natefeuerstein · 8 years
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horrorempathya · 6 years
‘  I  ALWAYS  KNOW  WHAT  I’M  DOING,  even  when  I’m  drunk.  ’         which  also  may  have  seemed  like  a  non-answer,  but  give  her  a  second.     she’s  working  up  to  a  COMPLETE  ANSWER.     you  know  her,  just  like  she  knows  jessica,  living  in  someone’s  image.    yet,  she  projects  a  level-headed,  well-rounded,  smart  woman  who know  EXACTLY  WHAT  TO  SAY  at  times.     even  violent  kristen  knows  what  she’s  doing,  that  kristen  just  needs  a  little  reminder  that  stabbing  someone  multiple  times  is  morally  incorrect,  AT  LEAST  FOR  SOCIETY.
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‘  i  just  don’t  remember  half  the  night  because  it  was  moving  fast,  we  were  all  over  the  place.   PARTYING  IT  UP.     the  proof  is  in  our  rings,  if  i  was  too  drunk  to  think  for  myself,  would  i  have  remembered  that  you  would  have  turned  down  a  flashy  as  fuck  ring?      ALCOHOL  JUST  MAKES  ME  HAPPIER,  gets  me  to  really  open  up.    so,  yeah.    i  want  to  give  it  a  try.  ’         she  didn’t  look  away  from  jessica’s  deep  brown  eyes  UNTIL  AFTER  SHE  WAS  DONE  TALKING,  in  which  she  turned,  headed  for  the  little  kitchen  portion  of  the  suite.      
LIKE  ALWAYS,  some  of  the  reason  involves  him,  his  trauma.    proving  to  him  that  she’s  capable  of  commitment,  of  normalcy,  of  romance --    unlike  what  he  tried  to  make  her.    just  his  WEAPON.     emotionless,  maybe  just  angry.       you’re  nothing.    you  have  no  name,  you’re  only  purpose  is  for  me.     she  never  did  break.     like,  now,  whispering  to  herself  that  SHE’S  MORE  THAN  THAT.
‘  KRISTEN  JORDANNE  JONES-DURUS,  or  maybe,  durus-jones?  ’         said  out  loud,  the  reply  to  his  voice,  the  continuation  of  the  conversation  that  means  so  much  more  THAN  TRYING  TO  SILENCE  HIM  because  she  does,  she  loves  jessica.    she  doesn’t  want  to  lose  jessica.     
> CONTINUED  \  @survivedempathy.
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To My Most Favorite Theatre Actress,
A big round of applause for you, mahal ko. For the past 6 mos. that we’ve been together this was the first time I had watched a play alone and it was a lot hell of difference. First because, there were no dull moments all through the play. Second, you were not beside me to hear my rants but then srsly, I don’t have any negative feedbacks about the play. I find it perfect, most specially with those scenes that you were on the stage. Third, I’ve never seen you that happy before. Seeing you swaying your hips to the beat of the song with a wide smile plastered on your face and your eyes with burning passion were the most wonderful things on this world. It felt like, you’re home.
I am so proud of you! You don’t know how proud I am of you. I should really be grateful of having a certain Jesstene Therese as my girlfriend. Always remember that everyone may lose their support on you but I’ll always be the first one to show how much proud I am of you. Time will come, you’ll be one of the best theatre actresses in the world and I’m still gonna be your no. 1 fan.
I actually have a problem about concentrating but earlier, damn, it felt like I instantly had an auto-focus. My sight stuck at you and everything around was oblivious. I kept reminding myself to appreciate the whole play but then, I realized, it was just you that matters. So what, if I missed some important details of the play? What’s important was I didn’t miss any of your movements. Like your “pasimple moves” of fixing your ever daring off shoulder top, that made me giggle! Like how you made faces according to the scenario, damn, that was such a cutie! Like how you danced with all your heart that time when you were in front of the stage, you’re so beautiful. And in the ending part, like how you jumped the highest, you’re so passionate and I am even prouder of you because of that.
And! I cannot miss this! I was so nervous to meet your Papa, your Tita and your other cousins. I couldn’t even breathe properly, like how Paris said, “awkward”. Hahaha!
Anyway, I was just so happy I was able to spent a little amount of time with you tonight, my Queen. I miss you so much and I love you so much! You said you still can’t get over about the show. Enjoy the feeling ‘til it lasts, you deserve that. Congratulations, mahal ko.
With all the love, Cla
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goldxicons · 9 years
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/Credits: Jay,
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am3ricanvltra · 9 years
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The famous Jessten kiss😍😍
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badnovels · 12 years
Jessten is the only ship that matters.
You're damn right, girlfriend. 
...and I will go down with this ship.
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horrorempathya · 6 years
‘ bad dream? ’ jessten
KRISTEN’S  MOUTH  OPEN,  but  what  doesn’t  flow  is  the  stinging  lie  forced  from  habit,  instead  she  closes  her  mouth.      her  eyebrows  furrow.      there’s  a  bottle  of  vodka,  this  time,  RESTING  COMFORTABLY  BETWEEN  FINGERS.     kristen’s  knees  are  pulled  up  to  her  chest.
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THERE  ISN’T  EVEN  THE  DISTANT  THUMP  of  the  clubs,  just  an  occasional  shout  of  someone  still  drunkenly  trying  to  find  their  way  home,  or  the  person  with  a  gambling  problem  JUST  HEADING  HOME.     3  am,  a  sensationally  weird  time  at  a  casino  resort  in  the  middle  of  new  york  state.
KRISTEN’S  STARING  OFF  THE  PORCH,  she  doesn’t  have  a  view,  mccabe  didn’t  give  her  that  luxury  when  he  put  a  roof  over  her  head.    it’s  fine,  it’s  not  dark  out  there,  SHE  KNOWS  THOSE  moving,  stumbling  forms  passing  through  the  lights  in  the  parking  lot  isn’t  him  or  his  cronies. 
IT’S  THE  SAME  DAMN  THING:    just  the  feeling,  or  lack  thereof.    the  incredible  spiral  into  a  darkness  only  he  wanted.    he  didn’t  even  want  her  to  love  him,  that’s  SOMETHING  SHE  HAD  TO  LEARN,  he  just  wanted  her  loyalty,  to  belong  to  him  and  him  only.     you’re  nothing.    nobody.       
KRISTEN’S  ALWAYS  A  LITTLE  TOO  STILL  after  a  nightmare,  completely  unmoving,  exactly  like  the  hitman  she  was  bred  to  be.    just  waiting  for  an  order.  no  heart,  no  emotion.     YOU’RE  NOT  KRISTEN.     oh,  but  she  is.    she’s  everything  you  want  her  to  be….   she’s  something.
‘  YEAH,  ’       kristen  answers,  she  even  sounds  defeated,  the  realization  that  jessica  asked  her  a  question  hitting  her  again,  as  hard  as  a  damn  freight  train.     but,  it’s  good,  IT’S  LIKE  BREATHING  AGAIN  after  being  trapped  underwater  or  in  a  coffin.     there  it,  there’s  her  emotion. 
‘  I  LOVE  YOU,  JESSICA  JONES.  ’      she  sounds  breathless,  tired,  but  the  words  are  enunciated.     that’s  hers,  after  all,  he  didn’t  take  that  away  from  her,  didn’t  even  GIVE  THAT  HER.    this  was  hers  and  jessica’s  own  doing.     the  ache  in  her  chest  is  relieved,  ever  so  slightly.
> FEEL THE LOVE  \  @survivedempathy  \  accepting.
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horrorempathya · 5 years
“   ---   hello,   gorgeous.   ”     kristen  doesn’t  hide  the  seductive  tone  of  her  voice :     she  never  does.    it’s  just  a  piece  of  who  she  is.    come  on,   jess,   you  should  have  known  she  wasn’t  sleeping.
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“   are  you  still  mad  at  me?   ”      one  of  kristen’s  arms  wrap  around  jessica’s  waist,   the  other  drapes  over  jessica’s  shoulder.    her  chin  rests  on  jessica’s  other  shoulder.     missing  without  a  trace  is  one  thing,   but  finding  out  your  girlfriend  may  or  may  not  be  dead  in  the  hospital?    a  whole  new  thing.     mccabe  and  his  willingness  to  forever  care  about  the  little  killer  he  picked  off  up  the  street.     but  it’s  jessica  who  should  understand  better  than  anyone  why  kristen  nearly  sacrificed  herself  to  kill  the  big  bad  guy --     all  without  saying  a  word  to  anyone.
»     jay missed jessten  /  @survivedempathy​​ <3 !
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am3ricanvltra · 9 years
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I watched this way too many times and i like it
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