#jetstream sam x male reader
idk6123 · 9 months
Unlikely Date (Jetstream Sam X Male reader)
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It’s in the dark of night when the operation began. Rescuing children from the Sears Program and Desperado Enforcement LLC. Before going to the research center, the cyborg got all the info he needs to succeed with the mission without any causality.
So, he broke in the building without detection. Got into the room where around 10 kids are sitting.  Killed any threats and then lead the children to the exit. Once getting to the exit, the man makes sure to get the younger ones out of the complex. Once it’s his turn, he’s quickly looks back when he hears someone’s voice.
“Somebody is sneaky.” As he looks at who’s talking, he sees a black haired man in a ponytail. Like him, he uses a sword, though it isn’t out. He doesn’t get a reply and merely a scowl. “Cat caught your tongue? Or are you just the silent type.”
“Jetstream Sam.”
The other man shows a smirk. “Seems like my reputation reached you. If only I could say the same to you.”
“My name is irrelevant.” The cyborg says coldly. “I’m here on a mission. If you want to stop me, you’re going to force my hand to kill you.”
Sam tsks. “Tough audience. And you look strong. Oh, how scared I am.” He smirks, but the cyborg doesn’t look amused, merely holding his sword, ready to take it out of his sheath. “Tell you this. I’m willing to give this a blind eye to this whole situation. Though there is something you must do.”
“And that is?”
“Your name.”
“You know I can just lie, right?”
Sam laughs. “I know. But you won’t.”
“And why’s that?”
“Got a good feeling. Call it a hunch.” Sam says with such smooth, the other man can’t help but respect it just a bit.
“Fine. Y/N.”
“Y/N.” Sam pleasantly says his name. “I can tell you’re something special. And I feel we’re going to meet again.”
“Probably.” Y/N shrugs. “Hopefully without clashing swords.”
“I hope so too. I would prefer not messing up some cute guy’s face.”
“Don’t mock me.”
Sam chuckles. “It was a complement. Take it as such. Anyway, I probably took enough of your time. I suggest get out of here before they realize they can’t screw up children’s life anymore.”
“Took long enough. Pleasure meeting you.”
It’s yet another mission for Y/N. He managed to get a target up to assassination, and yes, it’s Desperado. It’s a scientist that has a part that caused all of the cyborg creation. It all looks easy, get in the building, stab the man, and get away. And so Y/N did, and yet once he goes through his escape route, he sees someone similar.
“Back again? Huh? You’re like a magnet.”
“Sam.” Y/N merely greets him, ready to take out his blade. “I heard about your little fight with my co-worker.”
“Raiden. That was his name, no?” Sam smirks. “How’s the man holding up?”
The cyborg hmphs. “Well, after you slashed his eye out and cut his arm, all things considered good.”
“Good to hear. He got potential, and once he gets there, I wouldn’t mind a rematch.” The man confidently looks at the wary man. The two body languages not matching at all. “You look like I’m going to kill you.”
“You already tried to kill my coworker. I doubt I’m an exception.” Y/N replies bluntly. “Besides, I just assassinated one of your men.”
“And you think I care.”
Y/N raises his eyebrow. “You don’t?” There is a silence, with an unsettling smile staring at him. “Excuse me, but what kind of lousy employee are you?”
Sam laughs. “The best kind. Let’s just say I got my reasons.” He steps besides, gesturing his enemy to leave. “Was nice talking to you again, Y/N. And liked you hoped, we didn’t clashed blades.”
“And instead of that, you’re going to leave me with an unsettling feeling.” Y/N makes sure to keep his eye on him. “You’re on odd man. You’re willing to let me go, but has no issue slashing Raiden?”
Sam shrugs his shoulders casually. “Maybe it could be it was an inconvenient time? Or it could be he tried to safe someone instead of killing? Ooor…” He slowly walks over to Y/N. “Could it be I try to safe that pretty face of yours?”
“And now you flirt with your enemy.”
“I don’t see why we can’t have a little fun.” Sam points out, now standing near the other man. Though before he could make another remark, the alarm begins to ring. It appears that they discovered the body Y/N made. Sam looks back at Y/N. “It appears our time got cut. How disappointed. I really enjoyed it.”
“I bet you did.” Y/N says. Afterwards, he heads to the exit. As he gets to it, he looks back at Sam, continuing to smile at him. “What’s it?”
“Nothing. I just got a feeling we’re going to meet again. Maybe next time with some coffee?”
Y/N can’t help but smirk back. “As long you don’t try to kill me, deal.”
The sun is settling down as Y/N gets across the land. He got requested for back-up, intending to help Raiden and Bladewolf with taking down Armstrong. So, he’s driving his car across the wasteland. However, he spots something odd on the field by the road. He stops his car to focus closer. That’s when he sees a silhouette of a body, whether it’s dead or not, he’s not sure. Doing the right thing, Y/N stops the car, get out of it and quickly run to the person, only to discover who it is.
“Sam?” Y/N blurts his name out. He crouches down to check out his wound. His torso has been slashed up, with blood everywhere. However, his vital signs still work. He’s still alive. The first thing he does is intending to stop the bleeding. Thus, he gets Sam to sit up to remove his upper body clothing. Although difficult, he successfully removed it.
That’s when Y/N quickly get back to the car to snatch a med-kit. Once he gets back, he begins putting a band-aid around his torso. During which, someone suddenly talks. “What a surprise…”
Y/N is quick to look up to see Sam with his eyes just a bit open. “That I’m here? Or you’re alive?”
“Both.” Sam chuckles.
Y/N continues applying the band-aid. “What happened?”
“Well, Raiden and I had our rematch…” He tiredly says, but he tries to sound as charming as usual. “You could see who’s the victor.”
“Karma is a bitch.”
“You could say that again.”
Sam stays half alive as Y/N helps him. With his cyborg implants, it doesn’t take long to get Sam’s body covered. Once he did, he put his arm around his neck and the two walk towards the car, though Sam legs gives up.
That’s when Y/N grabs his leg to lift him up like a bride. Sam can’t help but laugh. “You couldn’t wait until the wedding.”
“I could always wait until the funeral.”
“Never mind.” 
Y/N carefully puts Sam next to the driver’s seat. Then, he gets to the other side and begin starting to car. He put his finger against his earpiece. “Doktor, I found someone at critical stage. I’m bringing him to you.”
“Weren’t you supposed to be joining Raiden?”
“Plans changed.” With that, he signs off.
Sam looks besides him, while his entire body is sluggishly sitting. “You were to assist Raiden, huh? Help him.”
“He can take care by himself.” Y/N starts the car. Afterwards, he begins to turn around.
“Help. Him.”
Y/N looks at Sam. This is the first time he sees a serious face of him. “I need to get you to a doctor, or-”
“I already accepted death. I just want to see Armstrong dead. Raiden is strong, but I want his death to be guaranteed.” Sam explains. “Turn the car around.” Y/N thinks about it. After making his decision, he merely steps on the gas, making Sam closes his eyes. “You’re making a grave mistake.”
“I won’t.” Y/N says without any doubt of his voice. “Raiden is strong. You didn’t even knew I was coming. I know you putted all your faith in him, even if it was just him and Bladewolf.”
“It’s just to be secure.” Sam continues to protest. “You would risk Armstrong wining just to safe my ass?”
“You owe me coffee.”
With a serious face looking at him, Sam can’t help but crack up a smile. “Oh, how the tables got turned. You know I was just messing with you.”
“Partly, yes.” Y/N responds. “But I can tell you’re the guy that tries to flirt his way to someone, even if you just met them.”
“Am I that much of an open book?”
“Not really.” Y/N responds. “I still don’t know why you joined with Armstrong despite wanting him dead.”
Sam smirks a bit. “It’s a long story.”
“We’re on a long road.”
“Touché. Well, let’s start…”
Walking in the office, Y/N is holding two cups of coffee, walking pass his colleagues. A smile is on his face once he heard Raiden’s victory over Armstrong. That face he shares with Sam, who he sees once he gets in the infirmary room. He’s lying on a clean, white bed, with the sheets covering his almost naked body. Although with his body looking beat up, he looks alive.
“How much?”
“3 bucks per coffee.” Y/N hands over Sam’s coffee.
“I grab my wallet once I get home.”
The cyborg grabs a chair to set besides the man. “I was honestly surprised that you’re not a cyborg.”
“I’m all natural. No funky gadgets, no implants, just skill and one good sword.”
“No implants?” Y/N says doubtfully. “You’re saying that your fat ass is all natural?”
“If you doubt it, feel free to touch it. I can promise you, all natural.” Sam drinks his coffee as he confidently looks at his date.
“Pass. But I take that offer later.”
“Nice to know.”
“But enough with the flirting… for now. Now that Armstrong is dead, Desperado is going die as well. Not immediately, but they will. Got any plans?”
“Well, considering who I was working for, I guess it’s behind bars for me.” Though sounding sad, Sam isn’t at all.
Y/N frowns. “We got good lawyers.”
“I doubt any good lawyer can justify working for a group that has connections with terrorists and child soldiers.” Sam takes a sip. “And that is just the beginning of the list of war crimes.”
Sam can notice Y/N being disappointed. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t be together. We can call it a long distant relationship.”
“What am I going to say? That my date and potential boyfriend is living in prison.”
“Exactly. That way, nobody is going to mess with you.”
Y/N can’t help but chuckle. “How come you can always act so positive despite the shitty situations?”
Sam thinks about it. “I’m not sure. I guess it could be that it’s a good way to get with someone.”
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