#jeep phone mount
vectoroffroad · 11 days
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Jeep Gladiator Accessories | Top Offroad Gear at Vector OffRoad
Browse high-quality Jeep Gladiator accessories, including phone mounts and bed racks. Improve your offroad experience with Vector OffRoad's top-rated items.
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jeep-momma · 13 days
67 Designs Phone Mount Review
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quick question
Tony Stark x GN!Reader
Prompt: "are you seriously calling me right now?”
Summary: the avengers are in the middle of yet another battle with hydra, but that won’t stop tony from continuing your conversation from earlier.
Warnings: fluff, canon-level violence, sexual situations, and I did not proof-read.
Word Count: 2,201
follow my fanfiction sideblog
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Ducking under a wild shot from a HYDRA agent’s blaster, you urged the cowering civilians across the street as you raised your arm and fired a return shot from the repulsor gauntlet on your left hand. One of them screamed as your pulse met with one of HYDRA’s jeeps, and the front of it exploded, sending enemy agents scrabbling for cover.
“Miss Y/L/N,” JARVIS said over the comms device in your ear, sounding almost apologetic at the interruption. You paused long enough to see Widow guide the civilians out of danger before you sprinted across the concourse, jumping and sliding over another car’s bonnet. You landed on your feet, punching a HYDRA gunner across the face, hard enough to knock him unconscious, before he could recover from the blast and mount another attack. “Mr. Stark would like a word.”
“Is he not busy enough right now?” you replied, blocking another agents fist with your forearm while firing another repulsor blast at his friend. You swung your arm around, firing another shot into the man’s stomach. You heard another repulsor fire somewhere above.
“He is being rather insistent, Miss.”
“When is he not?” you replied with a roll of your eyes as you heard the connection beep as another channel opened. “A little busy here at the moment, honey.”
“Have I mentioned how adorable it is when you use pet names while kicking ass?”
“Tony,” you replied exasperatedly, ducking automatically as you heard a blast go off overhead. A chunk of the wall ten feet to your left fell to the ground, setting off a nearby car alarm. “Are you seriously calling me right now?”
“We didn’t get to finish our conversation.” he said it as though you’d simply fallen into a bad cell area halfway through a phone call.
“And it couldn’t wait to continue until after everybody was done trying to kill us?” you asked. A HYDRA agent came slowly around the corner you were hiding behind, gun raised in the hopes of catching you off-guard. You punched him hard in the throat, his gun falling to clatter against the pavement. Kicking him in the stomach, you sent him sprawling to ground alongside it before he could regain his composure. “Maybe once we’re back in the States and not actively avoiding getting shot? Just a suggestion.”
You pressed down on the man’s throat with your boot as you picked up the fallen gun until he fell unconscious. Tony chuckled in your ear as you aimed the gun at an approaching Jeep and emptied the clip into its engine block. Ducking back behind the wall as it exploded, you winced at the sound of it.
“But you make it look so effortless,” he teased. “What you just did there? That was hot.”
“Keep it in your pants, Stark.” you replied dryly despite the hint of an amused smile threatening to color your features. “Not all of us have Stark Tech that extends beyond the elbow. So, some of us need to pay slightly more attention than others.”
“You want an upgrade; just say the word.” he offered despite already knowing your answer. You were far too claustrophobic to wear one of his suits of armor. “But in the meantime…”
You sighed, tossing the gun aside. Spotting another agent lining up a shot towards Steve – who was currently pulverizing a guy about forty feet ahead of you – you raised your gauntlet and fired. You turned away before the shot met its target, your bare hand moving to your ear and adjusting your comms’ volume. “Damn it, Tony. You’re exhausting.”
“I thought you liked that about me, sweetheart.” you could almost see that infuriatingly self-assured smirk of his.
“I’m hanging up now, honey.”
Your hair caught in the sudden wind as Tony blew past overhead. He banked left, coming to an abrupt stop as he fired repulsor blasts from both hands at the approaching soldiers. Rolling your eyes, you came to a stop as he flew down and landed in front of you, his helmet opening. His hair disheveled and his face flushed with the excitement of the battle, he smiled widely at you, the chaos apparently forgotten now he was with you.
He held up a hand, his eyes begging for patience. There was a strange mix of emotions on his face; that familiar blend of amusement and unwavering affection was warring with what you could almost swear were… nerves? “I just have one question, okay?”
“And it couldn’t wait until we were back on the jet?” your earlier exasperation dissipated with his expression. Your own nerves rose in your stomach, completely independent of the chaos around you.
The two of you had only been dating for a few months, and part of you had been relieved when your earlier conversation had been cut short. It scared you sometimes, how deeply you felt for him. Part of what had drawn you to him had been his reputation, as strange as that was. But his fabled proclivity for casual flings and one night stands had meant, in your mind, that you didn’t need to worry about getting too close. Or getting hurt.
But that famous sluttiness had apparently proven false, and despite your own reluctance for anything serious, the two of you had fallen into something akin to a relationship.
*             *             *
Leaning back against his chest, you smiled as you felt his arms wind around your waist, his hands clasping together in front of you. You turned your head to the side, pressing a kiss to the corner of his jaw. Tony smiled, catching your lips with his own.
“You know, eventually I will actually have to go home,” you pointed out as you parted, fingers sliding over his hands. Tony turned his hands under yours, interlacing your fingers idly. “Pretty sure I left a couple of dishes in the sink, and if they go unwashed much longer, they might gain sentience and rise up against us.”
“My God, you know just what to say to turn me on.” Tony joked, his lips brushing over your temple as you rested your head back against his shoulder. “Tell me more.”
“Oh, shut up.” you replied with a roll of your eyes. “Not all of us can afford a staff of twenty.”
“Twenty? Really?” Tony said thoughtfully. “I thought I had more than that.”
“Tony, don’t be gouache.”
He chuckled in your ear.
“Insulting me in French?” he asked, and you shivered as his teeth grazing the shell of your ear. One of his hands released yours, moving to skim teasingly over the sensitive skin between your thighs. “It’s like you’re trying to seduce me.”
“You can’t seriously be ready to go again already.” you said, a smile playing on your lips. You could still feel yourself tingling from what the two of you had just done, your body practically melted against his.
“Not quite…” he murmured, balling his fist between your thighs to force them further apart gently. You whined as he moved his hands to graze over your cunt. “But I can think of a few things to do in the meantime.”
“We so don’t have time for this, Tone.” you pointed out, pushing his hand away. You shied away from him as you felt his lips on your neck, and Tony pouted up at you as you stood. You collected your discarded clothes from where they’d fallen on the carpet, sorting through them for your underwear. “I really do need to go home. Even if it’s just to do laundry.”
“I actually had a thought about that.”
“About laundry?”
Tony smiled indulgently, reaching behind him to rescue your bra from where it was hanging over his headboard. He tossed it to you, and you caught it one-handed, swinging it onto your arms and clipping it behind your back in one fluid motion. “How do you manage to make getting dressed sexy?”
You smirked, shaking your head in amusement. “You should see me put on thigh-highs.”
“Ooh.” Tony grinned, his bottom lip catching between his teeth. “Yes, please.”
“Behave yourself, and you just might.”
“Yes, ma’am.” he gave you a teasing salute with two fingers before running his fingers through his hair, disheveling it further. “But before you so rudely distracted me—”
“I was talking about your living arrange—”
Your phone rang suddenly, and Tony sighed as you immediately snatched it up from the bedside table and swiped to answer. Old habits trained into you by years in the military and more in SHIELD were hard to break. “Y/L/N.”
*             *             *
He held up a finger, his other hand rising to fire another repulsor blast without his eyes leaving your own. There was a small explosion as it met its target, but neither of you flinched. “Let me just get it out before we get distracted again. Please.”
Trying to ignore the insecurities bubbling inside you, you raised a brow. “This isn’t distracting enough?”
“This?” he asked, an almost amused smirk touching his lips. “This is basically an average Tuesday for the two of us.”
“Fair point,” you agreed, leaning to the side and firing a repulsor of your own under his still-raised arm. It met its target, and you straightened again. “But we probably shouldn’t be standing out in the open like this. We should—"
“Move in with me.”
You stopped short, shock forcing the words to die on your lips. Instead, you blinked, the confused beginnings of a laugh bubbling out of you. “What?”
Tony shrugged as though nonchalant, but you could see that same uncertainty in his eyes. That same earnestness. “Move in with me. Into the Tower.”
“You practically live there already, and you have to admit, my digs are a whole lot better than yours.” he said. “No angry neighbors that make the whole building smell like soup, for one.”
“Or at least, none that make it smell like soup. Romanoff tends to be a little snippy whenever she visits—”
“Stark, I swear to God, if you don’t let me talk soon, I’m going to—” you ducked automatically at the sudden sound of gunfire, turning in the same motion. The two of you fired repulsors at the same time, and the approaching Jeep’s engine exploded. You straightened slowly, meeting his eye again as you blew wayward hair out of your face. “You’re serious?”
“As I ever am.”
When you raised a brow, he reached up, the cold metal of his gauntlet brushing against your cheek as he tucked the hair behind your ear.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. Move in with me. I kind of like having you around.”
You chuckled, shaking your head in amusement. And, despite your better judgement, despite everything in your past that reminded you that attachments were a bad idea, you said: “Well, how could I resist a line as romantic as that?”
Tony broke into a wide, dazzling grin that made your heart swell in your chest in a way that both thrilled and terrified you. You felt his hand on your hip and—
“This is really cute and all, but I swear, if you two kiss right now, I’m going to shoot you myself.”
You jumped at the sudden intrusion of Natasha’s voice in your ear, and you set a glare on Tony. You would have thumped him in the arm if it wasn’t for the armor. “You didn’t open a private channel?”
“We’re in the middle of a fight,” he said, giddy smile still firmly in place. “Wouldn’t want you to get distracted.”
“Are you kidding, Widow?” Clint chimed in from his position above. “I’m just impressed we finally saw a crack in that stoic armor of Y/L/N’s. It’s been, what, two years? And I think I’ve seen them smile twice.”
“Three times.” Steve corrected, amusement of his own coloring what was clearly supposed to be annoyance at the distraction. “There was that time you fell down the stairs.”
“One step! I missed one step!”
“And it was hilarious.” you said, pointedly deadpan. “Don’t we have a job to do?”
“Oh, no, Y/N.” Clint replied. “You can’t go back to that block-of-granite-exterior now that we’ve seen your soft and gooey marshmallow center…”
“What kind of statue are you inventing?”
“…You’re just a big softie. There’s no denying it.”
“Yeah?” you said. “You want to come down here and test that theory out?”
“Alright, team, focus up.” Steve interjected, his voice far more commanding than before. It was enough for you to stop from shooting back another comment. “Civilians are clear. We need to take out the command center two blocks east.”
You muted your end of the comms after confirming, meeting Tony’s eye. “You’re such a dick, Stark.”
“All part of my charm,” he replied, still annoyingly proud. He leaned in to steal a quick kiss, his nose bumping against yours briefly as you parted. “Tell you what, you can teach me a lesson when we get home.”
You smirked, shouting after him as his helmet snapped shut and he rose into the air. “Count on it!”
Happy Holidays everyone!
tags: @ccbsrms @startrekkingaroundasgard @lina-mar @lovely-dreamer19 @wittyforachange @wefracturedmotivation @january-echoes @glossyloner @capitalnineteen @youclickedthislink @s0ftness @castieltrash1 @drakelover78 @queenoftheunderdark @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13 @lol-you-thought @sebbystanlover-vk @mikariell95 @csigeoblue @abrunettefangirlnerd @babyblues915 @aar-journey @moistpotatobear @capsironunderoos @bellamyblakemorley @diesinspanishbcimhispanic @sentimentalalien @agustdowney @akumune @xxboesefrauxx @patheticallysentimental @loki-is-loved
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aloneatpeace · 1 year
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 1
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Scott McCall is sitting on his bed in his room, wearing only a pair of gym shorts, as he re-threads the laces on his lacrosse stick. Once he's determined that the net on his stick is secure and loose enough, he tosses the stick on his bed before walking toward the bathroom door, where he has a bar mounted on the lintel. After doing a series of chin-ups, Scott goes into the bathroom, where he brushes his teeth and washes his face before bed.
Suddenly, Scott hears a noise outside and pauses to listen for danger. The scene cuts to the front porch, where Scott, now in a red hoodie, walks outside with a wooden baseball bat in hand as he investigates what is causing the noise. Suddenly, a figure appears hanging from the roof, and Scott yelps in terror, almost hitting the person in the face with his bat until he realizes that it is Stiles Stilinski, his best friend, who is yelping just as loudly.
scott and stiles simultaneously scream "AHH! AHHH! AHHHH!"
Scott huffs in frustration and annoyance before lowering his bat" Stiles, what the hell are you doing?"
Stiles looks just as exasperated as Scott as he eyes the bat in his best friend's hand.
" You weren't answering your phone! Why do you have a bat?"
scott annoyed look at him "I thought you were a predator"
stiles " pre... Wha?" Stiles looks at Scott, clearly appalled by the implication, before scoffing and changing the subject to why he's there
stiles "Look, I know it's late, but you gotta hear this. I saw my dad leave twenty minutes ago. Dispatch called-- they're bringing in every officer from the Department, and even state police."
scott frowns "For what?"
Stiles has difficulty concealing his glee regarding his answer" Two joggers found a body in the woods."
Reaching up to pull himself free of the trellis, Stiles lands on his feet in front of Scott, who still looks confused
"What, a dead body?" scott asked
Stiles reaches up and leans on the railing to look at Scott at eye-level with a sarcastic expression.
"No, a body of water." Stiles rolls his eyes "Yes, dumbass, a dead body!". Scott looks unnerved about this news as Stiles climbs over the railing to join him on the porch.
" You mean, like, murdered?"
"Nobody knows yet. Just that it was a girl, probably in her twenties."stiles reply
Scott's confused " Hold on, if they found the body, then what are they looking for?"
Stiles becomes overwhelmed with glee at the drama of this situation as he finishes the story
" That's the best part-- they only found half."Stiles' tone of voice changes, making it clear that Scott doesn't have a say in what happens next "We're going.'
" i guess i don't have a choose " scott murmured as he and him walk toward stiles Jeep " but we are not bringing y/n into this bonnie already giving me dead eyes " scott glance at stiles
stiles give scott sheepish look and scott let out a sigh " she is in the jeep right "
right on que you got out of the jeep and walk towards them. " Hey guys are you ready for haunting for the half body and if we find a nightmare for rest of the life "?
stiles enthusiasticlly node where as scott roles his eyes with small smile on his face .
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The trio pull into the preserve in Stiles' teal blue Jeep, illuminating the sign warning against entry after dark with the Jeep's headlights. Stiles gets out with a flashlight in hand. Scott and follows, hurrying to keep up with him as the walk in the dark woods.
"We're seriously doing this?" y/n ask.
Stiles look back at you "You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town."
" I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow" scott whine.
"Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort. "Stiles reply snidely.
" No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line."
" That great scott" you exclaimed knowing how much he wanted to play he smile at you as you and scott walk side by side.
Stiles looks back at Scott in disbelief " Hey, that's the spirit! Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one."
you shake your head at his remark being used to it. it was really cold, and you regret not having your jacket.
you rub your arms and Stiles seeing this give you, his jacket. (Outfit)
" thanks " he gives you boyish grin return ears turning pink.
scott nudge your shoulder " how did you sneak out without waking your sister and grams?"
" I know crazy right " you let out giggle and boys have a small laugh with you.
"Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?" scott questions Stiles.
Stiles looks somewhat sheepish in response to this question "Huh! I didn't even think about that."
you look at him with worried face " And, uh... what if whoever killed the body is still out here?"
Stiles looks embarrassed " Also something I didn't think about."
Scott rolls his eyes in amusement as the three start to hike up a hill
" It's comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail." you comment.
" I know."
Scott's breathing starts to become rapid, shallow, and wheezy as the three continue up the hill, with Scott struggling to keep up with Stiles quick pace. you slow your pace and walk with scott again.
scott start to gasping "Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?"
" where is your inhaler scott ?, you brought it with you right " you ask him touching his shoulder making him stop walking
"yeah I did "Scott leans his back against a nearby tree as he pulls his inhaler out of his pocket.
"Stiles wait for a second " you shout at him.
" keep up shortcake " he remark at you and you growl at that nickname.
However, when Stiles keeps pushing on, Scott and you continues to make his way up the hill after him. When they see a handful of people ahead of them waving flashlights around as part of the search, you three dives behind a large fallen tree branch as they plan their next move, turning off the flashlight so they don't attract attention. Unfortunately for them both, Stiles' impatience eventually wins out, and he whispers back to Scott and you as he jumps up and runs toward the action.
" Wait!" you and scott simultaneously whisper.
" Come on!" you urge scott Scott quickly takes a hit from his inhaler before scrambling to catch up with him. He tries his best to call after his best friends without also alerting anyone else that they are there.
"Stiles! Stiles!"
Stiles finally hears the last attempt to call his name, but the split second of distraction caused the nearby K9 officer to start barking at him, scaring him so much he falls backwards onto the ground. The deputy with the search dog immediately points his flashlight at Stiles as he tries to recover from the shock.
" Hold it right there!" the deputy ordered.
Stiles puts his hands up while Scott and you, several meters behind him, hides behind a nearby tree, just then, another male voice is heard-- it is Noah Stilinski, Stiles' father and the Sheriff of town.
"Hang on, hang on..."Stiles stands to his feet, shielding his eyes from the bright flashlight held toward him by the deputy.
sighs Noah sighs "This little delinquent belongs to me."
Stiles, trying to play it cool, greets his dad warmly "Dad, how are you doing? Stilinski looks at Stiles with a mix of frustration, exasperation, and exhaustion.
"So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?"
Stiles laughs sheepishly " No. Heh..." Stilinski gives Stiles a look, and Stiles finishes his sentence ". Not the boring ones."
Stilinski just sighs and nods as though he's accepted this truth about his son before looking around the surrounding area " Now, where's your usual partners in crimes"?
Stiles immediately tries to play dumb as it starts to rain "Who, Scott? and y/n, Scott's home. He said he wanted to get a good night's sleep for first day back at school tomorrow and y/n need a good sleep you know how she gets when she didn't get enough sleep grumpy like little chipmunk. "
Stilinski looks at Stiles in disbelief as he continues to lie" It's just me... In the woods... Alone..."
It is obvious that Stilinski doesn't buy what Stiles is saying, and he lifts his flashlight and tries to get a look around to find Scott and you , who is still hiding behind the tree.
" y/n , Scott, you out there? Scott?.y/n i won't be mad at you come out it's dangerous out there "
After a moment, when Scott or you don't materialize in front of him, Stilinski reluctantly determines that Scott and you isn't with Stiles after all. He then sighs before grabbing Stiles roughly by the back of the neck and steering him toward the entrance to the preserve.
"Well, young man, I'm gonna walk you back to your car... And then you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called "invasion of privacy." Noah said.
As Stiles and the Sheriff leave, Scott and you waits until the coast is clear before heading in the opposite direction through the woods.
"And now we lost our ride to home isn't that amazing" you state.
scott wrap his arms around your neck " come on shortcake we can walk home just fine " and start to walk.
Thunder and lightning flickers overhead as Scott and carefully make their way back, pulling up the hood to his sweatshirt to try to keep his head dry from the steady rain and he does the same you. It's evident that he's unnerved by the sounds of the forest animals around him, but when he makes it to a foggy clearing, he becomes unnerved by the fact that it falls totally silent.
you start to feel like you and scott being watched and an uncanny feeling settle in your heart.
"why is everything is so quiet scott"
" yeah, we should just move quickly."
He pulls his inhaler out of his hoodie once again and shakes it, intending to take another hit when suddenly, a herd of deer begin frantically stampeding toward him and you. Scott covers you his arms as trampling you both over and causing his inhaler to fly several meters away.
Once the deer have cleared out, Scott, still in shock.
"are you alright y/n ? " scott ask as he help you stand
"yeah I'm good . you okey ?" you glance at him
" yeah , i think i lost my inhaler "
you and scott starts looking for his inhaler using his cell phone as a light source. He's about to search through a pile of dead leaves when he's startled when he instead uncovers the top half of the body that Stiles had told him about-- young, white, with dark hair and very clearly bisected at the waist.
The shock of this sight stuns him so badly that he loses his balance and tumbles down the hill behind him and into a ravine.
you shout his name and move towards him and help him stands to his feet with a groan.
"i think we just found the bodie and hurt my leg "
you loop his hands on your shoulder " yeah,I can't wait to throw that on Stiles face .hold on to me don't put pressure on your leg "
you and Scott makes his way quickly through the woods, wanting nothing more than to get out of there as soon as possible, when all of the sudden, a growl heard from behind causes you two to freeze in fear. you grab his hand tight as his grip on your shoulder tighten. slowly turning around, only to find a large, bestial wolf with glowing red eyes standing before your eyes.
barely has time to gasp before the beast leaps toward him and he push you away causing him to fall backward onto the ground. Though Scott attempts to crawl away, the wolf grabs him by the ankles and pulls him backwards before viciously biting him on his right hip, causing Scott to roar in pain. you not knowing what to do scream his name.
you move toward Scott grabbing on his arms pulling you toward him desperately trying to evade whatever biting him. it pulls him backward before biting him on his right hip.
you scream his name before using all your strength and pulling him towards you successfully freeing from the creature.
you grab his wrist and start to run down the hill avoiding the tress Infront of you finally makes it to the nearest road, you both stops just before being hit by someone driving a burgundy SUV, who manages to swerve away from him and you just in the nick of time.
"What was that thing? " You ask after some time.
"whatever it is hope it won't come near us again"
Scott trie to lift his hem of hoodie before hesitating.he look at you with fear in his eyes you cover his hands giving it a squeeze before lifting it .
you let out a gasp at large bite wound on his hip with horror as the rain continues to pour down.
you let out a Shakey breath "it's not that bad we can fix it "
" yeah "Suddenly, a loud wolf howl is heard from in the woods, which only makes Scott more concerned. "Come on we have to go "
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bonnie get her room and start to walk towards the kitchen and she was surprised to see you awake.
"wow didn't know you could wake up this early "
grams laugh at that " I know right she was making breakfast when I come down. I couldn't believe my eyes " bonnie and grams laugh, and it was refreshing to hear them laugh it was nice moment.
" Wow grams teaming up with my witch sister and humiliating me, now I know who is your favorite grandchild" you remark with false hurt face clenching your heart.
grams and bonnie roll their eyes at your antics you give bonnie her breakfast and refile grams coffee and grams lean in and whisper " you're my favorite grandchild" you give her thumbs up and grin. bonnie watches this with a shake of her head.
when you start to say something, but it's was cut off when you see the news.
grams sees that you were not saying anything, and she also turn to the news and look back at you.
"y/n do you want me to drop you off today " bonnie ask even though she knows the answer.
"nah I'll come my own " you answer with out looking at her .
"then I'm off I have to pick up Elena see you in class " bonnie start to look for the keys
" hey " you call and she look back at you "if you need me just text me okey " you tell she look at with amusement in her face but when she see your serious worried look she node at you .
" I will " she smile at you
"here catch " you throw the key at her .she skillfully catch it before waving to you .
"bye grams love you ,bye y/n "
"bye bonnie love you too. " you say in grams voice another brust of laughter afterwards.
grams watch this with warms smile on her face "you're silent " she tells you and you look at her puzzled "you're silent sometimes but now you're tense and worried. "
you give her smile " how do you do that?"
"Because you're my grandchild and I know you "
you let out sigh before running your hands through your hair "something doesn't feel right. I feel like something going to happen. "
"honey, all I ask you to do is do what you feel right and trust your gut everything going to be fine " .
"yeah "
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"Okay, let's see this thing." Stiles said as you walk towards them. Scott lefts up his shirt to show Stiles his bite wound, which is covered with gauze and tape that has a small amount of blood leaking through.
Stiles pokes the bandage, which causes Scott to flinch in pain.
"Whoa!" you hit Stiles on his arm.Scott pulls his shirt back down as the trio resume their walk into the school
" It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf. "Scott tell Stiles and Stiles looks at Scott and you with disbelief.
"'A wolf bit you ? and you believe it also ?"Stiles look at you
"yeah it's true "
Stiles shakes his head and gives him a look that says he thinks Scott and you is being dense." No, not a chance."
" we heard a wolf howling." you add
Stiles scoffs and continues to shake his head in response to Scott's argument
"No, you didn't."
"What do you mean, "No, I didn't?" How do you know what we heard?" Scott asks frustrated.
"Because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in, like, sixty years."
Scott looks surprised by this news as the two stops on the staircase and you shrug your shoulder. Stiles turns around to face Scott with a serious expression.
" Really?" Scott asks as he look between the two of you.
"Yes, really. There are no wolves in California."
"All right. Well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the body." you tell Stiles and
Stiles' demeanor instantly changes from exasperation to gleeful at the sound of this news
" You-- are you kidding me?"
"No, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month."Scott shuddered at the memory.
" Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since--"
Stiles loses his train of thought when he sees Lydia Martin, walking up the stairs toward the school, and abandons his train of thought in favor of trying to catch her attention " --Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia! You look--"
Lydia continues to walk right past Stiles and when she sees you, she grabs your hand and drag you away from the boys completely oblivious to the fact that he was talking to her.
"--Like you're gonna ignore me..."
Stiles looks back at Scott with an irritable expression "You're the cause of this, you know."
Scott rolls his eyes in response to this comment "Uh-huh."
" Dragging' me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association. I've been Scarlet-nerded by you." Stiles and Scott walk towards class.
" He was trying to talk to you know " you tell Lydia as you walk to your first class. you see few new faces with familiar ones giving them a smile along the way.
" Yeah, I could see one your boyfriend talking no stop. "
" They are not my boyfriend Lydia how many times do I have to tell you "You give her deadpan look.
"Could have fooled me. "
"I know you have boyfriend but Stiles like you heck maybe loves you give him chance at least acknowledge him " you plead at her
she stay silent for a minute " you look great today, I love your outfit
you shake your head at her before going to class with Lydia.
Scott and Stiles enter their first period chemistry class and take their seats, where the teacher, Mr. Curtis, immediately begins the lecture without introduction.
"As you all know, there indeed was a body found in the woods last night."
Scott grins and looks over at Stiles and you as you sat at each other's side.
"And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened. But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody, which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus, which is on your desk outlining this semester."
Scott's locker is across the hallway and several meters down from Allison's, and when Scott catches her eye, Allison smiles at him. Just then, Lydia and you approaches Allison and strikes up a conversation, and Scott continues to watch them from afar and eavesdrop on them with his newly enhanced hearing as Stiles and their friend Harley join him by his own locker.
" That jacket is absolutely killer. Where'd you get it? "Lydia ask.
" it's look good on you my name is y/n and this Lydia by the way. "
" My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco. I guess you guys already know my name. "
"And you are my new best friend." Lydia exclaim
Just then, Jackson, Lydia's boyfriend, joins them as well. Lydia greets him warmly as he puts his arm around her waist, though it makes Allison, and you feel uncomfortable " hey ".
"Hey, Jackson." Lydia greet him .
he turns to you "looking pretty good y/n ,new girl " shooting you both a wink . you and Allison share a knowing glance as Lydia look apologetic.
Jackson and Lydia share a kiss. Meanwhile, across the hall, Harley, who is also watching the scene go down in front of them, looks at Scott and Stiles incredulously, though Scott is too busy listening to you, Allison, Lydia, and Jackson's conversation to hear her.
" Can someone tell me how New Girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia and y/n "harley ask
Though Harley was obviously being facetious, Stiles replies with a genuine answer"Because they are hot."
Harley gives him a look, but Stiles still doesn't get it and shrugs before finishing his thought "Beautiful people herd together, three very beautiful people."
" you just told y/n is hot and beautiful " Scott glance at Stiles.
Stiles eyes widen at this " please don't tell her she already has ego twice as her size "Scott only laugh at him.
"So, tomorrow there's a party." Lydia state
"A party?" Alison asks see glance at you.
"Are we really having a party when there was recent murder and not one but two missing persons out there " you cross your arms over your chest.
"Yeah, so what about it don't be so uptight y/n learn to have fun. You both should come." Jackson added.
I will have fun when I punch you in the face you whisper but Scott hears this and let out laugh at his sound you look at him and he wave at you as you smile at him.
Allison looks slightly bashful when she replies "Uh, I can't. It's family night and I don't my dad would agree as y/n said I'm certain it would tough luck. Thanks for asking."
Lydia and Jackson both look disappointed by this response. Meanwhile, Harley and Stiles have a very animated debate going on. you baid your goodbye to them before going to the boys.
" hey " you greet them Stiles who did see you coming let out Yelp at your sudden presence ." what you doing beside staring at the new girl with creepy eyes " you ask Scott .
he role his eyes at you and hook his arms on your shoulder " it's not creepy and do you think she'll go out with me if I ask her "
you break into wide smile " Maccall having a crush on the new girl "
" with the look that he is giving her i think he might me in love " Stiles answer as he come up your other side.
"not in love but you know just give it a chance " Scott smile cutely
" well i think she would love to go out with you i can tell she also have a eyes on you " you give him a pat on his chest .
"did you hear there is new hot guy in school apparently every girl is in daze " harley ask you
"ahm no " you answer
"you should get know him you need to get away from these guys some time " harley laugh at Stiles shocked face .
Stiles wrap his hands around your head and bring you to his chest " hey don't corrupt my short cake like that" and you fruitless try to get away from him .
"really Stiles " Scott shake his head .
you all go to your next class as you and the boys walk in you do see the new guy and Stiles and Scott see you and new guy node and stiles put his hands on your eyes and Scott guide you to back seat .
" are we really doing this "
Scott and Stiles simultaneously say yes and you just go with it .
" hey bonnie " you and boys greet her at the time make you three look at eachother .
"we have been doing that alot lately " you take a seat and Stiles sit in your front and Scott in back as bonnie is at your side .
" well you what they say great mind think alike but i don't about Scott " Stiles give grin .
" can you not " Scott whines
you hit him in his head " be nice Stiles " .
" hey we are going to the grill this evening do you guys want to come after lcacorees " bonnie ask .
" yeah " you agree before turning to Stiles and Scott " what about you guys? "
" but we have the thing right " Stiles look at you and Scott and bonnie throw a suspicious glance at you .
" what thing?" she question you and Scott look confused glancing at eachother .
" the thing we did last night " Stiles look annoyed that you and Scott didn't understand him yet .
bonnie eyes widen " you were out last night "
"no she wasn't" they say
"no i wasn't" you reply she narrow her eyes at you thankfully the teacher comes in .
"Once our home state of Virginia joined confederacy in 1861, it created a tremendous amount of tension within the state. People in Virginia's northwest region had different ideals than those from the traditional deep south. Then Virginia divided in 1863 with the northwest region joining the union" tanner start the lecture
you were already bored out of your mind Stiles taking note as usual you glance at Scott and he look like he ready to fall asleep at any moment .
you tug Stiles flannel shirt lean in to whisper " did you see the missing persons news last night "
" yeah " he whispered back before he say anything
Scott tug your hair " what is it ?"
"two people gone missing last night "
Scott frown " last night? "
" would you like to share that with the class miss Bennett ?" tanner ask
"which one ?" you ask innocently as bonnie give sheepish smile and Scott and Stiles snort
"i think we both know who I am asking to "
you stay silent for second " no thank you "
" I'm letting it's slide because it's the first day " he continues to teach.
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you ,Scott and Stiles have just crossed the creek in the nature preserve as they attempt to find both the top half of the body Scott found the night before as well as the inhaler he dropped in the process. The three are talking about the day's practice as their feet get wet in the water
" I-I don't know what it was. It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I-I can hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things." Scott tell
"Smell things? Like what?" you ask as you carefully walk without falling.
" Like the mint mojito gum in your pocket." Scott point towards Stiles pocket
Stiles makes a face as though he thinks Scott is crazy
"I don't even have any mint mojito--"
Stiles checks the inner breast pocket of his blazer and finds, much to his and your surprise, that there is a single piece of folded-up mint mojito gum, just as Scott sensed.
Scott turns to you " and you smell like fresh vannila and coffe it's nice how do smile like that ?"stiles try to sniff your hair but you slap his hands away he let out small ouch .
" back off mister " you start to walk ahead .
Scott raises both of his arms to the side as if to say, "I told you so."
"So all this started with the bite?"
Stiles seems to find this intriguing, while Scott, ever the nurse's son, is concerned that something is wrong with him
"What if it's like an infection? Like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?"
you turn to see stiles gets a small smirk on his face before trying to make himself look as serious as possible, which Scott, who is walking in front of him, doesn't catch " You know what? I actually think I've heard of this-- it's a specific kind of infection."
"Are you serious?" Scott ask afraid.
" Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy."
" really Stiles?" you close your eyes
Scott, still not realizing that Stiles is messing with him, starts to panic
"What's that? Is that bad?,y/n ???"Scott look at you with troubled face .
"Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month."Stiles still continue his act .
" no Scott he is messing with you , you're fine " you pich Stiles arm " stop scaring him "
" Once a month?" ever the confused Scott ask
" Mm-hmm. On the night of the full moon. Aroooo!"
Stiles fake-howls like a wolf, and Scott, annoyed, shoves him away, causing Stiles to giggle in amusement
" Hey, you guys are the one who heard a wolf howling!" Stiles state
Scott stops walking and look" No, I-I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler..."
" Maybe the killer moved the body?" Scott and Stiles look around as you walk towards the place where you saw the body .
"If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are, like, eighty bucks."
" ahem guys " you call as you turn to them and they stop searching and look at you " the bodie gone someone must have moved it "
"What are you doing here?" a voice from behind you ask making let out a gasp before turning to the voice
a man in his early twenties with pale skin, black hair, a black leather jacket, and a scowl appears in front of them
he is towering over you and you take a step when no one answer he narrow his eyes at you.
Scott and Stiles, both of whom are visibly panicking as you are infornt of the stranger and they at safe distance when no one responded the man's tone gets even gruffer
" Huh? This is private property." he look back at Scott and Stiles before glancing at you . slowly Scott and Stiles come closer to you
" Uh, we're sorry, , we didn't know." you said and start to step back slowly he seems to be amused by this
his attention is shift on Scott, who picks up where you left off to try to relieve the tension and stiles pull you by your wrist when you reach them
"Yeah, we were just looking for something, but..."
Scott was about to continue until Derek glares at him, after which point Scott loses his nerve and drops the subject
" his inhaler we lost it , it's expensive" you continue he glare at you now " but we can buy a new one right ?" you turn to look at them as they now stand either side of you and they node
Suddenly, Derek tosses Scott's inhaler at him before turning and heading back the way he came without a word, giving Scott and you one last look and seemingly paying Stiles no attention whatsoever. Scott sighs and gets ready to turn back the opposite direction
" Um... All right, come on, I gotta get to work."
Before Scott can move, Stiles holds him his hand to physically stop him from walking away
" Dude, that was Derek Hale! "
When Scott looks at Stiles blankly, Stiles' expression becomes incredulous
your eyes widen at this " wow he is back in town now "
Scott glance at you " you know him ?"
"no but his family died in fire ten years ago I wonder why he is back though nothing good come out of it " Stiles state
" hey be nice he lost all his family " you glance back at where he gone before you all walk away .
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rymndsmth · 2 years
kyoto 7 (tangerine)
you make a valiant effort to save Tangerine. 
“Have you ever shot a gun?” Ladybug asked.
It was a rather belated question considering you were already speeding off on their trail. He had asked a lot during the time you’d been in the car with him so far, most of which honestly went in one ear and out the next. 
Your mind was so hyper fixated on making sure that you, by some stroke of a miracle, didn’t see Tangerine and Lemon’s car flipped on the side of the road. Or worse. You picked at your cuticles until they bled trying to distract your mind from anything other than imagining doomsday adjacent scenarios. 
“Yes.” You eventually answered.
While they weren’t your weapons of choice, not that you had any, you were confident in your ability to handle guns. What you hadn’t done was actually aim and shoot one at another person. Killed. 
Bile rose in your throat at the thought. Guys like him and Tangerine probably didn’t blink before pulling the trigger with the barrel pressed flush to someone’s skull. You wondered what it was like for them the first time they were called to do it. 
Did they hesitate, or were they just so eager to get it over with that they shot with not an ounce of thought? You wondered what the fallout was. Did they throw up, or have nightmares about it? Or did they feel nothing at all?
“They haven’t moved for a while now…” Ladybug looked at his phone mounted on the dashboard.
For some reason you hadn’t probed, Lemon shared his location with the blonde. It wasn’t a stretch of the imagination to think that it was in case shit went severely sideways and they needed back up.
If they’d been stationary for a bit, was that a good or bad thing? Did that mean that they had lost the people who had come for you? That they had gotten rid of them? Or had they been the ones to get gotten rid of?
“Hey, we’re fifteen minutes out.” He must’ve seen the worry etched on your face. “I’m sure everything’s under control.”
You clenched your jaw and nodded. Hopefully his optimism would sink into your bones because right now you were feeling anything but that. You tried to think about the stories you’d heard the bothers share. How they were ruthless and methodological with their work. This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary for them. They were fine, probably just getting rid of evidence. 
Those thoughts played on your mind as you watched your surroundings pass by to try to get your bearings. You’d ventured further away from the city, deeper into the countryside. Street lights became sparser and sparser requiring high beams for clarity. There were a few homes, but aside from that nothing much else. 
Ladybug pulled his jeep over on the side of some dirt road and cut the power. A quick glance at his phone showed that Lemon wasn’t far away. There was a sudden rush of blood to your head, blurring your vision, but you breathed deeply to shake it off. 
“We go on foot from here, just in case.” Ladybug checked his pistol. 
Just in case. Those words clung to you like past memories you couldn’t seem to shake. Embarrassing moments from adolescence that made you second guess the way you navigated the world still today. 
Just in case this was an ambush, that you were walking into a trap. That whoever was after you had lured you knowing that there was something between you and Tangerine. Knowing that you’d come for him.
The soft ground beneath your feet made it difficult for you not to sink or slip, but you had too much adrenaline coursing through you now to fumble. I’m coming, just please be okay. Your fingers tightened around the metal in either hand. 
You trekked up a hill to find a large warehouse coming into view. Ladybug held out a hand to still your motion, and that’s when you noticed two men standing guard. Lemon’s car was parked just out front along with another, and dread threatened to completely sink in. 
“Are you sure you want to do this?” He turned to you.
The answer was automatic. No, you weren’t sure. But you had to go forward. Tangerine risked everything for you, a person that he barely knew. If anything happened to him in there…the least you could do was take out the bastards that did it. 
“Yes.” You breathed.
And then you were pressing on. Covering the flank to make sure no one was coming from behind, you emerged from the shadows. The sound of two suppressed shots came, jolting you, and then you heard their bodies hit the ground. 
You tried not to look as you stepped over them and into the ajar door Ladybug held for you. The stench of the place made you gag. It was pure decay, death. A slaughterhouse. You swallowed hard and pushed forward, determined to stay focused on finding them. 
Ladybug dropped another body, easing him to the ground to soften the fall. And then you heard it. A piercing cry coming from your left. It was him, and the only thing going through your head was that you had to go. Now. 
You took off with Ladybug calling for you as silently as he could, but you didn’t stop. There was no time for that, you had to get to him before it was too late. You had to put an end to whatever the fuck was happening. 
There was a door with glass paneling that you could see through, which you almost wished wasn’t the case. Tangerine was strapped to a chair, head bent. His shoulders rose and feel heavily with labored breaths, blood splattering onto the floor between his feet. A man stood beside him with a large pipe in his hand, and another who was patrolling with a rifle. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
You stepped to the side out of view, struggling to steady yourself. All of your senses were too intense, making you feel completely overwhelmed. The stench of old blood and rotted corpses, the thick humid air making your sweater cling to your damp skin, the low hum of electricity. 
But you had to do this. You had to. Whatever strength you needed to muster up, you had to call upon it right fucking now or you’d lose him forever. And you weren’t ready to do that. 
“I’ll ask you one more time, where’s the girl?” The one with the pipe asked.
Tangerine groaned, and then laughed. “And I’ll tell you one more time….I ain’t seen the bird you’re after.”
Stupidly, you felt a tears slip from your eyes. What the hell was he doing? You weren’t worth getting beaten to death for. Why wouldn’t he just give you up and move on with his life? Why didn’t he just toss you aside like everyone else?
He was such a fool, but so were you. That’s why you were stood here with blood caked on the bottom of your boots. And why you felt something switch in you, turning your eyes completely dead as you pushed through the doors.
It must’ve been like this for them, then. The invisible steel that coated you the moment you raise your hand and put two bullets into the patrolling guard, and raised your other gun at the torturer. 
“Drop it.” You didn’t even recognize your voice. 
You felt Tangerine’s eyes on you, but you didn’t dare look to look at him. One glance would soften you and that was the last thing you needed at the moment. You had to use up whatever was left of this strange thing that overshadowed you to finish this. 
“Just give up.” The henchman hissed. “We’ve already killed your father, and we won’t be the last to come for you.”
For some reason his words had an impact. The relationship you had with the man that knocked up your mother was nonexistent to put it politely. Despite that, he still had tried to make provisions to keep you safe, which was more than most did for their children. 
“Don’t you get it?” He continued. “You’re his heir. You lead the Nakamura clan whether you like it or not, and that means there’s always going to be a price on your head.” 
That leveling feeling was back. You clenched your jaw so hard that your teeth hurt. As much as you didn’t want it to be true, you knew what he said was. His enemies wouldn’t stop coming for you until they were certain that his bloodline had been wiped out. That, unfortunately for you and him, wouldn’t change the outcome of tonight. 
“Let them come.” You sneered and emptied your clip until his body fell with a harsh thud. 
Everything tuned out for god knows how long. All you could hear was your heartbeat pounding in your ears, drowning out everything around you. Though your arm had gone dead it was still raised, pistol hot beneath your fingers. 
You began to hear him call to you. As if you were underwater and swimming to the surface, you clung to his voice until you were back in the present. Your head whipped in his direction and you were running, falling to your knees to survey him. There was bruising and open wounds on his temples and cheekbone, blood on his lips. You wished you’d shot them more. 
“I’m going to kill Ladybug when I see him.” Tangerine huffed.
“I was coming regardless.” You shook your head, quickly taking out a knife to cut him loose. 
“You’re so bloody…frustrating.” He groaned as he stood, motioning for firearms strapped across your body.
“What?” You handed them to him. “Is this how you thank someone for saving you?”
Tangerine stopped, taking one of your wrists. He looked you all over as if you were the one who was held hostage, moving your hair and tilting your head left and right. And then he kissed you on the cheek. 
“I’ll thank you properly once we fuck off out of here.” His blue eyes held that promise. 
You didn’t have to make remark that he better make good on that because you knew he was a man of his word. He motioned for you to stay close to him as you exited, making your way to find Lemon. 
As soon as you exited and banked a corner, you ran into another henchman who held his large knife posted to strike. It was only for a second, but you hesitated, completely caught off guard. In quick succession there was a shot, blood splattering across your face, and the assailant dropping. 
Tangerine cursed, all but dragging you along with him. You tripped over your feet trying to keep up, throat tight. Just as you started to wonder how much longer you’d have to endure this horror, Lemon stumbled out of a room holding onto Ladybug. There was some coded exchange between the two brothers before you all were making way for the exit and back to Ladybug’s jeep.
There was too much to digest. You didn’t feel present in your body at all as you ran and hopped into the back. As much as you felt no remorse for killing those men, it didn’t change that you felt a part of yourself had been chipped away.
That was just the beginning of the complex brew of emotions running rampant in you. Initially you’d came gun blazing hoping that this would be the end of things, but the death of your dad change it all. The crippling realization that you’d never be free of this was starting to set in. 
Even scarier was the fact that you weren’t entirely afraid of it. That some small part of you had been anticipating this all along. You knew how yakuza families worked. The next in the bloodline was always going to be the leader. You could run away, and change everything about yourself, but you’d always be a threat to rivals. 
“Luckily for you, she doesn’t have a scratch on her.” Tangerine groaned as the car hit a bump.
“That was the deal!” Ladybug sung.
“Oi, are you gettin’ smart with me?” He flicked his ear.
“Not at all, sir.” The blonde conceded.
Tangerine muttered something under his breath before leaning back beside you. Still in your dissociated state, you barely registered his hand on your knee. When he squeezed it, you came to. Even more so when he pulled his shirt off to try to clean your face. 
“It’s gonna be okay, love.” He whispered, stroking your hair. 
You blinked back tears, leaning into his chest and balling his undershirt up in your fists. How he could believe that right now after all this was beyond you, but with him holding you the way he was, you damn near believed it too. 
Beauty in chaos was essentially how he described you, but that was how you saw him as well. The juxtaposition of his angelic looks compared to the life he lived. How tender he became in moments of turmoil. 
“You know what you are, Y/N.” Lemon looked back through the rear view. “A bonafide Thomas.”
You had not one clue what he was talking about. Some part of your brain recalled his obsession with the tank engine and friends, but you weren’t familiar with them or what he had meant. 
“That’s the highest order of compliment.” Tangerine chuckled lowly at your confusion.
“Thank you, Lemon.” You managed to crack a smile. 
The three men got to discussing next steps, which you ought to have paid attention to. The truth was that you were just too exhausted to care right now. You knew what laid ahead for you, but if you only had one more night to just be a version of yourself you knew you couldn’t come back to, you wanted to hold onto it.
@noz4a2 @simpforbuckyb @marshmelloyellow02 @bkildy @mrthonk @upsetbongos @skinandruins
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sanvirtheobserver · 10 days
Taking Flight, Chapter 26: Rocky Road Rumble
The night sky is alight with the full moon. The cool desert air blows past the War Rig as it makes its way across the Rocky Roads. Jax, Mario, Luigi, and Kinger are all in the main cabin while Saturday and Ragatha sit atop its roof, remaining vigilant as the others wait in the trailer.
Jax: See anything, ladies?
Saturday: Nothing yet. Ragatha?
Ragatha: All clear on my end.
Mario: I'm-a tired.
Luigi: Why don't we pass the time with some games?
Kinger: Ooh, I'll go first! I spy with my little eye..................................
Luigi: Uh........ Kinger?
Jax: Give him a minute.
Kinger: .................. Oh hey there, Luigi.
Back in the trailer, we see the others making some small talk. The trailer itself is surprisingly comfy apart from the balcony mounted guns.
Uzi: And THAT is why you should never bring up doors around my dad.
Meggy: Wow, he sounds quite........ interesting.
Uzi: Yeah, he's been like that ever since my mom died. Still, he tries his best.
Tari: Do you still stay in touch?
Uzi: I call him on the phone booth sometimes to let him know I'm still kicking.
Tari: Hm...... I wonder how some of my old caretakers are doing. Maybe I should call them up too, sometime.
Saiko: Eh, parents are a bit overrated for my taste. For the longest time Kaizo was the only one who actually gave a shit about me. My parents probably don't even care that I'm not in my game anymore.
Meggy: What about you, Pomni?
Pomni: To be honest, most of my previous life before the Circus is just a blurr. Sometimes I doubt my parents even HAD faces..........I do vaguely remember having two older sisters, though.
Barreling down just behind the rig is a warband of Gummy Bear Bandits riding Gingerbread Jeeps and Rocky Road Bikes. Leading the charge is the Syrup Tanker manned by Gummigoo and his brothers Max and Chad.
Some of the bandits flank both sides of the Rig, unleashing a hail of bullets from their Coachguns and revolvers. Everyone ducks for cover as Tari quickly makes some barriers to deflect the oncoming gunfire. Ragatha casts some thread and ties herself a lasso, which she uses to snag one of the bandits and hurl him around like a wrecking ball. He slams into one of the bikes, sending it and its riders tumbling across the roads. Saturday deflects some gunfire with her lances before sending one straight through a bandit's heart. Tari pushes the barriers outwards and sends the rest of the wave flying away from the Rig as another catches up. Meggy and Uzi quickly get to the mounted chaser guns and begin unloading into every Bike and Jeep they see.
One of the Jeeps manages to catch up with the Rig, allowing a few bandits to come aboard. One of them pops the top hatch open but is met with a hammer straight to the face as Saiko hauls herself onto the upper balcony. Ragatha notices the bandits brandishing their machetes as they charge Saiko, who manages to bat two of them off the Rig. One manages to land a slash on her side and readies to take her head, but is stopped by a cleaver slicing him in two. Ragatha casts the bandit's body aside and helps Saiko back up to her feet.
Ragatha: You good?
Saiko: Yeah. It's just a flesh wound.
Another bandit tries to attack, but Kinger pops up from the sunroof to save the day.
He tosses a life preserver right over their heads. The bandit is confused for a moment, which gives Ragatha a chance to cleave him into pieces.
Ragatha: Thanks for the save, Kinger!
Mario: Mario wants to help too!
Mario then opens the door and tumbles out of the Rig, taking out another pair of bikes before catching a convenient rope. Looks like that life preserver hooked onto the back hitch of the trailer. He then uses some of that "Style Fu" to dodge some oncoming rocks.
Jax: Heads up, A-holes!
Jax pulls a lever labeled with a cherry sticker, opening a compartment on the back of the trailer. A cluster of Cherry Bombs tumble out of the compartment, whizzing by Mario and exploding upon impact with those who couldn't get out of the way in time. That's when Jax spots a rough stretch of land.
He pulls another lever and extends the Rig's suspension as he swerves towards the rougher terrain. Mario cranks it into high gear as he continues to dodge the rocks. The bandits still follow suit, but not all of them fare as well as roughly half of them end up crashing into either the rocks or each other. The Tanker and Jeeps seem to have little issue though.
Jax grabs Luigi and plops him down on the driver's seat as he pulls something out from the backseat.
Jax: I'll be right back.
One of Jeeps is about to catch up to the tanker until it's obliterated by Jax and his Heavy Cola Cannon.
He crawls out from the sunroof and starts laying waste to the rest of the Jeeps as Gummigoo and Chad look on from the driver's cabin of the Tanker.
Chad: Boss, I think we should cut our losses and get outta here while we still can.
That's when he hears several loud pops from the back. He looks out to see Tari flying behind the Tanker as Pomni hurls prismatic spikes at its tires. He grabs his rifle and takes aim, but before he can shoot he hears something land on the roof and feels something yank him up by the scruff of his neck.
Saturday: You miss me, Gums?
He flips out of her grasp and onto the roof before drawing his machete. The two fiercely clash blades as Tari and Pomni continue to attack the tires. Meanwhile, Meggy tries to pull Mario back on board when Kinger suddenly comes rushing in with an anchor.
He tosses the anchor, nearly missing Mario and causing Chad to swerve out of the way to avoid getting hit. Saturday falls atop Gummigoo and the two end up in a VERY awkward position.
Meggy: Uh, Kinger....... is that tied to anything important?
Kinger: Hm..... Let me check.
As uf on cue the Rig suddenly grinds to a halt, and Chad swerves to avoid a collision. Gummigoo and Saturday both fall off of the Tanker as it spins out and grinds to a halt. Tari and Pomni land nearby and regroup with Saiko, Ragatha, Meggy, and Mario.
Ragatha: Pomni! Are you okay!? Are you hurt!?
Pomni: Ragatha, I'm fine. Really.
Tari: She was a big help, actually. Now the Tanker is out of commission without its tires.
Mario: YEAH! Mario wants to go again! My feet are a bit sore, though.
Tari notices Saiko holding a bloody towel to her side.
Tari: Oh my God, what happened!?
Saiko: Oh, this? It's nothing serious.
Tari: B-but you're bleeding!
Saiko: It's just a flesh wound, I'll-
Tari Are you dizzy!? Do you need water!?
Saiko: TARI. I'm fine, really. It's just a flesh wound.
Kinger then tosses a first aid kit that lands right beside the two.
Tari: Thanks, Kinger. Saiko, please.
Tari has Saiko sit down on a nearby rock, and she reluctantly lets Tari tend to her injuries. Meanwhile, Mario and Meggy approach the Tanker as Chad and Max pop their heads out to search of Gummigoo. Meggy raises her bowgun at the two.
Meggy: Don't you two try anything stupid.
Chad: Have any of you seen the Captain by any chance?
Max: He couldn't have landed too far.
Both groups find Saturday sitting atop Gummigoo, pinning him down by the wrists.
Saturday: Are you all just gonna stand there, or are you gonna help me tie him up?
Gummigoo: Oh, by all means, take your time! I wouldn't wanna miss out on such a *lovely* view.
Saturday: Ugh, you're such a pig.
Gummigoo: Actually, I'm a gator. Big difference.
She just replies with a well-deserved punch to his snout.
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
Seven Days, ~ Chapter Seventeen
Seven Days -  Modern Tolkien AU
Firefighter Frerin Durin died in a fire set deliberately. But after he helps his brother, Thorin find happiness, Frerin is offered a second chance. He has to prove himself worthy by righting the one major wrong in his life. Otherwise, history will repeat and he will die for good this time. The catch? He has seven days in which to do this and isn’t even certain what his major wrong is.
At least, he doesn’t know for long. 
Syd Prescott has known Frerin since high school. She spent one night with him and then he vanished from her life. Now, he claims he wants to make it up to her, to right was he realizes was his major wrong. But can she trust him? And can he prove to her that she can before it’s too late? 
A/N - I wanted to thank those of you who've reached out to me regarding my husband's dad. Your kind words were very welcome and I thank you for keeping my family in your thoughts. I especially wanted to thank @laurfilijames and @fizzyxcustard who checked in on me throughout the past week, as it meant so much to me that you took the time to let me know you were there, despite having lives of your own. 🙂 You guys are the best and I 💜 you!
This story is the sequel to Miss Fortune, but is a stand alone story. 
Summary: Thorin’s dream becomes Frerin’s reality…
Pairing: Modern!Frerin x OFC Syd Prescott
Characters: Frerin, Syd, Tori, Tony DiBenedetto, Steve Wheeler
Warnings: Character death
Rating: T
Word Count: 3,045
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knittastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @frosticenow @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here.
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Frerin couldn’t remember the last time he felt so… shitty, for lack of a better word. He climbed into his Jeep after leaving Sal’s Liquors and figured he’d just drink himself into a stupor tonight and hopefully when the end came, he wouldn’t even be aware of it. 
“T’s right. I’m a fucking coward,” he muttered, glancing at the passenger seat, where a one-point-seven-five liter bottle of Jack Daniels stood in its innocuous brown paper bag. But, Syd had made it clear, she didn't want to talk to him.
At least, she had until…
“Motherfucker,” he growled, tugging his phone from the console to see he’d missed her call. His spirits rose as he toggled to his voicemail and her sultry voice washed over him. 
“It’s me—ah, Syd, Frerin. I—uh—I’m sorry. No, that’s stupid… I mean, I am sorry, but I—give me a call when you get this, okay? I think we need to talk. So, uh, just call me. I don't care what time it is. Bye.”
His hands actually shook as he pulled up her number and hit mobile to dial. His mouth was painfully dry and for a moment, he considered cracking open the vodka to steel his nerves. 
“Hey, this is Syd. I’m sorry I missed you, but leave me a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, and then as the beep sounded, he said, “Hey, Syd. I guess we’re playing tag and you’re it, honey. Call me back when you get this and hopefully, I’ll still be here to answer.” He winced. “Uh, yeah, that was an asshole thing to say and I’m sorry, honey. Call me, okay? We do need to talk.”
He tossed the phone onto the seat alongside the whiskey and as soon as it hit the seat, his text alert went off. He scooped the phone back up and sighed. Massive warehouse fire and all units were being recalled to combat it.
He swung out of the liquor store lot, hit the switch on his dash to active the flashing red emergency lights mounted on the Jeep’s grill, and took off in the direction of the firehouse. 
He and Nico pulled in at the same time and Nico said, “So much for a day off.”
“Ah, it’s just as well.” Frerin slammed the driver’s door shut and they hurried inside. “I could use the distraction.”
They kicked off their shoes, got into their trousers, boots, coats, helmets, what have you, and within minutes, they were on the truck and tearing ass toward the western side of Cranford Falls.
Frerin tried not to think too hard about what this might mean. He’d died the first time in a fire at his house and now, that had been changed. He wasn’t home. He hadn’t hit on anyone’s sister (not that he had the first time. The sister in question was a bunker bunny who was making it her life’s goal to fuck as many Cranford Falls firefighters as possible and he wasn’t touching her with a stolen cock.) The future had been altered.
But maybe he’d die in this fire instead. 
He thought about what Thorin had told him, about the dream he’d had. Ma always insisted they were descended from seers and soothsayers—both Norse and Irish. Maybe Thorin’s dream was a warning. 
Maybe his life was about to be cut short.
He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. Please, not yet. Let me talk to Syd one last time and try to make this right.
“You okay?” Nico elbowed him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just—it’s been a long week.”
“Too many late nights with the girlfriend? Wheeler said you guys popped into the house last night. I hate to tell you this, but now he’s got a hot nut for your woman.”
“Well, I hope that hot nut explodes on him. He’s not getting within fifty feet of her.”
“Hey, how many alarms has this gone? Look at that fucking sky,” Brewer tapped the steering wheel, then gestured toward the windshield. 
Frerin swallowed hard at the thick, black smoke billowing high into the air. Another warehouse fire. He wondered if they were dealing with a serial arsonist with a vendetta. He didn't know or care at the moment, but he was curious.
“I don't know,” Cassidy called, “but we all got the alert, so it’s got to be massive.”
They found out just how massive when they pulled into the lot and saw trucks from other municipalities arriving behind them. Brewer drew to a halt and they all leapt down, got into the rest of their gear, and Chief Pratt said, “Listen up, we’ve got three buildings engulfed already and fourth threatened. Brewer, you, Cassidy, Parker, and Wheeler take Building Two. Durin, you, Zarelli, Weaver, and McCaffrey take three. We don't know how many bodies are in there. The lot was pretty empty of cars when we got here, but we know that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Go and be safe!”
Frerin and Nico made their way to the third building, thick black smoke leaking from the around the eaves and out several open upper floor windows. Nico looked over at Weaver and McCaffrey. “You take the first floor, we’ll take the second.”
Weaver did a thumbs up and as they came through the main doors, they split up. Frerin switched on his emergency locator and said, “Watch your back, Zarelli! This is a major bitch!”
“You, too! Make sure you look behind the copiers.”
At the top of the stairs, the hallway split left and right. Zarelli punched him in the arm. “I’m going this way. You check down there. Careful, man. I saw cartons of fucking books downstairs. This place is a giant tinder box.”
“Yeah, I know. Book distributors. They should ship ’em in asbestos! Watch yourself.”
“Will do.”
They split up then and Frerin moved swiftly through the nearly-solid smoke. He couldn't see much more than a few feet in front of him. “Anyone here? Fire department!”
Each door he tried swung open to reveal supplies, books, a copy room, but no warm bodies. No cold ones, either, which was a relief. Still, by the time he reached the end of the corridor, he couldn't see his hand in front of his face and the heat was almost unbearable. Sweat soaked into his tee shirt, trickled down along his temples. 
“Anyone here? Fire department!”
“Back here!”
He stopped dead in his tracks. He knew that voice and he knew it well.
“How do you know my name?”
“Holy fuck, Syd!” He bolted toward the sound of her voice. “Where are you?”
“Back—” She began coughing—loud, hacking coughs—“h-h-here!”
Here was a conference room and he burst into the room, his heart battering his ribs as he squinted to through the smoke. “Where are you, honey? I can’t see you!”
“Down here. On the floor.”
Smart girl. He dropped to his hands and knees and crawled along the perimeter until a hand grabbed his turnout sleeve. 
“Syd? Jesus Christ, honey, what are you doing here?”
“Yeah. Departments from half the county are here and my battalion got recalled. Don’t worry, honey. I’ll get you out of here, okay? Come on and hold onto me. I promise you, I won’t drop you.”
She began coughing again, grabbing him about the neck as he slid an arm about her waist and dragged her away from the wall. “Remember… what—what I said about how you calmed people?”
“Yeah.” He shifted her into his arms and got to his feet.
“You do.”
“I’ll get you out of here. Don't worry.”
“I’m not worried.” She coughed again, even harder now. Hard enough that he almost dropped her. 
“Easy, Syd,” he crouched to one knee to shift her, “just relax, okay? I don’t want to go through the floor here.”
“I’m sorry,” she gasped. “I just… I can’t breathe…”
He looked down at her. Her hair was damp at the temples, soot smudged her cheeks, her nose, her forehead. She gasped and coughed and choked and her breathing grew more and more labored. He had no idea what all was burning and what chemicals or compounds could be in the air. All he knew was she had gone from breathing to coughing to gasping to silence now. “Syd?” He gave her a shake. “Honey, hang on… come on, baby, breathe, okay?”
She sank against him, eyes closed, chest barely moving. Despite everything that he’d been taught, and all the training he’d received, he didn't hesitate to tug off his helmet and his mask, the latter he put over her face. At once, the smoke clogged his throat and choked his lungs as he tried to lift her again. 
She stirred, looking up through the smoke-smudged shield. “Frerin?”
“Just breathe,” he told her, getting to his feet once more. “I’ll be fine.”
“No, you—”
“Keep—” he broke into a coughing fit as the smoke seared his lungs—“keep it on. I’ll be fine.”
He managed to find his way back out into the hallway. “Zarelli!”
Movement caught his eye, but it wasn’t Nico. “Tori? What the… wait… give me a hand!”
“I can’t, Frerin.” Tori stepped closer, her expression oddly serene, her eyes oddly flat. “Sorry.”
“Wait… What do you mean, you can’t?” He managed a few more steps, but it was becoming harder to breathe. “Just help me get to the lower level.”
“I wish I could, Frerin. But if I did that, then you’d be okay. And if you’re okay, you won’t be coming back here. And I want you back here.”
“Tori?” He fought to draw in a breath, only to have the smoke choke him further. “Are you fucking kidding me? Help me, for fuck’s sake.”
Tori just stood there, arms at her side, expression remaining serene as she shook her head. “No.” 
“Frerin,” Syd lifted the mask from her face to hold out, “don’t be stupid.”
He pressed it back over her face. “Keep it on, Syd. I’ll be okay. Let’s just get you out of here.”
He managed a few more steps before the dizziness set in. He went to his knees. Then Syd spilled from his arms. He face planted into the industrial gray carpeting and glared up at Tori. “You fucking bitch…”
“You’re mine now, Frerin,” Tori whispered, crouching beside him, her lips icy as they brushed his ear, “and I won’t let you go again.”
“No…” Frerin fought to drag air into his lungs, but everything went hazy gray and then black.
Everything was quiet. 
Frerin stirred, lifting his head and this time, when he inhaled, he did so without pain or fire in his lungs. 
He didn't cough. Didn't gasp or splutter.
He just lay there. Staring up at the tranquil blue ceiling. From the corner of his eye, he saw the white draperies fluttering on the gentle breeze. 
Tears stung his eyes as he squeezed them shut. “No… oh… please… no…” he whispered to the empty air around him. A dull, chilled dread filled him.
He knew where he was.
He’d failed.
Anger, red-hot and swift, course through him as he flung himself up from the bed and stared in horror at the white trousers and white long sleeved shirt he wore instead of his turnout, instead of his street clothes. “Tori! Where are you?” he shouted, stalking toward the open door. “Don’t you dare hide from me! I want fucking answers, you understand?”
He stormed down the narrow, white corridor, the silence pressing in on him from all sides. No, this was not how this was supposed to end. Tori was his guide, his mentor.
His friend.
His betrayer.
I wish I could, Frerin. But if I did that, then you’d be okay. And if you’re okay, you won’t be coming back here. And I want you back here.
“Where are you!”
He felt her lips, icy as they brushed his, heard a foreign, almost silken purr in her voice as she whispered, “You’re mine now, Frerin, and I won’t let you go again.”
“Answer me, damn it!”
He stopped at the sound of the Big Guy’s voice. It rolled through him like a low bass note. His anger receded some, but not much. He wanted answers. 
Tori owed him an explanation.
He wanted more time. 
He needed more time.
Diane appeared then, and it was the first time he’d ever actually seen her, but he knew it was her. He just knew. She was stunning—ethereal and tranquil and blonde, the very picture of every angel he’d ever imagined. “Come, walk with me.”
“Where is Tori? She owes me an explanation. She owes me at least that.”
“I know. She is in with the Big Guy now. You are not the only one who wants an explanation, I’m sure.”
“This is it, isn’t it?” His throat tightened and his gut roiled. “I blew it and now…” He brought a hand up to his forehead to rub it. “It’s over, isn’t it?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Son of—” His knees went to sponge, but she caught him around the waist before he could hit the ground. “We were thisclose,” he held up one hand, his thumb and forefinger almost touching, “to me staying. Thisclose, and that bitch fucked me over and I hope you don't expect me to apologize, because I won’t. But, Jesus… tell me Syd at least got out.”
“She did. Come. See for yourself.”
She led him over to a stone basin perched atop a pedestal of white marble. A crystal clear liquid shimmered in the basin, but it wasn't water. Instead, it was like a peephole toward earth and he swallowed hard as he saw Syd lying on a stretcher, an oxygen mask over her face, an IV being taped into her arm. “She’s okay?”
“She will be, yes.”
“Good.” He didn't trouble to swipe at his eyes as they overflowed. He didn't care if Diane saw him cry. “That’s what matters. How did she get out?”
“Your partner found you.”
“Thank God for Zarelli.” He swallowed hard again as Nico came into view. He looked hot and sweaty and exhausted as he sank onto the bumper of the rig where Syd was being treated. He couldn't hear what Nico said, but then he saw Syd nod. 
“Where—” his voice cracked. “Where am I?”
“Right there.” She trailed her fingers through the water and he appeared. He was also on a stretcher, an oxygen mask firmly in place. But his eyes were closed. Even so, Paramedic Jana frowned as she tapped at his inner arm just below his elbow and then slid an IV catheter into place.
“Wait… Why is she working on me?” He looked over at Diane. “Am I not dead? The roof didn’t cave in on me?”
“It did not and you aren’t dead. Not yet. I am not sure what happened, or why Tori was even there, but I know the Big Guy is furious with her. Again.”
“Walk with me.”
He sighed, but fell into step alongside her. “What’s going on? Tori’s been showing me the ropes over here. Guiding me, to a certain extent and—why are you shaking your head no? She’s not?”
“No,” Diane replied softly. “She’s not. You were guiding her, Frerin.”
“Wait,” he stopped dead in his tracks and turned toward her, “what was that?”
Diane offered up a serene smile. “You are a firefighter, Frerin. Your job, by nature, is selfless risk. Unless you are a terrible person otherwise, firefighters don't have to prove themselves when they arrive here.
“Tori was a teacher, but she was not so good a person. She did not shield her students, but died trying get around them to save herself.”
“What?” He glanced toward the Great Hall, where he could hear a soft sobbing. “Are you kidding me?”
“I am not, no. The Big Guy chose to give you the chance to return to your former life because, aside from a bit of womanizing, you were a good man on earth. You were good, but you were not happy.” She nodded toward the Great Hall. “But then you found happiness, didn't you?”
“Yeah,” he nodded, “I did. Diane, I need more time. You have to convince Him to give me just a few more hours. I fuc—screwed up with Syd but we were going to make up, get back together, whatever.”
“I know.” She nodded again. “And you would not have even been in that warehouse, if not for Tori.”
“She orchestrated Miss Prescott to be summoned there. And she is the one who set it aflame.”
He clenched his jaw so hard, he wouldn’t have been surprised to see his teeth shatter. “Tori did this? Why?”
“She’s in love with you and wanted you for herself.”
His eyes closed as it all washed over him—Tori, her features softened by thick smoke, but oddly serene, her eyes oddly flat. “She told me that, didn't she?”
“She did.” Diane’s pale, long-fingered hand came to rest on his forearm. “Tell me true, do you love Miss Prescott?”
“I do, Diane. With everything I have to give her.”
“And do you think she feels the same?”
“I hope so, but…” he managed a sheepish smile, “I don't know. She was pretty angry at me when we broke up. I was trying to win her back and she wanted to talk, so I think it’s safe to say she feels something for me.”
“And if you are allowed to go back?”
“I want to marry her. If she’ll have me.”
Diane bobbed her head. “Let’s go and see what the Big Guy has to say about this.”
“I want a word with Tori.”
“I don't think that would be wise.”
“I don't care.”
“Frerin… let Him handle this. He has far more experience than you.”
“Just two words.”
“Do I need guess what they are?”
“Fuck and you.”
Diane smiled. “As I thought. Come. I’m certain He has already said as much to her.”
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divinologistics · 1 year
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lit-works · 1 year
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City in Darkness Pt.1 : Flying horses
I swing through the brightly lit canyons of New York City on a single strand of webbing. Below me the city is ablaze with light, from the powerful spotlights framing it's most famous buildings to the soft glow of hundreds of street lamps and apartment windows. It is clearly summer and the warm weather has most of the population outdoors. Couples stroll along the sidewalks, stopping to watch street performers. Executives out on the town hail taxis bound for the theater district. Musicians sound out hot, muggy tones on saxes and clarinets, providing the soundtrack for the small-time hustlers plying the crowd with games and wagers.
I have a bird's-eye view of it all. Or in my case, a Spider's-eye view. I swing down the street, high above the bustle, my weblines arching from their special wrist-mounted shooters, providing a set of strands to carry me from skyscraper to skyscraper. I've gotta get across town fast–a meeting with the Daily Bugle editor Robert Robertson was supposed to start five minutes ago, and lateness is not a virtue looked for in freelance photographers. Not even when Jolly James Jonah Jameson was in charge.
Of course, when it absolutely, positively has to get there overnight, Web-Slinger express is the only way to travel.
I hit a break between buildings where my lines might not reach the next tall structure. Rather than risk missing a shot and wasting web fluid, I tuck into a roll, straighten at the last instant, and make a perfect two-point landing on a movie marquee.
"Hey, it's Spider-Man!" Shouts a voice from the crowd below. Heads turn and I feel the warm gaze of the admiring public.
"I thought he was from a comic book?!"
"George, get out your phone!"
Ah, the trials and tribulations of being a celebrity superhero. Adored by millions, or at least hundreds, capable of stunts only dreamed of by mere mortal men, in reality mild-mannered camera hound Peter–
"Ya lousy bum!"
The last comment breaks through my reverie and catches me by surprise. Not the words of an admirer, even in New York. I scan the crowd below to spy my detractor.
"Yeah, you, Spider-bitch! You're a damned menace to society! I read about it in the Bugle! Jameson says your a crook!" The heckler is a nondescript man, about 30, wearing a tan jacket and a Mets cap. I could pass this guy on the street without ever noticing him.
Beneath my mask, I frown deeply. Ok, Spider-Man, do you really wanna take this kind of grief, or do you wanna teach this loudmouth a lesson?
"According to The Daily Bugle, Ant-Man is the Hulk's tailor," I shout back, already shooting my next web-line. "And if you believe that, there's this bridge I want to sell you." A ripple of laughter runs through the gathering crowd, leaving the heckler red and fuming.
Unwilling to spend a beautiful summer evening arguing with a heckler, I swing off, climbing the web-line as I go.
I only get about a half a block away when I hear the loud, dull whumpph of an explosion nearby. The explosion is followed by the chatter of gunfire, mixed with an electric crackle that sounds like a high-schools science experiment gone wild.
Rob Robertson will have to wait. Something has come up–something that requires the presence of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
The shots are coming from near by. Swinging around the corner, I get the full picture from three stories above street level.
The center of the street is blocked by an overturned armored vehicle. The truck bears an insignia of a blue horse's head, but otherwise looks like standard US government issue. The truck's massive rear door has been blown off it's hinges and is laying nearby. Army Jeeps, also with the blue horse-head symbol, are pulled over in front and rear of the truck–apparently escorts for whatever was inside the truck.
The occupants of the Jeeps, men and women dressed in blue uniforms, have piled out and are using the vehicles for cover. Their attackers are across the street, crouched in an alleyway: two men, dressed in green body suits, armed with massive weapons that resemble WWII bazookas. These weapons are the source of the unearthly crackling I heard earlier, and the pair are firing random bolts of yellowish lightning at the guards in the Jeeps, keeping them pinned down.
The smoke from the fight clears for a moment, and I see in neat lettering beneath the symbol on the truck, the word: "PEGASUS". Good Gravy! The boys and girls in blue are from Project: PEGASUS.
Project: PEGASUS is an alternate energy source project located in upstate New York, funded by the state department of energy. In the past, the project has investigated alternate forms of energy derived from super-powered criminals, a number of which are former foes of mine. An empty armored truck does not bode well. At least I know who's team I'm on. Whoever would try to knock over an armored truck belonging to PEGASUS has to be up to no good.
I'm not sure why these two groups chose a crowded New York city street to fight in, but it's apparent the guys in green are not too worried about inflicting civilian casualties. This looks like a job tailor-made for the web-slinging wonder, and it might also be a good time to make a few bucks shooting Spider-Man in action.
I find a likely-looking ledge nearby and, drawing my camera out from my belt, mount it firmly with a dab of webbing. I activate the automated timer to continuously snap shots at 5-second intervals.
All these actions come automatically, smoothly developed over years of taking pictures of myself in action. These pictures, sold first to Jameson and the to Robertson at The Daily Bugle, have supplemented my income over the years, and are now my main source of ready cash.
I watch the unfolding battle and notice that the guys in the blue jumpsuits from PEGASUS are taking a pounding from their attackers. There doesn't seem to be a lot of movement from around the truck, one of those heavily armored monsters favored by the military, but fortunately there are no dead bodies, either. The guys with the lightning-firing bazookas look like members of HYDRA, but the green on their uniforms is too washed-out and they are missing the distinctive armband. Could some other flaky subversive group with bad taste have picked up these outfits at a rummage sale and decided to blow up government vehicles?
My fashion analysis is forgotten as my Spider-Sense, the heightened extra-sensory perception that warns me or immediate danger, kicks into full gear. One of the goons in the alley has spotted me, and the way my Spider-Senses are tingling in my head tell me he's got me lined up in his crosshairs.
I dodge out of the way at the last moment, as a massive bolt of electricity carves an equally large gash out of the brick wall, just inches away from my camera. If I wasn't sure before that the guys with the heavy artillery are the bad guys, that little bit of hate mail convinces me. Not only are these fellas dangerous, they're downright unfriendly. Could it be they're friends of that loudmouthed Mets fan, or at least be listening to the same podcasts and reading the same editorials?
My dodging drops me down to just above street level. One of the PEGASUS guards spots me and waves me away. "Get back!!" She shouts, "it's dangerous around here!"
"Surely you jest!" I snap back. "It's more dangerous trying to catch a cab when the theaters and bars let out than this little garden party." I'm too low to web up the bad guys without catching some innocent bystanders. My best move would be to try to get in between the two thugs.
I tense my muscles to leap across the street.
Flexing the muscles that give me the proportional strength and agility of a spider, I leap into the fray. A bolt of energy sears across the street, blasting through the wall directly behind me.
If I'd hung around there, I'd be a crispy critter for sure.
I somersault through the air and over the line of PEGASUS guards.
"Hold your fire, ladies and gents!" I shout, bouncing off the hood of the nearest Jeep. "Perforating my uniform with lead violates the warranty and will mess up your civil service record something fierce!"
A blast of lightning-like forces ionizes the air on top of the Jeep where I stood just moments before. Before the flash has dimmed I'm across the street, directly above the goons.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you guys don't like me. You've been reading the editorials in the Bugle, haven't you?" I quip, as I drop between them. "If you surrender now, I'll arrange for Jameson to visit your cell."
"Eat shock-zooka, webspinner!" Says the thug on my right as he fires a blast from his futuristic weapon.
"Shock-zooka!!" I laugh, dodging the fiery blast. "You'd think the people who use these deadly gadgets would at least come up with an original name for them! Sounds like a monster that fought Godzilla for Tokyo."
Before the thug can get in another shot, I rush him, grabbing the battery-operated bazooka and ripping it from his grasp. The goon on my left, a little dumpier than the other, watches in wonderment, muttering "He moves so fast." The second goon seems so amazed by my speed he has forgotten to aim his own weapon at me.
"You guys are just slow as snails," I taunt, lashing out with both arms at the assailants, "And now it's nighty-night time Shnooky-Ookums!"
I catch both goons flush on the jaw. The weapons clatter to the ground, and I'm left the only one standing in the alley.
So why is my Spidey-Sense still ringing in my ears like a three-alarm fire? I scan the empty alleyway, and no one is there. Not even any garbage or trash cans. A suspiciously well-kept New York alley…
Except for that manhole…
My Spidey-Sense shifts to a frantic pitch, and I realize the danger is from the manhole itself! Something nasty's down there, and I don't think I want to be here to find out what it is!
I leap straight up into the air, reaching for a fire-escape ladder hanging twenty feet up. I am no less than halfway towards my goal when the shockwave of an explosion sends me flying even higher! The booming thunderclap comes from below, and the walls shake as flames jet out the mouth of the manhole. The ground is shattered into a crazy quilt of broken asphalt.
The darkness of the alley is brilliantly lit for a half a heartbeat. The ground heaves and cracks run through the walls. I am thrown clear of the mouth of the alley and only avoid injury from a jagged piece of broken flying pipe by curling into a rolling crouch.
I land on the overturned security truck. Smoke drifts through the alleyway. My two playmates are sprawled out at the mouth of the alley. Guards from the PEGASUS protect are already checking them, while others are moving down the alley itself. A tall blonde woman in a blue jumpsuit stands in the midst of the scene, barking orders. Her hair is pulled back into a tight bun, and she seems to be taking the entire situation, explosion included, as a personal affront.
"Get down that alley!" She shouts at a pair of men, "try to find them!"
"Find who?" I ask, jumping down next to her. She glances at me sideways long enough to know that I am still among the living, but doesn't reply. Find who?! I still want to know. I thought I already took care of the crooks involved.
One of the guards approaches me and the blond woman. "I've contacted the NYPD. Paramedics are en route. There's an APB out for 'em."
"All-points Bulletin?! Who are you looking for?" I ask, but again receive no answer. "I only saw two goons. How many more were there?"
Another guard comes out of the alley. "Explosion in the sewers, ma'am. Awful mess. Must've been an arms depot or something. No sign of them. They must have had a vehicle waiting at the other end of the alley."
"Now wait just a minute!" I shout, turning around to face the head honcho. "Who is missing? Who got away? Who are you looking for?"
She stares at me for a moment, as if I just wandered on to the scene."I suppose you would need to know," she says. "You missed seeing them take him away."
"Let's just say, given the fact that I almost had my head handed to me by thugs with sci-fi blasters, I'm more than mildly curious." Mentally, I am counting to ten.
"We were escorting a prisoner from project headquarters to a parole hearing when we were ambushed." She explained. "The prisoner's name is Maxwell Dillon. You probably know him as Electro."
Early in my career as the webspinning wonder I first crossed paths with Maxwell Dillon, better known as the villainous Electro. A freak bolt of lightning transformed him from a lineman for Consolidated Edison into a master of living electricity, who promptly turned his newfound talents to crime. Each time he has gone on a rampage, I have hunted him down and caught him, and each time he has found a way to escape.
A wave of rage washes through me. To be so close and let him get away! Electro has never been one to learn his lesson, or even to lie low for a little bit. He'll be around, looking for revenge! And until he makes his move, me and all the people around Spider-Man are targets.
"Spider-Man?" The commander of the PEGASUS security force intrudes on my thoughts, "I would like to thank you for your help. When these guys recover we'll be sure to get some answers out of them."
"Right," I say, shaking my head. "But by that time, Electro will be miles away."
She shrugs her shoulders. "We do the best we can, when we can. Look, these clowns are going to St.Arbogast's Hospital. Is there somewhere you can be reached when they come to?"
"I'll be around."
"Have it your way, then," she says, nodding, "if you have problems, tell them Captain Nash sent you." With that she turns away and starts shouting at her troops. "You men! Clear those Jeeps out of the way! Let's let those ambulances in! Bashfield! You and Lawson help set up the barriers. Have the police brass arrived yet?!"
Just wonderful. Electro on the loose and all I caught werr a couple of small fry. To top it all off, Peter Parker is even later for that meeting. Some days, as the rabbit said, you shoulda stood in bed.
I leap atop the overturned truck, bouncing off the PEGASUS emblem. At the high point of the leap, I loose a single strand of webbing, mooring it against a handy flagpole jutting out from the Empire State Building three stories above me.
Twisting my body, I swing up to the highest point, then fire another strand, and in this fashion swing off into the night, hoping to make it to the Bugle before Robbie gives up hope on me. Behind me, the whine of the police sirens and the shouts of captain Nash are lost in the ambient city noise.
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vectoroffroad · 11 days
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Vector OffRoad offers premium Jeep Wrangler JL accessories.
Explore Vector OffRoad's high-quality Jeep Wrangler JL accessories. Discover phone mounts, hoods, and more accessories to improve your off-road experiences.
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carlosreyesazwhump · 2 years
K - Kidney damage
K - Kidney damage
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Carlos took his bag out of the jeep and looked at the ranch in front of them. It looked a lot like his parents', but Owen had insisted on taking him to one he'd seen on Trip Advisor that they recommended as the best retreat for a weekend.
He'd also made a point of paying for the stay and driving himself.
"He's on edge," TK had told his fiancé the night before.
"Why is he nervous? He knows me well, we see each other every day. I'm the one who should be nervous about going on a trip with Captain Strand, my fiancé's father, on our first outing and on top of that without you."
Saying that had made him nervous.
"Come on, Carlos. You'll see how great everything turns out. He's nervous because it's the first time he's had any kind of relationship with the guy I'm dating and more specifically with my future husband. I'm sure you've had good relationships with your ex's families."
Carlos stared at him silently and gave nothing away.
TK burst out laughing, apparently both Carlos and his father were in the same nervous and uncomfortable situation. He didn't say anything to either of them but was glad he wasn't in the middle of that situation and that they were taking the opportunity to get to know each other better.
"Let him take care of everything. I assure you he's not the type to expect you to do anything or pay for anything. He wants to organize everything, prove he's still the alpha male of the pack."
"Sounds a lot like your father.”
"I know, I know him well. So have fun and don't worry about anything."
Carlos turned around at the sound of Owen's voice from the other side, who was already looking at the phone listing the best places in the area to eat and the best places to visit.
"Let's leave the stuff in the rooms and then we can go for a walk," the captain told him. "I've booked the first contact with the horses in a couple of hours and then we can go eat. I've seen a place that they say has the best beef in Texas. What do you think?"
Carlos smiled and remembered TK's words. His father wanted to get everything organized and under control. So he nodded and let the captain take control of the weekend.
As soon as he got to the room and dropped off his bag, Carlos took the opportunity to call TK and tell him everything was going well, but his boyfriend was working and didn't answer his call. So he left him a message.
"We’re going for a ride with the horses. Your dad seems excited about riding. He doesn't seem to have as much respect for it as you say. I'll tell you later. I love you."
Owen was already waiting for him at the stable, stroking the back of the huge animal he was going to ride.
"Ready to teach him the secrets of a good horseman?"
"Owen, I hope you didn't get your hopes up too high about me. I can ride and I'm not afraid of horses, but I'm no expert."
"Well, you certainly know how to do it a lot better than I do."
Larry, the stable attendant, came over to them and gave them the directions they needed to do their first lesson with their mount. When Carlos told him that he had spent his teenage years riding horses on his parents' ranch, it seemed to lift a weight off Larry's shoulders.
"Well, I see you're not city tourists coming to feel like John Wayne."
"He's not. I... Let's just say John Wayne movies aren't my benchmark," Owen said, looking at Carlos, and he received an appreciative smile. "But yes, the world of cowboys and the idea of freedom of riding a horse has always appealed to me and terrified me in equal parts."
"Better to go with someone who knows, then."
Riding was easy, it wasn't the first time Owen had done it and getting going wasn't a complication either.
Larry told them to take a ride around to get a feel for the animals, that horses get used to them. He also told them that a good horse ride gave plenty of opportunity to talk.
They didn't do it at first. They were both nervous, it was the first time they were alone and not because of work, not with TK in the way or Carlos' parents.
They were completely alone taking a walk in their hair for the rest of the afternoon and neither of them were very clear on what to say or how to behave with the other.
So for a while, they were silent and simply rode around the meadow.
"TK and I are organizing the wedding, what a mess we've gotten ourselves into and we wanted something small," Carlos said at last, trying to end the awkward silence.
"I know you want to do this by yourselves, but you know you can count on me for whatever it takes. I'm good at organizing things and I know a lot of people around here."
"I know, I know. But we want to keep the wedding small, intimate, and not get out of hand."
Owen pulled his horse closer to Carlos'.
"I promise I won't butt in where I'm not wanted. I'll only do something if you ask for my help."
"Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that. TK and I are really nervous about all this because we don't have as much time as we'd like to organize things and go to stores."
"For whatever you guys need," Owen muttered and laughed.
He pulled on his horse's reins with a jerk that startled his mount a little. The animal whirled to the right and whinnied and startled the horse Carlos was riding, which reared up for a few seconds, long enough to lift its front legs in the air without Carlos expecting it and before he could do anything it threw him to the ground.
"Carlos!" shouted Owen as he saw him fall and roll on the ground.
He caught the other horse, tied them to a tree, and ran to Carlos.
The cop struggles to find his next breath, the landing having knocked the wind out of him and puts his hand to his head.
"Carlos, Carlos, say something."
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jagaragemyshopify · 6 months
Revolutionizing Your Jeep Experience: Unveiling the Ultimate Jeep Accessory Switch Panel from J.A. G
In the world of off-road enthusiasts, the right accessories can make all the difference in enhancing your Jeep experience. One such game-changer that has been making waves is the Jeep Accessory Switch Panel from J.A. Garage Designs. As avid Jeep lovers know, having a reliable and efficient switch panel is crucial for managing various accessories and components seamlessly during off-road adventures.
Elevating Control with J.A. Garage Designs' Jeep Accessory Switch Panel
Unleashing the Power of Control
Picture this: You're navigating challenging terrains in your Jeep, tackling obstacles, and embracing the thrill of off-road exploration. In such moments, having quick and easy access to your Jeep's accessories is paramount. This is where J.A. Garage Designs' Jeep Accessory Switch Panel comes into play, offering a cutting-edge solution to streamline and enhance your control over essential components.
The First Glimpse of Innovation
At the heart of every Jeep lover's dream setup lies the need for a reliable switch panel. In the first glimpse of innovation, J.A. Garage Designs introduces a panel designed with the modern adventurer in mind. Crafted with precision and durability, this switch panel is more than just a functional accessory – it's a statement of reliability.
Unparalleled Durability and Design
J.A. Garage Designs takes pride in delivering products that stand the test of off-road challenges. The Jeep Accessory Switch Panel boasts unparalleled durability, ensuring it can withstand the harshest conditions while maintaining peak performance. The sleek design not only adds a touch of sophistication to your Jeep's interior but also reflects the brand's commitment to combining functionality with aesthetics.
Seamless Integration with Your Jeep
One of the standout features of J.A. Garage Designs' switch panel is its seamless integration with various Jeep models. Whether you own a Wrangler, Cherokee, or Gladiator, this accessory switch panel is designed to complement the existing architecture of your Jeep's interior. The installation process is user-friendly, making it accessible to both seasoned off-road enthusiasts and those new to customizing their Jeeps.
Enhancing Accessibility with Precision
In the world of off-roading, split-second decisions can make all the difference. J.A. Garage Designs understands this, and that's why their switch panel is engineered for precision and quick accessibility. With clearly labeled switches and an ergonomic layout, you can effortlessly control your Jeep's lights, winches, and other accessories without fumbling or distraction.
The J.A. Garage Designs Experience
What sets J.A. Garage Designs apart is not just their innovative products but also the overall experience they provide to Jeep enthusiasts. The company's commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is reflected in every aspect, from product design to customer support. When you invest in the Jeep Accessory Switch Panel, you're not just getting a piece of equipment; you're joining a community that shares your passion for off-road adventures.
Wrapping It Up
In conclusion, the Jeep Accessory Switch Panel from J.A. Garage Designs is a game-changing addition to the world of Jeep customization. From its durable design to its seamless integration and precision control, this switch panel elevates your off-road experience to new heights. As you embark on your next adventure, let J.A. Garage Designs be the trusted companion that enhances your Jeep's capabilities and brings a new level of control to your fingertips. After all, when it comes to off-roading, every detail matters, and J.A. Garage Designs understands that better than anyone.
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ontherizetrucks · 1 year
How Can Jeep Accessories Transform Your Jeep For The Better?
Jeeps are renowned worldwide for their incredible capabilities and amazing flexibility. Hence, it is an ideal vehicle for impressive off-road performance. One of the biggest benefits of owning a Jeep is that you can decide to go for top-notch upgrades and accessories to take the efficiency, productivity, and performance of your vehicle to the next level. 
Moreover, there are innumerable options available to cater to your requirements and expectations as well as customize your experience. Buy Jeep Accessories Installation In Florida and get the shortlisted accessories installed in your vehicle to boost the functionality and improve the aesthetic appeal of your Jeep. Going for a few add-ons within your budget will improve your Jeep riding experience.
Finding best-in-class accessories without a heavy investment is a big challenge to Jeep owners although it is not impossible to do. An array of diverse accessories are available both online and offline in various price structures. These budget-friendly upgrades not only bring a radical change to the appearance and efficiency of the vehicle but also save a significant amount for the Jeep owner. 
Some of the affordable Jeep accessories include interior lights, vacuum cleaners, car phone mounts, and so on. Whether you are looking for an effortless commute or an impressive off-road riding experience, buying some of the best-in-class Jeep accessories should be on your bucket list. 
Pick some top-grade Jeep accessories and Buy Jeep Accessories Installation In Florida today to boost the experience with your Jeep. 
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heavenridersindia · 1 year
Friendship Peak Blog – Complete Trek Guide
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Friendship Peak, a popular starting point for tough mountaineering, & is well-known in the climbing community. Friendship Peak is an amphitheater for the tallest mountains in both the Pir Panjal and the Dhauladhar ranges, nestled neatly in between all the biggies from both ranges.
Friendship Peak faces Hanuman Tibba on one side and finds giants such as Indrasan, Deo Tibba, Priyadarshini, and the Seven Sisters as its neighbors.
Friendship Peak offers more than just a beautiful view from the summit. It is the highest peak in the Lesser Himalayas, standing at 5289 meters. It is part of the Pir Panjal range, which is the largest in the Lesser Himalayas. Apart from quietly standing its ground in the midst of the 6000ers, we are particularly taken aback by the trek’s trail, which takes us through some of the most breathtaking scenery.
Friendship Peak trek distance is 34 kilometers. We pass through alpine meadows, dense forests, and broad clearings, as well as crossings over extremely cold mountain streams and, of course, a thick blanket of glittering white snow. It features beautiful campsites with native fauna and bright colors that are just ready to be roamed and explored.
Looking for an adventure while also taking in nature’s awe-inspiring beauty? Then Manali is the perfect destination for you. If you wish to attempt adventurous activities like paragliding, river rafting, skiing, trekking, and Jeep safari, Manali adventure packages are for you.
You can go river rafting on the fast-flowing Beas, kayaking, and much more.
With paragliding-themed packages, you may realize your dream of flying in the sky. For this activity, you will be transported to two well-known locations: Solang Nallah and Marhi.
There are two windows for Friendship Peak Expedition, May and June are the best months to go for a snow-covered summit, while September and October are optimal for rocky & mix terrain.
If you have not prepared yourself for hard-core physical activity or a high degree of fitness, the friendship peak expedition is extremely difficult. Let’s face it: it takes a lot of effort.
Friendship peak difficulty level is high and sweat is the cost of a good adventure. Sore calves and hurting quads, as well as blisters and missing toenails, are all badges of honor. You get some of the world’s most unspoiled, pure, and jaw-dropping scenery in exchange.
The more you plan ahead of time for a major expedition, the easier it will be.
Friendship peak is located near to Atal Tunnel, Rohtang. It is surrounded by big peaks like Mount Hanuman Tibba, Shiti Dhar, Manali Peak, Shikhar Bay, Seven Sisters and lies in between Dhauladhar range and Pir Panjal range of Himalayas.
Friendship peak height is 17,350 feet above sea level.
Manali is a popular tourist destination in India as well as an adventure sports center. It is a beautiful Himalayan town situated 2,000 meters above sea level on the banks of the Beas River. Manali is the starting point for the friendship peak expedition.
Manali is connected to Chandigarh and Delhi. To reach Manali you can opt for any of the listed methods:
By Air: Bhuntar Airport, which is located in Bhuntar, is the closest airport. It’s about 50 kilometers from Manali, a Himalayan town. Many flights to Bhuntar Airport are available on a regular basis from New Delhi.
By Train: There are no rail stations within easy reach of Manali. The distances between Kiratpur Sahib, Kalka, and Chandigarh railway stations are 268 kilometers, 275 kilometers, and 310 kilometers respectively.
You’ll have a good connection to the cell phone network and the internet till Solang. Signal will start losing as you move towards Dhundi from Solang. Almost every telecom company’s network is available.
Manali is the final town on the Friendship Peak Expedition where ATMs can be used to withdraw cash.
Day 1: Arrive at Manali, Where basic Orientation will be done | 2050m Day 2: Manali to Dhundi, Trek to Lahauli Nallah | 3300m Day 3: Bakarthach to ABC or the Lady Leg | 3840m Day 4: From Lady Leg to the Summit Camp | 4300m Day 5: Summit Day Day 6: Reserve Day Day 7: Departure day
Check out the Friendship Peak Cost
The following are some of the items that must be brought to Friendship Peak. Please keep in mind that if you are planning to expedition the trail alone rather than with a group or package, you will need to bring additional camping and cooking supplies.
1. Clothes
T-shirts, trekking & climbing pants
Windproof Jacket, Feather Jacket
Sunglasses with UV protection – 2
2. Warm Cloths
During this trek, at least three to five layers of clothing are required.
including fleece jackets, thermals, waterproof gloves, woolen & sun caps, neck warmers, and woolen socks.
3. Footwear
Trekking Boots with good grip
Sandals or slippers for nights
4. Toiletries
  Toothpaste and brush, liquid soap, Sanitizer, Tissues
  Sunscreen lotions, and lip balm are all items to have on hand.
5. Electronics 
Power banks and chargers
Extra memory cards and batteries for the camera
Headlamp Torch with spare batteries
6. Snacks 
ORS, glucose, energy bars, biscuits, chocolates, dried fruits
7. First Aids
Diamox is an essential drug for headaches, stomach distress, and other symptoms of altitude sickness.
Also keep sprains, band-aids, volini spray.
consult a registered medical practitioner for more.
Don’t worry if you have not purchased gear for your expedition. In the Base Camp, HRI’s team will provide you the rental gears like:
1. Trekking Pole 2. Poncho 3. Trekking Shoe 4. Rucksack 5. Feather Jacket
Make sure your organizer must provide you safety & technical gears like Crampons, Boots, Gaiters, Harness, Jumar, Carabiner, Sling, Hemet, Ice Axe.
Heaven Riders India provides all technical equipment & gears for your safety Check it out Friendship Peak Expedition 
1. Manali Manali, one of Himachal Pradesh’s most well-known hill stations, offers breathtaking views of the Pir Panjal and Dhauladhar mountains, which are snow-capped throughout the majority of the year.
Manali has always been a popular place for young people seeking long-term employment. Because of its quiet cafes, good wifi, modest eateries, and handy shopping, Old Manali is one of these people’s favorite areas. For longer stays, several homestays and hostels provide inexpensive dorm beds.
Manali is surrounded by a plethora of hiking opportunities, making it an ideal base for exploring this region of the Himalayas.
2. Kasol Kasol is a village in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is located in the Parvati Valley, on the banks of the Parvati River, on the road between Bhuntar and Manikaran. Bhuntar is 30 kilometers (19 miles) away, and Manikaran is 3.5 kilometers (2.2 miles).
Kasol is a famous Himalayan backpacking location that provides a base for nearby climbs to Malana and Kheerganga. It is known as India’s Mini-Israel because of the significant number of Israeli visitors.
3. Solang Valley Rohtang and Solang Valley are two must-see destinations for anyone visiting Manali for a vacation. Solang Valley, 14 kilometers north of Manali’s main town, is one of Himachal Pradesh’s most renowned tourist spots. Every year, the valley, which is located on the road to Rohtang from Manali, welcomes a large number of travelers.
Solang Valley is a favorite among adventurers, with activities ranging from ATV to paragliding, horseback riding to driving mini-open jeeps designed specifically for tourists of all ages.
In the winter, the Solang valley is blanketed in snow, making skiing a popular winter sport.
1. ATV Ride at Solang
Another fun sport in the Solang Valley is ATV Riding. The “All Terrain Vehicles” are rugged vehicles designed for rugged terrain. Solang has some remote areas that are not connected by proper roads. The ATV is the perfect vehicle for driving on such roads. Solang has many operators who rent ATVs. Usually, people do quads in the summer and snowmobiles in the winter.
2. Skiing In Solang Valley
The magnificent Solang Valley or Solang Nallah is the finest site to witness the effect that snow has on Manali. The valley is a hotspot for paragliding and zorbing in the summer, and in the winter, it transforms into a snowy resort, attracting visitors who want to try their hand at Manali skiing. This skiing tour takes place in the valley of Solang.
3. Paragliding In Manali
Enjoy the exhilaration of paragliding in the Himalayan sky while admiring Manali from a bird’s eye view. Gliding around the snow-capped peaks with the open blue sky above you and the mystical sights of the valleys around you will be an unforgettable experience. Make sure you do this activity under the guidance of a trained instructor so it will be a great experience for you!
1. Handicrafts from Tibet and the Himalayas Kullu-Manali has a thriving rural culture and tradition, which is reflected in their handicrafts. The handcraft sector employs a sizable portion of the people. Mohras (deity masks), decorations, and household items are among the products sought by travelers.
Slippers made of straw and grass are also on the list. There’s also the Tibetan Market, which has an excellent selection of arts, handicrafts, jewelry, and antiques. Kashmiri Gift House is another outlet that sells these goods at reasonable and inexpensive pricing.
2. Woolen Clothes If you’re seeking warm woolens, Manali is the place to go. This hill station is a woolen shopping paradise, offering the highest quality, softest, and most comfortable woolen clothes. Whether you’re seeking cardigans, mufflers, stoles, or gloves, Manali’s marketplaces are best.
Visit the Manu Market during the winter months to see the busiest market activity ever. The shops are teeming with tourists attempting to haggle with sellers in order to get the greatest deal. 3. Prayer wheels Despite Ladakh’s recognition, prayer wheels are freely accessible in Manali’s stores. To get one, go to the Tibet store in Siyal, which only sells Tibetan souvenirs and products. These metal prayer wheels are revered, and spinning one is thought to bring good luck.
People believe that the prayer wheels are hollow on the inside, but few realize that the wheels contain papers with Buddhist prayers scribbled on them. Prayer wheels have a unique charm that makes them ideal souvenirs and gifts. 4. Kesar Many valuable Himalayan herbs, such as Kesar or saffron, can be found in Kullu-Manali. It is the most expensive spice used in a variety of dishes. It is extracted from a specific Himalayan flower, dried, and then sold in the market.
Genuine Kesar provides health benefits, and its great demand is the primary reason for its high price. Purchase Kesar from a reputable shop in Manali, even if it is a little pricey. On the roadways, you will frequently come across persons offering to sell Kesar at significantly lower prices. When purchasing from street vendors, exercise caution. They can easily deceive you into purchasing something that is not Kesar.
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jeeptalkshow · 1 year
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Jeep Recalls JL and JT Exploding Clutch! Ladies Off-road Challenge!  Lawbreaker wins again? Dash Mount Dual Phone Holder! #jeeptalkshow #jeepporn #wrangler #jeepbeef #offroading #jeepsofinstagram #jeepin #jeepwave #jeepjk #jeepjeep #rubicon #jeepgirl #jeeprubicon #jeeper #jeeping #jeeplifestyle #jeepcj #jeepers #jku #jeepcherokee https://jeeptalkshow.com/episode-774-criminal-wins/
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[ DRAFTED FEATURE ] Several Banana Leaves Later
I once said that I wouldn’t know how to live in a future that didn’t contain you. But here I am, relatively alive  — years, kilograms, and many, many pastil banana leaves later, the same place where we spent our last days together. 
Certain moments still trigger the memory of you. When I’m walking down the pathwalk under the searing afternoon sun, a thin sheen of sweat on my forehead and back, trudging through the dusty campus you knew so well. When I’m mounting the jeep at the terminal on my way to school — now where I work. I never got the chance to tell you I work here now, the place where we were really itching to get out of, some years ago. Most of the time those moments just remind me of your absence. Sometimes the absence hits me square in the chest, hard, right in the spot you left behind. The hole you carved when you departed without saying goodbye, leaving in your wake this world that is now a little dimmer because you took some of its light with you.  I suppose no single person is ever truly whole. Some parts of ourselves are scattered; with the people we love and loved. 
You know the campus looks so different now? There are street lights along the Gemma East/West road now. The road in front of our college has some as well. Street lights! Remember how we used to walk down that unevenly paved, pebbly road, with only our phones’ camera flash as the torch to light the way, hoping to God that there’s nothing in the darkness of the tall grass — natural or supernatural — would come at us? The huts that we used to hang out at are now gone, too, abolished by either depreciation brought about by time or physically replaced by stalls that sell pastil that now, for some reason, don’t taste the same to me, now that I don’t get to eat it with you. I wonder how much pastil I’ll have eat before it tastes normal again. 
Time is not a unit with which grief can be measured. Grief is preternatural, unquantifiable by math or science, as primeval as the instinct for love itself — “What is grief, if not love persevering?” said The Vision in one of the many Marvel TV shows that I also wish I could talk to you about. Your absence is not just a singular thing. It became the flowers I laid when I buried you, it became my tears, it became the antidepressants I had to take. Now, it’s the fear that keeps me from ever moving out of this city because I feel like moving away would mean completely forgetting you.
Sometimes I wish that these words I write and the sadness they’re built on would be enough to bring you back to life. Or even just call you from where you are, invite you for an afternoon snack, so I could make up for lost time and past wrongs. I hate talking about you in the past tense — it feels like you’re even more absent than you already are. Yet, deep down I know that even when there are no more new stories to tell about you; there will always be the entire lifetime you left: the gift of an unwritten memoir that will keep us warm on cold days and keep us company on rainy ones, the absurd anecdotes from our field trips, the slapstick-comedy moments, even the hard moments that, in retrospect, I wish I had tried to understand more. 
A lot has happened since you left: I’ve met new people, exchanged stories with them in the way you and I did. Sometimes, I make the mistake of looking for you in them. I’ve stopped trying to do that. Maybe I will always look for you. “How often — will it be for always? — how often will the vast emptiness astonish me like a complete novelty and make me say, ‘I never realized my loss till this moment’?” CS Lewis writes in A Grief Observed. Perhaps this is like that.
 In the meantime, I’ll just be packing stories for when we see each other again. Dispose of as many pastil banana leaves as I can until they taste like before. Missing someone is not an affliction, I’ve come to realize. It’s a scar. Something that will be with me for always now, where a painful wound of loss once festered. Most days I’m alright, actually. The mourning is not as bad. I just wish you were still here.
For now, I will love you from here. Until we meet again. ◼️
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