stabbyapologist · 5 years
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Out of Tangent (On Wattpad) Rita Glass’s personal accounts of her memories with Jerome Valeska. Charged with homicide, accomplice to murder, torture, resisting arrest, contempt of court. Property of GCPD. Remanded to Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane. (One Shots).
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klbwriting · 6 years
Make Me Forget
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Jerome x Reader
Warnings: Typical Jerome, destruction, chaos
Summary: You are Fish Mooney’s child and ask Jerome to help you in mourning her death and the two of you grow close
@downsideright for you my dear!
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You had been having a tough time since your mother Fish Mooney's death.  Everything you tried seemed to fail to take your mind off of it and the therapist you had been seeing was useless.  This was something that normal mourning practices wouldn't help.  So you turned to one person that you had never thought you would.  Jerome Valeska.   You were feeling angry, wanting revenge on the city of Gotham for not respecting your mother the way she deserved and there was no better person for causing some major chaos than Jerome.  You had saved his ass from the Gotham police a few days ago and the red haired maniac owed you a favor so you called him.  He seemed gleeful at the thought of doing something that night so the two of you met at the ACE Chemicals company to start some fun. "So we just add this chemical to this one and toss it in this one and then this can go in the water and suddenly the streets are on fire!" Jerome said, dancing around mixing up chemicals in a large bucket as you watched the door for any curious employees.  He looked over at you and smirked some.  God you were gorgeous when you went bad, so angry and full of vengeance. "Come on Valeska, we need to get going before they realize that the distraction isn't anything serious," you said, growing annoyed at how long he was taking.  Of course he was taking his sweet time, Jerome wanted to spend some time with you, see if he could grow on you, but with how you said 'Valeska' he was pretty sure you didn't like him at all.  Yet. "O calm down Y/N, it'll only be another second, don't get your panties in a twist," he said, covering the bucket and prancing over, a large smile plastered on his face, offering you his arm.  "Now let's go, and please baby, start calling me Jerome."   You rolled your eyes at him but took his arm, finding yourself skipping with him out of the chemicals factory and off to the water treatment center.  Jerome was a fun guy, you had to admit it, and so far that night he had kept your mind occupied, making your mother's death sit in the back of your mind instead of the forefront like it had been.  You welcomed this change and if he could do this for the next couple hours you would have to call him again. "Ah!  Here we are!  The central water reservoir for the city!" Jerome sang as the two of you killed the guards and entered the room.  "Get the controls there gorgeous, make sure this circulates!"  You smirked and nodded, getting to the computer and setting the timers and such to release this water at a set time.  Jerome poured the chemicals into the water and moved back over to you.   "What now?" you asked just as the water started to leave the room to be circulated into the main supply line.  Jerome offered you his hand.   "To the roof to watch our plan take affect?" he asked.  You looked from his face to his offered hand before offering a smile, taking it.  He yanked you close and kissed you hard for a moment before pulling you up to the roof just as the water did its job, causing mass hysteria and several buildings to catch fire. "This is amazing," you said, eyes lighting up at the destruction.  Jerome stared at you, eyes wide with wonder. "Yes you are."
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mimialkuwari · 5 years
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I wrote my first JeromeXreader what do you think? if you want one message me.
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itzzaaliyahh-blog · 5 years
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Imagine this was Jerome’s reaction whenever you walked into a room. He would rest his hand on his chin and think about making you his. He stared in admiration at your beauty. No one could match it, in his mind.
|Follow @itzzaaliyahh for more ❥!|
✨𝗜𝗴𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗮𝗴𝘀✨:
#jeromexreader #jeromevaleska #gotham #jeremiahvaleska #jeremiahxreader #valeskatwins
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creativexoxo · 6 years
See You Soon Doll || Part 9 || jeromexreader
Imagine you are a cheerleader riding on a bus to a football game when the Maniax attacks it.  
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
After what feels like forever the van finally stops. You wait a few seconds in the dark before you hear someone unlocking the back doors. The doors burst open letting in a ton of light. You close your eyes quickly and you have to squint in order to see two crazy looking people step into the van.
They both walk over to Bruce and cut the ties off his feet before dragging him out of the van. Bruce starts thrashing around trying to get loose, but the two men are too strong for him. Once they get Bruce fully out of the van another man comes and hits him over the head, making his body go still.
You watch with your mouth wide open as Bruce is carried off by the men. You try moving but you can't since you are still tied up to the seat. You sit in the dark in silence for a while until you hear laughing.
You freeze up and your heart starts racing. You recognise that laugh way too well. The laughing continues for a while until Jerome finally appears in front of the van doors. He steps into the van and begins to slowly walk closer to you. You try sinking back into the chair as far as you can to get away from him, but it doesn't work because in no time he is standing directly in front of you.
"Well doll look at this, it is the second time I have been able to kidnap you. You need to make this harder for me next time, even though there will not be a next time.  I need more of a challenge!"
You don't say anything and just stare back at him. You wish that today could have been normal and that you could be sitting on a couch in the Wayne manor cuddled up beside Bruce watching a movie and eating popcorn that Alfred had made for you guys. But instead, you are trapped here by a looney who claims that you are his one true love and that he is going to be the king of Gotham.
"Well, Doll as much as I wish we could stay here forever together, we sadly have to get this night started." Jerome reaches behind you and undoes your bindings and grabs your hips so that you are standing in front of him.
You stare at the floor not wanting to look at him in the eyes. You feel week standing in front of him, you feel trapped with nowhere that you can escape too. You have nowhere to go and you feel so small compared to him.
Jerome grabs your hand and guides you out of the Van careful so that you don't slip on the steps. When you get out of the van Jerome lets go of your hand and you look up to see a carnival. At first glance, you just see what looks like a normal carnival, but after closer inspection, you see that the games and rides aren't what they normally are like. They all have a violent and deathly turn too what they originally were suppose to be.
You step back in fear of what you are seeing. You can't stand how many people you see are being hurt and being killed. When you step back you walk into Jerome. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tight into his chest.
"Jerome, why are we here?" you ask him quietly. You are still scared of him because you know that all though he may be acting sweet to you right now, his personality can flip like a switch.
"Well, I have decided that it is important to give everybody in Gotham the chance to be insane and do what they really want too. Tonight is going to be the start of a new lifestyle for Gotham." Jerome says as if what he is saying is completely normal.
"Why am I here?" You ask nervous of what his answer is going to be.
"Well, we are here as the new king and queen of Gotham to welcome everyone tonight. You are going to help me introduce the main act."
You open your mouth to ask Jerome what the main act is, but Jerome puts his finger up to your lips to shush you. "Now no more questions Doll its time to get ready."
Jerome takes your hand and leads you into the carnival.  
Jerome is now guiding you through, the carnival and you are trying to not look at what is going on around you.  Right now you are staring at your feet as you walk, trusting Jerome to make sure you don't bump into anyone.  Finally, you guys stop walking and you look up.  
You are now standing in the middle of a square and right in front of you is Bruce with the sac still on his head. Jerome lets go of your hand and walks behind Bruce,  You contemplate running but you know that it is pointless to run since Jerome's followers are everywhere and if you were to run that would just make him angrier.  
Jerome rips the sac off of bruces head and proceeds to walk back over to where you are standing.  Bruce as soon as the bag is ripped off his head is blinded by the flashing lights of the carnival.  Jerome looks around at his surroundings and sees the madness that is going on around him, and the crazy people who are pointing guns at him.
Eventually, Bruce sees's you, his face full of relief until he sees Jerome standing right beside you.  Jerome notices Bruce staring at you and he wraps an arm around your waist and puts a sinister smirk on his face.  
"Well we're off to a good start," Jerome says evilly towards Bruce, "what do you say Bruce want to have some fun before the main event?"  
You and Bruce are now sitting in makeup chairs both having clown makeup done.  Even though you are both having clown makeup put on, Bruces Makeup is a lot messier and unflattering whereas yours is more detailed and glamorous.
When the crazies who were doing your guys makeup are done, Jerome comes strolling back into the tent you guys are in.  First Jerome walks over to you and looks you over.  
"Well don't you just look beautiful doll," he helps you up from your chair and picks you up and kisses you on your forehead.  "My beautiful queen of Gotham, you look so amazing."
He puts you down and Jerome turns to the crazy who did your makeup and says, "Okay good job not messing up her face you can go alive."  With that, the crazy runs off.
Next, Jerome turns to look at Bruce.  "Gotta be honest Bruce, you don't make the worlds funniest clown.  But we can fix that, Jerome says flipping out a knife.  Bruce freezes in fear, and so do you afraid Bruce will be stabbed.  
You think for sure Bruce is going to be stabbed until Jerome turns around and stabs the person who did Bruce's makeup.  He sticks his finger in the wound and wipes a bloody frown on Bruce's face.
"C'mon Bruce turn that frown upside down," Jerome laughs like the maniac he is.  
Jerome than turns to you again.  "You were a dancer right doll?" you nod afraid to correct him on the fact that you were actually a cheerleader.
"Great because you will be performing at the main events tonight." You freeze, a million questions flowing through your mind about what he could possibly mean by that.  "Oh don't worry doll, you are just going to dance for our followers before the show actually starts.  It will be fun and you will do great."
Jerome gets up and kisses you on the cheek.  He then snaps his fingers at a follower and tells them to help you get ready.  Next, he turns to Bruce and tells him that they are going to go for a walk before the show starts.
He turns back to me one more time and tells me that he will see me at the show.  With that, he walks off into the distance with Bruce in tow.  You are now standing here with a bunch of random crazies having to prepare for a performance that you don't even know how you are supposed to pull it off.
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kat1874-blog · 7 years
Jerome gets his Harley
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Shrieking, crying and trembling teens cause you to just sit and hystericaly laugh. These pathetic cheerleaders will finally get what they deserve and it's perfect! You cross your slim arms and drownd in the sound of pain and terror which plasters a huge grin on you pale face.
Then you see them the group of psycho murderers and feel the urge to thank them for making your deepest fantasy come true. Your gleaming y/c eyes take in the beautiful sight.
The silver chains around your wrists cause a whirl of unfamiliar feelings both pleasing and surprising, a particular Redhead sees you admireing the cuffs and is intrigued by you.
Waltzing over the smug teen looks you up and down and begins to bow, "Hey gorgeous, how ya doin? I'm Jerome nice to meet ya".
Looking up you see mesmerising green eyes looking down on your small frame, "nice to meet you I'm y/n" you say this proudly and with a smile confusing the handsome criminal.
"Why aren't you begging for you life doll?" Jerome asks with a look of contemplation on his face."First of all don't call me doll and second why beg when I can enjoy the view!" Waving your arm displaying the scene around you. Satisfied with your response he offers his hand, his face now plastered with a smug grin confused you ask what he is doing and he looks you up and down "I like you, your coming with me. Now come along kitten" unfastening your cuffs you rise and laugh skipping down the bus causing your cheer team to stare in dismay.
Driving down Gotham you look back and huge bright flames are consuming the scene behind you stiring a feeling of satisfaction and desire in the pit of your stomach. You turn to your new friend and join him in the best show of your life...The massacar of everyone you grew up with images of terrified faces there eyes loosing all life and hope flashes in your memory along with a deep urge to see and feel it again.
Pulling up to the most beautiful building you have ever seen Jerome takes your hand and helps you down from the van tall white walls with ivy climbing to the top huge black gates with the most intricate designs open upon your arrival it was truly breathtaking. Suddenly you feel yourself being hoisted into the air and landing in the strong lean arms of Jerome he's carrying you towards big oak doors mumbling silly jokes into your ear.
He leads you up to his room locking the door behind him "Your staying with me kitten your mine now"
You sense this is only the begging to a truly dangerous adventure not only for your life but for your heart...
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hjsnina · 6 years
Jeremiah Valeska Masterlist
Kidnapped- Jeremiah Valeska x Reader (Kidnapped 1)
Follower- Jeremiah Valeska x Reader(Kidnapped 2) Slight JeromexReader vibes
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jeromeswhore · 7 years
Mine (JeromexReader)
I have never done smut in my life so sorry if it’s terrible. I will hopefully get better thru time. But I hope you guys enjoy it thoe. Also please send me requests for more JeromexReader. I really enjoy writing these. So yeah ————————- Y/n looked around the whole cafeteria in search for Jerome and his friends. Finally she saw them as they were all sitting together at a table laughing.
“Hiya doll” Jerome said winking at Y/N she sat down in front of him she blushed.
“God you hair is beautiful” Barbra played with Y/N curl while Jerome watched them intensely.
“Quit it and leave my girlfriend alone” Greenwood put his arm around Y/N. Y/N looked at him in discuss.
“Get your disgusting hands off me they smell like ham” Y/N moved his arm off her. Jerome looked at him Greenwood was now his next victim. Everybody in Arkham knew Y/N was prohibited to be touched looked at or talked to. She belonged to Jerome.
Jerome since Y/N first day had drawn a liking to her. He had claimed her well not really he never had expressed his feeling towards her. Well when did the psycho manic ever express his feelings in general.
“Greenwood go find your next meal over there” Jerome looked at him like as if he was complete idiot but behind the insane smile, Jerome was filled with rage. Greenwood just laughed and got up and left leaving everybody silent and eating there slop of food.
Y/N sat alone at her cell painting she was bored out of her mind.
“Hiya gorgeous” Jerome walked into her cell and sat next to her on at her table. He looked over her horrific drawing. It was of a man who had just died due to bloodshed. “Needs more blood doll” he laughed as Y/N did the same.
“Your right” she giggled as she kissed his cheek. Jerome froze for a second he honestly never had felt anything towards anything not even his mother. He looked at her and studied her face for a little bit. Soon he grabbed her face and attacked her lips with his. He grabbed her by the the waist placing her small figure on his lap.
She kissed back with force her hands tangled into the gingers red hair. Soon her hands traveled down to his jacket taking it off. Jerome hands traveled down Y/N waist all the way to her ass. Squeezing it causing her to moan into his lips.
“Let’s make this a little interesting” Jerome laughed as he got up leaving Y/N on the floor he walked out of her cell.
“Where are you going you ginger” Y/N ran after him jumping on his back as he laughed as a maniac. She soon got off him and he slammed her against the wall the hallway was lonely the inmates were currently in he cafeteria.
“Can’t get enough can we” he breathed as he attacked her lips again he tapped her leg as a signal for her to jump she did what she was told to her hands went right to the hem of his shirt trying to lift it up. He soon started walking back to her cell. She took of his shirt kissing his chest.
His hands went into her dress squeezing her ass he set her down on the floor.
“Take off the dress” Jerome demanded as he stood shirtless towering over Y/N. She nervously started to take of the dress leaving her into bra an panties.
He smirked at looking at her body.
“Take off my pants sweetie” he said as he put his hands on his waist, Y/N walked over to Jerome and unbuckled his pants letting them fall to the floor. She kissed down his abs and all the way down to his boxers she took them off. His length hit his stomach as soon as the boxers were off.
She kneeled down and kissed down to his shaft staring into Jerome’s eyes. She grabbed his length into her small hands and started pumping up and down Jerome started groaning she smiled. Soon enough she put him in her mouth barley fitting anything due to his large length.
“Oh fuck” Jerome groaned as he grabbed some of Y/N hair and stroking in out of her mouth.
“Get up” he said out of nowhere Y/N got up and took off her bra and panties. He picked her up making her wrap her legs around his torso and he slammed entered her she arched her back and screamed.
“Fuck Y/N” he groaned into her ear.
“Oh daddy” she moaned and screamed as Jerome pounded into her. For moments all you could hear was moaning and skin slapping against each other.
Soon enough Jerome laid Y/N down on the bed and pulled out of her cumming onto her stomach. He leaned down and kissed her he caressed her cheeks.
"Your mine and only mine you belong to daddy you scamp” he said as he kissed again.
“Yes daddy” Y/N smiled as Jerome pulled away from her he just smiled a psychotic smile.
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cherryvaleska · 3 years
Would you ever write JeromexReader fic?
nah reader fic isn’t my kind of thing @ all. no shade to people who enjoy it obviously but it’s a pass for me 
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stabbyapologist · 5 years
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Gotham Imagines (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/ovhP1EOqiW
These are just short Gotham imagines - all character x reader. In fact, it’s mostly Jerome x reader since he’s my absolute fave :3 • Feel free to request stuff (unless it’s nsfw). I will most likely accept (because I run out of ideas quick…) but if I don’t like it/don’t feel comfortable writing it, don’t be angry if I deny. • BTW: NO LONGER UPDA…
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klbwriting · 7 years
They Scare Me
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Jerome x Reader
Warnings: mentions of nightmares
Request: the reader has bad nightmares and Jerome helps them through it
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You often woke up in a sweat, crying out in terror at the frights your mind created while you slept.  You hated it and until Jerome you were alone when they happened, often having to hope you survived the rest of the night without a panic attack caused by the nightmares.  You were so happy when Jerome arrived and cared enough to help you through it.
He had nightmares too, having died and been brought back, his recollection of the fear of waking, of not having a face, of being confused and terrified but not able to show it because of who he was, it caused him to wake up sweating too.  You helped him through it just as much as he helped you.
You were especially glad that night that he was around.  You had been having the worst dream in recent memory and you awoke already panicking and screaming with fear.  Jerome was instantly awake, turning on the sunlight machine, letting the light slowly get brighter so as not to scare you, and then he was by your side.
“Listen to my voice, look at me, focus on me,” he whispered, gently holding your hands as you looked at him, eyes coming to focus.  Most would cowering in fear at his stapled face but not you, it calmed you, brought you back to a happy reality.  Once you were focused and able to breathe easier he moved away again, coming back with water. 
“Thank you,” you said, voice meek and strained from the dryness in your throat.  You drank some and then gave it back, hands still shaking.  Jerome sat down across from you, taking one hand and rubbing it until the shaking stopped and then moving to the other.  “I don’t want to talk about it yet.”  He nodded.
“Alright, maybe later, or maybe never, up to you,” he said, letting the subject drop.  He never forced you to talk and you appreciated that so much.  He also didn’t get too close to you, letting you have space until you were completely calm.
“I’m alright now,” you said.  He nodded and turned off the light, laying down and drawing you into his arms.  He kissed you softly before gently rubbing a hand up and down your arm, helping you to drift off into a much happier sleep.
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Jerome x reader Inspired by this Word Count: 1688 Warnings: Character death, blood. 
And the story’s all over. In the morning, I’ll call you.
He’s been shot in the arms plenty of times. He’s had more holes in his legs than he has had years on this earth. Hell, bullets have been known to make their way through his torso on the odd occasion. 
But not like this.
He can feel it. More intense than his previous wounds which only ever encouraged him to keep going, knowing he was doing something right if people were so passionate enough to shoot at him. It’s a dense pain, similar to a stitch, inside him. Jerome clutches at his side as he runs. He can make out the harsh yell of sirens in the distance. It’s the sound which used to send that perfect thrill surging through him, that adrenaline, that chill down his spine that has always driven his choices. Now, it seems almost threatening. 
He stops when the pain starts to spread through his stomach. Jerome doubles over, laughing through a harsh groan. Well, fuck, he thinks, you’ve really done it now.
Jerome finds himself pressed against a back door to some Italian restaurant, tucked away in the crevice. He drops, letting out a long breath through his nose on the way down. A pause. Then, he glances at his wound, removing his hand from the impressive hole under his right pectoral. His palm is slippery with his own blood, and even he has to turn away. 
Jerome presses his fingers along the expanse of his back, ignoring the futility of looking for an exit wound. He knows, really, exactly what is happening. For a second, he regrets irritating that underground doctor the way he did. But the man deserved a bit of a fright. Still, it’s unlikely that anything could save him now.
Jerome prides himself on his ease of acceptance. When he realised his mother hated him, he resigned himself to simply hating her back. When James Gordon figured him out, he didn’t go to court screaming innocence, he gave them all a reason to remember him. When you told him that you love him for the first time, something deep inside told him, no, no, not her, let her be, run, but he didn’t lash out. Instead, he’d nodded, made a quip about how that was inevitable. It went against his very nature to accept love. He did it anyway, because he’s an accepting person. But he’s finding this pretty hard to come to terms with. 
Not dying, of course. He just can’t stand goodbyes.
Jerome coughs, tastes the metallic warmth until he has to spit out his own blood. Feeling rebellious, he presses his left hand on the wound. 
No, not right now, give me a minute.
With his other hand, he reaches in to his back pocket, grumbling when he has to stretch to grasp on to his phone. Pressing the numbers takes longer than it should, but Jerome tosses his head around rapidly, ignoring the sudden lightness. 
Your voice, all softness and innocent joy in reaction to his call. “Hey, Jerome.”
He pauses, heart aching, then, “Hey there, (Y/N).”
“When are you getting home?” You always call it that. The crappy little flat you share with him. He hadn’t thought about it, until then. Home. Seems a pretty good place to be, now, no matter how cold it gets in the Winter. “I was thinking stir fry for dinner, ‘cause we have so many vegetables going out of date. But it is your turn to cook.”
“Damn, I forgot.” His voice sounds too even for a person in his situation, but he doesn’t want to contemplate the fallout if he were to give the game away. “Can you do it?”
“Sure, don’t worry. Are you coming home at all today?”
“That’s the thing, doll. I don’t think I can. Not today.”
“Okay.” You’re disappointed, and Jerome is pleased at that. Good, he thinks, miss me. Then, “Stay safe.” It sounds as though you’re expecting the call to end there, but Jerome feels the need to keep you talking. Maybe it’s selfish, but in times like these, he needs that blind optimism you hold in spades. It’s probably one of the reasons he-
“Don’t go so soon,” he says, “tell me-” a cough. Blood landing, thick, on the circle of his hand. He closes his eyes, thinking of you sitting there, with him. He can almost feel your warm breath caressing his cheek. “-tell me what you’re wearing.”
“Nuh uh, mister. Only people who cook dinner get phone sex.”
He laughs loudly, taking no notice of the blood spreading around his mouth. “I’m not asking. I just, uh, wish I could see you.”
“And whose fault is it that you can’t?” You tease, not understanding, not hearing that twist of regret in his voice. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he dismisses. Then, “please tell me.”
It’s then doubt starts to edge against the back of your mind. “...that old t-shirt of yours, the grey one, and jeans.” Then quicker. “What’s going on Jerome?”
“So suspicious all the time.” Jerome chuckles, knowing the exact face you’re making. Eyebrows pulled together, chewing your lip. You’re probably pacing, too. “Nothing’s going on.” He sighs, a sudden sharp snap hit of pain flashing through his chest, then his abdomen until it becomes a consistent gnawing in every part of his torso. “Hey, (Y/N)?”
“Yes, Jerome?”
“Listen, I love you, yeah?” 
Jerome cringes, but it’s already out there. He hadn’t meant for it to sound the way it does, like it doesn’t tear at him to admit it. Like every part of him isn’t yelling, no, just let her go, just leave it.
You bristle at his tone. Jerome is the last person you’d expect to mention that sort of thing over the phone. You almost call him a coward, wondering how - wondering what possesses him to frustrate you in the ways he does. It’s too casual, too without thought. You’d almost rather he hadn’t said it at all, if he didn’t care enough to say it to your face. 
“You shouldn’t say that if you don’t mean it, Jerome. So don’t.”
“No, doll, fuck-” He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be. You were supposed to understand, supposed to offer him some level of absolution. You were supposed to let him know that, if this goes the way he knows it is going, he would be leaving behind at least one person who might care. Just a bit. Jerome avoids contemplating the reality - doesn’t like thinking about you crying over this, of all things - something he can’t control. Making you sob, it had always been something of a game for him, until it wasn’t.
He hates that you make him say it again. “I love you. I do...Should’ve said it earlier, probably-” he coughs again, violently, and then he can’t stop, covering the bottom of the phone to stop you from hearing. 
He struggles to regain his breath as you answer, thick liquid he can’t swallow coating his throat until each of his breaths comes with a rasp. 
“It doesn’t matter.” Soft, forgiving, but still not grasping exactly what it is that’s happening. The suspicion in your voice fades away with, “I love you, too. But you know that already.”
“I do. I do know that.” Quiet in an attempt to hide his stressed throat. There’s more. More he wants to tell you, more to explain. His actions, everything he’s ever said to you. He has reasons for it all. But there’s not time. He settles for, “it wasn’t a priority, you know. Hurting you all the times that I have.”
On the other side of the line, you’re raising your eyebrows in surprise, now sure that something must be happening. You don’t imagine the reality, even then. You think, maybe, that Jerome is in a prison cell, or getting ready to leave forever. 
“I didn’t think you made hurting me a priority, Jerome. But you’ve never prioritised my feelings either.” You sigh, knowing that this is the closest Jerome has ever come to an apology. “Now isn’t the time to be having this conversation.”
“You’re right, of course.” He makes another noise, can only liken it to a dying animal. “Listen, I’ll see you later, gorgeous.”
“Promise?” Lighter, but edging on serious, maybe threatening. He aches for the loss of that tone of voice. He’s the only one that gets that, sweet yet forbidding. It’s all his, maybe more so than other parts of you.
Your question might pose a moral dilemma for some people. But the way Jerome sees it, he’s surely going to hell anyway, so what’s the point in telling the truth? Die as you lived, so to speak. “Of course, dollface. I promise.”
“Okay. I’ll see you soon...” Then, timidly, testing him. “I love you.”
“I...” His eyes clench shut in pain. “I love you, too.”
The dull click of the phone as you hang up is decidedly final. His shirt is wet, now, sticking to the lines of his stomach. The call of sirens has been a constant these past minutes, growing louder with every minute. He wonders who will find his body, chuckles lightly at the thought of Jim Gordon coming upon him, wondering how he could have helped the troubled teenager.
Pain, again, of another type. Less acute, more heavy. Still, he figures, I’ve paid my dues. Jerome thinks over his life, short though it may have been. The lightest parts of it, all with you. 
When he imagined his death, Jerome fancied himself passing in some kind of chemical explosion, or a car exploding, or a boat - also exploding. Some kind of explosion, that was his goal. Despite this, he finds he doesn’t despair over leaving the way he is. The events leading up to that cop shooting him did cause quite a bit of trouble, which he counts as a positive. 
Jerome realises, in the end, that he’s quite brave. 
He doesn’t cry. But he does regret.
Jerome ends with your face behind his eyes, your mumbled singing in his mind.
In the morning, I’ll call you Can’t you find a clue? When your eyes are all painted Sinatra blue.
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creativexoxo · 7 years
See You Soon Doll || Part 7 || jeromexreader
Imagine you are a cheerleader riding on a bus to a football game when the Maniax attacks it.
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
One Year Later
You wake up to the sound of birds chirping you roll over to see your boyfriend sleeping beside you. His arm is wrapped around you. You try to gently remove his arm from around your body without waking him. You almost have succeeded until your boyfriend pulls you back closer into his chest.
"Bruce wake up," you say trying to wake up your boyfriend.
"Y/N go back to sleep," Bruce says sleepily, "It's too early to wake up."
"Come on Bruce, I have school that I have to get too, and you have business meetings to attend."  
"Fine, your right," Bruce groans rolling out of bed.  
Bruce walks over to the TV in his room and turns it on to channel 5 news.  You both begin to get ready for your day as you listen to the news anchor reporting about Jerome's growing cult.  Since Jerome has died some of his followers have started a cult and it is unknown what they are doing right now, but they are becoming more and more active every single day.
After the whole Jerome thing that happened last year your life went back to normal after about one week.  The first week after this all happened you had a lot of appointments with the authorities, doctors, and a lot of different news outlets had wanted to meet with you to question you for their news stories.  
After a week though things started to calm down.  Jim Gordon still checks in with you every once in a while, and you still have to go to some appointments to deal with your PTSD.  You went back home to live with your family and started school again, but you and Bruce stayed in contact with each other.  After a couple months he asked you to be his girlfriend.  You guys became super close and he has helped you a lot with getting over the whole entire Jerome situation.  
Recently though Jerome's Cult has tried many times to kidnap you. The only reason you can think of for them to kidnap you was because of Jerome's fondness of you.  Jim Gordon suggested that you stay with someone at all times. Your parents though are not home that often because of business trips so you had to find another more secure place to stay.  
So Bruce asked you if you wanted to stay at his house while they are gone.  Now you are basically living at his home, and you love it.  He is always looking out for you and making sure that you are safe.  You are so happy to be with him and you could never ask for anything more in a relationship.  
You both finish getting ready and Bruce walks up to you and kisses you on the cheek and holds you in his arms.  
"Be careful today," he whispers in your ear, "call me if you need anything."
"I will I promise," you tell him quickly kissing him on the lips before separating.  You go downstairs and grab your school bag and put your shoes on.  
You both hop in the car and Bruce tells his driver to drive to your school first.  You both sit there in silence, you watch the city passing by out the window.  You arrive at school ten minutes later.  You get out of the car and shut the door.  
Bruce roles down the window.  "Be safe y/n."
"I will," you assure, and with that you both go your separate ways.
"Y/N can you please come to the principals office immediately.  Thank you," you hear over the loud speaker.  You get up from the desk where you are sitting in your English class.
"Class is almost over Y/N so I would take your bag with you," your teacher tells you.  
You grab your bag, say bye to your friends and leave the classroom.  The hallways are completely empty due to everyone being in class.  You quickly walk down to the principals office, curious as to why you are needed there.
When you get there you see Jim Gordon and you immediately know that something bad has gone on.  Jim waves you over and you follow him as he walks into an empty conference room.  
"Y/N I am afraid that I have some bad news." Jim says.
"What is it?" you ask.
"Jerome's cult had recently stolen his body from where it was being kept and when we retrieved the body they had cut the face off of his body.  We were unsure as to why they would go through all of this trouble to steal Jerome just to take his face off, but earlier this morning he came back to life."
"Wait, actually!"  You say in complete shock.  
"Yes, the cult has been able to resurrect him and even worse he is now on the lose. We are trying to track him down right now but there is a chance that he might be coming for you.  We think it would be best if you went to go stay with Bruce right now.  We would offer you to stay at the police station right now but we have to many officers out and looking for him that it would not be safe for you to be there right now."
"So I am going to Bruce's right now?"
"Yes you are, we have called Bruce already and he is waiting outside right now to pick you up."
"Okay," you say trying to hold in your tears and stay strong.  
"Do you have anymore questions?" you shake your head no.  "Alright then I will take you to go see Bruce then."
Jim leads you outside and you see Bruce is standing.  You don't say anything to each other but he does embrace you in a comforting hug.  He leads you into the car and you drive back to his house in peace.  
"Bruce I am scared, what if he comes for me?"
"I promise I will try my hardest to protect you."
You are both now curled up together on Bruce's couch right now.  He is trying to comfort you and make you feel safe, but it is not working.  You are so scared of what would happen if Jerome were to come and find you again.  
Alfred comes over and hands you and Bruce a cup of hot chocolate.   Bruce grabs the remote and turns on the TV.  One of the Chanel 5 reporters comes onto the TV.
"As has been reported, channel 5's van was stolen this evening.  We are now getting video from the thief, which we will play in hopes that it leads to his apprehension,"  says the channel 5 reporter.  
The screen than goes black before Jerome appears on the screen.  You freeze, you are so scared of what you are seeing.  Bruce wraps his arm around you and pulls you closer into his side.
"Testing... Testing... Am I live... Am I on Air... You hear me, ah screw it, lets do it" Jerome says directly into the camera.
Jerome steps back from the camera only a little bit and continues.  "Hi!  Some of you may know I died.  Uh oh, take it from me death is dull! But coming back that is something.  Leave it to dying to give you a whole new perspective on live."  
You watch as Jerome turns around to look at something behind him.  He walks up to a man behind him and whispers something to the guy.  The man is tied up in a chair, and you think you recognize him as the guy who was leading Jerome's cult.  This dude looks like he is about to piss himself, he is so scared.
"And I would like to share that with you," Jerome turns around to the dude in the chair. "Aw officer you look terrible, eh you got..." Jerome reaches into the mans pocket and pulls out a lighter.  He laughs in his normal creepy laugh.  
You look closer at Jerome's appearance and you notice that his face has been stapled back on to his body.  You also after reflection notice that is voice is a lot scratchier and deep, probably because of the knife having been stabbed into his throat.  
Jerome is now standing in front of the camera again.  "Tonight Gotham... in the darkness there are no rules.  Tonight Gotham... do what you want, kill who you want... and when morning comes... you too shall be reborn," and with that Jerome lights a bomb.  
Jerome mumbles something quick to the camera, something that is barely audible, before he walks out of the view of the camera.  What he mutters is something that most people would have not caught, but you caught it.  
You keep watching the TV until you see an explosion go off.  After the explosion goes off everything goes black.  The TV turns off, the lights go off and you are left in the darkness cuddled into Bruce's side panicking.   You are thinking of the words you heard Jerome mutter before he walked off camera.  "And doll I will see you soon."
Hey Guys!  
I know I have been gone for a while and you are probably thinking that I was going to end this story after Jerome's death, but I have decided to continue this story into season 3.
I received so much positive feedback about how much you guys like this book, and I have recently had time to come up with some new ideas that I think you guys will love.
I hope you guys will enjoy the second section of this book.
- Sarah
(also like if you are excited for Gotham to return on March 1st.  I know I am)
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fandomsmuttt · 9 years
Jerome Valeska Smut
Warnings: Sexual content, language, fingering, anal. Prompt: "Hmm, is that a mistletoe I see?" Your boyfriend had been staying at your house after Christmas. You hadn't had time to take down the decorations. You walked down the hallway in only Jerome's shirt and nothing else. Then he stopped you, and he was shirtless. "Hey babe." He smirked. "Hey. You scared me." You smiled. "Hmm, is that a mistletoe I see?" Jerome pointed to the mistletoe. "Yes." You smirked. He pulled you forward and placed a kiss to your lips. It left you breathless. "Or would you prefer," Jerome got on his knees. "A kiss here?" He asked as he lifted the shirt and kissed your clit. "J-Jerome..." You stuttered. "Yes, princess?" Jerome asked. "..Keep going." You replied. Jerome only smirked in reply. You then removed your top, and threw it to the floor. Jerome started to lick up the forming liquids that you produced. "Uh! Mmm." You moaned softly. You were backed up against the wall. Your hands ran through Jerome's red hair. Jerome licked and sucked on your clit as you moaned louder and louder. "Fuck! Fuck!" You chanted, biting your lip. Jerome then stuck a finger between your slit and started thrusting it in and out of you. "Oh my--fuck! Faster!" You moaned. Jerome moved his finger faster as he sucked on your clit. "Ooh! More! Please, more!" You begged. "More?" Jerome smirked as you nodded vigorously. "How many more? One more?" Jerome stuck another finger in you as you moaned louder. "Two more?" His three fingers now pushed in and out of you. "Do you still want more?" Jerome smirked. "Yes. I want you to fuck me!" You moaned. "Where?" Jerome whispered in your ear, his fingers still inside you. "Do you want me to fuck your tight little pussy?" He pushed his fingers in and out of you faster. "Or do you want me to wreck your little asshole?" Jerome asked. "Fuck! I w-want you to do both!" You looked into his eyes as you said that, causing him to grin widely. "Well then. I guess we better get started." Jerome licked his lips and faced you to the wall, and pushed you up against it. Jerome's pants and boxers hit the ground. Jerome pumped his hardening cock in his hands. His tip was against your entrance, causing your breathing to quicken. "Where do you want me first?" Jerome whispered in your ear before he nibbled on your earlobe. "In my ass. Stretch me out." You bit your lip seductively. "As you wish." Jerome first pushed a finger into you, getting you ready for his length. "Oh!" You moaned at the sensation. Jerome kissed your neck and shoulder as his fingers worked downstairs. "Jerome? M-more please." You stutter after letting out a moan. Jerome thrusted another finger into you as he sucked a hickey on your neck. "Mm! More! Faster! Uhh!" You moaned. "Someone's demanding today." Jerome said in your ear. Three fingers scissored and stretched your hole as you practically screamed. "Are you ready for me now, princess?" Jerome asked. "Yes." You nodded your head. Jerome smirked widely. His length slipped into you, slowly at first. You both moaned softly when he was fully inside you. Jerome's thrusts were slow at first, then got harder and more dominating. Soon, he was pounding into you. "Oh fuck! Yess!" You cried out in pleasure. "Oh! You're so tight.." Jerome groaned in pleasure. "Faster! Please!" You begged. "I already have you begging." Jerome mumbled with a smirk. Faster and faster, Jerome's thrusts got. "Fuck yes! I love this!" You screamed. "I love it too." Jerome grunted in your ear as he pounded into you. "Do you like it, when I fuck you against the wall in your tight little ass? Huh?" Jerome asked in your ear. "Shit! Yes I love it! Jerome!" You wailed in reply. "Good. Fuck! Uhh!" "You want me to fuck your pussy now?" You nodded in response. Jerome pulled out of you and turned you around. He then, slipped himself between your folds, slamming into you. "Fuck!!" You both cried out. Jerome immediately thrusted in and out of you, hard and fast. His lips met yours in a kiss, muffling both of your moans. "Oh my god! Jerome! Mmm!" You screamed as you shut your eyes, mouth agape with moans. "I love you, gorgeous." "I love you, handsome." After your confessions of love, you went back to moaning uncontrollably. "Baby! Fuck yes! You feel so good inside me!" "Mmm! Glad to hear that." "Oh yes! Right there! Don't stop!!" You moaned as Jerome found your sweet spot inside you. Jerome continued to pound into you, hitting all the spots you wanted. You kissed Jerome's lips again, passionately this time. "Fuck babygirl. I'm about to cum!" Jerome moaned in your ear. "Me too!" "Harder!" You begged. Soon, you began to unravel. "I'm gonna cum!" You spoke simultaneously. "Uhh! Ooh! Fuck!" "Yes!! Uhh! Mmm!" Were the moans heard as you both orgasmed. Jerome pulled out of you, cum dropping down his dick . Cum was dropping down your leg. "Let me." Jerome licked all the cum from your pussy, causing you to let out a small moan. You returned the favor and licked the juices off his still hard cock. "Merry Christmas, gorgeous." "Merry Christmas, handsome."
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jeromeswhore · 7 years
Reunited (JeromexReader)
Y/N sat on a big rock starring at her reflection in the water at the lake. She wasn't in the water but she felt as if she was drowning either way. Her thoughts were drowning her. She couldn't stop thinking about that horrible night. That night her puddin was murdered. The night that Galavan betrayed Y/N and her Puddin. Y/N saw as Jerome fell on the floor in Galavan's arms. "You bastard how could you" Y/N pushed Galavan away and grabbed Jerome's head and put him on her lap. "Puddin no your going to be okay" she brushed his hair as tears streamed down her face onto his. "I love you doll" he croaked and those were Jerome's final words and his face stayed in a permanent smile. "No Jerome no" she screamed and cried. "I love you, puddin no please don't leave me" she kissed his bloody cheeks and cried onto his suit. "Come on Y/N we must go" Barbra ripped her away from Jerome and took her away. Into a safe hiding. And that was the last she ever saw of Jerome. She didn't even know where his body was. Walking back to her studio that she was currently living at. She felt the night breeze hit her. Making her Y/H/C flow due to the wind. She walked into the studio and went straight to her room she laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. There wasn't any point to life anymore. When she met Jerome at Arkham she finally found a purpose to her life again. He made her happy and she loved him with every fiber in her. Y/N was in a deep slumber as she heard glass breaking and things falling down through out the apartment. She woke up and picked up her special knife. The knife Jerome had made her in Arkham to protect herself when he wasn't around. She walked out with the knife behind her back. And once again glass was breaking. As she approached the living room she saw the lights turned on and a tall man in a police suit. Standing in her living room she didn't waste time she ran after him and jumped on him throwing him to the ground turning him around putting the knife on his throat. "Hiya doll face fancy seeing you here" Jerome laughed as he felt the cold knife on his neck. Y/' just looked at him. As she saw his face her face softened. And she studied his face the stables around his head holding his skin in place. The blue green eyes she fell in love with. "Jerome" she softly said as she lowered the knife. "It is I Jerome the messiah" he laughed making you smile with every second of his laugh. "I can't believe it's you, you in the flesh" Y/N got up and Jerome did the same he got up and got closer to her. "So your just gonna stand there and stare at me you little scamp" he laughed as he started down at her. Y/N giggled and leaped into his arms he caught placing his hands on her ass. "Puddin" she leaned in and so did Jerome until Jerome connected there lips together. The kiss started off sweet and tender and soon turned passionate and aggressive. "I miss yeah doll" he chirped as he pulled away looking into her Y/E/C. "Oh Jerome" Y/N hugged him and cried into his shoulder. "No need for crying doll we have an eventful night" he caressed her cheek as he put her down. "Will there be blood" Y/N asked with hopeful eyes. "Like always, it wouldn't be eventful with out blood and tears" Jerome laughed soon Y/N joining.
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klbwriting · 7 years
Fandom: Gotham
Pairing: Jerome x Reader
Warnings: some violence
Request: combing two requests, fluff with Jerome and the reader is a little slow and gets picked on and Jerome comes to protect them
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  You were always a little slow to understand things.  You weren’t stupid, you knew that, but you sometimes took time to understand new concepts or to get things in order in your head.   That’s why going to a small school with a group of circus children was particularly hellish, all them were loud and with no discipline nor were they accepting of people who were different and that’s what you were, different, an orphan who was picked up along the route and allowed to stay if you picked up the trash around the tents at night.  You did this and while you were working you had made one friend, Jerome.  He was different too, not an outsider but definitely someone the other kids stayed away from, but he was always kind to you and when you got to be in your teens he became your boyfriend.  
              It was only a few days after you started dating that one of the other boys in your class, along with two of his friends, approached you behind a tent at night while you were working.  Jerome was supposed to come by at some point but he hadn’t appeared yet and now you were nervous and alone with these jerks.  The leader approached and smirked.
              “Hey there trash, having fun?” he asked, kicking the trash can you were filling over.  You sighed and bit your lip.  You weren’t a fighter, you didn’t like to hurt people.  “Hey answer a question for me, what’s an idiot like you gonna do when we run this circus and we run you out?”  You frowned and looked down.
              “Jerome won’t let you,” you said softly.  They laughed like you had said a joke.
              “Ya, that freak ain’t gonna keep you around,” the leader said before he suddenly crumpled to the ground, Jerome behind him holding a bat.
              “Now I think you guys should be leaving my baby alone,” he said, looking crazy and ready to hit someone else.  The other two looked nervously at each other.  “Or maybe, maybe you should clean up your mess.”  He held up the bat, pointing it to the trash from the kicked over can.  “Get picking up.”  They didn’t move so he lifted the bat and hit one in the ribs.  “I said MOVE!”  Once they were cleaning up he took your hand and led you away to a more secluded place.  “You alright?”
              “Ya, just, I don’t understand why they hate me,” you said.  He sighed, dropping the bat and pulling you close, kissing your head.
              “Because they’re morons and don’t see what a treasure you are,” he said.  He kissed you softly and hugged you close again.  “I love you Y/N.”
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