#jeid is gonna be endgame 🤢🤢🤢
beware-of-you-98 · 8 months
ok ok so josh stewart is done with CM and everyone is thinking that this is the catalyst for jemily to finally happen
But has anyone and I mean anyone at all considered the most likely, very real possibility that MGG is going to come back and that 🤢🤢🤢 jeid 🤢🤢🤢 will be endgame?????
Because,,, let’s be honest,,, what’s a more likely scenario here:
• two women on the team who the show runners have spent the last three seasons of this show completely the bond and relationship they have to the point they barely seem like friends anymore (and said women who have never canonically shown interest in another woman) suddenly confessing feelings for each other out of the blue (plus I highly doubt the writers are gonna do something like a late in life sexuality crisis; that would mean they’d actually have to focus on someone other than rossi 😒)
OR (and this is TERRIFYING)
• having reid come back after will dies or fucks off or whatever they’re gonna do with the man to be jj’s knight in shining armor especially since they pushed this whole “i’ve always loved you!!!” narrative in the last two seasons of CM
wake up sheeple we are not being blessed with the possibility of jemily, we are being threatened with the most likely outcome of jeid
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