#jera watches tv
pof203 · 1 year
Justice Week: Justice Day🦀⚖
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>In the apartment of Kotetsu Kaburagi, aka Wild Tiger, the place is livelier than ever since his brother, Muramasa, brought his step-daughter, Kaitlyn and Jera, and son, Kaito, over for Justice Day while their mothers stayed at Oriental Town. Also present were Kotetsu's daughter, Kaede, her friends, Saroja, Tony, and Isaac, Barnaby, his friend, Mattia Ingram, some kids from the orphanage, and a nun. Antonio, aka Rock Bison, was joining them on video phone from Kaitlyn's phone.
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I can't believe you're making me go. My family's here, you know.
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Would you relax? You're going to enjoy the ball. I'll look after your family.
Kotetsu: (still unsure) Are you sure? You're hands look like they're already full with the orphans.
Nun: We'll be fine. They've been rowdy before.
Barnaby: And we even have Mattia helping out.
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I'll do what I can. Besides, it's been a while since I've been to the Blockus Spring Fair.
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They're right. You go and enjoy the ball. Besides, this gives me a chance to spend more time with Barnaby.
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You're lucky to spend time with your hear, Kaede. HIT and his sister are going to be at the ball. I wish I could go, but tickets were sold out and underaged guests need an adult with them. Maybe next year.
Kotetsu: I can bring a plus one, you know.
Barnaby: Usually, but it's too late now. Everything fancy to wear has already been bought or rented for the day. Don't worry, Saroja, I'll be sure to buy tickets for you and Kaede next year.
Saroja: (happy) You mean it? Thank you.
Barnaby: Don't thank me yet. There's a chance Thomas may not come to the ball next year.
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I know how you feel, Saroja. What I time for me to be down with bad case of food infection, all because of one bad piece of sushi. I was hoping to go because Agnes will be there.
Kotetsu: But you see her everyday at work.
Antonio: That's just it. That's work. This is casual. (suddenly groans in pain) Uhh...
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Take it easy, Antonio. The doctor said you need to rest for a couple of days. You're not gonna get any better by complaining all the time.
Antonio: I know.
Kotetsu: Just relax, buddy. Just watch the parade on TV or something.
Antonio: Or the ball, since that's gonna be on TV, too. (groans in pain) Oh... I'll call you back. (hangs up)
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Is he going to be okay? Maybe we should check up on him on the way.
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Either that or we should notify his next-of-kin... I'm just kidding. We'll check on him.
Kotetsu: I should check up on him. Maybe even spend the rest of Justice Day with him.
Barnaby: (laughing) Nice try. You're still going. The announcement they're making there actually involves you.
Kotetsu: So, you should be coming with me.
Barnaby: As much as I like to see the look on your face, I already promised these kids I would take them to the fair and the parade.
Kotetsu: (in defeat) Oh boy.
Muramasa: You'll be fine. Besides, we already have your tuxedo cleaned and pressed and your ride will be here very soon.
>Reluctantly, Kotetsu goes to the bathroom to get dressed.
>A little later, Keith and Nathan arrived.
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(this was the only picture I could find) We're here! Is he ready?
Barnaby: He's getting ready now.
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A Happy Justice Day to you all!
Nun: Thank you.
Saroja: Hey, guys! You think you can ask He Is Thomas to give me an autograph for me? I'm a HITer. That's what me and his fans call ourselves.
Nathan: We'll see what you can do, sweetie.
Kotetsu's voice from the bathroom: Okay, I'm ready.
Muramasa: Come on out, you're ride's here.
>Kotetsu comes out of the bathroom.
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Okay, here I am.
Mattia: I think you wore that some time ago. But did you have to bring the flowers?
Kotetsu: They came with the suit.
Muramasa: It's true. They're plastic.
Kotetsu: I don't dress fancy often. Are you sure you want me to go to the ball?
Nathan: Don't be like that. We know you'll love it. Especially this one.
Keith: So, shall we be off?
Kotetsu: Seeing as I don't have a choice now.
Barnaby: So, we'll see you later?
Kotetsu: If I don't die of awkwardness.
Muramasa: Just enjoy yourself there.
>With that, Kotetsu, Nathan, and Keith get into Nathan's car and drive off to the Mayoral Mansion.
>At the Mayoral Mansion, the Justice Day Ball was now beginning. Kotetsu, Nathan, Keith, and many other guests, including Ryan, Dragon Kid, Magical Cat, He Is Thomas, and Ruby, waited in the wings until the Mayor's assistant comes in.
Assistant: The grand hall is ready. Let the Justice Day Ball begin.
>In the ballroom, it was completely decorated with ice sculptures of the Goddess and her Crab, golden flowers and streamers, and a buffet table on the side. There were also TV monitors showing the route where the parade was to take place as well as the Spring Fair and many other places where the celebrations were taking place. On a stage at the end of the hall, the Mayor was at a podium with Agnes and Alexander Lloyds.
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Welcome, everyone! Happy Justice Day! We are so thrilled to have you here tonight. Please, enjoy yourselves. Don't worry about the parade, we won't miss it.
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And don't forget, before the parade, we have a big announcement.
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This announcement refers to a very special guest we have here tonight.
>For some reason, Kotetsu can feel that Lloyds's eyes were on him.
>Throughout the night, Kotetsu mostly hung next to the buffet table watching his fellow heroes interact. Nathan (as Fire Emblem) and Keith (as Sky High) were just talking with some people from Helios Energy, Ryan was talking with someone Kotetsu recognized as one of Sterbild's famous movie directors, Dragon Kid and Magical Cat were posing with some fans, and Thomas and Ruby were talking to Carlotta about Ruby becoming an intern at Jungle to be more closer to her brother.
>Out at the Blockus Spring Fair, things were in fully swing. Barnaby and the others were taking in the sights, the booths, and the food. In a dressing room at the start of the parade route, Blue Rose was getting ready for when the parade begins with her friends (still not knowing that she's Blue Rose) in the next room. In an open-air cinema, Ivan was watching a film documentary about past Justice Day celebrations with some of his old classmates, including Edward Keddy with special permission from the prison and is being watched by the police. Not too far from them, Subaru with parents and his friend, Rodrigo, were also watching.
>Back at the ball, night was now arriving. Kotetsu looks at the monitors as everyone was now ready for the parade to start.
Kotetsu: (to himself) They sure look like their having a good time.
>The clock chimes to let everyone know the parade would begin soon.
Lloyds: It's time. Everyone, come gather. It's time for our announcement.
>Then, one of the servers came to Kotetsu.
Server: Excuse me, I was asked to tell you to join the others on stage.
Kotetsu: What for?
Server: It's for the announcement. That's all I've been told to tell you.
>With that, Kotetsu follows the server to the stage where the Mayor, Agnes, and Lloyds were waiting while Kotetsu puts on his mask.
Agnes: (unimpressed) Do you really have to wear that? Everyone knows who you are.
Wild Tiger: Why not? I still like it.
Lloyds: Just take the damn thing off already. We need you to look dignified.
Kotetsu: (taking his mask off in defeat) Okay, okay.
>As everyone, including OBC cameramen with the cameras rolling, gathered at the stage, Lloyds goes to the podium and begins the announcement. The announcement was now being broadcast all over the city, including the fair where Barnaby and the others were.
Lloyds: Ladies and gentlemen, as of last night, the Justice Bureau has just named me the new CEO of Apollon Media. Which mean, the Hero Division will be in need of a new head. At first, I thought about asking Benjamin Jackson to take the job, but he turned it down. But after giving it a lot of thought and me and the Bureau have come to an agreement. We have decided to give the position to someone who knows Heroes and NEXT better than anyone. Someone who's been on the field and knows how they think. Someone who showed that no matter what may happen, power or no power, the heart of justice will never fade, a lesson well known for Justice Day. Ladies and gentlemen, I now present my successor... Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, Wild Tiger.
>Kotetsu was speechless as everyone in the ballroom applauded. Out in the rest of the city, everyone was cheering Kotetsu Even Barnaby and the others saw it.
Barnaby: (impressed and smiling) Who would have thought of that?
>At Antonio's house, he nearly chocked on his on his water with his medicine when the news came.
Antonio: Well, talk about your lucky break.
>Back at the ball, Kotetsu was ushered to the podium.
Kotetsu: (still reeling) I don't understand.
Lloyds: You said you wanted to still be involved with the heroes, even without your powers. We're giving you that chance... Fair warning, we're not taking no for an answer.
>Lloyds steps aside to let Kotetsu speak. Kotetsu did not know what to say. He was looking at the people, but then, he notices something shining bright out the window. Despite it being the city and the ballroom was brightly lit, the full moon could be seen clearly... He knew Yuri and Mr. Legend were watching as well... He finally knew what to say.
Kotetsu: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not usually one for speeches, especially since this got me by surprise, but I think I can make something up. When I was only 10, I was inspired to become a hero by my hero, Mr. Legend. Since then, I trained until I managed to get my big break. Then, my wife, Tomoe, got sick. Before she died, I promised her that I would continue being a hero. And I did just that, But then, my powers started to decline, and now, they're gone. I don't know if they'll ever come back or not, but I knew I still wanted to keep my promise. And now, thanks to everyone, I might still be able to do so. So if I must become the new head of the Hero Division, I will do so. I will come being a hero, though, it will be different kind of hero. (At least until they decide to make a Tiger & Bunny 3 or a movie.) Thank you all for your support.
Mayor: Ladies and gentlemen, the new Head of Apollon Media's Hero Division, Kotetsu T. Kaburagi, Wild Tiger!
>Everyone, not just in the grand hall, but all over Sternbild, and even in Oriental Town, were applauding and cheering so loudly that you could hear it all the way on the moon.
>Then, the fireworks go off and the parade begins. Everyone watched as on a float, Blue Rose and her friends perform their songs.
>It truly was a Justice Day to remember.
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Kingohger ep28
thank you.
there's no scroll frame during narration anymore → stage expanded beyond earth + story still unwritten
new bgm everywhere
villains these days can launch paychic attacks from SPACE
okashii so himeno sama 🤣🤣
WHY is my mysterious debut music used HERE 🤣
I just want to ask, yanma gast, rita kaniska, did you both NOT went to sleep
wait did they switch voices i'm actually confused by gira jera
The other two pairs changed their body language but i'm telling you gira jera switch FACES
oh my god
My brain is overloading
*watch wings scene twice*
who is this why is hirakawa yuzuki speaking in kingohger
im sorry i'm smiling like an idiot and the show is playing this solemn battle music
omg yanma's body that never trained sword
macaroni boyzu!!
wait YANMA started the fight… so he has no qualms punching HIMSELF. That the "wise king" to you.
oh my jera gira back hug henshin tutorial… rider heroine script jann…
Gira's Otto??
i can't i'm pausing every 10 second to laugh
wait a minute i literally cannot tell Taisei and Masashi's voice apart??
*sigh* these four puttinf their own country's interest first is such… them.
*too busy laughing at the chaos to comment on anything 💛🖤💙💜*
deleted Ishabana gondolas! Welcome back!
hmmm Uspa's disappearance is a foreshadow?!
wait wait why are gira jera greeting the crowd like a royal couple
if gira asked jeramie to do this does he have a regular meeting schedule (a red panda mascot would. *nods*)
ah. they made it, clearing the prejudice against bugnarok… 😥
Gira too, a proper king… 😭
Kaku-san's "Sou" sokurri!
the long hair makes him even more otome…
wait I was right down to the WASABI??!
the bkg still looks clearly composited, but it's an impressive live background!
you two stop acting like N'kosopa and Gokkan are just acrosd the street 😭 you guys are half a globe apart 😭
oooh they exchanged their phones
Erica is just having the time of her life
honeybee besties
wings 你兩個公報私仇咋吓話
omg fanfic on screen
oh gosh they are a sentai
the little papi huh once they switch back
i saw this shot + 29 already but still?? you sure this level of violence canbe broadcast on children's tv NOW??
Moru freakin stabbed Yanma with a penknife and Shiokara swung a bat at Rita's head?? Are u ok??
fun time is over…
Jeramie is the only one left next ep becausr he's the only one who blocked Douga's sword with his bug arm
the return of red gira!
if they give up the thrones that will be our "Resistance" connection! Team jackets here we come!
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realmaturebradley · 6 years
watching season 2 of 13rw with my sister because We Hate Ourselves and........... holy fuck it’s actually BETTER so far????????
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realmaturebradley · 6 years
My thots on 13rw (Season 2)
[Stops episode 13 at (39:02)]
What a great ending to a suprisingly stellar continuation? I mean. Objectively speaking, a second season was... always necessary if they Really gave a shit about showing an honest portrayal of the realities of suicide...
And against all odds... it surprisingly did?
I’m too mixed up to explain it properly but it redeemed SO MUCH of the first season for me just by humanizing just about the entire cast
(THE PARENTS AND ADULTS ARE FUCKING INVOLVED!!! Kevin Porter is the best character in the season Thus Far and I love his fucking Arc so much)
As well as fleshing Out their individual relationships with Hannah as well as each other? Jessica’s solidarity with Nina as well as Zack n Alex and Justin And Clay were probably the nicest moments to see get development as well as closure.
But it also wasn’t afraid to like. Let characters backslide and relapse and say/do some Idiot Bullshit because Sometimes Recovery Is Like That and people can be fucking demons because of the depths of their own guilt and grief. (Clay pissed me off a lot in this season but I Get Why and how everything Kinda Fucked Him Up Like That)
So it’s surprising to say this, esp as someone who saw more potential in the show to Genuinely Be Good And Mean Something, But I’m glad that Season 2 exists and was as well handled as it was and genuinely was the best possible Coda the story both got and desperately needed to be truly impactful.
[but seriously. Stop the episode at 39:02. It’s not worth it, it should NEVER have been there, it was as vile and upsetting as everyone says, ESPECIALLY WITH THE ADDED SHAGGY DOG BULLSHIT of the character affected learning how to better cope with their anger, and everything after just undermines the fucking story up to that point and it shouldn’t have been there and it’s fucking bad. We Don’t Need A Fucking Season 3, You Sadistic Hacks.]
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
it’s kinda weird to have started watching iasip and to notice just How Much of it shows up on Tumblr out of context
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
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me and my sister are still watching bbc!sherlock and I want to Die
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
So me and my sister just got out of “the final problem” and…
Holy shit….
13 reasons why may have triggered me badly, but I have never, EVER seen an episode of television SO BAD that I was physically to the point of tears because of how wretched what I was watching was
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
okay the most BOGGLING thing about bbclock is that i saw zero gifsets, memes, ANYTHING about the weird plot-lines/visuals, not even by detractors, it was always just "john and sherlock stare at each other so luv"
TBH,,,,and honestly, now that I've watched like, 95% of it, that totally makes sense because likeJohnlock has largely been the most coherent thing in The Entire Goddamn Show Thus Far and that's 100% by designLike if the cases don't matter and can be chalked up to ludicrous wankery like The Goddamn Boomerang, and the other characters largely don't exist except to further Sherlock's increasingly furious jerk-off motionsReally the. Only thing worth caring about at all is John and Sherlock's dynamicCuz even to someone who went in knowing that this show was Kinda Bad, the johnlock shit did? Legit feel like it was building up to some kinda slow burn canon reveal? Like it THRIVED on the romcom cliches and the constant affirming that They Both Complete The Other and the fact that John is the only character that can get Sherlock to being a halfway likeable character; IT WAS ALL BULLSHIT, BUT IT WAS BULLSHIT BY DESIGN
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
sometimes I feel kinda bad for the johnlock crowd because of how bad they got baited and how dedicated they were to making a better fanon out of the garbage canon but then I remember that dizzee/thor was canon and shao's sexuality/feelings for zeke will never get a proper resolution because not enough ytppl watched and wrote thesis papers about the get down and then I get bitter again :'^)
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
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so uh just finished up to series three of bbc!sherlock and. wow that was like. Not Good. Here's a fucken mood board I guess
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
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@crackinwise Oh no, I def get that!! I've binged like up to s2:ep6 and quite literally it's the funniest aspect of the show; like these clowns think they're the hottest shit around and think they can get away with everything But they're put in a realistic setting with normal people and it just becomes hysterical when they fail as BADLY as they do hell, Dennis is more pathetic than outwardly creepy but.. I've Dealt with dudes like them to like super Not-Good-For-My-Psychological-Health degrees and whenever he goes into Seduction Mode it raises my hackles in the worst ways, haha,,,,,
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
a boomerang
we are allOne BoomerangThe Human Boomerang
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
Second bad post but I just gOTTA SAY IT Dennis Reynolds fucking SUCKS
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
anyways I'm probably gonna just watch the special and be done with it until hell freezes over and series five gets confirmed but godddd that was somehow more insufferable to watch than goddamn 13rw which for all of the Evil bullshit it pulled and in spite of it being shot like hot garbage, i actually liked the cast a lot more (Probably cuz they actually had character and reacted realistically to trauma but lmao) like Bbc!sherlock even with all of its queerbaiting and racism and misogyny and homophobic wankery is just Largely fucking incomprehensible and boring??? I'm gonna watch elementary next because this was mcBAD, lads and I need a palette cleansing
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
Also forgot to mention
I've started hatewatching BBC!sherlock on hbomberguy's orders and why did such excellent cinematography, a great ost, and John Watson's character had to be wasted on the universe jacking off benadryl crumblystone for like a good ten hours of television
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realmaturebradley · 7 years
exceptionally bad post warning charliemac is surprisingly Good
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