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Hmmmmmm kitte
#jetey#my art#before anyone asks: no I absolutely don’t see them as familial.we must combat the headcanons put on fat characters/neurodivergent charcters#and let the fat ND cat have friends to lovers dynamic with the boy he was friends with in economy living and prison#sorry why am I rambling here about something that doesn’t even matter
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big jim drawings
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Art fight attacks!
Edit with links to the Characters:
#dragon art#dragons#sketch#digital fanart#digital sketch#digital art#wings of fire#wings of fire fanart#wof fanart#dinosaur#artfight
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When I actually stop and think about it i still get startled. this ask made me go look - Jed and Katey (jetey? Kad?) announced baby number 2 at like 18 months of marriage. 2 years of marriage , 2 kids deep and not an ounce of relationship building prior.
Oh man I was taken aback with Jeds post, Truett is only just one and the 2nd baby is due any day.
Omg it's been so long since I've thought about Jed! and Kathy I forgot they are having another baby. But tbh, I wouldn't have expected anything less lol, I just assume all of those guys are pregnant or have just had a baby at any given time and am only shocked when that's not true.
#why am I getting this alert telling me to tag my post to get more views#I have been on this god forsaken website for 12 years#one of us knows how tags actually work and it’s not whoever is over the ‘increased engagement project’ at tumblr hq
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AfroBeats Act Jettey Announces ‘Bad Arrangement EP” & Merch For June 4th
AfroBeats Act Jettey Announces ‘Bad Arrangement EP” & Merch For June 4th
Ghanaian Afro beats artist Jettey has announced a 6-track EP dubbed “Bad Arrangement” which is scheduled for 4th June, 2021. The artiste shared details of the music body on his social media platform with details on artwork and track listing. I’m addition, Jettey made it known that the EP comes along with his line of Merch which he collaborated with fashion house ‘Two Heads On Gold’ which will be…

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AfroBeats Act Jettey Announces ‘Bad Arrangement EP” & Merch For June 4th
AfroBeats Act Jettey Announces ‘Bad Arrangement EP” & Merch For June 4th
Ghanaian Afro beats artist Jettey has announced a 6-track EP dubbed “Bad Arrangement” which is scheduled for 4th June, 2021. The artiste shared details of the music body on his social media platform with details on artwork and track listing. I’m addition, Jettey made it known that the EP comes along with his line of Merch which he collaborated with fashion house ‘Two Heads On Gold’ which will be…

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he blush
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I like that you're broken, broken like me Maybe that makes me a fool
Tahla is my OC and Jetei belongs to @e-dragoons
Photos taken at the Glitter Hall (property of @bramdreamshade )
#ffxiv#ffxiv roleplay#ffxiv rp#ff14#ff14 rp#ffxiv oc#ffxiv original character#final fantasy xiv#final fantasy 14#tahla nehla#jetei#others oc#my oc#ffxiv au ra#ffxiv miqo'te#oc x oc#ffxiv gpose#my gpose
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Jetey – 911 ft. Shaker (Prod. by Qwecy Plus) Ghanaian singer and “Fa Ma Me” hitmaker, Jetey has released his highly anticiapted single titled “911” which features BBnZ Live award winning rapper, Shaker. Qwecy Plus on desk for the production. Enjoy
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Jetey - 911 (Feat Shaker) (Prod. by Qweccy Plus)
Jetey – 911 (Feat Shaker) (Prod. by Qweccy Plus)
Jetey – 911 (Feat Shaker) (Prod. by Qweccy Plus)
Jetey has this one captioned “911” and it features Shaker. Qweecy Plus on deck for the production.
Jetey – 911 (Feat Shaker) (Prod. by Qweccy Plus) [Download]
Check Out : Kofi Kinaata – Obi Ne Ba (Prod. By OilCity Vybez)
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#911#Jetey#Jetey - 911#Jetey - 911 (Feat Shaker) (Prod. by Qweccy Plus)#Kofi Kinaata - Obi Ne Ba (Prod. By OilCity Vybez)#kofi kinaata obi ne ba#OilCity Vybez#Qweccy Plus#Shaker
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Jetey – Wins and Losses US-based Ghanaian rapper, Eugene Adejetey popularly known as Jetey has released a new record dubbed "
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Sometimes, there were mornings that you just couldn’t explain. This was one of them. From the smell that permeated the air around her, to the sounds of a scuffle outside, it was obvious that something had transpired the night before. The smell was an interesting one, and was wholly unfamiliar to her, it smelt like allure, there was no easy way to express it, but it did - It smelt like soft whispers, words dripping with lust and ecstasy, gentle touches and brushes of the skin. It was hard to resist the urge to press a kiss to the source, a small Xaela girl, whose tail, now quite typically for the Keeper, was entwined with her own, black scale on black fur. She was a beautiful thing, the word dainty didn’t usually apply to Xaela, seemingly, but it did for this one. Then again, the majority weren’t half as stunning, with long, silky dark tresses and large eyes, she could have passed for a Raen, if not for the scales - the colour of a night sky, and the stars within it. The sounds of a scuffle, and thick Lominsan accents, only meant one thing - someone was messing with her guards. One of the Sea Wolves shouted an insult, and there was the sounds of even more men and women getting involved Never a good idea, waking an entire crew of privateers after a good night’s rest. Though whoever it was certainly seemed to be giving them trouble. Perhaps it was a scorned lover, or a not-so-scorned lover that just happened to have figured out where their other half had gotten to. What did it matter? It was morning, the warm sun shining through the slit windows of the Bokairo made things peaceful in here. Though she was sure to check that her pistol was nearby, insurance. Her eyes turned back to the beauty next to her, things weren’t so bad. They never were. That odd scent was still in the air, the soft breathing of the Xaela woman the only sound, now. Whatever was going on outside had settled. With one arm snaking underneath the slumbering Au Ra’s neck, and another sitting atop her stomach, there was no reason to stay awake, after all, it was perfectly nice right here, on her side, holding a woman whose name she didn’t know.
#tinyqote#Maiko Kagon#Vex Redain#Wake Up Meme#Yes Jetei that's u making all the noise u nasty lizard#INTERRUPTING#askvex
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Vlere ke dhe ti. Mos u fsheh.
Si frymëzim për mua janë të gjithë ata persona që kanë kaluar nëpër shumë vështirësi dhe asnjëherë nuk janë dorëzuar. Fjalët që do të shkruaj më poshtë, janë të gjitha mësime që unë i kam marrë nga njerëz të ndryshëm përgjatë jetës sime.
Dua të të kërkoj të ecësh me vendosmëri në rrugën e realizimit të ëndrrave të tua. Qëndro i/e fortë dhe tregoji botës se asnjë dhe askund nuk mund të të mundë dot. Ndoshta mund të të rrëzojnë përkohësisht, por ansjëherë të të mundim. Ti ke gjithë potencialin e duhur për të ecur përpara me siguri dhe për t’i realizuar gjithë ëndrrat e tua.
Kur bota të të rrëzojë, gjej një arsye për t’u ringritur. Mos u justifiko se nuk ke arsye. Mendo për sakrificat e familjes tënde për të të nxjerrë në dritë; mendo për dikë që të do; mendo për veten tënde. Do që të gjithë këta persona të të shohin të dështosh duke mos u përpjekur, apo të fitosh duke u përpjekur, pavarësisht dështimeve që mund të hasësh gjatë rrugës?
Kurrë mos u dorëzo drejt rrugës së suksesit! Përpiqu, përpiqu dhe vetëm përpiqu. Mënyra e vetme e dështimit total, është vetëm nëse hiqni dorë. Sa herë që rrëzoheni, ju arrini një hap më afër suksesit, sepse dëshira për ta arritur, kur i jeni afruar, është shumë e madhe.
Kur të shohësh pas në jetën tënde, mos ki pendesa. Beso tek vetja, beso tek e ardhmja jote. Ti ke përbrenda një zjarr të madh që pret të shpërthejë për të bërë gjëra të rëndësishme. Të ndjekësh ëndrrat mund të jetë e mundimshme, por edhe emocionuese. Ndaj përpiqu dhe dilja mbanë. Ndoshta të tjerët mund të habiten, apo të të mbajnë në gojë, sepse ti je duke bërë diçka të re që ata nuk e mendonin, por mos e mundo veten duke menduar për ta. Ti po bën atë që dëshiron dhe kjo është gjëja më e rëndësishme. Jep maksimumin tënd dhe ke për t’i bërë realitet ëndrrat e tua. Suksesi të takon ty, vetëm nëse përpiqesh.
Por si mund te marrim ne dore fatin?E emerova me titullin fat pasi behet fjale per te nesermen,per momentin pas kesaj fjalie.Fati nuk mund te parashikohet ose sic thone gojedhenat,eshte keq ta shohesh fatin!Prandaj ato detajet e vogla te grimcuara duhet ti hedhim pas kraheve dhe thjesht te shijojme momentin.Momentin i cili mund te jete i thjeshte por me kuptim te plote!
Por nese flasim keshtu ne ajer dhe mundohemi te bindim te tjeret per ate qe themi,atehere jam i sigurt qe ne nuk po bindim dot as veten tone.Ne duhet te jemi te afte te japim pikesepari kuptim ne fjalet tona dhe ta bindim veten tone fillimisht se nga cfare duhet te heqim dore dhe se per cfare duhet te insistojme.Pak me siper permenda grimcat dhe secili ne mendjen e tij krijon nje imazh te atyre grimcave te cilat duhen lene pas por une mendoj qe e vetmja grimce qe duhet lene pas eshte ajo “e kujtimeve”.Jane vetem kujtimet ato te cilat e shoqerojne njeriun dhe shpeshhere behen pengese per fillimin e nje rruge te re,per krijimin e disa kujtimeve te reja dhe pse jo,akm me te bukura se te parat.Por ne cfare duhet te insistojme?
Kjo eshte akoma me e veshtire se te nderpresesh komunikimin me te shkuaren.”Te mirepresesh” te ardhmen do te thote te mbyllesh syte dhe te hapesh krahet ne pritje te nje “perqafimi” me shpresen qe ai do te te jete i ngrohte por askush nuk na e siguron qe ai do te jetei tille.Ama ne dicka e dime,qe “dikush” do te na japi nje perqafim dhe nese ai perqafim te vjen i ftohte,atehere mos e perbuz ate sepse fundja,ngelet nje perqafim dhe thjesht tento ta ngrohesh ate.Me pak fjale e ardhmja nuk te jep kurr nje shpulle,eshte vetem vdekja eshte ajo qe e ben dicka te tille.E ardhmja eshte nje perqafim qe ti je i detyruar ta pranosh sepse veten keshtu mund te shtiesh ne dore “fatin tend”
Me 1 Mars 2020
-cherik 🥀
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