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bennctwitch ¡ 6 years ago
“ I’m not in a “ha-ha” frame of mind. I’m in an “ah!” frame of mind. ”
“Sometimes they’re the same, yah know,” murmured Bonnie, setting down an extra coffee in front of Ms. Blake. 
She was on campus to turn in a term paper, and one of the baristas at her favorite shop had given her the second one for free. They’d botched the previous customer’s order. There was nothing wrong with the coffee, just the customer. She’d taken it, gladly. Content with her own cup but feeling she might need it. And lo and behold, her intuition was right yet again. 
There was a pile of papers in front of the beautiful brunette. Essays, no doubt, which she was probably grading. Hence the internal screaming. Bonnie offered the older woman a small smile as she sat down at the table with her. 
“If you don’t laugh you cry,” she said with a shrug, taking a tentative sip of her own coffee before musing, “No Edgar Allen Poes in the bunch?”
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random-rp-dreams ¡ 6 years ago
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Malia Tate vs Jennifer Blake
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kaylinfayezink ¡ 7 years ago
The best villians of Teen Wolf Oh did I say villians I meant villian😏 [Not my edit] Credits: @madlywolf (go follow!) . . . #teenwolf #teenwolfedit #gerardargent #gerardargentedit #kateargent #kateargentedit #peterhale #peterhaleedit #jenniferblake #jenniferblakeedit #voidstiles #voidstilesedit
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tantasila ¡ 4 years ago
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#jenniferblake #teenwolf #dylanobrian
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ruined-rp ¡ 5 years ago
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Jennifer hadn’t slept all evening. The weight of her actions that night lay upon her like a stone and she’d been sat at her sofa with her head in her hands too exhausted to do anything yet too tired to actually sleep. There was a sharp knock upon her door that jolted her from her thoughts and she slowly rose, opening the door to reveal Derek and Marcel… holding the dead girl in his arms she’d killed hours before. Old Instinct kicked in as though she’d never stopped, the fear of getting caught kicked her heart up enough to hide any lies, “Good God-” she’d barely breathed out, wide eyes resting on Davina’s limp form as Marcel quickly spoke.
“Fix her! You can do it! You have to, y-you killed alpha’s you can do it you have to!”
They may have been orders but were little more than broken pleas and Jennifer swallowed, her eyes darting over to Derek’s stoic form before stepping back, “Bring her inside.” The pair darted in and she closed the door behind her, pulling the curtains to hide the dawn light and looking back, “Clear the coffee table, lay her down.” She ordered, moving into the kitchen to grab some supplies. She didn’t look back and when Derek’s deep voice broke the silence of the room she jolted lightly.
“Can you?”
The simple question Marcel lacked the hope to ask. It was enough to give her pause and she looked back, candles held to her breast with one arm and a basket of herbs in another. She looked into his eyes, once so familiar now changed yet still looking to her to provide answers.
“Life was never something I gave.” She whispered back, taking care where she needn’t have bothered, Marcel too busy whispering sweet nothings to the corpse laid out on her table.
“Do it.”
Two words which held faith, however badly delivered, that this was something she could do… Something she should do. The Nemeton had called for her but the death had been pure, she’d ensured it. The Stump had feasted and if she returned now? It would be on Jennifer’s power alone; power the Darach knew she didn’t have. She’d chosen a path of death. Life was not hers to give in any way… not anymore.
“Wait in here. Both of you.”
She refused to meet Derek’s eyes as she moved back into her living room, pulling her sofa back for more space while Derek coerced and unwilling Marcel into the kitchen and closed the door behind them.
In a ritual eerily similar to her actions hours before Jennifer lay out candles and lit them before moving to the body of Davina and stripping her naked. She moved to her bathroom and filled a large bowl with water, gathering several more before returning, kneeling next to the corpse and with slow, deliberate motions she wet a cloth and brought it to the severed throat, pressing hard and pulling back she began to wipe the skin clean. It was hard work. Gruesome. The clear water ran an ugly pink in moments as she cleansed the wound till it sat grotesquely bare, sinew and veins empty and on display.
It was merely a beginning though. She emptied and refilled the bowl, putting a few drops of oils and some herbs into the mixture before using a new cloth to wipe down Davina’s body, rinsing out her hair, clumped thick with blood, down her body to her fingers and feet, leaving her pristine, blessed, new. She disposed of the water and mumbled archaic words under her breath she took a pair of small sowing scissors and cut loose ends of the young witches hair gathering the locks in her palm she set them in a small clay bowl with twigs, more herbs and set it alight; it burned unnaturally fast, a pinkish hue to the flame. It wasn’t enough. She continued in her cleansing, clipping nails, both hand and foot and sprinkling them into the flames. Jennifer lifted the clay bowl, uncaring of the heat and placed it beside her head.
A flame to guide.
She returned to her bedroom one last time and moved to her wardrobe, pulling an old, silk blanket of blood-red. There was magic in the cloth, it had belonged to a druid who died long ago, killed with her coven for a alpha’s greed. A connection to a people she’d long since forsaken. Her only hope to beg back what she’d cast out.
Jennifer placed the silken cloth reverently over Davina’s naked form, covering her from neck to foot, only her head and the small pinkish flame that burned beside it on displace. Jennifer swallowed and gazed down upon the body, the faintest of twitches to her lips as her words to Derek echoed in her mind:
‘Life was never something I gave.’        
Her hands reached forward, a fine tremble to them as they rested lightly upon Davina’s unmoving breast. The candles had burned down, the room black save for the pinkish flame from the clay bowl. Jennifer took in a shaky breath.
Gofynnaf i'r Hynafiaid ddisgleirio eu goleuni, ac arwain enaid allan o'r tywyllwch. Erfyniaf ar yr Hynafiaid i rannu eu tân, a chynnau cannwyll sydd wedi mynd allan. O dywyllwch, goleuni. O ludw, tân. O farwolaeth, bywyd.
The words of Ancient Welsh made the room heavy, just as in the bayou all seemed to pause, no hum from electical appliances, no sound from the outside world. Nothing.
Nothing at all.
Jennifer took another shaky breath.
Gofynnaf i'r Hynafiaid ddisgleirio eu goleuni, ac arwain enaid allan o'r tywyllwch. Erfyniaf ar yr Hynafiaid i rannu eu tân, a chynnau cannwyll sydd wedi mynd allan. O dywyllwch, goleuni. O ludw, tân. O farwolaeth, bywyd. 
No change. The body remained empty. The world remained still.
Jennifer’s lip trembled, her eyes misted slightly and she closed them, a single tear running down her cheek. A scarred, mutilated thing just like the rest of her. Jennifer’s eyes opened and there was no beautiful woman, merely a ripped apart body pulled together beyond what should be possible, taunt skin still pink and unhealed flickered garishly in the fire’s light.
“Please.” The word barely legible through a ripped apart mouth, spittle dripping down a skinless jaw, a single tear mixed within.
Gofynnaf i'r Hynafiaid ddisgleirio eu goleuni, ac arwain enaid allan o'r tywyllwch. Erfyniaf ar yr Hynafiaid i rannu eu tân, a chynnau cannwyll sydd wedi mynd allan. O dywyllwch, goleuni. O ludw, tân. O farwolaeth, bywyd. 
The flame blew out.
Jennifer was motionless.
Davina was the same.
The door to Jennifer’s kitchen opened and a once again beautiful woman stepped inside, her expression enough to denote her failure. Derek closed his eyes and Marcel’s head went into his hands. No one spoke, there were no words to say.
Then a fierce gasp for air sounded from the dark living room.
Jennifer remained frozen while the men’s eyes went wide. Marcel didn’t hesitate and ran into the room so swiftly he was but a blur. Derek ran moments after, flipping the lights on as he went. Jennifer took longer still but eventually turned and walked back into her living room.
Marcel clung to the reanimated Davina, saying all he’d been unable to since seeing her last while Derek hung back, not wanting to interfere. The young witches head turned back, her eyes finding Jennifer, the wide look in them enough to mean, ‘How?’
Jennifer’s expression of shock was much the same, she barely moved her head but the shake enough to answer. She didn’t know. But life had reigned. Life within her walls. She had given life.
Her first life.  
Written by: @jenniferblake for @ruined-rp
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sabreblade ¡ 10 years ago
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Jennifer Blake - Luchadoras AAA on Flickr.
Jennifer Blake - Luchadoras AAA http://theluchadoras.blogspot.com/2014/11/jennifer-blake-luchadoras-aaa.html
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tantasila ¡ 4 years ago
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Jennifer Blake
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leag1990 ¡ 11 years ago
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this bit always makes me giggle. Scott and stiles's faces! #teenwolf #theoverlooked #teenwolftheoverlooked #haleywebb #jenniferblake #jenniferday #dylanobrien #stilesstilinski #stilesday #tylerposey #scottmccall #scottday
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ruined-rp ¡ 5 years ago
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“You have one chance left to back out of this.”
Jennifer’s words hung heavy in the air as she stared down Davina, the young witch, the missing harvest girl, the weight tipping the balance towards chaos. If this girl had died when her coven decreed it she’d not have been called back. It all came down to that really… One vampire’s foolish actions put the city on the precipice of disaster; now, one witch’s brave decision could put it to rights.
She’d not sought her out, Davina had come to her. The witch told her plainly who she was, what she represented and rather than threaten her to keep away, as she’d expected, she’d been asked to participate in sacrifice, one last time.
Davina wished to die to complete the harvest.
No matter what anyone would say, Jennifer took no pleasure in sacrifice. It was a necessary evil to keep worse evils at bay; sacred rights to deities beyond their power of comprehension. Knowing the consequences of refusal, Jennifer had gazed at the girl forlornly for a few moments before quietly moving to her bedroom; hidden at the back of her closet were tools she’d hoped to never have need for again yet… Fate had decreed that not be so.
Their journey to the Nemeton had been quiet, neither needing to speak, nor guide the other, it was calling to them and Jennifer knew Davina would feel it as keenly as she did. It knew her, but it wanted Davina. It wasn’t until the two came upon the wizened stump that she spoke those words and a heaviness settled.
Davina was brave though, there was no hesitation before a quiet ‘No.’ was spoken and Jennifer nodded.
“Then no time to waste.”
With an almost detached, clinical efficiency Jennifer set up the space. She lit candles, muttered old arcane words around the space, and lay her hands upon the Nemeton. Her words soft, cooing, almost as though soothing a child while she gently rubbed the wood. There was not a sound around them, water held still, not a single cricket chirped, the silence of magic was all that could be felt, heard, and seen. This chanting continued for longer, almost an hour had passed before Jennifer slowly raised her head, eyes shining with an unnatural light as she fixed her gaze on Davina.
“It’s time.”
She held a hand out and the other witch came slowly forward, her hand only trembling slightly as she placed it in the older witch’s.
‘Will it hurt?’
A whispered question, an unspoken fear everyone from vampire to human would ask.
“No.” her voice just as soft, as she cupped Davina’s cheek, “It is just like falling asleep. Then you’ll be home.”
Davina smiled at her words.
She never had time to finished as Jennifer’s blade sliced deep into her throat.
Blood gushed freely from the fatal cut and fell thick and warm upon the Nemeton. Jennifer gently caught the dying girl and soothed her with the same words spoken before, laying her down atop the stump and stroking her hair till feeble twitches ceased and she was still, eyes gazing up at the stars.
Jennifer bent at the knee and continued to quietly chant longer into the night. It wasn’t until the last candle burned down and the sun broke the horizon that life returned to the bayou.
Water lapped, crickets chirped and a raven cawed.
Rising to her feet, the burdened witch gently closed the glassy eyes of Davina Claire. The missing Harvest Girl returned. Balance was restored.
Jennifer gathered her things and walked to the edge of the clearing; nothing called her back. With a final look back she whispered-
“Be at peace. Be at balance. Reap all that you’ve sown.”  
A Missive From The Main
This is the first post in the lead up to our next event: Lamb To The Slaughter. The Main even post with further information will be coming soon. 
Written by: @jenniferblake for @ruined-rp
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tantasila ¡ 4 years ago
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"You call them sacrifices, but you're not understanding the word. It's derived from the Latin sacrificium, an offering to a deity, a sacred rite. A necessary evil." 
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rarepairnovember ¡ 11 years ago
Myth and Bullshit (2551 words) by mpatientdreamr Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Jennifer Blake/Kali Series: Part 2 of True. I authored some of it.
Kali's trying to change things.
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