#jelix au
doks-aux · 5 months
Thinking about college Jack, still struggling to shake off his lingering teenage awkwardness. All legs and arms, hunching to try and make himself less tall, careful to be so, so polite and speak quietly. He's a junior by the time Felix gets there and only just on his last year of braces, still self-conscious when he smiles.
Felix is so instantly, violently, pitifully in love with him it's driving him insane.
He's eighteen and scared out of his mind, hiding himself in clothes at least a size too big, two if he can get away with it, and Jack is everything he can't possibly hope to ever be and yet so nice to him, smiling at him, wanting to be his friend.
Felix thinks about climbing into his lap, being wrapped up safe in his long limbs, kissing him and cutting his lip on his braces. He tries to bite his own lips just enough to taste a little blood alone at night in his bed. He feels deranged, wrong on so many levels. It's the opposite of what he's supposed to want, what he's trying to prove he is. He can't ever have this, not outside of his head and his bruised and battered little heart. 
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ieaturanium · 7 months
I just wanna say… I don’t know how to explain it but I am in the middle of not supporting Jelix and supporting Jelix.
I ship it in a AU. Mostly because i’m very uncomfortable with shipping in a non AU thingy
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feistyflamango-blog · 7 years
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Super simple Jackaboy doodles.
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typicalsadcarrot · 7 years
Are you tired of Jelix AU? So here’s another one, muahahaha!
This is my AU called “Halo”, and it is not a game reference
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Here’s Felix. He is a space ranger, and some shit you can learn from this picture. He was forced to become a space ranger because our planet died and there are two ways - you die or you start live in space. Also, his works is pretty hard. He must destroy some buildings from every planet, but if you destroy building this planet dies. That’s why Felix hates his job. 
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And there is Jack. His is a star. A real star. One person found Jack because he was the brightest star. He stole him and now Jack live in strange spaceship when that person makes a weapon that can destroy galaxy with Jack’s evergy.(Jack doesn’t understand that he is nothing more like battery)
Also he has 2 cores in his body. The First is in the head and works like brain and the second placed in the chest and works like heart, BUT you can touch it (but it also works as erogenous zone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) And how did they meet each other? When Felix was on another mission, he was about to destroy the core, but something went wrong, The room was filled with smoke and soon Felix passed out. He woke up at strange spaceship, and Jack was looking at him. Later they both decided to escape from the ship and break that stranger’s weapon. Hope you guys are interested in that AU, because I was planing it for soooo long Also I’m writing a fanfiction about this AU on Russian and maybe I will translate it on English someday.
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homo-noodles · 7 years
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Deer Jack x Hunter Felix | Jelix AU
Here's a cute little septicpie/jelix AU for ya! I was just bored, so I don't really have a story for this...
Might add more to this. I just really want more Jelix AUs, haha.
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More Than One (a septiplier au)
Summary: Sean, Jack and William were triplets. They live in Athlone, Ireland where they had their fair share of troubles and laughs. They move, of course, to Los Angeles, California where there they meet the Fishbach Twins. They hit it off immediately after meeting each other. William soon gets bullied by someone who shall not be named, everyone goes crazy. Who will end up with who?
Chapter 1: Moving
“Wait. We’re moving? To California? Like United States of America, California?” Sean said excitedly. Their mother (and by their I mean William, Sean, and Jacks) just told them that they were moving, of course Sean getting the most excited.
“Yes we are. We’re moving in a week so say goodbye to your friends and start packing.” Their mother said. Sean bolted up the stairs to his room. He has the most packing to do.
“But what if you don’t want to say goodbye?” William whined. He put his head down, making his grey hair fall in his eyes and his glasses sag a little.
“Man up will ya’?” Jack said smiling like an idiot. He too was gonna miss his friends, but he knew it was easy for him to make new ones.
William looked up to glared at Jack. “Oh shut up. I’m not as happy-go-lucky as you are.” William said.
Jack smiled brightly at that comment. “Thanks!” He said then ran off towards the stairs.
“Mom do I have to move? I can just live with dad.” William suggested.
“There’s no way in hell I’m letting you stay at that man’s house.” His mother said. Their mother was a kind, sweet woman, who happened to fall for a total dickbag.
“But mom!” William whined.
“No buts. Now get up to your room and start packing.” His mother said, pointing to the stairs.
William sighed and dragged his feet upstairs. He walked into his room, in which was the smallest in the house.
He could hear Sean’s music playing through the thin walls of the house. The song that was currently playing was ‘I Wanna Hold Your Hand’ by The Beatles. Sean loved The Beatles. He smiled a little at how idiotic his brother was and started packing.
He took the things hanging on his wall like pictures and poster off first and put them in a neat pile in the corner of his gray room. They didn’t have boxes or bags yet because they forgot to bring them up. William was too lazy to go downstairs and grab some for him and his brothers to use.
Most of the things on his walls were pictures, some that he took, others just memories. He took his favorite picture down. It was a picture of him and his brothers all dig piled on top of each other. He remembered that day like the back of his hand. It was Jack, Sean and William’s 14th birthday. He was the one left out, considering he was the shyest one of his family. Once Jack noticed that William was off in the corner alone he went to go get Sean. Jack told him of his master plan to get him wild up. It sure as hell got him wild up. He loved that memory because it constantly reminded him of how much his brothers care about him. Even when they were being a total dickbag.
“Sean! Do you think you can turn your music down?!” Jack yelled.
“It’s not possible!” Sean yelled back, turning it up a little more.
By the next day, Sean had all of his poster packed into boxes. “Shocking to see you finished that first.” Jack chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, well I happen to be faster than you think.” Sean said, ruffling up his blue hair and running down the stairs to the kitchen. He took an apple and headed out the door.
“But… I made breakfast.” His mom said quietly. She shrugged it off. “Boys breakfast is done!” Their mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
The two boys raced each other down the stairs and to the kitchen. Jack touched the kitchen counter first. “Yes! I win!” He cheered.
“Yeah yeah. Come on, eat.” Their mother said, pointing to a stack of waffles.
Jack licked his lips. “Thanks mom! They look delicious!” Jack said, taking three waffles and placing them on a plate.
“Thanks mom!” William smiled in her direction.
“No problem. I’ll be upstairs. You boys need to be out of the house by 6:25 okay?” Their mother said, flipping her long, brown hair behing her shoulder.
“Yes mom.” Jack and William both said in unison.
Their mother smiled and walked up the stairs. Once she was gone, Jack took the whipped cream and put some more on his waffles.
“You had to wait to do that?” William asked while he was pouring the syrup on his waffles.
“Yep. You know mom. She would get a little mad I have this much.” Jack stated. He lifted his plate to show William, which had a mountain of whipped cream on it.
“Whatever.” William rolled his eyes, going back to eating his waffles.
“Are you gonna miss Valley View?” Jack asked once he was done with his waffles. It was about 6:20. They need to be out side in a couple of minutes.
“Yes. Of course. I don’t know how I can manage to make new friends.” William said, grabbing Jacks backpack and handing it to him. He grabbed his own and slung it over his shoulder, heading for the door.
“You’ll be fine. As long as you have Sean and I, you should be perfectly fine.” Jack said, mimicking Williams actions.
William sighed. “Easy for you to say. You’re a hyper guy. And not shy!” He said.
“Well sorry we grew up as two different people.”
“I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Then why don’t you try to be more social.”
“Being social is hard.” Just as William said that the bus rolled up to their stop. Jack hopped in and sat down next to his friends while William sat in the front, like always.
Sean was already at the school. He walked with his friends everyday. He believed that riding the bus is for little kids, and he hates being treated like a kid. They were leaning against the school walls outside in the back.
“Hey Sean. What’s up?” His friend, Killian, called for him.
Sean smirked. Killian was his best friend ever since grade 4. This was probably going to be the hardest part on his fourth. (Cuz there’s four of them. Get it? No. Okay that’s cool.)
“Nothing much, just moving to America, California.” Sean said casually, trying to act calm to see his friends reaction.
“Wait, what?” He said, looking Sean in the eye jumping a little.
Sean chuckled. “Well I don’t mind leaving this hellhole. You’re the only thing I’m gonna miss.” Sean shrugged.
“Dude. Forget about me! Your moving! To California! I’m visiting every chance I get.” Killian said excitedly. Almost too excitedly. He was acting like a 8 year old.
“I hope you can visit a lot.” Sean laughed. Killian was the only real friend he had. Killian was the only person that actually understood him. Nobody really wants to leave their friend behind, especially if it’s hard to make new friends, but Sean wouldn’t mind all that much. He was an outcast in school, he still is to this day. He loved being one but sometimes it can be lonely. He was greatful for Killian coming into his life, but he still had his two brothers. Killian was the only thing that kept him from doing stupid shit all the time. They still do stupid shit, but not enough to get them in big trouble. Killian also had money. He didn’t like to be called the ‘rich kid’ but he was, so he would have no trouble flying himself all the way to America and staying a few nights.
“Me too. I bet the chick’s there are hot!” Sean laughed nervously. The one thing he didn’t tell anyone was that he was gay. He thought that being gay would ruin his bad boy reputation. And he loved his reputation.
“I bet. All beach ready babes.” Sean said. Killian was gonna add to that but the bell rang.
“So fucking hot.” Killian said as he started to walk towards the schools front doors. “It’s fine if we’re a little late, right?” He smirked turning around and walking backwards.
Sean rolled his eyes. “When are we not late?”
By the end of the day, Jack told almost everyone in the school that they were moving. He was popular. No doubt about that. Everyone loved Jack and William couldn’t figure out how. William told his small group of friends. They just hugged him and asked when and why he was leaving.
“Sunday.” He said. It was only Wednesday.
“Will! Don’t leave me!” His friend, Eliot, said. Eliot was one of the only people that called William, Will. William would call Eliot, El or idiot. It cracked the two up when William would call Eliot idiot whenever they did something stupid. They were best friends. They spent a lot of time together and you almost never saw one without the other.
“Don’t say that. I would gladly want to stay with you guys, but I can’t leave my mom.”
“Ugh. I know. That’s how family works.” Eliot sighed.
William put a hand on Eliot’s shoulder. “Thanks for understanding. Means a lot. I’m going to miss you.” William said, hugging Eliot.
“I’m gonna miss you too.” Eliot whispered, hugging Will back. “Your calling or skyping me ever chance you get.” Eliot almost shouted, pulling away.
“I will. Don’t worry.” William chucked.
“It’s Friday!” Jack yelled.
“Dude, calm down will ya?” William said.
“Nope!” Jack said popping the ‘p’.
“Our last day. I’m gonna miss this place.”
“We know! Stop your complaining. I bet there are a lot of geeks and nerds at the new school for you to make friends with!”
“I don’t know Jack. You know how socially awkward I am.”
“Well than fix it.” Jack chuckled.
“It’s harder than it looks!” William almost shouted.
Jack put his hands up defenselessly. “Chill out man. Sorry.” He said.
The bus rolled up and they got on, sitting in their usual seats.
Once the bus stopped at their school, William was the first one off while Jack was the last one. They walked into their school, Jack almost immediately got attacked by people hugging him.
“We’re gonna miss you!” They said. Jack tried to squeeze his way out of the crowd. Once he managed he found his best friend, Signe, sitting down next to a wall outside. Signe wasn’t always his best friend. She was actually his ex. But they new they couldn’t just stop talking because they didn’t love each other that way. Jack made it his job to make Signe happy. No matter what it takes. But he can’t bullshit his way through this one. He felt horrible about it.
He walked up to her and sat down. “Hey.” He smiled.
“Hey.” She smiled weakly.
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked, his serious tone kicking in.
“A lot actually.”
“Name one.”
“You leaving.” She said looking at the ground.
Jack sighed. “Signe, I’m gonna miss you, a lot. But I’m kinda getting bored of the people here. You know how much I like to met new people.” Jack said, holding her hand.
“I know Jack! I’m just gonna miss you.” Signe said.
“I know. And I’m sorry. But you have plenty more friends. You shouldn’t just be worrying about me.” Jack said.
“I don’t know Jack. How am I gonna get through the school year without my best friend? How am I gonna get through the school year without the only person I can talk too? How?”
“I’ll tell you how your gonna get through it. You are a strong girl. And a tough one. Tough girls don’t just ‘give up’, they fight. And they will keep fighting until they have what they want. You can make it. I believe in you.”
So! This is my first time actually publishing a fan fic. (I don’t like my other ones.) If i dont post just pester me about it. I give you permission. I won’t be annoyed. Just gives me a reason to keep writing.
I still feel like this chapter is pretty short. Hm..
Anyways! Mark and Edward should be introduced in the next chapter.
Thanks for reading!
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jack: let's be serious for once
felix: chip chop
jack: blip blop
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a-roomba · 5 years
No Homo
As usual, when Felix and Sean were having an adventure, they could be heard from fifty miles away. Sean screeched as he wildly swung around his already battered iron sword, hoping that with enough flailing he might actually hit the enderman that was tormenting him. While Felix would love to help, after the accidental haircut he'd given the other while trying to help him with a zombie problem, they had both agreed that maybe they should hold off on too much co-operation. Speaking of which…
"Hey Sean? How were you actually gonna cut your hair? I swear, if you try and use the frickin’ stonecutter again-”
“I wasn’t actually gonna!” Sean yelped and scrambled back as a black arm swung towards him, barely getting out of the way. “I was joking! You think I’d chop off this majestic Gaelic Gladiator bun? That’s how you lose!”
Felix giggled into his gloved hand. “Is that why you kept getting blown up by creepers?”
Sean turned to give him a deadpan look, right as the enderman teleported between them, and Felix barely managed to leaned back before a sword was sweeping past his head. The enderman vanished in a puff of smoke with a cheer from Sean. His cheering continued for a while. At least until Felix quietly mentioned that it never actually dropped an ender pearl. “Oh, come on! I earned that! You saw! It was a battle for the ages!”
“Sure thing, dude. Come on, let’s just go sleep already.”
Despite the grumbling, they had a rather pleasant journey back home. As a bonus, Sean had tired himself out, and by the time they finally saw the familiar pyramid in the distance, he was leaning against his taller friend and barely mumbling his words, trying to nuzzle Felix with no regard for his huge iron helmet.
"Come on, you sleepy dork. At least get to bed first."
"Felix is comfy thoughhhhh…" Sean grumbled, trying to hug and walk at the same time. It wasn't working, but that never stopped him. In his mind, Felix meant comfy, and comfy meant good. Always comfy. There was that smell that he was always getting from his friend, earth and metal and sweat and whoa there Sean.
What. The fuck. Since when was he enjoying Felix’s smell? They shared a bed, built together every day, and Sean had never even noticed it. But the second it actually processed, the thought stuck in his head. It didn't exactly help that he was so close all of a sudden. If he pulled away now it would be obvious. Sean had never been shy about touching (who was going to judge, the zombies?), so suddenly pulling away would be weird.
“Let’s get you in bed. I know something’s wrong when you go quiet,” Felix joked. "If you keep this up, I might actually sleep tonight."
"Screw you, dude."
"You wish."
They broke out in giggles that lasted the rest of the journey home, and even as Sean wriggled out of his armour, Felix wolf-whistled in a way that had him snorting. "Quit doing that! The dogs are gonna freak out if you keep whistling." He shook his head and tossed the last boot over into the heap on his side of the bed before flopping down. "Goodnight Fe."
"Hey Jack?"
Confused blues turned to Felix as he lay down.
"No homo."
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world-of-ezraprisc · 5 years
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WIP of Not-a-Jelix AU with the design of 2013-2014 Poods and Jack
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and-so-he-rambled · 6 years
Holy shit. 
This fic is worth the read. I have been dying in the best way and have barely slept in 48 hours. It's well written, captivating, and holy shit is it complex.
Admittedly, it is Jelix, and that's a major turnoff for most, but it's so worth it. I don't think I've ever loved a fic more, so I decided to try and drag more people into hell with me.  If anybody does decide to read it, come scream at me on here, we can die together.
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doks-aux · 6 months
Jack and Felix necking in the office like teenagers, Felix sighing as Jack kisses across his face and down to his throat, laughing and half-heartedly shoving at his head when he starts biting because he knows he's making it tickle on purpose.
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ieaturanium · 7 months
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Me And Jack :3 (definitely not Jelix AU Felix)
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feistyflamango-blog · 7 years
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A new style I'm pretty proud of!!
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leomakesamess · 7 years
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AU where Felix and Jack are the king and the queen /I mean they basically ARE the royalty of YT but there is Jack in a dress to that makes it all better/
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shamefulbirb · 7 years
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I mean, technically yes, requests were closed but i was really itching for some septicpie and I haven't drawn Pewds with his beard yet. I'm sure his beard tickles >w <
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gay-spaghetti · 7 years
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JACK AND FELIX - Rick and Morty AU .:Doodles!:.
Ahhhgg;;;;; I love this AU…. it’s such a neat idea! I also love Rick and Morty. It’s literally my most favorite TV show right now :P
Anyways, this is a gift for @yellow-lens and @wongipongi . Len for inspiring me with her awesome doodles, and wongi for actually creating the AU! I hope you two like these silly doodles ^u^ @therealjacksepticeye
Also, I had to draw Jack as the Morty gang of friends. Ohmygosh I love these bbys in the show. Slick and 4-Eyes are obviously my favorite. Go figure :P
Also also, I wanted to expand on the AU…But I didn’t know who Jerry and Beth shoud be. I stretched it a little by making Mark Summer, but I think that in a nutshell, it’s a fairly good fit.
ALSO also also! I slipped in some antisepticeye with that Evil Morty Jack! >:3
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