#jethro james moodboard
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yngrimes · 7 months ago
Main masterlist bondi rescue masterlist
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Jethro James proposing to his girlfriend of 5 years on bondi beach
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athingthatwantsvirginia · 4 years ago
Do You See Her Face? Masterlist
Summary: Missing a piece of herself she knows will never be replaced, Ella Stevens can only hope to make it through her last two years of high school and earn some extra money waitressing at Luke’s Diner. When Jess Mariano, Luke’s New Yorker nephew and the new teen menace of Stars Hollow, arrives in town, it quickly becomes clear he has no plans to make her life any easier. But as time goes on, neither of them prove to be quite as they first appeared.
Eleanor Stevens Moodboard
Jess Mariano Moodboard
Eleanor x Jess Moodboard
She’s Very Clockwork Orange (Pt.1)
A Regular Keats and a Regular Mozart (Pt.2)
In the Company of Anne Sexton (Pt.3)
Hester’s My New Hero (Pt.4)
An Alice Man (Pt.5)
King’s a Hack (Pt.6)
Ginsberg, Again (Pt.7)
Bowie Didn’t! (Pt.8)
EAT ME (Pt.9)
Catherine, Heathcliff, and Shangri-la (Pt.10)
Much Beloved Dickinson (Pt.11)
Wait to Find the Silver Lining (Pt.12)
Eardrum Torture (Pt.13)
As in Debbie Harry (Pt.14)
Going Carole King (Pt.15)
Can I Look, Miss O'Keefe? (Pt.16)
Out of Nora Ephron (Pt.17)
KISS v. Phantom (Pt.18)
Pretty Gertrude Stein (Pt.19)
Oliver Twist and Little Orphan Annie (Pt.20)
California’s Living Dead (Pt.21)
Everything Joan Didion Promised (Pt.22)
The Steinbeck Agreement (Pt.23)
Tragedy of Gatsby (Pt.24)
James Dean and Daria (Pt.25)
Lily Briscoe, Remember? (Pt.26)
How Kurt Cobain (Pt.27)
A Thousand Beach Boys Songs (Pt.28)
Andy Warhol Arguments (Pt.29)
Grinches at Home (Pt.30)
Holden Caulfield or Nancy Drew (Pt.31)
Of Princess Bride Past (Pt.32)
The Infamous Jethro Tull Incident (Pt.33)
A Patti Smith Envelope (Pt.34)
Really, Marcia? (Pt.35)
An Orwellian Nightmare (Pt.36)
A Dash of Morticia (Pt.37)
What about Byron? (Pt.38)
Not Joyce or Monet (Pt.39)
This Ernest Hemingway Thing (Pt.40)
A Truman Show Star (Pt.41)
All Norman Bates (Pt. 42)
Nora Roberts Shit Like That (Pt. 43)
If James Bond Was Bruce Springsteen (Pt. 44)
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rescue3000 · 5 years ago
The Reunion
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Thank you, Sunshine for making the moodboard!!! 💛 @hazssouthernbelle
Tagging just in case: @farfromhaz & @angelhaz11 writing challenge “tell me where s/he is!”
Paring!siblings: Tom Holland x Reader/OC
Paring: Harrison Osterfield x Reader/OC
Word count: 3,133 words
Summary: Thomas Stanley Holland is the best agent of his time. His mate, Harrison James Osterfield, is a close second. The two are never found without the other far behind. So what happens when the only Holland daughter is found on the same assignment/mission as the boys?
Tagging: @skymoonandstardust @hazshauntedbelle @farfromhaz @angelhaz11 @osterfield-holland-andcompany @foreverstuckwritingandimagining @eeyore101247 @tomincostume
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
“Holland, my office. Now!”
Katherine stood from her desk while tying her fiery, red hair into a ponytail before heading to her boss’s office. “Yes sir,” her British accent questioned thickly.
Her boss nods to the chair across from his desk. After she sits, he hands her a folder before starting. “Colonel James Brighton of the British Army has been found dead, murdered no doubt, and I want you on the case.”
“Of course sir, but shouldn’t someone from England be handling this?”
“Yes but you’re going to be joining two agents from British Intelligence. All the information is in the folder.” He dismissed her back to her desk with another nod.
By the end of the day Kat looked up from the notes she was making and saw the time. “Shit,” she was gonna be late if she didn’t hurry to the cafe. Putting her notes in the folder before into her bag as she rushed to her car. Putting some music on the radio as she jammed on the way there. Finding an empty table and ordered a cup of hot chocolate while waiting in her other agents she got a phone call.
“Tommy! How are you?”
She heard a laugh on his end of the line, “I’m fine Kit Kat. What about yourself?”
She shook her head at the nickname, “I’m alright just waiting for some people to start this meeting I’ve got. Oh! I better go I think they’re here now. Love you.” With that she ended the call and let her red hair fall from her ponytail. Her hot chocolate cake and she thanked the waiter with a smile. Going back over her notes once more she heard a voice.
“Are you with the CIA?”
“Depends who’s-,” she stopped short upon seeing who stood in front of her. It was none other than her older brother and Harrison.
“Hi Tommy, Hazza looks like we’re a team again.”
The boys sat down in silence, processing that the little girl they known to love is an agent.
“So let me try to see if I understand this all. When we left you started training and then a year later got recruited here to the States. Where you made your way up the ranks and managed to beat the other men in your organization who’s been there longer than you. Got this case only knowing what we probably know as well, but didn’t know you were teamed with us?” Harrison’s ocean blue eyes not once leaving Katherine’s warm brown ones, while Tom remained silent.
“That would seem to all be correct. Now shouldn’t we get this thing started boys?” She motioned to her folder/notes with a smirk and took a sip of her hot chocolate.
“We should go somewhere else to talk, never know who may be listening into our conversation.” Tom spoke with a voice that was more mature than two years ago to the boy he once was.
Once they got back to Katherine’s suite apartment, she let the boys get situated. Going to her own room to change into more comfortable clothes, consisting of one of time old shirts and her favorite sweats with fuzzy socks. Humming to herself walking back to the kitchen, opening the folder she placed on the counter. While rummaging through her fridge and cupboards to look what she can cook up for dinner. She knew they probably haven’t had a good home cooked meal in a bit. She looked through the notes and information while she made dinner. Soon the apartment smelled of spaghetti with chicken and baking garlic toast.
“What smells so good Kat?” The boys walked into the kitchen to find her making dinner while going over the mission and writing down more notes.
She turned to them with a smile while closing the folder. “Well I thought I would make my favorite boys dinner and not talk of work until afterwards.”
Tom walked over to the stove stirring the pasta while giving his sister a kiss on the head. “Is this mum’s recipe?”
“Yes, well I tried my best but I’m sure you two will like it just fine. Figured you haven’t had a home cooked meal in a while.”
Tom hummed while trying the sauce only to be smacked by Katherine a second later.
“No. You can wait until it’s done Thomas. Hey Haz!” She smiled at the blue eyes man happily after scolding her brother.
Haz offered a smile in return while lost in his thoughts of the past and how he feels something new. Or was it there all along and he’s just now noticing it coming to the surface?
“Oi Div stop the thoughts running about in your head and get dinner before I eat it all.” Tom laughed causing Haz to blink with a nod.
Katherine watched the duo, more so Haz than Tom, from her spot at the kitchen table. She tried not to let her mind think too much of Haz’s behaviour while her and Tom caught up. She smile grew as Tom spoke of their family back home and how they are all doing.
Haz quietly watched the siblings from his seat across from Katherine as he ate.
Soon after they all finished up with dinner, Katherine opened a bottle of white wine. She ushered them to the living room where she gave them their drinks and left hers on the table. Returning to the kitchen to close the bottle up, her thoughts wandered to Haz and how he’s been so quiet and how she noticed him watching her throughout dinner.
Tom let his eyes follow his sister before turning to Haz.
“Haz,” Tom watched as his mate’s head whipped up to look at him, “you a’right mate?”
Looking towards the kitchen Haz smiles softly before turning back to Tom. “Tom, I honestly don’t know how to respond. I need some time to figure it all out.”
The brown eyed boy nodded his understanding before taking a sip of wine when Kat returned with a bag of trash.
“I’ll only be a minute boys, trash day is tomorrow.” With that she moves to the back door. While outside putting the trash in the bin she noticed a hand and walks towards it. It’s an innocent man killed the same way as the colonel. Rushing back to the boys to tell them what happened.
Soon the body is taken for autopsy and the belongings the John Doe has on home bagged, including a note addressed to Kat. She took it without the boys knowing.
Oh, little Kit Kat. How you’ve grown since our last chat. So beautiful and fierce as ever, too! I can’t wait to spend more time with you, soon.
Enjoy the game, darling.
Looking at the note, she felt a shiver run down her spine. Of course he would be the one behind all of this, Kat thought. Knowing the boys are in the living room talking about the mission and what’s next. She put the note in her back pocket before grabbing her own notes. Walking into the kitchen to make them all tea she overheard them talking.
“…I don’t know Tom, why aren’t you more worried about Kat? You saw how she was during the whole ordeal.”
“Of course I’m worried about her, but we have a job to do,” he responded while seeing his little sister walk towards them with three mugs of tea.
Setting the tea on the coffee table before dropping her notes on the floor. Kat sat on the floor smiling between the pair. “So got any theories boys?”
The duo looked at her with blank expressions.
Spreading her notes out around her, while taking a sip of tea, she let herself think.
The trio soon immersed themselves into their notes while silently sipping on their tea.
Kat went to her bedroom grabbing her laptop and came back. Starting to type all the information into a database of the locations of the two killings to hopefully find any similarities. “Other than being killed the same way there wasn’t much that I could find that could link that the two have crossed paths in their lives.” She looked at the pair sadly before shaking it off. Every time she puts the killer’s name, Jethro Potter, into all the databases but comes up short with not a single hit on him.
The boys watched silently as she spoke before she got up and went to the back door stepping into the dark of night.
“You should go out and make sure she’s okay,” Tom states looking at the other.
“Me? Why?” Haz looked at his best mate like he was a mad man.
“Because there’s obviously something going on between you two, so go.”
Kat leaned against the fence looking up at the stars too lost in thought to even notice the back door open.
“Hey..want some company?” Haz stopped in front of her seeing the way the moon hit her just right making her glow.
Moving her eyes to his bright blue ones in the moonlight with a small smile. “So you finally gonna talk to me?”
“I am still trying to figure out some things and I didn’t know what to say to you, if I’m being honest.”
“Go tell Tom we are going on a walk.”
Haz nods before almost running inside to tell the other boy.
Kat waits patiently for him nervously fiddling with her hands outside on the road. She watched as he came back out with a smile.
With the moonlight as their only light to see, they began walking in silence.
Some would say they could smell pumpkin in the air, and that’s what Kat smelt as the leaves crunched under their feet.
“Do you think we will find this killer?,” Haz broke the silence softly.
“Yes we will,” anger dripped in her reply.
Haz looked at her as she kept her eyes forward and smiled at how determined she always have been.
The wind had picked up making her shiver and Kat wrapped her arms around herself cursing under her breath forgetting her coat.
Haz noticed and took his off before dropping it over her shoulders.
She looked at him smiling before they heard the leaves crunch many times.
Looking around them, they found themselves surrounded by men and haz pulled his gun out of his hostler.
One of the men grabbed Kat dragging her back and making Harrison’s coat drop to the ground.
She kept her eyes on his blue orbs as she started to realize who was holding her, she tried to get away but the man held a knife to her throat as the others pointed their guns at Harrison.
“Aw sweetheart how I’ve missed you,” whispered the man before looking up at Harrison, “you must be the boyfriend? Well I’m sure she never mentioned me.”
“I’m going to kill you,” Harrison to a step forward before being stopped by Katherine’s voice.
“Please don’t hurt him...just take me I know that’s what you really want.”
“Mmm pretty little thing I’ve got in my arms, well boys let’s get going.” He yelled before pulling Katherine with him as his men made sure to make Harrison stay.
Once they were gone Haz screamed and fell to the ground. Anger made his blood boil as he picked up is coat seeing a piece of paper on the ground.
Making his way back to her house, he knocked on the door.
Tom opened it confused, “wh-“
“They took her and I couldn’t stop them! To top it off she took this from the scene earlier,” Harrison moved past the other man to the living room to look at his notes.
Tom shut the door reading the note, cursing under his breath. He followed Haz and watched him before grabbing Katherine’s laptop. “His name is Jethro Potter, I honestly didn’t think he’d come back and do this…”
Harrison looked at him with furrowed brows.
“...he was her ex. Crazy and obviously he still wants her back after all this time.”
“You’re fucking kidding me right?! Now I’m gonna kill him even more.” Harrison paced the room rubbing a hand through his blonde curls remembering how calm she seemed. “She was calm about it, but once they pointed guns at me is when she freaked and told them to just take her and leave me. I couldn’t do anything or they would have hurt her.”
Tom bite his lip seeing his mate’s love for his little sister shine to the surface.
“We’re gonna get her back and kill the bastard.”
Katherine stayed silent as she walked with them to the vans. Forced into one of them with Jethro, she tried to get as far away from him as possible but he didn’t let her. His eyes on her made her sick to her stomach. The only man she wanted to look at her like that is Harrison. Oh god he must be furious. Tom is gonna be pissed. She was dragged out of her thoughts when the engine started up and they made their way to their destination. She couldn’t see anything cause the windows were blacked out.
“You better forget about your boyfriend and that brother of yours because you won’t see them again.” Jethro smiles watching her.
“Like hell, they’ll find me and kill you. As to which one will kill you I don’t know yet.” She spat at him.
Soon a bag was put over head and she was forced from the van and soon tied to a chair. The bag was taken off and she had to blink because of the lights.
Before she could speak the same men that surrounded Harrison, were around her with sick smiles on their faces. They started to punch her and some even gave her cuts. She fought and screamed trying to move the chair but it was bolted to the floor.
“That’s enough boys, she needs to be able to live after all.”
Groaning she raised her head to look at Jethro with anger.
“Now now, you know to not look at me like that. It never has suited you.” He tutted walking around her before stopping in front of her. Gripping her chin, he forced her to look up at him. “You always did look best when looking up at me.”
She spat at him before forcing her head to move and looked away.
He yanked her hair making her cry out, “you look at me when I talk. You know better than that.”
She stayed silent biting her lip as her blood boiled with rage.
The boys searched for an address to Jethro Potter and came up empty when they went to his house. Soon they found a warehouse to him.
“We need to go now.”
“No they’ll be expecting us and we need to be prepared to attack with how many men he has,” Tom stated while pacing his sister’s kitchen thinking.
Sighing Harrison knew he was correct but he just wanted to have Katherine in his arms safe and sound. “I love her, I was gonna say it while we walked but…”
“Then you tell her when we find her and bring her home safe. Just don’t break her heart or I will hurt you, and you know how merciless I can be.” Tom looked over at him with meaning behind it.
“Well when should we get there? Nightfall?”
“Probably best in the early morning hours because they’ll be tired, hopefully.”
Harrison nodded.
Katherine was left alone in the room for what felt like hours. She has tried everything she could to escape this damn chair but couldn’t. She heard footsteps and a door open. Looking around she soon found herself in a room alone with Jethro.
“And what do you want?”
“Oh I just wanna be in here when they get here to see how hurt you are. We both know you liked it though, right sweetheart?”
“Go to hell!”
He moved quickly holding a knife to her throat again, “careful or I’ll have to slice your pretty neck love.”
A shiver ran down her spine at his words and the coolness of the knife.
The boys silently took out all the men to not alert Jethro of their presence. They went in every room and found nothing. Soon they came up on the last door and heard voices.
“To kill the bastard? Always.”
With that the two kicked the door open and looked at the man.
Tom checked the room it was clear except the man.
Harrison rushed up to him pushing him to the wall, “tell me where she is!”
“You’ll never find her, especially if you kill me now.”
“Tom. Find her. Now!”
Tom nodded and headed to the hallway, “Katherine?!”
She looked up from her spot on the floor in a closet. She knew that voice. She moved trying to make as much noise as possible while tied up and her mouth covered.
Tom stopped when he heard a bang. Looking around he saw a secret door and opened it. “Oh my god Kat.” He rushed to untie her and get the tale off her mouth.
“Tom…” she hugged him wincing.
“Easy come on,” he lifted her into his arms despite her protests that she could walk. When he rounded the corner she jumped from his arms and grabbed his gun.
“Katherine! Wait!”
She didn’t and walked through the door with fire in her eyes, “Harrison move.”
He looked up and almost cried with joy seeing her. “Like hell I will, he hurt you and I let him take you.”
“Harrison. Move. Now.” She commanded cocking the gun and pointed it in Jethro’s direction.
Harrison looked between the two before letting go and backing up.
Jethro looked at her smiling, “now sweetheart that’s no way to treat your boyfriend. Men are supposed to command women.”
“Like hell.” She walked up to him and put the gun to his head. “Now you’ll never see me again. Oh and you’ve only gotten one thing right this whole time you’ve had me in your warehouse. He is my boyfriend, so bye.” With that she shot him in the head before also the heart. Watching him drop she turned to she the two men she loves most in her life and set the gun down. Smiling at Haz before falling to the ground, he caught her in his arms crying.
“I love you, I should have said it earlier and-”
Katherine cut him off by kissing his lips gently, “you said it now and that’s all that matters. I love you too. Thank you both for finding me. Now care to tell me why it took you so damn long?”
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