#jeff winger and abed nadir
jeffwingxr · 1 year
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answering this with a long list and visual examples because we all know by now i am a very visual person! also literally living for ur pfp.
here we go:
jeff being the only one to ALWAYS get abed's references
their initial introduction (pilot opening) bc classic
the shirt swap. love the shirt swap.
just abed always knowing when jeff needs that shoulder of support
when jeff moves in/lets abed see him with his guard down/abed is the first person jeff is comfortably vulnerable around (which is continued later on when he tells him about seeing his father)
abed's "classic wingers" carving
the entire episode when they get drunk together. and also the other time they're drunk together in the later seasons
jeff giving up on the final challenge in the history of ice cream red balls to take care of abed
"you're pretty cool abed." "you're a huge nerd."
jeff's immediate standing up for abed over the fucking winterdoodle cookies or whatever
their staged flirting while playing dungeons and dragons
"I'm gonna go hang myself in my closet now" "I'll come with" *immediately they run into jeff's old law partner*
this isn't super jabed but when jeff goes all the way to the office and gets the hats for troy and abed to help repair their friendship
when abed slaps jeff (i found a screenshot in my camera roll so it's getting included)
the cut of jeff's commercial where they're fighting
literally just them in the episode where they're fighting subway
THEIR GOODBYES. THE SECOND HUG. FUCK. *tears start flowing*
and lastly, this is really controversial but, the frisbee scene.
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sorry this was so long. i had a lot to say. or show, really.
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questionable-disarray · 9 months
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thefoxinator · 7 months
NOT gentle reminder that Abed Nadir’s father is canonically Palestinian, his grandfather lived in the Gaza strip, and his cousin Abra visits from Gaza in season one. You can not be a Community fan and a supporter of Israel.
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strangerathecinema · 7 months
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silly community textposts pt. 1
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“I can tell TV from real life, Jeff. TV has structure, logic, rules, and likeable leading men. In real life, we have this. We have you” is still one of the most METAL fucking lines in the entire series like??? abed just gagged him like that??? in front of EVERYONE??? insane. I’m still not over it. goddamn
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ham0705 · 5 months
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the study group reunion cuz we actually are going to get one in near future!!
Abed being a big director is confirmed canon got me emotional im so proud of him🥹💖💖💖
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parkercore-69 · 4 months
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yo guys i think it’s pretty sweet when Troy smiles at the camera when Abed’s filming ☹️
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people don’t even ask for a hit of your vape anymore they just look at you like this
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weedpoop · 5 months
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jabed wanting to kill themselves is a daily mood
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so basically
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jeffwingxr · 2 years
i really like that i can communicate my feelings with a niche group of people by describing how i feel using a tv character/episode.
like if i admit to you all that i'm relating pretty hard to jeff winger's outburst/confession during his "My Dinner With Andre" moment with abed right now, some of you guys will understand what I mean and I feel like that's something really special.
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tvjuno · 2 months
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doppel-dean-er · 1 year
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PLEASE tell me no one has done this yet
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Community is a show about a Christian Mother and a Bigoted Billionaire surrounded by the worst bisexuals they've ever met
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strangerathecinema · 7 months
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silly community textposts pt. 2
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