#jellicle ocs
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indianasolo221 · 2 years ago
Meet: The Lost Son
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I know this came out of nowhere, but I can't decide on a name for Moriah's son, so I'm letting my followers choose.
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jelliclekitty · 2 years ago
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My take on Jasper's make up before he gets an official reference from @the-candy-store-cat
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velveteen-vampire · 9 days ago
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cats ocs! Anathedora and Apocrister, two of Macavity's henchmen
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mrjester27 · 2 months ago
Me and my friend ocs
Harlequin and Apple sauce
They are brothers, not from the same litter but yeah
Same father, different mother, born at the same time
They share the same neuron
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soul-eclectic · 9 months ago
hihi !! i made a jellicle oc (finally)
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this is periwink! ive never seen a flame point and figured itd be fun:D
more info
periwink is the kind of cat who steps in your paint and tracks it across the table. or tangles up your yarn while you are actively crocheting. but the other cats view him as an amazing artist !
hes a young adult cat and is indeed very mischevious. he will participate in horseplay from time to time, especially with 'jerrie and 'teazer, except whats fun is that their usual goofs dont include paint! so periwink lets the twins hone in their "painting skills" (bad idea)
i think hes particularly close with mungojerrie? jerrie i feel would especially enjoy painting tbh
i can see him "overseeing the aesthetics" at the jellicle ball btw, not that he has much authority but the older cats take in his ideas:)
he probably sounds like hermey from rudolph? or raggedy andy from the musical adventure movie
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themostimportantnight · 9 months ago
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Crafted my first ever Cats OC last night, OH EM GEE.
LORE TIME!!!!!!!!!
BACKGROUND: Her name is Marjolaine (full legal title: Marjolaine the Painterly Cat). She's a Turkish Van, owned by a well-known artist. Marjolaine herself is very passionate about art -- specifically, painting -- and has a real penchant for running around in any colourful liquids she can find and using them to jazz up her surroundings. She is covered in unnatural pink and yellow patches as a result of her escapades. As a Turkish Van, she is quite a fan of bathing (a regular occurrence, given her hobbies); she loves seeing the paint from her fur swirl around in the water, and has been known to splash around just to see her makeshift watercolours fly around the room. Her owner is often out and about, leaving Marjolaine to her devices most of the time. Not liking to be lonely, she tends to turn to painting when she needs something to entertain her (much to her owner's amusement); and when she can, she runs off to the junkyard to mingle with the other jellicles (she spends quite a lot of time here, as her owner is more often than not out of the house). If you find ankle-high splatters of paint on any surface in the area, it means Marjolaine has been around. It's never hard to track her down, for her paws are always leaving trails of paint behind her.
PERSONALITY: Marjolaine is confident, eclectic, and often off in her own world. She considers everything around her a canvas, and has a hard time understanding when others get upset with her for painting things without permission. Her buddies include Jennyanydots (who often asks Marjolaine to paint certain things that really need sprucing up, just to keep her out of trouble), Mistoffelees (who she considers to be an excellent muse given his sparkly fur and knack for posing), and Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer (with whom she often gets into trouble -- they stole her trademark hat for her, and she appreciates the freedom and fun of their antics; they're often hesitant to bring her along with them, however, due to her paws always having paint on them). Munkustrap understands that Marjolaine requires constant outlets for her creativity, and likes allowing her to decorate any particularly drab things in the junkyard (as well as helping out with props and costumes whenever he heads a production for Old Deuteronomy). The older cats find her charming, if not a little hard to understand. She enjoys listening to Gus and Skimbleshanks, as their stories inspire her artwork; she often asks Bustopher Jones to bring her back any leftover sauces he may have so that she can paint with them, though Jones rarely entertains this idea; she finds cats like Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella fascinating to ogle, as she rarely sees other cats with fur as long as theirs.
LIKES: Painting, swimming, exploring, novelty DISLIKES: Strict rules, sitting still, others not understanding her
THAT IS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you actually read all of that, I think you're pretty neat
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cillyscribbles · 7 months ago
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really wanted to draw molly as an adult queen... and then realized the power is mine. so. for your enjoyment: here's the junkyard's littlest heartbreaker!!
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mus1ca1 · 10 months ago
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cats ocs
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charliesinfern0 · 11 months ago
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mutuals are asleep time to post cats (1998) fanart
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murdleandmarot · 4 months ago
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Bluebelle on Halloween!!! She went as Juliet from Romeo and Juliet <333
Dress I used for reference under the cut :)
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mysticalcats · 11 months ago
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a cats oc ?!?!
more about him under the cut because i accidentally wrote way too much
. his name is foxglove! (i'm actually thinking about renaming him but this is what i called him when i couldn't decide so it just stuck) he's very chatty, cheerful, and a bit clueless. he's a lot bigger than most of the other cats and is much stronger as well. he seems intimidating but he's just a sweet lil silly billy!
. he looks up to rum tum tugger because he thinks he's cool and really wants to be like him but he would never be able to reach the level of uncaring-ness that tugger has. he is a boy that cares So Much it's just in his nature
. he also looks up to skimbleshanks. i imagine the story of how he joined the jellicles is that when he was younger he was dumped in a box in a train station, and as skimble walked by, foxglove followed him into the train as they departed, and immediately became attached. skimbles initially like "can you Leave" but he probably realised he was abandoned later on, but foxglove still doesn't understand. from there skimble introduced him to the jellicles. seen in the third image, he's always trying to impress skimble, but skimble is just worried he's gonna hurt himself
. foxglove is besties with mungojerrie, they're both annoying little troublemakers who play pranks on everyone. he's also friends with bombalurina because she finds him funny and foxglove is all about being the court jester
. he has a little bell on his collar like skimble does! because the train conductor found him with skimble and was like you're our new little railway cat! so they're two railway kitties, except foxglove doesn't take his job as seriously and just kinda does his own thing. he gets sick on the train and much prefers when they stop
im writing like. way too much. sorry for rambling this guy has been spinning around in my brain for literally ages. love him though he's so silly 2 me
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indianasolo221 · 2 years ago
Meet Moriah!
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Female (She/Her) | Adult | Conflicted, Inhibited, Mournful
Moriah was forced away from her mother by humans before she was old enough to care for herself. Young and terrified, she and her sister Ramona stayed close together and learned to take care of each other. Moving from one place to the next in a desperate attempt to avoid humans, they met Finn, a streetwise Tom whom Moriah quickly fell in love with. The three settled down together after Moriah’s pregnancy, excited to start a new life together. Although Moriah had a normal delivery, she and Ramona realized that her only kitten was very sick. At first Finn refused to believe them, but even he had to come to terms with his son’s sickness. Unable to find a healer and running out of time, Moriah did the unthinkable. She asked Ramona to leave her kitten at a human’s doorstep, hoping that a human healer could help him. Ramona did as she was asked, understanding that Moriah’s fear was too great for her to go along with her son, or even tell him goodbye. Moriah was so ripped apart by grief that even Finn couldn’t help her, and he eventually left, unable to face his broken mate. Eventually Moriah decided she wanted to search for her son in spite of her fear, but she found the Jellicle Tribe instead. At Ramona's request, the two have temporarily stopped their search to make their home with the Tribe. Only one question remains in Moriah's mind: Where do I go from here?
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kokolencha · 9 months ago
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Yall don’t understand how much I love her fr
I wanna do more with her I just don’t know how to really flesh her out 😔
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luthien-black · 2 months ago
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Starting to introduce in depth some of my OCs, I will bring more as the time goes and I make them proper ref sheets... First I decided to redo my Cats OC ref sheet. I also changed some things such as her paws that now look like actual cat paws instead of human feet and hands... I just did that 'cause it's easier for me to draw paws than hands LOL Does that makes Miyela a furry? LOL IDC TBH I also added fluff to her shoulders just because... Oh, since you're still here reading this, lemme talk more about her so you can know her a bit better, alright? Miyela is part of the Jellicles, but she ain't no stray cat. Being part of Old Duteronomy's numerous progeny, she was adopted by a witch who lives near the Junkyard and was in touch with the occult arts since she was a kitty. She's a very sweet and gentle Queen, who uses her witchcraft knowledge to protect her fellow Jellicles. One curiosity about her is that she is the only Queen who doesn't fall for Rum-Tum-Tugger's charm, for her heart belongs to another Jellicle Tom.
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Here's an old picture of her with her human hands and feet and no fluff, but it still being our good and old Miyela. She and Munkustrap looking like they’re having a blast! lol! I’m so freaking proud of these poses! ❤️❤️
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Now here's Miyela doing the infamous Jack-O crouch… I couldn’t think of a more flexible OC of mine to do such pose lol.
The toms in the back have nothing to complain about… u.u well, maybe Misto
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kibber-cat · 9 months ago
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Name: Cicatrix (Pronounced sheek-ca-tricks)
Nickname: Chic (Pronounced sheek)
Role: Protector
Three Adjectives: Jaded, Aloof, and Powerful
Might write more abt her backstory later :)
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mochatears · 5 months ago
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Hehe I did it I made some cats OCs …. and I’m definitely gonna make more !! A lil info on these girlies under the cut thooo
This is Floxpurr and Ellipses!! Flox is a Selkirk Rex, and Ellie is an American curl kitten.
Flox is a house cat, and no one’s really sure how much time she actually spends with the Jellicles on account of her keeping to herself whenever she’s actually at the junkyard. And yet, for some reason, when someone’s having problems, they always manage to stumble upon her, as if she put herself in their path to be found. She’s a sweetheart really, even if the other Jellicles find her a bit of a mystery. Her owner adopted her as an emotional support animal, and she really took to the job.
Ellie’s a little tiny kitten! I imagine she’d spend a lot of time hanging out with the other kittens, especially Etcetera. She’s super easily distracted, and together her and Etcetera would get literally nothing finished ever. In fact, by herself Ellipses isn’t great at getting things done! It’s pretty common for her to wind up places, clueless to why she was going there in the first place.
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