#jennie x femreader
biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
Never Again [9]
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Jennie Kim x Fem!reader
“(Y/n)! Shit, (Y/n) wake up!” You felt soft hands, one cradling your face and the other gripping your hand tightly.
You let out a weak moan in response, unable to open your eyes from how heavy your eyelids felt. Your throat was scratchy and dry, as though you had just coughed up sand. Your head swam, and you wanted nothing more than to sink back into dreamland, but the voice kept you awake with its pleading tone, making it hard for you to rest.
“Please, come on—” They pressed. This time you tried harder to wake up, you opened your good eye lazily. Your vision swarming, everything was dark and blurry. You opened up your mouth only to fall in a coughing fit. Every jerk of your body felt like your lungs were being torn apart. Like you were being stabbed over and over.
“Don’t speak.” The voice seemed to have gotten closer now, and their grip around your hand tightened. You could see a figure looming over you, wet drops landing on your face every few seconds. You squinted, your vision clearing enough for you to see those familiar feline eyes.
“Jennie?” You husked out, your body working overtime. Her name sounded painful coming from your lips. The figure seemed to relax, and you could barely make out the outline of her smiling at you, though watery. Her eyes filled with tears; and they began rolling down her cheeks and she reached forward to wipe them away with the pad of her thumb.
“I’m here. Don’t die on me now, help is coming.” She whispered.
“Jen..nie, I..” Despite the pain you were in, you managed to smile. Jennie was here, Jennie was safe, Mandu was safe. Everything was going to be okay. You were going to be okay.
“You...how?” You croaked out. How did Jennie get here? What happened to the coyotes? Where's Minho? Where’s Mandu? She seemed to read your thoughts.
“Mandu. Mandu led me here. I had to dive in to get you.” She moved a piece of hair out of your face before leaning in to kiss your forehead. Pulling back to see your brows furrowed and lips pulled into a frown.
“Water…dangerous..” And freezing. Why would she do that?
Jennie seemed to understand, “I’m okay, promise. But you are not.” She spoke, you were shivering violently. “You absolutely cannot die on me.” She squeezed your hand again.
You felt numb at your side where the arrow was, wincing every time you tried to move your body. Your head began to pound and your eyes grew tired. You would just close them for a few seconds. Just a few. You grew slack in Jennie’s arms, who anxiously tried to get you to wake up again.
“(Y/n)? Darling, wake up- keep your eyes open for a little longer? Please.” She cried, pulling you closer to her as she willed Jisoo and Lisa to hurry.
You puffed out a breath, opening your eyes slightly, “m’sorry…tired.” She patted your cheek.
“No sleeping yet. Stay with me.” She rubbed her thumb over your knuckles. You reached up in an attempt to touch her, she pressed your hand to her wet cheek.
A buzz went through you coaxing you further into darkness. Jennie watched as your eyes slowly slipped closed, much to her horror. She cried, her tears and droplets from her hair dripping on your face; you felt them.
You hated you were the cause of them, but what could you do? Your body was winning this fight, not you. Just before you blacked out you heard a thudding against the earth accompanied by pants and quiet growls. They got softer in volume as the sounds became closer.
“Jennie..” A voice mumbled.
Then there was silence.
Now you lay unconscious on Lisa’s bed. Jisoo and Lisa fussing over you. Jennie had left the room unable to watch you in that state anymore. You haven’t woken up since being brought to the shop.
She ran into Roseanne on her way down the hallway into the guest room. She took one glance at Roseanne’s face; who so desperately tried to hide the guilt she felt, and pulled her into the guest room.
Tears filled Jennie’s eyes again as she turned back to Roseanne after shutting the door.
“You knew this would happen.” She simply states, glossy feline-like eyes narrowed at Roseanne, who stared at her unphased.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Jennie’s voice trembled as she spoke. Roseanne shook her head rapidly, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t tell Jennie. Roseanne could feel her voice constricting in her throat like a rubber band ready to snap. Jennie began to hit her chest weakly. “I could have been prepared!” She cried.
None of this would’ve happened to you.
Jennie continued hitting Roseanne as she spoke. Her tears dripped from her face and onto the floor from her angry brown eyes, leaving damp patches on the carpet underneath her. Her clenched fists fell helplessly to her sides, she looked at the floor. “Did you see?” Jennie asked in a quiet voice.
Did she see the bruises and wounds littered all around your body, your black eye, bruised ribs, your pale skin, cold to the touch— did she see what they did to you?
Roseanne shook her head in response. She didn’t, she wasn’t there and she wasn’t able to, they only showed her so much.
But she could feel Jennie’s emotions the moment you were pulled out the river. The strongest emotions Jennie felt were fear, anxiety, and despair. She felt it all. She hated herself for it. She could very much have stopped it, all of that from happening. But limited time, that limited time of Jennie’s.
This had to happen.
She wouldn’t be able to clear anything up till this was over. Till Jennie wasn’t cursed anymore. She hated that Jennie couldn’t have a normal life.
Jennie was pulled into Roseanne’s arms, and Roseanne did what she did best. Balance out emotions, make sure Jennie is content. That’s what she’s here for, to watch over Jennie. To get her out of this mess.
Jennie cried into Roseanne’s neck, holding on tightly. Roseanne petted her hair as her breathing gradually returned to normal.
As they separated the door swung open revealing Lisa. Her expression quickly changed to worry at the sight of Jennie’s tear stained face. “Everything okay?” Lisa asked, her eyes switching between Roseanne and Jennie. Roseanne gave her a thumbs up.
Lisa sighed softly. She turned to look at Jennie, “You need to eat.” She said, holding a plate of meat dumplings. They all sat down on the couches, Lisa spoke as Jennie ate. “The poison is drained and she’s all patched up.” Lisa played with her pants fabric, before continuing. “But we don’t know when she’ll wake up, that’s up to her.”
You didn’t wake up the next day, or the day after that. You didn’t wake up until four days later.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly and you blinked once, twice, thrice. Everything was still foggy, but clearer than it has been in awhile, if ever. You were in a room unknown to you.
You tried moving your arm to rub your eyes but found yourself held down by something. Looking to the side, you saw Jennie laying on your chest as she sat in a chair pulled next to your side of the bed. Your hand interlaced with hers. Her hair fell onto her eyes as she slept with soft snores escaping her parted lips.
How long were you out?
You brought your free hand up to your face, feeling the damage there, and surprisingly you felt okay. Your eye didn’t hurt anymore and you didn’t feel any cuts on your face.(strange..)
You attempted to pull yourself up only to groan at the stiffness in your side. This woke Jennie up. As soon as she opened her eyes and noticed you were awake she sat up straight, her hand gently grasping yours. She stared at you for a while.
“(Y/N), thank god.” She sniffled, rubbing her eyes. She ran a hand through her hair and you noticed her puffy eyes. “You scared me half to death. I thought you might never wake up.”
The possibility you’d never wake up was terrifying to Jennie. All this happened because the stupid cat chase, which you got involved with because of her. None of this would’ve happened.
She sees no reason to continue this if those close to her will get hurt. Besides, she already found the one for her and quite frankly it’s none of the men in the village. It happens to be a woman..
“Are you okay?” You ask after a while, seeing her stare at her lap in thought. Jennie looks at you in disbelief, are you really asking her that?
Jennie shook her head, and said the words that've been on her mind for awhile.
“You’d be doing me a favor if you just took the key.” She spoke tiredly, exhausted from everything. You froze and your heart sped up.
She’s offering you to take it?
Sure, if she asked that before you wouldn’t waste a second. If you could make Jennie happy you wouldn’t hesitate too— but now it seems wrong.
What if she’s just giving up and picking you?
Isn't the whole point of the cat chase to find someone she loves? Why would she give it to you?
(Maybe she does love you?)
Jennie stands up and kisses your forehead before walking to the door. She pauses in the doorway. “Think about it? You know where to find me.” Then she was gone.
You sat dumbfounded, not knowing what to make of this situation. You closed your eyes and sighed, opening them a moment later by a rapping sound against the window.
Your mixed colored feline-friend stood on the outside windowsill.
“Mandu!” Excitedly, you got off the bed and walked over to the window pulling it open.
“Are you okay?” You took her into your arms and she nuzzled your neck.
“How did you ger all the way up here?” You whispered into her fur as you sat back on the bed. You ran a hand down her back soothingly.
“You we’re so cool! Flying at Minho’s face- good job.” You cooed.
As you were petting her head you couldn’t help but look at the key. Tentatively you gripped it in your hand, it’s metal cool against your palm. Mandu stilled, her eyes wide, pleading.
You knew she was perfectly fine with you taking the key. The cat trusted you.
You dropped it with a heavy sigh, falling back against the bed.
“I don’t know..” You spoke aloud to nobody in particular. Mandu climbed on top of your stomach, her face invading your vision.
She shook herself slightly, the key dangling above your nose.
“You want me to take it?” You sat back up. Mandu let out a meow in response. You slipped the key off her neck. Mandu looked strangely bare without it. After you took it off she ran back to the window sill and hopped to the ground. She looked up expectantly at you.
“You want me to go to Jennie’s now?” The cat ran off.
“(Y/n)!” The door opened revealing Lisa, her eyes wide spin noticing you half out the window.
“No no no, Jisoo won’t like this, you've just woken up!” She pulled you back in the room. Jisoo and Lisa checked you over before letting you go, and Roseanne made sure you ate. Roseanne says that “food is most important for you body.”
Then you were on your way.
Meanwhile hunters were off your trail for now; busying themselves with the coyotes that attacked them and stole Minho’s arm.
Minho didn’t die from getting his arm bitten off, although now he only had one arm, he boasted his missing one off to the bar goers. It was his “scar of battle”.
You now stand in front of Jennie’s door, clad in a coat, beanie and gloves. You fumble with the key in your pocket nervously. It feels like you're a stranger now, like you're visiting for the first time.
So, with shaky hands you unlock the door and step in. “Jennie?” You call a few times and receive no answer. Most of the lights are off but the fireplace is lit, crackling and popping in the silent house. You take your coat and hat off and hang it on the rack.
Maybe you came at a bad time? But she said she would be here—
You take another step, your gaze on the top of the stairs. Distracted, the door slams behind you.
You jump in surprise and turn around.
Jennie stands there, leaning against the door. Eyes dark and cat-like stare back at yours.
You can’t help but feel like you walked into a trap. Cat and mouse, predator and prey.
Of course you’re the mouse.
Would you like to continue?ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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1-800-sistershookth · 4 months
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SYNOPSIS ➼ Y/N Y/L/N had good things going for her. She was a prominent member in the globally famous kpop girl group, Blackpink. She was in the prime of her career, booking events and campaigning for companies she never could have imagined.
Her name was reaching new heights she could have never dreamed of, and she had the support of her devoted fanbase, and her supportive group-members.
And, above all, she had a loving long-term boyfriend to love and cherish her. Y/N and Jungkook were the golden standard for a couple— to those who knew of their relations anyway. Anyone could tell that they were deeply in love. Anyone but the public.
what happens when their relationship is no longer secret?
Or.. in which: Jennie Kim accidentally exposed her best friend’s relationship for millions of people to see.
PAIRING ➼ Jeon Jungkook x Idol!Femreader
TAGS + WARNINGS ➼ pre-established relationship, idol smau, social media smau, slight angst, fluff, mature language, reader is the 5th member of blackpink, reader receives hate a couple times— but it’s not too bad, kys/kms jokes, suggestive tones but nothing explicit
FT.. ➼ BTS, Blackpink, Han So-Hee, Sana ( twice ), Cha Eunwoo ( astro )
Official Accounts or group accounts
Boyscouts or bts
In Your Area Code or black pink
Industry Hotties or sana, eunwoo, so-hee, jungkook, and y/n
Gossipers or news outlets
EP01 … Get The Hose
EP02 … Divorced and Jobless
EP03 … I Luv My BF
EP04 … Third Wheeling? No, Group Wheeling.
EP05 … You Get No Bitches !
EP06 … EXPOSED — ( written portion )
EP07 … Oopsie Daisy !
EP08 … 2 + 2 = 4
EP09 … Backlash
bonus chapter … Ratio
EP10 … Offically Offical
EP11 … Single and Sad
EP12 … Flowers
EP13 … You and Me
EP14 … Back and Better
EP15 … Idol Life
EP16 … My Man
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Hii for the prompt game I was wondering how #74 4 and #75 8 would end up like. I have no idea how this could play into a drabble so this might be a bit challenging (idk you seem very imaginative you got this!) and for the sake of my curiosity the pairing could be ot8 or one/pair of your choosing!
Prompts: "Tell us a fun fact about yourself." "Here's another idea; why don't you just tell me to shoot myself? It'd be less painful."
"Does anyone else remember-" "No." "Let me rephrase...does anyone else here, except those with amnesia, remember"
Members: OT8
Relationship: Camp Counselors FemReader x OT8
Genre: Fluff, Crack
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"Oh god." You groan, heaving your duffle bag on to the bed, leaning over to catch your breath. Your lungs feel like they're on fire. "I don't know how you talked me into this."
Another bag thumps down next to yours, and you glare at your friend, dusting her hands and looking like she hasn't even broken a sweat, the perfect picture of summer camp in her crop top and short shorts.
"C'mon, (Y/N)." She pats you on the back with a grin. "It'll be fun."
"Fun is subjective." You grumble under your breath, as Jennie hops off to inspect the rest of the cabin, making sure the bunk beds are ready for your prospective campers.
She straightens one of the quilts, and nods her head in satisfaction.
"Now c'mon!" She calls, voice entirely too bright and hair entirely too perfect to have just hiked up the same hill you did. "There's a counselor meeting in ten minutes!"
You heave a sigh, and with one last forlorn look at your bag sitting pathetically in the middle of the bottom bunk, you follow Jennie back out into the hot, summer afternoon.
"It looks like we have a few new faces this year." The head counselor is saying, glancing around your gathered group, sitting on the long, uncomfortable benches lined up in the mess hall.
You slap at a mosquito and really wish the sweat running down your back would stop.
You glance to the side, and Jennie is sitting up straight, paying rapt attention to the man at the front.
He is attractive, you'll give him that. Well, in a sort of wild, woodsy kind of way.
Curly, unruly hair, dimples, dark eyes, an accent to swoon for. Not to mention, you're pretty sure you caught a flash of some sort of tattoo on one of his biceps peeking out beneath his camp shirt.
"So, we're going to split up into a few smaller groups, and introduce ourselves, have a little fun getting to know one another." The guy is saying now, and your stomach instantly drops.
Welp, he just became a whole lot less attractive.
He claps his hands with a wide grin that crinkles his eyes. "Under your seats, you should find a welcome package-it contains instructions, rules, schedules, your counselor shirt, and a number. Go ahead and pull on your shirts and then split up into groups according to your number."
Everyone rustles around and starts to move, some of the guys tugging their shirts off over their heads instantly, and you roll your eyes, turning to Jennie, who is slipping the overly large t-shirt over her head.
"I thought this kind of kumbaya shit was reserved for the twelve year olds." You huff out beneath your breath, glancing down at the obscenely bright orange shirt sitting in your lap, the words 'COUNSELOR' painted across the front in ridiculously large letters.
Jennie slaps you lightly. "Just participate, will you? Try it. You might have fun."
"I doubt that." You roll your eyes once more and tug on one of Jennie's long dark braids, making her yelp, before you finally move to slip your own shirt on.
She glares at you, then holds up her number. "I'm three. What are you?"
You shuffle around till you find the card, and with a groan, hold it up for her to see. "Two."
She pats you sympathetically on the back with a bitten back grin. "Good luck, bestie."
She stands and moves to her group.
With a heavy, resigned sigh, you do the same.
Settling in to a corner with the other twos, you're disgruntled to see that you're the only female counselor in your group, not to mention, overly peppy leader Australian Bear Grylls from earlier is settling into a seat beside you.
Great, just your luck.
The other groups start talking, the murmur filling the room, and soon, people are laughing and talking and playing the designated games as they get to know each other.
Or 'bond' or some shit.
You settle back into your chair and don't say a word, eying the guys that make up the rest of the circle.
They're all hot, to be fair, nice eye candy, but dressed in their orange identical shirts, they look like prisoners waiting for group therapy to start.
You snort and stifle a laugh.
Leader guy claps his hands and smiles, glancing around at all of you, eyes lingering on you for a moment before he moves on.
"How about we start with names and what year counselor you are?" Leader guy gives a little cheesy wave. "I'm Chan. This is my sixth and final year."
Your eyes widen slightly as you take him in. Six years? God, you really hope you don't get stuck here that long.
The guy to the leader's left raises his hand with a smile. "Hi, I'm Yang Jeongin. This is my second year at Camp Stay."
Everyone echoes hellos, though they all seem to be familiar with each other already, and Chan slaps a hand onto the younger man's back, bobbing his head.
The next guy-beefy, nearly straining the sleeves of his neon t-shirt-gives a little sigh and rolls his eyes, before he glances around the circle.
"I'm Seo Changbin. Fifth year counselor."
You stare at him for a little too long, and his gaze flickers curiously to you. You flush and look away.
Chan grins at the bigger guy, and you see him shoot him a sharp look of annoyance, as if he already knows what's coming.
They must be friends, probably started first year as counselors together.
"Tell us a fun fact about yourself." Chan says, motioning to Changbin with a flick of his fingers and a slightly wicked smile. He arches a brow, clearly waiting.
Changbin holds his ground, staring him down, expression unreadable.
"Here's another idea; why don't you just tell me to shoot myself? It'd be less painful."
The guy to your right cackles at that, and Chan shoots him a warning look, but it doesn't make him stop.
Changbin huffs and crosses his arms over his broad chest, slumping back down in his seat, turn clearly over.
The next guy is stupidly pretty, and you find yourself staring again, tracing the slight pattern of freckles on his nose and cheeks, the way his large dark eyes express all his emotions at once.
He reaches up to push some long blonde hair behind his ear, and you note that he has a french braid along the crown of his head, holding back the hair from his eyes.
"Lee Felix." He says with a soft little smile and a wave, and you note that his accent is similar to Chan's. But his voice is ridiculously deep, vibrating through your body and making you salivate. "Third year."
The guy next to Felix loops an arm around his neck, tugging him closer as he grins at the group. "Hwang Hyunjin. Also a third year."
The next guy rolls their eyes at their antics, pushing a hand through his dark, perfectly combed hair, before he says in a bored tone, "Kim Seungmin. Fourth year counselor."
All eyes turn to you, and with a start, you realize it's your turn.
Sitting up, you clear your throat and say, "(Y/N) (L/N). First year at Camp Stay. But I don't know if it actually counts, because my supposedly best friend dragged me here against my will."
The guy on your right, the one who had laughed earlier at Changbin's joke, leans over, large, dark eyes wide and interested.
"Who's your friend?"
You glance at him, taking in the heart shape of his face, the dozens of hand woven bracelets around each wrist, the doe eyes and long lashes you wish you had.
God, is everyone here just on the off season for modeling or what?
"Jennie Kim."
Camp leader guy-Chan-nods enthusiastically, eyes lighting up. "Oh, we love Jennie! She does a phenomenal job, all the female campers always request her."
"Great." You mumble, sliding back down in your seat.
Doe eye guy leans in to your space, murmuring under his breath like he's telling you a secret, "She's also got a killer ass. Nice to look at on hikes."
You bite back a laugh and he grins, sitting back up.
"Han Jisung." The guy immediately goes into his introduction. "Fourth year counselor and the best Camp Stay has ever seen."
"I'd argue with that." Changbin mutters under his breath from across the circle, and Jisung shoots him a glare.
"As would I." The guy sitting on Jisung's other side deadpans, and Jisung turns, mouth agape and expression dramatically wounded.
"Hyung! How could you say something like that?"
"I never lie." The other guy-sharp features, gorgeous cheekbones-says dryly with a smirk, and fuck, if it's not the most attractive thing you've seen in a while.
The wilderness must already be getting to you.
Obvious model man sits back, staring down the rest of the circle with an unreadable expression and sharp eyes. "Lee Minho. Fifth year."
You'd place bets on the fact that Chan, Changbin, and Minho all started together.
Fuck, the campers-female and male alike-must have had the time of their lives with all the eye candy that year.
"Cool, so that's everybody." Chan claps his hands once more, and like you, Changbin looks ready to leap forward and rip them off his body if he does it one more time. "I assume everyone found their cabins?"
There are a few silent nods, and Chan grins. "Perfect." He looks down at his watch. "The campers will be arriving in about half an hour. What say we get hyped?"
Beside you, Seungmin groans.
"I'm gonna place bets that you've never fished before."
"Really?" You huff, squinting up at him, outlined by the dropping sun, sticking yourself once again with the stupid little hook and dropping the wriggling worm onto the dock with a curse under your breath. "What gave it away?"
"Well first off-" Chan crouches down beside you, picking up the worm trying to escape and carefully taking the barbed hook from your bleeding fingers. "You're holding the worm like it will bite you."
You make a face as he easily puts the worm on the hook. "You don't know that it won't."
Chan laughs, handing you back the now baited fishing pole, and you take it reluctantly, still staring at the wriggling worm with some sort of macabre horror.
"They don't have teeth. So, pretty sure you're safe."
He sits down beside you on the edge of the dock, and you can feel him watching you from the corner of your eye, staring at the fishing pole limp in your hands, before he huffs a little chuckle and leans over to place his hand over yours.
You start, but let him show you how to cast the line into the water, the little bobber bobbing on the waves created by the campers swimming and playing just down the beach.
"There." He says with obvious satisfaction, removing his hand from yours and sitting back, leaning on his elbows as the last few rays of the sun slant across his face.
You hold incredibly still, because you're suddenly worried that you'll scare the fish away if you move.
Yeah, 'the fish.'
You sit in silence for several minutes, enjoying the atmosphere of the lake, the sound of the kids laughing and splashing, and when you look to Chan, his eyes are closed, face upturned to the sun.
He cracks open an eye, and you quickly look away.
"I don't think we're going to catch anything." His voice is close to your ear, low and his breath warm, and you jump, turning to see that he's in your space now, his brown eyes flecked with gold this close.
You swallow and wet your lips.
"Probably not. A waste really."
His eyes flicker down your face to your lips, and it takes everything in you not to bolt. "Maybe not a total waste."
You hold your breath as he inches closer, and then, a splash of cold water hits your legs and you shriek, scrabbling back from the edge of the dock.
A wet, dark head of hair appears, and Jisung laughs so hard you think he might choke, treading water at the edge of the dock as you glare down at him.
"Sorry." He snickers, but he doesn't look sorry in the least. "You just looked a little too dry for a swim day, ya know?"
Chan sighs and begins to pack up the fishing equipment, and you move to help him as Changbin appears, dripping lake water onto the wood, a towel wrapped around his waist, feet stuffed into sandy flip flops.
You try not to stare too long at the way his bared, bronzed chest ripples with his movements.
"Fucking kids." He grumbles beneath his breath, shaking out his drenched hair, curly now that it's wet, hanging heavily over his brow. "One rule."
You stare at him curiously, noting that he has a tattoo on his own bicep much like the flash of the one you'd seen on Chan the first day. "What's the rule?"
Jisung does an easy backstroke around the dock and back, staring up at the appearing stars while he floats on his back.
"Don't get pretty boy's hair wet."
Changbin glowers at him, and kicks a pebble off the dock in his direction, which Jisung easily avoids by ducking beneath the water.
"It gets unruly, okay? You wouldn't understand, but the curls-" Changbin protests, motioning to the mop of wet curls on his head helplessly. "I'll be untangling the fucking things for days!"
Jisung cracks up again, spitting water, and beside you, Chan huffs a chuckle beneath his breath.
"I'm sure Jinnie will let you borrow his hair products." He says, shoving the last of the tackle and bait into the box and closing it with a snap.
"I will do no such thing." Hyunjin appears, towel looped around his neck, dark hair looking flawless, like he just hadn't been swimming in dirty lake water for hours.
He and Jennie have the whole perfect, flawless human being even in the wilderness and you have no idea how the fuck they do it thing in common.
"C'mon, Jinnie. Help me out." Changbin whines, throwing an arm around Hyunjin's neck, putting him in a loose headlock as he tries to struggle away.
"No way, hyung. Let me go."
"Counselor Bang!"
You all glance up, Changbin releasing Hyunjin, at the sound of the voice, as one of the campers, a boy-Beomgyu?-picks his way unsteadily toward you down the beach.
He waves, as if you can't see him, and calls out, "We're ready to start the bonfire!"
Chan stands, waving back to the boy with a nod as he announces, "Okay, Gyu! Thanks! We'll all be right there!"
"Hey, Gyu!" Jisung calls, hopping out of the water and onto the dock with ease, water sloshing off of him in waves. The boy pauses and looks at Jisung curiously as he approaches him, slinging an arm around his shoulders. "Have you seen Counselor Seo's hair? It looks ridiculous!"
Changbin growls a sigh, and Hyunjin pats him on the back sympathetically.
"C'mon." Chan hides a grin, shooing you all toward the direction of the beach and the waiting campers. "Let's go supervise before they try to start a fire themselves."
You're warm and toasty, sitting close to the slowly dying fire, blanket wrapped around your shoulders, the night quiet.
All the campers are in bed, and it's just the counselors gathered around the remains of the bonfire now, roasting marshmallows and socializing in small groups.
Jennie waves at you from across the fire, looking up from her group for a moment, and you give her a little wave in return.
Minho sits down beside you, poker in hand, and begins to scrape at the red hot embers beneath the last burning log.
You give him a sidelong glance. "Not a marshmallow fan, I take it?"
Minho scoffs, but his focus remains on the fire. "Not a chance. I loathe most camp food actually."
You bite back a grin and hum beneath your breath, stretching your shoes out toward the warmth of the fire.
"Why do you stay?"
Minho lets out a long breath between his teeth, and then juts his chin off toward your left.
"Because I like that idiot."
Your eyes land on Jisung, making walrus tusks with some straws and making Jeongin laugh, and you smile, tilting your head, watching him for a moment, before you glance back to Minho.
"I get that."
Minho shifts, resuming his poking of the fire, and silence falls once more.
Your eyes are heavy, your limbs warm, when Minho mutters beside you, "Fuck. Not this again."
You blink a few times, stirring, and glance in the direction he's looking.
Jeongin, Seungmin, and Jisung are all setting up instruments beside the fire-Jeongin struggling with an overly large keyboard as he tries to get the legs on even ground, Seungmin and Jisung toting guitars around their necks.
"What-" You start to say, and Minho shakes his head.
"Fucking campfire songs. Why we do this every fucking year-" He grumbles beneath his breath, pushing himself up and disappearing god knows where.
Probably out of hearing distance of the music.
You're almost tempted to follow him, but Chan takes his place instantly, Felix sliding in on your other side, sandwiching you on the log.
"So." You say, trying to ignore the warmth of their arms brushing your own. "Campfire songs."
"Yeah." Felix laughs, shaking his head, watching Jisung tune his guitar and lead the other two in a silly little ditty of warm ups. "Tradition."
Chan grimaces slightly as Jeongin hits a screeching out of tune note on the keyboard, before he glances to you and shrugs helplessly, repeating Felix's earlier statement, "Tradition."
Changbin appears then, looming behind you all, a look of regret on his handsome features.
You glance up at him, and he purses his lips, eyes on the trio across the fire, leading some of the other groups in a terribly off key rendition of "Hot Cross Buns."
"It's honestly so sad. We should stop them."
Chan chuckles, reaching for a marshmallow and a roasting stick. "Let them have this, Bin. They love it."
"And I hate it." Changbin mutters beneath his breath with a arched brow in your direction as you laugh.
"I dunno. They're getting better?" You question, wincing slightly as the string of a guitar snaps and a wrong note shrieks.
"Not even the patron saint of summer camps could make those fools any better." Hyunjin remarks with a look of obvious disgust, sliding onto the end of the log next to Felix, his arm going around the other boy's waist.
"There's a patron saint of summer camps?" You ask with a laugh, and Hyunjin nods, face serious.
"Of fucking course there is."
"It's her first year, Jinnie, be nice." Felix laughs, nudging the other boy in the side as he huffs and gives a shrug.
Behind you, Changbin winces as the band hits another off note. "Probably her last too, honestly."
"Oh my god." Felix claps his hands, sitting up suddenly, eyes bright. "Does anyone else remember-"
"No." Hyunjin replies instantly, boredly inspecting his nails.
Felix rolls his eyes good naturedly and keeps going. "Let me rephrase... does anyone else here, except those with amnesia, remember-"
You tune out the rest of his words, staring in shock at Hyunjin, who still looks entirely too pretty and entirely too nonplussed to be here.
"You have amnesia?"
Hyunjin looks up, shrugging casually.
Chan laughs beside you, and leans in to your space, and his warmth against your back is warmer than the fire could ever be.
"Stick around for next year, newbie, and maybe we'll tell you that story."
You glance back at him, dark eyes flecked with gold, bronze skin glowing in the light of the fire, lips curved into a smile, and then down at your obnoxiously orange shirt with the overly large words COUNSELOR stamped across the front.
Suddenly, the mosquitos and the smoke and the cold lake and the dozens of rebellious twelve year olds don't seem like such big problems anymore.
"Yeah." You agree, hiding a smile of your own, as you turn back to Felix and Hyunjin's bickering. "I just might."
2 Years Later.....
"Okay, everybody settle down." You call out, motioning for the sea of orange shirts to find seats in the chaos of the mess hall.
Once everyone is mostly settled, you put on your biggest smile and spread your arms wide.
There are a couple of wolf whistles from the wings belonging to Jisung and Hyunjin, but you steadily ignore them.
"I'm Head Counselor (Y/N). Welcome to Camp Stay."
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jee-ns · 4 years
pairing: roséxfem!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: slight cursing
synopsis: you saved her from dying on the annual skiing trip and she rewards you with hugs and kisses.
words: 1.5k
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the hard pillow hits your face and interrupts your slumber. “wake up we're gonna be late!” the girl at your door frame yelled as she was brushing her teeth already fully clothed with a pair of skinny jeans and a hoodie.
you groaned searching for your phone that you left on the bedside table last night. “oh and i took your phone!” she yelled from the kitchen. you rolled your eyes and got up. feet hitting the carpeted floor of your room “fuck you lisa” you muttered under your breath and got up to take a shower.
when you got out you were met with lisa sitting on the counter watching a random cat video. you went beside her and made your too bitter coffee. while lisa gave you back your phone. “ms.kwon is going to pick our partners. so you’d get a chance to share a room with rosie” that name froze you up. you looked back up to lisa seeing her smug face. “she’s testing my patience” you said not ready to share a room with the park chaeyoung. “well you might even share a bed with her.” your eyes bulges out of its sockets. “what” she took her phone to show the email to you. “look” one the slightly cracked phone screen was an email stating the criteria of the skiing trip. you groaned reading it. “or i’ll probably get jennie,,, that girl never stops talking about her dogs” you rolled her eyes and lisa lightly punched your shoulder laughing.
arriving at the auditorium with your luggage and lisa ,ms.kwon was already calling names for the pairs who are going to be together this whole skiing trip. “jisoo and lisa , jennie and irene , roseanne and y/n” after that everything was muffled except for lisa’s annoying laugh. you came back to reality when you locked eyes with her. miss roseanne was coming your way while lisa was punching your shoulder. you pushed lisa away and was about to make a run for- “hey” she said while putting down her luggage. smiling softly at you. your cheeks turn crimson red.
“i guess we’ll be roomies”
you laughed awkwardly not really knowing what to say. “i heard that there’s going to be one room with only one bed and i hope we don’t have get that” ouch. you didn’t realize you made a face that looked like you just got stabbed in the heart until rose leaned her head back laughing. “don’t get me wrong. i’d love to share a big bed with you. but i’m a rough sleeper” she said between laughs. “it’s alright. the chances of us getting that room is pretty low.” you smiled at her.
“you jinxed it”
your jaw dropped to the floor. you guys were looking in the cramped room from the doorway with your luggage behind you. “well i guess i can have a big bed that barely fits the room now” she said trying to be positive. it isn’t that bad you just have to be positive. which neither of you are.
after 20 minutes of struggling and punching the bags and slight touches from eachother you guys finally sorted out the room. “i can sleep on the floor if you want” you said putting a pillow on the ground. “ no you are absolutely not” she said pulling you on the bed. once again you flushed. “you sure?” you asked her. not wanting to invade her space. after hours of you being an annoying bitch you guys finally decided on putting a pillow in the middle to act as a barrier
the next day you woke up to banging on the door. “lobby in 20 minutes!” the person from the other side screamed. you groaned leaning back on the pillow. rose’s groaning was muffled by the pillow she shoved her face in.
“so how was last night?” lisa said with a smirk while wiggling her eyebrows.
“anything happened?”
you rolled your eyes “nothing happened we spent like 20 minutes sorting out our room which was not fun”
“maybe you’ll get lucky next time”
you pushed her away and paid your attention back to the teacher explaining how we can’t use the diamond path unless we have permission.
the top of the diamond trail was freezing you to death and the chattering of your classmates didn’t make it better. the small surface of wood you were currently on didn’t look like it could carry all of you anymore. you wouldn’t even be surprised if it collapsed underneath you. you were admiring the fine wood covered in snow when you heard several screeches from behind you. it was rose skiing down the diamond path looking like a worm that had been cut in half. you were in shock while watching her go down the snow with full speed. “now’s your chance” lisa said as she pushed you down with her. you’ve been skiing before. but never down the diamond lane. ‘god i am killing that bitch later’. you sped down the mountain of snow trying to find a blonde haired girl wearing a blue jacket. it was getting hard to see your surroundings when the snow was all over your face trying to catch a glimpse of the petit girl.
you saw her in the corner of your eyes. “rosie!” she was going down just as fast as you and she didn’t bother to look around as her eyes were tight shut. you turned your head back to the track and saw a tree that could possibly lead to rose dying.
“fuck it” you tackled her to the ground stopping her from going any faster into the tree. and it worked. you kept her in your hold until she let’s out a whimper. you opened her goggles. “hey it’s okay” you reassured her. she buried her face into your chest and the butterflies in your stomach started acting up again. “it was so scary” she said barely above a whisper and you patted her head “i know ,, now you’re safe” you grinned at her and she chuckled while hitting your shoulder. you got up and helped her up with you. “how are we gonna get down?” she looked at you with puppy eyes clearly traumatized by what happened minutes ago.
you guided her down with her hands in your own. you loved it. she was joking around with you and surprisingly you joked back. you’re so fucking touch starved. when you got it down the teachers were rushing to rose’s side bombarding her with questions. you just stood at the side not knowing what to do. “wanna get coffee?” she said with her beautiful smile on her face. of course you agreed.
you guys decided to head back to your room and finish of the coffee there. “today was a long day” she said while taking off all of her jackets that made her look like a little dumpling. “you almost got killed” you said while putting away your stuff in the closet. she skipped her way next to you to put her stuff to. “yeah but you saved me” she pecked your cheeks. you immediately turned as red as a tomato and you felt a little woozy. the butterflies are coming back but ten times harder. she then fell against the bed with her arms stretched out. you chuckled and headed towards the bathroom for a much needed shower. after you got out all dressed up in your pajamas. you walked in on rosie dancing to her playlist. she turned around and beamed while walking towards the bathroom with a towel hanging from her shoulder.
you decided to get comfy and opened your book to read right after putting a pillow as a border between you two. after a while rosie came out of the shower with her wet hair. ‘god how did she look so good with wet hair and her oversized pajamas on’ you thought not noticing yourself staring right at her. and when she caught you she just smiled and dipped into the bed right beside you while opening her phone. you guys just sat there in silence for awhile until rose closed her phone and sighed. she drew the covers above her and layed on her side. she looks up at you who’s still reading.
“yeah?” you hummed.
“i need to ask you something come closer.” she urged.
you pursed your lips and shuffled closer to her “closer” you moved closer to her laying under the covers with her. she didn’t asked anything. she threw her leg above your hips and her arms circles your waist. her head against your chest. the butterflies came back like a storm you were blushing madly. you prayed that she couldn’t hear your heart beating at 10000 miles per hour. she snuggled her head against your chest. you decided to stroke her hair softly and not look like an idiot.
after awhile you two got comfortable in eachother’s embraced. with a hand on her head you asked. “were you always this clingy?” and she chuckled “i don’t know were you always this warm?” she engraved her forehead against your neck and her nose nuzzled just under your collarbone. you giggled and slightly moved back ,chuckling. “it tickles” with a soft smile on her face and her eyes barely open she just planted light kisses on your collarbones as you two drift off to sleep.
-admin 🗣
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princessjungeun · 3 years
Hey Beautiful: Jennie x Reader
Request: Hii :) i have a request for jennie x femreader, where the reader is a famous idol and Jennie has a crush on her. They attend the same award show and at the end when they are backstage the reader asks Jennie for her number. Then they go on a date or something just cute stuff (fluff i guess😅)
A/N: I’ll write a continuation of this if you’d like for the date part :D
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Awards show season was in full swing and you were to attend the MAMAs tonight. It was your first time attending without a date, usually your best friend tagged along but she was working the night shift at her job so she couldn’t make it. 
You were already in your dress and your glam team was getting your hair and makeup done before you were to leave. This had been going on for hours and you were simply exhausted and hungry, the only thing keeping you going was knowing that you’d be seeing some friends of yours later in the evening. 
It took two hours but eventually your hair and makeup were finished and you were cleared to leave. Your manager sat across from you in the car, a smile on his face as she teasingly asked, “so anyone you’re excited to meet in particular?” 
You knew exactly what he meant, there was one person that had showed an interest in meeting you for months, Kim Jennie. To be honest when she said she was your fan in an interview, you were a little surprised. Despite being one of the most popular female soloists at the time, you were still shocked when you heard artists you looked up to liked you. 
Jennie in particular had mentioned on many occasions that you were her ideal type and she’d date you if she had the chance. Blinks and your fans shipped the two of you heavily as well. Most of the time you hated when you were shipped with people you never met because it made for uncomfortable times when you actually did happen to meet them. It’d happened in the past when people shipped you with a popular member of a boy group, he was to produce a song with you. However with all of the shipping flying around, you didn’t want to risk you or him getting involved in a scandal that would just add fuel to the fire. But with Jennie you entertained it, saying you’d date her too and she was your ideal type as well. Fans had been praying for an interaction for the longest and you knew you two were probably going to cross paths tonight. 
Once you’d walked the red carpet and avoided falling on your face, you were escorted inside to find your seat. The idols on the plus couch across from you were TWICE, the girls greeted you warmly, especially Nayeon who happened to be a close friend of yours. 
She scooted closer to you, and started catching you up on everything that had happened in the past month because you two hadn’t talked in a bit. You were both performing tonight, she wasn’t nervous whereas you were for the first time. 
Before Nayeon got up she nudged you gently, using her head to point you towards a familiar idol. You squinted, having forgotten your contacts at home, you realized it was Jennie, sitting with her members and talking to them. Nayeon stated, “I’m gonna call her over.” 
You panicked, “No no, not yet. Don’t call her over- Nayeon I sweat to god-” YOur friend only laughed, waving the girl down and mouthing to her from afar. You froze, trying to look everywhere but at Jennie, this was not how you wanted to meet her for the first time. Giving up, you hid your face in Nayeon’s shoulder, your face beet red as you laughed, the rest of Twice laughing and teasing you playfully. 
Nayeon patted your head, “she’s gone.” 
You peeked from her shoulder to make sure she was serious and not playing a prank, and she was. Jennie was now talking to Irene, facing the other direction and not paying you any mind. 
Nayeon told you, “you’re gonna need to work on that. She also said you’re cute...you missed it while you were hiding.” 
You smacked her shoulder and said, “I wouldn’t have had to hide if you just left her alone in the first place Nay. That was so embarrassing please never put me through that traumatizing experience again.” She sighed and said “okay fine, but you should talk to her before the night ends. She really does like you.” 
Nayeon scooted back towards her members and you focused straight ahead for the stage. As performances went on and awards were given out, you felt your heart race knowing that your big performance was coming up. 
A staff came and got you from your seat to escort you backstage during a break. Your manager was already in your dressing room with your stylist, both of them getting everything you need for your performance. Your dancers were warming up as well in a corner. 
You changed and start to warm up your vocals as well as your body, it was a new song and a new choreography which you’d never performed in front of such a large audience. The dance break was what you were most worried about because you hadn’t had a lot to time to practice in your shoes so you were afraid of messing up and hurting yourself. 
Your manager noticed the look on your face, “Hey don’t be nervous. Everyone in that crowd is your fan. You could go out there and just breathe into the mic and everyone would still lose their shit. So go out there and do your thing, I’ll be watching from in here. You’ll do great, stop worrying babe.” He always knew the right thing to say, he was like your best friend and soulmate all at the same time. 
You hugged him, “Thank you, I’ll meet you back in here when I’m done.” 
The dancers pulled you into a huddle, putting your hands together you all yelled, “1-2-lets get it.” You all broke and made your way towards the stage where a staff last minute checked your IEMs and mic to make sure they were working. 
You took a deep breath before making your way to the stage, the lights dimmed before the song started. Looking at your dancer they gave you a subtle nod, and smile giving you the last bit of confidence that you needed. 
During your performance all of your nerves melted away. You hit every note and move perfectly, gaining a huge reaction for the audience. The deafening sound of fans and other idols cheering you on only made your confidence rise, and it showed throughout your performance. When you were done almost everyone was standing up, even the idols as they cheered for you. 
After you were off of the stage you pulled your IEMs and mic pack off, handing them to your manager so you could go and change once more. Your second outfit was different, more elegant yet subtle. You changed your shoes to a pair of sneakers, relived that you could finally get out of heels. 
As your stylist touched up your makeup and hair you remembered that Blackpink was preforming in a bit. You wondered if you’d see Jennie back here, Nayeon did mention that she would probably be here when you got off the stage. 
Your questions were answered on the way back out to the audience because you ran into Jennie. The woman was passing you, looking down at her phone as she was walking. 
She looked up from the device to bow as she walked by, “Oh! Y/N hey!” she beamed as she tucked her phone in her back pocket. Although she knew she had to be somewhere she didn’t care, she wasn’t going to miss her opportunity
You looked her over and tried to not let your eyes linger on her very toned abs for a second too long. She told you sweetly, “you did amazing earlier, you looked stunning.” 
Heat rushed to your cheeks the longer she looked into your eyes, you stuttered out, “t-thanks...you’re going to kill it out there, more than me definitely.” 
Just as she was about to respond Jisoo called down the hall for her, waving her over with a clearly impatient manager. 
Jennie quickly turned to you and asked, “hey, I know this is the first time we met but can I have your number? Maybe we could go out sometime?” Her hand rested comfortably on your arm, a subtle touch that still made your heart burst inside. 
You nodded, “yeah, sure. I’d really like that.” Quickly she whipped out her phone and you put in your number, saving your name with a red heart emoji. 
Jennie smiled, “I’ll text you later.” 
You told her with a shy smile, “okay, good luck out there.” 
Jennie kissed your cheek, “thanks beautiful, i’ll see you out there.” She walked past you and to her members and managers who were waiting for her. 
You touched your cheek and smiled before following a staff member that was to take you back to your seat. When you got back Nayeon took one look at you before bursting out laughing. You frowned, “what?” 
Your friend replied, “run into Jennie did you?” 
You asked, shocked at how she already knew, “wha- how did you know?” 
Nayeon swiped her thumb over your cheek a few times before pulling away, showing you the faint lipstick stained on her skin, “She isn’t exactly the most subtle.” 
You poked Nayeon’s neck with a smirk, “Well turns out you and Jeongyeon aren’t either, Nay.” Her face flushed red as she pulled the collar of her top up and brushed her hair around her neck, you let out a laugh earning a slap on the arm from her. The two of you went back and forth playfully until the lights dimmed indicating Blackpink coming on to perform. 
You watched intently as the girls performed Lovesick Girls, Jennie staring at you as she sang that last part, winking in your direction as she made the heart gesture with her hands. You couldn’t help but smile back at her, trying to hold back how flustered the simple gesture. 
At the end of the night you were finally home and able to check your phone and as promised, Jennie did reach out to you. The message read: 
Unknown Number: Hey beautiful, I’m sorry I couldn’t see you more tonight. But I can make it up to you by taking you to that new art exhibition downtown. Are you free next Saturday?
You typed back quickly, not caring if it made you look desperate or like you were watching your phone: Don’t apologize, nights like these are hectic and unpredictable. I am free and I’m more than happy to go, thank you <3
You quickly updated her contact to Jennie and broke into a happy dance when she told you what time she’d come pick you up. You’d been dying to check out the art exhibition since you found out it was coming to town but tickets sold out before you could get the chance. So not only were you going on a date with your crush, but also to check out what you’d been dying to see for weeks. 
You flopped onto your bed and sighed, relieved that the day was finally over and that you were able to end it on a positive note. 
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vennysbottom · 4 years
I don’t need it
Wilhemina Venable x FemReader
Words: 2,8K
warning: eating disorders, angst i guess
A/N: I have no idea what this is but I needed to get out of my head. Please, please don’t read this if you think it could trigger you.
*Also, I read something similar on here but couldn’t find it, so if you know, pls tell me so that I could give them credit.
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It wasn't enough. The truth was, it was never enough. No number ever seemed right anymore. Each morning you were afraid to weigh yourself, knowing it determined how your day was going to go. For the past few months, the only thing on your mind was weight loss and how you looked. You couldn't focus on anything else, you found it hard to be your positive self and most importantly, you were losing yourself.
You were losing yourself again.
You were not sure how many times this has already happened, but you knew what was going on. There was no reason to try to prevent it though, you felt like you needed to lose a few pounds anyway and saw no harm in doing it this way. Or more accurately, you chose not to see it.
“Y/N baby, I'm leaving” your girlfriend's voice coming from downstairs brought you back to reality. Not realising how long you've been analysing your body in the bathroom; you ran to the front door.
“Still in your pyjamas?” she said while giving you a half-smile. Wilhemina herself was looking as professional as ever, given that it was just 7 AM. She had her hair up, makeup on, and was wearing one of those purple fits that you loved on her. Each morning she amazed you by how good she looked. You leaned in to give her a goodbye-kiss which she gladly returned.
“Have a good day. Love you” you said while getting a hold of her one free hand. She gave it a light squeeze before saying “I made you coffee. I love you too.” And just like that, she was out of the door and you were alone. 
You stood at the doorway for a couple of seconds, deciding what to do today. You had a few online classes that day but they only took up half of the day, leaving the whole afternoon to yourself. 
You went into the kitchen to get your coffee, trying to be as quick as possible. You didn't like being there anymore, it made you feel anxious and guilty. Although, for the majority of your relationship with Mina it has been nothing but nice; you loved cooking dinners for her every day to make her relax and talk about what kind of day the both of you had had, you loved having slow Sunday mornings there. But none of that hasn't happened for quite a while now. Avoiding meals equalled constant lying; on the weekend you’d sleep in since your energy levels were constantly low, and most days you’d lie to get out of eating dinner. You would say that you had to study for a test, had an assignment due or simply that you had already eaten by the time Wilhemina got home.
All of these thoughts were flooding your mind from just standing in the room. You quickly grabbed the cup and left to go into your home office.
Your classes began at 8 and by the time noon arrived you were done for the day. You couldn’t focus on anything your lecturers were saying, which wasn’t uncommon, but this time it wasn’t just the fact that you were exhausted that kept you from paying attention. You kept thinking about how your relationship was slowly starting to fail. You and Mina were in love, but the truth is, your lies were undermining the trust between you two. Until your relapse, you had never lied to her and that’s why she knew that she could always count on you. But she started noticing how distant you were getting and how little time you wanted to spend with her; it hurt her, but she decided to just play along and pretend like everything was fine.
You were aware of all of this. You knew you needed to fix this but sadly enough, you didn’t know how to do that. There was no way you’d be willing to eat - the fear was too overwhelming for you. That’s why you decided to do the next best thing - a quick fix.
The first thing you came up with was a visit at work. There was a high risk of catching your girlfriend taking out her frustrations on one of her poor employees, but the only thing on your mind at that moment was making Wilhemina feel loved. You were mad at yourself for neglecting her because you knew that she deserved way better than that.
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You got dressed and made your way to Kineros Robotics, stopping along the way at her favourite coffee shop. You had worked at the company a few years prior, so you knew most of the people by name and knew the place perfectly.
“Hey Jenny!” you greeted your former co-worker with a smile once you’ve made your way up to the front desk. “Y/N! What are you doing here?” she said while looking away from her computer. “Oh, I’m looking for a woman and thought she might be here. You may have seen her actually; long red hair, very kind, the same height as me… Does that ring any bells?”
“Was she wearing purple by any chance?” she asked jokingly.
“You know what? It is possible! How’d you know?” you answered and gave her a toothy smile.
“Try her office Y/N/N. But just a warning: she screamed at me today for letting in a delivery-guy, so she’s probably not in the best mood,” she said while pointing you in the direction.
You knew this was your fault; she does get snappier at work when she's worried about something. So, not only are you two miserable but others get screamed at more frequently. Maybe a quick fix wouldn’t be enough this time, but it was the best you could do for now.
You arrived at Mina’s office to find it empty so you hesitantly made your way down to the guys’ office. It didn’t take long for you to hear muffled voices, one of which belonged to the woman you were looking for, and you could tell that she was upset about something. Upon entering the room, you saw her; she had her back towards you and was supporting herself by the cane in her right hand. Just this image alone was enough to make your heart race. Jeff and Mutt were bending down to sniff what seemed like their daily dose of cocaine. There were also two girls sitting on a table near them, probably just random hookers the guys hired for the day.
“No, no, no, that’s not what I said. What I meant was, that you should watch your temper more” Mutt said loudly before turning around to start typing on his keyboard.
You saw Wilhemina tighten her grip on her cane, “Excuse me?” she said in a cold tone, clearly getting ready to argue.
Jeff stood up after attempting to clean the powder from his nose, “Come on babe. You know you could be nicer to the employees”.
“Shut up Jeff,” you said sternly, making all the heads turn in your direction. “You’re paying her to do all the work around here that you are too lazy to do yourselves, not to be nice to people.” You could see the surprise on Wilhemina's face, but it didn't take her long to regain her composure and protectively reach for your hand once you've reached her side.
Jeff smiled at you and said “Y/N! Long-time no see. Have you finally changed your mind?”
You haven’t seen the two idiots for a couple of months, almost making you forget how gross they were. You took a step forward and stated “I wouldn’t touch your slimy dick with a two-feet pole,” which made both of them laugh slightly. “I'm here to put you in your place since you obviously still need to be reminded,” you continued giving them a cocky smirk. You knew they would not budge, but it was a nostalgic way of entertainment.
“Wow, you don’t have to be so rude baby,” he said pretending to be offended, “Seems to me like Ms.Venable has a bad influence on you.”
Oh, it was on. You were ready to shoot another remark but were stopped by your girlfriend’s hand giving you a squeeze and lightly pulling you back.
“I would choose my next words carefully if I were you; you’re on very thin ice,” Mina said while staring at Jeff. She would normally avoid confrontation with them but her possessive side got the best of her in that moment. Softening her expression, she turned to face you, “Would you wait for me in my office? I need to sort some things out.”
You nodded and turned on your heel to leave. Hearing Jeff shout at you “The offer still stands!” made you turn once more and say truthfully “Hope your brain turns into mush soon, asshole.”
Once you were out of the door and far enough that nobody thought you could hear them anymore Mutt started the conversation, “Damn Ms.Venable, are you even feeding her?” which made a look of confusion appear on Wilhemina's face. “Now, what’s that supposed to mean?” she asked with a hint of offence, trying to find an answer in the face of one of them. Since Jeff was the one who knew you the longest, he decided to explain, “Oh don’t tell me you haven’t noticed anything,” still seeing the puzzled look on his secretary’s face, he went on, “For fuck’s sake, don’t you live together? You must have noticed the weight loss, plus Y/N is never very subtle about this.”
That’s when it clicked and Wilhemina finally understood what Jeff was implying, “She's never subtle? This has happened before?”
She waited impatiently for an answer, hoping that all of this was just a sick joke; the other two exchanged a look of mutual understanding and Mutt finally said: “You should talk to her.”
You paced around the office trying to figure out what to do and how to fix this situation. You knew that Mina was hurt and probably even disappointed; you knew her instinct would be to build her walls up again and you were terrified she wouldn’t let you fully in again. Once you heard the sounds of her cane getting closer, you knew there was no preparing for this.
She entered the room with a somewhat disapproving expression on her face, which she successfully hid when you shot her a warm smile, waiting for her to sit in the chair while you leant on her table. Sitting down, she looked at the cup you were nervously playing with and narrowed her eyes at you. “I thought you might need cheering up today, so I got you your favourite,” you said while placing the coffee on her desk. And you could swear, at that exact moment, you saw love light up her eyes, and the slight smile she offered you gave you butterflies, just like the first time you saw her smile like that. The silence between you that followed made you play with your fingers anxiously but after a while, it was broken by Wilhemina's soft voice, “Well thank you. I appreciate it.”
“But that's not the only reason I stopped by. I've finished all my work for the week…” you traced off preparing yourself to say the latter part, which you'd much rather avoid, “So I thought that I could cook dinner for us tonight because I haven’t done that for a while now. And I wanted to ask you if there was anything you’d like.” At that point your heart was beating so fast you were sure she could hear it.
She could see how uncomfortable you were but wasn’t able to pinpoint the reason for your behaviour; she didn’t know whether it was due to your relationship hitting a rough patch or because Jeff and Mutt might have been right. Either way, she knew she’d find out tonight; playing it cool she kissed you on the cheek and told you that it was completely up to you.
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Cooking the food was fine, calming even, but once it was done you realised that you actually had to eat it which caused you to panic. You tried to calm down but your eating disorder made that almost impossible. You sat at the table for what seemed like hours trying to come up with an excuse, eventually deciding to just drink wine and lie if you were to be questioned.
You were disturbed from your state by the door opening and your girlfriend coming into view. She locked eyes with you instantly. You could tell that she was exhausted, that wasn’t anything out of the ordinary after all, but there was more tonight. Wilhemina hasn’t been able to concentrate on anything else than you for the rest of the afternoon. She analysed the situation, her potential steps and their outcomes for the whole ride home. What scared her the most was the fact that in both scenarios, she was running a risk of losing you.  
You were both tense, expecting the other one to start a fight and unable to relax, so you only made small talk. You sat at the table with your glass of wine, playing with the food on your plate while watching Mina observe you closely. Then the tension got too much and she barked out, “Aren't you going to eat?” in a tone so cold, it reminded you of the times you worked for her. She held eye contact with you, almost daring you to lie to her. Almost daring you to start a fight that would break her heart. You quickly answered, saying that you ate right before she came so you were pretty full. Keeping your eyes on her face, you saw her expression change - she went from being irritated to being seemingly sad in a matter of seconds.
“Do you still love me?”
Once the question left her lips, there was no taking it back and it physically hurt you that she had to ask. It hurt to know that Wilhemina felt so abandoned by you, she actually thought you were going to leave her; and judging by the look in her eyes, she was ready for you to say “no”. Wasting no time, you answered, “Of course. Of course, I still love you, Mina.” hoping to sound genuine enough for her to believe you. You watched her closely, waiting for her reaction, but to your surprise, her feelings were shoved back down just as quickly as they surfaced.
She straightened her posture before stating, “Well, in that case, we need to talk.” You felt yourself freeze, knowing exactly what was about to go down.
“Have you been eating?” she asked, not letting you drift your eyes away from hers. You knew she’d catch on eventually and call you out, but you had hoped you had a little more time. With a confused expression on your face, you said, “What do you mean?”.
Wrong answer. Wilhemina was tired of your bullshit and you trying to hide it from her. Her face seemingly hardened as she explained, “I haven’t seen you have a meal in weeks. You’re always making excuses, saying you’re too busy to sit down with me. The two idiots even implied this isn’t the first time this has happened.”
You knew there was no point in pretending anymore, so not caring about the consequences anymore, you snapped, “Oh, so it took Jeff and Mutt telling you everything for you to notice? Good to know.” You got up to leave but the sudden sound of Mina’s cane hitting the floor made you stop in your tracks. “Sit your ass down,” she ordered through gritted teeth. Seeing how mad she was getting and how her knuckles whitened, you thought it was better to obey. Although Wilhemina liked establishing dominance, she very rarely raised her voice at you. But this was different, she was pissed that you refused to take care of yourself and she knew she had to be strict.
“Y/N, eat. Now,” she demanded in a stern tone. You were sitting down, fork in one hand and anxiously pulling the skin on your leg with the other. After a few minutes of silence, she reached for your hand under the table and with a pleading look in her eyes, she said softly, “Baby… please, try. For me.”
You couldn’t stand seeing her like this, so you hesitantly started to eat. You hated it, and the feeling of food in your stomach made you sick. Wilhemina rubbed slow circles on your hand in an attempt to calm you down. Despite her effort, tears started to fall down your cheeks about halfway through the meal, but you still managed to finish everything.
Seeing the plate finally empty caused you to sob uncontrollably. Mina approached you quickly and put her arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. In between sobs, you whispered, “I hate you so much right now.” In response, she said, “Shhh, I know. I know,” while stroking your hair.
“You did good, little one.”
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biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
Best Solution [6]
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Jennie Kim x Fem!reader
You had days to think about it. It was the best solution. Well, maybe the best one you could come up with.
You would avoid going to The Willow to avoid suspicions from the Hunters. They're bound to check if they knew you went there.
It’s been almost a week since you’ve stopped going to the Willow. The last day you spent there you promised you would protect Mandu till Jennie found a man worthy. It seemed to be universal that you nor Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa, or Roseanne thought the Hunters were.
You don’t know what you’d do if they followed you and captured Mandu. You're afraid, because they don’t seem to be trying to take only the key anymore, they want to hurt the cat. Well, they’re determined to get the key even if it means the cat gets hurt in the process, and you don’t blame them…it’s crazy that they’ve just resorted to this method when this has been going on for a year.
And knowing that this has been going on for a year already, you ask yourself how Jennie deals with this. You would go insane.
The Hunters began making their rounds in the day and night now. It’s like they don’t rest. They watch you like vultures, and you can’t help but think something was up. So you’ve been cautious.
You’ve been taking a different route home and eating your lunch in the shop. Every time you crossed the bridge you would think of the feline. You imagined her sitting under the tree getting some rest.You hope she found something else to snack on for the time being. It’s cold outside too, did she keep warm? Did she return home at all?
You blew out a breath and watched the cloud of mist fade. You were pulling the cart up the slope today. You happened to like doing it more in the fall because you wouldn’t sweat buckets like you did in the summer. It also makes you warmer in the chilly weather.
You parked the cart near the supply shed. Then you began loading it with herbs and medicines, and packaged ceramics. You learned that Jisoo and Lisa didn’t sell flowers in the fall or winter, obviously because it was too cold and dry. They switch to growing herbs in the inside garden and turn that into medicine.
After you loaded the cart you covered it (in case leaves fell inside) and left it there, ready for you to deliver when it was time.
You walked inside the shop, the bell ringing as you opened the door. Immediately sighing at the warmth, once again relieved Roseanne got the heater working. Jisoo walked up to you with two mugs.
“Hot tea or coffee?” You took the tea.
“Thanks, you're a lifesaver chicken.” You sat down next to Lisa, both of you laughing at the way Jisoo’s face contorted at the nickname.
You looked around, “where’s Roseanne?”
“She down at Jason’s bakery buying us lunch.” Lisa answered before continuing to sketch in her notebook.
“Ah, okay… What’s that supposed to be? A dog?” You asked, looking at the doodles filling the page. Lisa looked offended.
“No! It’s clearly a moose.” You snorted, unable to figure out how that could possibly be a moose.
“Let me see.” Jisoo leaned over the counter and took the sketchbook from Lisa, who pouted in her seat. Jisoo simply handed the notebook back before turning around, you could see her shoulders shake. Not long after she bursted out laughing, causing Lisa to splutter.
She clearly wasn’t an artist. “You guys are so mean..”
“I’m sorry, it just doesn’t look like a..” Lisa glared at Jisoo.
“I mean it’s not bad at all, Lili, it just needs some antlers, you know, that moose’s have.” Jisoo couldn’t hide the amusement from her voice but Lisa seemed to buy it. She elbowed you in the side before going back to drawing.
“So (Y/n), I noticed you don’t go to The Willow anymore?” Jisoo spoke.
“Yeah, what’s up with that? You’ve been staying in the shop to eat now.” Lisa was curious too.
“Well,” You started. “I’ve been feeling like I’m being watched by the Hunters. They’re never very far away either, it’s starting to creep me out. I can’t go to The Willow knowing that. What if they follow me and find Mandu? That’s her safe place.” You expressed your worries. Although you left out the part where they tried to make a deal with you.
“You have a good heart (Y/n).” You shrug.
It was quiet. Too quiet. You haven’t seen any Hunters since the morning. They weren’t on their patrols or hanging out in the Marketplace either. You had an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Especially since you hadn’t interacted with Mandu. Usually she would come and find you despite you shooing her away in case she’s spotted. But she hasn’t, not today.
You decided to walk around the village. Just to see what the Hunters are doing, maybe even find Mandu.
You saw other Hunters, but never did you see Kai and his groupies. It was only when you walked near the edge of the village boundaries , near the river that circled around the village you heard Mandu.
You scrambled down the path, and as you got closer you heard the sound of the river. Your heart pounded in your ears as you thought about the worst-case scenarios.
What if Mandu is drowning? Is she being attacked by wild animals?
You approached the river bed, freezing at the sound of voices. You hid behind a big rock and peeked over it.
Your heart falls to the bottom of your stomach at the sight. A group of Hunters surround the feline with nets and sharp tools. You spot their ringleader. Minho in all his glory stands in the middle, the ever so present smirk on his face.
You noticed Kai and Namjoon weren’t present, it was just Minho and some other men. They seemed to be working for Minho.
Mandu hissed at the men surrounding her. Minho holds a crossbow in his hand, as he laughs along with the men around him. He proceeds to reload the bow with another arrow. The arrow was coated with a thick dark colored liquid.
He aims, squaring his soldiers and lining up his feet. “I won’t miss again.” He whispers before firing, the arrow making a sharp whooshing sound.
Just like he said, he didn’t miss this time. The arrow hit Mandu right in the shoulder and she let out a pained yelp. You watch as Mandu stumbles back, the men surrounding her slowly closing in. They would grab her, she had nowhere left to go.
But no, having moved backward too far she eventually falls prey to the rushing current of the river behind her. It took everything in you not to reveal yourself and jump in to grab her. You dug your nails into your palms. You had to be patient. You couldn’t rush in like you normally do. You had to be level headed.
Mandu fought, her small legs kicked and thrashed against the current to keep herself afloat. She stayed strong for about fifteen seconds before she grew tired.
“Would you look at that boys! The poison’s already taking effect.” Minho whoops watching the cat's struggles get slower. He’ll have to compensate the man who sold him it.
Mandu’s head bobs under the water, returning to the surface slower each time. Her strangled mewls sound throughout the air as she fights the current.
They walk along the gravel trail next to the river for a while, following her. You sneak behind them.
“The poison has already spread. She’s just driftwood at this point, let’s catch her at the end of the river boys. It won’t be long.” Minho motions for them to follow and they leave.
You didn’t waste any time, as soon as they were out of sight you removed your sweater and dived in. Your feet didn’t even touch the bottom of the river.. The water temperature was a shock. Immediately after getting in you took in a strained breath. It was freezing. You couldn’t imagine what Mandu felt.
You swam with the current, which pushed you towards Mandu’s unmoving body faster. You could see the rivers drop making you kick faster.
Once you reached her you cradled her unmoving body in one arm, and began swimming with one arm. It was difficult, you swallowed water many times causing you to pause to cough it up. You were focused on keeping Mandu above the water.
Once you crawled out the water you quickly assessed the feline's situation. Her chest wasn’t rising at all and she was ice cold.
“No, no no! Wake up, wake up-” CPR- You can’t believe you're giving an animal out of all things CPR. You did twelve compressions on Mandu, and soon the water she swallowed was coughed up. Her eyes opened up a fraction and she let out a quiet meow before they closed again.
You didn’t know what to do.
So you ran as fast as you could to Chulichaeng’s shop.
Roseanne just watched her friends bicker. They surely were a match made in heaven.
“It’s cold! Put it on.” Lisa only shook her head, and if you ask Jisoo, or anyone really, Lisa was being childish.
“I can’t have you getting sick!” Jisoo fussed, trying to catch her around the table. All she wanted was for Lisa to wear warm clothing to protect her from the autumn chill. Although Lisa was very adamant her thin sweater and gloves kept her warm enough, Jisoo disagreed.
“You know that’s not possible.” Lisa doesn’t get sick. Well, she has a very low chance compared to other people.
“Still, I can’t have you die from hypothermia.”
“Shouldn’t you wait till winter to worry about that?” Lisa said, not understanding how a little chill in the air is going to “make her sick”, let alone kill her. It’d make more sense if it was winter, but it’s not. But then she remembered.
“Jisoo that was one time.”
“Lisa-” The door bursts open, effectively cutting Jisoo off and scaring the few shopping customers in the process.
“Help—” You stood there soaked and out of breath, a cat they soon realized was Mandu in your arms wrapped in your sweater.
Roseanne was quick to move, immediately telling customers to leave. After they did she shut the door. Lisa headed to the medicine cabinets.
You handed Mandu to Jisoo. “It’s all my fault- I knew something wasn’t right..” You cried. “They poisoned her.”
Roseanne came up to you, now with a blanket in her hands. “(Y/n)? Put this on please, you're shaking.” You shook your head, they should be worrying about Mandu.
What if…Mandu died because you took too long to save her? What if you hadn’t got there in time? You had to make sure she was okay.
“I’m fine-” you began, only to be cut off by Roseanne.
“You're not.” Roseanne's voice was hard, and stern. She sighed, "Come here.” She wrapped the cover around you. “We'll take care of her okay? Don't worry. You head home and change before you get sick."
“But-” You shut your mouth at the glare she gave you. Roseanne was scary when she was mad.
“Yes.” You agreed, albeit reluctantly. And while walking back home you couldn’t help but think if the best solution really was avoiding interaction with Mandu. After all, Roseanne has told you countless times everything happens for a reason.
Meanwhile, Minho was angry. He lashed out on his friends.
“Where is that damn cat!” He tugged at his hair, trying to think of how and when the cat could’ve gotten away. The poison definitely took it out for the time being. This was his chance. His chance to get his hands on the key without being stuck in Kai’s shadow.
But he fucked it up.
“Minho.” Minho immediately froze, he turned around with a smile on his face. Kai stood behind him. Kai stood there unimpressed, “What do you think you’re doing, going after the cat without informing me?”
“I just wanted to have a little fun, that's all.” Minho stuffed his hands in his pocket and shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.
Would you like to continue? ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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biscuitblinkeu · 2 years
Sometimes It’s Okay to be Selfish
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Jennie Kim x Fem!reader - Not Requested
Fluff • Language Warning
Prompt: Your life changes after meeting the mystery woman of your town. And you end up learning about the deep root of the town’s history along with her. You were never a cat person, but who’s to say it’ll stay that way forever?
Here it is! It’s- it’s not the mafia super hero story though…but who cares right? This is the cat story, if you know what I’m talking about, you know. If you don’t, read it. ٩( ᐛ )و
A stampede. That’s what your surroundings sounded like as a group of men ran past you, turning into an alleyway. Probably chasing a cat. The men are armed with nets, traps, and cages. Your eyes widen seeing a hunting rifle strapped across one of the men's backs. You shake your head disappointedly.
You're not entirely worried about whatever it is they're chasing, but isn't that going too far?
You go back to eating your sandwich, occasionally listening to the racket of the men. You hear a garbage can fall, along with groans of pain, and then a man shouts “Damn cat!”. You guess the cat got away again, but it's no surprise, seeing as it hasn’t gotten caught since this “contest” started. The cat is abnormally clever and smart, according to the townsfolk. The town has basically been flipped upside down, and people aren’t thinking rationally anymore. They're obsessed.
All because of a cat- well, more like the cat's owner. It’s been two weeks since the announcement.
“Seeing as I’ve been asked numerous times for my hand in marriage, I've come up with a solution to find a potential suitor.” She walks back inside her house and comes out shortly with a gold key dangling from her pointer finger. Murmurs of confusion are whispered throughout the crowd standing in the front yard, whereas she stands on her porch, elegantly. Her cat-like eyes scan the crowd, taking in their reactions, and a sliver of a smirk pricks at her lips. But disappears just as quickly as it appeared.
“All you have to do is, take this key from my cat. And if you do obtain it, you are permitted to open the front door of my estate. I’ll be waiting.” She walks back inside with a small wave. The crowd is silent. A woman speaks up.
“That’s it? Is she mocking us?” She mutters, tilting her head.
“This is gonna be easy! I’m so gonna win.” Another says. Since everyone knows what Jennies pet cat looks like from the flyers. A couple minutes later people scatter- in a mess running over others, pushing and shoving. Hurrying to their homes to get equipment, some looking for the cat bare handed. The scene looked like a zombie apocalypse had been set loose.
You dusted yourself off as you stood up, you basically devoured your lunch, and were still hungry. You whined knowing there was probably no food at home. It was about time you went grocery shopping anyways.
You arrived at the local market, a little rundown store near the town square. It was bustling with people today, maybe there was a sale. After getting most of the necessities you stop in the milk aisle to grab a jug, and happen to overhear some gossip from a pair of women a couple feet away from you. You're usually not interested in eavesdropping but they mentioned the cat chase.
“You'd think she could’ve handled this better by picking one person instead of having everyone go on a wild goose chase. This is ridiculous, she probably likes the attention from the boys.” She snorts, narrowing her eyes and her friend laughs.
“You're just jealous because the man pursuing you dropped everything for her when he laid eyes on her.” The statement earned her an angry slap on the arm.
“Jennie is barely seen in the town and disregards anyone that approaches her. The least she could do is hear them out, maybe she’ll realize how bitchy she’s being.” She grumbles.
So the woman in question is named Jennie? Who you have yet to see of her or her cat.
You frown, this whole situation seems one sided. Shouldn’t they get mad at her pursuiters? You're sure she wouldn’t even propose something like this if they would leave her alone. They’re belittling someone they probably don’t know well. You leave the aisle, tired of listening to them, and walk to the counter to pay. Smiling when you see the old woman, who’s much like a mother and best friend to you. She smiles kindly back, eyes crinkling at the corners like crescents.
“Did you find everything okay, (Y/N/N)?”
You roll your eyes playfully at the nickname and pull out your wallet, handing her the money. “Yes, I’ve been here so many times.” You chuckle.
“Oh! Can I add something?” You grab an apple and place it in your mouth, digging back into your pockets to get your wallet out again. Which was proving to be a difficult task, you groan in annoyance.
“Gimme just a sec-” Your voice is a bit muffled from the apple, and the old lady cuts you off. She waves her hands dismissively, “No, it’s alright, you're not paying for it.” The last part comes out as a statement, and you go to argue, but she raises an eyebrow and gives you a look leaving no room for argument. You sigh, muttering a thank you, and manage to grab all the grocery bags on one arm. Before stepping out the store you yell that you're gonna pay her back. You don’t like having debts, seeing how it got your parents killed. But that’s a story for another time. The old woman just smiles.
You begin your trek home in the dark of night, the moon illuminating the worn out brick streets. You continue to crunch and munch on your juicy apple, humming a tune. Your arm is tired, but there isn’t much longer to go till you get home, so you suck it up. Your home, a small stone cottage with three rooms. A bathroom, bedroom, and the open space room area that’s combined with a kitchen area and a makeshift living room. Which consists of a fireplace, a small couch that barely fits two people, a chair, rug, and a coffee table you should break apart and throw out, but never have the energy to. You weren’t the best at decorating, but it’s not like you have people coming over here and besides, you live alone.
You opened the door, who’s hinges creaked a bit too loudly for your liking, making you puff in annoyance. You set the bags down on the kitchen counter and began unloading everything, putting it in its rightful spots. Cleaning up your house, you realise it’s gotten even later and you should go to sleep. You have work tomorrow.
The sun shines through your curtains, alerting you it’s time to wake. You always seemed to get up the same time the sun rises and reaches your window. That means you have about an hour and twenty-five minutes to get ready and head to work. Begrudgingly, you roll to your left, miscalculating that it was the edge of the bed and there was nowhere left to roll, and you fall to the floor back-first with a thud.
After the difficult time of putting clothes on because of the bruise that has now formed on your back, and doing everything else in your morning routine, you set off to work. In which you have arrived no later than seventeen minutes.
It was a bookstore, also owned by the old woman. You alternate from working at the grocery store or bookstore during the week. Basically if you feel like socializing, you choose the grocery store, and if you don’t, you choose the bookstore, which leaves you to yourself and the worlds contained in books.
You set your lunch down at the desk. And quickly put on an apron, and check the inventory in the back. Your job mainly consists of easy labor like putting the books away and unpacking new shipments, writing letters to people who don’t turn in their books before the deadline, and the minimal task of greeting the people who walk in. And when you're done with that, you can sit at the desk and read to your heart's desire.
You’ve settled on reading an ancient looking book about how a beast and human fell in love, seeing as you favorited the fantasy genre. You're surprised you hadn’t seen or found this book before, you basically look through every section every time you work here. You flip to where the story starts and read, shuffling into a comfortable position in the chair.
“-He was trapped, a curse put upon him. He’s stuck, unable to leave the boundaries of the town, surrounded by people asking for him to return his feelings. Only he can’t, as he was well aware these people are inflicted by his curse. Making them bewitched, captivated…to the point it was turned to obsession. The town elder, who he was once close to, visited him one day, proposing an idea that would help him find someone. Of course he accepted, desperate to find a way out of this, to find real love, not something fake and forced. The man knew that he could turn into a beast, of course he knew, but who would ever love him as that?
The elder told him to use it, use that other side of him he considers a curse, but what’s actually a blessing in disguise, to find someone who will accept him as he is.
He found himself running through the forest one day, air rippling through his fur, and paws thudding on the marsh ground. When he heard a pained scream, he ran to it. There was a woman laying on the dirt stripped down to her undergarments, with men surrounding her, her face tear stricken and red. He hid behind a bush crouched down like a predator stalks its prey, stomach pressed into the brown earth, watching. He obviously concluded these men were bad, and waited for their weakness to show. The men stalked closer to the woman, tongue wetting his lips as he scanned her head to toe. And the woman cried bloody murder, then said something that angered the man who raises his hand and swings. The man stops mid swing when a growl surrounds. But it was too late.
He pounced, ripping apart the skin and flesh of the man and his friends. In which the woman could only watch in awe and fear. When the wolf-like creature finished, it slowly stalked towards the woman head low to the ground, as if to not look threatening. The woman-”
The bell rang as the shop door opened. And you internally rolled your eyes and whined, the story was getting somewhere, and someone just had to walk in! With a sigh you put down the book and put on a genuine smile. You're not gonna take your annoyance out on someone who didn’t do anything, it’s not like they would’ve known you were caught up reading anyways. They stopped in front of your desk and you looked up.
“Good morning, did you-”
Your breath caught in your throat when your eyes met the strangers, they obviously weren’t a regular seeing as you don’t recognize them. All you know Is that she was literally breathtaking, and that you were probably staring at her stupidly, and making her uncomfortable. You shifted your gaze down and cleared your throat, still smiling although it was more nervous looking. And then she spoke, her voice was angelic with an accent you couldn’t place.
“Hello, I was wondering if I could make a book account here?” You nodded and moved to grab something to write with.
“Yeah I can do that for you.”
Glancing up at her timidly, you ask,
“What is your full name, address, and if you have any form of identification like a passport, school Id, or…drivers license?”
“My full name is Jennie Ruby-Jane Kim, and my address is XX Amber St.” She proceeds to help you fill in the rest needed.
Pretty name. Wait-
“Her name is Jennie? Like the Jennie people are talking so much about?…” You unconsciously mumbled, and then realization hit that you spoke aloud, you clasped a hand over your mouth. She smiled slightly, although it was a bit sad.
“That would be me, yes.”
“Sorry, I didn’t wanna-,” You cleared your throat,
“Anyways…your account is set up and you're free to check out any books.”
She hums a thank you, and searches the store. A couple minutes later she stands in front of your desk holding a book about the Wright brothers.
“I'd like to check out this one.”
“Wright brothers huh, you like traveling?” You ask, writing down the book name.
“Yeah I love it, I can’t really travel, not yet at least.” She had a sad longing look in her eyes. And your heart ached. You just nodded, not trusting yourself with your words.
She began to walk out. And halfway through the door she turned around.
“What’s your name?” Her feline-like eyes look deep into yours.
“Nice to meet you, finally.” And she was gone.
Yall- I think I’m out of the trenches- I- I think I’m gonna(start posting again)put words on a doc that will never be touched until months later. Me: 🤡 : Well see how that goes. There will be a part two.
Edit: currently rewriting the whole thing :)
Rewrite is finished! Please check out the master list.
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biscuitblinkeu · 3 years
Hold Me Close and Don’t Let Go
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Jennie Kim x Fem!Reader - Not Requested
Fluff • Language Warning
Prompt: A trip with friends goes wrong, and your stuck in a snowstorm with someone you can’t bear to be with alone with. Jennie Kim. Despite knowing each-other longer than the others, your always at each other’s throats, and your friends hate it. You have to survive till the rescue teams come. Sitting by the fire brings old feelings to resurface. But some things never change.
Just wanted to get this out my drafts.
Jennie spotted a little cave at the side of the mountain's slope and you both rushed towards it. The snow builds up higher, making it hard to move through, and your boots often got stuck and freezing snow would flush inside.
“Go! Go! Oh my god, can you move any slower!” Jennie shoves you into the cave. You fought back the words “I can go slower, actually,” but you knew it wasn’t appropriate at this time.
Your feet were soaked and cold and you opted to take off your socks, but that would make it worse wouldn’t it? You both were breathing heavily, trampling through the snow took its toll on the two of you. The cold wind felt like daggers rippling across your face and you moved deeper inside the cave, Jennie following behind. It was now you realized the situation you were in. And who you were stuck with.
“Well shit, look what you did now Kim!” And you thought this day couldn’t get any worse.
First, you found out she was coming on the ski trip as well. Then she ate your kimbap when you got up to go to the bathroom, mind you you didn’t even eat breakfast. Your friends also decided to put you together for the ski trip talking about “being civil”. And now you're stuck in a cave-like area with snow building up at the entrance.
“It’s not my fault. Why didn’t you bring an extra map?!” She groaned.
“Why would I bring one if you already had one, Kim??” You wanted to strangle her.
“Stop calling me Kim…” she muttered, annoyed, but you didn’t catch what she said since you were too busy thinking of a way out of this situation.
It was looking bad. Especially when you can’t stand each other, it makes you wonder if you're gonna get through this alive or not. All this fear and anxiety was coming out in the form of anger. Not a good thing.
Other than the sound of raging snow and wind outside, you heard Jennie’s breathing pickup. What was she doing now? Turning around you see her crouched down, with her eyes downcast to the stone floor. Her hands clasped close to her chest, subtly shaking.
“Jennie?” She didn’t respond. You called her name again, it didn’t work. You're getting worried now. You approach her cautiously and crouch down. You know this body language of hers well, and you wish you didn’t. She was having a panic attack.
“Look at me, please.”
“Jennie i’m right here, come on”
“Nini.” Her eyes are finally meeting yours. Seeing you finally got her attention, you spoke to her softly, reassuring her everything’s gonna be okay. Then you start going through breathing exercises. At first she tells you she can’t breathe, that it won’t work. But you continue the breathing exercises and as she calms down, she slowly is able to get air in. Her eyes get glassy, signaling she’s about to cry. You don’t see her cry much so you're lost on what to do.
You hold her gloved hand and sit beside her looking at the cave entrance that continues to block up. It’s freezing, you're not sure how long it takes to get hypothermia in this weather either.
“Nini?” A slight smile tugs at her lips from the nickname. She sniffles in an attempt to stop her tears.
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you, or made you any more anxious. And I know we argue a lot but just know I do care about you, although sometimes it might not seem like it.”
“I’m sorry too, I should’ve held onto the map tighter, we wouldn’t be stuck in this mess if I had. And I just added more fuel to the fire arguing back..” she grips your hand tighter, silently saying she cared about you too.
Jennie had contacted the rescue team shortly after she found the cave, they would arrive as fast as they could. But you two had to keep warm until then. While you were absentmindedly staring at the entrance, Jennie moved to take her gear off.
“You should take your socks off, they’ll just make you colder.” She informs you, and you move to take them off. Your feet are hit by the cold air and you suck in a breath from how cold it got. She feels the need to take responsibility and make up for losing the map, she’s older than you as well. Jennie unzips her coat and moves in front of you and takes yours off putting it to the side for now. You wrap your arms around yourself trying to keep warm. She uses your backpacks as a backrest and sits up against it. You watch her in curiosity wondering what she’s gonna do with your stuff.
Then she abruptly pulls you in between her legs with your back touching her front. She grabs your coat and wraps it around your legs and wherever your body isn’t covered. Then her hands wrap around your waist and pull you tighter against her. You're flustered to say the least, but she’s just trying to keep you both warm. Her head moves to rest on the crook of your neck and her breath fans your skin making a shiver pass through you.
It’s getting warmer here isn’t it?
“Better?” Her timid voice asks, you hum in response.
It was ten minutes later you heard voices calling out for you. You almost fell asleep in Jennie’s embrace because of how comfortable it was. The rescue team was coming, and you and Jennie scrambled to get your stuff together. Going closer to the caves entrance you both yell hoping they can hear you.
“We’re in here!”
“Help us!”
With the constant yelling of the both of you and the rescue teams responding, they finally made it to you. They got rid of some of the snow and reached you, wrapping thermal blankets around both of you.
Your friends expressed that they were worried sick and made sure you were okay when you got back. You were sitting by the fire next to Jennie wrapped in a thick cover, drinking hot chocolate. Ever since you got back to the lodge you and Jennie haven’t left each other's side. And you're afraid your past crush on her has come back.
Your heartbeat picks up when Jennie snuggles closer into your side. Not going unnoticed by her.
“I-I think I’m gonna turn in now.” You move to get up.
“Wait..” she gently grabs your hand pulling you back down.
“Can I tell you a secret, (Y/n)?” She whispers, her breath fanning your face from how close you are. Her cat-like eyes reflecting the flame of the furnace looking back at yours. What is she going to tell you?
Her eyes flicker to your lips and she leans in shortly after- the distance not long since your faces were close anyways, and your lips touch. Your chest feels like a zoo- a stampede going on with how fast your heart is beating, hers not much different. You kiss back shortly after and she lets out a relieved breath. The kiss is addicting in every way and you find it hard to stop. Your hands bunch up the fabric of her hoodie- and it’s then when she realizes what she just did.
She pulls back, her eyes darkened, and clears her throat. Why would she do that?! She racks her brain, trying to think of something to say. It’s just that she didn’t want to wake up tomorrow knowing you would still bicker and fight. And after what happened in the cave- she didn’t want that to be a rare situation anymore. She liked holding you close to her, finding comfort in you. She’s already messed up, might as well follow through with it. She grabs your hands.
“I uh… I love you alot and I’ve had a crush on you for the longest time but ignored it not wanting to ruin this.” Her hands motion back and forth. Her voice was laced with uncertainty, knowing you could have many reactions to this.
She loved you? This brought a smile to your face knowing she felt the same.
“Hey, I feel the same, Nini.”
That night, you spent wrapped in each other's comforting embrace. Your friends teased the newly formed relation between their friends.
But one thing never changed, much to your friends annoyance- the bickering.
“That’s my seat!”
“you got out of it, so it’s mine now!”
Your friends groaned and rolled their eyes at your antics, this was gonna be a long trip back home…
This was kinda messy..
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biscuitblinkeu · 3 years
My Favorite Regular
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Not Requested - Fluff
Jennie Kim x Fem!Reader
☕️You're a college student that works at your cousin's cafe. You’ve recently moved to Korea so you're not familiar with everything. Especially K-pop idols..☕️
The bell rings as a customer walks in.
It’s Jennie, you learned her name after taking her order once before. She’s a regular here so you always make sure to respect her. You often see her come in early in the mornings.
You didn’t know that Jennie became a regular because of you. She thought you were so breathtaking and caring, and whenever you were actually at the front she would admire you. She loved watching you interact with other customers and she could tell you were a shy person. Believe it or not, you were the person that made her energized these early mornings.
“I got this one!” Your coworker Se-hoon yells from the front. You roll your eyes hoping he takes this order seriously.
“Hello, what would you like to order?” Your co worker Se-hoon says with a smile, but that soon turns into a smirk when he sees who it is.
But she’s interrupted before she could talk.
“You come in here a lot, is it to see my face?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
Jennie was feeling uncomfortable, so she didn’t answer him and gave a nervous smile.
You've been listening and you’ve had enough. As you usually don’t come out from the back because you're a shy person you decided to come out this time.
With a huff you stand up from the desk and walk out your cousin's office.
He doesn’t see you coming behind him but Jennie does, her eyes show relief and slight happiness?
“Too stunned to answer?” Se-hoon says cockily.
You grab him by the back of his collar and drag him to your cousin. Sehoon was silent. “Y/n? Sehoon?” Your cousin says. “He was causing a customer to feel uncomfortable. Again.” You say. Your cousin sighs, “I’ll deal with him.”
“Thanks.” You shut the door behind yourself.
Your heart wasn’t ready for the adorable smile Jennie gave you when you came back to the front.
“…I’m so sorry about him, would you like something extra on the house? Or..” you ramble playing with strands of your h/c hair.
Jennie saves you from self-embarrassment with a “Thank you” for earlier.
You give a shy smile in return and Jennie swears you're the most adorable thing she’s encountered. She wanted to pinch your cheeks, you looked like a chipmunk. Jennie is aware you don’t know she is famous and that made her more interested in you.
“Your total will be $11.47.“ you say, handing her the receipt. “Are you sure there’s nothing I can do to make up for what happened?” You ask again.
Jennie leans in and whispers in your ear, “you can give me your number..” and pulls back with a gummy smile. You're shocked to say the least that a beautiful woman asked you for your number, you never thought you were attractive in looks or personality regardless what your friends tell you, but you comply.
You both spend time getting to know each other before Jennie has to go to work. Surprisingly you didn’t stutter much, and the conversation ran smoothly. A little later she parts ways not before giving you a hug.
As Jennie walks to the YG building she wonders if her little admiration of you could be a crush instead, but she denies it as her fondness for you..
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jee-ns · 4 years
[12.47] she opened the pool gate and started taking off her shoes and jumped in waiting for you. you chuckled and dipped your toes in the cold pool water. gazing at her pastel prom dress in the water wrapped around her petit body. she got out of the pool, sitting next to you. water dripping from her crimson nose down to her chiselled jaw. “you’re getting me wet.” she looked up at you and smirked with an eyebrow cocked. you rolled your eyes and leaned your head back laughing “chaeyoung!” she had a soft smile on her face while intertwining her fingers with yours and leaning her head on your shoulder. -admin 🗣
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princessjungeun · 3 years
Hii :) i have a request for jennie x femreader, where the reader is a famous idol and Jennie has a crush on her. They attend the same award show and at the end when they are backstage the reader asks Jennie for her number. Then they go on a date or something just cute stuff (fluff i guess😅)
i forgot to reply but it’s up 
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