#jesse mcree fluff
xypherz · 2 years
Six Rooms
Details: Cole Cassidy x Reader, GN!Reader, fluff, 1.2k words
Warnings: A single curse word, mention of anxiety and reader insecurity, not proofread.
Being a recalled Overwatch hero isn’t easy. Omnic crises and vigilantes are enough to burn anyone out. Though you’re trained to handle situations like these, you need an escape. Some respite to ease your constant stress. 
This is not what you had in mind. 
You planned for a night in. A night all to yourself with no distractions. Sure, there are the other heroes around, but no mission, no omnics, no expectations, is all you wanted.
You planned to have your own room. Your own bed.
You did not account for someone being shoved into what you thought was your escape.
In the bathroom when it happened, you were just setting up essentials like your toothbrush and soaps, when you heard the door to your room being opened, followed by a deep grunt, and a small British voice.
“6 rooms, 7 of us, sorry!!”
The door slammed shut before you could even process what little information you were given. 
Contemplating if you wanted to sleep in the bathtub to preserve your mental solitude, you decided to check who invaded your space, voluntarily or otherwise. The hinges of the bathroom door made an uncomfortable squealing noise as you opened it to the rest of the room.
This is a sick joke.
Not only were you met with the man who had tripped your hopeless romantic heart down the stairs, but he was dressed down.
Cole Cassidy in a t-shirt and jeans? This was simultaneously the best and worst day of your life.
“Hey there, sorry to intrude, I wasn’t given much of a choice in the matter. You’d think I have some advantage on Tracer, but damn, she is stronger than she looks.”
You nodded, voice getting caught in your throat. You’d talked to Cassidy plenty of times, hell, you consider him a friend, but this is too different. You’d never really spoken with him outside of work in private. It’s always on a mission or with others.
“I can sleep in Reinhardt’s room if you’re not comfortable,” he said, voice seeming gentle when not muffled by commands and gunshots.
“No,” you replied, a bit too fast for your liking, “I’m okay with you staying in here, I just wasn’t expecting visitors.”
“Sorry for that, I wasn’t told about the room situation until a few minutes ago. I offered to stay in Reinhardt’s room in the first place, but Tracer insisted.”
“Not your fault, don’t worry about it,” you said sheepishly, eyes trailing to the elephant in the room. Cassidy’s eyes follow yours to the bed. Singular. 
“I’ll sleep on the floor, don’t worry your pretty head over it,” he said, offering a small smile while making his way to the open spot in front of the bed with his bag.
“No, I can’t let you do that, there’s no way that’ll be comfortable.”
“I’d rather the discomfort over yours.”
“I’ll be fine, really,” you said. Though you were aware of Cassidy’s chivalry, you didn’t want him to be in physical pain for your sake.
“I’m not letting you sleep on the floor.”
“Well…” you trailed off, knowing the two of you were too stubborn to let the other be uncomfortable, “We can just share.”
His expression morphed into that of surprise, “I wouldn’t want to intrude more-”
“Cassidy,” you cut him off mid-sentence, “It’s okay, really.”
He resisted the urge to ask for reassurance again, “Okay, then. But if you need me to leave at any point, you can push me onto the floor,” he joked, lightening the awkward tension.
“You got it,” you smiled and walked to your bag, grabbing a set of pajamas and walking to the bathroom. Suddenly the weight of what you had proposed settled in when you looked in the mirror. You were going to sleep in the same bed with someone. Cole Cassidy, no less. The man you’ve been silently, or maybe not so silently to the other heroes, pining over for however long you’ve known him.
Maybe you did want to sleep in the bathtub.
You finished changing, brushing your teeth, and silently calming your anxieties and left the bathroom to see Cassidy was already changed. Any thought of how good he looked in jeans was replaced by how good he looked in boxers. He passed you as he walked to the bathroom while you approached the queen bed in the center of the room. Sitting under the covers, you decided to distract yourself until you were tired enough to sleep.
It was hard to distract yourself when Cassidy joined you in the surprisingly small bed. Maybe it was just the difference between it and his stature that made it seem small. Maybe it was your anxiety closing in on you.
“You sure you’re okay with this?” Your thoughts were interrupted by Cassidy’s concerned question. 
“You’d be pushed on the floor by now if I weren’t,” you joked, though truthfully, it wasn’t far off. Had it been anyone else, you’d have been completely okay with them sleeping on the floor while you enjoyed your personal space. But it wasn’t anyone else.
He smiled a bit at your statement, though it seemed unsure. He leaned over to the bedside table and turned off the lamp.
“Goodnight Y/N.”
You were still sitting up in the bed, staring into nothing as he laid down, his back turned to you.
“Hey, Cassidy?” Your voice came out before you could stop it.
He turned a bit to look at you, “Yeah? You okay?”
“Yeah, I just…” you trailed off, “Sorry, I’m just thinking too much.”
“What’s on your mind?” He sat up fully, staring into the darkness with you.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Though you couldn’t see it, you felt his eyes turn to you. The anxieties you’d been staving off seemed to catch up to you. “I mean, I guess you’re nice to everyone, but… I don’t think I deserve it.” 
“I think if anyone deserves it, it’s you.”
You turned your head toward him, knowing his eyes were on you as well, but the space was too dark to see.
“Why?” The question held a lot of weight. Why had he asked you so many times if this situation was okay? Why had he refused to let you be uncomfortable? Why was he willing to sacrifice his own comfortability just for yours? Why did he always stay by your side during missions? Why did he help you through broken limbs and bullet holes? He didn’t need to do any of it.
So why?
He didn’t respond for what felt like too long.
“You think too much,” he said softly, lightly grabbing your jaw and pulling you closer to him. 
He waited. He waited for you to pull back. He waited for any signal that what he was doing wasn’t okay. Instead, you leaned forward, placing your hand at the back of his neck before pressing your lips against his. The kiss was sweet. It was slow with no expectations.
You pulled back a bit, the darkness making it easier to find your voice, “I definitely think too much.”
Your bag seemed way too heavy so early in the morning. 
You walked out the door ahead of Cassidy, turning the corner to head to the lobby. Reinhardt and Tracer were in front of you, halfway there already. A door opening made you turn your head, Mercy and Genji walking out of a room. 
“Didn’t we have 6 rooms?” you thought, when the realization dawned on you, “Well played, Tracer.”
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nori-writes · 2 years
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Cole Cassidy x Reader
Hanzo Shimada x Reader
Summary: Reader rambling on about an interest of theirs while they realise that their lover hasn’t responded to them in a minute to stop and find them in awe at how adorable their rambling was.
W/C: 350+
A/N: This is completely self indulgent. I was in class with nothing to do and I thought about this and wrote it so here we are, enjoy <3
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Cole’s a talkative guy who loves to go on and on about things himself so when he gets to see you do it as well his heart swells at the sight.
He’s so glad that there’s something that you find this much passion in and that you’re comfortable enough to ramble on to him about all these things.
While you’re normally going on about these things though he’ll usually reply to some of the things you say instead of purely listening to let you know that he’s still there.
When you realise he’s stopped replying you turn to look over at him, worried that you might have bore him
He has his head propped up by his hand on the table and he’s smiling that same warm, endearing smile that you had fallen in love with all that while ago.
“Gonna keep goin’ sweetheart?”
It wasn’t really a question, more of an encouragement.
Of course you obliged.
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Listening to you is a normal thing for him, though that doesn’t mean that he enjoys it any less.
It’s something that he relishes, like Cassidy he loves to see that there's something you’re passionate enough about to open up like this to him.
He definitely asks himself what he did to deserve you.
He’ll just sit while doing something like cleaning his bow.
You are his favourite thing to listen to especially while doing menial tasks.
He’ll occasionally let out hums of acknowledgement to let you know that he’s still listening to you.
Sometimes he’ll put down what he’s doing just to get a good look at you.
He loves seeing the way your eyes seem to have this sparkle while talking about your interests.
Soon a small smile will develop onto his face while he admires you.
You realise how awfully quiet he had been when you stop to check on him and you’re met with him looking lovingly at you with the smallest but most loving of smiles on his face.
“Why’d you stop?”
You shook your head at his question with a grin on your face before returning to the topic you were talking about.
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I literally love them. Anyway, if you enjoyed my master list is here 💜
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strawberrykaktus · 4 years
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Mchanzo Week day 3: Silly | Boogie
Haha silly me being late, huge thanks for help to mrandmrshimada
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logo-dojo · 4 years
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Drunk Mchanzo flufff??? I think the black and white version is butter but if you must know this was made out of sheer boredom.  Also so Overwatch 2 - super excited and can’t wait.  Well, I can wait but I’m just really giddy about it, exceppttt.  Mcree’s new look is gonna get some getting used to but he looks AWSOME.  Then there’s Hanzo, I’m scared cause he hasn’t been released yet so I don’t know if i’ll be disappointed yet.  I’m keeping my hopes up though, i mean, genji’s new look slaps and I know Hanzo has no fashion sense but a hoodie could look coool.  I just don’t want my boy massacred.  
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love-of-fandoms · 4 years
Cherry Blossoms (Hanzo Shimada + OC) Chapter 4
Chapter 4 of Cherry Blossoms (Master List)
Pairing: Alpha Hanzo + Omega OC
Word Count: 2520 words
Returning to Overwatch’s base of operations was hectic, to put it lightly. 
Danny frowned as she looked around. The kitchen was an absolute mess, and the common area wasn’t much better. Also all the windows were covered. She’d have to ask if that was tactical or if somebody just preferred darkness, because if it was the latter, those curtains were coming down.
“Most of the bedrooms are free,” Winston said, pointing to a hallway that led to the living quarters. “You all can just dump your stuff in any empty room you find,” Danny and Jesse exchanged a look, before Danny was shoving Jesse out of the way and booking it down the hallway.
“Hey!” Jesse called, running after her, a hand on his hat to keep it from falling off. “No fair!” the others watched in confusion as the pair ran down the hallway giggling like children. Jesse’s much longer legs easily caught up to Danny, who scowled when she realized Jesse was beside her.
“I’m getting the best room!” Danny growled, reaching up and flipping his hat off his head, causing Jesse to skid to a stop, scrambling to turn around and collect his stetson. Danny’s laughter echoed in the halls as she raced around, looking for what she would determine to be the ‘best room’.
She was sidetracked, however, when she ran past what appeared to be an abandoned greenhouse. She skidded to a stop, backtracking and going into the large room. Vines were everywhere, and the overgrown plants in the room were looking a little worse for wear. Their roots were poking out from the soil, and Danny frowned, looking around and grinning when she saw that the greenhouse had a door to the outside. 
She barely even entertained the thought of just moving on and searching for the perfect room. Instead she decided to get to work, she had missed having plants to take care of while on the road. She flicked on the lights and strode over to the door, throwing it open and propping it with a heavy rock that was just outside. The shelves around the walls of the greenhouse held many containers, and Danny immediately got to work filling them with dirt from outside. It would have to do until she could get some actual good soil for the plants.
After she had a decent amount of containers filled, Danny carried them back inside and began relocating the overgrown plants into the containers, which were much larger than the boxes they were in. She started with the flowers she saw. Though it was kind of odd that an Overwatch base would grow flowers in their greenhouse, she didn’t question it too much.
The flowers were placed in the smallest of the containers Danny had filled, before she watered each of them using the sink on the wall of the greenhouse. It had a sprinkler system, which had to be functioning in some capacity for the plants to still be alive, but Danny figured the plants could use a loving touch.
Next Danny moved the foliage plants. She trimmed the dead leaves and stems as she went, throwing those into another container she wanted to convert to compost later.
“Danny?” she looked up when she heard her name called, and was surprised to see that the sun was setting. How long had she been in here?
“In here!” she called back, and Jesse appeared in the doorway, brow furrowed.
“Uh… What’re you doing?” he asked, looking around the room. The flowers were set off to the side, as well as the foliage that Danny had got to. She looked around as well.
“Helping the plants,” she said with a shrug, gently placing a dark green plant in another container, before patting the soil around it. She stood and went over to the sink, giving the plant a generous amount of water before setting it to the side with the others.
“Helping the… plants,” Jesse echoed, and Danny nodded.
“Mhmm,” she began to walk back to the other plants that still needed relocating, but Jesse grabbed her arm.
“You can do that later,” he said, glancing at her duffle bag which she had abandoned by the door. “Have you even picked a room yet?” he asked, and Danny shook her head.
“Um… no,” she said, and Jesse sighed, picking up her duffle bag and extending his arm.
“Come on,” he sighed, leading her down the hallway and up a set of stairs. He opened a door, before pointing directly across the hall. “That’s my room,” he said, before swinging open the door and letting Danny walk in. She beamed at the large window, looking around at the rest of the room. A twin bed sat pushed up against the corner, and a desk was shoved against the wall on the other side of the room. There was a bookshelf by the window, and Danny frowned pensively.
“I can work with this,” she muttered, and Jesse chuckled, shaking his head.
“Knew you’d say that,” he teased, and Danny reached back to playfully swat at him.
“Hush,” they were both grinning as Jesse tossed Danny’s duffle onto the bed.
“Come on, let’s find something to eat,” Jesse prompted, and Danny grinned, grabbing his arm and beginning to drag him back the way they came.
“I can cook!” she cheered. “We have a kitchen!” it had been so long since she had been able to cook something, she missed it. Her omega was feeling sorely neglected. Not that omegas had to cook, but they all felt the instinctive need to nurture, and there were different ways to do that. For Danny, her best ways were cooking and gardening. She continued to drag Jesse through the base with confidence, and he chuckled as he allowed himself to be tugged along. She was going the complete wrong way, and he wanted to see how long it would be until she admitted she had no idea where she was going.
After five minutes of wandering, and taking every wrong turn she possibly could, Danny finally came to a stop.
“Where’s the kitchen?” she asked, turning to Jesse, and he sighed fondly, pivoting on his heel and leading the way back down the hallway to the kitchen. “Oh,” Danny muttered when they got there not 30 seconds later.
The large, open space had a kitchen on one end, and a sort-of-living-room on the other. In between there were some tables that people could eat at. Tracer, Brigitte, and Reinhardt, along with another very short man and an omnic that Danny hadn’t met yet, were sitting on some couches in the living area, catching up. Genji, Angela, and a scowling Hanzo sat at one of the tables, and in the kitchen a man with stark white hair who Danny hadn’t met yet was at the coffee machine. Danny pointed at the table with Genji, Angela, and Hanzo, shoving Jesse in that direction, and he just chuckled, strolling over to them and pulling up a chair while Danny marched to the kitchen. She threw open a cabinet, happy to see some pasta as well as canned tomato sauce. She pulled out a couple of boxes of spaghetti and 2 cans of the tomato sauce, placing them on the counter before opening the fridge. She was glad to see everything she needed.
After she had gathered a stick of butter, a bag of parmesan cheese, and some milk, she searched for the pans and began to cook. A large pot was filled with water and put on the stove, and while she waited for that to boil she dumped the tomato sauce into a bowl. She grabbed another and placed the butter in before shoving it in the microwave, wanting to soften it up. She then poured about a cup of milk into the bowl with the tomato sauce, and dumped about a cup of parmesan cheese in there as well. 
Danny grumbled as she searched for a whisk, before finally giving up, stomping over to the couch where Tracer was.
“Lena?” she called, tapping the woman on the shoulder, and she turned.
“Yeah, love?” she asked cheerily, and Danny shifted from foot to foot, suddenly anxious about asking her where to find a whisk.
“Um… you’ve been here for a bit, yeah?” Lena nodded. “Do you know where I could find a whisk?” Lena beamed, shooting up from the couch and racing over to the kitchen.
“Oh you’re cooking?” she asked excitedly, passing Danny a whisk. “It’s been so long since I’ve had a home cooked meal!” Danny grinned.
“Well there will be plenty,” she said, and Lena grabbed her for a quick hug before shooting back over to the couch she was on.
“Thanks!” she called, and Danny shook her head with a smile before turning and returning to the kitchen. 
About half an hour later, the absent heroes were all drawn to the kitchen/living area by the smell of… something… delicious…
“What is that?” Mei asked as she wandered in, Snowball trailing behind her, and Danny grinned over at her.
“Spaghetti with pink sauce,” she answered, grabbing a bunch of bowls from a cabinet. “Feel free to have some! There’s plenty!” 
“Pink sauce?” Jesse asked as he walked over and began serving himself a plate.
“It’s also called vodka sauce, but there’s no vodka in it,” Danny explained. “It’s like a mix of alfredo and tomato sauce,” Jesse actually moaned as he took a bite.
“Darling, this is amazing,” he praised her, and Danny grinned, calling out to the rest of the hall.
“There’s dinner if you want it!” she called, and people began making their way over.
As people began to eat, Danny was pleased that they all enjoyed her food. The white haired man, who Danny had learned was called Soldier 76, had even smiled slightly as he ate!
Over the next week, Danny had created a role for herself in the new Overwatch group. She cooked every other day, since she always cooked enough for leftovers so those who didn’t want to make their own meal had something to eat. She was steadily restoring the greenhouse, and her room was filled with house plants.
Everyone was still getting to know each other, and Danny mostly stuck to Jesse’s side. He would often tease her about it, but Danny would remind him that he already knew some of the team, she knew nobody. 
Since she was stuck to Jesse’s side like glue, she talked with Genji a lot. The two former blackwatch agents had missed each other, and Danny would tag along when they would hang out.
“So have I earned the title annoying little sibling yet?” Danny asked Jesse and Genji while they lounged on the couches in the main area. She was laying down, her feet up in Genji’s lap and her head pillowed on Jesse’s thigh. The cowboy chuckled.
“You earned that a long time ago,” he teased, reaching down to ruffle her hair. She pouted up at him, sticking her tongue out. Genji chuckled as well.
“It’s cute,” he said, referring to their bond, and Danny smiled shyly at him, before her eyes lit up.
“Hey! You’re a little sibling, right?” she asked, and Genji nodded. Danny sat up, reaching out with her hand. “Hell yeah!” Genji laughed, high fiving her, and she thudded back onto the couch.
As the night went on, Danny started shivering, but was too stubborn to go all the way to her room for a sweater. Instead she sat up and gave Jesse her best puppy dog eyes. He glared at her for a moment before sighing, unwrapping his poncho and draping it over her shoulders.
“Fine,” he groaned, tying it for her and settling back. Danny grinned.
“Thank you!” she beamed, snuggling further into him. He waved her off.
“Yeah, yeah,” 
“Jesse, I’m cold,” Genji teased, leaning closer to the cowboy, who just put his hand against his face and shoved him away. On base, Genji chose not to wear his helmet. His face was covered in scars, and Danny was surprised to see that he still had bright green hair the first time she saw him without the helmet.
“Your fault for not wearing clothes,” Jesse griped back, and Genji pouted.
“You’re no fun!” he whined, and Danny groaned.
“Ugh, I know right?!” she beamed at Genji. “I try to tell him that all the time!” Genji grinned back.
“Hey!” Jesse called, pointing between the two. “You’re not allowed to gang up on me like that!” Genji smirked.
“Who says?” he challenged.
“I say!”
“I don’t,” Danny piped up, and Genji nodded, his smirk suddenly smug.
“Two against one,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re outvoted,” Jesse groaned, lifting Danny’s upper half and standing up, before gently placing her back on the couch.
“I’m going to bed,” he grumbled, beginning to walk away, but they both heard the grin in his voice.
“Awe, don’t be like that!” Danny called after him.
“Lame!” Genji shouted. Jesse turned to shoot them an offended look, before turning and continuing down the hall. Genji and Danny looked at each other for a moment before they burst out laughing. Danny sat up, swinging her legs off Genji’s lap and settling into the spot Jesse had been taking up. She turned to look at Genji, an idea suddenly popping into her head.
“Hey, do you like pranks?” she asked, and Genji grinned and nodded.
“Of course!” he said excitedly. Danny held out a hand to him.
“Pranking buddies?” Genji thrust his own hand out, gripping hers and giving it a firm shake.
“Pranking buddies,” he confirmed, and Danny giggled at the way his accent wrapped around the word buddies.
A little later, Danny and Genji decided it was time for them to head to bed as well. Danny still had a bit of trouble navigating the base, so Genji helped her get back to the stairwell that would lead her to Jesse and her hallway (none of the others happened to pick rooms in it).
“Night Genji,” she bade him, and he nodded.
“Goodnight Danny,”
Sleepily, Danny began to ascend the stairs. She let out a large yawn, extending her arms and squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them, she had no time to react before she walked directly into a broad chest. She began falling back, blinking disorientedly, but a strong arm reached out and caught her, pulling her back up and holding her against a solid chest. She looked up, blinking blearily up at her savior. She was met with the view of a goatee covered chin.
“Hanzo?” she murmured, and he grunted, pulling back and making sure she was steady before letting go of her. His nose crinkled, and before Danny could apologize for running into him or thank him for not letting her fall, he was rushing past her and down the stairs. Danny tilted her head in confusion, looking behind her to see his retreating back, before she shrugged, continuing up the stairs.
Chapter 5
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milkacchan · 5 years
The umbrella academy is still my thing dw, but I'll write for Haikyuu and Overwatch because fuck off that's why.
I'll come up with rules for them later and get writing tomorrow but y'all my inbox is fuckin empty and hit me up.
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Overwatch Headcanon
McRee, and by extension Pharah, are both huge ren faire nerds and go every year. Interestingly, Rein claims not to like ren faires, saying that they’re “unrealistic” but he goes anyways and they always have a total blast.
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witchyvinci · 7 years
Almost Heaven
hey all!!! I just wrote a new McHanzo fic on ao3 and it would mean so much if you checked it out here //
 Jesse McCree is a part time employee at the Anubis Theater and finds an emotionally distraught Hanzo Shimada crying in the back of the room and offers him dinner and a place to sleep.McCree sings and cuddles ensue.//thank you!!!!
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trash-skull · 8 years
“How long has it been?”
“…26 years…”
“…you look good…”
“You too…”
It’s been…4 months since Reaper had joined Overwatch, making sure to cut his ties with Talon before switching, courtesy of Soldier 76 of course, and it has been quite well annoying to him.
Everyone knew who he was, Gabriel Reyes, one of the founding members of Overwatch before the explosion, and so those who were enthusiasts of the organization immediately swarmed him. He hissed and pointed both his shotguns at everyone in reflex, years of working for Talon has drilled into his mind that any and everyone could be a threat. It was definitely a shock to everyone when he suddenly armed himself, 76 placing one hand on his shoulder and the other on one of the guns.
“He’s not very used to affection.” He said as he managed to lower one of the shotguns, but the other was still firmly grasped and pointed at the others. Eventually he lowered it on his own.
Everyone, mostly, tried their best to make him comfortable but the edgy ghost never let anyone near him except 76 and maybe Angela, and he was only around either in the middle of the night or whenever no one was near. When the others…if they managed to find him the other members would try to make him more comfortable in their own way.
Tracer and Lució tried to help him relax by listening to upbeat music or watching movies, Reaper would often change the music to some unholy screaming and demonic growling metal genre song he could find. Blasting it so loud it could be heard from outside his room.
Mei and Angela tried more relaxing methods like gardening but the plants often died when he came near then, withering to black and turning to dust in his grasp.
Hana tried but he didn’t like videogames. There was one occasion when he lost a game and threw the controller out the window in a fit of anger, it took Reinhardt to hold him back from shooting the tv.
Junkrat and Roadhog were a big no.
Zenyatta was definitely a no, he almost shot the poor robot. Bastion almost caught a fit when he turned on him.
Pharah, besides 76 and Angela, was the only one successful enough to actually hold a good conversation with him let alone be near enough to him. The calm and collected pilot didn’t do anything to push him to do anything that would make him uncomfortable, letting him have his space and letting him come to her. It was very effective.
After five months he became ‘nicer’, even by a smidge, but was still testy towards most.
There was a report from Athena that a recon ship was returning this morning, Overwatch members had finished the 7 month long mission and would be back within the hour, everyone was overly excited. Except Reaper. When he was with Talon, if a member was returning it was usually someone he hated or someone who hated him so he learned to not get his hopes up, but with everyone’s eagerness he couldn’t help but feel a bit left out. He was used to being alone, he liked being alone, but seeing everyone else with someone, the someone that made them happy, made him feel like he was lacking the very thing he hated most.
Affection .
He sighed harshly as he waited with everyone in the hangar, excited cheers and giggles resounded in the semi empty bay. Reaper and 76 were off to the side, talking amongst themselves.
“It’s good you’re outside with us.” 76 said low enough for only Reaper to hear.
“Only because you dragged me out here dammit.” Reaper answered, crossing his arms.
“At least you’re outside, and sassy as always.” A feint smile behind his mask.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Why do you even have me out here? You know I’m not one for reunions.” He huffed.
“I’ll say. Just wanted you to be here, be involved, you lock yourself from everyone too much.”
“…” Reaper kept quiet. he didn’t even know why 76 even tried to talk to him.
Reaper groaned as the transport ship glided into the hangar and landed, the other members were becoming rowdy once more. An extremely short man came out, his beard thick and golden and touching the floor, he immediately got swamped by Reinhardt who picked him up easily and hugged him tight. A painful but loving hug. Then was another metal clad man with a sword on his back, he saw a picture of him before, Genji was it? He didn’t care too much at the time to want to know his name. Then another strapping person came out, a woman, well at least he thought it was a woman, her large arms and manish figure wasn’t making it easy for him to differentiate though.
Member after member walked out one after the other, each going to their respective friends and affectionate companions, when he thought the last had exited he huffed and turned around, about to go to his room when suddenly-
That name, that name!
Reaper stopped dead in his tracks, that name, it couldn’t possibly be…right? Reaper slowly turned around, his eyes widened behind his mask, it was him!
Reaper watched as a man no younger than his thirties walk out of the transport vehicle, immediately hug tackled by a hyper Hana and equally hyper Lució, the others formed a small circle around him and welcomed him back home. He didn’t change much since he saw him last, he still had that teen boyish figure and face despite the short stubble on his chin, still had that country attitude and accent he hated but loved at the same time. Those deep brown eyes that held the warmest gaze and that smile that made him light inside every time he saw it. He didn’t even notice when 76 walked away from him as he walked towards the younger man and whispered something in his ear, too awestruck to notice the man look at him in surprise and confusion, too shocked to notice him walk to him and stop right in front of him, gazing into his mask, until he spoke.
“Gabriel?” Oh how he missed his voice, it was as deep as always though he sounded a bit horse now.
Reaper could feel his black heart beat faster in his chest as the other stared at him, he couldn’t believe he was actually here, actually alive.
“Jesse?” He said, barely above a whisper but the other heard him clearly,
A small smile accompanied with a salmon colored blush spread across his face, “long time no see part’nr.”
there was a momentary silence between them, after so long, so many years apart, the long lost father and son didn’t know what to say to each other, what would they even say?
“How long has it been?” Reaper finally said.
“…26 years…”
“…you look good…”
“You too…”
There was complete silence between them.
Reaper slowly moved his hand to Jesse’s face, reluctant to touch him as if he would disappear, as if this were all a wicked dream, but his heart fluttered when the cowboy caught his hand and nuzzled his palm with a smile, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. Reaper, with a smile of his own, pulled Jesse into a tight hug, the two using their large arms to pull each other into place. The others looked on in shock and awe, no one could even touch the emo spectre yet Jesse could get a hug, but 76, Angela and Pharah were the only ones who didn’t look shocked. They knew this was the only way to get Reaper to lighten up.
They both buried their noses in each others necks, taking in the scent they missed so much, Reaper ruffled his chocolate brown hair slowly, ignoring the repeated d'aws of the others for they didn’t care. He didn’t care. He got back the one that could always make him smile when his days were grey, even with his antics that annoyed him, he was so glad.
“Mi pequeño Jessito.” He mumbled to himself.
“Ha pasado mucho tiempo.” Jesse smiled.
Indeed it was.
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dreammcb · 5 years
Hi! I'm in the mood to write some headcanons for some characters x reader, if you want: send requests! I'll accept everything, NSFW, sfw, fluff, angst, platonic, as long as it isn't incest.
- Hanzo Shimada
- Soldier 76/ Jack Morrison
- Tracer <3
- Jesse Mcree
- Steve Rogers
- Tony Stark
- Natasha!
Stranger Things
- Billy Hargrove
- Steve Harrington
- all of them (:
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Headcannons Masterpost!
*This list is for all headcannon requests aside from those of the NSFW genre, if you’re looking for those please click on the “NSFW,” section of the masterlist!
- The one where Gabriel protects you from some bullies...
- The one where Mcree/Genji catches you singing and dancing...
- The one where Mako/Jamie/Jesse see you wounded on the field...
- The one with the basics of a relationship with Doomfist...
- The one with the tooth-rotting, Genji fluff...
- The one with how Mako/Jamie/Jesse kiss...
- The one where Mako/Jamie/Jesse flirt with their crush...
- The one with Akande’s kisses and cuddles...
- The one where Mcree tells you he loves you for the first time...
- The one with how the Blackwatch Babes kiss...
This list is updated every other day or so unless, of course, stated otherwise.
Thank - You!
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nori-writes · 2 years
Hi there! May I request Cassidy with an s/o who can easily fluster him? Thank you in advance if you do this!
“You love it.”
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Cassidy x Reader
W/C: 850+
A/N: YESS, I love Cassidy requests, sadly this is the last one I have (feel free to send more 👀) I’ve been obsessed with Overwatch recently especially Cassidy and Hanzo. One last funny little thing that I wanna share. So basically the way I write his accent is a just quietly talk to myself while I’m writing because I have a southern accent myself. Just thought it was a lil funny thing to share.
Also this isn’t proof read AT ALL. I wrote this in a couple periods of school.
Cole loves complimenting and flirting with you as often as he gets the chance to.
But as soon as you throw a compliment back at him he is a flustered mess.
Typically he's just fine taking a compliment from someone like another agent in Overwatch but when it's from you?
God help him.
Whenever he’s flustered he’ll pull his hat from his head to cover his face and take a moment to collect himself before even thinking about replying to you
It’s literally adorable.
Claims to hate it
He loves it.
He’ll glance over them and claim that your words don’t affect him
They most definitely do.
It was around midnight and Cassidy still hadn’t managed to find his way into bed. He had returned from a mission earlier and had meant to go home hours ago to change, shower, or even just to see you. God, he always missed you. Instead, he sat on a part of the counter in the base's kitchen, lights out, eating some cookies that Brigitte had made for all of Overwatch to enjoy and enjoy he did.
They were amazing, perfectly cooked but still a nice chewable, gooey texture to them with the perfect amount of chocolate chips and hit the spot at this time of night. If he was being completely honest though, he hadn’t realised how late it was getting to be. If he had he would’ve scurried his way home by now.
Though, the silence in the Overwatch kitchen at night was a weirdly comforting thing. The curtains were open just enough to bring in the perfect amount of moonlight to illuminate everything so that you weren’t tripping over stuff in the dark.
After a couple more cookies Cole had finally decided to pull out his phone and check the time which had read to be almost 1:00 AM. Determining that it was already far too late for him to be awake he decided on one last cookie before he would finally make his way to your shared bed for the night.
He pulled his last cookie out of the jar before taking a bite out of it as he realised your figure stood in the doorway, “Hey sweet pea, what’re you doin’ up at this hour?”
You left the doorway making your way closer to Cole. He noted that you were in pyjamas meaning that you had already been in bed as your voice came out in a groggy tone, “Someone had mentioned that you were back from your mission earlier today, I hadn’t seen you so I came looking for you. Missed your handsome face.”
He internally thanked that he had left the lights off when he came in here earlier, had he not the only thing to hide how embarrassingly red his face was currently would’ve been his hat. The hat which he wasn’t wearing currently.
There was an outline of a smile that came across your face, you weren’t able to fully see his reaction but you knew the effect that your words had on him. He was always the one who flirted with other people, never the other way around so when you threw his words right back at him the reaction was nothing but the best. He took a second to gather himself before he even thought about replying to you.
“Sorry, I hadn’t been lookin’ at the time. I meant to come n’ see you earlier. I kinda got caught up with Brigitte’s cookies, these things are amazing,” He praised the cookies while taking a bite out of the one he had grabbed before he noticed you were in the room.
You shook your head in agreement, hopping up on the counter next to him, laying your head onto his shoulder, “You thinking about heading to bed anytime soon?”
“Just ‘bout to after I finished this last cookie,” you let out a small hum of acknowledgement to his words looking up at his face, “Somethin’ on your pretty little mind sugar?”
You shook your head, “Nothing just you, all the time.”
All he could do was sigh with a smile on his face, the blush of his face much more visible with the closeness of the two of you, “Can’t be just sayin’ stuff that.”
“Yes I can, and you love it.”
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As always if you enjoyed my masterlist is here
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If okay for request, Mcree, Reinhardt and Winston looking after another teammate’s young kid for a while. (Really just want some fluff if alright)
have some fluff my friend (it’s reader’s kid tho)
the fun drunk uncle, will say Yes to everything the kid wants to do 
drawing a picture? Sure thing kiddo, Jesse will compliment every drawing as if it was the Mona Lisa
shooting practice with his Peacekeeper? Hell yeah lil’ buddy, but don’t tell your mom/dad about it, they will kill uncle Jesse on the spot if they ever hear about his
McCree is too laid back for this, he takes it way to easy. Of course he has an eye open for the kid, but he’s not the best role model you could get as a babysitter
kid’s hungry? He opens the fridge in the break room of the base and hands them some leftovers. (“What? It’s food!”)
Reinhardt is the most responsible of them. He spent a lot of time with Torbjörn’s kids so he knows what he has to do
he’s the silly one. Making the kid laugh by throwing them into the air, catching them with his big hands and making silly faces - the kid loves him so much!
preparing healthy snacks, bathing the kid, reading bedtime stories; Reinhardt is the perfect babysitter. 10/10 would hire him again
Rein sends you a text message every two hours to keep you up to date. You will get silly pictures of them wearing halloween costumes they found in the closet
Reinhardt actually asks if you need a babysitter again, he enjoys spending time with the kid! He doesn’t have any kids himself so he loves spending time with your sprout
super awkward. He has never been a babysitter, but it was an emergency so you had to leave immediately, shoving the kid in his arms and promising him everything will be just fine
the kid’s super happy about a gorilla being the babysitter. And he’s so tall! Almost as tall as the climbing scaffold at the playground
Winston does some reseach online on how to deal with children. The kid’s climbing him while he talks to Athena about healthy snacks and naps and when the kid’s about to fall off of him he reacts instinctively and grabs them before they could get hurt
teaches the kid how to read, write and tells them about all the (child-friendly) Overwatch adventures before OW was shut down
they eat bananas and peanut butter together until they fall asleep, the child on his belly and both are covered in peanut butter
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love-of-fandoms · 4 years
Cherry Blossoms (Hanzo Shimada + OC) Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of Cherry Blossoms (Master List)
Pairing: Alpha Hanzo + Omega OC
Word Count: 2886 words
“Was it really necessary to make everyone clear out?” Danny whined as she sat across from Mcree. The diner was abandoned now, and her brother-not-brother had decided to help himself to a slice of apple pie. Her legs swung back on forth as she waited for 11:55, and Jesse chuckled, shaking his head and raising his cup of coffee to his lips.
A country song played in the background, and Danny was not enjoying it.
“You could’ve at least let me switch the song in the jukebox,” she muttered moodily, crossing her arms over her chest, and Jesse laughed at that, shaking his head once more.
Danny perked up when they heard the horn of a train, and she quickly turned to look out the window. A train was coming down the tracks, beginning to cross the bridge over them, and Jesse’s hand paused as it did. An explosion sounded, and though Danny expected it, she still jumped. The cars of the train came crashing down around the diner, and Danny flinched as each one hit the ground. As the dust cloud that the falling train had kicked up began to dissipate, Jesse resumed his hand’s motion, lifting the bite of pie up to his lips. He smirked at Danny, letting out an exaggerated humming in pleasure at the taste, and she rolled her eyes.
“Come on,” she prompted, grabbing her rifle’s strap from where it sat in the red leather booth next to her. Jesse slowly stood, giving her time as she raced out of the diner, the bell jingling above the door. The cowboy grabbed his hat and belt, flipping a coin onto the table before following his companion out at a much more leisurely pace.
The great part about Danny’s job, at least in her opinion, was that since they were in a canyon, getting a good vantage point was easy. She flexed her fingers in the kinetic gloves that she had invested in recently. She had the matching boots on her feet, and she excitedly began to scale the canyon wall. Her tattered, ruddy brown jacket allowed her to blend in with the canyon’s walls enough for her not to be spotted as she got into position on an outcropping a little under where the demolished train tracks hung.
Danny could hear the laughter of the lackeys in the Deadlock gang as they carried their score to the hoverkart. She swung her rifle over her shoulder, resting on her belly as the dust cloud cleared completely, and she could see a group of maybe 15 Deadlocks unloading the cars of the train. She spotted a rather large omnic carrying the pod Jesse and her were there for, and a little further back she could see Jesse beginning to come out of the smoke. She readied her rifle, releasing the scope and observing the scene below her.
Through their comms, she could hear Jesse clear his throat as he stepped up behind a man who was unloading a crate of grenades. She giggled as the man dropped some, scrambling to get to his leader.
“Ashe!” the man shouted as he ran out of the smoke and towards the hoverkart. “Ashe!!” the woman in a large, dark stetson turned. Danny’s eyes widened at the name, Jesse having told her about the woman, and she watched as the notorious highwaywoman tore the bandana from her face as Jesse emerged from the cloud of smoke.
“Jesse Mcree,” she called in greeting, and Danny strained her ears to hear through the comms. “Been a while, you promised you’d write,” Ashe’s voice sounded teasing, and Danny heard Jesse’s chuckle.
“Well Ashe,” he paused, and Danny heard the flick of his zippo as he lit his cigar. She rolled her eyes. He took any opportunity to smoke that thing, since the smell made her sick he didn’t smoke it around her. Given, the times they were apart were far and few between, but still everytime they were far enough away he would pull one out. “I’ve been kind of busy,” Ashe swung her rifle around so it rested on one of her shoulders.
“We’re pretty busy ourselves,” she said. “So it’s awful convenient you showin’ up today,”
“Yeah,” Jesse took a drag. “You never been one to shy away from a good tip,” Ashe was quick to take her rifle down from her shoulder, her body language immediately becoming defensive.
“Hey! We worked hard for this score,” she paused, and Danny could almost see her poker face come back on. “You best move on now,” her voice was softer, as if she were trying to show she was unbothered, despite everyone around her knowing the truth. She was intimidated by Jesse.
“All I want is that crate,” Jesse used his cigar to point to the white pod on the hoverkart. “Everything else is yours,” he said, and Danny sighed. They both knew it would be a fight, there was no way Ashe would just hand him the crate without one. No, the Deadlock gang would not be getting any of this cargo today.
“This crate?” Ashe asked, reaching out to tap it with her rifle. “Huh, Bob,” she called, and the large omnic pressed a button on top of the crate, causing it to open. “Well, well,” she muttered. “Now you got my attention,” Danny could see a mist escaping the pod. “What is it?”
“That’s none of your business,” Jesse responded, and Ashe obviously didn’t like that answer, hopping down from where she stood on the hoverkart.
“Far as I see it,” Ashe pumped her gun, and Danny prepared herself, her finger lowering closer to the trigger. “Now it’s very much our business,” Jesse’s sigh came through the comms, and Danny mirrored it. Everytime, Jesse would be disappointed, despite the fact that he knew things wouldn’t change.
“It doesn’t always have to be this way, Ashe,” he said, lifting the cigar to his lips for another drag as Ashe stepped forward.
“Apparently,” she cocked her gun, a final threat to tell the cowboy to back off. “It does,” Bob, the large omnic, stepped up behind Ashe, holding a Route 66 sign, and a lackey stepped up on her other side, dual pistols in his hands. Danny sucked in a breath, seeing more lackeys come from the smoke, surrounding Jesse. She lowered her finger further, to where it was resting on the trigger. An omnic with a rifle sat on one of the cars, his metal arms glinting in the sun, and she aimed down her scope at him, choosing him as her first target.
A tumbleweed rolled across the road between Jesse and Ashe, and Danny snorted in laughter.
“Really?” she murmured, but she got no reply. She wasn’t expecting one, seeing as Jesse was in an intense standoff with Ashe. Her attention went back to the omnic’s green hood, waiting for the fire fight to begin.
All of a sudden, Ashe fired her rifle, and Jesse dove out of the way, firing at the lackey beside her. Jo shot a round into the omnic’s head, before zeroing in on another Deadlock member. Jesse threw a flash bang, before shooting at the tracks, causing a car to come falling down. One of the Deadlocks got his foot stuck in a wire, and Danny giggled as he was tugged up and began swinging above the battlefield. Not wanting him to get in her way, Danny shot him in the chest before quickly following the wire up to the bridge, seeing where it was attached and shooting it, causing the man to thud to the ground. Some rocks fell to the ground, providing cover as Jesse ran across the street and Ashe shot at him. He jumped behind a boulder, firing at Ashe, who let out a shout.
The bullets Mcree fired panged off of the Route 66 sign, which Bob held in front of Ashe’s head. Danny could hear Ashe shouting at Bob as she shot another lackey. Her eyes scanned the area, searching for any Deadlock who were lurking around. Bob raised, his arm, and Danny’s eyes widened as three mini turrets popped out of his arm. 
“Jesse!” she called nervously, but Jesse just chuckled, and amongst the fire of Bob’s arm gun she heard shells falling to the ground as he reloaded behind the boulder.
“Looks like Bob got himself some upgrades,” Jesse chuckled, and Danny rolled her eyes, shooting a man who came up between Ashe and Bob to start shooting at Jesse’s cover. He fell with a thud, and Ashe quickly scrambled behind the hoverkart.
“Sniper!” the Deadlock leader shouted, and Danny cursed as the Deadlock members who had been emerging to shoot dove behind and under cover.
“Wasn’t gonna last, darling,” Jesse reassured her with a soft laugh, and Danny grunted in annoyance, shooting the omnic who she had shot earlier as he stumbled to his feet. This time he was most certainly dead as she could clearly see the wires spark through the hole in his head. “Thank ya’ kindly,” Jesse said, and Danny grinned.
“Course,” she responded, shooting a Deadlock who peeked out from behind his cover.
“Last chance Mcree!” Ashe shouted, and Danny cursed as a shot was fired, blowing away a chunk of Jesse’s cover. She tried to get a clear shot, but Ashe had strategically placed herself in Bob’s shadow. “Toss out your weapon!” Jesse grunted.
“Danny?” he asked, and Danny sighed, shaking her head despite knowing he couldn’t see her.
“I can’t get a shot,” she told him, and he heaved out a sigh.
“Alright Ashe,” Jesse called, and Danny’s brows furrowed at the sudden mirth in his voice. “Here it comes!” he shouted, before tossing the belt of grenades the man had dropped earlier towards Ashe and her cronies.
“Oh shit!” Ashe shouted as the grenade hurtled towards her, and Jesse dove out from his cover, shooting the grenades precisely. Danny smiled as they exploded, sending the Deadlock gang members flying. Jesse dramatically twirled his peacekeeper before holstering it, and Danny giggled.
“Coming down,” she said, before closing the scope on her rifle and swinging it over her shoulder once more.
“Alright, sweetpea,” Jesse said, and Danny jumped from her perch to a much smaller outcropping on the canyon wall, gripping it with her kinetic gloves. She glanced at the distance and grinned, dropping herself the rest of the way down and laughing with glee as her kinetic boots absorbed the force, letting her land silently and painlessly.
“I love these boots,” Danny giggled, skipping towards the groaning Deadlock members.
“Oh, I know,” Jesse chuckled teasingly, grabbing a rope and helping Danny lug the bodies onto the hoverkart. 
Danny crouched down next to Ashe, getting a whiff of the woman’s scent-alpha, and was just finishing the knot on the rope around her wrists when Jesse began laughing.
“What?” she asked, glancing up at him, only to blink in surprise as a sudden weight was on top of her head. Whatever it was-it felt like a hat-sank down until it was covering her eyes, and Danny heard the sound of a camera shutter. She sputtered, reaching up and pushing the brim of what she now realized was Bob’s bowler hat up until it rested on the top of her head, no longer obscuring her vision. “What?!” she gasped again, glaring as Jesse laughed harder, his forearms coming to rest on his knees. “Did you just take a picture?!” she demanded, gasping as before she could react Jesse straightened and took another one. She tore the hat off her head, hurling it at Jesse, who let out an ‘oof’ as it hit him in the stomach. “Help me tie these guys up,” she muttered, setting up the three Deadlock members who they had lugged onto the hoverkart so their backs were to each other. Jesse tied each of their wrists while Danny tied a rope around all of them and tied their ankles together as well.
Once they had finished that, and Jesse had finished taking off Bob’s head, they struggled to get the crate off of the kart.
“Come on,” Jesse grunted, his arms straining as they tried to lift it, and Danny was in a similar situation, her much smaller arms shaking with effort. Her eyes widened when she saw a scrap of metal that had fallen earlier, letting go of the pod and running over to it. Jesse groaned as her assistance was taken, and the pod thudded back the 2 inches they had lifted it onto the kart. “Danny?” he called, and looked over at her as she dropped the scrap metal against the side of the hoverkart. She jumped back on, pushing the pod until it rolled down and onto the street.
“There,” she sighed, releasing a heavy breath and placing her hands on her hips, and Jesse chuckled, nodding and grabbing Bob’s head to put on a pile of ropes so it wouldn’t roll away.
Both of their heads turned when Ashe groaned, slowly sitting up.
“Mcree?” she called, her eyes widening when they landed on Danny. Jesse pat Bob’s head, placing his bowler hat on it at a tilt.
“Sorry ‘bout that, Bob,” he said, not sorry at all. “No hard feelings?” the omnic just blinked at him, and Danny grinned.
“Mcree?” Ashe asked once more. “Mcree! Hey! Untie me Mcree!” she shouted as Danny programmed in the route that would take them back to their gang.
“Say hi to the gang, for me,” Jesse said, walking off with a salute, and Danny hopped off the hoverkart, waving at Ashe. Ashe screamed threats at the both of them as the hoverkart began to move.
“I’m gonna rebuild Bob! And I’m gonna have him rip off your other arm! And your stupid sniper’s arms! Mcree!!” her voice faded off into the distance, and Jesse and Danny shared a look before bursting into laughter.
Jesse and Danny were still giggling when he opened the pod, taking a chip from his pocket and placing it in a perfectly shaped hole. The lines sealed as the chip integrated into the machine, which began to emit a glow as it powered on. Danny stepped to the side as a holographic face appeared. Her (at least, its face looked like it was a her) eyes zeroed in on Jesse, and a grin appeared on her face.
“Hey there, cowboy,” she greeted, and Jesse returned the grin.
“Welcome back, partner,” he reached out a hand, and the robot extended her much daintier one, allowing him to help lift her out of the pod. Danny’s eyes shone as she looked at the robotic woman in wonder. She didn’t appear to be an omnic-but she wasn’t sure what else to classify her as. The robot hummed as wing-like shapes powered up behind her, and she hovered over the ground.
“How long have I been gone?” she asked, and Jesse smiled as he took off his hat.
“Far too long,” the robot turned her hand over, studying his prosthetic.
“What happened?” Jesse’s face twisted awkwardly, and he gently pulled his hand from her grip.
“Well that’s… a story for another time,” he dismissed, before turning to Danny. “Come say hi, sweetpea!” he called, and Danny cautiously approached, smiling nervously at the pair.
“Who is this?” the robot asked curiously, hovering closer to Danny and peering at her face. The human woman shifted uncomfortably.
“Echo,” Jesse called. “This is Danny, my…” he paused as he tried to think of how to introduce her. “Sister,” he finally settled on, and Echo’s head tilted.
“You don’t have any siblings,” she argued, and Jesse shrugged.
“I do now,” was all he said in answer, and Echo ‘hmph’ed, turning and studying Danny once more.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, and Echo smiled slightly down at her.
“And you,” she said. Jesse stepped up.
“I got a call,” he said, and Echo looked between him and Danny. “They’re getting the band back together, and they want me,” he paused, smiling gently at Echo. “But they need you,” Echo smiled slightly at him as he put his stetson back on, beginning to make his way to his hoverbike, which sat parked right next to Danny’s own.
“Jesse!” she called, and he paused. “What are you and Danny going to do?” she asked, and Jesse chuckled, continuing towards the bike, and Danny smiled at Echo before following him, swinging a leg up to get on her own bike.
“I’ve got some business to attend to,” he said, powering up his bike.
“But we’ll be along,” Danny said with a grin, twisting the handle to power up her bike as well. Jesse put his cigar back in his mouth, they’d be on the road soon enough.
“Say hi to the monkey for me,” he said, and Echo’s face pinched.
“Monkey?” she repeated, and Jesse laughed.
“Scientist, whatever,” he shrugged, before revving his engine and tearing off down the road. Danny grinned, following right behind him.
“What business?” Danny shouted at him over the roar of the wind, and Jesse grinned back at her.
“You wanted to go to the Ink’N’Iron Festival, didn’t ya?” he shouted back. Danny laughed gleefully, revving her engine and zooming past him.
“Hell yeah!”
Chapter 3
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overfics · 6 years
Moonlit Cuddling-Werewolf Mcree AU boyxboy
Fluff for overwatchfantasies
As you dried the last dish, you looked out the window above your kitchen sink. You sighed knowing that your lover would be out all night. That damned moon you thought. Why tonight of all nights? It was the day that Jesse would be moving into your place. You had power cleaned your house and even bought a bigger bed for the both of you. He had texted you earlier apologizing and letting you know that moving day would have to be post poned for tomorrow. Of course you said it was okay, but truth be told you had gotten so excited that you may have even forgotten that your life wasn’t exactly a normal one. It wasn’t the problem that he was a wolf, it was that every time a full moon came out he had to be gone. Not returning until the next day. No phone calls; not even an I love you text. But you knew that it wasn’t his fault and you’d never blame him of course but, you hated being lonely and he was your shelter from all things bad. Your parents had shunned you since your werewolf boyfriend had an accident and revealed his true colors. They could never be prepared for anything like that and you wanted to hide it but Mcree couldn’t stop it and accidentally shifted into his wolf. You sat on your couch and sighed remembering it. As you pulled up a blanket onto yourself, you turned on Netflix and scrolled through picking anything to distract yourself from the emptiness of your house.
You were woken up by soft pecks on your cheek. As you looked up you saw your love Mcree. “What are you doing here? Isn’t the moon still out?” He chuckled and kissed your lips. “Of course it is darlin’ it’s three in the morning and you are lookin at a fully turned werewolf.” He beamed and you sat up instantly with wide eyes. “Really? It finally happened?!” He pecked your lips and said “Yup. Got changed tonight and now I can shift whenever I want and not have to worry about full moons anymore.” You hugged him tightly knowing that your nights would never be lonley again. “Look pumpkin I’m awful sorry I couldn’t be here until just now but I am proud of you for cleaning the house for once.” You gently punched his arm. “Shut up Jesse I’m clean! Just in my own way.” You both laughed as Mcree moved to the other side of the bed and got in. “Yeah sure. Wow you even shaved. You must really care about me.” You blushed and sank into his chest. “I’m just glad you’re here and when I wake up the first thing I’ll get to see is you.” Mcree held you in his arms and wrapped the blankets around you. “Well darlin’ I’m glad that this is our home now. I love you pumpkin.” “I love you too.” You said as you both drifted off to sleep excited for what the future held for you two.
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ao3feed-mchanzo · 4 years
All Bets Off
by SparkPlug
Dr. Eden Scott is a medical specialist for secondary genders. When her article is released three days after her idols, Overwatch, announce they're looking for a doctor specializing in Secondary Genders, she never expects to be hired. She doesn't even believe it until she's standing in front of a room full of the humans in Overwatch.
How could there be a downside to being the main doctor for secondary genders for Overwatch?
Or is there more than she knows?
Words: 28199, Chapters: 9/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Overwatch One Shots and Drabbles
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Original Overwatch Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Original Characters, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Winston (Overwatch), Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Lúcio Correia dos Santos, Hana "D.Va" Song, Reinhardt Wilhelm, Ana Amari, Sombra | Olivia Colomar, Hanzo Shimada, Lena "Tracer" Oxton, Jesse McCree, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Jean-Baptiste Augustin, Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova, Moira O'Deorain, Widowmaker | Amélie Lacroix, Mei-Ling Zhou, Roadhog | Mako Rutledge, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes, Brigitte Lindholm, Torbjörn Lindholm, Genji Shimada
Relationships: Genji Shimada/Reader, Genji Shimada/Original Female Character(s), Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison/Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Lúcio Correia dos Santos & Hana "D.Va" Song, Genji Shimada & Hana "D.Va" Song, Lúcio Correia dos Santos & Genji Shimada, Genji Shimada & Hanzo Shimada, Jesse Mcree & Original Character, Angela "Mercy" Ziegler & Original Character(s), Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Genji Shimada/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Omegaverse, Eventual Romance, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Relationships, Romance, Fluff, Light Angst, Medical Procedures, Medical, Mpreg, Omega Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Minor Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Alpha Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Omega Angela "Mercy" Ziegler, Omega Original Character(s), Inspired by Fanfiction, Inspired by a Daydream, Slow Burn, Crushes, Idol Crushes, Alpha Genji Shimada, Genji Shimada is a Little Shit, Hanzo Shimada is a Little Shit, Omega Hanzo Shimada, Alpha Jesse McCree, Alpha Roadhog | Mako Rutledge, Omega Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes, Courtship, Hanzo Shimada is Traditional, Hanzo Shimada and Genji Shimada are getting there, Genji Shimada's Dragon, Soba the Dragon - Freeform, Canon Disabled Character, Author Is Sleep Deprived, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Post-Canon, Not Canon Compliant, Some Mistakes Get Made, Some Humor, Dick Jokes, Junkrat | Jamison Fawkes Has ADHD, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Eventual Heats?, Sleepovers, Gaming, Jesse McCree is a Little Shit, Almost Kiss, Marking, Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Some Plot, Weird Plot Shit, This Was Supposed To Be A Slowburn, Genji Shimada is Adorable, Cyborg Genji Shimada, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Comfort/Angst, It's Not FanFic Without Angst, Not Beta Read, Rutting, Rejection, Angst and Romance, Rejection Angst, Soulmates but make it angst, What Have I Done, I Made Myself Cry, I Wrote This While Listening to Hozier's Music, almost smutt, Eventual Happy Ending, Sad with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Smutt, Porn, Porn with Feelings, Porn With Plot, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Size Kink, Scent Kink
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