#jennifer lope
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geekpopnews · 1 year ago
Super Bowl: Os shows mais marcantes do 'Halftime'
Reviva os momentos mais memoráveis do Super Bowl com performances épicas de Michael Jackson, Beyoncé e outros ícones da música mundial!
O Super Bowl, além de ser um dos eventos esportivos mais aguardados do ano, é também palco de performances musicais épicas. Uma vez que, lendas como Michael Jackson e Whitney Houston se apresentaram, o palco do Super Bowl se tornou um símbolo de entretenimento de classe mundial. Assim, vamos relembrar alguns dos melhores momentos musicais que marcaram a história do evento: Michael Jackson…
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disarmluna · 2 years ago
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Kate Hudson, Jennifer Lopez, Baz Luhrmann, Gigi Hadid & Stella McCartney @ Met Gala after party 
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fantastickkay · 6 days ago
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From J-14, June 2000
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lili2424 · 2 months ago
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theivorybilledwoodpecker · 2 years ago
Over one year on from Dobbs, please remember the victims of abortion bans in America. These are just the ones that made it to the news:
Marlena Stell
Amanda Zurawski
Mylissa Farmer
The 10-year-old from Ohio
The 16-year-old from Florida
The 15-year-old from Florida
Nancy Davis
Elizabeth Weller
Anya Cook
Kelly Shannon
Jessica Bernardo
Kierstan Hogan
Taylor Edwards
Kylie Beaton
Gabriella Gonzalez
Samantha Casiano
Lauren Van Vleet
Austin Dennard
Lauren Miller
Jaci Statton
Kristina Cruickshank
Tara George
Kailee DeSpain
Deborah Dorbert
Mayron Hollis
Kristen Anya
Heather Maberry
Melissa Novak
Kayla Smith
Lauren Christensen
Beth Long
Anabely Lopes
Christina Zielke
Kaitlyn Joshua
Lauren Hall
Carmen Broesder
Jill Hartle
Brittany Vidrine
Jane Doe from Massachusetts, who had an ectopic pregnancy rupture because a pregnancy crisis center told her it was viable
The Jane Doe had an ectopic pregnancy rupture after an anti-abortion pregnancy center told her she had a normal pregnancy
Emily Doe, whose fetus had lungs that wouldn’t develop and had no kidneys. The pregnancy had the potential to endanger her health…but it wasn’t endangering it yet. So she had to flee Missouri for an abortion.
Victoria Doe from Louisiana, who had to go to Oregon
Ashley Brandt
Anna Zargarian
Reverend and Doctor Love Holt
Michelle Mitchenor
Brooke High
Ashley from Mississippi, who was raped and forced to give birth to her rapist's baby. She's 13.
Nicole Blackmon
Allie Phillips
Jennifer Adkins
When we do win back our right to bodily autonomy, forced birthers will forget these people. Some have absolutely no idea who these people are. But when you tell them you hope what they force on others gets forced on them, they gasp and say you're evil. Because they recognize that what they force on others is wrong, and they think they deserve better than their victims.
If you think the "abortion debate" is merely a difference of opinion, you haven't been paying attention.
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dustedmagazine · 9 months ago
Dusted Mid-Year 2024, Part II (Lumpeks to Z-Ro)
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Part two of our mid-year round-up provides a second perspective on albums that at least one Dusted writer loved.  Here we cover the second half, alphabetically by artist, with entries from Lumpeks to Z-Ro. 
If you missed Part I, check it out here. 
Lumpeks — Polonez (Umlaut)
Who nominated it? Bill Meyer
Did we review it? No
Ian Mathers’ take:
I’m honestly not familiar enough with either jazz or traditional Polish dance music to be able to spot or articular exactly where this intriguing and very enjoyable fusion of the two has joined them. There’s a similar feel to other acts I’ve heard that both clearly deeply respect the traditional music they draw on and are unafraid to put their own spin on that source material (both Xylouris White and Black Ox Orkestar came to mind), and as with those other cases the results on Polonez could equally be ancient or brand new. That the quartet’s main instrumentation (which also includes Louis Laurain on cornet, Pierre Borel on alto sax, and Sébastien Belief on double bass) includes steady, deep frame drumming (using a local variation called a bębenek obręczowy) from Olga Koziel (who also sings) gives it plenty of distinct character. And the mostly French group cares enough about actually understanding and respecting that traditional Polish music they made a short documentary about the field research that went into making Polonez. There’s an energetic, joyous swing to both the jazz and folk sides of Lumpeks�� music that makes the result much more than just an academic curiosity.
Mdou Moctar — Funeral for Justice (Matador)
Who nominated it? Jennifer Kelly
Did we review it? No, but we did a Listening Post. In the intro, Jennifer Kelly wrote, “The new record is as sharp and impassioned as any Moctar and his band have done so far, and it is inflamed with political energy.”
Andrew Forell’s take:
Mdou Moctar is an extraordinary guitarist and must be incredible in a live setting. The rhythms, the vocal back and forth and the moments Mochtar sprays power chords and shards of riffs that explode like bombs are all great. You feel his rage and frustration even when you don’t understand the lyrics. But the super intricate, high-speed soloing, whilst impressive, had the same effect on me as listening to electric blues-rock. I’m caught between the passion of the band, the eloquence of their anti-colonialist, pro-African politics, and the technically brilliant guitar noodling. The title track is a fantastic meld and it’s hard not be carried along but I really prefer the slower tracks, particularly “Takoba” and “Imajighen”, which lope along behind the drums while the bass darts around between entwined guitar lines and call and response vocals. Funeral for Justice is an album I admired and enjoyed hearing but, for me, the pyrotechnics get in the way.
Jessica Moss – For UNRWA (self-released)
Who picked it?  Ian Mathers
Did we review it?  Yes, Ian said, “sorrow and elegy and rage and strength all course throughout the piece.”
Bryon’s take:
This is a beautiful album born from an ugly situation.  Violinist Jessica Moss released this Bandcamp-only album to raise money for the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) after nation states halted funding when it was erroneously thought a few of its members were aligned with Hamas.  It’s a 42-minute suite of violin, electronics, and vocals that Moss captured at a live set in Berlin.  As someone who hasn’t had the pleasure of investigating her solo work but is enamored with her contributions to Silver Mt. Zion and other bands, I find this album to be an effective port of entry.  It swells with all the emotions that Ian describes in his review, unfurling with a beauty and grace that at times evokes stillness and at others exudes passionate fervor.  Based on this piece alone, I’ve decided that I need more of Moss’ music in my life.    
NYSSA — Shake Me Where I’m Foolish (Six Shooter)
Who nominated it? Alex Johnson
Did we review it? No.
Jennifer Kelly’s take:
NYSSA gets its kick from the charisma of the eponymous front woman, a wailing, belting, crooning dynamo, whose delivery is part punk, part roots rock, part blues and part adrenalized, corruscating confession. NYSSA’s first album, Girls Like Me, was long-listed for the 2021 Polaris Prize. This follow-up is less synthy and more rock, fleshed out by a ripping band. It’s larger in every way, from the stomping, vibrato-laced rager, “Werewolf,” to the torchy, piano-bar introspection of “Blessed Turn.” “I’m good for nothing but the hell I raise,” NYSSA intimates on the rollicking “Hell I Raise,” but she’s wrong. She’s good at lots of things.
Rosali – Bite Down (Merge)
Who picked it? Jennifer Kelly
Did we review it? Yes. Christian Carey wrote: “Rocking out is on the menu” and “the connections between pleasure and pain seem to coalesce in Rosali’s work.”
Alex Johnson’s take:
It’s a ferocious album, but intimate too. I hear a lot of Christine McVie in Rosali’s vocal. The way her delivery of “I want to feel right at the end of the day/I’m letting things come as they may” on “Rewind” contains warmth and sadness and joy and a sense of power in powerlessness that’s somewhere between cynicism and hope. It’s right out of Rumors. There’s some Fleetwood Mac in the groove of the title track too. But the spaciousness and spontaneity that Rosali and Mowed Sound capture remind me more often of the Oldham family — Will, Ned, et al. — from the raucous and inviting Viva Last Blues of “My Kind” to the clanging Anomoanon-ish country rock of “Hopeless.” 
This is music that not only lets you in but keeps you there. Like how the primordial bass drum in “May It Always Be on Offer” both grounds the rhythm and carves out a space you can practically sit in. The charismatic draw of Bite Down, though, is the guitar work. There’s so much texture and dimension in, say, the fraught duet that rips through “Change is in the Form” or the gravelly solo patched under the strings of “Slow Pain,” echoing the toughness of “maybe I’m just used to it/maybe I don’t give a shit.” With their various yelps and rumbles, the guitar tones that run through “Hills on Fire” don’t so much create the atmosphere as define it, adding a palpable, tectonic heat to the song’s otherwise easy daze.
Bite Down is a big, organic album, full of sensations — heard, articulated, and felt. Someone yells “act natural” as “My Kind” gets revved up — I’m surprised the band needed a reminder.
Thou — Umbilical (Sacred Bones)
Who nominated it? Jonathan Shaw
Did we review it? Yes, Jonathan wrote, “If we set aside Umbilical’s thorny thematics, we still have a superlative metal record, loud, as aggressive as it is palpably aggravated.”
Andrew Forell’s take:
At the end of his typically on point review of Umbilical, Dusted’s Jonathan Shaw pondered whether Thou singer Brian Funck might agree with his assertion that “pleasure isn’t what we need most from culture right now” and asked, “Should we listen to him?”. On the first point, there’s not much pleasure evident on Thou’s new album, which perversely or not appears to be this half year’s metal album de jour with even The Guardian unguarded in its praise. And yes, there are so many reasons right now when pleasure seems futile in the face of No Future. To the second point, a definite yes! Once you acclimatize to Funck’s voice, a dyspeptic shredder of a thing which renders his lyrics nigh indecipherable, the wall of sound coming at you is a caustic bath for the ears. The drums and bass a thumping foundry shaking and burning whilst the guitars surround you like a swarm of rusting chainsaws. Amidst this maelstrom, Funck screams as if his spleen is about to join his word splatter. Now, that’s a t-shirt I’d wear again without washing. Umbilical is a nasty, irate fury that I will be revisiting.
Uranium Club — Infants Under the Bulb (Static Shock)
Who picked it? Alex Johnson
Did we review it? Yes. Alex wrote, “these enigmatic Minneapolitans fling their conceptual heft in a new direction and expand their musical objectives without ceding much, if any, of their signature, careening tension.”
Patrick Masterson’s take:
When I first heard Infants Under the Bulb in the spring, it was with only a cursory commitment; I understood its tinny, furiously strummed contours, but the full thrust of its oddball conceptual heft passed me by. A second, much closer listen for this midyear exchange has proven far more rewarding, and while Alex pretty well nails what makes this record so interesting in his review, what I keep coming back to are the myriad voices across this record. I think core members Brendan Wells, Harry Wohl, Ian Stemper and Matt Stagner all take a turn behind the mic, though liner notes prove frustratingly (appropriately?) limited, and Molly Raben drives the four-part “Wall” sequence. A few points of order unite the Club and its associates — namely, all of them take pointed barbs at contemporary society in different ways, all of them play with noticeable tightness (even Raben in the New Age-y “Wall” songs), and none of them can sing. Musically, “Small Grey Man” might be an obvious single to that effect, but it’s the guitar licks in “Game Show,” “2-600-LULLABY” and “Abandoned by the Narrator” to which I keep returning. More than anything else in Alex’s review, what hits home hardest is very succinctly tucked away in its middle (my emphasis): Chorus of voices aside, Uranium Club has been and remains a great guitar band.
Waxahatchee — Tigers Blood (Anti-)
Who picked it? Christian Carey
Did we review it? Yes, Christian said, “Tigers Blood doesn’t have a weak cut on it. One imagines it will be in heavy rotation for many long after its release.”
Tim Clarke’s take:
Tigers Blood starts out promisingly enough. On opening track “3 Sisters” it’s immediately evident that Katie Crutchfield has an intensely expressive voice, plus the skill to wield it with nuance. There’s plenty of space for her to emote, then when the song takes off, it feels well earned. From there, things start to feel too rote to fully engage. The band is clearly playing in the country-rock pocket, but there are no surprises to be found in the songwriting to capitalize on the promise of that opening song. Ultimately, it mostly ends up sounding a little hokey. A genuine shame, as I had high hopes coming into this one.
Whitelands — Night-bound Eyes Are Blind to the Day (Sonic Cathedral)
Did we review it? Yes, Ian said, “Right from the start, there’s a clarity and focus in the songs here that belies their sometimes diaphanous settings.”
Tim Clarke’s take:
Right from the opening blare of guitars, British quartet Whitelands nail a particular shoegaze aesthetic: Ride’s Going Blank Again. The six-strings are loud, but with enough delay and reverb to create a blurry wall of sound, while the rhythm section keeps things punchy to give the songs plenty of momentum. Can’t say there’s anything here that quite rivals the first wave of shoegazers who combined hallucinatory sonics with catchy songwriting, but Whitelands are clearly tapping into some inspiring sounds, which will hopefully mean their next release will have its own distinct personality. 
Winged Wheel — Big Hotel (12XU)
Who nominated it? Bryon Hayes
Did we review it? Yes, Bryon wrote, “No Island hinted at Winged Wheel’s ability to craft such a sonic space, but that record was merely an appetizer for the hefty dose of momentum that Big Hotel provides.”
Christian Carey’s take:
A collection of artists who also belong to other bands, Winged Wheel coheres far more fluidly than most “supergroups.” On their second recording, Big Hotel, the band recorded in the studio together rather than remotely collaborating as they did on 2022’s Big Island. The difference is palpable, particularly in the power and execution of the rhythm section, which now includes Sonic Youth drummer Steve Shelley. At the beginning of the recording, the one-two combo of the spacy and clangorous “Demonstrably False” and “Sleep Training,” on which Whitney Johnson supplies beguiling singing amid a raft of guitar textures. The songs tend to move directly into one another, underscoring their interconnectivity. Most of them stretch out a bit, clocking in at around the six-minute mark, but “Aren’t They All” and the album-closer “From Here Out Nothing Changes” are both under three minutes. The former is a bustling instrumental featuring oscillating riffs and urgently rendered and foregrounded percussion. The latter begins with a brief, disjunct, nasal wind solo and a discordant guitar duo, that rhythm section punching away. Johnson shares a brief, delicately delivered vocal, which then disappears into a concluding maelstrom.
Z-Ro—The Ghetto Gospel (One Deep Entertainment)
Who nominated it? Ray Garraty
Did we review it? No
Jonathan Shaw’s take: Much contemporary hip hop is lost on me, and The Ghetto Gospel doesn’t do much to convince me that I should be paying more attention. That judgment has little to do with the record’s sonic qualities, which I am in no competent position to evaluate closely; but I like the mix of late-1970s hard funk, R&B swooniness and occasional flashes of (yep) gospel’s dramatics. And Z-Ro’s flow and vocals are pretty great to groove on. His seamless, artful shifts into more conventional singing, especially at some tracks’ refrains, are deft and pleasurable. But the constant focus on money—having it is unassailable proof of virility, craft, power, self-worth; when one’s antagonist doesn’t have it, or doesn’t have as much of it, that confirms he’s a fool and a loser—is by turns tedious and sort of depressing. The just as constant self-aggrandizement, endemic in the genre, is so ever-present that it’s completely unconvincing. When I can tune out the lyrics’ content, The Ghetto Gospel is just fine. Patient, cool, smooth. When, inevitably, I begin paying attention to Z-Ro’s rhymes and their themes and figures, the record irritates me. If I had the savvy to place his performances of black masculinity in hip hop’s regionally or generically specific modalities, I might find them more engaging. But that would require plowing through a lot more music, much of it singing the praises of cash as an end in itself and celebrating “pimpin” as a variety of socially compelling activity. It ain’t for me.
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brigdh · 1 month ago
Is it mid-February? Yes. Am I only just now getting around to finishing up reviewing the books I read in 2024? Also yes.
My Statistics: Total Read: 59 books By women: 29 books, 49% of the total By People of Color: 5, 8% (Oof, really need to up that for 2025) Books I managed to get off my TBR list: 27, 48% New books I bought: 8, 14% Reviews written: 51, 86%. The ones I haven't reviewed at this point I either don't remember well enough to have much to say, or are too similar to another one I did review. I've linked all the reviews I did write down below.
Top Five Books, in no particular order:
King Hereafter, Dorothy Dunnett
The Devourers, Indra Das
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, Shannan Chakraborty
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome, Emma Southon
Rough Trade, Katrina Carrasco
Bottom Five Books:
Smilla's Sense of Snow, Peter Hoeg, trans by Tiina Nunnally
A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age, William Manchester
The Whale: A Love Story, Mark Beauregard
Better the Blood, Michael Bennett
The Burning Girls, C.J. Tudor
Complete list of the books I read in 2024 under the cut
Dive Deeper: Journeys with Moby Dick, George Cotkin
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, Shannan Chakraborty
Death and Hard Cider, Barbara Hambly
Better the Blood, Michael Bennett
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum: Murder in Ancient Rome, Emma Southon
Beautiful Darkness, Fabien Vehlmann and Kerascoet
Worn: A People’s History of Clothing, Sofi Thanhauser
The Piazza Tales, Herman Melville
Women’s Work: The First 20,000 Years, Elizabeth Berber
The Golden Thread: How Fabric Changed History, Kassia St. Clair
Spain: the Centre of the World, 1519-1682, Robert Goodwin
The Man Who Invented Fiction: How Cervantes Ushered in the Modern World, William Egginton
The Spanish Inquisition, Helen Rawlings
Lope de Vega – Three Major Plays, Trans. Gwynne Edwards
Imperial Spain, J.H. Elliott
Don Quixote, Cervantes. Trans. Grossman
Don Quixote, Cervantes. Trans. Lathrop
Spanish Society, 1348-1700, Teofilo F. Ruiz
Desolation Island, Patrick O’Brian
Dante in Love: The World’s Greatest Poem and How It Made History, Harriet Rubin
Kiss Her Once For Me, Alison Cochrun
Italy in the Central Middle Ages, Ed, David Abulafia
System Collapse, Martha Wells
Melville: His World and Work, Andrew Delbanco
Reading Dante: From Here to Eternity, Prue Shaw
King Hereafter, Dorothy Dunnett
All the White Spaces, Ally Wilkes
Smilla's Sense of Snow, Peter Hoeg, trans by Tiina Nunnally
Doctor Faustus, Christopher Marlowe
A History of Magic and Witchcraft: Sabbats, Satan and Superstitions in the West, Frances Timbers
Royal Witches: Witchcraft and the Nobility in Fifteenth-Century England, Gemma Hollman
The Divine Comedy: Hell, Dante, trans by Dorothy Sayers
The Inferno, Dante, trans by Robert and Jean Hollander
The Divine Comedy: Inferno, Dante, trans by Robin Kirkpatrick
Sub Rosa, Jennifer Burke
The Ruin of All Witches, Malcolm Gaskill
The White Ship: Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream, Charles Spencer
Nathaniel’s Nutmeg: The True and Incredible Adventures of the Spice Trader who Changed the Course of History, Giles Milton
A World Lit Only by Fire: The Medieval Mind and the Renaissance: Portrait of an Age, William Manchester
From Virile Woman to WomanChrist: Studies in Medieval Religion and Literature, Barbara Newman
The King in Yellow, Robert W. Chambers
The Golden Day: A Study in American Literature and Culture, Lewis Mumford
The Burning Girls, C.J. Tudor
The Final Girl Support Group, Grady Hendrix
When Darkness Loves Us, Elizabeth Engstrom
From Below, Darcy Coates
How to Survive in the North, Luke Healy
The Devil of Great Island: Witchcraft and Conflict in Early New England, Emerson W. Baker
When No One Is Watching, Alyssa Cole
The Devourers, Indra Das
Rough Trade, Katrina Carrasco
The Divine Comedy: Purgatory, Dante, trans by Dorothy Sayers
Purgatorio, Dante, trans by Robert and Jean Hollander
The Central Middle Ages, Europe 950-1320, Daniel Power, ed
Far Out: Recent Queer Science Fiction and Fantasy, Paula Guran, ed
Love and Death in the American Novel, 2nd ed, Leslie Fiedler
The Whale: A Love Story, Mark Beauregard
Dayswork, Chris Bachelder and Jennifer Habel
A Walk in the Park: The True Story of a Spectacular Misadventure in the Grand Canyon, Kevin Fedarko
Brave the Wild River: The Untold Story of the Women Who Mapped the Botany of the Grand Canyon, Melissa L. Sevigny
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perezhilton · 4 months ago
Will talk about this on our next Patreon show!
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killed-by-choice · 1 year ago
Harjit Kaur, 30 (Australia 2024)
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Harjit with her four-year-old and two-year-old, who she loved dearly
Harjit Kaur had so much to look forward to. Thanks to her hard work, she had just gotten a new job and she and her husband Sukhjinder Singh were about to buy a new home where they would raise their children. The future looked bright.
Harjit already had a four-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son. When she found out she was pregnant with her third child, she didn’t feel ready. Harjit underwent a “consultation” where she was told surgical abortion was “very safe” and that “she would be able to go home in a couple of hours.”
First-trimester surgical abortion is not as safe as she was led to believe. The uterus, cervix, the intestines, bladder, and nearby blood vessels are at risk of being torn. Risks include hemorrhage, infection, organ perforation, embolism and death. A few of the other women and girls killed by “safe and routine” first-trimester legal abortion include Kenniah Epps, Ruth Montero, Maria Gomez, Sandra Williams, Luz Maria Rodriguez, Elise Kalat, 17-year-old Chivon Williams, Erika Charlotte Wullschleger, Tia Archeiva Parks, 19-year-old Lisa Marie Hoefener, Pamela Colson, Maria Leho, Jennifer Hallner, Louchrisser Jackson, Regina Johnson, “Audrey Roe,” “Betty Roe,” “Dawn Roe,” “Evie Roe,” “Dorothy Roe,” “Vanessa Roe,” “Saanvi Roe,” and “Roxanne Roe.”
On January 12, 2024, Harjit went to the Hampton Park Women's Health abortion facility in Melbourne. She had told this was “safe” and a “routine procedure,” and she believed it. She was headed to the operating room at 12:57, when she messaged her husband and said she would call him after the abortion. That was the last time her family ever heard from her.
Abortionist Rudolph “Rudy” Lopes called Sukhjinder later that day to tell him what happened. Moments after the abortion was over, Harjit was being moved to another room when it was discovered that her heart had stopped. An ambulance was called and CPR administered for 45 minutes. Despite all this, Lopes described the abortion as “successful.”
Sukhjinder immediately drove to the facility, but when he arrived the staff refused to let him see Harjit. He was kept out of the ward entirely. He described the horrible day to news sources later:
“Five minutes later the doctor came to me and said, "Sorry your wife is dead".
“I was dead then. My life destroyed in a second.”
Staff finally let Sukhjinder into the room where Harjit’s body lay. “I begged her to come back for our little kids,” he said.
An investigation is now underway, with police and the coroner involved in the case.
Sukhjinder is devastated and doesn’t understand how Harjit, who was perfectly healthy, was killed by something they were repeatedly told was “safe and routine.” He struggles to comprehend what his future will look like without her and has described her needless death as unacceptable.
Harjit did not have to die. It is unacceptable that she was not warned of the potential dangers of the operation that killed her. More support should also be made available for families who are unsure if they are ready to care for a new baby. Resources to help her and Sukhjinder care for the new baby or for adoption could have helped. She and her baby should both be alive. Harjit deserved better than to be collateral damage of an industry that has already killed so many.
A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family. (Please consider donating to help them if you can.) https://www.gofundme.com/f/for-my-wifes-funeral-and-kids-support
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joslincox · 10 months ago
Middle School: Biology Immune Soundtrack
Genres: Hip Hop • R&B • Alternative Rock
Track Listing:
Air Force Ones - St. Lunatics
Let Me Blow Your Mind - Eve ft. Gwen Stefani
The Hell Song - Sum 41
What If - Aaliyah
Foolish - Ashanti
Ruff Ryders Anthem - DMX
Hot In Herre - Nelly
Lose Yourself - Eminem
Jenny From The Block - Jennifer Lopez
Caramel - City High ft. Eve
Full Moon - Brandy
Work It - Missy Elliott
Still Fly - Big Tymers
Sk8ter Boi - Avril Lavigne
The Anthem - Good Charlotte
Grow Up - Simple Plan
All The Small Things - Blink-182
Uh-Huh - B2K
Good Times - Styles P
All I Have - LL Cool J ft. Jennifer Lopez
It's The Weekend - Lil J ft. Kandi
No Scrubs - TLC
Po' Folks - Nappy Roots
Stingy - Ginuwine
Too Hood - Monica
Still Dre - Dr. Dre
Ooh, Ooh - Willa Ford
Where The Party At - Jagged Edge
Stay The Night - IMX
Call Me - Tweet
Welcome to Atlanta - Jermaine Dupri
Addictive - Truth Hurts
Thug Lovin' - Ja Rule ft. Bobby Brown
I Wanna Know - Joe
Playas Gon' Play - 3LW
U Got It Bad - Usher
Braid My Hair - Mario
Wait A Minute - Ray J ft. Lil Kim
Just In Case - Nivea
I Heard It All Before - Sunshine Anderson
2 Way - Lil Romeo
Gangsta's Paradise - Coolio
Steelo - 702 ft. Missy Elliott
I Do - Blaque ft. Lisa "Left-Eye" Lopes
All I Need - Aaliyah
I'm A Thug - Trick Daddy
What's My Age Again - Blink-182
Basket Case - Green Day
Flavor Of The Weak - American Hi-Fi
Still Waiting - Sum 41
Party Hard - Andrew W.K
Turn It Out - De La Soul ft. Elizabeth "Yummy" Bingham
Makin' Good Love - Avant
You Know That I Love You - Dontell Jones
7 Days - Craig David
Why Did You Have to Be - Debelah Morgan
Why Don't We Fall In Love - Amerie
I Should Be... - Dru Hill
Mesmerize - Ja Rule ft. Ashanti
Solo Star - Solange
Fabulous - Jaheim
Punk Rock 101 - Bowling For Soup
Fome Is Dape - Little T and One Track Mike
It Wasn't Me - Shaggy
Bounce With Me - Lil Bow Wow ft. Xscape
Bootylicious - Destiny's Child
Unpretty - TLC
Bad Boy For Life - Diddy
Who's That Girl - Eve
Welcome to Paradise - Green Day
Come On, Come On - Smash Mouth
Bounce - System Of a Down
Ms. Jackson - Outkast
Open - Brandy
We Need a Resolution - Aaliyah
Lapdance - N.E.R.D
Hey Ma - Cam'ron
Case Of The Ex (What'cha Gonna Do) - Mýa
Break Ya Neck - Busta Rhymes
Area Codes - Ludacris
Take It To Da House - Trick Daddy
Here We Go Again - Nappy Roots
Without Me - Eminem
Watch Me Do My Thing - IMX
Key To My Heart - Craig David
Summer In The City - St. Lunatics
2nd Best - Cherise ft. Dino
Cool Daddy Cool - Kid Rock ft. Joe C
Who's There - Smash Mouth
Perfect - Simple Plan
Girl All The Bad Guys Want - Bowling For Soup
One Step Closer - Linkin Park
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Toxicity - System Of a Down
Pull Over - Trina
In Da Wind - Trick Daddy
What Would You Do - City High
Rider Like Me - Ezekiel Lewis
U Don't Got To Call - Usher
Don't Mess With My Man - Nivea ft. Jagged Edge
Dilemma - Nelly ft. Kelly Rowland
Big Ball - Drama
Freaks Come Out At Night - Uncle Kracker
Back That Azz Up - Juvenile
What About Us - Brandy
Satellite - P.O.D
Formal Invite - Ray J ft. Pharrell Williams
Jump - Kriss Kross
It's Tricky - Run DMC
Intergalactic - Beastie Boys
Waterfalls - TLC
More Than a Woman - Aaliyah
Son Of a Gun - Janet Jackson
Knock Yourself Out - Jadakiss
You Rock My World - Michael Jackson
Can't Deny It - Fabulous
Move Bitch - Ludacris
Love Me or Leave Me - Ms. Toi
I’m Real - Jennifer Lopez ft. Ja Rule
Fallin' - Alicia Keys
Video - India.Arie
How You Remind Me - Nickelback
Private Eye - Alkaline Trio
The Rock Show - Blink-182
Fat Lip - Sum 41
The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
She Is Beautiful - Andrew W.K
Complicated - Avril Lavigne
Take It Off - The Donnas
I'm Just a Kid - Simple Plan
Swing, Swing - The All-American Rejects
The Real Slim Shady - Eminem
Country Grammar (Hot Shit) - Nelly
The Next Episode - Dr. Dre ft. Snoop Dogg
Get Ur Freak On - Missy Elliott
It's All About Me - Mýa
The Boy Is Mine - Brandy and Monica
Fill Me In - Craig David
Independent Women - Destiny's Child
Don't Think I'm Not - Kandi
Opps (Oh My) - Tweet
No More Drama - Mary J. Blige
Love Don't Cost a Thing - Jennifer Lopez
Island in the Sun - Weezer
Rollout (My Business) - Ludacris
No More (Baby I'ma Do Right) - 3LW
As If - Blaque
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luxuriascloset · 10 months ago
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Jennifer Lope at Anna Wintour’s dinner pre-Met Gala in New York.
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disarmluna · 2 years ago
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Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez in LA 
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filmyfact · 11 months ago
Atlas Trailer: Jennifer Lopes Hunts For AI Villain To Save Humanity
The sci-fi film, directed by Brad Peyton, will be released on May 24. Check out the trailer which sees the singer-actress in action mode below. Jennifer Lopez starrer features the actress joining sides with AI (artificial intelligence) on an all-important mission to track down a dangerous robot, played by Simu Liu Brad Peyton film also stars Oscar nominee Sterling K Brown alongside Lopez and Liu. See the first trailer of Atlas, releasing May 12, which contains the future of humanity at stake.
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movies-to-add-to-your-tbw · 2 years ago
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Title: Whitney Houston: I Wanna Dance with Somebody
Rating: PG-13
Director: Kasi Lemmons
Cast: Naomi Ackie, Ashton Sanders, Stanley Tucci, Nafessa Williams, Lance A. Williams, Tamara Tunie, Clarke Peters, Daniel Washington, JaQuan Malik Jones, Kris Sidberry, Tanner Beard, Bailee Lopes, Jennifer Ellis, Bria Danielle Singleton, Adrian M. Mompoint, Coffey
Release year: 2022
Genres: history, music, drama
Blurb: Follow the joyous, emotional, heartbreaking celebration of the life and music of Whitney Houston, the greatest female R&B pop vocalist of all time, tracking her journey from obscurity to musical superstardom.
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aiveecastillo · 2 years ago
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Miss Universe Winners (2010-2022)
2000: India; Lara Dutta
2001: Puerto Rico; Denise Quiñones
2002: Russia; Oxana Fedorova (DT)
------: Panama; Justine Pasek
2003: Dominican Republic; Amelia Vega
2004: Australia; Jennifer Hawkins
2005: Canada; Natalie Glebova
2006: Puerto Rico; Zuleyka Rivera
2007: Japan; Riyo Mori
2008: Venezuela; Dayana Mendoza
2009: Venezuela; Stefania Fernandez
2010: Mexico; Ximena Navarrete
2011: Angola; Leila Lopes
2012: USA; Olivia Culpo
2013: Venezuela; Gabriela Isler
2014: Colombia: Paulina Vega
2015: Colombia; Ariadna Gutierrez
2016: France; Iris Mittenaere
2017: South Africa; Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters
2018: Australia; Catriona Gray
2019: South Africa; Zozibini Tunzi
2020: Mexico; Andrea Meza
2021: India; Harnaaz Sandhu
2022: USA; R'Bonney Gabriel
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jloversjlo · 2 years ago
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Jennifer Lope x Ralph Lauren
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