#jeong soyeon
mororuart · 1 year
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tokyicons · 9 months
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Top 6 Kpop MVs: Keeping Korean Trot Contemporary
When iKon member Song dropped a new solo album, I was super surprised to find his title track was a trot song!! Yet it was just the nudge I needed to share another collection of Korean trot music. This style of song is not only an integral part of Korean culture, but a really unique and engaging genre of music! So come dive in and check out my recent finds!! Continue reading Top 6 Kpop MVs:…
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clariannahoney · 3 months
The Switcheroo Saga: A High School Hijinks Adventure | Chapter 2: The Switcheroo Surprise
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Yeri jolts awake, her eyes snapping open as she takes in her unfamiliar surroundings. Gone are the familiar posters and cluttered shelves of her modest bedroom, replaced by the lavish, cheerleader-themed decor of what can only be Soyeon's room.
Yeri sits up with a start, her heart pounding as the events of the previous night come rushing back. The humiliation she felt when Soyeon publicly mocked her in front of the entire cafeteria, the desperate wish she'd made to switch places with the mean girl cheerleader – it all feels like a surreal dream.
But as Yeri looks down at her hands, perfectly manicured and free of the calluses she's accumulated from years of tinkering with AV equipment, the reality of the situation sinks in. Somehow, someway, her wish has been granted. She's now inhabiting the body of Soyeon, the very person who had made her life a living hell.
Yeri's heart races with a mix of excitement and trepidation as she takes in the lavish bedroom. Gone are the posters of her favorite sci-fi movies and the stacks of textbooks that once cluttered her own space. In their place are the trappings of Soyeon's carefully curated life – the pristine cheerleading uniforms hanging in the closet, the vanity overflowing with expensive makeup and hair products, and the walls adorned with trophies and accolades.
Tentatively, Yeri slides out of the plush bed, her feet sinking into the soft, plush carpet. As she approaches the vanity, she can't help but be drawn to the reflection staring back at her – the confident, beautiful visage of Soyeon, the very embodiment of the popularity and power that Yeri has always craved.
A giddy thrill courses through her veins as Yeri runs her hands over the flawless skin and perfectly styled hair. This is her chance, she realizes, to experience the world through Soyeon's eyes, to wield the kind of social influence and respect that has always eluded her.
But even as the excitement builds, a twinge of unease begins to creep in. Yeri knows that this newfound power and status aren't truly hers – they belong to Soyeon, the mean girl who has tormented her for years. And the longer she remains in this body, the more complicated the situation is likely to become.
Yeri takes a deep breath, steadying her nerves as she tries to wrap her head around the reality of the situation. She's in Soyeon's body, and the potential that comes with it is both exhilarating and terrifying.
"Okay, Yeri," she murmurs to herself, her voice sounding foreign and unfamiliar in Soyeon's melodic tone. "Time to make the most of this unexpected opportunity."
With a newfound sense of determination, Yeri sets about preparing for the day ahead, fully aware that the world she's about to step into is a far cry from the safe, familiar confines of her own life., Across town, Soyeon's eyes snap open, and she sits up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest. Something is terribly wrong. The plush, cheerleader-themed surroundings she's so accustomed to have been replaced by a simple, cluttered room – one that is decidedly not her own.
Soyeon's brow furrows in confusion as she takes in the unfamiliar space, her gaze darting around the room. Where am I? she wonders, a growing sense of panic rising within her.
Reaching up to push a stray lock of hair out of her face, Soyeon freezes, her eyes widening in horror. These aren't her hands – they're smaller, with slightly crooked fingers and a smattering of freckles across the knuckles. Panic surging through her, Soyeon scrambles out of the bed and rushes to the mirror, her breath catching in her throat at the reflection that greets her.
A piercing scream rips through the silence of the room as Soyeon stares back at the face of Yeri Kim, complete with oversized glasses and a mouthful of braces. She recoils in disgust, her hands trembling as she runs them over the unfamiliar features.
"No, no, no, this can't be happening!" Soyeon cries, her voice laced with a mixture of terror and disbelief. "How is this possible? What have you done to me, Yeri?"
Soyeon's mind races as she tries to make sense of the situation. One moment, she was in her own bed, surrounded by the trappings of her carefully curated life as Oakwood High's reigning queen bee. And now, she's trapped in the body of the very girl she's spent years tormenting and belittling.
Panic and confusion give way to a growing sense of dread as Soyeon realizes the full implications of her predicament. Not only is she stuck in Yeri's nerdy, awkward frame, but she's also lost all of the power and influence that came with her own social status.
Soyeon sinks to the floor, her head in her hands, as she frantically tries to figure out how to reverse this unexpected body swap. The thought of having to navigate the social hierarchy of Oakwood High as Yeri Kim fills her with a sense of pure, unadulterated horror.
This can't be happening, she thinks, her mind whirling with a thousand panicked thoughts. There has to be a way to fix this – and she'll do whatever it takes to get her old life back., With a deep breath, Yeri steps out of Soyeon's lavish bedroom and into the hallway, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and trepidation. As she makes her way towards the front door, she can't help but notice the subtle shifts in the way her fellow students react to her.
Heads turn as she passes, and Yeri feels a surge of confidence as her peers greet her with a newfound respect and deference. Gone are the dismissive glances and whispered snickers that she's so accustomed to receiving as plain, unassuming Yeri. Now, she commands attention, her every move scrutinized and admired.
Yeri can't help but revel in the sensation, a giddy thrill coursing through her veins. This is what it feels like to be Soyeon, the reigning queen bee of Oakwood High. The power, the influence, the sheer adoration of her peers – it's all hers to wield, at least for the time being.
As Yeri strides through the hallways, her confidence soaring, she catches a glimpse of Jaehyun, the object of her affection. The star quarterback, surrounded by his adoring group of jock friends, looks up and meets her gaze, his brow furrowing in momentary confusion.
Yeri's heart flutters, and she feels a surge of determination. This is her chance, she realizes, to get closer to Jaehyun, to finally break through the social barriers that have always kept them apart. Mustering her newfound courage, Yeri decides to seize the opportunity, determined to make the most of her unexpected transformation.
With a confident stride, Yeri approaches Jaehyun's table, her mind racing with a million thoughts. She knows that this isn't truly her own body, that the power and popularity she now wields belong to Soyeon. But in this moment, Yeri is determined to embrace the role, to use it to her advantage and finally get the attention of the boy she's always wanted.
As Yeri engages Jaehyun in conversation, the jock's initial surprise slowly gives way to a growing sense of intrigue. Yeri can see the wheels turning in his mind, as he tries to reconcile the confident, charismatic girl before him with the nerdy, awkward Yeri he's always known.
For now, Yeri is content to bask in the attention, to revel in the feeling of being the center of Jaehyun's focus. But deep down, she knows that the longer she remains in Soyeon's body, the more complicated the situation will become. The thought of her true identity being exposed fills her with a growing sense of unease, even as she savors the thrill of her newfound popularity., Soyeon takes a deep breath, steeling her nerves as she steps out of the unfamiliar bedroom and into the hallway. She squares her shoulders, trying to project the same confident stride and air of superiority that she's so effortlessly maintained for years as Oakwood High's reigning queen bee.
But as Soyeon makes her way through the bustling corridors, her efforts are met with nothing but confused stares and snickers from her peers. Gone is the deference and respect that she's so accustomed to, replaced by a palpable sense of bewilderment and amusement.
Soyeon's heart sinks as she realizes that the social power and influence she once wielded so easily have now been stripped away, leaving her feeling utterly powerless and out of her element. The very traits that had once made her the envy of her classmates – her confidence, her poise, her unwavering sense of superiority – now seem to work against her, making her the object of their ridicule.
Soyeon tries to maintain her mean girl facade, but the cracks in her armor are starting to show. Her usual confident stride falters, and her attempts to project an air of disdain are undermined by the awkwardness of Yeri's nerdy frame.
As she navigates the hallways, Soyeon can feel the weight of her peers' curious gazes, their whispers and snickers cutting through the din of the bustling school. She knows that she must find a way to regain control of the situation, to reclaim the power and status that have always been hers.
But the more Soyeon tries to assert herself, the more she realizes just how much she's lost. The social hierarchy that she's spent years carefully cultivating has been turned on its head, and she's now the one on the outside, looking in.
Soyeon's heart sinks as she slinks back to her usual table, where she is greeted with Minho's sarcastic quips and teasing jabs. The normally confident Soyeon finds herself feeling increasingly powerless and out of her element, her usual bravado and disdain replaced by a growing sense of vulnerability and unease.
As she sits there, surrounded by her peers but feeling more alone than ever, Soyeon can't help but wonder how she's going to navigate this new reality. The thought of being trapped in Yeri's awkward body, stripped of her social status and influence, fills her with a dread that she's never experienced before., As the lunch bell rings, Yeri strides into the cafeteria, her head held high and her steps filled with newfound confidence. All eyes turn towards her as she enters the bustling room, and Yeri can't help but revel in the attention.
Scanning the crowded tables, Yeri's gaze immediately zeroes in on Jaehyun, the object of her affection. The star quarterback is surrounded by his usual group of jock friends, their laughter and boisterous chatter filling the air.
Yeri takes a deep breath, mustering every ounce of her newfound courage. This is her chance, she realizes, to finally get closer to Jaehyun, to break through the social barriers that have always kept them apart.
With a confident stride, Yeri approaches the table, her eyes locked on Jaehyun. The jock's friends fall silent as she draws near, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion. Jaehyun himself looks up, his brow furrowing as he takes in Yeri's – or rather, Soyeon's – sudden change in demeanor.
"Hey, Jaehyun," Yeri says, her voice smooth and confident, a far cry from the nervous stammer she's so often displayed in his presence. "I, uh, I just wanted to come say hi and see how you're doing."
Jaehyun blinks, clearly taken aback by Soyeon's uncharacteristic approach. "Oh, uh, hey, Soyeon," he replies, his tone cautious. "I'm doing good, I guess. Just, you know, getting ready for the big game."
Yeri nods, her lips curving into a coy smile. "That's great. I can't wait to see you out there, leading the team to victory." She pauses, her gaze flickering briefly to the other jocks, who are watching the exchange with a mixture of bewilderment and amusement. "Maybe we could, I don't know, hang out sometime? Grab a coffee or something?"
Jaehyun's eyes widen, and he glances around the table, as if seeking guidance from his friends. "Uh, sure, I guess. That could be cool."
Yeri's heart soars, and she can't help but feel a sense of triumph. This is it, she thinks, her excitement building. Her wish has been granted, and she's finally got Jaehyun's attention.
As Yeri continues to engage Jaehyun in conversation, she can feel the weight of Soyeon's (in Yeri's body) gaze from across the cafeteria. The normally confident cheerleader is cringing, her discomfort palpable even from a distance.
Yeri knows that the situation is far from simple, that the longer she remains in Soyeon's body, the more complicated things will become. But in this moment, she's determined to make the most of her unexpected transformation, to seize the opportunity and get closer to the boy she's always wanted., Across the crowded cafeteria, Soyeon (in Yeri's body) cringes as she watches Yeri's confident interaction with Jaehyun. Her heart sinks as she sees the star quarterback, the object of her own affections, engaged in conversation with what appears to be her own confident, charismatic self.
Soyeon desperately wants to intervene, to somehow put a stop to this bizarre turn of events. But the thought of drawing attention to herself and potentially exposing the body swap fills her with a sense of dread that she's never experienced before.
Soyeon's hands tremble as she slinks back to her usual table, her head bowed low in an attempt to avoid the curious stares of her peers. As she takes her seat, she is immediately greeted by Minho's sarcastic quips and teasing jabs.
"Well, well, if it isn't our resident nerd," Minho says, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Looks like Soyeon's finally decided to grace us with her presence. What's the matter, Yeri? Cat got your tongue?"
Soyeon cringes, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. The normally confident and cutting-witted Soyeon is nowhere to be found, replaced by the awkward, fumbling version of Yeri that she's always despised.
"Shut up, Minho," Soyeon mutters, her voice barely above a whisper. She can feel the weight of her peers' curious gazes, their whispers and snickers cutting through the din of the cafeteria.
Minho's grin only widens, and he leans in, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Aw, come on, Yeri. Don't be like that. I was just trying to lighten the mood. You know how much I love our little chats."
Soyeon's heart sinks as she realizes that the social power and influence she once wielded so effortlessly have now been stripped away. She's no longer the confident, cutting-witted Soyeon, the queen bee of Oakwood High. Instead, she's trapped in Yeri's awkward, nerdy frame, utterly powerless and out of her element.
As Minho continues to tease and taunt her, Soyeon feels a growing sense of vulnerability and unease. The very traits that had once made her the envy of her classmates – her poise, her disdain, her unwavering sense of superiority – now seem to work against her, making her the object of their ridicule.
Soyeon's gaze darts back to Yeri (in her own body), who is still engaged in conversation with Jaehyun. A twinge of jealousy and desperation flickers within her, but the fear of drawing attention to herself and potentially exposing the body swap keeps her rooted to the spot.
Trapped in Yeri's nerdy frame, Soyeon feels more alone and powerless than she's ever been. The realization that she's lost everything that once defined her – her status, her influence, her very identity – weighs heavily on her, and she can't help but wonder how she's going to navigate this new reality., As the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, Yeri (in Soyeon's body) strides through the bustling hallways, her steps filled with a newfound confidence and purpose.
Gone are the days of being overlooked and ignored, Yeri thinks, her lips curving into a triumphant smile. Now, she commands the attention and respect of her peers, their envious glances and whispered admiration fueling her sense of power and exhilaration.
Yeri revels in the sensation, her head held high as she navigates the crowded corridors. Students part to make way for her, their expressions a mix of awe and deference. Even the teachers, who had once dismissed her as a nerdy, unassuming girl, now greet her with a newfound respect and deference.
It's intoxicating, Yeri muses, the thrill of wielding this kind of social influence. No wonder Soyeon has always been so confident and unapologetic – with this kind of power at her fingertips, it's no wonder she's been able to rule Oakwood High with an iron fist.
But even as Yeri basks in the attention, a twinge of unease begins to creep in. This isn't truly her power, she reminds herself. It belongs to Soyeon, the mean girl cheerleader whose body she now inhabits. And the longer she remains in this role, the more complicated the situation is likely to become.
Yeri knows that she needs to find a way to reverse the body swap before her true identity is exposed. The thought of her peers discovering the truth – that the confident, popular Soyeon they see is actually the nerdy, awkward Yeri – fills her with a sense of dread.
What if they find out? she wonders, her brow furrowing with concern. What if Jaehyun realizes that the girl he's been talking to is actually me, the same Yeri he's always ignored?
The questions swirl in her mind, tempered only by the exhilaration of her newfound status. Yeri can't deny the thrill of being at the center of attention, of commanding the respect and admiration of her peers. But she also knows that it's all a facade, a temporary illusion that will crumble the moment her true identity is revealed.
As Yeri strides through the halls, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts, she can't help but feel a growing sense of urgency. She needs to find a way to reverse the body swap, to reclaim her own life and identity before the situation spirals out of control.
The longer she remains in Soyeon's body, the more complicated things will become. And Yeri is determined to find a solution before it's too late., As the final bell rings, signaling the end of the school day, Soyeon (in Yeri's body) trudges through the hallways, her head hung low and her shoulders slumped in defeat.
The once-confident and poised cheerleader is now a mere shadow of her former self, her every step a struggle as she navigates the unfamiliar territory of Yeri's nerdy social status and awkward mannerisms.
Soyeon dreads the prospect of having to endure the rest of the day, knowing that she'll be forced to confront the reality of her new circumstances. No more adoring fans, no more envious glances, no more of the power and influence that she's always taken for granted.
Instead, Soyeon is faced with the daunting task of blending in with the very people she's spent years looking down upon – the AV club members, the academic decathlon team, the socially awkward outcasts who have always been beneath her notice.
As she steps out of the school's front doors, Soyeon's heart sinks even further. The short walk to Yeri's modest home feels like a trudge through a foreign landscape, every step a painful reminder of the life she's been forced to inhabit.
When Soyeon finally reaches the front door, she pauses, her hand trembling as she reaches for the handle. Taking a deep breath, she pushes the door open and steps inside, bracing herself for the inevitable.
Yeri's parents, surprised by their daughter's uncharacteristically sullen demeanor, greet Soyeon with a mixture of concern and confusion.
"Yeri, dear, is everything alright?" Yeri's mother asks, her brow furrowed. "You look a bit down. How was your day at school?"
Soyeon forces a smile, desperately trying to maintain the façade of being their beloved daughter. "Oh, it was fine, Mom," she says, her voice laced with a false cheerfulness. "Just, you know, the usual."
Inside, Soyeon is screaming. The very thought of having to endure Yeri's nerdy extracurricular activities and social status fills her with a sense of dread and despair. This is not the life she's accustomed to, not the world she's ever known.
As Yeri's parents continue to fuss over her, Soyeon nods and smiles, her mind racing with a thousand panicked thoughts. She has to find a way to reverse this body swap, to reclaim her former life and status before it's too late.
The alternative – being trapped in Yeri's awkward, nerdy existence – is simply unthinkable., That evening, as the sun dips below the horizon, Yeri and Soyeon find themselves lying awake in their respective beds, both grappling with the unexpected consequences of their body swap.
For Yeri, the day has been a whirlwind of excitement and exhilaration. She's reveled in the newfound power and popularity that come with inhabiting Soyeon's flawless cheerleader physique, basking in the attention and respect of her peers. The thrill of being at the center of attention, of commanding the deference of even the teachers, has been intoxicating.
But even as Yeri basks in the glow of her newfound status, a nagging sense of unease begins to creep in. She knows that this power and influence aren't truly hers – they belong to Soyeon, the mean girl cheerleader whose body she now occupies. And the longer she remains in this role, the more complicated the situation is likely to become.
Yeri's mind races with a thousand questions and concerns. What if her true identity is exposed? What if Jaehyun, the object of her affection, realizes that the confident, charismatic girl he's been talking to is actually the nerdy, awkward Yeri he's always ignored? The thought fills her with a growing sense of dread, tempered only by the lingering thrill of her unexpected transformation.
Across town, in the modest confines of Yeri's bedroom, Soyeon lies awake, her mind consumed by a very different set of emotions. Gone is the confidence and sense of superiority that has always defined her – in its place is a growing sense of unease and a surprising twinge of empathy for the struggles Yeri has faced.
Soyeon can't help but marvel at the stark contrast between her own life and the one she's now been forced to inhabit. The power, the influence, the adoration of her peers – all of it has been stripped away, leaving her feeling utterly powerless and out of her element.
As she lies there, staring up at the ceiling, Soyeon can't help but wonder how Yeri has managed to navigate this world, to find a sense of purpose and belonging in the face of such daunting social obstacles. The realization that the very traits she's always prized – her confidence, her disdain, her unwavering sense of superiority – have now become her greatest weaknesses is a bitter pill to swallow.
In the stillness of the night, Yeri and Soyeon come to the same realization – their lives have become irrevocably intertwined, and they must find a way to work together to reverse the body swap before it's too late.
The thought of remaining trapped in these unfamiliar bodies, forced to confront the very things they've always taken for granted, fills them both with a sense of dread and determination. They know that the path ahead will be fraught with challenges, but they also understand that they can't face it alone.
As the hours tick by, the two girls lie awake, their minds racing with a thousand possibilities and uncertainties. But one thing is clear – they must find a way to reverse the body swap, to reclaim their own lives and identities before the situation spirals even further out of control.
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yoihoshi-maki · 5 months
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Stage name: Emma
Birth name: Kim Dal
Birthday: December 17, 1999
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Group: Eclipse
position: Leader, lead rapper, sub-dancer, main vocalist
Nationality: British-Korean
Voice: Wendy Red Velvet 10/10
Rap: Lisa Blackpink 9/10
Dance: Yoojung, weki meki 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Gucci, Calvin Klein
Who she is friends with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
-Food, her family, her dogs, her daughter (future), shopping, , the originals, and the vampire dairies, Ariana Grande and Anime, STARS, Cake
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Stage name: Aella
Birth name: Min Aera
Birthday: 2000 15, March
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Group: Eclipse
position: sub-vocalist, main rapper, lead dancer
Nationality: Korean
Voice: Hyolyn Sistar 9/10
Rap: Soyeon g-idle 10/10
Dance: Jiwoo, Nmixx 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Versace, Saint Lauren
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Aurora
Birth name: Jeon Byeol
Birthday: 2002 13, October
Zodiac sign: Libra
Group: Eclipse
position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Nationality: French-Korean
Dance: Gooseul, Girls alert 10/10
Voice: Lee Suhyun, Akmu 9/10
Rap:Yeeun, CLC 9/10
Visual: 9/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Dior, Channel
Who is she close with
TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Chaire
Birth name: Park Myeong
Birthday: 2003 12, April
Zodiac sign: Aries
Group: Eclipse
position: Lead dancer, Main vocalist, Visual
Nationality: Korean
Voice:TaeYeon, SNSD 10/10
Rap:Exy, WJSN 8/10
dance: Yeji, Itzy 10/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Balenciaga, Fendi
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
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Stage name: Ayla
Birth name: Park Eun-Jeong
English name: Ayla Kaiser Asteria Harmonia Ervin Loera Asterin
Birthday: August 20, 2005
Zodiac sign:Leo
Group: Eclipse
position: Maknae, Visual, sub-rapper, Main Vocalist, lead dancer
Nationality: Japanese-Korean
Voice: Jung Eun Ji, Apink 10/10
Rap: Le, Exid 9/10
Dance:Jihyo TWICE 9/10
Visual: 10/10
Net worth: 70 million from solo productions
But group wise 3.8 billion
Brand ambassador: Prada, Louis Vuitton, Alexander McQueen
Who is she close with
-TWICE, txt,bts itzy, IU, Stray kids, Big Bang, Jessi, blackpink, PSY, EXO, Hyuna, Everglow, Red Velvet, (G)I-DLE, Somi, Aespa, New Jeans, nmixx, Zerobaseone, Rizze, Le sserafim, Seventeen, Western artists and Fashion industry
Eclipse was made in 2019, yes at first everyone was judging the company of Eclipse for debuting a very young girl that was 14 when she debut but it soon got over with as they saw her talent shining through the 14.The group grew popular throughout their careers as they gained many fans around the world and in Korea. The girl group became one of the most successful groups in the kpop history with sold out concerts and sold out albums, carrying many world records on their backs. Now with the youngest member of the group hitting her 18th year of living their decided and finding many more things about her, she got invited to a racing competition in Japan and in turn she invited all of them back. 
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sorryimananti-romantic · 11 months
Ateez - Character Concept
Lore: 'An Empire of Dreams and Illusions'
[faerie prince!ateez au]
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Kim Hongjoong Prince of Light
Kingdom of Scorpio
Antares (Capital) Acrab Jabbah Schubba Sargas
The Topaz Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Got7 (Jaebeom as Right Hand, Yugyeom as Captain of Guard) Red Velvet (Seulgi as Head Healer)
Bending light Burning with light Great affinity for healing Only magic to break through illusions 'Unheal'
Ginger hair Blue eyes Translucent orange wings
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Park Seonghwa Prince of Dark
Princess Yena of Space (soulmate/wife)
Kingdom of Aries (State- Hamal)
Hamal (Capital) Bharani
The Diamond Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Seoho/Jinki (ex-Right Hand) Exo (Kai as Captain of Guard) (G)I-dle (Soyeon as Right Hand, Miyeon as Head Healer)
Bending dark Blinding with darkness or increasing vision when dark Penetrating mind Accessing memories Nullifying most magics
Dark hair Grey eyes Translucent silver wings
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Jeong Yunho Prince of Water
Kingdom of Aries (State- Sheratan)
Sheratan (Capital)
The Diamond Sea
[Animal Form]
Sea Dragon
[Court members]
The Rose (Woosung as Head Healer) Itzy (Ryujin as Right Hand, Yeji as Captain of Guard)
Bending water Altering water bodies Controlling temperature of water Element of ice Accessing memories through water bodies
Strawberry blonde hair Dark brown eyes
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Kang Yeosang Prince of Spirit
Princess Yena of Space (twin-sister)
Kingdom of Gemini (State- Pollux)
Mebsuta (Capital) Makbuda Propus Pollux
The Pearl Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
BTS (Namjoon as Right Hand, Taehyung as Captain of Guard) Mamamoo (Solar as 'Left Hand', Hwasa as Head Healer, Wheein as Vice Captain of Guard)
Detection of living souls Ruler of the 'Other' Dimension where spirits dwell Portals Ability to kill a spirit so it ceases to exist from every plane Astral Projection
Platinum blonde hair Grey eyes
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Choi San Prince of Earth
Princess Gaeul of Underworld (soulmate)
Kingdom of Cancer
Altarf (Capital) Arkesh
The Ruby Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Seventeen (Dokyeom as Right Hand, Mingyu as Captain of Guard) Twice (Jihyo as Head Healer)
Bending earth and the elements within Altering landscapes and geography Great affinity for healing- mostly soothing purposes Commanding animals
Dark hair with ash ends Dark brown eyes
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Song Mingi Prince of Fire
Kingdom of Leo
Regulus (Capital) Algieba Denebola
The Turquoise Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Day6 (Jae as Right Hand, Wonpil as Head Healer) Blackpink (Lisa as Captain of Guard)
Bending fire Controlling the temperature of fire Extracting lava from earth Detecting burning souls (either from magic or sth else) Seeing through masking magic and illusions
Red hair Dark brown eyes
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Jung Wooyoung Prince of Air
Kingdom of Sagittarius
Rukbat (Capital) Ascella Nunki Kaus Medionalis
The Peridot Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Stray Kids (Changbin as Captain of Guard) Dreamcatcher (Siyeon as Right Hand, Jiu as Head Healer)
Controlling the element of air Controlling properties of air Altering weather Detecting the presence of life Tracing whereabouts of something/someone from scent
Dark hair with streaks Dark brown eyes Translucent silver wings
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Choi Jongho Prince of Nature
Kingdom of Libra
Zubenelgenubi (Capital) Zubenelschemali Zubenelakrab
The Opal Sea
[Animal Form]
[Court members]
Monsta X (Jooheon as Right Hand, Hyungwon as Head Healer, Changkyun as Captain of Guard) Gfriend (Sowon as High Healer)
Controlling element of nature Maintaining harmony and balance in nature Command over life forms Meditative state allows him to connect with nature on another level Great affinity for healing Can 'breathe' life into things (unpractised)
Dark brown hair Dark brown eyes
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beautifulpersonpeach · 3 months
XG's Woke Up is *everywhere* in online space right now - can I ask what you think of the track?
(and the group if you feel like it)
I like it. It's not their best track but it further establishes their group identity and sets them up well for their next major release, which is what a single should do. The choreo is fun too. It gets a 6.9/10 from me.
XG is one of the handful of groups keeping k-pop exciting for me right now. The girls aren't rappers in the traditional sense but they're certainly better at it with their delivery, flow and tone, than any other female k-pop rapper currently active, including even Soyeon.
I can't find it right now thanks to Tumblr's new search algo, but l wrote a post sometime last year about the creatives driving the industry in interesting directions and centered it around three people:
Simon Jakobs
Min Heejin
Jaden Jeong
None of these people are considered unproblematic by k-pop stans (especially after these creatives left their Big3 roots), but all their groups are renown for bringing something fresh and compelling to the table, contrasted with the typical k-pop fare from the Big 3 + some HYBE groups.
I'm aware of the main criticisms about XG (cultural appropriation, blaccents, etc) but those sentiments are a given so long as an Asian group pursues Black music as its been done till now. Personally, I have a different threshold for what I consider race cosplay crimes in k-pop / adjacent industries, so nothing about XG really bothers me. If the group was directly under any Big4 company, they'd likely be bigger than most of the top 4th gen groups today, and k-pop stans would find ways to tolerate XG's supposed CA crimes the way they do for most Big3 groups.
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kiss4chuu · 1 year
⋅˚₊‧ ୨ request rules ୧ ‧₊˚
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ general rules ୧ ‧₊˚
↳ we only write romantic, platonic, age regression, fluff, angst, and semi-nsfw. no full nsfw content.
↳ we write in oneshot, headcanon, social media, and multi-character form. for multi-characters, the limit is 4-6.
↳ lgbtq+ relationships are fully allowed and encouraged, this includes polyamory.
↳ cross-fandom and au’s are allowed.
↳ we won’t write ships, unless it’s in a polyamorous pairing.
↳ mental abuse, physical abuse, and abuse in general within a pairing is not allowed. topics of it, however, are allowed.
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⋅˚₊‧ ୨ fandoms ୧ ‧₊˚
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— new jersey devils
— edmonton oilers
— seattle kraken
— florida panthers
— toronto maple leafs
— anaheim ducks
— boston bruins
— chicago blackhawks
— calgary flames
— ottawa senators
— los angeles kings
— winnipeg jets
— tampa bay lightning
— washington capitals
— philidelphia flyers
— columbus blue jackets
— nashville predators
— san jose sharks
— arizona coyotes
— st louis blues
— buffalo sabres
— pittsburgh penquins
— montreal canadiens
— vancouver canucks
— minnesota wild
— colorado avalanche
— vegas golden knights
— detriot red wings
— new york islanders
— dallas stars
— carolina hurricanes
— umich (not nhl, but i also don’t care)
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— twice
↳ nayeon
↳ jeongyeon
↳ momo
↳ mina
↳ dahyun
↳ chaeyoung
↳ tzuyu
↳ sana
↳ jihyo
— blackpink
↳ lisa
↳ jennie
↳ jisoo
↳ rosé
— (g)i-dle
↳ soyeon
↳ miyeon
↳ soojin
↳ yuqi
↳ shuhua
↳ minnie
— red velvet
↳ irene
↳ seulgi
↳ wendy
↳ joy
↳ yeri
— itzy
↳ yeji
↳ ryujin
↳ lia
↳ yuna
↳ chaeryeong
— le sserafim
↳ yunjin / jennifer
↳ chaewon
↳ sakura
↳ kazuha
↳ eunchae
— ive
↳ wonyoung
↳ yujin
↳ gaeul
↳ liz
↳ leeseo
↳ rei
— loona
↳ heejin
↳ hyunjin
↳ haseul
↳ yeojin
↳ vivi
↳ kim lip
↳ choerry
↳ jinsoul
↳ yves
↳ chuu
↳ gowon
↳ olivia hye
— new jeans
↳ danielle
↳ haerin
↳ hanni
↳ minji
— aespa
↳ karina
↳ winter
↳ giselle
↳ ning ning
— bts
↳ namjoon
↳ yoongi
↳ hoseok
↳ jin
↳ jungkook
↳ jimin
↳ taehyung
— enhypen
↳ ni-ki
↳ jungwon
↳ sunoo
↳ sunghoon
↳ heeseung
↳ jay
↳ jake
— stray kids
↳ bang chan
↳ hyunjin
↳ felix
↳ lee know
↳ i.n
↳ han
↳ changbin
↳ seungmin
— txt
↳ soobin
↳ kai
↳ yeonjun
↳ beomgyu
↳ taehyun
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— crash landing on you
↳ ri jeong-hyeok
↳ yoon se-ri
↳ gu seung-joon
↳ seo dan
↳ park kwang-beom
↳ kim jumeok
— all of us are dead
↳ lee su-hyeok
↳ choi nam-ra
↳ lee cheong-san
↳ nam on-jo
↳ yoon gwi-nam
↳ lee na-yeon
↳ jang ha-ri
↳ park mi-jin
↳ jang woo-jin
↳ min eun-ji
↳ kim chul-soo
— sweet home
↳ cha hyun-soo
↳ lee eun-hyuk
↳ lee eun-yoo
↳ seo yi-kyeong
↳ jung jae-heon
↳ pyeon sang-wook
↳ yoon ji-soo
— squid game
↳ kang sae-byeok
↳ seong gi-hu
↳ salesman
↳ hwang jun-ho
↳ ji-yeong
↳ cho sang-wo
↳ front man
↳ abdul ali
↳ circle, triangle, and square guards
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© kiss4chuu | no reposts
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fourfears · 1 year
anyone want to jump into plotting in a shared discord 1x1 server? after we chat a little and see if we vibe ofc. 21+ only pls as i am over 25. my main blog is haziest but i'm shadowbanned so i am posting here. check out my guidelines/some fcs i want under the read more and feel free to message me on discord at iranoveroprah, just tell me your url first please!
i'm called nine
i generally like playing face claims of color, and i prefer if you do too
i play any gender including nonbinary & trans muses & fcs, and i prefer if you do too
ask for my discord where (if we vibe) we can plot and make a server and headcanon and thread and stuff (i can make it if you want me to no pressure lol)
will not rp: pregnancy, anything involving babies or parenting including parents with grown children, military, historical, royal, cops, generally “taboo” topics (inc*st, r*pe, etc. but just ask if you’re unsure), fcs or muses under 20, or celebrities as themselves
i now have a list of banned fcs (sorry it keeps growing):
anyone under age 20. no exceptions. benedict cumberbatch, bts members, choi jongho, choi seungcheol (s.coups), chonnasorn sajakul (sorn), chris evans, chris pratt, colton haynes, david harbour, ezra miller, henry cavill, holland roden, jackson wang, jacob elordi, jennifer lawrence, jeon soyeon, kardashians/jenners, kim woojin, kim youngjo (ravn), kj apa, lim jaebeom (jay b), matthew gray gubler, miley cyrus, oliver sykes, park jaehyung (jae/eaJ), ryan gosling, taylor swift, tom holland, won kunhang (hendery), wong yukhei (lucas). this may be subject to change over time.
i generally like fast-moving threads, and i find <300 word threads are easiest to reply to, but i don’t mind long threads too! usually i’ll recommend doing a rapid fire thread alongside a longer thread to keep the inspo going
anything else just ask!
wanted plot dynamics/tropes:
addiction ᝰ affairs ᝰ angels & demons ᝰ codependent & toxic relationships ᝰ dumb stoners in love ᝰ grief & comfort ᝰ hauntings ᝰ impulsive confessions ᝰ long-distance & online relationships ᝰ musicians ᝰ opposites attract ᝰ poly ships ᝰ post-apocalyptic rebuilding of society ᝰ religious differences ᝰ spooky things !!! ᝰ unrequited pining ᝰ urban fantasy elements/settings.
(very niche) wanted fcs:
avan jogia ᝰ bae sumin ᝰ barry keoghan ᝰ bella poarch ᝰ brandon perea ᝰ chase sui wonders ᝰ choi beomgyu ᝰ choi in ᝰ choi yena ᝰ choi yoonah (doa) ᝰ conan gray ᝰ davika hoorne ᝰ dev patel ᝰ do hanse ᝰ dong sicheng (winwin) ᝰ evan mock ᝰ fukutomi tsuki ᝰ greta onieogou ᝰ han hyun min ᝰ hong siyoung (giriboy) ᝰ huh yunjin ᝰ hunter schafer ᝰ ivan rzhevsky ᝰ jang eunseong (dosie) ᝰ jeon somi ᝰ jeong jisu (albin) ᝰ jeremy allen white ᝰ jo gyehyeon ᝰ jonathan daviss ᝰ kai kamal huening (hueningkai) ᝰ kim gyunhak (leedo) ᝰ kim sunwoo ᝰ kim yongseung ᝰ kwak jiseok (gaon) ᝰ lee jooyeon ᝰ lee seoho ᝰ lee suyeon (sheon) ᝰ lee taeyeob (yoojung) ᝰ lights bokan ᝰ lily rose depp ᝰ lizeth selene ᝰ mae col ᝰ maggie lindemann ᝰ mat musto (blackbear) ᝰ na goeun ᝰ nicha yontararak (minnie) ᝰ oh seungmin (o.de) ᝰ osaki shotaro ᝰ park jihyo ᝰ rahul kohli ᝰ riz ahmed ᝰ tahliah barnett (fka twigs) ᝰ tati gabrielle ᝰ sen mitsuji ᝰ simone ashley ᝰ son dongju (xion) ᝰ song yuqi ᝰ thomas weatherall ᝰ xu minghao (the8) ᝰ yoo yongha ᝰ zhou xianxianye.
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sakuramidnight15 · 2 years
Idol Profile (AU)
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(AU Belongs to @rosietrace and @starry-night-rose)
(Members tagging: @fumikomiyasaki @nem0-nee @authoruio @jasdiary)
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
"Have your eyes locked on? The show is starting with a beat."
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
-Main Profile-
Idol Name: Velvet 💀
Birth Name: Chizuko Miyato
(Korean Name: Chu Soyeon)
Age: 18
Birthday: 11/15
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 175 cm (5'9")
Blood Type: AB
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
Speaking VAs:
Ise Mariya (JP)
Michaela Laws (EN)
Jang Ye-na (KR)
Singing VAs:
Cloudy June (EN)
Raon Lee (JP)
Jeon So-yeon (KR)
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
-Idol Stats-
Idol Division: Ramshackle
Idol Group: [ (Co)-Connect ]
Position: Main Bassist, Vocalist
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
-Fun Facts-
Favourite Food: Spicy Food (Probably Whatever, especially Miren's Cooking), Korean Food, Ramen, Fast Food, Chocolate (Mostly Dark)
Least Favourite Food: Stale Food, Overburnt Food, Candies, Mushed Food, Anything Disgusting,
Favourite Artists: TUYU, Kehlani, Demi Lovato, Lollia, luz, Mafumafu, Melanie Martinez
Likes: Peace and Quiet, Bass Playing, Writing her Inspirations (Songs or Poetry), Novels (Anything literally),
Dislikes: Yuuta's Annoyance, Loud Noises, Disrespectness (That's not gonna bother her), Anything Creeps her out,
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
Mayuu: (Respectful Individuals)
She respects her manager, although there are some tendencies between them which Chizuko decided to tune it down a bit.
Ellis: (Casual and Friendly)
Finds Ellis on neutral terms, but whenever Ellis asks her sometimes Chizuko often helps her on a daily basis with idol work whenever she's struggling on dancing.
Carol: (Casual and Close Novel Buddies)
Both Girls can both relate when it comes to inspiration for songs as they are both the one of the oldest group members. Though Chizuko often sneaks in a few novels for Carol to check into and often assists her.
Juvia: (Casual and Sweet-like Friendly)
She finds her a bit sweet after meeting Julia as the two interacted. There are days that the two might be seen on an normal hangout for food eating at various stores.
Miren: (Casual and Neutral Friendly)
Both her and Miren are in charge of the instruments and music within the group. Despite Miren's personality, she decided to take the first word to start the conversation. She's the only one who survived his spicy cooking due to her liking spicy food.
Yuuta: (Casual, Somewhat Friendly, and Slight Patience Tested)
Both her and Yuuta are the two tallest members in the group. Yuuta often finds taste in her good but her facial lackings, which caused the latter to have a limited patience level with him, Chizuko either subside it or... Deal it with him herself. Aside from it, both have agree to their aesthetics.
Victoria: (Casual, Respected, and Friendly)
She respects Victoria thanks to her career, the two are often seen when it comes to the song and instruments in the studio. Both girls are in friendly terms.
Akito/Jeong: (Close Friends and Special Bond)
Akito is Chizuko's personal escort back at her family's company building, which the both of them had kept in close contact after Chizuko entered the idol industry. She seems to show more of her whenever she's with him which no one but them know about. They seemed to more than just what they are...
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
She's the group's information collector, which is why her ears are sharp on hearing to get the lastest news event or gossip to tell.
Seems to be the big sister role within the group, regardless of her closed off personality but she still cares for her group mates.
Try not to get her pissed off... Though Yuuta had triggered the temptress in her.
Can do an all nighters. Her group members had to convince her to sleep.
Has a hidden sweet side though that can be a devilish sometimes, seems that Akito is the only one who knows about it.
Writes for most lyric planned for the next songs going underway.
Has more experiences with the public matters before her debut.
Her dances are sharp and follows along the rhythm and points of the music on stage, with her incoming surprising expressions and vocals following along.
Has a daily self-schedule in some of her early mornings, especially for her body to gain more flexibility.
Her aesthetic consists of dark colors and punkish vibes, but she also holds a contrast of femininity and female rage within them.
Seems to have self-confidence regardless of what anyone says about her, she'd have one of her songs to report those back at them.
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
Done- (Updated!)
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chuuuvi · 8 months
Cyn's Top 10 Kpop Songs of 2023
Yes I know this is late but it's still January so who cares. I'm limiting this to korean title tracks and prerelease singles. Perhaps I'II make one for my favorite b-sides later. Alright lets go!
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10. Lit by Stayc - I'll admit this one is kind of a sneak. I didn't even really get this song until this month. When I got it though I got it HARD. I think I listened to it on repeat for an hour straight. Do I actually think it's better than Teddy Bear and Bubble? Maybe not but I do think I like it the most. It's so brain scratchy!
9. Rising by TripleS - What a great song to be the group's official debut! I can really tell that they're Loona's little sister group in this song. Not that it sounds exactly like a Loona song but it has all these little moments where I can hear it. Probably because its a jaden jeong + monotree joint. Anyway it's a really good song and the chorus hits hard.
8. Perfume by NCT Dojaejung - My sister described this as a strut song which is so accurate. This song makes you feel like THAT BITCH. It's super smooth and sexy and really really good. Interesting vibe from NCT (That being said l'm a sticker defender so believe me I have nothing against the NCT sound)
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7. Air Force One by Odd Eye Circle - The return of oec fully rocked my world. I was ranting and raving about the loonaverse implications of this song / mv / mini album for days. It's also just a really cool song! Daradaradadada~
6. Giddy by Kep1er - my babies!! Their best title track since Wadada. Also the dance is adorable. I immediately taught myself the chorus choreo. I'm incredibly biased towards these girls so I was tempted to put this higher but I held myself back.
5. Zero by New Jeans - Now I know what you're thinking, "Why tf is that your new jeans entry?" and "That's literally a coca cola ad. What's wrong with you?" This is my list though and Zero was legitimately my top kpop song on my spotify wrapped. I listened to it an ungodly number of times. It has like a weird hypnotic effect on me so I listen to it while I study.
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4. Kick It 4 Now by The New Six - My top boy group jam of the year. Again shout out to my bg stan sister to putting me onto this. She truly keeps me in the loop in that regard. Pure happiness in a song it's SOOO FUN!
3. Queencard by (G)I-dle - Must every song be deep? Can't we all just have a silly girly time? My boob and booty hot!! In all seriousness though I think Jeon Soyeon is a genius. Ya'll might think her lyrics are weird but you just don't understand her like me. This is the song on this list that I think will have the most lasting impact. We'll all be looking back fondly on Queencard.
2. Underwater by Chuu - Underwater feels like a breath of fresh air to listen to. This song is so comforting; Chuu's voice is like a hug. It for real makes me emotional. It's so Taeyeon coded which is an incredibly good thing in my book.
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1. Unforgiven by Lesserafim - This was my anthem of the year no question. I don't know if Lesserafim will ever be able to top this. It's just flawless. Potentially my favorite kpop album of the year all together too. Idec that half of it is songs we've already heard. I love having greatest hits in one place and Lesserafim's greatest hits are really good!
A Bunch of Honorable Mentions: In Bloom by ZB1 (just barely missed the list. They're the boys to watch right now), Madeline by Limelight, Memories by Riize, We Are Young by Tri.be, I Am by IVE (another close one), Bubble by Stayc, Invincible and Girls Capitalism by Triple S (they had a great year), OMG by New Jeans, Bite Me by Enhypen (I actually went to a kpop dance class where we learned this choreo), Fighting by BSS, One and Only by Boynextdoor (naturally snatch-ed!!), Bad News by Kiss of Life
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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jeon.minkyu y yoonisexe
jeon.minkyu instagram creación del set del mv Set Me Free Pt.2 de Jimin
지민(Jimin) <Set Me Free Pt.2>Official MV
Director: Oui Kim
Producer: Yeonjin Kim, Hyunsik Bang
1st AD: Huiwon Song
2nd AD: Sunyoung Kim, Hyeri Shin
Director of Photography: Andy Iere Kim
1st AC: Heejeong Kim
2nd AC: Jimin Kim
DIT: Hyungjun An
3rd AC: Yeoeun Ahn
U-Crane arm Mini (Service Vision Korea)
Driver: Hakser Kim
Head Tech: Sangjo Lee
Crane Oper: Yongguen Hwang
Assist: Sungjun Lee
Scorpio Crane 38ft (Service Vision Korea)
Head Tech: Sangjo Lee
Crane Oper: Yongguen Hwang
Assist: Bumki Lee, Kiwon Lee
Key Grip: Kiheon Choi
Best Boy: Sungeun Kim, jiin Whang
Grip: Deaheon Choi
Drone Team: GodFinger
Drone Opreator: Minjae Lee
Gimbal Operator: Junhwan Cha
1st Assist: Youngjun Park
2nd Assist: Euntae Lee
Gaffer: Joonghyuk Jung
Crew: Hyunsuk Kim, Minhyeok Back, Hwayong Chung, Dongyun Sin, Yusung Han, Youngmin Choi
Art Director: Minkyu Jeon
Art Team Lead: Yesol Kim
Art Team: Youngmi Kim, Yoonhwan Kim
Crew: Minseok Choi, Kisoon Kwak, Yebum Bang, Junho Jeong, Jiwoong Han, Yerim Kwon, Haeyoung Kang, Junki Jeong, Sebin Lee
Colorist: Changbeen Yu
Assist: Soyeon Kim 
yoonisexe instagram creación del set del mv Set Me Free Pt.2 de Jimin
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sakurajjam · 1 year
Pode sugerir fcs coreanas entre 1995-1999? Quero fazer uma muse coreana, mas não conheço tantas fcs assim.
Claro que posso sugerir, pompurin! A lista ficou gigante, então vou deixar depois do cut, temos 150 mocinhas que são conhecidas e "desconhecidas", mas são todas lindas e merecem uma chance! Muitas contam com uma gama de fotos, enquanto outras não, mas espero que encontre uma que agrade.
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Kim Jisoo, Blackpink
Kim Jiyeon (Kei), Lovelyz
Kim Mihyun (Mimi), Oh My Girl
Park Junghwa, EXID
Jung Dasol (Yiyeon), BVNDIT
Ki Huihyeon, DIA
Choi Heejae (Heeyu), MIXX
Lee Jooeun (Jueun), DIA
Han Haebin, Gugudan
Kim Jiyeon (Bona), Cosmic Girls
Ahn Jiyoung, Bolbbalgan4
Yoo Siah (Yooa), Oh My Girl
Im Nayeon, Twice
Kwon Eunbi, Solo e IZ*ONE
Lee Siyeon, Dreamcatcher
Oh Seunghee, CLC
Chu Sojung (Exy), Cosmic Girls
Kim Nayoung, Gugudan
Kim Minju (Seoyeon), Favorite
Kim Yechan, Pink Fantasy
Kim Sojung (Sowon), Gfriend
Im Nayoung, Pristin
Park Haeyoon, Cherry Bullet
Lee Hyebin, MOMOLAND
Kim Jennie, Blackpink
Hyun Seunghee, Oh My Girl
Kim Chungha, solista (ex-I.O.I)
Nim Daewang, Pink Fantasy
Park Myungeun (Jin), Lovelyz
Oh Hayoung, Apink
Lee Dabin (Yeonwoo), ex-MOMOLAND
Choi Yujin, CLC e Kep1er
Jung Yerin, Gfriend
Jeon Somin, KARD
Kim Sejeong, Gugudan
Hwang Woolim, Playback
Park Sooyoung (Joy), Red Velvet
Park Soobin, Cosmic Girls
Jeon Jiwoo, KARD
Im Soeun (NC.A), UNI.T
Yoo Jeongyeon, Twice
Jang Seungyeon, CLC
Jang Sojin (Soyee), Gugudan
Lee Dawon, ARIAZ
Kim Seri (AleXa), solista
Kim Yoohyeon, Dreamcatcher
Lee Saerom, Fromis_9
Jo Miyeon, (G)I-dle
Park Jisoo (Jihyo), Twice
Roseanne Park (Rosé), Blackpink
Lee Yoojeong (Haru), Ho1iday
Choi Yuju, Cherry Bullet
Lee Luda, Cosmic Girls
Lee Yoobin (Dami), Dreamcatcher
Nam Dawon, Cosmic Girls
Kim Songsun, TRI.BE
Kim Hyebin, AREAL
Choi Moonhee, Bonus Baby
Ji Suyeon, Weki Meki
Ma Eunji, Playback
Oh Hyesoo (Lina), RedSquare
Ha Sooyoung (Yves), LOONA
Jung Eunbi (Eunha), VIVIZ/GFriend
Choi Yoonsun (New Sun), Sonamoo
Kim Chaewon (Woo-ah), CRAXY
Baek Yerin, 15&
Song Yeonjoo, P.O.P
Park Jimin (Jamie), 15&
Baek Yebin, DIA
Oh Sejin (Lina), ANS
Kim Minkyung (Roa), Hinapia (e ex-Pristin)
Kim Eunji (EJ), ALICE
Jo Haseul, LOONA
Ahn Solbin, LABOUM
Bae Yubin, Oh My Girl
Song Hayoung, Fromis_9
Choi Yuna (Yuju), GFriend
Kang Kyungwon (Yuha), Hinapia
Kim Chaewon, APRIL
Yoo Jiyeon (U-Si), BADKIZ
Ryu Sujeong, Lovelyz
Seo Yuri (Seoyul), Berry Good
Jung Chaeyeon, DIA (ex-I.O.I)
Im Hayoung (Lu), NATURE
Sung Jiyeon (Jane), MOMOLAND
Jang Gyuri, ex-Fromis_9
Son Hyunmi (Mia), MIXX
Park Jinhee (Jinny), Secret Number
Jeon Eunji (Danny), Ho1iday
Lee Hyunjoo, UNI.T
Lee Yeji (J), ANS
Jeon Hyunjoo (Royeon), ANS
Kim Hyunjung (Daye), Berry Good
Seo Soojin, ex-(G)I-dle
Park Jiwon, Fromis_9
Lee Suji, UNI.T
Park Jiwon (E:U), EVERGLOW
Son Juyeon (Eunseo), Cosmic Girls
Kim Dahyun, Twice
Hwang Eunbi (SinB), VIVIZ/GFriend
Jeong Yein, Lovelyz
Jeong Eunwoo, Hinapia/ex-Pristin
Lim Hyosun, H.U.B.
Maeng Chaesol, Cignature
Jung Haerim (Elly), Weki Meki
Jang Yeeun, CLC
Kim Yewon (Umji), VIVIZ/GFriend
Jeon Soyeon, (G)I-dle
Kim Hyungseo (Bibi), solista
Kang Yebin (Rena), Hinapia e ex-Pristin
Yoon Songhee, BVNDIT
Roh Jisun, Fromis_9
Lee Jinsook (Yeoreum), Cosmic Girls
Yoo Jeongahn (Daisy), ex-MOMOLAND
Lee Gahyeon, Dreamcatcher
Kim Jungeun (Kim Lip), ex-LOONA e ARTMS
Lee Yoona (Keina), H.U.B
Kim Yewon (Yehana), Pristin
Kim Bora, Cherry Bullet
Kim Yerim (Yeri), Red Velvet
Park Minji, Secret Number
Kim Jiwon (Jeewon), Cignature
Uhm Jungwoo, BVNDIT
Kim Seokyung, GWSN
Im Dayoung, Cosmic Girls
Bae Sungyeon, Pristin
Kwon Chaewon (Eunchae), DIA
Lee Simyeong, BVNDIT
Choi Yewon (Arin), Oh My Girl
Kang Hyewon, IZ*ONE 
Kim Sohye, solista
Choi Yoobin (Chaebin), NATURE
Yu Yeonjung, Cosmic Girls
Kim Sihyeon, EVERGLOW
Lee Joowon (Joo E), MOMOLAND
Na Goeun, Purple Kiss
Choi Yeori, ARIAZ
Moon Sua, Billie
Choi Yena, IZ*ONE e solista
Son Eunchae, bugAboo
Kim Jiwoo (Chuu), ex-LOONA e solista
Lee Chaelin, FANATICS
Choi Euijeong (Boni), Dreamnote
Lee Yukyung, ALICE
Lee Soodam, Secret Number
Choi Yoojung, Weki Meki
Kang Mina, Gugudan
Kim Doyeon, Weki Meki
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clariannahoney · 3 months
The Switcheroo Saga: A High School Hijinks Adventure | Chapter 1: The Homecoming Crush
Synopsis: In "The Switcheroo Saga: A High School Hijinks Adventure", high school student Yeri Kim's crush on star quarterback Jeong Jaehyun takes an unexpected turn when she and mean girl cheerleader Soyeon switch bodies. As Soyeon navigates Yeri's nerdy frame, Yeri revels in Soyeon's flawless physique. Chaos ensues as they struggle to maintain their personas in each other's bodies. With the help of Yeri's sarcastic best friend Minho, the girls must find a way to reverse the body swap before their true identities are exposed. Along the way, they discover that being a mean girl isn't as easy as it looks, and that true power comes from self-acceptance and empathy. Will they find a way to switch back, or will their newfound understanding of each other change their lives forever?
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Yeri Kim practically skips through the bustling hallways of Oakwood High, her eyes scanning the crowd for a glimpse of Jeong Jaehyun. It's the first day of the new school year, and Yeri is brimming with excitement, convinced that this will be the year her secret crush finally notices her.
As the straight-A student and president of the AV club, Yeri has always been a bit of an outsider, content to immerse herself in her studies and extracurricular activities. But this year, she has set her sights on a loftier goal – winning the heart of Oakwood's star quarterback, Jeong Jaehyun.
Yeri's heart flutters as she catches sight of Jaehyun, surrounded by his adoring group of jock friends. With his tousled dark hair, warm brown eyes, and confident swagger, Jaehyun is the epitome of high school royalty. Yeri knows she's just a nerdy blip on his radar, but she can't help but dream of the day when he'll finally see her as more than just a fellow student.
"This is it, Yeri," she murmurs to herself, adjusting her oversized glasses and straightening her shoulders. "This is the year you're going to get Jaehyun to notice you. And maybe, just maybe, he'll ask you to the Homecoming dance."
With a deep breath, Yeri steels her nerves and heads towards the group of popular jocks, determined to strike up a conversation with Jaehyun. Little does she know, her world is about to be turned upside down in the most unexpected way., Yeri takes a deep breath and approaches the table where Jaehyun and his friends are laughing and joking. Her palms are sweaty, and her heart is pounding in her chest, but she's determined to seize this opportunity.
"H-hi, Jaehyun," she stammers, cursing herself for the nervous quiver in her voice. "I, um, I just wanted to say hi and see how your summer was."
Jaehyun turns to her, his brows furrowing in momentary confusion. "Oh, hey, Yeri," he says, his tone polite but distant. "Yeah, my summer was great. Spent a lot of time training for the big game. You know how it is."
Yeri nods, her mind racing to find the right words. "That's awesome. I, uh, I can't wait to see you play. I mean, the whole school is really excited about the Homecoming game."
Before Yeri can say anything else, a shadow falls over the table, and she turns to see Soyeon, the reigning queen of Oakwood High's social hierarchy, glaring down at her with a cruel smirk.
"Well, well, if it isn't our resident AV club president," Soyeon purrs, her perfectly manicured nails tapping against the tabletop. "Trying to worm your way into Jaehyun's circle, are we?"
Yeri's face flushes with embarrassment as the entire cafeteria falls silent, all eyes turning towards the confrontation. "I-I was just talking to him," she stammers, her voice barely above a whisper.
Soyeon lets out a harsh laugh. "Oh, Yeri, you really are pathetic, aren't you?" She tosses her perfectly styled blonde hair over her shoulder and leans in, her eyes glinting with malice. "Did you honestly think Jaehyun would ever be interested in a geeky little nobody like you?"
Tears sting Yeri's eyes as Soyeon's words cut deep. The other students snicker and murmur, and Yeri feels her heart sink. She should have known better than to think she could ever be on Soyeon's level.
Turning on her heel, Yeri flees the cafeteria, her vision blurred by tears. All she wants to do is disappear, to escape the humiliation and the pain of Soyeon's cruel words. As she runs, she can't help but wonder if her dream of ever being with Jaehyun is nothing more than a hopeless fantasy., Yeri runs through the empty hallways, her heart pounding and tears streaming down her face. The humiliation she felt in the cafeteria is still raw, the sting of Soyeon's cruel words echoing in her mind.
As she bursts through the school's front doors and out into the crisp autumn air, Yeri's pace only quickens. She doesn't stop running until she reaches the sanctuary of her own bedroom, collapsing onto her bed in a heap of anguish.
Burying her face in her pillow, Yeri allows the tears to flow freely. Why did Soyeon have to be so mean? she wonders bitterly. Why does she always have to make me feel so small and insignificant?
Lifting her head, Yeri stares up at the ceiling, her vision blurred by the tears. If only I could switch places with Soyeon, she mutters to herself, her voice thick with emotion. Then I'd know what it feels like to be popular and powerful, instead of just a pathetic, geeky nobody.
The words hang in the air, a desperate wish born of Yeri's hurt and frustration. Little does she know, her simple utterance is about to set in motion a chain of events that will turn her world upside down.
As Yeri lies there, her body wracked with sobs, a strange tingling sensation begins to spread through her limbs. She blinks in confusion, her tears momentarily forgotten as she feels a shift in the air around her. Before she can even begin to process what's happening, the world seems to blur and distort, and Yeri's eyes flutter shut as a wave of dizziness washes over her.
When she opens them again, Yeri finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings. Gone is the cozy, familiar comfort of her own bedroom, replaced by a lavish, cheerleader-themed space that can only belong to one person: Soyeon.
Yeri sits up with a start, her heart racing as she looks down at her hands, now perfectly manicured and free of the calluses she's accumulated from years of tinkering with AV equipment. Slowly, the realization dawns on her – somehow, someway, her wish has been granted. She's in Soyeon's body, and the power and popularity she so desperately craved are now within her grasp.
But as Yeri takes in her new surroundings, a sense of unease begins to creep in. What exactly has she gotten herself into? And how on earth is she going to navigate the treacherous social landscape of Oakwood High as the school's reigning mean girl?, Yeri tosses and turns in the unfamiliar bed, her mind racing with the events of the day. The humiliation she felt in the cafeteria, Soyeon's cruel words, and her desperate wish to switch places – it all feels like a surreal dream.
As Yeri shifts in the plush, lavish bedding, a strange tingling sensation begins to spread through her body. She pauses, her brow furrowing in confusion, and slowly opens her eyes, expecting to see the familiar surroundings of her own bedroom.
But what greets her is anything but familiar. Yeri finds herself in a room that is far more extravagant than her modest abode, with walls adorned with cheerleading memorabilia and a vanity overflowing with expensive makeup and hair products.
Sitting up with a start, Yeri looks down at her hands, her eyes widening in disbelief. These are not her own hands – they're slender and perfectly manicured, a far cry from the slightly calloused fingers she's used to. Panic begins to rise in her chest as she runs her hands over her face, feeling the smooth, flawless skin and the distinct shape of her nose and jaw.
It can't be, she whispers, her voice barely above a trembling breath. This has to be a dream.
But as Yeri takes in her surroundings, the realization slowly dawns on her. Somehow, someway, her wish has been granted. She's no longer in her own body – she's in Soyeon's.
Yeri's heart races as she tries to make sense of what's happening. How is this possible? And what on earth is she supposed to do now?
Sliding out of the bed, Yeri approaches the vanity, her gaze fixed on the reflection staring back at her. Gone is the geeky, bespectacled girl she's used to seeing – in her place is the confident, beautiful visage of Soyeon, the very person she's always envied and resented.
Yeri reaches out, tentatively touching the mirror, as if to confirm that this isn't some cruel trick of the light. But the reflection remains, unwavering and undeniable.
She's in Soyeon's body. And the implications of this startling revelation begin to sink in, leaving Yeri both exhilarated and utterly terrified., Across town, in a modest, unassuming bedroom, Soyeon's eyes snap open, her heart pounding in her chest. Something is terribly wrong. The plush, cheerleader-themed surroundings she's so accustomed to have been replaced by a simple, cluttered room – one that is decidedly not her own.
Soyeon sits up with a start, her gaze darting around the unfamiliar space. Where am I? she wonders, her brow furrowing in confusion. This isn't my room.
Reaching up to push a stray lock of hair out of her face, Soyeon freezes, her eyes widening in horror. These aren't her hands – they're smaller, with slightly crooked fingers and a smattering of freckles across the knuckles. Panic rising in her chest, Soyeon scrambles out of the bed and rushes to the mirror, her breath catching in her throat at the reflection that greets her.
A piercing scream rips through the silence of the room as Soyeon stares back at the face of Yeri Kim, complete with oversized glasses and a mouthful of braces. She recoils in disgust, her hands trembling as she runs them over the unfamiliar features.
"No, no, no, this can't be happening!" Soyeon cries, her voice laced with a mixture of terror and disbelief. "How is this possible? What have you done to me, Yeri?"
Soyeon's mind races as she tries to make sense of the situation. One moment, she was in her own bed, surrounded by the trappings of her carefully curated life as Oakwood High's reigning queen bee. And now, she's trapped in the body of the very girl she's spent years tormenting and belittling.
Panic and confusion give way to a growing sense of dread as Soyeon realizes the full implications of her predicament. Not only is she stuck in Yeri's nerdy, awkward frame, but she's also lost all of the power and influence that came with her own social status.
Soyeon sinks to the floor, her head in her hands, as she frantically tries to figure out how to reverse this unexpected body swap. The thought of having to navigate the social hierarchy of Oakwood High as Yeri Kim fills her with a sense of pure, unadulterated horror.
This can't be happening, she thinks, her mind whirling with a thousand panicked thoughts. There has to be a way to fix this – and she'll do whatever it takes to get her old life back.
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binnie-bitch · 2 years
Bunnypig18′s Fanfiction Masterpost
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(banners made by @chrswolfie​​ ) Archive of our own  General Kpop Blog My asks are always open for any feedback or questions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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A Guide by Bang Chan Multiple Ships - Smau, Crack, Romance (in progress - paused) My Sun, My Moon and My Stars Bang Chan/Lee Know - Romance, Mild Angst, Smut (Finished) Wrong Number Bang Chan/Kim Hongjoong - Smut (Finished) Make it up to You Bang Chan/Choi San - Smut (Finished) Teach Me Love Jeong Yunho/Kim Seungmin - Slow Burn (Finished) Lock Our Love Seo Changbin/Johnny Suh - Slow Burn (Ongoing) In Your Arms Bang Chan/F!Reader (Finished) Spotlight Seo Changbin/Jeon Soyeon (Finished)
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Lips Like Candy Park Seonghwa/Choi Jongho - Smut (Finished) I Take Care Of You Kim Hongjoong/Afab!Reader - Smut (Finished) Wrong Number Bang Chan/Kim Hongjoong - Smut (Finished) Make it up to You Bang Chan/Choi San - Smut (Finished) To Ten Million Fireflies Choi San/Jung Wooyoung - Angst (Finished) Teach Me Love Jeong Yunho/Kim Seungmin - Slow Burn (Finished) Milkyway Love Kim Hongjoong/Jameela Kang(OC)/Park Seonghwa - Mild Angst (Finished)
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Slither Into My Heart And My Mind TXT Choi Yeonjun/Tentacles - Smut (Finished) How I Die My First Death BTS Kim Taehyung/Jeon Jungkook (Finished) Punchline NCT Jeong Jaehyun/Moon Taeil (Finished) Lock Our Love NCT/Stray Kids Seo Changbin/Johnny Suh - Slow Burn (Ongoing) Spotlight Stray Kids/Gidle Seo Changbin/Jeon Soyeon (Finished)  Spirit Of Competition Zerobasone Kim Jiwoong/Kim Gyuvin/Sung Hanbin (Finished)  I’m Going Freaky Xikers Choi Sumin/Anonymus (Finished)
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notoriouseliterp · 1 month
Hi tags! Hope you're all having a wonderful Thursday. We're one step closer to the weekend and I can't wait. While I'm working, I'll pop back on here to check things out. We would love to have you join us here at notoriouseliterp. Bring us Emma Corrin, Matt Smith, Katherine McNamara, Keith Powers, Taylor Hill, Chris Hemsworth, Lee Know, Madison Beer, Finneas O'connell, Jeong Soyeon, Tom Holland, Bella Hadid, Dev Patel, Minka Kelly, Rudy Pankow, Leighton Meester, Penn Badgley, Maia Reficco, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Momo Hirai, Hugh Dancy and Anya Chalotra.
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