#jesper thread.
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inkshadow · 3 hours ago
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"okay, when you put it that way, it sounds terrible but i think i've already done my time in doing the dinner with her. was it also beneficial for me to get a good foot in the door with your parents? absolutely but if i didn't come over tonight then we wouldn't be here either. and... and i like being here. with you. maybe even more than i like being with cora." the 'maybe' is really to soften the blow on his end at the realization that he's enjoyed his time far more with este than he has with cora tonight. maybe even after a course of several nights. for this to be the last time he can ever really hang out with este twists his chest a bit more than he cares to admit. "no, we obviously don't tell her about the kiss," he chuffs a bit, reiterating what they're both aligned on just to give him a few more seconds of thought. "that house continues to be unbearable for you, doesn't it?" he asks softly, slowly, internalizing the position that he's putting her in whilst quietly nibbling on another almond. "look, i don't want to make this hard on you but if you want honesty, i'll give it to you. i have enjoyed tonight more than i've enjoyed most of my nights this last year. whatever this is... you are such a fun and easy person to talk to and someone that i'd kill to have in my life for longer than one night. and that kiss?" he scoff-laughs, shaking his head before admitting, "it was a damn good kiss. two seconds of something so... so fucking innocent? it wasn't even a deep one. but i can't stop thinking about it."
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“no, no, you’re right. someone who already hates the idea of sharing the spotlight with their little sister in the most basic of ways is going to be totally chill about their new boyfriend choosing to hang out with her on a friday night instead of them. silly me.” now she’s right back to huffing again, slumping a bit further in her seat and continuing to shove what’s basically become this evening’s emotional support snack into her mouth. it isn’t his fault, not really. he hasn’t known cora anywhere near long enough to fully understand and even then, she’s still his girlfriend; it would be silly to assume he wouldn’t take her side the way most other people do, but that doesn’t make it any more bearable to listen to. “well, technically you already kissed me and i don’t think it would go down very well if she knew about that part.” it doesn’t matter if they both agree that nothing further will happen between them — even if it meant nothing at the time, something already did. “oh, shut up. i don’t get scared.” eyes roll, likely giving him the exact reaction he anticipated, yet unable to stop it. it isn’t about fear, it’s about trying to make her life easy for a change. “i’m an expert at sneaking. i used to sneak out a lot as a teenager, so it’s not like i don’t know how to do any of it. that part isn’t new territory for me.”
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inkshadow · 1 day ago
random closed starter for @sunliights ft. jesper and noah
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"hey. are you free?" his call to noah is abnormal, to say the least. usually prefers other methods when it came to booty calls. however, it's a random weeknight, he's nearly two bottles of wine in and he's thinking about fallon... and that's just never a great combination. his best friend has kids now too; it's not like he can call him up whenever he wants anymore. "if you're not, totally cool but if you are, can we meet somewhere? i don't really care where. or you can come to mine. it's messy right now but, you know, whatever."
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the-wraiths-wife · 8 months ago
I'm starting a new thread abt the crow's insta stories.
First up, Matty<3
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knomelooking · 1 year ago
Love that films are finally giving men skirts, they deserve to feel like princesses
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inkshadow · 1 month ago
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"you offered the information, i'm not going to say it again! right... well i'm still in need of something that you have for me so hand it over and i'll be on my way."
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"yeah, i didn't think hard enough about you being a perv. it is too much work. mhm, this way everyone is happy with what they've got!"
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crowshoots · 9 months ago
concept. three-way thread but its your muse, jesper, and a muse from my multimuse
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lessnearthesun · 1 year ago
I think if social media existed in the Grishaverse, someone on the Twitter equivalent would try to cancel Kaz for being a class traitor and then someone else would go “girl he’s literally a mob boss who kills people……he has worse problems” leading to huge debates. I just know Nina and Jesper are laughing their asses off. They definitely share the drama with Matthias, Wylan, and Inej, and probably also stir shit up for entertainment purposes. Kaz, of course, wouldn’t be aware of this because he doesn’t use social media, but I like to imagine that Inej tells him and he’s just like “well, I’m glad to see everyone agrees that I am a bastard for one reason or another 💅”
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inkshadow · 1 year ago
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❝ well, you should've known what you were getting when we kissed. ❞ given his aversion to anything serious, it was only natural to come to the conclusion that everything that night happened for fun. to save her from men with grubby paws who can't take no for an answer. the biggest surprise ( which remains a surprise to this day ) was how easy it felt to kiss her, like they should've been doing it all along. knowing that thought won't get them anywhere, however, jesper nods along and keeps his head down as he picks apart the rest of the meal, only to scoop each bit on his spoon again to clean his plate completely. to think he ever believed he wasn't hungry... or maybe it was kaori's food that always seemed to have him changing his mind. the conversation between her and her mother was comforting to listen to. while he may not have been privy to the details of her mother tongue, the tone more than made up for it. for once, the air around him feels full, warm... and wildly unfamiliar. his body prickles at the growing anxiety of properly introducing himself to someone's parent, having not spoken to his own in what feels like years. but he waits and listens intently, occasionally flashing a glance to see if he's missed a cue to chime in and say hello.
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          " would you have really ? i feel like i gave you the go-ahead and then you just went emotional on me. felt like i was in some emotional rollercoaster. " she speaks up, not bothering to water down or mince her words, as she knew that out of everyone, she could be the most transparent with jesper. laughing against the palm of his hand as she's pushed back down further into the chair. " exactly, i think it was a pretty accurate description of you, in my humble opinion. " it was weird, she knew that he was just trying to protect her eyes in the event that she walks in on him and someone else, but there was a twinge inside her chest when he said that and she was scared to explore that feeling. a playful grin follows when he praises her cooking, " good to know. but i would argue that you should eat more, not that i'm trying to make you blow up or anything. i just feel like you don't enough considering your job. " she shrugs, fully aware that her cooking was great, knowing it was in her blood. " okay, let's do that. i'll let you know when you can say hi. i'm thinking i have to do some damage control first for letting her think i was withchild. " finally grabbing her phone nearby, she dials her mom's number and laughs when she immediately answers the call, switching to her native tongue, kaori engages in a casual conversation at first, assuring her mom that she wasn't pregnant.
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inkshadow · 2 months ago
continued for @sunliights from the source
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"okay, when?" if anything, didn't that statement alone just prove his point? that she's so aggravated at jesper to the point of wanting to get back at him? another almond popped into his mouth, the male listens ever so careful amidst his chewing, the corners of his lips in a shit-eating smirk. "awww so you found a nice guy? you're gonna fucking eat him alive, noah. that guy's not gonna wanna go out with you again. or, well, maybe. you two did fuck on the first date — that says a lot." he totally ignores the statement about not everything being about him. he agrees. he wants this bit of conversation to be all about her.
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storystartsanew · 2 years ago
"Sure, I made mistakes when I was younger. We all did! But now that I'm older, I've learned to make different, often far more serious mistakes."
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littlelightningbvg · 2 years ago
@lannamused gets a semi-plotted starter.
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Kay had been out in the garden when she’d discovered it; an odd looking bug, sort of shaped like a grasshopper, that was about the size of her hand. The insect was nothing like she’d ever seen before, and in her excitement to show Wylan she’d hurriedly, and carefully, carried it in through the back door of the mansion into the kitchen.
“Wylan! Wylan, you have to come see what I found!” she called out and glanced up into the empty room. It took her a second to remember him telling her that he’d be going out for something, and that Jesper would be around if she needed anything. Well, she hadn’t met him yet, and didn’t know if he liked bugs or not… but there was always a chance he did.
As she stepped further into the room, the insect on her hand began to shift, and suddenly it leapt from her hand into the air, large wings fluttering as it took flight. “Woah!” Kay exclaimed, mouth falling open as she watched it head for the hallway. “You – You can fly! … no, wait! Hang on! Come back! You – You cant just fly away!” The critter landed against the hall wall for only a minute before it leapt off again, disappearing down the hallway and out of sight. Quickly she tried to follow after it, but wasn't fast enough.
”Oh no…” she whispered apprehensively, shoulders sagging and heart sinking. “I lost it. I lost the bug, and now I’m going to be in trouble.”
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inkshadow · 1 year ago
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❝ wow, how about you stop giving me lip? it's like you're obsessed with everything i tell you. ❞ so what if he'd repeated himself? to him, she really needed to get it through her head. their habit of skirting around questions and never answering anything head-on could potentially become a problem in the future but he couldn't remember the last time he'd taken her seriously to consider it an issue. ❝ it's worked so far. ew, you're too young to be considered a sugar mommy. call me up when you're.. i dunno, ten years older? ❞ jesper teased, soft tongue peaking between lips. ❝ thanks mommy, ❞ he uttered one last time before scoping the place for a warm spot to perch, ultimately landing on a secluded little table in the back corner near some floating bookshelves.
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her eyebrows shot up in response to his words. "you're so interested in what i say, but you said the same thing just a few seconds ago, and i didn't tease you or question you about it," she pointed out, deliberately avoiding answering his question. as they entered the cafe, she couldn't help but notice how many other couples had sought refuge from the cold inside. "oh, so i have to feed you to make you stay?" she playfully asked, shaking her head at his remark. "look at me, i'm a sugar mommy," she chuckled. "go find us a table, and i'll get that macchiato for you."
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averrse · 2 years ago
@gaerlhoss “ you think i don’t notice but i do.  i can tell something’s wrong.  ” (from jesper)
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The first thought is that he's let Jesper get too comfortable with him.
He's made too many concessions--small and sporadic as they've been--that have culminated in this moment. The thought comes with the impulse to do something frightening. Something in this moment to remind Jesper of who Kaz really is, and what he's capable of, and after that, to rebuild a distance between the two of them. It would be easy enough to return to a time when one hard look from Kaz could make Jesper sit up straight and look away.
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Kaz turns his glass in the ring of condensation on the surface of the table and sets that first thought aside for reasons that he won't think too much about now.
"And what is it you notice, exactly?" He flicks his eyes at Jesper, then away again.
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dvrast · 2 years ago
a thing about jesper is that he is constantly afraid. angry and frightened— that's what the fjerdan had called him. what had matthias and inej seen in jesper that he didn't understand ? / [ stop treating your pain like it's something you imagined. if you see the wound is real, then you can heal it. ] / you taught me to lie. [ to keep you safe. ] i had a gift. you should have let me use it. [ it's not a gift. it's a curse. it would have killed you the same way it killed your mother. ] i'm dying anyway, da. i'm just doing it slow. it's a genetic disease, father to son. inheritance. power, from his mother. fear, from his father.
it was one thing to be born zowa in his father's house, a weight impossible to tip - toe around with the old farm floorboards creaking under every step, something reaching deep down in his chest to hold his breath from a young age. it was that easy, as breathing, as long as it kept the fear off his father's face ; even easier, whispering truths like pearly whites tucked inside unassuming seashells with his mother. she was brave, braver than the both of them, and she made it easy, until she couldn't. after her death, colm's fear deepened, widened, and it swallowed jesper whole.
the world was always too small for jesper, too big, for grisha of any kind, an open range with traps and snares littered every few feet like landmines. you're born as prey animals native to every continent, or trained into predators in ravka. there isn't a single hill or meadow that's safe, not really. this is a part of why he leaves for ketterdam in the first place, no matter how afraid he is to leave his da, alone in a haunted house. but he can't stay there, not when it feels like the same thing that killed his ma is lurking under the floor, hiding in the rafters, breathing down his neck. but it wasn't the house. it was a part of him, some heavy, extra organ, and he takes it with him wherever he goes. it begins to feel like some kind of birth defect, something somewhere just a millimeter out of line, killing him slowly with every too - fast beat of his rabbit heart. sleeping, waking, this inescapable, primal paranoia. it'll kill him, just for being born.
jesper has what we would call generalized anxiety disorder on top of his attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and it's at its worst once he realizes this feeling isn't something he can leave back home in his father's house. one could go mad with it, not a single place in which you can feel yourself, safe, whole, and he feels a little mad, at first, digesting this revelation ; this is his life, a blessed death. this is what it means to be zowa, his mother's son, his father's prodigal, home or far from it, everywhere, anywhere in the world. he can't ever catch his breath in ketterdam, since before even that, light and heavy all at once, a freedom you can only feel from falling. he feels like a dead man walking the streets, less to lose than even that, and it's easy, easy as breathing, to lay down what little money fit in his pockets with or without the promise of it earning any of it back. ketterdam is alive, though, and he learns quickly how fear is in the very air, but with it, an immunity in its people. something fearless in the water. it was almost inevitable, then, that the most fearless creature in the barrel is who jesper finds himself drawn to even more than the promise of a light burning brightest before it goes out, like a moth to flame. kaz brekker makes him feel like he could be brave for the first time since his mother. like he could survive.
fear is a lot easier to face if you don't ever look away in the first place. if you never come down from the high, there's never any crash - landing, and life with the dregs is a rollercoaster of ups and downs to simulate a freefall that's in his actions instead of his bones. joining the dregs, joining kaz, it gives a name to the grip in his chest— a false one, but a name all the same. he can't be afraid of living if he's dodging death left and right. this fear he has is for a bullet in his head, a knife in his back, dime lions or black tips or stadwatch or debt collectors instead of slavers or drüskelle or ravka or poisoned little girls in need of saving or his father's scared, scared eyes— ketterdam is where taking a deep breath could get you killed anyway, and it's the first place he feels he can live in. the first place he feels he could survive, because living in ketterdam demands it.
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exiitiosus · 2 years ago
& clary fairchild. 〃 @masterwcrk
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→ [ 📱 — clary ] would you see that, you just mispelled the BEST → [ 📱 — clary ] goo thing i caught that :p → [ 📱 — clary ] now you got me curious. how are you faring in the ranks? → [ 📱 — clary ] tho, i'll let you know i'll be worried if you have a high number → [ 📱 — clary ] hey hey, a guy can dream and pretend to be blissfully ignorant about it → [ 📱 — clary ] especially when i can feel a headache coming if kaz was to get on my case → [ 📱 — clary ] c'mon, i have a comment for everything, don't i? → [ 📱 — clary ] . . . i feel like i just stepped into a trap → [ 📱 — clary ] was all of this a complex ploy to get me to spend time with you? → [ 📱 — clary ] because you just needed to say the word and i would have been outside your place :p
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inkshadow · 10 months ago
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❝ was enough to get your attention, right? ❞ and it's not like he's motivated to listen either, with the way his legs remain spread out like that. ❝ mmm, if i had a pussy, i'd prefer to be called squirtle. nice try though. the aching will stop once you quit picturing my cock stretching you out, slut. what did i want? a date. i'll pay you. my parents are supposed to attend one of my tournament celebrations for the first time in... ❞ never, but he just waves it off like he didn't care to remember. ❝ and i can't show up alone. thoughts? ❞
💌 NEW MESSAGE RECEIVED: @dysnomiias !
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                ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳❥         "you can stop with the manspreading, because your cock isn't blooming." trying to avoid staring directly at them, she grimaced. "shame you've no pussy, we could've called you vulvasaur. before you try anything, the spreading is making my vulva sore ... so, what did you want?"
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