the video. Unfortunately, there are four unaccounted for. The FBI is arguing with the cops, insisting that they don't know anything and refusing to help. Benson attempts to reason with the agent, who eventually agrees to give them a chance but does so in a snarky manner.
Darko claims that Rollins turned him in. She has Danica, his dog. Murphy and Benson act like they are on Darko's side and believe the bombs aren't his. He says the guy shot him because he was talking to cops. Benson tells him that the other terrorists are taking advantage of him. He claims to be unfamiliar with the man's name, referring to him only as AJ. Rollins sends a picture of Danica via text. Darko is only aware of his assigned role in the plan. He did not come up with the idea and is not skilled in this area. They instructed him to turn off his phone and provided him with a disposable one.
The clerk asks if the customers are certain that they purchased the burner at this store. The customers confirm. The clerk informs them that the buyer paid cash for five phones and was wearing a motorcylce helmet. The clerk reviews the security footage but is unable to identify the perpetrators.
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The burners have been stolen. However, they obtained a dump of AJ's cell phone and discovered his name and city / state.
The police spoke with AJ's girlfriend, who became angry when she believed he was with his ex. Antonio and his ex were arrested, but she claimed to have no knowledge of the situation.
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AJ was threatened with the death penalty and eventually revealed the location of the bombs. His ex was surprised to learn that he had another wife in Ohio. The only contact he had with the gang causing the issues was a man named Nolan, who was also arrested. He denies knowing AJ and claims he thought it was his Uber driver calling. However, he is caught in an obvious lie. Despite video evidence of his wife filming the podcast, he insists he doesn't know anything about the podcaster. He denies any knowledge of the situation or his wife's whereabouts, but he dos mention that Susan is using her sister's AMEX card.
The hotel clerk informs them that Susan went to Washington Square Park, which has a diverse population. There is a possibility of an attack.
SVU proceeds to the area and conducts observations, leading them to the podcaster and Susan. Benson pretended to know Susan and then attempted to arrest her and the podcaster. Robert claimed to have a bomb, and Benson shot him.
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Susan thanked Benson for giving them a martyr. Benson watched as Susan was dragged off and realized she needed to come to terms with having shot someone.
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rotzaprachim · 3 years
Important moments in mister impossible are ronan hanging with the crying club and like fletcher or Benji is scrolling jswipe and suddenly they’re like woah this guy is super popular... hey he kind of looks like you! same last name and everything! And ronans like gimme here and that’s how he learned the shocking facts not of “Declan Lynch, age: 21, interested in: men and women, occupation: pre-law student, denomination: conservative/masorti, favorite first date spot: art house cinema so we’ll have something to talk about after, last book he finished: the life changing magic of tidying up, favorite beigel: the classic lox‘n’schmear” which contains SO manY THinGs ronan did not know about his brother, most shockingly that he’s apparently now popular?
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coughloop · 3 years
vent/rant post about fash/cryptofash/reactionaries on tumblr under the cut dont reblog
im really frustrated with how things have gone down in the last week and im gonna ramble a lot, also im gonna use fash/cryptofash/reactionary and maybe some other terms pretty interchangeably cause they all feel like umbrella terms for the type of people im talking about.
I know we're all getting tired of blocking the same cryptofash accounts that keep remaking over and over again, as well as new ones that find their ways into the periphery of popular posters and have suddenly shoot into popularity until they post something super racist. And a lot of the time it feels so useless and futile, like half the time they have a backup ready to go and the other half just remake in under 24 hours. and like, what does it even do? its not fighting any real world issues, i have no idea what the social effect of having super racist people 3 degrees of separation from everyone on the site actually means, but I know I really fucking dont like it, I know it makes me super uncomfortable to see a mutuals reblog from someone who constantly reblogs and interacts with people that fantasize about beating up trans people on the street.
and now that people like me and some others are getting more and more savvy about noticing cryptofash blogs, it becomes harder and harder to not see how many people i follow that keep me 3 degrees of separation from them.
take ukrainianbimbo for example. they constantly reblog from terfs, transphobes, racists, misogynists and anti-Semites AS WELL as trans people, Jewish people, and people of colour. i blocked them from following me months ago after spending 30 seconds on their blog and recognizing multiple well known tumblr reactionaries. when they noticed i had blocked them and made a couple posts about how easy it is to not follow and reblog from fascists they went on a posting spree whining about how they dont check who they reblog from and why should it be their responsibility. wah wah wah, shut up. anyway, last week they got properly called out for this behaviour and badgrapple came to their defense, going on the dumbest tirade ive ever seen about how theyre sick of fake callouts for people who havent done anything wrong (tell that to your friend ukrainianbimbo who's reaction to being labelled an anti-Semite and a fascist was to triple down on telling a trans jewish woman that she was ugly and should kill herself (both of these things are very untrue shout out Agent, you dont deserve that at all)) and now both of them are going out of their way to interact with more bigots seemingly as a protest for being repressed over hanging with those types in the first place. Fuck off.
All of this then led into people i respect making random vagueposts like "feel like fash is a word being thrown around way too liberally on tumblr these days" and like, yeah, in a way i guess it is, but also people are acting like fascists! crypto fascists specifically because theyre never completely open about their beliefs. fash is shorter and less confusing however (thanks cryptocurrency for that) so thats what people genuinely call them. Why is that a bad thing? If you're posting things that people look at and say "woah dude, you sound like a fascist", maybe thats on you for doing things that other fascists on this site do, not on them for using the "wrong word" for it.
on top of all this though, people HAVE started making up unchecked callouts about people, like Declan smokeweedinbong, who was unfairly called a fascist by someone because declan responded to a comment on his post he didnt background check, thats totally unfair to declan but fuck the reaction from a lot of my mutuals was REALLY WEIRD. people didnt start posting in defense of declan, who again, did nothing wrong but not pay as much attention to a random person as he could have (ive done that too i get it!), but instead people started beating the "cancel culture has gone to far" drum, fucking again. why is that your response?? defend your friends, please! but why is it people who dont want to be exposed to racists and transphobes and anti-Semites ultimately receiving the pushback? its so dumb!
so now half the time i see someone getting an anon about reblogging from a fash, they respond positively but why do they always get follow up anons like "thats dumb who cares, i never look at who i reblog from" like maybe you fucking should?? shut up! people are so fucking stupid on anon it blows me away soemtimes.
i really have no idea where im going with all this, i just really needed to get this frustration of my chest. thanks for reading my run on sentences if you did, and sorry for being somewhat incoherent, i just am so fucking tired of all this, and it doesnt even mean anything. whatever
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unganseylike · 2 years
why do i feel like not a single declan girlie is catholic
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jewishfem · 3 years
Guess that I'd do that because no one talked about it here but yesterday a rabbi and three congregants in synagogue in Texas were taken hostage in the synagogue by a terrorist who wanted another terrorist, Aafiah al-Siddiqi, to be freed from jail where she's held for alleged (and proven) relations to al-Qaeda. Now, I'm not here to discuss whether or not her punishment was deserved or not, and I'm not gonna discuss her relations to al Qaeda, nor her political ideologies, because this isn't the topic at hand. The topic at hand is, well, the way the media portrayed the situation.
For some background, Aafiah al-Siddiqui demanded no Jews in her court hearing and the sentences. She dismissed her lawyers and defense team (which Pakistani embassy assembled for her) because she believed they're Jewish. She didn't want Jews in the jury and in the judges' seats. She demanded everyone involved to take DNA testings to see no one has any Jewish heritage. She believes in several antisemitic conspiracies, including the idea that the Jews are behind everything bad, basically. You'd expect a bit more from a woman with BS in Biology from MIT and PhD in neuroscience from Brandeis University, who was a stellar student in these, she taught the biology laboratory classes while working on her PhD.
A three-person defence team was hired by the Pakistani embassy to supplement her two existing public defenders, but Siddiqui refused to co-operate with them.³⁵ She tried to dismiss her lawyers on the grounds that they were Jewish.³⁶ She said the case against her was a Jewish conspiracy, demanded that no Jews be allowed on the jury,¹⁶² and that all prospective jurors be DNA-tested and excluded from the jury at her trial "if they have a Zionist or Israeli background." She stated: "They are all mad at me ... I have a feeling everyone here is them – subject to genetic testing. They should be excluded, if you want to be fair."¹⁴⁸
In other words, not very Girlboss of her.
Here's the letter she wrote to Obama back when she was in federal medical center:
"Study the history of the Jews. They have always back-stabbed everyone who has taken pity on them and made the 'fatal' error of giving them shelter. ... and it is this cruel, ungrateful back-stabbing of the Jews that has caused them to be mercilessly expelled from wherever they gain strength. This why 'holocausts' keep happening to them repeatedly! If they would only learn to be grateful and change their behavior!! ..." ¹⁶⁴
But maybe she's not antisemitic! Look what she says here:
She later claimed she was not against all "Israeli Americans".¹⁶⁴
After being sentenced for shooting US troops in Afghanistan, she said, according to reports:
“This is a verdict coming from Israel and not from America. That’s where the anger belongs.” ¹⁶⁵
35. Bartosiewicz, Petra (November 2009). "The intelligence factory: How America makes its enemies disappear". Harper's Magazine.
36. Walsh, Declan (24 November 2009). "The mystery of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui". The Guardian (UK). London, UK.
148. Bone, James (15 January 2010). "Aafia Siddiqui demands no Jewish jurors at attempted murder trial". The Times. London, UK.
162. Walsh, Declan (4 February 2010). "Pakistan denounces conviction of neuroscientist in U.S. court". The Guardian (UK). Islamabad, Pakistan.
Yeah.... No. She is antisemitic.
But why is this important? Well, let's go back to the terror act yesterday in Houston, Texas.
The hostage taker's demands were the release of Siddiqui. The media portrayal of yesterday's terror attack, taking a synagogue attendees hostages was "unrelated to Jewish people".
A synagogue. Unrelated to Jewish people.
A rabbi. Unrelated to Jewish people.
3 Jewish congregants. Unrelated to Jewish people.
A demand to release an outspokenly antisemitic terrorist. Unrelated to Jewish people.
I honestly don't even know what to say at this point. My thoughts are all over the place besides the one that's always there: us Jews are never safe.
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ojamesy · 7 years
Bloom is at his most vital in the world of process, in motion between two fixed points. A committed wanderer, he knows that movement is better than stasis. The dream of the exoticv East is resisted by Bloom, who will later warn himself against equally quaint idealisations of Ireland. Whereas romantic English liberals like Haines were seeking an answer to the Irish question, the Irish themselves (including Bloom) were still trying to find the meaning of that question. Like him, the Irish were works in progress. They were each seeking a dream of which they could not speak - they could only speak of having sought it. If Bloom endures the disadvantage of being a Jewish image while lacking the solidarity of membership in the actual community, he is an outsider even more than a Jew. In that, however, he has much in common with a people who belong to a nation which does not exist, except in perpetual potential.’ (p.82.) ‘Commentators sometimes say that Bloom’s isolation, unlike Stephen’s, is enforced because of his Jewish background rather than actively chosen. The truth is that he rather likes to live at an angle to the community. His inner life offers rich compensations for the poverty of social intercourse in a city whose denizens are often more fluent than articulate. (p.89.)
De​clan Kiberd, Ulysses and Us (2009) 
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raggedandrich · 4 years
Characters and Face Claims*
The Irish
Willem Nigel “The Magpie” Walsh
- Stern but cheeky. Fashionable. Protective
- Deals in rare/illegal plants and gems. Launders money in fronts: Blossom (strip club), a coin operated laundromat, three car washes
- Eventually expands over time with Lent winnings and Russian alliance with Lucky Dog Hotel
“A perfect nightmare of flowers and scents”
Robert Isaac “Pretty Boy” Byrne
- Lax but eager. Scrappy. Needy
- A local punk who gets caught by mid tier goons trying to rip off The Magpie. Instead of being hurt, he is taken in and given a life of luxury to be a kept boy
- Eventually shows a knack for the business and becomes a great mobster in his own right. Fucks any man he can get his hands on, and some women. The glue that holds the Boston mob scene together
“It is no crime to fall for an older man”
Declan Walsh (second in command Irish mob): Gabriel Byrne
- Runs the more violent and risky parts of the Irish mob
Mickey Collins (cousin from Ireland, usurper): Michael Fassbender
- Stirs up trouble, not to be trusted
Donovan (driver/undertaker) : Kevin James
- The Magpie’s personal driver who isn’t paid enough for the stuff he has to deal with in his limo
Leonard (pilot/bro of Donnie): John C. Reilly
- Eventually The Magpie purchases a private plane and hires Donnie’s brother from Chicago to be the pilot for business and pleasure endeavors
Lucas (friend of Rob/son of Leonard): Leo Reilly
James “The Nose” O’Donnell (runs Blossom/money launders for Willem): Christian Bale
The Italians
Don Marcello Rodolfo (Italian Mob boss) : Vincent D’Onofrio
- Main antagonist of The Irish, very quick tempered and repressed, has an obsession with Pretty Boy
Charlotte “Lottie” Rodolfo (Marcello’s wife): Marisa Tomei
- Firecracker, strong-willed and loves her husband dearly. Builds connections for her husband’s dealings (and possibly other tribes) through her travel agency and familial old money
Peter Rodolfo (Lottie’s son/Marcello’s step-son): Tom Holland
- Loves to mess with Marcello by hanging out with Rob and his boys. Momma’s boy. Sweet faced trouble maker. Constantly teases about defecting from the family business to peruse music.
Gianluca Vacchi - Himself, client of Marcello
- Very rich and likes to party
Anthony Mazzi (Italian): Joe Manganiello
Michael Cenci (Italian): Bobby Cannavale
Gabriel Valero (Italian): Milo Ventimiglia
- The three above are often referred to as The Stallions. Love to use Pretty Boy as a way to blow off steam and be proxies for Marcello when he is busy. They’re listed from oldest to youngest.
Kenneth Gattegna (baker): Lee Pace (half Jewish)
- Owns one of Marcello’s fronts and provides baked goods for another, Marcello’s Italian restaurant
Paul Gattegna (brother of Kenneth): Paul Rudd (half Jewish)
- An actor who moves back home when he falls on hard times and gets mixed up in the mob dealings because of his brother’s association. Kind of a lost puppy
Len Gattegna (brother of Kenneth and Paul): Timothée Chalamet
- College graduate who is a better actor than his eldest brother. Hangs out with Rob, Maxim, Rami and Peter. Kind of a slut.
The Russians**
Fyodor Laska (Russian mobster): David Harbour
- Face of the new and improved Russian mob. Owns and operates The Hammer, a bar and home base
Pietro/“Uncle Pete” Laska (Russian mob boss): Peter Stormare
- Mostly deals with financial business, he delegates a lot to his nephew but will get involved if provoked
Pavel Kogan (undertaker/counterfeiter): Jon Bernthal
- Artist and boxer, he heads the counterfeiting operation and deals with the casualties of Fyodor’s dirty work. Seemingly the only guy that won’t sleep with Pretty Boy. Jewish, unlike Fyodor and his family who are Catholic
Rabbi Perlman (friend of Pavel): Ron Perlman
- A cigar-smoking rabbi who has his own past in crime. Gives Pavel a place to go when he can’t deal with the Catholics around him
Maxim Dyomin (Fyodor’s nephew): Taron Egerton
- College drop out working with his uncle. Friend of Pretty Boy
Rami Gamil (Maxim’s best friend/tattoo artist): Rami Malek
- Egyptian-American college friend of Maxim, provides tattoos for the various tribes. Friend of Pretty Boy. Accepted as part of the Russian tribe through Maxim
Lila “Sky” Sklar (Pavel’s girlfriend/Rob’s friend): Sky Ferreira
- Party girl and singer, doesn’t know much about her boyfriend’s dealings. Becomes friends with Pretty Boy as a side effect of Pretty Boy hanging around Pavel and trying to seduce him but failing
Jacob Hoz (mobster/politician)/ John “Jack/Eben” Hoz (boxer/muscle)/ Benjamin Hoz (crooked cop) : Jake Gyllenhaal [triplets]
- Jacob has long hair and is a local politician pulling strings for the Russian mob
- John (Jack to his brothers and Eben to Pavel) is a fellow boxer and friend to Pavel, provides muscle for the Russian mob. Buzzed hair.
- Benjamin has an undercut, is a crooked cop that is the most distant of the brothers because he claims no loyalty to any one tribe (deals with The Magpie, Marcello and Fyodor)
Nico (prison mate of Rob): Noel Fisher
- When Pretty Boy has to go to jail at some point, he makes friends with a petty criminal, no tribe associations known
Senator Hal Forrest (politician): Chris Pine
- A bit of a wildcard, much like Benjamin, deals with all tribes and is a bit of a mutt. May have a downlow situation with Benjamin
Echo Lyre aka “The Thrasher” (arms dealer/assassin): Crispin Glover
- No known origin, works for hire and deals arms to all tribes. Known to take on the speech and mannerisms of his clients. Not even sure if that is his real name
*- may not be complete, may be edited and updated
**- some Russian members are not themselves Russian but have ties to the tribe nonetheless and are associated
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versegm · 4 years
Just a quick question are there any more detailed descriptions of all your characters (Lion in human hide specifically) especially ethnicity/skin color (just in case someone might wanna draw them)? Just wondering cause I wanna draw Isabella and Darius/Mafate stuff.
I actually commissioned a couple people here and there to draw Darius haha!
I dislike word of god on principle so I’d rather stay quiet on this one (I mean idk about you but personally I hate when an author goes “OH NO ACTUALLY THEY WERE ALL POC IT JUST NEVER CAME UP TRUST ME THAT WAS TOTALLY INTENDED” and I vowed to never be that person.)
I can, however, tell you the origin of everyone’s names, and you can do with that information what you will.
- O’Sullivan, (Cara & Ciara’s family, and Declan’s by adoption) is an irish name
- Yanan, (the name of Declan’s birth mother) is a chinese name 
- Darius is the name of a persian general who is famous for fucking up and running away in front of Alexander The Pretty Alright
- Mafate, as mentioned in the book, derivates from the malagasy (=madagascar) word “mahafaty” which means “lethal.” It’s also the name of a real-life caldera.
- Dahaoui (Isabella, Ismael, Maryke & Alya’s family) is an arabic name
- (not that you asked, but “Grandma Kal/The witch Kal” is also the name of a real folklore witch. (sorry, link in french ^^’) The story varies widely from telling to telling but the tl;dr is that she’s supposedly a former slave who ran away and cursed white slave owners and all that.)
- For that matter Liu (dad side of Alya’s family) is a chinese name
- Kuna Hirsh are a jewish first & last name
- Joo-won Nam is a korean first & last name
- Reedha is an indian name
I... got way too many characters I’m. I really hope I didn’t forget anyone.
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honeyedblossom · 3 years
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meet caroline dworsky // welcome to serotoninhq.
                                        the basics //
full name : caroline dworsky  nickname : caro birthdate & zodiac : 6 june1984 / gemini  gender & pronouns : cis woman / she & her  sexual orientation: what’s in a label?  romantic orientation: in which we call a label? cause caro sure as heck doesn’t know. occupation : wildlife biologist, currently working freelance and looking for a temp place.  ethnicity: ashkenazi jewish ( white )  hometown/birth place : chicago, illinois  family : veronica dworsky ( mother, deceased ), harrison dworsky ( father ), jake dworsy ( older brother ), wesley dworsky ( younger brother )  declan woulfe ( father of daughter, ex ), leia woulfe ( daughter ) 
TRIGGERS MENTIONED: pregnancy / c-section, alcoholism / drinking, death, neglect, addiction. 
                                  physical appearance & characteristics //
face claim: kat dennings  eye color: blue hair color: dark brown glasses/contacts?: none dominant hand: left  height: 5′3″ / 1.61m  build: curvaceous  tattoos: a butterfly tattoo on her ankle & a tattoo reminiscent of lamby that is just above where they cut for her c-section piercings: ears are pierced, and she likely tried out a tongue piercing at some point, as well as potentially others... marks/scars: caro has many scars, most faded, but they’re certainly there. one of which is from her c-section but that’s mostly faded. 
                                    personality traits //
positive: free-spirited, open-minded & exuberant negative: selfish, pushy & coarse alignment: chaotic neutral 
                                      deeper dive //
headcanons :
LOVE - though caro does still love him, deep down, there will always be apart of her that doesn’t understand love. aside from a couple people in her life, she truthfully hasn’t experienced much and when declan came into her life, initially, she was terrified as to how close and deeply she felt, still feels for him. for so long, aside from wesley, caro felt as though she was viewed as nothing more than an object to lovers. if you can even call them that. 
ASPIRATIONS - it’s a dream caro has always wanted, but it’s felt unattainable, and it still does but she dreams of opening a rehabilitation type farm/clinic for animals, specifically aimed towards wildlife. she realizes it’s a big dream, but she hopes, that with all the money she’s managed to hide / earn over the years, eventually she’ll be able to start working towards making that happen. maybe someone will or can inspire her to set up a go fund me of sorts? who knows.
DRINKING & PARTYING - was very much a big part of her young life, and though she was better, it has since worsened again, as it’s one of her coping mechanisms when life gets too hard. it’s definitely a struggle. growing up, she loved being labelled the life of the party, but as she nears forty, she realizes it’s not quite the same.
RUNNING - now, caro has sort of always had a bad habit of running away from her problems, it’s kind of what led her down the road of the lifestyle she knew in her younger years. sure, her father was neglectful, had his own addiction problems and didn’t care much for his children after the death of their mother, but he still had a roof over their head. still, she refused to let that be her....yet, here she is falling into his habits in her own terrible way by running away from not only wesley ( at first ), again, but declan and leia as well. 
favorites :
food - mexican cuisine. 
drink - anything that burns going down.
movie - the lion king 
song - the a team - ed sheeran 
color - lavender 
                                      bio coming soon //
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