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Jeon Dong Seok and Jeung Sun Ah in Dracula - The Musical
#jeon dong seok#jeung sun ah#dracula the musical#kmusicals#theatrenet#perioddramaedit#weloveperioddama#musicaltheatreedit#musicaledit#broadwayedit#전동석#정선아#뮤지컬 드라큘라#dracula - a musical I watch for the plot#dracmina
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Especial KRP — Sobrenomes Coreanos
Cansado de Lee? Kim? Seo? Song? Choi? Hwang? Park? Abaixo do "Read More" você vai encontrar alguns sobrenomes mais incomuns que pode usar em seus personagens coreanos.
Ah, A (아 - A)
Ae (애 - É)
Ban, Bahn, Van, Vahn, Pan, Pahn (반 - Ban)
Beon, Bun, Buhn, Veon, Vun, Vuhn (번 - Bón)
Beom, Bum, Buhm, Veom, Vum, Vuhm (범 - Bóm)
Bo, Vo (보 - Bô)
Bok, Vok (복 - Bôc)
Bong, Vong (봉 - Bông)
Boo, Bu, Voo, Vu (부 - Bú)
Bi, Vi, Bee, Vee (비 - Bi)
Bin, Been, Bean, Vin, Veen, Vean (빈 - Bin)
Bing, Beeng, Ving, Veeng (빙 - Bing)
Da (다 - Dá)
Dam (담 - Dam)
Dan (단 - Dan)
Dang (당 - Dang)
Dae, Dai (대 - Dé)
Dok, Dock (독 - Dôc)
Dokgo, Dokko (독고 - Docô)
Don (돈 - Dôn)
Dong (동 - Dông)
Dongbang (동방 - Dôngbâng)
Deung (등 - Dûng)
Deungjeong, Deungjung (등정 - Dûngdjóng)
Eogeum, Uhgeum, Ugeum (어금 - Ógûm)
Eun (은 - Ûn)
Eum (음 - Ûm)
Hak, Hahk (학 - Rác)
Hae (해 - Ré)
Hyeong, Hyung, Hyoung (형 - Rióng)
Ho, Hoh (호 - Rô)
Hwa, Hwah (화 - Ruá)
Hwangmok (황목 - Ruangmôk)
Hwangbo (황보 - Ruangbô)
Hoo, Hu (후 - Ru)
Ja, Jah (자 - Já)
Jeom, Jum (점 - Djóm)
Je, Jeh (제 - Djê)
Jegal, Jekal (제갈 - Djegál)
Jeo, Juh (저 - Djó)
Jong (종 - Djông)
Jwa, Joa, Jua (좌 - Djuá)
Jeung (증 - Jûng)
Kangjeon, Kangjun, Gangjeon, Gangjun (강전 - Gangdjón)
Ka, Ga (가 - Ga)
Kal, Gal (갈 - Gal)
Kam, Gam (감)
Kan, Gan (간 - Gan)
Kae, Gae (개 - Gué)
Kyun, Kyeon, Kyoun, Gyun, Gyeon, Gyoun (견 - Guión)
Kyung, Kyeong, Kyoung, Gyung, Gyeong, Gyoung (경 - Guióng)
Kye, Gye (계 - Guiê)
Kok, Gok (곡 - Gôc)
Kwan, Gwan (관 - Guân)
Kwok, Gwok (궉 - Guóc)
Kyo, Gyo (교 - Guiô)
Kuk, Guk, Kook, Gook, Kuck, Guck (국 - Guc)
Kung, Koong, Gung, Goong (궁 - Gung)
Kwok, Gwok, Kweok, Gweok (궉 - Guóc)
Keun, Geun (근 - Gûn)
Keum, Geum (금 - Gûm)
Ki, Gi, Kee, Gee (기 - Gui)
Kil, Gil (길 - Guil)
Lin, In, Rin, Leen, Een, Reen (인 - In)
Man, Mahn (만 - Man)
Mangjeol, Mangjul (망절 - Mangdjól)
Mae (매 - Mé)
Maeng (맹 - Méng)
Myung, Myeong, Myoung (명 - Mióng)
Mo, Moh (모 - Mô)
Mok, Mock (목 - Môc)
Myo (묘 - Miô)
Moo, Mu (무 - Mu)
Mubon, Moobon (무본 - Mubôn)
Muk, Muck, Mook, Moock (묵 - Muc)
Mi, Mee (미 - Mi)
Nan (난 - Nan)
Namgoong, Namgung, Namkoong, Namkung (남궁 - Namgung)
Nang (낭 - Nang)
Nae (내 - Né)
Noi, Nwe (뇌 - Nê)
Ok, Ock (옥 - Ôc)
On, Ohn (온 - Ôn)
Ong (옹 - Ông)
Pan, Pahn (판 - Pan)
Paeng (팽 - Péng)
Pyeon, Pyun, Pyuhn (편 - Pión)
Pyeong, Pyung, Pyuhng (평 - Pióng)
Po, Poh (포 - Pô)
Pyo (표 - Piô)
Pung, Poong (풍 - Pung)
Pi, Pee (피 - Pi)
Pil, Fil, Peel, Feel (필 - Pil)
Ra, La, Rah, Lah (라 - Lá)
Ran, Lan (란 - Lan)
Rang, Lang (랑 - Lang)
Ryeo, Ryuh, Lyeo, Lyuh (려 - Lió)
Roe, Loe, Roi, Loi, Rwe, Lwe (뢰 - Lê)
Sa, Sah (사 - Sá)
Sakong, Sagong (사공 - Sagông)
San, Sahn (산 - San)
Sam, Sahm (삼 - Sam)
Sang, Sahng (상 - Sang)
Seomun, Seomoon, Suhmun, Suhmoon, Sumun, Sumoon (서문 - Sómún)
Seonu, Seonwu, Seonwoo, Seonoo, Sunu, Sunwu, Sunwoo, Sunoo (선우 - Sónú)
Seob, Sub, Seop, Sup, Suhb, Suhp (섭 - Sób)
Sobong (소봉 - Sobông)
Soo, Su (수 - Su)
Sun, Soon (순 - Sun)
Seung (승 - Sûng)
Si, Shi, Xi, See, Shee, Xee (시 - Xi)
Tak, Tahk (탁 - Tác)
Tan, Tahn (탄 - Tan)
Tang, Tahng (탕 - Táng)
Tae (태 - Té)
Uh, Eo, Eoh (어 - Ó)
Wan, Wahn (완 - Uán)
Wang, Wahng (왕 - Uáng)
Wun, Un, Woon, Oon (운 - Un)
Wi (위 - Uí)
Ya, Yah (야 - Iá)
Yeop, Yeob, Yup, Yub, Yuhp, Yuhb (엽 - Iób)
Yeong, Young, Yung (영 - Ióng)
Ye, Yeh (예 - Iê)
Yo (요 - Iô)
Yong (용 - Iông)
Yook, Yuk (육 - Iúk)
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see unime's masterlist !
★﹐STAGE NAME : HiA ( 히아 ) ★﹐BIRTH NAME : Jeung Hi Ah ( 정희아 ) ★﹐NICKNAMES : honey vocals, ball of sun, hiart (hia + art) ★﹐BIRTHDAY : March 4, 1995 ★﹐AGE : 29 ( int age ) , 30 ( kor age ) ★﹐ZODIAC SIGN : Pisces ★﹐CHINESE ZODIAC : Pig ★﹐REPRESENTATIVE EMOTICON : 🐿️ ★﹐HEIGHT : 163 cm (5'4") ★﹐BLOOD TYPE : O ★﹐BIRTHPLACE : Incheon, South Korea ★﹐NATIONALITY : Korean ★﹐LANGUAGES : korean (100%), japanese (100%), english (91%), mandarin (32%) ★﹐GENDER : female ★﹐PRONOUNS : she/her ★﹐SEXUALITY : bisexual ★﹐RELATIONSHIP STATUS : single ★﹐FAMILY MEMBERS : Jeung Hyo-joo ( mother ) , Jeong Ji-ho ( father ) , Jeong Dae-won ( older brother )
★﹐PERSONALITY TYPE : INFP ( the mediator ) ★﹐DESCRIPTION : a mediator ( infp ) is someone who possesses the introverted, intuitive, feeling, and prospecting personality traits. these rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do. ★﹐HABITS : slapping her members on the shoulder, rolling her eyes ★﹐HOBBIES/SKILLS : reading, acting ★﹐LIKES : flowers, perfume, strawberry milk, purple things, dogs, nct 127 ★﹐DISLIKES : lip syncing, aegyo, hair getting stuck in her lip gloss, homophobia ★﹐FAVORITE FOODS : jolly ranchers, freeze-dried strawberries, pepero, dried squid ★﹐CLOSE FRIENDS : mina ( twice ) , yerin ( everglow ) , jisun ( fromis_9 ) , jisoo ( blackpink ) , yuta & jaehyun ( nct )
★﹐MÉLOMANIE ENTERTAINMENT : 2012 - present ★﹐TOTAL TRAINEE PERIOD : 7 years ★﹐GROUP : UNIMe ★﹐POSITIONS : Leader, Main Vocalist ★﹐DEBUT DATE : August 28, 2019 ★﹐DEBUT AGE : 24 ( int age ), 25 ( kor age ) ★﹐YEARS ACTIVE : 5 years ★﹐ASSOCIATED ACTS : Billlie ★﹐KNOWN FOR : her visuals, her fancams, her speech at mama 2019, "unime wouldn't be unime without you and me", aesthetic instagram posts.
she has so many books that she has 2 big bookshelves full of books in the dorm.
she almost quit her dream of being an idol due to an unfriendly environment.
her older brother abandoned her family due to an argument 9 years ago and she has said that he hasn't come back.
she was star struck by seeing nct 127 on music bank once.
she likes to dance in her room alone while the members are sleeping.
she trained the longest out of all of the members.
★﹐FACE CLAIM : Hyewon ( ex IZ*ONE, soloist ) ★﹐VOICE CLAIM : Hyewon ( ex IZ*ONE, soloist ) ★﹐RAP CLAIM : Hyewon ( ex IZ*ONE, soloist ) ★﹐DANCE CLAIM : Hyewon ( ex IZ*ONE, soloist )
#fictional idol community#fictional idol oc#fictional idol addition#fictional kpop community#fictional kpop oc#fictional kpop idol#kpop female oc#kpop female member#kpop fictional character
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FFWPU Statement on the Amrine Group in 2000 and Damian Anderson’s Defense of the Group
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification INTERNATIONAL
12F Dowon Bldg., 292-20 Dohwa-dong Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 121-040
481 Eighth Avenue, Suite 916 New York, NY 10001, USA
To: Continental Directors, Regional and National Leaders, National Messiahs
From: FFWPU International President
Re: Unauthorized spiritual group in our movement
Date: October 09, 2000
We pray for God's blessing on all of your hard work.
1. We would like to inform you of an unauthorized spiritual group that leads members astray from the legitimate tradition of faith centered on True Parents and distorts the meaning of the providence. Leaders in all levels must give members the right guidance.
Unauthorized Spiritual Group and their Members: Belongs to the Washington Korean Church (KEA)
1. Jae-Soon Choi (Ju Yeon Amrine) 2. Do-Soon Cha (Do Soon Maketa) 3. Chung-Ok Kim (Mi Sun Sices) 4. Kyung-Soon Yoo (Kyung Soon Garau) 5. Sun-Hwa Park (Sun Ah Berry) 6. Hyung-Joong Yoon (Hyung Joong Reddin) 7. Myra Stanecki
2. True Parents Direction: True Father spoke strongly against the spiritual phenomena involving those people mentioned above on September 23, during the 21-day registration workshop. Father refused to allow them to participate in the Four Position Foundation Registration Blessing Ceremony at that time.
Chung Hwan Kwak, IIFWP International President
Sun Jo Hwang, FFWPU International President Jeung Og Yu, FFWPU Japanese Chairman
Chang Shik Yang, FFWPU North American Continental Director
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Damian J. Anderson
October 18, 2000
Dear FFWPU HQ DC, and FFWPU HQ Korea,
I just received an e-mail from you condemning some of our sisters for PRAYING!
Excuse me, I don't like the zeal with which our sisters are being condemned just for praying. If anything is divisive, it is the condemnation of our sisters, not whatever they are doing. If church members become inactive, they are gently encouraged to come back. But, heaven forbid, if they pray together, then they are condemned.
It is a sign of weakness in our movement that leaders are tattling tales to Father and then asking him to condemn the actions of our own family members. I know all of these sisters, I have eaten in their homes, and I have played with their kids, we have prayed together and worshipped in one another's homes. They love God and True Parents with a passion. I find the condemnations of them very offensive. If Mrs. Ju Yeon Amrine and her band of prayer sisters are heretics, then we have entered the era in the Unification movement reminiscent of the hunting of the Salem witches. This makes me wonder, why is a group of sisters praying in Maryland such an international threat to the movement to warrant this kind of condemnation?
If this is a sign of things to come, it worries me. Rev. Sun Myung Moon, our true Father, may be with us another 10 years, but he will not be with us forever. Do we expect that when he departs this world, that these same leaders who are condemning our sisters will then fight over who has control over the assets of the FFWPU?
Who will carry the torch when Father departs this world? Let us think long and hard before condemning one another. And if our sisters are exposing the sins of the elders by their example, then I say, more power to them. We had a cleansings of our movement with the ministry of various figures, and it sounds like we need it again.
Sadly and sincerely, In our True Parents' Names, Damian Anderson Webmaster, Unification.net
#unification church#moonies#amrine group#ffwpu#family federation for world peace and unification#damian anderson#man ho kim#ju yeon amrine#christina bahn#jae soon choi
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Aing kemaren2 tabayyun ke si Azza soal crush (ato love-nya ??) barunya Cika, katanya belio orang Kanada. Aing ngangguk, soalnya kemaren-kemaren nyangkanya doi kegaet ama orang Prancis, meskipun sebenernya ya gak jauh beda lah, Kanada ama Prancis (bedanya mungkin di Kanada buruhnya gak dikit-dikit bakar ban).
Trus si Azza nyeplos, bahwa rada shimpai ke Cika gegara tiap-tiap kecantol ama bule, pasti sama yang lebih tua mulu. Lumayan menggugah ingetan lama soal diskusi aing dan Cika tentang, bahwa, doi kayaknya emang punya daddy issue gara-gara masalah keluarganya. Jadi, selalu butuh ama sosok yang bisa ngejagain, ngelindungin, ngedukung, pokoknya bisa jadi figur Ayah yang selama ini belom cukup hadir di kesehariannya. Thus, melihat bahwa akang-akang bule kali ini (iya, mendengar pemaparan si Azza, kayaknya kata 'kali ini' emang cocok) punya umur lebih tua dari si Cika, kayaknya emang mengamini kesimpulan diskusi itu.
Tapi, pas tadi aing stalk (iye, kawaisou desne) highlight story-nya si Cika, aing baru sadar, kayaknya rambut si 'aa-aa' ini kok putih amat. Dari gurat-guratnye juga kayak udah kolot pisan.
Anjir ieu mah jigana emang lain akang-akang, aing ge lamun papanggih jeung manehna kudu sun tangan wtfffff
Kolot pisannn
Peak of daddy issue ieu mah
Tapi teuing sih, can tabayyun deui. Meskipun lamun heueuh oge sebenerna teu masalah, geus usia legal ieu. Sudah bisa membangun consent yang utuh, pan ya ? Ngan bagaimanapun juga, memang asa chotto, tbh.
Melihat semua ini, soal daddy issuenya, soal rantingnya (there-is-no-such-thing-as-right-person téa), dan tentu saja mengenai mister-mister Kanada yang clingy cum sweet ini, jadi masuk akal banget sih kalo sebetulnya si Cika mah gak betul-betul miboga kanyaah ka kami. Nggak se-kasar itu sih, cuma, begini, manehna jelas2 pernah ngomong (hypothetically speaking sih manehna ge) bahwa kemungkinan belio suka ama aing ya gara-gara dari dulu aing kalo ngejelasin apa-apa (ingat, aing akrab ama beliau emang gara-gara diskusi-diskusian) téh keliatannya kayak "seorang ayah ngejelasin sesuatu ke anaknya"—kutipan langsung. Akhirnya mungkin die bisa liat aing sebagai orang yang —sejauh itu kayaknya— bisa memenuhi kekosongan figur kebapakan di hari-hari belio. Emang cuma tebak-tebakan random aja sih (meski unironically éta amat mengejutkan dan bikin aing geleng-geleng), tapi cukup ilmiah kok. Freudian pisan.
Salah gak sih kalo membangun hubungan diatas kepentingan (kepentingan psikologi, ato kebutuhannya Id, kalo mau pake psikoanalisis freud sekalian) ? Punya hubungan sama orang lain karena emang dapet sesuatu dari orang lain, dapet keuntungan dari orang lain. Bukan hubungan pure dari cinta-kasih-yang-tak-berbalas-dan-tiada-beralasan téa.
Kalo dipikir lebih jauh, ya nggak salah sih. Hidup pan emang urusan pemenuhan kebutuhan atuh, simbiosis-simbiosis téa geuning. Homo homini lupus, sekalian mah. Pun demikian soal hubungan (baca: kontrak sosial) ieu, sebetulnya pada radix-nya cuma kesepakatan laku dan tetek-bengek. Manehna butuh sesuatu dari aing, aing na gé butuh sesuatu dari manehna. Tapi, kok aing gak pernah kepikiran soal itu, ya ? Pikiran urang idealis banget; soal cinta, soal devosi, soal hon-mono no ai, ketika ngeliat si Cika.
Mungkin emang dasar seniman téa kali, ya ? Aing berkesenian hanya untuk berkesenian, aing ikutan kerja-kerja politik ya hanya untuk berjuang-nya-itu-saja (dasar borcil). Betul-betul ekspresi diri, alih-alih pemenuhan kebutuhan. Idealiz banget. Modol.
Tapi ekspresi diri aing mungkin ya pemenuhan kebutuhan aing juga. Kayak aing gak dapet keuntungan dari si Cika aje sih. Lagian kalo dipikir-pikir lagi (mikir mulu ah), emang wajar sih kalo aing gak nuntut apa-apa. Lancang bener aing yang udah dikasihani ama cewek sebaik, seimut, ama sepinter Cika, masih mau minta yang lain lagi (and thats basically apa yang aing lakukan—pantes aje diputusin).
Aing bingung rek nulis naon deui. Padahal geus jam sakieu, isukan kudu ka disdik. Saré heula guys.
Yuk ah.
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✉ — a series of unfortunate correspondence.
( &. @402jaeho )
haeryong has a routine, and it rarely varies: wake up, morning ablutions, coffee, gather any letters that have been delivered and read them while listening to whatever new record has struck his fancy.
but today, perhaps the coffee is slightly too strong and he’s thinking about the after-taste that lingers in his mouth even after sipping water, or perhaps the new record he has bought has a skip where there most certainly should not be one and he is trying to puzzle out if it was his imagination or it was there after all, infinitely too lazy to just get up and replay the record.
—in any case, his fingers absently work the paper knife and retrieve the letter, lazily unfolding its contents. his eyes flicker down to scan the contents: astrology, a vague, wishy-washy letter full of how his sun in Pluto will bring him good fortune this month and other indistinctly shaped pieces of advice about love and life.
he scoffs. definately not his, then, but if not his, then whose? he flips the envelope over to see an address that although is similar, is on the fourth floor instead, and addressed to one kim jaeho. ah, he thinks. this is definately not his, then.
a twinge of guilt pangs in his gut as he realises he should have immediately suspected something before reading the entire contents of the letter, but the damage has been done. stuffing it back into the envelope, he pulls his dressing gown around him and prepares to make the journey downstairs— the letter accompanied by a little note of apology.
Dear Mr Kim.
I return a letter which I believe was mistakenly delivered to me— unfortunately, I did not realise this fact until quite sometime after reading its contents, and for that, I sincerely apologise. I consider astrology to be a wildly imprecise art, but you seem to have much good fortune smiling upon you this week, or so the stars seem to say. Do tell me if you happen to make an investment which backfires badly, as I am very interested as to the accuracy of the predictions within the letter.
Sincerely yours,
Jeung Haeryong, 504.
#( &. jaeho )#( hope this is ok!!! if u want me to change the contents of the letter just IM me c: )#x — a series of unfortunate correspondence
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