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'Pena de muerte a agresores sexuales de niños'
WASHINGTON * 2 de marzo de 2023. ) Apro Pese a ir en contra de la doctrina de la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos y de la del estado de Florida, legisladores republicanos lanzaron dos propuestas para aplicar la pena de muerte a agresores sexuales de niños menores de 12 años. El senador Jonathan Martin y la representante Jessica Baker, ambos republicanos, promovieron estas iniciativas de ley para que sean tratadas en la próxima Legislatura que comienza el 7 de marzo. Sus argumentos fueron que estos delitos “destruyen la inocencia” y “trasgreden todos los niveles de decencia de una sociedad civilizada”, por lo que piden a los jueces que recomienden la pena de muerte si ocho de los miembros del jurado lo votan de manera favorable. En caso de que sean menos de ocho, que se imponga la cadena perpetua sin derecho a la libertad condicional. En Florida es legal la pena de muerte, siempre y cuando el jurado lo vote por unanimidad, pero hay personas, como el gobernador del estado, Ron DeSantis, que piden cambiar la ley para que pueda avalarse con una mayoría simple. En ese sentido, en las dos cámaras del Congreso de Florida están pendientes proyectos de ley para eliminar el requisito de unanimidad del jurado. Pero existen antecedentes. Altos tribunales de Estados Unidos y Florida han fallado contra la aplicación de la pena de muerte a violadores de menores de 12 años. Sin embargo, el 23 de febrero se llevó a cabo la primera ejecución en Florida, en casi tres años y medio. El acusado era Donald Dillbeck, de 59 años, condenado por dos asesinados en primer grado, cometidos en 1979 cuando era menor de edad y otro en 1990. ] Visítanos en ) acapulcopres.com y Síguenos en ) facebook.com/acapulcopress.news Read the full article
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Saying goodbye to childbearing years
Dear diary,
I turned 44 years old about a half year ago. I have to admit to myself that having more childeren is not realistic. Besides, I'm happy with the 14 I've got. Altough, sometimes it still itches me, those babysmells and giggles. But I know it's over. I already have beautiful grandchilderen, #5 will arrive in a couple of months. I love them very much and spend as much time with them as I can. Those sweet childeren.
Since I admitted to myself that I won't be having childeren anymore, I started giving, and selling, the babystuff I still have to my childeren and members of the church. In return, I bought some stuff to fill the caps the babystuff had filled all those years.
I have a love seat for me and Bobby in our bedroom and Jenelle was thrilled to have a piano in her room. She had a tough time giving up her job, she needed some cheering up. She instantly started playing while I did some working out on the tredmill. (AN: She is really thin and still working out, we should be worried about her)
With all the sad stuff about selling my babystuff, I had another sad moment. My baby, Jessica, is already a teenager!
My youngest is already so grown up. I can't believe it! Time sure flies by.
Love, Evy
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Baby #14
Dear diary,
I was only six months pregnant when I started to have contractions. Soon I knew something was wrong. Bobby and I left for the docter to check out our 14th baby. The docter was very worried and kept me in the hospital. Our baby was born the next morning. It's a girl and we named her Jessica Joy Baker. Her name means God beholds, He sees everything and there is nothing going on that he doesn't know about, even our little baby struggeling to stay alive.
Bobby is going back and forth between the hospital and our home. Lucky for us, Jenelle is able to take care after the childeren. We are so blessed with her. She cooks, cleans and even helps Jocelyne and Jonathan with their homework.
Love, Evy
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#jenellebaker#jocelynebaker#jonathanbaker#jessicabaker#gen1#gen2
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Comparering fases gen 1&2
Part 2
From left to right, up to down: Bobby, Evy, Jedidiah, Jenelle, Jackson, Julie, Jocelyne, Jonathan, Jessica.
I'm really bad at this but this is what I think:
Jedidiah has Evy's hair and faceshape
Jenelle has Evy's hair and Bobby's faceshape
Jackson has Evy's hair and faceshape
Julie has Bobby's hair and faceshape (and the only one with his skintone)
Jocelyne has Bobby's hair and Evy's faceshape
Jonathan has Bobby's hair and faceshape (the son that looks the most like Bobby)
Jessica has Bobby's hair and faceshape
What do you guys think?
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#jedidiahbaker#juliebaker#jacksonbaker#jenellebaker#jocelynebaker#jonathanbaker#jessicabaker#gen1#gen2
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Jonathan's weddingday
Dear diary,
We have been blessed with yet another succesful wedding. Only two more to go since we only have two daughters left at home. Jonathan had his brother Jackson as best man, so precious to see the bond between siblings.
The ceremony was beautiful and full of love for eachother and the church. And the last part, the first kiss, so precious!
The photo's of the couple turned out amazing!
Jonathan and Mia will have a wonderful live together as husband and wife. My dauther Johanna wasn't at the wedding, once again she delivered a precious little girl during the wedding. Her eldest, Everly was born during the wedding of Jocelyne. Our 4th grandchild is named Erin Praise Green. Janine had babynews so we are already looking forward to meeting grandbaby #5!
Ofcourse we visited Johanna, Obed and Everly to see their little daughter and sister.
Love, Evy
Poses by @ancasims
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#johannabaker#obedgreen#everlygreen#eringreen#janinebaker#jacksonbaker#jenellebaker#jonathanbaker#jocelynebaker#jessicabaker#miapotts#gen1#gen2#gen3
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A birthday and a pregnancy
Dear diary,
My baby Jessica is already celebrating her birthday. She is getting so big, so fast. I still remember her laying in the hospital like it was yesterday. And now she is already a toddler, sleeping in the girls room. She loves it all. (AN: Jessica is picky but she is the youngest and barely survived so everybody gives her what she wants)
My daughter Johanna came by again. Last time she was so sad that she still wasn't pregnant yet. But this time she is! I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother! (AN: She already is because Jadyn got a baby out of wedlock but Jadyn is out of sight and for Evy out of mind because Jadyn has a sinful life)
Love, Evy
(AN: The real ages of the childeren are: Johanna 19, Janine 18, Joseph 17, Juanna 15, James 14, Jadyn 13, Joelle 12, Jedidiah 10, Julie 9, Jackson 7, Jenelle 6, Jocelyne 4, Jonathan 2, Jessica 0. The second gen is really starting now with Johanna having a baby and Janine is about to start producing baby's too soon. They both married really young, like 19 and almost 19. Johanna will be 20, thow, when the baby is born)
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Jessica's wedding day
Dear diary, My youngest got married, it's bittersweet. But we are very happy for Jessica and Franklin and his son, Paris. Everly Green, Johanna's daughter, was a flower girl.
The ceremony was beautiful and closed with their first kiss. Very special for Jessica but since Franklin is a widower, he already had his first kiss with his first wife.
And their weddingphoto was so precious! They are so cute together.
Love, Evy
(AN: with Evy's youngest married and that coliding with Juanna's real weddingday, this is the last post from Evy. I loved playing her, going from a broke life to living whealthy but it's time now for her daugher Juanna to continue)
(AN: The real ages in my spreadsheat of all the 14 childeren of Evy&Bobby are: Johanna 24, married with 4 childeren, Everly 3, Erin 2, Estelle&Erica 0, Janine 22, married with 2 childeren and pregnant, Charles 3, Simon 1, Joseph 21, courting, Juanna 20, married, James 19, Jadyn 17, Joelle 16, Jedidiah 15, Julie 13, Jackson 12, Jenelle 10, Jocelyne 9, Jonathan 7, Jessica 5)
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#jocelynebaker#jenellebaker#jonathanbaker#jessicabaker#everlygreen#franklinoconner#parisoconner#gen1#gen2#gen3
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Dear dairy,
Ofcourse, when we let Jessica court a widower we knew a engagement was on the horizon. He needs a woman to take care of his son. He proposed to her on a walk in the snow, very romantic. Jessica was very fast to say yes. They are enjoying holding hands ever since then.
My granddaughters, twins Estelle and Erica Green, are home from the hospital. I got a change to visit. Estelle was a wake but Erica was sleeping. And I got the chance to talk to my granddaughter Everly, the eldest of Johanna and Obed. She is helping her mother as much as she can since the birth of the twins and even before that, when Johanna was pregnant.
Love, Evy
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#jessicabaker#franklinoconner#johannabaker#obedgreen#everlygreen#estellegreen#ericagreen#gen1#gen2#gen3
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Dear diary,
My daughter Johanna had twins! Two little girls, Estelle Joy and Erica Faith. They are still in the hospital, getting stronger. But they are two wonderful girls and fit right in with their two elder sisters, Everly and Erin. This brings the total number of grandchilderen at 7! Can you believe it. And I'm only 45.
We also celebrated Jessica's birthday. She is an adult now and is already courting a man from church. His wife pasted away during the birth of their son. Jessica has been helping him with a girlfriend of her and Franklin and Jessica felt a strong bond. He asked Bobby for permision and Bobby knew it was the right thing to do.
Jessica is a good cook, plays wonderful violin and piano. She is such a good, self assured young woman. She will be a great mom to Paris in the future.
Love, Evy
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#jessicabaker#franklinOConner#johannabaker#estellegreen#ericagreen#gen1#gen2#gen3
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Jenelle's wedding day!
Dear diary,
Jenelle is married! It was a wonderful day.
Johanna was one of the bridesmaids, she is getting very big. We joked that she might be expecting twins. We all laughed. In our family we don't have twins at all. She would be the very first.
The ceremony was very special with their first kiss at the end.
The weddingphoto's turned out beautiful.
We also celebrated thanksgiving. With just a few of our childeren. I loved every minute of it. With only one daughter left at home the house feels pretty empty. Bobby loved getting to talk with his daughters and I had a sweet moment with my eldest son, Joseph.
Love, Evy
poses by @ancasims
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#johannabaker#josephbaker#juannabaker#joellebaker#juliebaker#jocelynebaker#jenellebaker#jessicabaker#jaxstone#gen1#gen2
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A grandson
Dear diary,
My daughter Janine had a lovely baby boy. He is such a cutie. His name is Charles James Geller named after his grandfather from fathers side and his father. We tought that was lovely from Janine and Chris to name this baby after the most important man in his live. Ofcourse Bobby and I visited them to see baby Charles.
Ever since my youngest, Jessica, aged up to a child, I have the feeling of an empty nest. It's not empty but it feels like that during the day. Ofcourse I can visit my daughters Johanna and Janine to help with their baby's but at home are no longer baby's that need my attention. I miss that very much. I'm 43 years old right now and I know I probably won't have childeren anymore but I would love to have another little one in our home.
When you are feeling this way, there is only one thing to do. Invite your childeren over! We made a nice summerevening in the garden with Bobby grilling some burgers and hotdogs, the firepit was burning and we roasted some marshmallows. A nice evening until the grill caught fire. While we put down that fire, no one was watching the firepit and ofcourse one of the benches caught fire. But we all laughed about it afterwards.
Love, Evy
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#johannabaker#josephbaker#juannabaker#jamesbaker#joellebaker#juliebaker#jacksonbaker#jenellebaker#jocelynebaker#jonathanbaker#jessicabaker#gen1#gen2
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Visit to my grandbaby
Dear diary,
I love to visit my daughter Johanna with my youngest, Jessica. Johanna has a little girl, who is already a toddler and so cute! Jessica and her are such good friends and I love to chat with my eldest daughter. She has always been more like a friend to me then a daughter.
Johanna told me that they are actively trying to have another baby. (AN: they didn't prevent anything before but now are watching her cycle) and we shared our experiences. I have had times that I tought I wouldn't get pregnant anymore and now is definitly one of those times. It has been almost two years since the birth of Jessica. I'm older, I get that, the chances are pretty low I will have another baby but I would love to have another. And so does Johanna.
Then it's already time for the birthday of Jessica. My baby is already a child.
Love, Evy
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Jocelyne's wedding
Dear diary,
My daughter Jocelyne is married and I miss her terrible. But ofcourse she is all grown up and married to a wonderful husband so I don't have to worry. Her weddingday was beautiful. She picked Jessica as her flower girl, ofcourse. Jenelle was a bridesmaid.
We also tried a familyphoto but not everyone was in it. We have a very big family already. My daughter Johanna couldn't make it to the wedding, she was in labor! And my daughter Janine told me she was expecting! So sweet. Their childeren will be close in age.
The ceremony was so special! They where so cute together. (AN: and as always, a cute toddler in front )
They made one funny photo at the end of the day. (Pose by @ancasims)
When they where off on their honeymoon, we send Jenelle home with Jonathan and Jessica while Bobby and I went to Johanna to see if the baby was born. Johanna was exhausted and was resting in her bed but we got the chance to see our precious granddaughter!
Her name is Everly Hope Green, she is named after me. So special! I'm deeply in love with my granddaughter!
Love, Evy
#fundie#sims 4#bakerfamily#evybaker#bobbybaker#johannabaker#janinebaker#jacksonbaker#jenellebaker#jocelynebaker#jonathanbaker#jessicabaker#everlygreen#gen1#gen2#gen3
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20 years of marriage
Dear diary,
My little Jessica has come home from the hospital. We are still very carefull around her but we are so thankful to have her home. She is a bit fussy from to time to time but we don't mind that at all.
My eldest daughter Johanna came by the other day. She is married to Obed for a while now but she still hasn't concieved a baby. She is a bit inpatient and can't wait to hold a baby of her own in her arms. She sure loves her baby sister Jessica.
Bobby and I had a special day, we have been married for 20 years. We are so thankful to have eachother and our 14 childeren. We made some photo's in the backyard.
Love, Evy
Poses are from @ancasims
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