#jess replies!
inkskinned · 1 year
i got my isbn today for the book. 8 months to go. my mom and i were talking about what the next steps are. i was eating trail mix, standing on one foot, phone tucked into my ear.
"yeah," i said. "the problem is that tumblr as a market is like, not something that can be studied." there's this weird wave of nostalgia and affection for this place that came up over me: how lovely we avoid consumerism. okay, it sucks as a creator. but also? keep stickin' it to 'em.
my mother made the sound at the back of her throat that i also make, the one that means i've got an idea. "you should figure out some kind of reward for presale amounts. maybe you give out poems or a mug or a signed book or something. would your followers like that?" my mother is sweet, and kind, and i have no idea how to explain on this website you can buy someone crabs.
i put more m&ms down the hatch. i had to speak through peanuts and almonds. "if it passes 25 thousand i will print the book out in its entirety and eat it live on camera."
"oh god. no, you don't have to do that." she was anguished. "just tell them that you'd love them to read it, and that they've inspired you to write. you got started on that site, and they helped you keep going. raquel, you love these people. the community? you talk all the time about the other writers and artists and whatever else. tell them that you're hoping for their support, they'll come through."
"no," i assured her. i discovered i had dropped an m&m, but an ant had already found it, so it belonged to him now. i will let his little life have a surprise blue treasure in it, too. "i'm gonna fuckin' eat the book."
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anstarwar · 8 months
For the clone outfits requests, I'd love to see Cody in a kilt or Jesse in a pretty dress, but no worries if that's not your thing 🥰
Ayoooo my weakness! I love a clone in a pretty dress so I had to! Don’t ask me why (cuz I really don’t know) but the name Jesse always seemed like a very 80s name in my head so I thought he’d enjoy a nice 80s oil slick colored floofy dress :3
Thank you for sending this request in!
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hier--soir · 2 months
Hi I thought you and swiftispunk are friends? Why didn't you post anything about her story getting stolen?
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a11eya · 3 months
can you rec some of your favorite bakugo fics or writers on here?
hi anon! yeah ofc!! tho i have to preface this by saying that i haven't really read any bkg fanfic, whether on here or tumblr, for months now... when i write, it's hard for me to read for the characters i write for—not sure why!—so i can only rec writers i really enjoy but found before i even started writing bkg fanfic haha. (they are very popular writers! much more popular than i am so!! if you found me you'll most likely know them already so sorry 🥺)
off the top of my head, and by no means an exhaustive list—
i talked about eli's fic "i like to call myself wound but i will answer to knife" in this ask i got way back, but her bkg fic "in the dark of morning, you promise me the sun" is devastatinggggg
cee's fic "give you my wild" 👀 god the emotional depth of this fic
willow's fic "and you take me the way i am" ahhhhh reader is his assistant like PLEASE the premise
andie's fic "savvy" is MWAH enemies to lovers
also, if ya'll have any recs for me to read!! pls drop them in the replies!!!
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jesse-pinko · 10 months
If Breaking Bad were truly a karmic universe everyone would stone Walter to death Shirley Jackson style and they would throw Jesse a surprise party (dry) every week and he would be like “yo it’s not exactly a surprise if it happens every week” but he’d say it while looking really really happy and having a lot of fun
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s1x-foot-deep · 17 days
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catch buck at the end of next episode, after dating Natalia doesn't work out, saying "damn I really thought she understood me. How am i ever going to find someone who sees me as well as you do Eddie? I wish I could just date you" what then
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mattsshapelyass · 2 years
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Guys I predicted this A WHOLE MONTH AGO
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Beta Readers Wanted!
Hey my babies!
This is a shout-out post on behalf of my hubby.
He’s currently writing a book and needs some volunteer beta readers!
It’s sci fi genre, mature content (so no minors please!)
What I’ve read so far is really good and I said I’d try to spread the word and try and find him some more people to read and give their honest opinions!
If you are interested, or know anyone who would be, please share with them or DM me!
Please share and reblog so we can find people who would be into this!
Thank you babies! 👍🏻💕
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sy5starplaty · 1 year
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Mise-en-scène: Set Design & Shot Composition
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guardianspirits13 · 8 months
Pop Quiz!
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hearthouses · 6 months
happy wincest wednesday!! what do you think would happen if jess found out?
This is highly dependent on when she finds out and how she finds out, in my opinion.
Personally, I struggle a lot with fics where Jess is immediately okay with it and even kinks on incest because it often feels like an easy way to avoid conflict and drama. In an effort to sketch out her character, it feels more like she's positioned as a "cool girl" plot device who is down for anything rather than a fully formed, real person with feelings that can be hurt. So for a situation where Jess eventually becomes okay with it, I imagine it would take a lot of work and development to get there.
My primary thought would be an AU where Jess lives, but in the process is injured and traumatized, and feeling deeply hurt and betrayed by Sam who she discovers has been lying and ommiting truths, leaving her vulnerable. If she chooses to go with them, it would need to be for herself and her own peace of mind, but in the process, she would be getting to know Sam as he is and not as he presented himself, all his dark parts and secrets, and not knowing if she can love this Sam when she fell in love with an illusion. In this AU, I imagine she becomes closer to Dean by default of there being no history, Dean is a clean slate, Dean hasn't lied to her and made her believe he was someone he wasn't. A writer would have to develop Dean and Jess as a separate relationship and dynamic, then have Jess open up to Sam again.
As for her finding out about Sam and Dean in this scenario, I think depending how everything unfolds and develops is what would make or break it. I don't think Jess is in a position to immediately accept it because I imagine she's lived a fairly regular life, and while I think people are cool with things in fiction, it's another thing entirely to have it shoved in your face in reality. I imagine in the best case scenario, with development, it's still a shock to her system and she would have to reconcile everything else that has happened, on top of finding out the man she was going to possibly marry is in love with his brother. So I waver on if she can fully commit and be all in, or not, which I don't blame her at all for and would rather a more realistic and messy possible break up, over a situation that rings hollow and false.
As for finding out during the canon Stanford timeline, I can't imagine any other scenario than her assuming Dean had sexually abused Sam. This would be figuring something happened when Sam was underage, and that Dean being older and his caregiver meant he took advantage. I think she would loathe Dean in this scenario and attempt to help Sam with trying to get him therapy or give him books or find groups he can attend, all while Sam continues to insist it was never like that and wholeheartedly defending Dean. I imagine she would be cold to Dean when he shows up in the pilot and unable to figure out why Sam would want to go off with him.
I also like scenarios where Sam confesses half-truths, like he was younger when he lost his virginity to somone older and Jess using context clues and coming to the worst conclusions. In these scenarios, Jess means well and is trying to help Sam because she loves him and she's never going to be able to wrap her mind around in what world any of this would be okay, or even understandable. She doesn't have the same frame of reference or experience. I personally would love to see more fics that explore the complexities and nuances of what it would be like to be Jess and having to come to terms with all this information, as well as fics that don't necessarily end in a happy poly Sam/Dean/Jess situation, but rather Jess realizing the best thing for her would be to walk away.
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aphicidi0 · 2 months
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hier--soir · 1 month
I know that you've stopped updating your ALP story which is completely your prerogative. However I wonder if you would consider doing a few paragraphs on how you intended to close out the story? Just so that us still hanging on have some kind of closure? I think perhaps that may take the pressure you might be putting on yourself off as well. You're a beautiful writer.
hey darling!
thank you so much for you message, i actually appreciate this a lot because i have considered this! i think it would be nice for those who want to know how it ends, and i would love to share that. the only thing that sucks is i of course would want to WRITE the ending but i suppose if i were to share the ending to provide closure and one day post the full final chapter some people would still be curious to read that.
but overall yeah i think this is something i might do! i’ll think on it for a little while but this is definitely on my mind♥️
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a11eya · 11 months
Heyyy so firstly just wanna say I love lwgyh and your writing is beautiful. For the event you’re thinking about doing what about either coffee shop/bookstore au or dystopia au with Bakugou?
you're so sweet 🥺💞 i'm so glad you're enjoying lwgyh, and thank you for reading!
so—i'm not sure if you're referring to the build-a-fic event i was talking about last week or the fanfic trope mashup game i reblogged recently!! i'm going to assume it's for the game, since those AUs you mentioned are listed 🙏
6. Coffee Shop AU 💖 Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
“Hey,” you say, voice distant, distracted. “One sec, okay?”
You don’t wait for a response, continuing to pipe out frosting, wanting to finish this complicated design while you’re in the groove of things.
After a minute, you exhale and lean back. The cake looks good. You’re positive your client’s going to be pleased.
You look up.
Bakugou’s leaning against the kitchen doorway, watching you. His arms are crossed. You’re surprised he hasn’t come over to hover over your shoulder, pressuring you to finish up and give him your full attention. It’s what he always does—impatient, overbearing. Distracting.
He’s lucky you like him, despite it all.
These last two years contracted with his coffee shop, providing them with baked goods, were rough at times. Bakugou’s ruthless, demanding, only wanting the best and things his way. He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind, and he doesn’t care how it comes out. It’s resulted in several arguments between the two of you. But you’ve come to an understanding, now. You respect his high standards, and he respects your expertise.
“You hear for the week’s shipment? You’re early,” you say, cocking your head.
“Here to go over the quantities. We need to increase them again,” he says.
“Really?” You smile, pleased. “That’s great news!”
Your smile fades into a frown. “Oh, but I can’t tonight. I’m going to the small business association meeting.”
Bakugou clicks his tongue. “Then we’ll meet after. I’ll wait.”
You begin putting away your supplies, the cake, and start cleaning yourself up.
“No can do, Bakugou,” you say. “Going on a date right after. Let’s meet tomorrow.”
Bakugou scowls. “A date? What dumbass asked you on a date?”
You half turn your body to look at him, hands stuck under the sink, soapy. You glare.
“You’re so rude. I’m not the one who hasn’t gone on a single date in over a year. Loser.” Not like you’re much better. You’ve gone on a couple dates over the past couple years that’ve all amounted to nothing. You keep trying because you think it’ll help you get over this dumb crush on the mean blond in front of you. You’re getting a little desperate.
Bakugou scoffs. “I’m focused on my business, not dating randos.”
You wipe your hands dry and come over to him, looking up into his grumpy face.
“Well, that’s your choice. Now please scooch yourself out of my kitchen and out of my bakery. I’ve got places to be.”
You place your hands on his back and push. You try to ignore the warmth of his skin through his shirt, the breadth of his shoulders.
Predictably, he doesn’t move an inch. Instead, completely unpredictably, he twists around and grabs your wrists, pulling you closer.
Startled, you blink rapidly as he leans in. He smells a little of coffee and whatever detergent he uses. His eyes are such a warm red, so close.
“What—” you start, but stop as the bell above your front door chimes and you hear light footsteps approach the kitchen.
Bakugou releases you just as another blond head pops through the door.
“Hey!” Takami smiles. “Ready to go?”
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leviiackrman · 8 days
Might as well have the salt before the sweet; so here is Rin's Finished Timeline!
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @d-esmond @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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