dronebiscuitbat · 5 days
Tera and Kiara. "Birthday Emergency"
Today was Tera Doorman's sixteenth birthday. And Kiara had already gotten her best friend the best gift she could possibly think of. A red flannel shirt!
it might seem lame, and to anyone else it probably was. But Tera had been asking her parents for any new clothes they could find after she had officially transferred over to her teenager body, and now a lot of her clothes didn't fit quite right because she'd shot up like a weed! She was just as tall as Mrs. V now! Way taller then any other worker drones and especially taller then Kiara herself, a good foot taller. And she'd seen Tera eyeing it when they walked passed the shop window, like all things when it came to her best friend, she never outright said she wanted it, luckily for her she didn't need to! Kiara knew by now when Tera liked something, even when she was trying to hide it.
So she was making her way to Tera's house, gift lovingly wrapped and tucked into her backpack as they'd just got out of school. Her grey converse flattening the blue grass underneath her feet as her vents took in the fresh air. the walled little village of Sanctuary was beautiful in the spring, nestled under the thick shade of jungle canopy with flowers of every color sprouting from the tangled vine covering the circle of metallic houses that made up the colony. A Pump-Jack in the middle that thrummed each time it made it's cycle. The beating heart of town, it's lifeblood running through all of the drones that lived there.
Tera lived closer to the town gate, so that's where she was off to, the houses were stacked on top of each other. a sturdy walkway the only thing connecting the upper houses to the lower ones, she'd have to climb it. Tera's family lived right at the top, the home being slightly larger then all the others. Witch made sense, Tera's mom was the leader of the colony after all.
When she got there she rapped on the wooden door, the entire thing vibrating on it's hinges for a moment before opening wide to reveal the smiling face of Tera's father. N. Missing his signature cap at the moment, and wearing a coat that covered most of his body.
"Kiara! I was wondering when you would stop by!" He wrapped her in a crushing hug, tail wagging behind him. Kiara couldn't help but giggle at his enthusiasm. She wished her own dad was as happy to see her!
"Hi Mr.Doorman! I'm here to give Tera her birthday gift!" She greeted after he put her down. Shaking her backpack (in the visage of a mouse) gently up at him, smiling from visor seam to visor seam. N looks down at her, a slightly confused expression taking over his face.
"She's not with you? We figured you two would've come in together when she didn't show up here right after school." The same look of confusion passed over Kiara's face. Tera had told her she was headed straight home since it was the weekend, and she wanted to practice on her guitar before her parents threw her "Gotcha Day." party. It usually lasted two days or so, starting Friday evening and going on into the day Saturday. Which meant: Sleepover! (She'd already packed her pajamas!)
But if Tera wasn't here where was she?
"No. She's not with me, she said she was going straight home." She explained, confusion turned to worry on both father and best friend. N hummed, putting a finger underneath his chin. "That's odd, Tera would call us if she went somewhere..."
He was right. Tera absolutely would not lie about where she was going, if she wasn't here, something must have held her up. Maybe Rad had seen her? or more accurately, would he be the one talking her ear off about some new skateboarding trick he learned?
So she called him, not even having to scroll through her system contacts to find him, he was listed right under Tera.
It took only a single ring for him to pick up.
"Hey K. Was just on the way over to T's house for the party. Am I late or something?" His raspy, yet somehow soft voice hit her audio receptors. Well, that answered that question, she wasn't with Rad.
"Sorry, I was just calling to see if Ter-Bear was with you. But it doesn't sound like it." She sighed, forcing down the butterflies in her stomach at the sound of his voice. No time for that! Best Friend was missing!
"Nah. Not with me. Thought  I saw her heading into the gym when I left, maybe she's still there?"
The gym? There wasn't any reason for her to go into the gym when school was letting out.
"Thank yooou. I'm gonna look for her, she's gonna miss her own party!" She replied, and Rad responded with a chuckle. "Maybe she went to fight someone. wouldn't be the first time." He hung up, the double beep signifying the calls end.
That was true... Tera could be described as explosive from time to time. But it was usually only in defense of her friends, not for no reason.
Well... she had been acting strange today, being a bit quieter then usual, taking more sips from her flask and being a little... moody. But Tera had assured her everything was fine! She just felt a little warm was all. But now Kiara was concerned She hoped Tera hadn't just said that to keep her from worrying.
"I'm going to check back at the school Mr. Doorman , Rad said she might still be there." She told N before beginning her decent off the walkway again. N gave her a nod and a wave. "Alright... I'll look around town, maybe she got distracted by something."
Everything Hurt.
Tera was curled up under the bleachers in the gym, holding her sides tightly, panting as she tried to cool herself off, she'd drunk every last drop of oil in her flask that was supposed to last her all week, she'd finished it in less then a day, and it still wasn't enough... nothing was enough.
Her internals were searing, sweat building on her visor as she let out a pathetic whimper. It felt like something was moving underneath her silicone, squirming like some caught prey, she felt like she was going to throw up as she felt it shift in her back.
Another wave of pain overtook her and she sunk her fangs into her own hand to stop from screaming. She was dying, she had to be, no way anything else hurt this bad.
"Tera? Are you here?" Oh no... oh no. That was Kiara's voice, she must have come looking after she didn't show up at home. This was bad, she didn't need to see her like this!
She continued to bite into her own hand to stifle her noises, praying that she could keep herself quiet and unseen long enough for Kiara to move on.
Unfortunatly, that was not happening, as Kiara moved farther into the gym, Tera could feel an unbearable pressure in her backside before-
"AHHHHHH!" She screamed, something breaking through the silicone near her legs with a sickening squelch, boiling oil hitting the floor and running down her legs as she felt something slightly squishy hit her back with a slap. "Oh fuck..."
Tera glanced behind her, a tail with a dozen purple glowing eyes looked back, covered in her own oil now dripping onto the floor.
"Tera!" the commotion led Kiara right to her, tears pricked in Tera's eyelights, from fear or pain or just being overwhelmed, she wasn't sure.
"G-Get out of here!" She begged, her mom had warned her of this of course. Of the day her wings and tail would come in. She knew what came after, the blood-lust, the hunger. "I don't wanna h-hurt you!" Her voice was strained with pain as her tail thrashed. she could feel the fleshy wings just under her casing, pushing and pushing, there wasn't anywhere else for them to go.
"Oh my god! T-Tail..." Kiara kneeled next to her, completely ignoring Tera's plea for her to go, a hand placed on her back that was oh so heavenly cold. It almost made the heat bearable... almost.
"Please... Kiara, leave me here..." She was actually crying now, tears falling unabated on the inside of her visor as she felt a growl escape her mouth, the casing covering her back suddenly fractured, causing Tera to lurch forward in pain.
"Like this? You're burning up!" Kiara exclaimed back, taken aback by Tera's new tail by only a second before she was in front of her, grabbing both sides of Tera's face and lifting it up to face her  pretty white eyelights. "I'm with you Ter-Bear, tell me what you need."
The agonized drone whimpered, words failing as the sensation of cold hands touched her face. Oil she needed Oil.
There was no way in hell she was asking that of her though.
"You need oil, don't you?"
Tera shook her head despite her mouth watering at the thought of it, another wave of pain and she felt the wings started to break through, oil staining her tank top as parts of her casing broke off, she attempted to bite her hand again to stop the scream.
But, Kiara stopped her, grabbing her hand before it could make it to her mouth. "No no no, don't do that..." She hummed softly. "Don't hurt yourself."
"No... Hurt you. Leave..." The words were broken and under static, growling under every note. Kiara shook her head. "I'm not leaving, you won't hurt me. I know you better then that."
Kiara! This was not the time to be stubborn!
"You need oil right? I'm right here, you can take it from me." She offered, Tera's eyelights went hollow, and her mouth watered uncontrollably... the heat was so bad, she felt like she was about to pass out...
"No No No, B-Bad Idea- Bad Idea." More broken words, now more desperate.
"Your mouth is watering, it's okay. I promise..." Kiara drew closer, Tera wanted to pull away, she was trembling as the much smaller girl pulled her up to rest Tera's head into her shoulder, she could hear the oil pumping through the tubing, hell, she could smell it. "You won't hurt me." Kiara repeated again, hugging her gently.
Something snapped.
In a moment, Tera was sinking her fangs into her best friends exposed neck, causing the girl to yelp and stiffen as a brief flash of pain was registered through her system, a warning about a hull breach popped up on her visor but she quickly cleared it, stroking Tera's head.
Two things happened at once. A pair of fleshy wings erupted out of Tera's back, and she could feel Tera bite down on her neck harder in response, and... yeah it hurt. But Tera was probably in way more pain, so she did her best to not wince. Then Tera suddenly gripped her harder, she could feel oil pouring into her best friends mouth and out of her at a frightening rate. Her breath stuttered as more warnings began to arrive, she shut them out too, and stroked through a head of thick black hair instead.
"Mmmhuh... You... almost done?" She began to feel woozy, She was loosing... a lot of oil. But she still wasn't scared. Tera would stop, they would both be fine, she knew that.
Then, at her words, she heard a blessedly familiar sound erupt from Tera.
She was purring, her tail wrapping around Kiara's frame as the amount of oil she was loosing slowed to a trickle, a series of whimpers then followed, as she felt a long tongue lick up the wound until it stopped leaking, and Kiara felt herself sigh in relief, there she was...
It took a moment for Tera to register where she was and what she was doing, she pulled back, frightened by the massive bite mark she'd left on Kiara's neck, But Kiara just smiled, much more relieved that Tera was back to herself and collapsed into the taller girls chest.
���W-what just happened?” Tera asked, stammering as she blinked around in confusion, there was the taste of the sweetest oil she'd ever tasted in her mouth.
“Mmm. Aha… I'm kinda dizzy.” Kiara's voice came muffled from being buried in Tera's tank top. Followed by a tired giggle.
“Kia! I'm so sorry! I was just so hot and- Kia?” It didn't matter what she said, Kiara had fallen asleep the moment she knew Tera was okay. Curling up into Tera's lap as the purple eyed drone tried not to panic.
For the moment though… she let Kiara sleep, tail still wrapped around her frame as Tera flexed her new wings behind her with a sigh.
“You stubborn…. Ugh. I could've killed you.” She mumbled, moving some blonde hair out of Kiara's face. [Recovery Mode] reading out on her visor. But she couldn't stop the purring that came from her core. “You trust me too much.”
And yet, there they stayed, Tera stroking down Kiara's back, until Kiara recovered enough to wake back up…
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unsellingconvenience · 10 months
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I’ve never made doughnuts before, so in honor of my mother’s birthday, and Chanukah, and every doughnut shop on the UWS being sold out by noon when I wanted doughnuts, and doughnuts being $5 each now, I made jelly doughnuts. And they were fan-freakin-tastic, so now unfortunately I’m going to have to make doughnuts again. happy all the things! #dessert #jellydoughnuts #fried #chanukah #cooking
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oogaboogaspookyman · 15 hours
So Tera knows spanish...
Does she know enough to flirt a little?
I'm asking for science <- Jellydoughnut brainrot
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xxrouguexx · 5 years
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And the sweets just keep on coming....Delicious Yeast Doughnuts - enjoy them plain, or filled with raspberry jelly, lemon curd, Nutella, Chocolate Creme or Vanilla Creme http://etsy.me/2ZIijN2. #jellydoughnuts #homemadejellydonuts #donuts #nutelladonuts #chocolatecreme #vanillacreme #chocolatecreamfilleddonut #vanillacreamfilleddonut #lemonfilleddonut https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_rLO0pPQL_c6WbZ8edQgEkYPJPQ5Oo18oL3Y0/?igshid=tw6rvj0mzjxg
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stanmark1 · 3 years
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חג חנוכה שמח! Hanukkah Sufganiot (Jelly Doughnuts). Happy Hanukkah! Photo by Stan Mark #hanukkah #hanuka #FestivalOfLights #HappyHanukkah #sufganiyot #JellyDoughnuts #StanMarkPhoto #StanMark #חנוכה #סופגניות (at Ramat Gan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CW3NaIaD1EpDNcrQiuihXWjLyAHVyTz9HaRPTg0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thomaspoovathur · 5 years
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Pączki are filled doughnuts found in Polish cuisine. The traditional reason for making paczki was to use up all the lard, sugar, eggs and fruit in the house, because their consumption was forbidden by Christian fasting practices during the season of Lent #FatTuesday . . . . #paczkiday #pączkiday #paczek #paczki #fatthursday #bakery #kreple #deepfried #pączki #pączek #doughnuts #confiture #jellydoughnuts #malayalee #americanmalayalee #mardigras #pancakeday #tommytheswamy Somethin' Sweet Donuts 4456 N Kedzie Ave, Chicago www.SomethinSweetDonuts.com (at Somethin' Sweet Donuts) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8_VbU4hHqe/?igshid=1fz2ij5bzzivg
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jythehungryronin · 3 years
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Pillow soft doughnut from @newworld Hobsonville with generous amount of Raspberry filling. So good! The dough at the bottom is still a little crispy as well so it was freshly made recently. #jellydoughnut #doughnut #donut #aucklandeats (at New World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWAWeJ2PJ78/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kerinrealty · 5 years
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Sometimes you just need to order more then 5 donuts to know which one is the best 🍩😂 @voodoodoughnut *What is your Favorite Doughnut? . . . #jellydoughnut #universal #doughnuts #🍩 #dunkin #voodoo #krispykreme #voodoodonuts #orlando #sweettooth #dessert (at Voodoo Doughnut) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzEVVR1BoPa/?igshid=1uk61mui8w1yt
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andreusdtees · 6 years
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Mmmm good! #fullmetaljacket #fmj #rleeemery #jellydoughnut #illustration #comingsoon #teedesign #andreusd #sarge #military #kubrick #pvtpyle #instagram #picoftheday #digitalart (at Slovenia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs44EMRBBC6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rhqn37cfh3ij
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skidatacom-blog · 7 years
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dronebiscuitbat · 28 days
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Tera and Kiara (3/3)
How things change…
(Tera’s wearing N’s old suit, just modified. You won’t find her dead in a dress)
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scottwah · 7 years
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#Repost @twinpeaks (@get_repost) ・・・ There's no doughnut like a #TwinPeaks doughnut. #NationalDoughnutDay . . . . . #NationalDonutDay #twinpeaks2017 #thewhitelodge #🍩 #donuts #doughnuts #donut #doughnut #showtime #jellydonut #jellydoughnut #jellydonuts #jellydoughnuts #theowlsarenotwhattheyseem (at McCrae, Victoria)
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ronnydevylder · 8 years
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All Yoy Need is Love & Donuts #jellydoughnut #peanuts #comicstripb #snoopy #instacool #instahappiness #instalove #instalike #instadoughnut #instavisual #visualinspiration #visualoverdose #visualoptimism #visualaddict #visualidentity #getinspired #ronnydevylder #i💜doughnuts #I ❤myfollowers
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theartoflorcan · 4 years
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Jelly Donuts. #art #drawing #illustration #sketch #ink #colourful #weird #strange #creepy #jellyfish #tentacles #food #sweet #sweettreat #confectionery #bakedgoods #donut #doughnut #frosted #jellydonut #jellydoughnut #jamdonut #foodhorror #gross #macabre #irishart #irishartist #dublinartist #lorcancassidy (at Glasnevin) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAPl6MZnA9a/?igshid=1oxdru53h8orz
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hellomrstaylormoon · 7 years
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Check out my last post for the recipe for my DIY Bare/ Naked Wedding cake! - INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Spray a 9" x 13" pan with non-stick spray. 2. Mix together butter and sugar. 3. Add eggs one at a time. 4. Add milk, vanilla, lime juice, lime zest to combine. 5. Add flour, baking powder and salt. 6. Mix with electric mixer until well blended 7. Pour the batter into the prepared pan. 8. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool cake and frost with Butter cream frosting! ••••••••• I will be posting the butter cream frosting in my next post if you’d like to know how to make your own! - #InfluensterEats #contest @Influenster #weddingcake #bareweddingcake #nakedweddingcake #weddingphotography #cakerecipe #keylimecake #doughnutsfordays #jellydoughnut #muskokawedding #buttercreamcake #diywedding #uniqueweddingcakes #cakesofinstagram #dessertstagram #backyardwedding (at Muskoka, Ontario)
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aprilnyc · 7 years
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Last binge, back on the diet #hotelbreakfast #glazeddoughnut #jellydoughnut #binge (at The Broadway at Times Square Hotel)
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