#jedi padawan wyyntrr
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Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!
Hi all,
I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I’m back with a new Star Wars Bad Batch fanfic. I will adamantly stand by my belief that it’s got good concepts but needs fanfics/fanart to be good since the show is just horrible.
This will be a long chapter fic—I will update these posts with links
My first TBB fic Older Sister was a kind of test. I decided to put more thought and effort into a more original story that deviates from the show but still has ideas the show tried to portray. The main difference is that my fic doesn’t follow the episodes like my ‘Older Sister’ fanfic and includes more OCs.
I also decided to retcon my Jedi Youngling OC Maisy’s backstory.
Warnings: Jedi AU/alternate universe, spoilers for TCW and TBB, contains OCs, LONG POST, O66 trauma, lemme know if I’m missing something
Title: Our Love
Chapter 1: When Everything Went Wrong
Word count: 13,569
3rd POV
The Clone War has raged on for 4 long years. To most it might not seem like a long time, though the destruction and violence has made the war seem 10 times as long. Most of the Jedi are stretched thin throughout the galaxy. Even Master Yoda has gone to support troops on the Wookiee planet of Kashyyyk. Anakin Skywalker has raced back to the Senate Tower on Coruscant to rescue Chancellor Palpatine from Count Dooku while his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, engages General Grievous on Utapau. Anakin’s former padawan, Ahsoka Tano and half of Anakin’s battalion, including Captain Rex, is on Mandalore with Bo Katan to help her capture Darth Maul.
Elsewhere, on the snowy forest world of Kaller, General Bilaba, her padawan, Commander Dume, and Clone Force 99 fight off the swarming battle droids. The General and her padawan were in need of reinforcements, so CF99 was dispatched, despite only having 5 members.
On a nearby Outer Rim planet, Master Iyola and her Padawan, Wyyntrr, are pressing their assault with their battalion. Wyyntrr is an albino Wookiee. He was born blind because of his albinism. As he’s gotten older and stronger with the Force, Wyyntrr has learned to sense where things are. With most Jedi, they use the Force as a source of knowledge and power, but Wyyntrr’s master, Iyola, has taught him to use the Force as an extension of his senses instead.
The two are leading their battalion in a stealth mission to push back the Separatist battle droids.
“Just 2 klicks south General,” Commander Pierce, the clone commander, alerts. That’s when Master Iyola freezes, a cold chill running down her spine. Wyyntrr also feels it as well.
“Master?” Wyyntrr asks cautiously. The clone’s hologram beeps.
“Could be good news,” Commander Pierce replies sarcastically.
“Answer it,” Iyola says seriously. The clone commander nods and answers the message. A cloaked figure appears, the shadows of his hood conceals his face.
“CC-4121, execute Order 66,” the mysterious, dark figure orders. Pierce straightens.
“Yes my lord,” Commander Pierce replies coldly before looking at Iyola and Wyyntrr. The Jedi Master takes a protective stance in front of her Padawan. The clone suddenly points his dual blaster pistols at the two Jedi and fires off rapid shots! Master Iyola manages to ignite her purple saber and deflect the barrage of blaster bolts in time.
“Master!” Wyyntrr roars. He ignites his own teal lightsaber and blocks 2 incoming shots.
“Stay behind me Wyyntrr!” Master Iyola orders, trying to keep every nearby trooper in sight.
“What’s going on Master Iyola?!” Wyyntrr asks frantically as he smells the scent of heat and electricity. A blaster bolt! He dodges just in time as the red bolt of light whizzes by his face.
“Get to our ship-I’m right behind you!” Master Iyola snaps.
“GO!” Iyola says, disarming 3 clone troopers with one arching swing of her purple lightsaber. She jumps up, spinning as she does and kicks a nearby trooper back as Wyyntrr runs as fast as he can.
As Iyola blocks two blaster bolts aimed for her head and chest, she’s unable to block the one that hits the back of her thigh.
“Gah!” She yelps in pain.
“Master!” Wyyntrr cries out, skidding to a stop before racing back. Before she can protest, Wyyntrr manages to get to Iyola and deflects 2 blaster shots before letting his Master drape an arm over his shoulders and support her weight. Being a Wookiee, Wyyntrr is physically stronger than the average 11yr old, but he still grunts with effort.
The two Jedi hurry as fast as they can through the dense swampy jungle, hearing the clone troopers right behind them.
“Padawan, listen to me. You are much faster than I am. I can hold them off long enough for you to get back to our ship and go back to the Temple for help-“ General Iyola tells him.
“W-What?! I’m not leaving you! I won’t!” Wyyntrr assures her.
“Wyyn, look at me,” Iyola says in a gentle, soft tone. Wyyntrr immediately listens, knowing how serious she is. He looks in the area where Iyola is. Being blind, he has a tendency to look near instead of look at. He feels her calloused, tough hands gently cup his cheeks.
“You are strong, Wyyntrr. Stronger than you know. Something is wrong with the troopers. I don’t know what’s going on but they are not themselves. You have a good heart Wyyntrr. Please do not lose it,” Iyola tells him, kissing the top of his head lovingly. Knowing what his Master is doing, he lets tears slip out of his bright red eyes as he clings to her waist.
“I will always be with you,” she whispers before slipping her arm off of him and igniting her purple saber. The troopers close in as Wyyntrr slips away. Iyola stands at the ready but is quickly swarmed and surrounded by clones. They unleash a barrage of blaster fire on the Chiss Jedi General. Iyola takes out a couple clones before she takes a hit in her stomach, causing her to freeze. She gasps in pain and that’s when a wave of pain washes over her as the sound of blaster fire is deafening, before the life leaves her eyes. Her lightsaber deactivates and falls to the ground next to her body with a slight thud.
“Find the Commander! Contact the base-we can’t let him escape!” A clone orders. That’s when Commander Pierce, walks out of the shadows and foliage. He walks up to General Iyola’s lifeless body and touches the lightsaber hilt with his foot before bending down to pick it up. He rubs the mud off the hilt before attaching it to his utility belt.
“He won’t get far,” Commander Pierce assures the clone troopers, “move out!”
Wyyntrr runs as fast as he can through the marshy swamp. He’s breathing hard and even though he’s put distance between the clones and himself, Wyyntrr can still hear the troopers pursuing him.
“This way!” He hears a voice cry out and panic rises in his chest. The adrenaline allows his Force abilities to take control and he speeds up.
He’s about to start climbing up a tree when pain suddenly washes over his entire body. His hands immediately come to cover his stomach, but is both relieved and worried when he doesn’t feel blood or any sign of injury.
“Master!” Wyyntrr gasps, his eyes widening. Master Iyola—she’s hurt and Wyyntrr can sense it, thanks to their close bond. That’s when he hears a distant scream. Master Iyola! Wyyntrr starts racing back but when he tries to sense where his Master is, all he feels is emptiness and an intense sadness overtakes the albino Wookiee and he drops to his knees.
“There he is!” A clone trooper exclaims and fires at Wyyntrr. He flinches, dodging the red bolt of light and roars mourningly before leaping as high up as he can into the trees. Thanks to the dense tree cover, he’s able to run through the branches much quicker than slogging through the water and mud.
“Split up!” Pierce motions up to the trees and half the troopers immediately shoot their ascension cables up into the trees and are lifted up.
Wyyntrr gets back to the base but hides in the trees. He shuts his eyes and reaches his hand out. He feels a huge metallic shape and realizes it’s the ship. Wyyntrr gets as close as he can to the protective wall surrounding the base before sensing movement. He takes a breath and makes a huge leap over the wall and starts to flail a bit as he falls. He roars fearfully before hitting the ground, rolling as he does to lessen the impact. He tumbles a bit and shakes off the daze. As he stands up, he senses movement nearby-
“It’s the Commander!” A clone trooper yells and Wyyntrr gasps. He takes off towards the ship as the clones at the base descend down upon the young albino Wookiee. He flinches when he feels the heat of a blaster shot whizz by his head.
Wyyntrr gets grazed by two shots, one on the shoulder and on his right foot, on the heel. He roars a bit in pain but doesn’t stop running. The Padawan makes it back to the ship and seals himself inside.
“Lock the hatch and engage shields!” Wyyntrr commands the ship’s AI. You see with Wyyntrr being blind, General Iyola has customized her ship to recognize voice commands, making it easier for the albino Wookiee.
“Power engines!” Wyyntrr adds as he hops into the pilot’s seat. He feels the vibration of the ship starting up and feels for the steering controls. He grips the handles and pulls up. As he does, Wyyntrr also feels the ship starting to move forwards and upwards at the same time. Wyyntrr feels the ship rock from the back and realizes he’s getting hit from behind.
Wyyntrr accelerates as fast as possible and shoots up as he pulls hard on the steering. The ship tilts almost to 90 degrees.
“Hyperspace coordinates for Coruscant!” Wyyntrr says, pressing the mic button on the steering’s right handle. The autopilot takes control of the hyperdrive and it hums to life. The stars turn streaky as the ship zips into hyperspace. Once he feels the ship lurch forward, Wyyntrr slumps against the chair before sobbing mournfully for his Master.
Clone Force 99 have also left the nearby world of Kaller. To spare Caleb Dume, Hunter lied to Crosshair and now the unit is heading back to Kamino in their ship, the Havoc Marauder.
As Order 66 rages through the galaxy, there is one planet that is relatively safe compared to the others. Kamino, the stormy ocean planet of cloners. They are responsible for the creation of the entire clone army. The chief scientist, Nala Se made no protests when Master Shaak Ti was called to Coruscant. However, the Togruta master has asked her long-time close friend Master Jaeruho to fill in for her. A Crèche Master, Jaeruho is a shaggy, middle aged man that looks older than he is and prefers the company of children. While he’s not the best duelist, Jaeruho is wise with the Force and has realized that to best help The Jedi Order is to protect and teach the children.
Since the beginning of the Clone Wars, Master Jaeruho has taken Jedi Younglings to the planet of Kamino to learn about the clone cadets. Now he’s taken Youngling Maisy with him. She was brought to the Temple as a baby and immediately took a liking to Master Jaeruho, and he with her. Youngling Maisy is an energetic, curious 4yr old that Master Jaeruho often calls ‘too smart for her own good’.
Maisy’s been excited to go to Kamino ever since Jaeruho told her. They got to see the embryo tubes and were now going to see the youngest cadets, the infants and toddlers.
The two walk down a long sterile bright white hallway. As they walk, Master Jaeruho feels the same dark coldness most Jedi felt before the clones’ turn. He freezes and Maisy looks up at him.
“Master Jae? What’s wrong?” the Youngling asks.
“Something’s…wrong,” he warns.
“I’m not sure…things are…clouded,” he whispers. That’s when they hear lots of footsteps coming down the hall.
“Come little one-we must hurry-“ he says, motioning to the girl and she reaches up so he can easily lift her into his arms.
They hurry down the hallway but Jaeruho skids to a stop when he hears more footsteps coming from the opposite way.
“Ok Maisy-I need you to listen to me very carefully-“ he says as he sets the girl down. The Jedi Master draws his pale lime green saber. He looks down both ways of the hall, judging where to focus first.
“Master-look-“ Maisy says, pressing the biggest button on the nearby console. A door whooshes open.
“In! Hurry!” Jaeruho motions and they run in, letting the door close in time. Jaeruho deactivates his saber and motions for the girl to be still and quiet as he watches the door. Silhouettes of the clone troopers hurry by but none stop.
“Master-“ Maisy whispers.
“Silence Youngling,” Jaeruho snaps quietly.
“Maisy-I mean it-“ The man insists, not taking his eyes off the door. His grip tightens on his lightsaber hilt.
A tense, silent moment passes until Master Jaeruho quietly sighs with relief. He turns and sees Maisy frozen in fear. Frowning in confusion, he follows her gaze until he spots a young cadet with golden blond hair, rich tan skin and bright, deep brown eyes with matching dark, thick eyebrows. Unlike the other cadets, this one is a girl, Master Jaeruho realizes. She’s wearing the same headpiece Nala Se wears too, the older man notices.
“Who are you?” He asks as Maisy clings to his leg, peeking out to look at the older girl.
“My name’s Omega. You’re Jedi…aren’t you?” The girl, Omega, asks. Master Jaeruho nods.
“Master Jaeruho and Youngling Maisy,” he introduces. Omega looks at the little girl peeking out from behind Jaeruho’s leg.
“I’ve never met another human female before. I only have brothers,” Omega says.
“Omega, do you know what’s going on?” Jaeruho asks seriously, getting the blonde girl’s attention.
“I’m not sure, but it could be the inhibitor chips,” Omega explains.
“Inhibitor chips?” Jaeruho asks.
“What’s a ‘inbitter’ chip?” Maisy asks.
“In-hi-bi-tor chip. They’re in all the clones except for Alpha and me,” Omega explains. Master Jaeruho’s stony eyes widen. He’d read Master Kenobi’s report on the Kaminoans right before the war. Alpha was the clone Jango Fett wanted for a son…Boba Fett.
“Boba-“ Jaeruho whispers, causing Maisy to look up at him in confusion, but Omega nods. She’s never met him before, despite being genetically identical, but Omega has heard Nala Se talk about the boy before he escaped the Kaminoans at the start of the Clone War. She had assumed he looked like the various other cadets that are a bit older than her. Omega had hoped she would meet him someday. She knew he was created before her so Omega is unsure if he knows about her…or not.
The sound of footsteps gets everyone’s attention.
“Something’s wrong with the clones,” the Jedi master warns the children.
“Omega…I know the clones to be loyal and trustworthy allies. Can I count on you?” Master Jaeruho asks seriously. Sensing how serious the older man is, Omega nods as Maisy looks worriedly between the two.
“I wanna help however I can,” Omega assures Master Jaeruho. He relaxes when he feels the older girl telling the truth.
“Listen to me, both of you,” he says, motioning for the girls to come closer.
“The clone troopers are going door to door checking for me. They know I’m here, somewhere. I’ve felt a dark shift in the Force and…the future of the Jedi and the galaxy is…uncertain. We must get back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. I can create a diversion so that you two can escape. Omega, my ship is the T-6 Jedi Shuttle at Hangar 13-B,” Master Jaeruho says, taking out his lightsaber. He opens it up and the children watch curiously. They easily spot the glowing blue kyber crystal and awe at it.
“Youngling—I want you to take this,” he says, handing Maisy the small blue crystal.
“I-I don’t understand-“ She tells him, taking it anyways.
“I have a plan. I’m not the best with a lightsaber and I can’t have the kyber crystal in the wrong hands in case anything happens. I know it’ll be much safer with you, Maisy….with both of you,” Master Jaeruho says, including Omega, who nods. Maisy takes the small crystal and shoves it in her pocket and nods.
“I won’t let you down,” Maisy tells the man. He smiles warmly.
“I know. Now stay with Omega, no matter what, ok? She knows Kamino better than me and knows where our ship is. She will get you there,” Master Jaeruho says.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” Omega reassures Maisy, offering a hand. The Youngling looks at the female clone and finds herself nodding before taking Omega’s hand.
“I’ll meet you both at the ship,” the Jedi Master tells the girls.
Jaeruho motions for the girls to hide. Omega gently pulls Maisy along and the two hide in the cabinet space under the countertop at the back. Jaeruho puts his saber on his belt and hurries out, immediately catching attention from passing clone troopers.
“There he is! BLAST HIM!” The girls hear before blaster fire. Maisy moves to get out and help her Master but Omega grabs hold of her upper arm.
“No-we can’t. Not yet-“ Omega warns quietly. Before Maisy can argue, they hear the door whoosh open and footsteps walking in. The sound moves around and they can hear various sounds of rifling.
“Clear. Keep moving. The Jedi split up. The kid’s gotta be here somewhere,” the girls hear a trooper say. Seeing how afraid the Youngling looks, Omega reaches out and grabs her hand, squeezing gently to calm the girl. She looks at Omega who nods ever so slightly. Maisy gulps down her panic and nerves before remembering that she wouldn’t let her master down. She can be brave, like the Jedi are supposed to be.
The door whooshes open again before it closes and Omega sighs with relief.
“Ok, c’mon, we gotta hurry,” Omega tells Maisy as they crawl out of their hiding place. They hurry over to the door panel and Omega opens the door only a crack so she can peek out. Making sure it’s clear both ways, Omega opens the door all the way and the two hurry out.
“This way,” Omega says, grabbing Maisy’s hand. The two hurry down the hallway.
The girls turn to the right when the hall splits off into two ways but Omega immediately stops, causing Maisy to bump into her. Omega spots Taun We, a Kaminoan scientist that often kept an eye on her and gasps. Before Maisy can ask, Omega turns and slams the button on a nearby console to open a supply closet.
“Hide!” Omega hisses, nearly pushing the Youngling in.
“H-Hey-!” Maisy exclaims as Omega shuts the door on her.
“There you are Omega,” Taun We says, “Nala Se has been looking for you. You know the facility is in lockdown.”
“I-I know but I had to finish some research at the library-“ Omega lies. She’s not a very good liar, but she often does find herself in the library more often than not. Nala Se doesn’t let her have much freedom otherwise.
Taun We nods, not thinking anything of the girl’s explanation.
“I understand, but the Jedi Master and his Youngling are still here. It’s not safe for you to be by yourself,” Taun We says.
“B-But I thought the Jedi were good-“ Omega tries.
“They’ve turned on the Chancellor and tried to assassinate him. They are traitors to the Republic,” Taun We explains. Omega’s eyes widen.
“I’ve told AZI-3 to take you back to Nala Se,” Taun We says before the medical droid floats into view.
“AZI!” Omega smiles happily.
“Hello Omega. It is good to see you again,” AZI responds.
“Nala Se is expecting you. Do not to wander,” Taun We says before walking off.
“Let’s go Omega,” AZI says once the two are alone.
“AZI-I need you to keep a secret-“ Omega says walking up to the closet door. She pushes the panel and the door whooshes open. Omega sees the Youngling looks shocked.
“Who are you?” AZI asks.
“This is Master Jaeruho’s Youngling,” Omega explains. The medical droid blinks in shock before looking at the little girl.
“We have to get to hangar 13-B,” Omega tells the droid.
“The termination of the Jedi is paramount. If Nala Se finds the Youngling-“
“I know-I know-“ Omega interrupts AZI so he doesn’t frighten Maisy even further.
“You promised!” Maisy argues, tugging on Omega’s sleeve.
“It’s ok-I won’t leave you-I promise. I’ll get you to your ship,” Omega insists and the little girl calms down a bit before nodding.
“AZI, I need you to stall Nala Se as long as possible,” Omega tells her droid pal.
“But Omega-“
“AZI—the kid needs me-“ Omega insists, grabbing hold of Maisy’s hand and squeezing lightly.
“I understand. I will keep Nala Se busy,” he says and the girls smile.
“C’mon, we gotta hurry-“ Omega tells the Youngling, who nods. They hurry out while AZI goes to find Nala Se to make sure the head Kaminoan scientist isn’t looking for Omega.
Omega hurries down the hall, pulling Maisy along with her.
“Your friend will be ok, won’t he?” Maisy asks, glancing behind as they rush down the hall.
“Of course. AZI knows the drill,” Omega assures the younger girl. Omega looks at her and sees the small braid in her hair. Omega finds it hard to believe this little girl, barely a child, is a Jedi.
“Your name’s Maisy right?” Omega asks and the younger girl nods.
“It’s gonna be ok,” Omega tries to reassure the Youngling.
Omega turns left and goes all the way down until it splits into either right or left corridors and Omega takes the left. That’s when Maisy feels a cold feeling rush down her spine and settle at the pit of her stomach. The Youngling stops in her tracks and turns around.
“Master-“ she whispers.
“Maisy? C’mon-we have to keep going-” Omega insists. Maisy seems almost frozen.
“He’s in trouble-“ Maisy insists before running back the other way, taking the right corridor instead.
“Wait! Maisy! Come back!” Omega exclaims and chases after the Youngling.
Maisy is able to use the Force to figure out which turns to take. She slips down a smaller, narrow hallway but before she gets to the other side, she’s yanked back.
“Gotchya!” Omega gasps, panting a bit at having to catch the speedy little girl.
“Omega-Master Jaeruho’s in trouble! I know it!” Maisy insists. That’s when the girls suddenly hear blaster fire and fighting. They watch and Maisy’s eyes widen when she hears Master Jaeruho cry out in pain. Before either girl can do anything, they see the Jedi Master get thrown backwards before getting outgunned! The girls watch in horror as a spray of blaster bolts head right for the Jedi Master. He uses the last bit of his strength to stop the incoming blaster fire before sensing a familiar presence. He turns and down the small hallway, he sees Maisy and Omega! More blaster fire rings out and hits Master Jaeruho as he is preoccupied with holding back the first wave of blaster fire. Pain shoots all around Maisy both inside and outside despite having no physical injury.
Before the Youngling can scream in horror and run to her Master, Omega reaches around the girl with one arm, holding her and uses her other hand to cover the Youngling’s mouth, muffling the noise.
“Mmmmff!!! Mmmm-mmmmhhh!!” Maisy glares at Omega through teary eyes
The young clone carries the little girl away, keeping a tight grip on Maisy. The Youngling fights with everything she’s got but Omega is simply stronger than the 4yr old. Once they’re safe, Omega lets go and Maisy glares up at the older girl, swinging her fists at Omega’s legs, hitting the older girl’s thighs a couple times.
“Why did you do that?! I could’ve saved him!” Maisy snaps angrily. Omega reaches out and grabs Maisy by her shoulders.
“There wasn’t anything you could’ve done—you would’ve died with him,” Omega insists, holding the girl. Sadness washes away the anger Maisy feels. She feels her chest, where she felt the pain the most. Where the blaster bolts hit Master Jaeruho. Luckily the pain faded as soon as it came but the sadness is almost too much.
“He…He’s dead. He’s dead and I’m alone,” Maisy chokes back a sob.
“No, I’m with you now and forever Maisy. I will protect you, I promised Master Jaeruho,” Omega insists. Maisy nods and starts crying at the mention of her now deceased Master. Omega gently pulls Maisy into her and hugs the little girl, getting her attention. Maisy cautiously brings her own arms up and wraps them around Omega.
“We have to get to the hangar. The only safe place for you is on your ship,” Omega says as they part and Maisy sniffles but nods in agreement.
“Ok,” she replies glumly before taking Omega’s hand and follows the older girl.
The two girls get to hangar 13-B as the immediate security alert stops. It’s almost dead silent and hardly anyone else is there.
“Over there!” Maisy points to Master Jaeruho’s ship.
“Let’s go,” Omega says and the two hurry as fast as they can. That’s when Omega spots clone troopers, the Coruscant guard specifically, and pulls Maisy behind a stack of crates and motions for the girl to be quiet. Maisy gasps and clings to Omega’s leg, gripping her pants tightly and squeezing firmly, her face buried in Omega’s hip. Omega can feel the fear radiating off of the little girl and it reminds the young clone of similar feelings when Nala Se would perform medical procedures on her. No one was there for Omega at the time, but she can stop someone else from going through those feelings alone. She pries the Youngling off her leg long enough to kneel down and fully wrap the girl in a hug. Omega picks Maisy up and the Youngling buries her head under Omega’s jaw, tucking her face into the young clone’s neck. Her arms are clinging around the back of Omega’s neck while the girl’s legs are wrapped around Omega’s waist so tight she doesn’t really need to support the Youngling, but Omega does anyways to make her easier to hold.
“Hold on,” Omega whispers making sure it’s clear before making a beeline for the T-6 Jedi shuttle.
Omega opens the hatch door and hurries inside, shutting the door behind them.
“Ok, we’ve made it,” Omega says, trying to put Maisy down, but she won’t let go. Sensing the younger girl needs to be comforted, Omega looks around until she spots the small hall that leads to the bunks. Omega walks over and sets the girl down before looking at the messy bunk with pictures taped up all over the wall and realizes this is where Maisy sleeps. She looks at the pictures and sees that despite the crude 4yr old drawing, it’s a picture of her and Master Jaeruho. There are other kids in a couple other drawings and there’s even a picture of her, Master Jaeruho and a small, wrinkled green figure with a walking stick. Omega marvels at the pictures and how personal the space seems to be. Omega lives in Nala Se’s private lab and it’s very basic and bare because the chief scientist won’t let Omega decorate (believing such things to be a waste of time and resources).
“Ok you have to stay here. Lock the ship. I’m gonna get help,” Omega tells Maisy.
“Y-You’re leaving me?” Maisy whimpers, sniffling wetly.
“I know some people that can help us get to the Jedi Temple. I have to go talk to them and you need to stay safe. I’ll be back for you, I promise,” Maisy wipes her eyes and nods.
“Ok. I’ll stay safe and wait for you,” Maisy says glumly. Omega gently strokes Maisy’s wild, shaggy dark brown hair and smiles before nodding once and hurrying out.
Omega’s POV
I walk out of the ship and once the door closes, I hear the locking mechanism click. Good, at least the Youngling will be safe here. I hurry out of the hangar and make my way back to Nala Se.
“Mandatory assembly, all personnel report to general assembly area,” the voice over the PA system. Nala Se will be there.
I make my way to the upper viewing deck and see Nala Se. AZI-3 is nowhere in sight. Great, I sigh.
“Omega, where have you been? You know not to wander off,” the Kaminoan scientist scolds. Despite the natural calm tone Kaminoans have, I can tell how stern and upset Nala Se is.
“I-I’m sorry. I was…hiding from the Jedi,” I lie.
“There is no need to worry, Jedi Master Jaeruho has been terminated. His lightsaber,” Nala Se says, holding the metal hilt out to show me. My eyes widen. Nala Se turns and hands the saber hilt to Lama Su, the Prime Minister, who tucks it away in his clothes. That’s when a hologram of Chancellor Palpatine appears. He’s wearing the hood of his cloak but his eyes…they’re dark and cold.
I stand beside Nala Se and look out at the sea of clone troopers. I hope they’re here. I scan the crowds as the Chancellor makes his speech. That’s when I spot them. Clone Force 99. The troopers in black and red armor. I make eye contact with Hunter, the sergeant of the squad and smile.
“The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. Any collaborators will suffer the same fate. These have been trying times, but we have passed the test. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger. The war is over. The Seperatists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society,” Palpatine’s hologram announces. Everyone cheers and even the Kaminoans clap.
“Refresher-“ I tell Nala Se before racing out to get to the hall that leads to the main assembly area, where I saw Clone Force 99.
Hunter’s POV
“What is it?” Tech asks me when he sees me looking up where the Kaminoans are. I saw a little girl with blonde hair and when I turn back, I see that she’s gone.
“Nothing,” I say.
“In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society,” Chancellor Palpatine announces. Everyone cheers.
“Still don’t think the others are programmed?” Tech asks me. I sigh. Things are…uncertain, that much is clear.
After the assembly, we gather and before we leave, are approached by Governor Tarkin. I’ve never met him but I know Echo’s worked with him before. Echo doesn’t like him and Tarkin doesn’t like us.
“Well, Sergeant Hunter, isn’t it? I must say I am impressed with you and your squad’s abilities, especially on Kaller,” he says. Flashes of Commander Dume making that enormous leap over the chasm makes me pause.
“Though I suppose the accolades should go to your sniper,” he says and my eyes widen slightly.
“According to his report, you let Commander Dume escape while CT-9904 pursued the commander,” Tarkin says so I open my mouth to reply when he raises a hand, stopping me.
“No need for excuses. Allow me to give you another chance to prove your worth. Onderon has had recent insurgent activity. You and your squad will go and squash any attempt at rebellion,” Tarkin orders.
“Yes sir,” I respond and he nods once before walking off, leaving us alone.
“C’mon let’s head back to our barracks,” I tell my brothers before heading out into the great hallway.
We walk through the white sterile halls. I think over that ominous message the Chancellor said until I feel another presence.
“Galactic Empire? We’re soldiers of the Republic,” Echo argues.
“Republic, Empire, what’s the difference?” Crosshair asks.
“The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me,” Tech pipes up. I stop when I’m sure we’re being followed.
“Lads, we’ve got company,” I announce and turn around. The others do as well and I see that little girl from earlier. She smiles and waves at us.
“Hello-“ she says.
“What’s that?” Wrecker asks, bending over to look at the girl.
“My name’s Omega,” she introduces herself, “I was wondering when you guys were coming back. I’m glad I found you. I need your help,” the girl, Omega, explains.
“You know who we are?” I ask and she smiles and nods.
“Hunter, Tech, Wrecker, Echo and Crosshair. You’re Clone Force 99,” Omega says, sounding off our names as she looks at each of us.
“What’re you doing on Kamino kid?” I ask. Before the girl can explain, Nala Se approaches.
“Her job. She is my medical assistant, one with a curious mind that causes her to wander,” the Kaminoan head scientist explains before reaching out to Omega.
“Come along Omega,” Nala Se says. Knowing better than to argue, Omega grabs Nala Se’s outstretched hand and lets the Kaminoan guide her away. As they turn a corner, Omega looks back at the clone squad and waves.
“This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder,” I comment.
3rd POV
As Nala Se and Omega walk down the hall, Nala Se talks with Omega.
“There hasn’t been any sightings of the Jedi Youngling so I want you to stay in my lab,” Nala Se tells the girl.
“I can take care of myself-“ Omega insists.
“I mean it Omega, no more wandering. Not until we find the Jedi,” Nala Se insists.
“Fine, can I at least go to the library? I’ll get the holodiscs I want and go right back I promise,” Omega insists. Nala Se sighs, knowing Omega well enough that if she were to say no the girl would go anyways.
“Very well,” she says and Omega sighs with relief before running off.
Instead of going to the library, Omega heads to the barracks to find Clone Force 99 and talk to them. She navigates through the halls and gets to one of the other thousands of barracks and stops to take a steadying breath. Omega knows it’s going to be a lot to explain, she just hopes they’ll listen to her. She reaches out nervously and presses the ringer on the computer pad.
Inside, the group turns to the door before sharing looks.
“No one ever wants to see us,” Tech comments. Hunter approaches the door and opens it and when he doesn’t see someone immediately, he looks down and spots Omega!
“H-Hello-can I talk to you?” Omega asks. Hunter glances back at the rest of his squad. Crosshair rolls his eyes while Tech, Wrecker and Echo all look unsure and shrug.
“Hunter, the Onderon mission,” Crosshair insists.
“What is it kid? We can’t stick around for long,” Hunter tells her.
“I need your help, please,” Omega insists.
“Help? With what?” Wrecker asks.
“There was a Jedi Master here,” Omega says. The others freeze and Hunter and Tech share a look while Wrecker’s eyes widen and Echo and Crosshair share an uneasy look.
“Th-The clones—they…they turned on him-“ she stutters slightly, remembering how she had seen him before getting gunned down and shot. How she had to pull Maisy away as fast as she could as the little Youngling fought as hard as she could to get to her master. Hunter stiffens at the description of Order 66.
“Hunter, I’m leaving for the mission. Come or not but I won’t make the same mistake you made on Kaller,” Crosshair says before walking out to go to Onderon and Hunter sighs.
“Cross wait-“ Wrecker tries but Tech puts a hand on his shoulder before motioning to Hunter.
“He’ll come back,” Hunter assures everyone before looking at Omega.
“So you said that the Jedi General that was here…was killed?” Hunter asks seriously and Omega nods.
“He was gunned down. I saw it,” she insists.
“And…so did the Youngling that was with him,” Omega adds hastily.
“Youngling?!” Echo asks clearly shocked.
“What’s a Youngling?” Wrecker asks.
“A Youngling will become a Padawan. Younglings are…little,” Echo tries to explain. Aging is a weird concept for clones since most of them have accelerated aging.
“What happened to the Youngling?” Hunter asks.
“I found her…I got her to her ship but we need help. Her master said to go back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” Omega explains.
“Hunter, Crosshair is close to leaving…and I don’t think he’ll wait for us,” Tech says.
“The Jedi have always supported us, fought alongside us. Plus this is a little kid, barely a child. A Youngling won’t survive Hunter, you know it,” Echo argues.
“It’s practically illegal to be a Jedi now. You all saw what happened on Kaller. If one of us turns—“ Hunter says, but that’s when Omega steps up.
“I can help you with that. Nala Se put inhibitor chips inside every clone,” Omega explains.
“I can help you get them out,” Omega says. Hunter, Wrecker and Echo all share an unsure look when Tech steps up.
“She is a clone. I analyzed my initial scan from when we met in the hall,” Tech says, “and being Nala Se’s medical assistant doesn’t hurt,” he adds.
“What about your chip?” Hunter asks.
“I don’t have one,” Omega states factually. The others blink in surprise.
“Aw-no fair-“ Wrecker mumbles quietly.
“If I help you get your inhibitor chips out, will you help us?” Omega asks, desperately looking between the clone troopers.
Echo, Tech and Wrecker all look to Hunter, waiting for the sergeant to make the call. Hunter rubs the side of his head. Even though he felt fine on Kaller, albeit confused as hell, there’s no guarantee the chip won’t reactivate at any time, for any of them. And Crosshair seems to be proof of that. Hunter sighs.
“Alright, we’ll help you,” the sergeant reluctantly replies.
“What about Crosshair?” Tech asks.
“Once he comes back we’ll get his chip out too,” Hunter reassures Tech, who nods.
“We have to get the Youngling to the Jedi,” Echo says. Having worked with the Jedi the most out of the group, he’s the most willing to help.
“First, these inhibitor chips,” Hunter says, rubbing his temple. Echo nods in agreement.
“All medical facilities are on lockdown,” Tech warns.
“Hurry, we don’t have a lot of time,” Hunter says and they all hurry out to find the nearest sterilized room.
Crosshair storms out of the barracks angrily. He knew they were more than the average clone trooper. They were special. They were meant for greatness in the coming changes to the galaxy and Crosshair was frustrated Hunter couldn’t understand that. But he would show them. He’d show them all that he could be capable if given the chance. The sniper walks through the halls, thinking on the girl that showed up at their door, the same one from earlier after the assembly.
Hunter didn’t even know this girl, and yet he listened to her but didn’t even consider Crosshair’s position. Crosshair knew since Kaller that he and Hunter wouldn’t fully agree but the sniper wished his sergeant would at least think about his options.
Crosshair gets to the hangar they left the Marauder in.
“You must be CT-9904 of Clone Force 99?” Crosshair hears a voice. He turns and sees Governor Tarkin approaching him. There’s a man with slightly wavy, rich brown hair that’s slicked back and in a drab gray uniform with the Governor that Crosshair doesn’t recognize.
“Sir,” Crosshair answers, standing at attention.
“Where is the rest of your squad?” Tarkin asks.
“They are needed elsewhere,” Crosshair responds truthfully, “but Hunter has entrusted me with the mission. I am more than capable,” the sniper assures Tarkin. The Governor looks at Crosshair.
“Very well. Succeed in this mission and you’ll be rewarded with an important position in this new Empire,” Tarkin tells Crosshair, who nods.
“Yes sir,” Crosshair responds as the two begin to walk away.
“And trooper?” Tarkin asks, getting the sniper’s attention. Crosshair stops and glances back at Governor Tarkin.
“Your initiative on Kaller has not gone unnoticed. Consider any accolades or commendations to be solely yours. You may yet prove to be of more value than your defective brothers,” Tarkin says and Crosshair stiffens unsurely.
“Yes sir,” Crosshair repeats. Of course Crosshair wants to be recognized, but he still wants Hunter and the others to be part of it as well. Tarkin nods before walking off, leaving Crosshair alone. Perhaps once he succeeds, Crosshair can use his newly gained favor to convince Tarkin to give the rest of the squad another chance. Crosshair heads to the Havoc Marauder and makes sure he has everything he needs before powering up the ship and taking off.
Maisy’s POV
I’m sitting alone in Master Jaeruho’s ship, trying to keep myself from crying, but I can’t help it. I want Master Jaeruho. I wanna go home, back to the Temple. I want Omega to come back for me. I wish she was here. But I’m all alone.
“I’ll be back for you I promise,” Omega’s voice rings in my head. That’s right, she didn’t leave me. She’ll come back. I just have to be patient (like Master Jaeruho always tells me). I sniffle and wipe the tears out of my eyes before taking a look out the window to make sure it’s still clear. I don’t see anyone at first, not until the hangar door opens on the other side of the room. My eyes widen when I see a whole bunch of clone troopers! I can feel the fear grip me as I freeze. What do I do now? I can’t let them catch me and Omega won’t be able to find me if I leave. I guess there’s only one thing to do. I have to find Omega myself.
I snap out of it and hurry around the ship, making sure to take anything I think I’ll need. I don’t see anything but when I pass by my bunk, I spot the biggest, most colorful drawing I taped up on my wall. It’s me, Master Jaeruho and Master Yoda at the Temple. The tree in the courtyard is in the back. I take it off the wall and fold it up before tucking it inside my outer tunic.
I run over to the cockpit and open the hatch underneath the console. It’s a way out. Crawling through the hatch I manage to drop down and out of the ship’s side. Before anyone can see, I race behind a stack of crates and disappear.
For a moment, I stop and think about Omega. She was really nice to me and Master Jaeruho seemed to trust her. If she really is a clone, then she’s not like the others. Omega is safe. I feel a warmth wash over me and that’s when I see her! She’s hurrying down a hallway and I think there are people with her! I follow the nice, warm feeling out of the hangar and down the maze of halls.
On Onderon…
Crosshair’s POV
The Marauder drops out of hyperspace and I can see Onderon in the distance. I pilot the ship through the planet’s atmosphere and make sure to land in the dense forest for cover. My coordinates are just 5 klicks northeast of here. No problem. I grab my gear and sling my rifle across my back before slipping my helmet on. That’s when our Gonk droid powers on and walks over to me. He’s always been a bit of an odd droid and he’s defective, like us, so he fits right in I suppose.
“Where others?” He beeps.
“On Kamino. This is a solo mission. We’ll go back for them once I complete my mission,” I explain to the droid. He beeps satisfied and heads back towards the gunner’s mount.
“Stay here and guard the ship. Keep your comms on. I’ll contact you when I’m coming back,” I instruct.
“Yes. Stay. Watch ship,” the droid beeps. I nod and walk out, locking the bay door shut behind me.
I make sure to input my coordinates into my helmet before starting to trek through the forest. The insurgents I’m supposed to eliminate have been causing enough trouble to get the attention of Governor Tarkin. Part of me wonders if they are surviving Jedi.
I climb over a fallen tree but when I’m up top, I take a look around through the scope on my helmet. Nothing. Good, at least I’m not being followed. I keep moving and weave through the trees, avoiding dense brush that I can’t get through. Hunter would just use his vibroknife to slice through but time is of the essence and I can’t spend time cutting through.
I do have to stop when I come to a small river. I look around and don’t see a way across. I reach on my belt and pull out the grappling hook attachment for my rifle. I attach it to the 300 foot ascension cable before loading it to my rifle. I aim for the tree directly across from me and aim up, a good 20 feet. I fire and the hook wraps around a tree limb and one of the prongs of the hook catches on the rope. I press the trigger to start pulling me and increase the speed so I practically fly over the water. I release the line and land quietly on the other side. I tug on the cable and the hook unfolds and the cable falls off the limb. I retract the cable and put the hook back onto my belt before continuing a brisk pace through the woods.
It’s been hours and the sun is low, almost set. I use my helmet scope to make sure I’m still headed in the right direction. That’s when I see a small dot of red! A heat signature! My eyes widen. I hurry up and after making my way through the woods, I come to a clearing. The heat signatures grow and as I get closer, I see even more. I climb up onto a small rocky outcropping and grab my rifle. I aim and when I look through he scope, I’m shocked to see civilians! I expected surviving Jedi but…but there are families and children here. Insurgents are insurgents, a passing thought reminds me.
“Pull the trigger, and you’re dead,” I hear a voice. I freeze and that’s when I notice I’m surrounded! They got me when I was caught off guard.
“Put the rifle down, clone,” another voice orders. I glare at them through my helmet before slowly lowering my rifle, knowing not to fight back.
“Take him,” the third, a female, orders and the other two people come over to cuff me while the female takes my rifle. I sigh but I don’t resist.
I’m lead through to the campsite. The other people see us and when they see me, they turn cautious and stare at me.
“Well well, I figured it was only a matter of time before you clones tracked us down,” I hear a man’s voice. I turn and see a dark skinned man with bright green eyes and a beard approach me from the shadows. He’s wearing worn, mismatching armor and appears to be the leader of these insurgents.
“Who are you?” I ask gruffly.
“Humph, my name doesn’t matter. What’s important is that you are my prisoner now. Where are the rest of your clone brothers?” He asks.
“Kamino,” I respond sarcastically, however truthful. His face hardens.
“I don’t think you understand your predicament,” he says.
“Take his helmet off, I wanna see his face,” he orders and that’s when my helmet’s yanked off. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the dim sunset lighting and I see the man staring me down. I glare back at him.
“Hmm…You’re a clone alright. Armor’s different, you a commander?” he asks, trying to figure out who I am. I stay quiet before looking around. The children are hiding behind the adults, glaring up at me. The young man in faded, worn armor chuckles humorlessly, getting my attention.
“Not expecting to see the truth?” He asks.
“You are insurgents-“ I say.
“That’s what they told you?! Well take a good look at who you were sent to destroy!” he snaps angrily.
“Makes you wonder what else they aren’t telling you,” he says.
“So what do you want?” I ask.
“I’m not going to kill you if that’s what you’re wondering,” he informs me.
“We fight against the tyranny of the newly formed Empire ever since Chancellor Palpatine unjustly declared himself Emperor,” he says.
“The Jedi tried to assassinate the Emperor. They are traitors to the Empire, just like all of you,” I growl.
“Humph, the other clones like Captain Rex sure are smarter than you,” he says and my eyes widen at the name.
“You..know Captain Rex?” I ask. He nods.
“We fought side by side with the clones once. And now, the Jedi are dead. Most of the clones have turned on the citizens they were supposed to protect and killed their Generals in cold blood. There’s no one who can fight for us now, we have to take our own freedom,” he says.
I will admit to being caught off guard, but good soldiers follow orders.
“Most clones?” I ask, thinking on the man’s words.
“You could’ve pulled the trigger earlier. But you looked to see who we were,” he says.
“Why?” He asks.
“It didn’t feel right,” I admit quietly and he nods.
“The clones helped free Onderon. Without them, we wouldn’t be here. The War with the Separatists may be over, but the civil war is just beginning. You can either adapt and survive or die with the past. The choice is yours,” he says, moving behind me. He uncuffs me and I rub my wrists.
“You know I’m only here for my mission. I don’t care what happens to you or Onderon, as long as I destroy the insurgents but…wanting to follow your own path shouldn’t be considered an insurgency,” I say and the dark skinned man smiles and nods.
“Thank you. You’re not like the other clones,” he says and I nod.
“CT—9904, Crosshair,” I introduce, standing at attention instinctively.
“Crosshair, you’re a good soldier,” he says and outstretches his hand to me.
“Saw Gerrera,” he introduces as I clasp his hand with my gloved hand and nod.
“We should pack up and move, Saw,” the female says, handing me my rifle back. I take it and sling the gun over my shoulder. The freedom fighter to the right hands me my helmet.
“Right. Get everyone organized,” Saw orders and the others start packing up.
“I have to get back and think of a clever enough lie,” I say and Saw nods.
“Good luck. You’re welcome to fight with us any time,” Saw offers and I nod.
“Thanks, but I was born to be a soldier,” I say.
“Yeah, just be sure to be a soldier on the right side of the fight,” he says and I nod and put my helmet back on before heading back to the Havoc Marauder, thinking about Saw’s final words all the way back.
I hadn’t had time to dwell on it but the Empire is key to our survival. That’s why I need to be a part of it instead of being destroyed by it. Hunter and the others…they don’t understand. But they’ll see. They’ll all see in time. I contact Gonky to prep the ship.
Back on Kamino…
Maisy’s POV
I race down what feels like the 100th hallway when I suddenly see Omega run by. My eyes widen and relief washes over me.
“Omega!” I cry out and dash to her. She skids to a stop and spots me. Before she can call my name, I leap at and collide with Omega’s hips and wrap my arms around her waist. I was so caught up in the moment, I didn’t even see the people with her.
“Maisy! Wh-What’re you doing?! We were coming to get you-“ Omega asks. I pull back and look up at her.
“Troopers were coming in the hangar. I had to leave-but I found you!” I exclaim. She nods but before she says anything else, I spot the others with her and my eyes widen when I see they’re clones! I gasp and back away from everyone fearfully. Master Jaeruho—he…they…I feel frozen as tears stream down my face.
“It’s ok, they’re not like the other clones,” Omega’s voice cuts through the fear. I blink and look at her.
“They won’t hurt you, I promise,” she assures me. I feel myself take a breath as I sense the truth to the older girl’s words. I nod, sniffling and wiping my eyes before eyeing the clones cautiously.
“Who are you?” The trooper with goggles asks me. The others look at me.
“This is Maisy,” Omega introduces, holding a hand out to me. I take it before hiding behind her.
“This is Clone Force 99. Hunter, Tech, Echo, and Wrecker,” Omega introduces, pointing at each of them in turn.
“You’re the Youngling the longnecks were looking for,” the big one called Wrecker, says.
“Don’t worry, we’re here to help,” the one with long hair, Hunter, adds, but I stay quiet.
“The sterile room is just down this corridor,” Tech, the trooper with goggles says.
“C’mon, we have to hurry-“ Omega says and pulls me along with them.
We get to the end of the hall and stop in front of one of the millions of doors that look exactly the same. The door whooshes open and we hurry inside. Tech locks it once we’re all in. I look at the trooper with pale skin and a missing arm. Echo. His left arm-it’s a scomp instead. I look and see Echo’s legs are prosthetics as well. Echo looks at me and almost immediately looks away though I don’t know why. I look around the room and see it’s nothing special.
“What’re we doing here?” I ask.
“We have to get the inhibitor chips out of them,” Omega explains. I remember Omega talking about the chips from earlier, when I was hiding with Master Jaeruho and I nod in agreement. If those chips made the clones kill Master Jaeruho, then they need to come out.
“Echo, scan the computers for any information about the chips. Tech start up the medical scanner. Wrecker. Keep an eye on the girls. I’m up first,” Hunter says, taking off his bandana. He pulls out a vibroknife and shaves a small spot on the side of his head.
“Hunter-I found something from Captain Rex!” Echo alerts. We all gather around Echo and the console.
“Who’s Captain Rex?” Omega asks.
“A friend of ours,” Hunter replies.
“I…I don’t believe it-“ Echo gasps.
“What? What is it?” Wrecker and Hunter ask at the same time. I see tears start falling out of Echo’s eyes.
“It’s…It’s Fives-“ he says.
“Hunter-the scanner’s ready-“ Tech says, getting Hunter���s attention.
“Who’s Fives?” Wrecker asks Echo.
“He’s…he was my brother…we…we were the last of Domino Squad. I…I was at the Citadel with him when—“ Echo trails off.
“They…they killed him. Rex says Fives and Tup discovered the inhibitor chips and the Kaminoans…the longnecks kept them quiet. So they wouldn’t expose the chips, they were killed,” Echo says, his voice wavering as he holds back his sadness. I see Wrecker and Omega share a worriedly look so I step towards Echo and reach out, taking his prosthetic in my hand. He looks down at me and I look up at him silently, just an empathetic look on my face.
“I…I’m sorry. I never knew what happened to Fives and now…finding out he’s dead,” Echo says and I nod.
“You’re still here though. And we need you,” I tell him and he nods once, wiping his eyes with his hand.
“Echo, does the report say anything about what the effects of removing the chips are?” Tech asks, getting his attention as Hunter sits down on the table.
“Tup died after having it removed. According to Rex, Fives believed he was part of a plot, which we now know is Order 66,” Echo says, “he escaped Kaminoan custody and was gunned down by the Coruscant Guard,” Echo explains.
“If we remove the chips…we won’t know what’ll happen after, right?” Omega asks and he nods.
“Kid…if…if we do anything to hurt you or scare you…you have to use your Jedi powers on us,” Hunter tells me. My eyes widen. I poke my head out from behind Echo and stare at Hunter.
“W-What?” I ask, clearly shocked.
“There’s a good chance we’ll die but if we don’t and we still have to follow Order 66, then you have to save yourself and use your Jedi powers,” Hunter encourages. I look to Omega and she nods.
“He’s right. I don’t have a chip and I’m only Nala Se’s medical assistant—I’ll protect you but I can’t fight like a soldier,” Omega tells me. I find myself nodding.
“O-Ok,” I mumble and Hunter nods approvingly before laying on his back. We watch as Tech uses the scanner on Hunter’s head. Echo picks me up and I cling to him as we watch.
After a while, nothing shows up on the scanner.
“Tech? Anything?” Hunter asks.
“I’m not picking anything up,” Tech frowns.
“Try 3 millimeters up from my right temple,” Hunter says and Tech adjusts the machine before trying again.
“How does Hunter know that?” I ask.
“They all have enhanced abilities. Hunter’s is sensing electromagnetic pulses,” Echo explains.
The scanner machine beeps in error again at not finding anything.
“I don’t understand why the scanner isn’t detecting anything,” Tech says.
“Echo, does Captain Rex’s report say anything about how they found the chips?” Wrecker asks and Echo shakes his head.
“Just that the scanner found them-“ Echo says. I look between Echo and the scanner machine.
“I can help,” I assure them and before anyone can protest, I wriggle out of Echo’s grip and hurry over to the other side of the table so I’m near Hunter’s head.
“Turn on the scanner on 3,” I tell Tech and he nods. I reach out and put my hands on either side of Hunter’s head.
“1…2…3-“ we count together. I shut my eyes and take a breath.
“Remember Youngling, you are one with the Force. As a Jedi, the Force will always be with you. You are one with the Force, and the Force is with you,” I hear Master Jaeruho’s words echo in my mind.
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me,” I say out loud and repeat it over and over.
“I am one with the Force and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force and the Force is with me-“ Hunter starts repeating the words with me. That’s when the scanner suddenly beeps!
“Found it!” Tech says, clearly surprised.
“Ok, Tech let’s hurry,” Omega says and he nods. Now that there’s time to at least sit and think about what happened, I feel how tired I am. I slump against the opposite wall and feel my eyes shut.
I’m suddenly shaken awake. Weird…I usually dream but…there was nothing this time. I blink and rub my eyes tiredly before yawning.
“What’s going on?” I ask tiredly.
“Everyone’s got their inhibitor chips out,” Omega tells me and I wake up. I look between the soldiers and see they are just smiling at me kindly.
“Do you guys feel ok?” Omega asks and Hunter nods.
“Never better kid,” Hunter replies. I see everyone has a small white bandage on the side of their heads.
“W-What do we do now? Master Jaeruho’s ship was taken-“ I tell them.
“We have a ship, the Havoc Marauder. We just have to wait for our 5th member to come back,” Tech explains.
“5th member?” I ask.
“Crosshair, our sniper,” Wrecker explains.
“We have to get his chip out when he comes back and then we’ll all leave Kamino together,” Hunter says.
“And…and never come back?” Omega asks tentatively and I’m just now realizing that she wants to leave like me. Hunter nods.
“And never come back,” he confirms and Omega smiles.
“Crosshair should be back any minute now. We have to get to him before the Kaminoans do,” Echo says and Hunter nods in agreement.
“Right, let’s go-“ Hunter says and the group heads out of the room.
“C’mon li’l Jedi,” Wrecker tells me, holding out his hands. I leap into him and he picks me up easily with one arm and runs out with the others.
Meanwhile, returning from Onderon…
3rd POV
Crosshair returns to Kamino, all while thinking on Saw Gerrera’s words. If he was going to work with the Empire, he would need to know EVERYTHING about the missions from now on. However, a thought keeps popping up in the back of his mind. Insurgents didn’t necessarily mean droids. But he can’t get the faces of the children out of his mind either. He couldn’t harm the children, even if they were rebels. The Commander was different, he was a Jedi. Crosshair sighs and leans back in his seat. His head hurts so he rubs his temple slightly. What was he going to say to Governor Tarkin? Hunter may have lied about that Jedi kid on Kaller, but Crosshair knows the Empire wouldn’t believe such a ridiculous lie if he were to say something similar.
Crosshair flies the Marauder through the stormy atmosphere of Kamino and into Tipoca City. He heads to the nearest hangar and lands inside.
“I’ll go get the others. Wait for us on the ship,” Crosshair tells Gonky, who beeps obediently. The sniper departs the ship and glances over, spotting an irregular ship. A T-6 Jedi Cruiser! Crosshair sees the ship is covered in magnetic locks and even blocked off, something Crosshair thinks is strange.
He hurries through the horrible sterile white hallways that hurt his eyes and that’s when he hears footsteps. He squints slightly and sees Nala Se! Crosshair swallows the lump in his throat that formed at the sight of the scientist.
“CT-9904, come with me,” she orders calmly and Crosshair silently follows the Kaminoan until he decides to speak up.
“I was to report back to Governor Tarkin,” Crosshair informs her.
“Governor Tarkin is waiting for us,” she says and his eyes widen slightly.
They get to Lama Su’s office and see that both the Prime Minister and Governor Tarkin are waiting for them.
“Ah, CT-9904, I hope my faith in you has not been unfounded,” Tarkin says.
“I’m afraid I found no sign of any insurgents,” Crosshair says and Tarkin’s expression darkens.
“It seemed as if they knew they were being watched,” the sniper explains.
“Well, I must say I’m disappointed. Perhaps you’re right Doctor,” Tarkin tells Nala Se, causing Crosshair to look between the two.
“CT-9904, we have decided to give you one chance to help yourself. Do you know where your squad is?” Lama Su asks. Crosshair glares at everyone.
“No. I haven’t seen or talked with them since leaving for Onderon,” Crosshair growls. He wouldn’t give up his brothers so easily even if he did know where they were or what they were doing. Lama Su and Nala Se share a nod before Tarkin motions.
Suddenly Crosshair is swarmed by the Coruscant Guard and is held down.
“H-Hey! Get off me! I didn’t disobey my mission! I didn’t!” Crosshair snaps and tries with all his might to break free, but the others have a firm grip on him. That’s when the sniper feels a sharp, cold pinch on the side of his neck before feeling tired. He tries to fight it off, but it’s no use. His vision is going dark and fuzzy and his eyelids are impossibly heavy.
“Take him,” Nala Se orders as Crosshair passes out.
The Kaminoans and Tarkin watches as the Coruscant Guard carry Crosshair out of the room.
“Let us know the results of the procedure,” Tarkin tells Nala Se, who nods obediently.
“Yes sir,” she responds before walking out.
Nala Se has the Coruscant Guard put Crosshair onto a medical table and put on the restraints around his wrists, chest, waist, and ankles.
“Clear the room,” Nala Se says and the Coruscant Guard exits the medical room. The head Kaminoan scientist turns on the machine. It sends an electrical signal through the brain to the inhibitor chip to amplify the chip’s effects. Crosshair tenses in pain and struggles instinctively against the restraints. Nala Se turns up the dial on the console and watches the electricity get stronger. Nala Se often had CF99 and even Omega hooked up to machines so she knows Crosshair can take it.
After 2 minutes, Nala Se turns the machine off. She waits a moment until she hears Crosshair groan before turning the PA on.
“CT-9904, can you hear me?” Nala Se asks. He groans.
“Yes,” the sniper growls.
“I will now remove your inhibitor chip, do you understand?” Nala Se asks.
“In-..Inhibitor chip?” Crosshair asks and that’s when Nala Se injects the sniper with morphine.
“Just relax CT-9904. Everything will be over momentarily,” the Kaminoan scientist replies as Crosshair passes out.
Knowing where the chip is and having personally installed the chips, Nala Se is able to easily remove the biomechanical chip rather quickly. Once the chip is out, Nala Se’s able to take a look at the tissue where the chip was connected. She inspects the area and sees the area doesn’t look damaged, so she removes the sniper from the machine and starts up another. It lasers up the incision and bandages the side of his head.
Nala Se injects a stimulant into Crosshair, waking him.
“CT-9904–how do you feel?” Nala Se asks him on the PA as she releases his restraints. He groans and sits up.
“I…I’m ready for orders,” Crosshair says and Nala Se nods approvingly through the glass window before walking into the room. Crosshair gently touches the bandage as he watches Nala Se enter the room.
“The inhibitor chips…they were for Order 66,” Crosshair realizes and Nala Se nods.
“You no longer needed your chip, so I removed it,” Nala Se explains.
“Will you still follow Order 66?” Nala Se asks. Crosshair nods affirmatively.
“I have reason to believe Omega is hiding something from me…or someone,” Nala Se says.
“The Jedi Master brought a Youngling with him,” the Kaminoan scientist explains and Crosshair’s eyes widen.
“Master Jaeruho was eliminated but the Youngling has escaped and has been hiding. But I believe Omega found the Youngling,” Nala Se tells him and Crosshair nods.
“I will eliminate the Jedi and anyone who helps the Youngling,” Crosshair says.
“No, do not harm Omega, even if she helps the Jedi. She is mine,” Nala Se orders and Crosshair nods obediently.
“Yes ma’am,” he says.
“Return to me when you’ve killed the Jedi,” Nala Se orders and he nods once more before walking out.
Back in the maze of hallways…
Hunter’s POV
We run briskly down the sterile white halls that hurt my head a bit. I look to my side and see Tech with Echo and on my right Omega keeps pace. I glance behind me and see Wrecker holding the Jedi Youngling with one arm easily. Wrecker nods once at me and I keep running.
“Tech—did you find the Marauder yet?” I ask.
“Yes. Hangar 13-B,” Tech says and I nod.
“That’s where the Jedi’s ship was,” Omega says as we run.
“We’ll have to be cautious,” Echo says and I nod in agreement with the ARC trooper.
“Anything on Crosshair?” Echo asks Tech.
“Hopefully he’s waiting at the ship for us,” Wrecker says optimistically.
“We just have to get to the ship and then I’ll go after Crosshair myself,” I tell him, trying to be more realistic but at the same time, not crushing Wrecker’s hopes and he nods.
We finally get to the hangar and I hear Omega breathing hard.
“W-Where’s Master Jaeruho’s ship?” Maisy asks, getting my attention. I look and see it’s mostly empty except for a lot of metal crates stacked up and the Marauder towards the left side of the large room. There’s no other ship. The Youngling squirms out of Wrecker’s arms and looks around.
“The Jedi’s ship was here earlier. We saw it,” Omega tells me as she catches her breath and Maisy grabs her hand.
“It doesn’t matter. We know our ship better,” I insist.
“Take the girls, power up the ship and wait for us. I’m going after Crosshair,” I say to the boys. That’s when I hear Maisy gasp and turn to the closed door. It opens loudly and the wall-sized door opens on the other side to reveal Crosshair along with shock troopers and Kamino troopers in gray. Crosshair isn’t in his regular armor. It’s all black and clearly Imperial armor.
“Crosshair,” Omega says, her eyes wide. I motion for the others to take cover behind the metal crates before taking a step towards Crosshair.
A tense moment passes and the only noise is the storm outside.
“Best stand down sergeant. Make it easier on yourself,” Crosshair says, shifting the toothpick in his mouth.
“Have you lost your mind?!” I demand, looking at the other clone troopers aiming at me and the rest of my squad, including the young girls.
“We should’ve followed orders on Kaller,” Crosshair growls. Before Maisy can try and sneak by, Omega grabs hold of her and shakes her head silently.
“I did what I thought was right!” I argue defiantly.
“You never could see the bigger picture. The Jedi must die,” Crosshair snarls and I see Maisy flinch and cling to Omega, burying her face in Omega’s stomach as the older girl holds her.
“Surrender and hand the Jedi over,” Crosshair orders and I glare at him before glancing back at the others. I see Wrecker, Tech and Echo put their helmets on and ready their blasters for a fight.
“Is that an order?” I ask.
“Hmph, I guess it is,” Crosshair replies.
“Well, I guess I’m disobeying that one too,” I tell him. I keep an eye on him and feel the others look at me. Crosshair flicks the thin wooden toothpick out of his lips as he glares back at me.
Lightning streaks across the sky before thunder claps loudly. I stand at the ready, waiting for Crosshair to make the first move. I’m not going to hurt Crosshair. Echo and Wrecker share a look as Tech waits for my signal. Omega looks at me as she keeps a protective grip on the Youngling. My grip on my blaster tightens and Crosshair’s finger moves to the trigger on his rifle.
That’s when I see him tense ever so slightly before aiming his rifle right at me and firing off a single shot! I duck behind the stack of crates the girls are hiding behind as the other troopers start to fire on us. The girls flinch as Wrecker and Echo start firing back. I make sure the kids are ok when a smoke grenade is tossed towards us. It hisses, releasing smoke. I look back and see Tech nod at me.
3rd POV
The smoke covers the room and forces Crosshair to switch his helmet’s scope to heat signatures instead. He looks through the scope and sees the rest of his squad along with the two kids taking cover behind the metal crates as blaster fire flies across the room.
“Tech get the ship powered up now!” Hunter orders.
“I’m working on it,” the pilot insists as he enters the ship and starts the power up sequence.
“Wrecker, clear the smoke on 3,” Hunter orders.
“You got it boss!” Wrecker replies and finds two large metal crate lids.
“Girls stay low,” Hunter tells the kids as they flinch when blaster bolts hit near them.
“1…2…3!” Hunter counts down before Wrecker jumps out and claps the two lids together, clearing some of the smoke. The demolitions expert tosses a lid sideways and hits 3 troopers, knocking them down. Crosshair watches before taking aim at Wrecker! Wrecker throws the other lid right at the sniper, who dives and rolls out of the way. As Wrecker reaches for his blaster, Crosshair aims and fires at him, hitting Wrecker’s shoulder! His helmet flies off as Wrecker falls.
“AGH!” Wrecker cries out in pain before he hits the ground. Echo and Hunter’s eyes widen in shock. Omega gasps and starts to run towards Wrecker, exposing herself and leaving Maisy alone.
“Omega don’t!” Hunter says, pulling the girl back just as the sniper shoots, narrowly missing the girl.
“He’s using Wrecker as bait,” Hunter explains to the older girl.
“But he needs help!” Omega insists. As Hunter tries to think of something to do, Maisy stands up and climbs up onto one of the boxes. She focuses on Crosshair and reaches out with her right hand.
Crosshair suddenly feels a tightness around his throat. He gasps and starts to choke when the pressure tightens.
“Maisy! Don’t hurt him!” Omega says, but the girl doesn’t listen. She doesn’t even hear Omega. As nearby troopers aim at the Youngling, Omega grabs hold of her and pulls her down, which also causes the Youngling’s Force grip on Crosshair to stop.
“Tech we’re out of time!” Hunter says.
“Almost got it!” Tech says as the engines power on. Crosshair gasps, taking a breath and rubbing his throat before looking at the Marauder.
“Seal the bay doors!” Crosshair orders. A yellow light and a warning sound rings out as the doors start to close to the outside! Maisy gasps and reaches out with both hands towards the closing doors. The gears grind and the doors screech at being held in place.
“Sir, the doors aren’t closing!” A trooper tells Crosshair. Maisy feels through the mechanical parts of the door and finds the gear shaft that helps with opening the door. The Youngling is so focused, she doesn’t even feel the blood that starts to trickle out of her left nostril. Maisy bends the gear shaft so much that it holds the door open itself. She gasps and pants, letting go of the Force connection, breathing hard.
“When I say go, you take the Youngling and head for that ramp and don’t stop. Got it?” Hunter asks Omega, placing a hand on the older girl’s shoulder. She nods, grabbing hold of Maisy’s hand as Hunter turns to Echo.
“Echo, we go for Wrecker,” Hunter orders. Crosshair aims his rifle.
“Only one way out Hunter. Your move,” the sniper says.
“GO!” Hunter yells and Omega takes off, gripping Maisy’s hand tightly and pulling the Youngling along with her as they run towards the Marauder. Hunter fires back to provide cover for the girls. Crosshair moves and a trooper covers him, firing near the girls. Echo sees and fires back, hitting the shock trooper. Maisy sees 2 troopers about to blindside Hunter, so she holds them in place long enough to get the sergeant’s attention. He fires and hits them. Crosshair, noticing the Youngling is distracted, takes aim at her! Omega sees Crosshair aiming at Maisy and grabs a blaster laying on top of a crate nearby. She lunges for the weapon and aims for Crosshair, firing a shot before the sniper could. Omega’s shot hit’s Crosshair’s rifle, disarming him!
Shocked, everyone looks to Omega. Crosshair takes out his blaster pistol so Omega fires a few more times, all missing Crosshair, but it forces the sniper to take cover and allow Hunter and Echo to get Wrecker and Maisy on board.
Crosshair runs after the ship as it flies off, still firing his pistol, but the ship quickly flies out of range. The sniper stops and takes off his helmet to watch his brothers fly away. On the camera security system, Nala Se watches Clone Force 99 fly off and Crosshair standing, watching them. She walks out of her office and to the Prime Minister’s.
The door whooshes open quietly and Nala Se sees Lama Su standing with his back to the door.
“Has the matter been rectified?” Lama Su asks.
“The inhibitor chip augmentation was a success, however..” Nala Se pauses briefly as she looks away.
“The remaining clones of squad 99 have escaped along with..Omega and the Jedi Youngling,” Nala Se says.
“Hmm, we must be cautious. Until the Empire’s intentions are made clear, say nothing,” Lama Su orders.
“Yes, Prime Minister,” Nala Se answers, bowing before walking out, leaving Lama Su alone.
The Havoc Marauder flies through space, leaving Kamino and Crosshair, behind. Echo has Wrecker sit in a chair as Tech flies the ship. Echo gives Wrecker a numbing shot for his blaster bolt hit and Wrecker whines in pain.
“Ow!” He says.
“Hey! Hey-hey-hey what’s that gonna do?” Wrecker asks as Echo rifles through a box. Hunter stands next to Wrecker as Omega and Maisy stand in the small hallway that leads to the gunner’s mount. Maisy looks up and sees a stuffed tooka toy that’s black and red and a white face. She grabs it and shows Omega.
“Look,” Maisy whispers, handing the toy to Omega, who nods, taking it and holding it gently with both arms.
“You’ll be ok. Just hold still,” Echo assures Wrecker.
“Look what Maisy found,” Omega says, showing the toy to the troopers. Wrecker gasps.
“You found Lula!” Wrecker exclaims. Catching Wrecker off guard, Echo gives the demolitions expert another medical shot, this time in the neck.
“Ow!” Wrecker exclaims and the girls giggle as Tech puts the ship on autopilot and walks back towards the group.
“Let’s see, hold still” the pilot tells Wrecker, holding his datapad out to him.
“Don’t examine me! I’m not a computer!” Wrecker argues.
“This will only take a second,” Tech insists.
“Get that thing away from me!” Wrecker argues as the girls walk off to explore the ship as Echo and Hunter watch them walk over to the cockpit.
Omega’s POV
Maisy and I walk into the cockpit and I walk over to the windows and look out at the vast emptiness of space.
“Pretty isn’t it?” Maisy asks. I blink and look down at the little girl.
“It is,” I agree. That’s when I hear footsteps. I turn and see Hunter approaching.
“Your first time in space?” He asks.
“First time…anywhere,” I say. To be honest, I’ve really only seen about half of Tipoca City, let alone Kamino in general. Nala Se wouldn’t really let me leave her laboratory.
“Impressive shot back there. Where’d you learn how to do that?” Hunter asks me, referring to the shot I made at Crosshair for aiming at Maisy.
“I dunno. I’ve never fired a blaster before. I saw Maisy in danger and…I guess I got lucky,” I explain.
“She’s not the only one,” Tech announces as the others walk in.
“I’m fine. It’ll take more than a blaster shot to put me down,” Wrecker says.
“You were down,” Echo reminds him.
“Yeah well not for long!” Wrecker argues, laughing and hugging Echo with his injured arm. Tech sits at the pilot seat and turns to Hunter.
“What’s the plan Hunter?” Tech asks. Hunter looks at Maisy.
“We have to get Maisy to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” I say insistently.
“Omega’s right. Maisy, we’re gonna get you back to the Jedi,” Hunter assures the young girl, who smiles and nods.
“With Crosshair gunning for us now we’ll need help,” Hunter says.
“What about your friends? Could any of them help us?” I ask.
“That…would be a short list,” Tech says and I frown.
“I can think of one,” Hunter says as he exchanges a look with Wrecker and Echo.
“Captain Rex,” the sarge says. My eyes widen.
“From the inhibitor chip report?” I ask and the others nod. I look to Echo.
“We have to find him and get his help. He knows the Jedi better than any of us. If Captain Rex still has the chip, I’m sure General Skywalker could use our help,” Echo says as he plugs into the ship’s computer.
“The 501st was sent to Coruscant. Maybe he’s still there,” Echo says and Hunter nods.
“We’ll have to hurry,” he says before turning to face us.
“Strap in kids. You’re not gonna wanna miss this view,” Hunter says. I take the copilot seat and look up at Hunter. I watch as Maisy climbs up into Tech’s lap as he powers up the hyperdrive. We watch in fascination as the stars turn to streaks of light as the ship lurches forward into hyperspace.
Chapter 2
Thanks to everyone that likes/reblogs💙
#Star Wars#tbb#bad batch fanfic#tbb au#tbb jedi au#tbb jedi au fanfic#unwhitewash the bad batch#jedi oc#bad batch jedi youngling#bad batch jedi padawan#jedi youngling oc#jedi padawan oc#jedi master oc#jedi youngling maisy#jedi padawan wyyntrr#tbb fanfic our love#our love bad batch#chapter 1#ch1
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Hi all,
I wanted to ask a question related to my Star Wars fanfics and any answer is appreciated.
I’ve recently uploaded some OC jedi pics to my main @mabrego0714 but I’ll post here as well.
When I posted these, I said I was working on a fic of them as well. Well, I’m actually working on 2 and I need opinions from people about what they’d prefer to read.
The fic I’m working on centers around my albino Wookiee padawan Wyyntrr and my OC Jedi Youngling Maisy. Now for the question. Would you prefer to see a more original story with those pictured above with Delta Squad or Bad Batch?
The Delta Squad version:
—is more original content
—instead of my OC youngling Maisy, it is a FEMALE CHILD READER INSERT
The Bad Batch version:
—Is purely an OC fic, NOT a reader insert
—does contain ideas/elements from TBB show, but because I don’t like TBB, I do put my own original stories to go with the ideas. For example, I really loved Gungi’s appearance but in my fic, Gungi is reunited with the other padawans+Hondo instead of taken to Kashyyyk like the show.
I think those are the main differences between my fics. I can also definitely do both if there’s anyone that wants both. I’m curious about what others think.
-I am still working on my Arcane Reader-Insert fic Sisters of Mine so don’t worry I will definitely post the next chapter before either of these fics.
-I’m also working on headcanons for ATSV (Miles 1610, Miles 42, Hobie, Pav, Gwen, and Rio/Jeff)
-I’ve also got a ASOIAF Female Child Stark Reader-Insert fic going as well, though I just started it
-I’m trying to start some PJO content as well to prep for the show
#Star Wars#Star Wars fanfic#question#please help#i’m so indecisive#but I can do both fics#if anyone’s interested#tbb vs delta squad#reader insert vs oc character#thoughts#jedi padawan Wyyntrr#albino Wookiee#oc#jedi padawan oc#jedi youngling oc#Jedi youngling Maisy#any answer is appreciated#thanks all#update#kinda#fanfic
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Hey everyone,
So sorry for being gone so long. I’m pretty busy at work now. I wanna say thank you to everyone who voted in the poll. Part of the reason this chapter took so long was because I was working on 2 fics at once.
Here is Chapter 4 of my Bad Batch fic Our Love
Warnings: TW childhood O66 trauma (some O66 trauma in general), LONG (sorry I really couldn’t cut it down more than I already have), OC jedi characters, POV changes
Bad Batch Our Love
Chapter 4–Guns For Hire
Words: 11,556
3rd POV
The Havoc Marauder drops out of Hyperspace, facing a large beige planet.
“We are on approach to Saleukami,” Tech announces. Hunter’s holding Maisy while the two older kids walk into the cockpit. Omega stares out the window to watch the planet slowly grow in size as they approach. Hunter shifts Maisy to his left arm and walks into the cockpit with Wrecker following. The Youngling turns her head from tucked into Hunter’s neck to looking out the window curiously at the approaching planet.
“So Rex knew this guy from the war?” Wrecker asks.
“He did not say,” Tech answers, “just that it’s someone he trusts.”
“If Rex trusts him, so do I,” Hunter says.
Tech flies the ship through the planet’s atmosphere and eventually drops below the cloud line. A sudden beeping get’s Tech’s attention.
“We’re running low on fuel,” the pilot alerts. Wrecker turns and finds the case the squad keeps their credits in and opens it to find a few credits.
“Uuhhh…you think we’d have enough to refuel with this?” Wrecker asks, showing Hunter the scarce amount of money they have. The sergeant sighs.
“Let’s worry about that after we meet Rex’s contact,” Hunter says.
Tech flies over fields and jagged mountains before spotting farmland in the distance. He lands the ship out of the way.
“Why did we land so far away? The home is way over there-“ Omega asks.
“No need to draw attention to Rex’s contact. He’s obviously out here to hide,” Tech explains as he powers the ship down.
“C’mon, let’s get going,” Hunter says. The others nod. Wrecker reaches out to Wyyntrr and the albino Wookiee padawan takes the demolitions expert’s hand.
Tech opens the bay door and walks out first. Hunter follows and sets Maisy down. The girl blinks at the dry dirt that moves with each of her steps. Being from Coruscant, Maisy’s never seen nature. Even Kamino amazed her with the endless amount of water. Omega walks out and squints as her eyes adjust. She sees Maisy messing with the dirt and pushes her own foot into it, making small dust clouds and a light trail in the ground. The older girl giggles before picking some dirt up with her hand.
“What is this?” Omega asks curiously, letting the dirt sift through her fingers.
“That would be dirt,” Tech answers factually.
“It’s amazing!” Omega exclaims. Because he’s blind, Wyyntrr allows himself to really feel how loose the dry dirt is, how it feels almost powdery. He smells it. He does try to taste it and ends up roaring a bit and rubbing his tongue with his hands.
“Wai-“ Wrecker tries to tell the Wookiee but it’s too late so he grabs his canteen and offers it to the Padawan, who takes a drink to get the taste out of his mouth.
“C’mon, let’s get going. We’re about 2 klicks away,” Hunter says, getting the kids’ attention.
Omega’s POV
Hunter leads the way as Tech follows close behind and us behind him with Wrecker bringing up the rear. I’m holding Maisy’s hand and since she’s walking between me and the Wookiee, she’s also holding his hand. I let a small smile appear on my lips as I look fondly at the 2 Jedi. Despite having a Jedi be in charge of the clone army, I never got to know the Jedi, not really. I was kept in Nala Se’s private research lab. Over the years I got to know who the clones were and I learned that they all knew the Jedi because the clones served with them. The only ones that didn’t know the Jedi’s were the clones stationed on Kamino either as security or maintenance clones, but even then, they would occasionally see Master Shaak Ti. That was the only Jedi I knew of until…well until that fateful moment on Kamino when I met Master Jaeruho and Maisy.
The two are quiet and I don’t blame them, after what’s happened. Being Nala Se’s medical assistant I saw my fair share of blood and bone due to various injuries but I’ve also seen how the War has affected the clones’ minds. How the horrors of war have tormented them during the nights. I tried to help them. Nala Se would tell me they weren’t worth it and would be placed on maintenance duty. When I asked why, she would say they were ‘mentally deficient for war’. I can only imagine how Wyyntrr and Maisy are handling seeing such horrors and devastation.
As we walk, I take note of everything, asking an occasional ‘what’s that?’. Wyyntrr sniffs the air and turns his head at the various sounds of wildlife while Maisy trudges along, her head bowed so she’s looking at the ground. She’s sad but…but also…something else. Distant perhaps? No…that’s not the word. Empty. That’s it. An empty sadness. I notice as we walk that I practically pull the Youngling along and I realize she’s only moving because of me…because of us. If we weren’t here-
I suddenly bump into Tech, interrupting my thoughts and I blink.
“Omega-are you ok?” He asks. Wyyntrr looks in my direction, but not Maisy. I nod at the pilot.
“Y-yeah I’m ok, sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going-” I assure him and he nods.
“It’s alright,” Tech says before motioning to keep up and follow.
After almost an hour, we come to a field. The grasses are taller than us, taller than Wrecker even.
“Hunter, if Rex’s contact turns us away-“ Tech tries.
“Tech not now-“ Hunter growls slightly at the pilot. I keep my eyes on the Youngling, but don’t say anything. At least, not yet.
That’s when Hunter suddenly stops and kneels down. Wyyntrr tugs on my arm to get my attention.
“Rrr-rggh-rrgh?” Wyyntrr asks and I frown. I don’t know what he’s saying and when I turn to look at Maisy for an answer like I normally do, I notice she doesn’t seem to even be paying attention. She’s still got that sad, empty look on her face.
“Hunter is tracking,” Tech explains, seemingly catching onto our conversation.
“Each of us have a special enhanced skill. Hunter can sense electromagnetic frequencies, Wrecker is adaptive and strong. I have my exceptional mind and Crosshair has his sharpshooting skills,” Tech explains and I smile. I was there with Nala Se when she created the 4 of them, known then as Experimental Unit 99. I was young, 4 or 5 years old or so and they stayed in the decanting tubes longer than most clones do. I was fascinated by them because they weren’t like the other clones…like me. Unfortunately Nala Se often kept me secluded and isolated away from everyone but herself.
“We’re almost there,” Hunter assures us.
We hear the place before we see it. As we come over a hill, we see a house with animals, kids like us, and two people with them. Before we can do anything, I see the pink one aim a rifle right at us!
“Hunter!-“ I warn but he seems to have caught on when I did because he reaches up and takes off his helmet. The others follow suit and I see the one holding the rifle, put the weapon down.
3rd POV
As Clone Force 99 reaches the hill, the family outside in their front yard spots the group of soldiers. The matriarch of the family, a pink female Twi’lek grabs her rifle and aims to look through the scope, never turning the safety off. She spots armored soldiers but despite the modifications, she recognizes it as clone armor.
“There’s a group of clone soldiers approaching,” she warns.
“Children, inside,” she orders. Without arguing, the two young children, one about Omega and Wyyntrr’s age, and the sibling a few years younger, race inside. The mother watches the approaching soldiers take off their helmets through the scope on her rifle. As the group approaches, she spots children with them! Her eyes widen and she gasps quietly.
“There are children with them,” she alerts and the man raises an eyebrow. Unsual for clones.
“How many?” Her husband asks.
“2…no…3,” she answers before setting her rifle down and her husband nods. Being a clone as well, he knows to stay on guard until he can be sure of his brothers’ intentions.
“Suu-go inside with the children-“ he tells his wife, Suu. The Twi’lek shakes her head, her lekku swishing back and forth lightly.
“No-I’m staying with you Cut. I’m the better shot,” she argues and the man named Cut smirks, nodding.
Clone Force 99 gets close enough that they can make eye contact with Suu and her clone husband, Cut. Hunter motions for the group to stop a good 100 feet away.
“Greetings,” Hunter announces. Cut stands at the ready.
“We’ve come a long way to find you-“ Hunter explains.
“Do you know CT—7567 Captain Rex?” Hunter asks and both husband and wife blink in surprise. The couple exchange a look before Suu nods. Cut returns the gesture and turns back to CF99.
“Approach,” Cut says and the group makes their way up to the home and where the couple who own it stand.
Once they’re close enough, they can get a proper look at each other. Cut sees that despite the differences between Hunter, Wrecker and Tech, they are clones, brothers. Hunter realizes that even though he’s in civilian clothes, the man standing with the pink Twi’lek is a clone.
“Who are you?” Tech asks.
“I could ask you boys the same thing, being on my land,” Cut answers, motioning around.
“What’s a reg doin’ all the way out here?” Wrecker asks. Cut eyes Wrecker at the insulting nickname.
“Who’re you callin’ a ‘reg’? The name’s Cut Lawquane. This is my wife, Suu,” he introduces and CF99 nods at her.
“You know Rex?” Cut asks and Hunter nods.
“He told us to find you because he said you could help us,” Hunter says and puts his right hand on Omega’s shoulder and his left hand on Wyynntrr’s shoulder. Cut looks at the kids. Omega smiles and waves with her free hand, since she’s still holding onto Maisy’s hand. He looks at all of them.
“If you mention Rex, you must have a good reason for being here. C’mon, we can talk inside,” Cut says as Suu opens the door and walks in.
The group follows the couple inside and Cut shuts the door behind them. The couple’s own children are hiding in the kitchen area unseen by the others.
“Who are you?” Cut asks.
“Clone Force 99. Sergeant Hunter and..half my team. Tech, our pilot and Wrecker, the weapons expert,” Hunter introduces. Cut nods and turns to the kids.
“And who are they?” Cut asks, looking at the 3 children with the soldiers.
“This is Omega…she’s a clone like us,” Hunter says, patting the blonde girl’s shoulder. Cut blinks in shock but doesn’t question it. After all the Kaminoans often did what they wanted regarding cloning. Cut looks over at the blind albino Wookiee and the Youngling and sees their beige colored robes. Cut’s eyes widen.
“A-Are they-?” Cut begins to ask.
“Jedi,” Hunter confirms.
“H-How-..How are they alive? Why do you have Jedi kids?” Cut asks all at once.
“Why are you here?” Suu asks, interrupting Cut. Hunter, Tech and Wrecker exchange a look.
“Rex said you could help us. Help us hide from the Empire..and…help us with them,” Hunter answers, glancing at the 3 children he managed to find. Suu sighs and nods once, knowing the clone soldiers are just trying to do what’s right.
“Are you hungry? We were just about to start dinner-“ Suu offers. Wrecker smiles and stands, ready to start helping.
“We don’t wanna impose-“ Hunter says, giving Wrecker a look.
“We don’t turn guests away, do we kids?” Cut announces and that’s when his 2 children walk in, revealing themselves. Omega’s eyes widen and Wyyntrr turns his head towards the sounds of soft footsteps.
“Who are you?” The boy asks as his older sister puts a hand on his shoulder.
“Jekk—Shaeeah, these are our guests. Clone Force 99,” Cut explains before turning to the Batch.
“These are our kids, Shaeeah and Jekk,” Cut introduces. Wrecker smiles at the kids. The two half-Twi’lek siblings spot the 3 kids with the group.
“Woah-who’re you? We never see kids around here,” Shaeeah says.
“Omega,” the girl introduces herself.
“This is our brother Wyyntrr and our younger sister Maisy,” Omega continues.
“Come with us,” Shaeeah says, hurrying over to the kids and grabbing Omega’s hand. The female clone looks over at Hunter, who nods in approval.
“C’mon,” Omega says and Wyyntrr nods. When Maisy makes no attempt to move, Omega gently puts a hand on her shoulder and guides the Youngling along. Shaeeah and Jekk lead the way up the stairs leaving the adults to talk.
Tech’s POV
I watch our kids follow the two siblings upstairs before turning back to see Cut looking at us seriously.
“So, you boys know Rex, but he’s not with you?” Cut asks.
“He’s with one of our squad mates back on Coruscant,” Hunter explains.
“Coruscant? Why in stars name is he there?” Cut asks, more caught off guard than anything.
“He’s looking for one of the regs that served with him,” I explain. Cut gives me a look of disdain.
“The hell is a ‘reg’?” He asks.
“A regular clone, not like us,” I explain. Cut chuckles humorlessly.
“I got news for ya buddy. It doesn’t matter how special you think you are. You’re just like me to the Jedi, to those Kaminoan long-necked bastards, to this new ‘Galactic Empire’, to everyone else,” Cut says.
“We didn’t exactly fit in on Kamino,” I argue back.
“That’s good,” Cut says.
“It is?” Wrecker asks and he nods.
“You wanna put being soldiers behind you if you wanna have those kids with you,” Cut explains.
“That’s the thing,” Hunter says, interrupting.
“We think that they deserve to have a normal childhood but if we’re all they’ve got, then we have to be what they need,” Hunter explains.
“We tried going to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, that’s when our squad member and Rex split from us. We saw no sign of any Jedi besides Padawan Wyyntrr,” I add.
“We couldn’t just leave a kid there in all that destruction and death. Plus we’d already had Maisy and Omega with us,” Hunter says.
“What’s one more if they need help,” Wrecker agrees. Cut nods.
“You’re good men, but raising kids is different than fighting clankers. What exactly is your plan?” Cut asks and I look to Hunter, unsure of that answer myself.
“We have to go back for our sniper. He…he was separated from us because of his inhibitor chip,” Hunter explains and I nod in agreement. We don’t leave our own behind. It’s rule 1.
“But we need a safe place to hold up for the kids before we head back to Kamino,” I add and Cut nods.
“Hmph, well I would recommend settling here but…things are different now that the Empire has formed. Clone troopers show up in town almost every day now,” Cut warns.
“It’s getting late, we should get the kids settled for bed,” Suu says and her husband nods. I hadn’t paid close attention but I look at my datapad and see it’s nearly midnight. I’m not used to accommodating children so when Cut and Suu look to us, silently asking who will come help with the kids, I look instantly to Hunter and Wrecker.
It’s not that I do not like children, I am just…unused to them. I do not like interacting with most outside of my squad anyways. But I would never have done what Crosshair did on Kaller. No…no it wasn’t Crosshair. It couldn’t have been. I must believe he has been manipulated by the inhibitor chip…by the Kaminoans. Out of all of them, Nala Se had the most interaction with us as cadets. I hated her. I hated her calm tone that lied every time she said ‘it will be alright’. I hated how she watched us with her cold, unfeeling eyes. We weren’t children or even people to her. We were objects, military property. But she always instilled in us that we were not like the regs. The other clones were disposable. We were special. But she still treated us the same way as she did the other clones. Cut’s words from earlier ring in my mind. It doesn’t matter how special you think you are, you’re a clone like me…to everyone else.
3rd POV
Crosshair feels like he’s been waiting an eternity for Cody to return. The sniper’s pain is matched by the fear of whatever this is being permanent. Crosshair’s eyes snap open when he hears the door open. He turns his head to look and he sighs with relief when he sees Cody.
“I got the scanner,” Cody confirms, limping inside since his leg is still injured. Crosshair tries sitting up, but he winces in pain and Cody notices.
“Hey-hey easy-easy, don’t strain yourself-“ Cody says as he pushes Crosshair back down gently.
The sniper opens his eyes and sees the commander looking at him with concern.
“You…you came back for me,” Crosshair says weakly. Cody smirks.
“O’course I did. I said I’d come back for…you,” Cody’s words trail off when he sees tears form in the corners of Crosshair’s eyes and spill out down his cheeks.
“Crosshair? Is it the pain?” Cody asks, clearly concerned.
“He left me,” Crosshair rasps out, barely above a whisper.
“Who?” Cody asks.
“Hunter…the others…they left me on Kamino,” Crosshair says, his hand coming up to rub his temple.
Cody frowns. That’s not like Hunter. Not like any of CF99. There had to be more to it than that but Cody knows not to question or push the topic right now.
“Ok, I need you to stay still,” Cody instructs and Crosshair makes a noise of understanding before laying motionless on the worn mattress. Cody turns the scanner on and points it at the sniper. A blue light coats Crosshair’s head and the scanner makes a whirring noise. After a moment passes, the device beeps twice and the light shuts off.
“Hmm, I’m not detecting any sort of mechanical chip of any kind…wait…there appears to be severe scarring on your cerebellum and basal ganglia. It looks like nerve damage caused by electrical pulses so harsh it altered your brain chemistry,” Cody explains. Crosshair’s eyes widen.
“I…I remember Nala Se taking me…She…tested on me. She said she took out the inhibitor chip to test a new procedure,” the sniper remembers. Cody frowns angrily. He hated the Kaminoans as much as any other clone, but the commander formed a bond with Clone Force 99 and thought of them the same way he thought of the 212th and even General Kenobi. He knew CF99 didn’t feel the same way about the other clones, stars knows why, but Cody knew they would eventually see the truth and return for Crosshair.
“Uh oh,” Cody says.
“What?” Crosshair can’t help but growl frustratedly.
“I..I think the damage is permanent,” Cody admits and at first, Crosshair doesn’t say anything. After a pause, Crosshair sighs.
“There are transcranial magnetic stimulation therapies that might help and there are some numbing bacta patches you can try,” Cody reads off the scanner, but Crosshair’s not even paying attention to the 212th commander. Ever since Kaller, Crosshair was angry with Hunter, with the sergeant’s choices. But leaving the sniper behind on Kamino was the last straw.
“Commander?” Crosshair asks and Cody looks at him.
“If I don’t return with Clone Force 99, would I be reassigned?” The sniper asks.
“What? I…I suppose if you wanted, unless you want to be stuck with me,” Cody smirks but turns serious rather quickly.
“Why do you ask?” Cody asks. Cody knew all the members of the Bad Batch pretty well and out of everyone Crosshair was the most severe and unyielding, until you got to know him, that is. Then Crosshair is a playful joker full of sarcasm with a slight competitive streak, but he hardly ever really opened up to reveal his true thoughts and feelings.
“I think our paths have changed. I felt it on Kaller when Order 66 went out,” Crosshair explains and Cody’s expression darkens slightly. Being on Utapau with General Kenobi, Cody felt a loss of control he’d never experienced before. The marshal commander wasn’t himself. Ever since Utapau, Cody’s felt a sort of guilt that eats away at him.
“Do you…do you regret what happened?” Cody asks carefully. Crosshair turns his head gently to look at Cody in the eye.
“I followed orders and it feels like I’ve been punished for it ever since. Hunter and the others betrayed me. Nala Se tortured me and my new ‘boss’ hates clones. But not following orders was worse,” Crosshair explains, motioning to his head, indicating the pain.
“So…what’s your plan now? You still angry with Hunter?” Cody asks.
“I was, back on Kamino,” Crosshair admits
“You’re not now?”
“I’m upset with him…disappointed in him…but I’m not angry anymore. After I get this pain under control, I have to find Hunter,” Crosshair explains.
“Try and get some rest. I’ll reach out and see if I can find out anything about Clone Force 99,” Cody says.
“Thanks Commander,” the sniper replies quietly and Cody smiles slightly at Crosshair, glad that Crosshair knows he can trust someone outside of his squad.
Back on Kamino…
3rd POV
Nala Se walks through the sterile white halls, passing clone troopers and cadets, not really paying attention to any of them. Her mind is only on Omega and the Jedi Youngling. She couldn’t confirm it yet but the Kaminoan chief scientist was almost certain that Omega met the Jedi during Order 66.
The Kaminoan Prime Minister, Lama Su, gave Nala Se ownership of Master Jaeruho’s lightsaber since he was killed, however it does not power on and she cannot figure out how to open it, figuring the weapon to be useless (which it is since Youngling Maisy has the kyber crystal that was inside).
Nala Se makes her way to Lama Su’s office and presses the entry button on the console pad. The door beeps before opening with a quiet whooshing sound.
“Prime Minister,” Nala Se addresses.
“Yes Mistress Se?”
“I would like to request permission to retrieve Omega,” Nala Se says. At first Lama Su doesn’t say anything, pondering the scientists’ request.
“You have an unnecessary attachment to the young clone,” Lama Su says.
“Omega…is important for my cloning research,” Nala Se explains but Lama Su gives her a knowing look. He didn’t miss how Nala Se dressed Omega to look like her, how he kept her secluded from the other clones.
“She is an unaltered genetic copy of the donor, Jango Fett. Since Alpha’s disappearance, Omega is our last chance to acquire pure DNA since all other specimens have degraded,” Nala Se finishes.
“Hmm…make sure the girl is unharmed when you have her returned. Once you have extracted what you need, kill her…and the Jedi with her,” Lama Su adds. Nala Se’s bulbous eyes widen slightly, unaware that the Prime Minister knew of the Youngling’s existence.
“Do you understand?” He asks and Nala Se nods. As the chief scientist turns to walk out, she spots a datapad on the Prime Minister’s desk and sees it’s security camera footage of Clone Force 99 with Omega and the Jedi Youngling escaping CT-9904 in a hangar.
Nala Se heads back to her private laboratory before turning on her datapad. She turns on the holo-recording and finds the contact information she had in mind when first making the request to Lama Su. It powers on, bathing the female Kaminoan in a blue light. The hologram beeps to life to reveal the helmeted figure of a female.
“I have an assignment for you,” Nala Se says.
“Send the information and half the payment up front,” the figure’s distorted voice replies. Nala Se nods and searches for a private tracking beacon on her datapad. Only one channel comes up and she clicks on it. Sector J-19. The Kaminoan scientist sends the information and half the payment to her mysterious contact.
“You must retrieve and deliver the target alive and unharmed,” Nala Se instructs.
“Do whatever you must to bring her back,” Nala Se says of Omega.
“Understood,” the bounty hunter replies and the transmission ends. The sound of a floating medical droid approaches.
“Mistress Se, I have completed all routine tasks-“ the droid, AZI says. Unbeknownst to Nala Se, Lama Su also reaches out to a contact of his own, offering a substantial reward. Knowing about Nala Se’s relationship with Omega, the Prime Minister bugged the medical droid and told him to befriend the young female clone so he could get close to Nala Se.
“Go to your power station and recharge. I will power you on when I need you,” the Kaminoan head scientist instructs and the medic droid floats out obediently.
Meanwhile, on Saleukami…
3rd POV
The sun crests over the horizon signaling daybreak. Almost all of the kids are all asleep in the upstairs loft with bedding laid all about the floor. The only one awake is Youngling Maisy. The slight dark half circles under her eyes seem prominent now. She can still feel the intense sadness of everything from Master Jaeruho’s death to finding Padawan Wyyntrr in the destroyed Jedi Temple. Every time she closes her eyes she’s back on Kamino with Master Jaeruho. She doesn’t know what’s going on and before she knows it she’s with Omega because her master was killed. Her eyes fill with tears at the thought of Master Jaeruho. The only thing Maisy has of him is his kyber crystal.
Maisy hears her laughter along with Jaeruho’s light chuckle in her head, but it’s so loud, it could be real.
“Why do we have to go to Kamino Master? I wanna stay at the Temple,” Maisy hears her own voice.
“It’s important to get to know the clones. They are our greatest allies, even more so than the Senate. They are brave, strong and above all, loyal,” Jaeruho’s voice echoes in the Youngling’s mind. She didn’t realize how much she missed hearing Jaeruho’s voice. Maisy was so focused on Jaeruho’s voice that she misses the warm tears spilling down her cheeks. The fear of being alone starts to return.
Because fear is such a powerful emotion, Wyyntrr can actually feel Maisy in his sleep. He wakes up and hears quiet sniffling that turns into whimpering.
“Maisy?” He asks as quiet as he can. The Youngling gasps and turns to see Wyyntrr, sitting up, looking in her direction, worry all over his face.
“Are you ok?” Wyyntrr asks and at first the Youngling doesn’t reply. Sensing the conflict and fear in the little girl, Wyyntrr moves and hurries over to her. Once he places a pale pink hand on the Youngling’s shoulders, she starts to cry.
“I hear him…I hear him so clearly. It’s him, I promise-“ the Youngling insists, clinging to the blind albino Wookiee. He picks the little girl up a bit so he can hold her properly.
“I…I know. I believe you,” Wyyntrr says, running his fingers through the little girl’s wild, thick, shaggy hair.
“You…you do?” Maisy sniffs, looking up at Wyyntrr as she wipes the tears out of her eye. The albino Wookiee nods hesitantly.
“My master…I hear her too, in my dreams,” Wyytrr explains. The two Jedi children sit together. Maisy cries into his chest, gripping his white fur tightly but not pulling or hurting the blind Wookiee.
Omega’s POV
I stir from a dreamless sleep, hearing soft whimpering and sniffling. I yawn and blink my eyes open. Beams of light shine through the cloth covering the window, lighting up the room. I look around and spot Wyyntrr and Maisy sitting on the floor. The Wookiee is holding the little girl as she cries and I’m suddenly awake and alert. I crawl along the floor almost silently since the Twi’lek siblings are still sleeping. As I get within arms length, I see Wyyntrr turn his head towards me.
“Should I get Hunter?” I ask quietly. Wyyntrr looks down at Maisy and I see the little girl’s grip tighten slightly. The white Wookiee turns back to me and shakes his head silently.
“Are you sure?” I ask and he nods confidently. I’m unsure of what to do when I see Wyyntrr shift and move over slightly, but enough to make room for me. I move and sit with them. Wyyntrr and I lean against each other so I can wrap my arm around his side and use the other to rub soothing circles on Maisy’s back.
After Maisy manages to calm down, Shaeeah and Jekk also wake up and I suggest going downstairs. I follow Shaeeah and Jekk down the stairs with Maisy next to me and Wyyntrr behind us. He holds onto the rail for support but otherwise has no trouble.
Once we’re downstairs, I see the adults are already awake and conversing.
“Good morning you guys. Did you sleep ok?” Cut greets happily. Before me or Wyyntrr can answer, Maisy suddenly takes a step towards them.
“Yes, thank you,” she insists, giving the nice couple a respectful bow of thankfulness. I see that Cut and Suu seem to take Maisy at her word but I do see Hunter inspect the little girl’s face.
“We have breakfast ready,” Suu says and motions for us to sit at the table. I take a seat between Hunter and Maisy while Wyyntrr takes the Youngling’s other side, next to Wrecker and the Lawquane siblings.
3rd POV
As Suu and Cut serve the table, Hunter gets the group’s attention.
“I’ve decided to go into town so we can refuel and resupply but then we have to leave,” the sergeant says.
“Leave? And go where?” Omega asks as Suu places a bowl of sliced fruit in front of her. The young female clone nods her thanks before happily digging in.
“We’ll…figure it out. We need to hide…but also earn credits,” Hunter answers slowly. Wyyntrr roars with concern and Tech puts his goggles down to translate.
“Echo and Rex have our comm channel. They’ll reach out once they find the…trooper they’re looking for,” Tech explains and earns a small nod from Cut at the omission of the derogatory nickname ‘reg’. Suu gently touches Wyyntrr’s shoulder to get his attention and he glances in her direction.
“Here, if you don’t like it we have meat and bread-“ Suu says. Wyyntrr shakes his head and happily digs into the food, earning a smile from the matriarch.
Hunter watches the kids eat. Wyyntrr eats everything with gusto and licks his bowl clean, ignoring his utensils altogether. Omega uses her fork to take out the pieces she does not like but otherwise eats happily. That’s when he looks at Maisy. She’s taking multiple bites off the same chunk of fruit and eating slowly. Hunter frowns and Cut notices. Hunter gives him a ‘help me’ look and Cut nods his head at the Youngling.
“Uhm, y-you kids wouldn’t be interested in coming with me into town would you?” Hunter suggests. Omega gasps excitedly.
“Can we?!” She asks and he nods.
“Yes!” Omega exclaims and Wyyntrr roars happily before the two older kids high-five.
“Sure. Since you’re our kids now we need things you need,” Hunter adds reasonably when Tech looks at him.
“What do you think Maisy? Do you wanna come with us? You can pick something for yourself,” Hunter bargains when he sees the Youngling has little interest in eating much less in going somewhere. Wrecker frowns worriedly when the Youngling sighs.
“Ok,” she mumbles, picking at the uneaten fruit. Wrecker and Tech share a concerned look.
The kids finish up and while they get ready, Hunter nudges Cut’s bicep.
“Hey, you got a minute?” Hunter whispers. The farmer blinks but nods and follows the sergeant outside out of earshot.
“It’s clear Maisy stayed up all night. She’s been having trouble sleeping ever since the Jedi were killed,” Hunter explains.
“I don’t know what to do to help her-“ Hunter says.
“Well the market trip will do her some good, get her focused on something else. Here. Get the kids something they want, on me,” Cut says, handing Hunter a small pouch heavy with credits.
“No-I can’t-you and your family have already done so much for us-“ Hunter argues.
“Take it. So you don’t have to worry about money,” Cut insists and Hunter nods.
“Thanks,” Hunter replies.
The others meet Hunter and Cut outside.
“Wanna come with us?” Omega asks Shaeeah and Jekk.
“Sorry, they’ll have to start packing up,” Cut tells the girl. Maisy’s holding onto her necklace pendant that used to be Omega’s head circlet until the female clone gifted it to the Youngling when she was scared as they entered the Lower Levels of Coruscant.
“Ready?” Hunter asks.
“Ready! Rrrggh!“ Omega and Wyyntrr respond. Maisy nods firmly.
“Mm-hmm,” she agrees. Hunter smiles and nods.
“When we come back we’ll get you and your family to a nearby spaceport,” Hunter tells Cut.
“Sounds good,” the farmer replies and the group heads into the village.
As they walk along the path, Hunter makes sure to instill the rules into each of the kids.
“Rule 1: Stay in our sights at all times. Rule 2: Don’t steal, if you want something, ask us,” Hunter says and Tech nods.
“Within reason,” the pilot adds.
“Rule 3: Uhh…Actually—I guess that’s it for all 3 of you. But Rule 1 is very important,”Hunter says before turning to Tech and nodding.
“Right. Omega, here is an extra comm device. It used to be Crosshair’s but we can still use it,” Tech says, strapping the device to the young clone’s right forearm.
“Wow! I get my own comm device?! I’ll keep good track of it” Omega says excitedly.
“We’ll look for one for you too Wyyntrr,” Tech says and Wyyntrr nods. Hunter glances at them and steps towards Maisy. He frowns when he feels a familiar pulse in his head. The pulsing isn’t painful and it’s so faint, the sergeant wonders if it’s real at first. Hunter knows the stronger the pulsing gets, the stronger the electromagnetism is. He glances around but that’s when he feels it strongest coming from Maisy! Hunter sees the Youngling holding something.
“Whatchya got there?” He asks as they approach the outskirts of the village.
“Omega gave it to me,” Maisy says and shows him the head circlet the Youngling now wears as a necklace.
“She said it’ll protect me,” the Youngling adds.
“It’s true,” Omega says. At first Hunter is unfamiliar with the symbol but…there’s something about it. Something connected to the pulsing!
“Can I see that for a second?” He asks, getting the others’ attention. Maisy blinks and looks at Omega, clearly not wanting to but Omega nods encouragingly. Maisy takes a breath before nodding at Hunter and removes the necklace. The Youngling hands it over to the sergeant and he feels the pulsing get stronger slightly. He inspects it and at first it appears to be made of stone but Hunter realizes it’s just the way the metal is. He feels all around it until he spots and almost invisible seam on the back of it. Hunter’s dark eyes widen.
“Tech, can you open this?” Hunter asks. Tech blinks, looking up from his datapad and adjusts his goggles.
“Let me see,” Tech replies and takes the object. After a few seconds, Tech manages to open the back of the necklace pendant and his eyes widen.
“Hunter-“ Tech warns and tosses it back to the leader of the squad. Hunter gasps quietly when he sees a small red beeping light on a tracker! He takes it out and stomps on the small electrical device, crushing it.
“Let’s not take too long here. We have to get back to Cut and Suu’s as soon as possible,” Hunter orders and the others nod. Unbeknownst to Clone Force 99, two different ships have arrived, both also unaware of each other.
Meanwhile on Dantooine…
3rd POV
Cody manages to use one of his contacts he got during the War to find out that Clone Force 99 was last seen on Coruscant.
“Coruscant? Why? Hunter can hardly stand it-“ Crosshair says, reliving a memory involving Hunter’s constant complaining their first trip to the giant city-planet as he sits up, no longer in such pain.
“I’m not sure. From what I understand, they’ve left already,” Cody explains.
“I have to return to Kamino with my new squad. We completed our mission and they’re waiting for me,” the sniper explains. Cody nods.
“Here, I’ve already got my personal comm channel programmed in. It’ll reach me and only me,” Cody says, handing Crosshair the small device.
“How do you feel now?” Cody asks and Crosshair nods.
“Not too bad. I’m not too sure what brings the pain. I completed my mission on Ankus and I still felt it,” Crosshair says.
“Maybe it’s more of a symptom of your trauma rather than a trigger response,” Cody says and the sniper looks at him.
“Thanks to my datapad I’m as smart as Tech,” Cody chuckles, reading word for word. While the commander does know first aid, it’s really just the basics.
“I have to get back to my shuttle and go back to Ankus,” Crosshair says and Cody nods.
“I’m going to find Rex. I know he’s out there somewhere. I have to tell him about these inhibitor chips,” Cody says and Crosshair nods.
“Thank you for helping me Commander…You didn’t have to,” Crosshair says.
“‘Course I did. You’re my brother. Also no offense but I don’t think you’d be good at getting this chip outta me. I don’t trust whatever Nala Se did to you. But once I do get the chip out, I’ll come back for you-“ Cody says.
“No. I’m going to confront Hunter after my new squad and I report back to Kamino. Whatever happens after, it’s on him,” Crosshair interrupts.
“You have my comm channel,” Cody says and the sniper nods, an action that no longer hurts to do. He pats the pouch he shoved it in to affirm to the commander before vigorously shaking forearms in a brotherly way.
“Don’t die,” Cody tells him with a smirk
“You too,” Crosshair replies, returning the smirk.
Crosshair leaves the small hut at the end of the path and heads back to the shuttle he took. Once he’s inside, he plots the coordinates to Ankus in the hyperdrive before turning on his helmet transceiver.
“ES-03 respond,” Crosshair announces and at first there’s no response.
“Squad leader ES-03 respond now,” the sniper says.
“This is ES-03, sir, where are you?” The response answers.
“I’m on my way back now. Be sure to set up a perimeter around the area before loading the return ship. I will send rendezvous coordinates shortly,” Cross says.
“Yes sir,” ES-03 responds before the sniper shuts off the comms. Crosshair inputs the coordinates just outside of Ankus and transmits them to his squad. The sniper powers the shuttle on and flies off Dantooine and switches the hyperdrive on. The ship zips into hyperspace with a whoosh. The sniper watches the stars turn streaky before it looks like a swirling blue, purple and black tunnel. Crosshair sighs and shuts his eyes, letting the ship fly itself.
Back on Saleukami…
Tech’s POV
As we wander through the small village market, I tap away on my datapad. I do have to keep track of the conversation between Omega and Padawan Wyyntrr so the girl can understand him and I make a note to start teaching Omega Shyriiwook. There are other dialects called Thykarann and Xaczik as well but Wyyntrr speaks Shyriiwook.
“He’s been to a planet like this with his Jedi Master once. He says it’s easy to get distracted,” I explain to Omega when he keeps a good pace but still holds Omega’s hand.
I try and find out who knows about the tracking device inside Omega’s head circlet. It could be Nala Se. After all it matches the one she wears. It could be Lama Su, the Prime Minister…hell, it could’ve been his idea and her handiwork. That’s when Hunter stops and looks around.
“What is it?” I ask. After looking for a moment, he shakes his head.
“I thought something was following us,” Hunter explains but when I use my visor to scan the area, I see nothing out of the ordinary.
“I don’t see anything,” I say and he nods.
“Neither do I. But stay vigilant,” Hunter tells me quietly and I nod at him.
As we walk past a stall, I see Maisy stop walking.
“Guys-“ I say and the others stop now as well. I watch as the little girl approaches and steps inside. The warm yellow light illuminates the stall and I see it’s more of a curios shop. Bits and bobs for everything from droids to weapons and even prosthetics and ships too line the shop. There’s also information stored on different things from data rods to holodiscs on the front counter that the shopkeeper is sitting behind. I also see things like paint, glue and even some toys.
“Hello, what can I help you all with today?” The shopkeeper asks as everyone looks around. Omega sees a sharp drill tool and reaches for it but Echo stops her, catching her hand by her wrist and shakes his head.
“Do you sell comm devices?” Hunter asks.
“‘Course I do. Built up a collection of ‘em over the years,” the shopkeeper says and pulls out a box full of different comms.
“C’mere kid, let’s see if one fits ya,” Hunter says as he pats the blind Wookiee’s shoulder gently. I help out and glance at Wrecker and then look at the girls. He notices my face and nods.
Wrecker’s POV
I watch Wyyntrr approach as Hunter starts sifting through the box. I see Tech look at me then at the girls and I see he wants to help so I nod at him, letting him know I’ll keep watch over the girls. I turn and see Omega and Maisy going through the 2 shelves of toys.
“Did you have toys on Kamino?” Maisy asks. Omega thinks.
“Not really but I’d seen soldiers that come back from the war front with personal items that meant something to them,” Omega explains and I can’t help the frown that forms on my face. Even I had Lula. While it was…unusual to have Lula, I was free to keep her with me. Not even Omega had a toy.
“You said earlier the Jedi Masters have all the toys for you?” Omega asks and Maisy nods.
“They keep them for us. The Masters say that getting attached leads to bad things,” Maisy explains. I frown. What a weird concept to teach to kids, especially ones as young as Maisy. Though I suppose from an outsider’s perspective our own rituals and morals might seem weird.
“Look! This one’s so cool!” Omega says, reaching over and picking something out on the lowest shelf. Once she brings it out I can see it’s a metal wind-up clapping monkey toy. Omega hands it over to Maisy and the little girl takes it curiously. She looks at it before tapping the head, making it bobble. The Youngling twists the key on the back before letting it go on the ground. The toy’s eyes light up red and it claps as it walks forward in a relatively straight line. I hear Maisy gasp quietly and awe at it.
“Wizard,” the Youngling gasps in amazement. I smile and kneel down to the girls but still tower over them.
“Do you like it? We can get it,” I tell Maisy. She blinks.
“A-Are you sure?” She asks me and I nod.
“Sure! What about you Omega? See anything you like?” I ask.
“We have Lula, I’m ok,” Omega answers and I smile and nod.
3rd POV
Tech manages to find a comm device at the bottom of the box that fits the blind albino Wookiee’s wrist. He feels the device on him.
“Is it too tight?” Tech asks in Shyriiwook and Wyyntrr shakes his head. As the others talk, Wyyntrr manages to hear a slight ticking sound buried under the talking and rummaging. He turns his head and and uses his hearing to locate the object. Wyyntrr reaches over to a shelf just a bit taller than him and feel around before his eyes widen. He feels a round metallic device vibrate with each ticking sound. Wyyntrr grabs the object and feels it with both pale pink hands.
“It’s a stopwatch,” Tech tells him.
“Rrrghh-Raaggh-rrggh?” the Wookiee asks happily.
“Of course you can have it,” Wrecker answers immediately. The Padawan smiles and looks in Maisy’s direction, who smiles back at him.
“Look at mine—it’s a monkey toy-“ Maisy tells him. Tech taps Hunter to get his attention and motions to the kids.
“We’ll take the comm device and the toys,” Hunter says to the shopkeeper.
“Ok that’ll be 75 credits,” he says and Hunter looks to Tech, silently asking if it’s a fair price. Tech nods slightly.
“Thanks,” the shopkeeper says as Hunter hands him the credits.
“C’mon let’s keep going,” the sergeant says, herding the others out.
Hunter is busy leading the group down the busy street. Tech is busy setting up Wyyntrr’s new comm device so Wrecker is making sure the kids stay together and keep up. As they walk, Hunter feels that familiar sense again so he has the group turn down a side street. They cross the street and keep walking when Tech suddenly points out a shop nearby that sells a more varied selection of ship parts.
“Wait outside while we get what we need,” Hunter tells Wrecker and the kids. The demolitions expert nods.
“You got it boss,” Wrecker says and Hunter follows Tech inside. Wrecker watches Omega and Wyyntrr run around while Maisy looks around curiously. Wrecker smiles at the Youngling. At least the Youngling’s not so sad looking like she was before, Wrecker thinks to himself.
As he makes sure Maisy doesn’t wander too far, Wrecker is unaware of a pair of eyes watching him. Wyyntrr suddenly pauses and turns his head to where he thinks he’s being watched. Omega looks where the Padawan is facing.
“Wrecker?” Omega asks, getting his attention. She points when she spots the pair of amber eyes looking at them. The figure is wearing a wide brimmed metal domed hat. At first he’s alone until a second pair of eyes appear. Out of the shadows walks a large canine creature called an anooba. It growls menacingly and Wrecker grabs his blaster.
“Who is that?” Omega asks, pointing at the figure. The figure makes an order in his native alien language that no one understands, so when they stand still, he orders his canine to attack. Omega gasps.
“Move!” Wyyntrr exclaims and tackles Omega out of the way. The two scramble to their feet as Hunter races out armed and ready. The sergeant examines the situation and sees Wrecker firing on an animal as Omega keeps pulling Wyyntrr back. Hunter glances over and sees Maisy hiding in a different area. Wrecker fires off 3 stun bolts, all missing the animal. It races closer and closer to Wrecker before leaping right at him! The anooba latches on to Wrecker’s forearm so thank goodness he wears armor.
Hunter aims at the animal and is about to fire when Wrecker’s moving makes it hard. Tech races out and starts trying to distract the animal. While trying to free Wrecker, Hunter is too busy to notice the helmeted figure approaching Maisy, who’s hiding behind a stack of trashed crates. The Youngling watches the chaos when she spots the Kyuzo approach Omega and Wyyntrr. Maisy tries to call out to the older kids when a hand suddenly comes up to cover her mouth, silencing her! Maisy’s eyes widen and she starts fighting when another arm comes to wrap under her arms and pick her up. The Youngling wriggles and writhes, dropping her clapping monkey toy, but the hands have a grip of steel. The mysterious helmeted figure pulls out a tranquilizer and jabs the Youngling’s neck. In no time at all, Maisy goes limp and passes out.
Wrecker manages to toss the animal off him and Tech fires, stunning the beast twice when the first shot didn’t fully stop it but that’s when it’s owner grabs his hat and throws it at Wrecker, knocking him out due to the strong metal material it’s made out of. It ricochets off the demolitions expert and heads towards Hunter, but he blocks it. When the sergeant tosses the hat/shield down, the Kyuzo suddenly fires at Hunter hitting his shoulder!
“Gah!” The sergeant growls in pain, falling to the ground.
“Hunter!” Tech exclaims. Tech tries to get to Hunter, but the immediate fire forces Tech to take cover behind a street light. Omega gasps and when she tries to go to the sergeant herself, Wyyntrr yanks her back just in time for a blaster bolt to whizz by the young clone’s face! He roars and shakes his head.
“Stay down! Don’t come out!” Tech orders to the kids. Hunter struggles but manages to get up. He rotates his shoulder in a circle to try an get rid of the pain since his pauldron blocked most of the bolt from doing too much damage. The Kyuzo pins Hunter down and talks to him. Due to his strange alien language, Tech uses his visor to translate and his eyes widen in realization.
“He’s after the children!” Tech warns, panic seeping into his tone.
“Bounty hunter!” The sergeant exclaims and kicks him in the stomach, sending the bounty hunter stumbling back. Hunter fights unarmed, exchanging blows with the bounty hunter.
While the two fight Tech manages to get to Wrecker and examine him. Once the pilot determines there are no crucial or fatal injuries, he starts shaking Wrecker.
“Wrecker wake up!” Tech snaps when he sees Hunter strike a blow only for it to be returned just as harshly.
Omega takes a breath when she suddenly realizes Maisy was hiding across the street! She gasps when she sees the little girl is nowhere in sight!
“Wyyntrr-where’d Maisy go?!” Omega asks urgently. The blind albino Wookiee shuts his eyes and reaches his hand out, feeling for the Youngling using the Force. He makes the connection and feels the Youngling isn’t anywhere close by. In fact, she’s somewhere on the other side of the village! He shakes his head and Omega’s concern and worry grows. She looks back at the situation and sees Tech managed to wake Wrecker enough to get him to stand. He stumbles a bit and rubs his head where he got hit, still clearly dazed. Meanwhile the bounty hunter’s hound wakes up from it’s stun and targets the two while the bounty hunter and the sergeant of Clone Force 99 brawl openly in the street, earning attention from onlookers.
“We have to find her,” Omega says and the padawan nods in agreement. He grabs Omega’s hand and leads her further into the village.
Wyyntrr senses Maisy and when he does, she can feel the connection through the Force being made, despite being passed out.
“Wyyntrr?! Wyyntrr help!! Help me! Pleeeeease!” The padawan hears Maisy cry out as she sobs.
“Rrraaaghhh!” Wyyntrr roars before starting to run, pulling Omega behind him.
Back near the market, Hunter manages to subdue the Kyuzo bounty hunter before shooting at his anooba hound with live rounds instead of stun bolts. He misses a fatal shot and grazes the creature’s side, making it yelp in pain before tumbling to the ground. The bounty hunter cries out and reaches to the creature, thinking the worse until he hears it whimper in pain. The bounty hunter glares at the sergeant before he swings as hard as he can, punching Hunter in the jaw, knocking the soldier off him. The bounty hunter grabs hold of a smoke grenade before tossing it near Hunter, Tech and Wrecker. It explodes and the bounty hunter grabs his faithful hound and disappears once the smoke dissolves. Hunter looks around and frowns with worry.
“Where are the kids?” He asks Tech urgently, who shakes his head.
“I..I lost them during the fighting after Wrecker was injured-“ Tech admits.
“What?! C’mon!” Hunter exclaims and they start running. Hunter looks around until he spots something on the ground. He runs over and once he gets close, he sees it’s the monkey toy Maisy picked out earlier!
“Let’s go!” Hunter says and follows what little clues there are. Due to the farming nature and limited technology of the small village, there are no computers or cameras to plug into so the group has to rely solely on Hunter’s enhanced skills.
Fennec Shand’s POV
I get to the abandoned hut at the edge of the village and set the kid down against one of the crumbling walls. I use binders and cuff the girl’s wrists together while she stirs. I can tell the sedative is wearing off and soon she’ll be awake. I use a tether to tie the girl to the last support beam holding up the run down hut. I sigh and look at her. Normally I don’t work jobs involving kids but the pay is good. My client, Nala Se the head Kaminoan scientist, said that the little girl with my target, Omega, was to be considered as a Jedi and to take her as well. I look and see how young the girl is. No more than 3 or 4. I’ve never seen a Jedi this young before. She stirs and gasps, her eyes snapping open, clear and alert. She struggles and sees she’s bound with a tether and cuffed at her wrists.
“Take it easy kid-“ I tell her and her dark bright eyes look at me with fear.
“W-Who are you?! Where am I?!“ The little girl demands.
“My name’s not important. All you need to know is that you’ll see the other kids soon enough,” I say.
“W-What? How do you know?”
“I’m using you as bait,” I reply bluntly and her eyes widen.
“Lemme go!!” The little girl snaps, still struggling against her bindings. She attempts to cry out for help so I gag her as well. I knew the older kids would come find this toddler during the fighting. I peek out and that’s when I see my other target, Omega, with an all white Wookiee who appears to be about Omega’s age. He looks in my direction. As he comes this way, pulling Omega with him, I hide up in the rafters.
3rd POV
Across the street Omega looks around as she holds onto Wyyntrr’s hand. He looks over towards a ruined hut on the end of a street that marks the edge of the village. He feels Maisy and points to the hut. Omega nods understandingly and the two hurry over to the dilapidated building. Omega reaches the door panel and presses the entrance button. The door whooshes up and the kids look around. Omega’s eyes widen when she sees Maisy tied up and bound. The Youngling spots them and tears well in her eyes.
“Mmmphf!!! Mmmm-Mmmfph!!” Maisy tries to warn the older kids, but instead they run right to her.
“Maisy! Hold on, we’ll get you out-“ Omega says taking off the gag over Maisy’s mouth.
“Run! It’s a trap!” Maisy insists, but that’s when the door suddenly shuts and Wyyntrr draws his saber instinctively, sensing another presence. The teal color of the blade illuminates the room, allowing Omega to see the tether around the Youngling. That’s when Fennec Shand, the bounty hunter that kidnapped Maisy, leaps down from overhead, forcing Wyyntrr to dive out of the way. He rolls and stands at the ready.
“Rraaaghhh!!! RAAAUUGHHH!” Wyyntrr roars protectively, making sure to stand right in front of Maisy and Omega.
“Jedi…she was right,” the bounty hunter whispers to herself.
“Wyyntrr! Be careful!” Omega calls to him.
“Easy kid, I don’t wanna hurt you. My orders are to take you alive and unharmed if possible,” Fennec tells the Wookiee. Omega manages to get the tether off Maisy but when the young female clone sees the binders she frowns. Metallic locking mechanism. Omega looks around.
“Come with me, we gotta get those things off you,” Omega tells Maisy, who nods and obediently follows the older girl while Wyyntrr keeps the attention of the bounty hunter, having the most combat experience out of the 3 ‘siblings’.
Omega and Maisy slip out of the hut while Wyyntrr fights Fennec, keeping a good distance from her and only being defensive and avoidant. She tries stunning Wyyntrr, but he blocks 2 stun bolts and dodges the 3rd. Wyyntrr uses the Force to pick up Fennec and toss her back into the wall, making the bounty hunter crumple to the floor. She grunts and winces at the daze, shaking her head a bit. Once she blinks and gets to her feet, the blind albino Wookiee is gone.
Wyyntrr managed to catch up with the girls, who found a rusty old speeder across the street. There’s a bag strapped to it so Omega starts sifting through it. Wyyntrr asks a question when he turns in Omega’s direction.
“I’m not sure. Omega, what are you doing?” Maisy asks.
“There’s a first aid kit, credits, a canteen, a scope-Ah! Found it! Tool kit!” Omega says and that’s when the kids hear Fennec break through the broken door across the street.
“Hurry!” Maisy gasps as Omega gets to work on the Youngling’s binders. Omega twists the spanner in her hand before prying open the binders around the little girl’s wrists. They click open and fall to the ground.
“Get on!” Wyyntrr orders, motioning to the speeder. He gets up front with Maisy behind him and Omega behind her so the Youngling is in the middle. Wyyntrr powers it up and while it sputters a couple times, it does hum to life and hover above the ground. Maisy looks and spots the scope in the bag Omega was rummaging through and picks it up. Fennec races towards them and Wyyntrr floors it. He turns and the bounty hunter spots Wyyntrr’s escape route. She grabs an explosive and tosses it forcing the kids to skid, turning harshly. Wyyntrr smirks and raises his middle finger to the bounty hunter, roaring.
“You missed!” Maisy giggles, sticking her tongue out as she looks through the scope at Fennec as they race by. Omega sees what the Wookiee is doing before smirking herself and flashing the same gesture.
Fennec spots the kids on the speeder skidding by as the two older kids flip her off. She grabs a tracking device and attaches it to her rifle before aiming at the speeder and firing. The tracker lands near the base of the speeder, unnoticed by the kids as they speed away laughing.
Hunter’s POV
I race through the village, unable to spot any signs of the kids. Tech’s datapad beeps and I see him adjust his goggles.
“Hunter—there’s been alerts of a fight on the north side,” Tech says.
“The kids,” Wrecker says worriedly but I’ve already taken off at a sprint. We come to a street when the kids suddenly speed right past me, nearly colliding with me!
“GAH!” Omega and Maisy exclaim seeing Hunter run right out in front of them. Wyyntrr swerves out of the way hard enough that Omega and Maisy have to hold onto each other to keep from falling. The Wookiee brakes hard and the bike skids to a stop.
“Hunter! Wrecker! Tech!” Omega exclaims, helping Maisy off the bike by picking the little girl up and setting her down.
“Rrrgh!!!” Wyyntrr roars excitedly, fist-pumping the air. They all run up to me as I spread my arms and kneel down. They collide with my armor and wrap their arms around me and each other.
“Are you kids alright? Are you hurt?” I ask, inspecting each child.
“Wyyntrr and I are ok but Maisy was taken-“ Omega explains and I turn to the Youngling.
“Maisy?” I ask.
“I…I don’t know who it was…but Wyyntrr and Omega…they saved me,” the little girl tells me as her hug tightens. I pick her up and she tucks her head under my jaw. I know we’re being watched, I can feel it. But I ignore the feeling and focus on the kids.
“Let’s get back to the farm,” I tell them and they nod.
3rd POV
As the group of soldiers and children make their way back to the Lawquane farm, Fennec Shand watches them from a nondescript alley, having followed the tracker. Fennec sighs before turning back to where she landed her ship. Once inside the cockpit, Fennec powers the ship on and contacts Nala Se, her client.
“Did you apprehend Omega and the child with her?” Nala Se asks.
“No. The children escaped when another hunter intervened. I tracked them back to Clone Force 99. I could still capture them for you-“ Fennec Shand offers, “but that’ll cost you extra.”
“No. As long as Omega is not captured by Lama Su, she is as safe as she can be,” Nala Se says.
“Then our business is complete. If you have another job, you know how to reach me,” Fennec Shand says, ending the communications.
The group heads back to the farm. Hunter hands Maisy her clapping monkey toy that he found when trying to look for them. When they get back, Hunter quietly explains what happens and helps the Lawquanes pack the last of their essentials.
“We need to get going now,” Cut says and his kids share a worried look.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find a new place, just as nice as this, maybe even nicer,” Suu says.
“But this is our house,” Shaeeah argues sadly.
“Sweetie, a place is not home. Home is your family, the ones that love you. Wherever we go, we’ll be home because we have each other,” Cut says. Omega glances up at Hunter and smiles. The sergeant puts Maisy down and she grabs hold of Wyyntrr’s hand.
“Wrecker, do you mind?” Hunter asks, motioning to the heavy kitchen items. Wrecker nods and the soldiers help carry the family’s belongings, with the demolitions expert grabbing the heaviest things like the box of pots, pans, cups, plates, utensils, etc.
“Get everything outside and I’ll bring the ship by and pick everyone up,” Tech says and Hunter nods.
Tech makes the trek back to the Marauder in no time as Wrecker manages to carry out some of the farm tools from the barn. The sun sets as Tech returns in the ship and helps everyone load up.
As the ship starts moving up, Tech announces to everyone to take a seat as he increases the incline a bit.
“Where are we going?” Jekk asks.
“Somewhere safe,” his mother assures him.
“We know of an Outer Rim world where the Empire would never find you,” Hunter explains from the copilot seat.
“Kowak. It’s near wild space, far out of the Empire’s reach,” Wrecker adds, “we had a mission there during the War.”
The Lawquane family nod.
“We don’t have enough fuel to get you there, but we got you passes on the next shuttle out of Sandori, the nearest spaceport,” Tech says.
“If you think it’s safe for us, then let’s go,” Cut agrees as Tech flies the ship, keeping within the atmosphere.
The ship slows down and Tech opens the doors to drop off the Lawquane family. The kids say their goodbyes and Cut wishes the soldiers luck as they depart onto their shuttle with their things.
Meanwhile, back on Coruscant….
3rd POV
Rex and Echo search the Jedi Temple, being careful of the Coruscant Guard that showed up upon the pair’s return. The 501st Captain watches the boys in red check all the bodies they pass. At first Rex and Echo wonder what’s going on until the Coruscant Guard get to one of the 501st soldiers still barely alive, weakly clinging to life. Echo’s eyes widen when the guard pulls out his blaster and fires, killing the 501st trooper.
“We gotta hurry-“ Echo whispers.
“We’ve checked every area I can think of, I don’t know where else he’d be-“ Rex says quietly. Echo thinks on every room they’ve checked so far (including from earlier when they found Padawan Wyyntrr). Rex and Echo cleared the library, the mess hall, the training rooms, the quarters, and even the council room.
“There is a place we didn’t check yet-“ Rex realizes.
“Where?” Echo asks.
“There’s this place General Skywalker talked about called the Vaults. It’s where the Jedi keep their most valuable information,” Rex explains. Echo nods and uses his scomp to plug in to the map of the Temple.
“Past the east wing near the comms tower. Let’s go,” Echo says and Rex nods.
The pair arrive and see the doors look forced open. They keep on guard and silently, cautiously make their way into the room. It’s destroyed, like the rest of the Temple. At first, there are no bodies, not until they get to the back, where the holochrons are kept. That’s when they hear something. The two 501st soldiers follow the sound and the closer they get, the more it sounds like grunting or someone working or just…someone…someone alive. They approach and see a fellow 501st soldier on his knees. There’s a body of an elderly female he appears to be focused on and even though Echo and Rex do not know this Jedi personally, they’ve heard from Ahsoka that Master Jocasta Nu is in charge of the place in such catastrophic times. The 501st soldier pants a bit with effort as he keeps pumping her chest rhythmically. Rex spots the red marking on the soldier’s pauldron and his heart clenches.
“Kix?” Echo asks for Rex. Echo’s voice rings out and causes the soldier doing chest compressions to stop, frozen in place. He slowly glances back with a horrified look on his face.
“Echo?” He asks looking at the ARC trooper but then he notices Rex just standing, staring at him in shock.
“Rex?” Kix, the 501st medic asks, his hand hovers over his blaster pistol, unsure if he can trust either of them. Rex looks at Kix and that’s when he spots the small scar on the side of the medic’s head.
“Your inhibitor chip is out-“ Rex breathes a sigh of relief. Now Kix looks at them in shock.
“You…you know about the chip?” Kix asks. Rex nods.
“How’d you find out about it?” Rex asks.
“Fives-he-…he came to me when Tup first showed signs,” Kix explains.
“Yours is out too?” The medic asks and the two nod.
“So far it’s only us and the rest of Clone Force 99,” Rex explains and Kix nods before glancing down at the dead Jedi Master. There are Younglings but Kix moved them out of sight, into the vaults.
“What happened on Mandalore?” Kix asks. I shake my head.
“We lost some from Maul. But…Order 66 happened on the way back from Mandalore…after that…we lost everyone from my half of the 501st. What happened to General Skywalker and why are his men here when Skywalker himself is nowhere to be found in the carnage?” Rex asks.
“You…don’t know…do you?” Kix asks with a dark look in his eye. Rex feels a primal, instinctual fear when Kix looks at him.
“Know what?” Echo asks.
“He did it…he was the one that killed them,” Kix says and neither Rex nor Echo need explanation.
“N-No…No-th-that…that can’t be-“ Echo stutters while Rex feels his body go into shock, feeling numb all over.
“R-Rex?” Echo asks.
“You know it as well as I do. You’ve seen it in him…the darkness. You want proof? Here-“ Kix says handing Rex a recording. Echo looks at Rex worriedly before the Captain powers it on. The blue hologram shines and they see General Skywalker slicing, cutting through Jedi as if they were nothing but obstacles in his path. Blaster bolts fill the background as the Jedi that remained at the Temple fell one by one.
“General Skywalker killed the Jedi,” Kix says roughly, his voice haggard and almost raspy.
Have some art I managed to work into this fic💙 (2nd pic is referenced from the Enemy mv)

#star wars#star wars bad batch#fanfic#tbb#bad batch fanfic#fanfiction#tbb fanfic#tbb our love#our love tbb#our love bad batch#tbb our love fanfic#tbb our love chapter 4#our love chapter 4#chapter 4#tbb jedi oc fanfic#jedi padawan oc#jedi youngling oc#tbb wyyntrr oc#tbb maisy oc#found family fic#thanks for being patient#in case you couldn’t tell this is a sort of crossover with arcane#kind of#using arcane story for TBB#is that a crossover?#idk
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Hello all,
I’m so sorry for the hiatus/break. To make a long story short I had 3 family members die really close together (within about 5-6 days) and my younger brother had pneumonia but he’s fine now.
Here is Chapter 3 for my Bad Batch rewrite Our Love—basically how I think TBB should’ve gone+self insert fic. I’m sorry this took so long, but I was writing this chapter as S3 was airing and I was unhappy with how S3 ended up being so that really discouraged me.
I definitely recommend reading Chapters 1 + 2 before this (link is chapter index)
Our Love
Chapter 3: You Can’t Escape the Past
Warnings: spoilers, AU/OC characters, POV changes, O66 trauma, lemme know if I need anything else
Words: 8,096
3rd POV
Maisy and Omega gasp when they round the pile of debris to see a white Wookiee sitting with his legs pulled up, face buried, sobbing. He’s unaware of the girls’ presence so Maisy steps forward.
“Help,” she says. Her voice gets the Wookiee’s attention and his head snaps up. The girls’ pause when they see his eyes are bright red with blood red pupils. He looks in Maisy’s direction.
“Help,” she repeats.
“You called for help. I heard you,” the little girl says. The Wookiee’s eyes widen.
“Are you a survivor? Do you know what happened here?” He asks and Maisy shakes her head.
“Uh-uh. I came cuz I felt your call for help,” Maisy explains.
“Do you know what he’s saying?” Omega asks Maisy, who nods. Her Master spoke Shyriiwook fluently and often taught the Youngling in his spare time and she picked it up quickly. The white Wookiee flinches and seems startled, which makes Omega confused. She’d been standing with Maisy the whole time, so how did he not notice her? She looks at his gaze and sees that he’s staring in Maisy’s direction, but isn’t actually looking at her. Omega’s eyes widen.
“You’re blind,” she says.
“Who are you!? You’re no Jedi!” The Wookiee exclaims. Omega flinches.
“It’s ok! She’s my sister!” Maisy spouts immediately. Omega blinks and looks down at the Youngling.
“Sh-she’s with me…they all are-“ Maisy says.
“They?” The Wookiee asks but that’s when the rest of the Batch and Rex hurry in and see the Wookiee.
Rex and Echo look around the room. Bodies of Younglings lay about. They cannot believe it. While Hunter and the others are dealing with the albino Wookiee Padawan, Rex drops to his knees.
“They’re all…gone…the Jedi…the 501st…all of them…they’re all gone,” Rex repeats lifelessly as Echo puts his normal hand on Rex’s pauldron.
“Not all of them…we’re still here,” Echo replies. Rex looks up at him before sighing and looking at the lifeless bodies littering the room.
“If Ahsoka was with you…what was General Skywalker doing?” Echo asks.
“He was supposed to go rescue the Chancellor,” Rex explains.
“But..all information regarding General Skywalker has been sealed,” Rex adds. Echo looks at the bodies and that’s when his eyes widen in realization. His stomach churns.
“R-Rex-“ Echo says. Rex looks up at him and sees the shock and horror.
“Look at them-“ Echo points to the children’s lifeless bodies. Rex looks at them and when he sees the chest of one, with a distinct, large singed cut going up the child’s body. A….Lightsaber.
“Is that-?” Echo begins to ask.
“A lightsaber cut,” Rex confirms.
“W-Who…Who would do this to children?” Echo asks and Rex shakes his head.
“I’m not sure…but…I think whatever General Skywalker was doing had something to do with this. He would never allow our brothers to do this to the Jedi if he were here,” Rex states.
“It could’ve been Ventress-“ Echo says.
“Or Maul,” Rex adds.
“Who’s Maul?” Echo asks.
“A Sith…he uses red laser swords like Ventress,” Rex explains.
“What if…what if whoever killed these kids…killed General Skywalker?” Echo asks.
“Echo, you know the General as well as I do. He wasn’t like the other Jedi,” Rex insists.
“He wasn’t…but you know we shouldn’t assume anything…not with everything that’s happened,” Echo argues gently before glancing over at the others. He walks over and motions to Rex, who glances back at the dead Jedi children, some who look as young as 3-4, the same age as Youngling Maisy. Rex briefly wonders about the infants, but he pushes that thought out of his mind quickly and follows Echo back to join the group.
Omega’s POV
I stay quiet and let Maisy talk to the Wookiee. I can really only get Maisy’s half and assume based on what she says.
“It’s ok..these clones won’t hurt you. They’re all with me,” Maisy reassures the albino Wookiee.
“It’s true..we’re friends,” I add gently.
“R-Rrrghh?” He whimpers.
“It’s the ‘inbitter’ chips,” Maisy says.
“In-hi-bi-tor chips,” I correct.
“Theirs don’t work,” Maisy insists.
“Rrrgghh-rraughh,” He mumbles sadly.
“Mine too…but you’re not alone…come with us,” Maisy says. I look and see Hunter about to stop Maisy, but I grab hold of his arm, getting his attention. He looks down at me and I shake my head and look up at him pleadingly. He sighs quietly but stays silent and I smile.
“Rrrr-Rrghh?” He asks and I see Maisy smile at him and nod.
“Uh-huh. Come with us,” she says, holding out a hand to him. He blinks before tentatively reaching out and taking the little girl’s hand in his large one. Maisy smiles and looks up at me. I give her an encouraging nod and smile at her before putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Good job,” I tell her and she beams at me. I take a step towards the Wookiee.
“I’m Omega,” I introduce and my brothers all take turns introducing themselves with their voices.
“What’s your name?” Maisy asks.
“Rraahh,” the Wookiee answers.
“Wyyntrr,” Maisy translates and I smile.
“Wyyntrr,” I repeat.
“Rrr-Rrragghh-Rrrr!” He says.
“Oh, you’re a Padawan! I’m a Youngling!” She says, pulling him towards the group.
“What’s the difference?” Wrecker asks.
“He’s older and got more training,” Maisy explains.
“We have to get out of here,” Hunter warns.
“Down that way-“ Maisy points to a ruined hallway.
“Let’s move-“ Rex says, putting a hand on Echo’s shoulder to get his attention.
We walk down the hall, avoiding the bodies of Jedi and 501st troopers. Maisy keeps holding Wyyntrr’s hand as they walk with Hunter and Tech leading the way. I look and see Maisy’s eyes are wide as she looks at the bodies and I realize that it’s starting to affect her.
“Rraagh—Rrrr,” Wyyntrr says and I see him shiver.
“I’m cold too,” Maisy says in agreement. I frown in confusion. I feel fine.
“Hunter?” I ask, looking up at the Sergeant. He looks around.
“Rex-did..did you see?” Echo asks the 501st captain.
“Not all of those kids were killed with blaster fire-“ Echo says, his voice breaking.
“What?!” Wrecker asks, clearly in shock.
“Echo-“ Rex warns, knowing now is not the time to have this conversation. I look between Captain Rex and Echo worriedly before I feel Maisy tug on my sleeve.
“Bad…the bad dark,” she tells me.
“What does that mean?” I ask her.
“The bad dark is coming for us,” Maisy warns and my eyes widen. I snap back into the moment and realize the others are arguing.
“Hunter!” I exclaim, getting everyone’s attention.
“The bad dark is coming,” Maisy repeats.
“Rex?” Hunter asks for clarification.
“Not good-MOVE!” Rex snaps. Wrecker picks up Wyyntrr before me with his other hand while Maisy reaches for Tech, being the closest, who picks the little girl up easily.
3rd POV
Wrecker picks up the older kids while Tech grabs Maisy and the group sprints as fast as they can as Maisy guides them through the ruined Temple. Hunter is right beside Tech, holding his blaster pistol at the ready since Wrecker is unarmed.
“Down that hall and turn left,” Maisy points and Hunter runs ahead, scouting while Rex and Echo bring up the rear.
Omega looks over Wrecker’s shoulder.
“I don’t see anything,” Omega says. Wyyntrr reaches over and gently touches Omega’s hand with his own pale pink one and Omega’s eyes widen when she feels his hand is cold—a lot colder than she expected. The young female clone looks over and sees Maisy point. Hunter races ahead.
The group manages to get back to where they came in from and follow the same path out, going through the basement closet, through the sewers and back to the alleys of the lower levels of Coruscant. The hidden path out of the Temple isn’t known to any outside the Jedi Council and the room isn’t on any maps of the Temple so over the centuries, that knowledge was lost. The only reason Maisy knew of it is because her Master told her. He found it accidentally as a Youngling himself.
“Are we safe yet?” Omega asks and Padawan Wyyntrr makes a small noise before nodding. Omega looks over and sees Maisy still looks upset.
“Maisy? What’s wrong?” Omega asks.
“I’m not cold…the bad dark…it didn’t follow us out but…but…the others—“ Maisy whimpers before crying, wrapping her arms around Tech’s neck. The little girl is hurting and it’s almost instantly that Tech puts his blaster pistol away and gently strokes the back of the little girl’s head.
Back on Kamino, Crosshair informs his squad about their latest controversial mission to Ankus.
“What’s so controversial about this mission?” ES-03 asks.
“The Separatist holdout is located in a neutral system,” Crosshair explains. Based on what happened on Onderon, Crosshair’s squad doesn’t question orders.
“Is that a problem?” Crosshair asks when his squad shares a look with each other.
“No…sir,” ES-03 says before nodding at the others and walking out to the hangar, leaving Corsshair alone to get ready.
Since he’s alone, Crosshair takes a moment. The Ankus mission is identical to the one on Onderon. Civilians, innocent people just caught in a wrong place-wrong time situation. The sniper definitely takes issue with violence but he winces in pain and his hand comes up to rub his right temple before sighing. Fine. If the order was to go to Ankus, he’d go to Ankus. Crosshair would do it his way though.
He meets the rest of his new squad in the hangar and the group silently finishes loading the gunship with supplies before boarding and taking off. It’s awkwardly silent between the soldiers but Crosshair doesn’t care. He just thinks about Cody. The sniper wonders all sorts of questions about the commander but most of all, Crosshair just hopes Cody will help him as he feels the ship lurch forward into hyperspace.
Maisy’s POV
I feel sad…so sad that…it’s like I don’t feel anything. I’m not even crying. I managed to guide everyone back out but…but it didn’t feel like me. It felt like I wasn’t there. Like it wasn’t real. It couldn’t have been. But…but everyone’s still acting like the other Jedi were all killed and only me and Wyyntrr are left. Tech is carrying me as they walk through alleys and streets of the lower levels before getting to the lifts. I can hear Wyyntrr crying but I look over and see Omega comforting him as Wrecker carries them. The door opens and we hurry inside as the doors whoosh close.
“You’re safe now, Wyyntrr. We’ll protect you,” Omega tells him. I know Omega’s telling the truth but…I can’t get the bodies out of my mind. The bodies of the other Younglings and the Masters that were defending them along with the clones that they managed to kill. I feel the lift move up.
“Maisy?” Tech’s voice pulls me out of remembering the lifeless faces with eyes wide open.
“Are you alright?” Tech asks, “You’re shaking,” he explains, getting everyone’s attention.
“Kid?” Echo asks, concerned. I bury my face into Tech’s neck and whimper, squeezing tighter. I’m just trying to keep my eyes shut, to stop the bad thoughts. I don’t even hear Wyyntrr’s voice.
Tech’s POV
I feel Maisy bury her face into the crook of my neck and whimper quietly.
“Rrr-rrrghh..rraaahh-rrrgg” Commander Wyyntrr says. I flip my visor down and let the lens translate everything the white albino Wookiee says.
“The Force is..unpredictable,” I read and see the Padawan point at Maisy. My eyes widen. The Force. I’ve never been able to understand it. I know it’s what gives the Generals their power and make things float around, but that’s about it since we don’t normally work with the Jedi.
“He says the Force is unpredictable…for Maisy?” I ask and the Wookiee nods once.
“What does that mean?” I ask, but the lift doors open before he could answer and we run out.
“This way-“ Hunter motions and we follow him. I make sure to keep a strong grip on the little girl as she clings to me. I suddenly realize how uncomfortable my armor must feel.
We finally make it back to the garage and shut the door behind us.
“Woah, what’s going on? Did you get into the Temple?” Trace asks as Rafa puts the tool down and walks over. While not as skilled as Trace, Rafa can do basic things like rewire a speeder, bypass simple security systems and such. Wrecker steps forward with the two older kids in his arms and they blink in surprise.
“Who’s that?” Rafa asks.
“This is Wyyntrr..the girls found him when we went into the Temple,” Hunter introduces.
“He’s just a kid,” Trace says and Hunter nods sadly.
“Rex-“ Rafa says, getting his attention. He looks at her with tired, deep dark brown eyes
“Can we talk?” Rafa asks, glancing at the kids. Rex nods and glances at Echo.
“You comin’?” Rex asks, clearly still thinking of Echo as a 501st brother. Echo looks at Hunter, who nods before following the sisters and Rex into the office room.
“Go, we’ll stay with the kids,” Hunter says, glancing at me and I nod, looking over at the Wookiee Commander, thinking on what he said…about the Force…and Youngling Maisy.
“Maisy?” Omega asks, reaching up to put a hand gently on the younger girl’s knee. Maisy’s grip tightens around my neck and she whimpers quietly. I see Omega frown worriedly.
“It…It’s ok,” I tell the Youngling, “we won’t let anything happen to any of you.”
“Tech’s right,” Omega adds enthusiastically.
Rex’s POV
I shut the door behind Echo and look at the Martez sisters.
“Rex, you have to contact Ahsoka,” Rafa insists.
“You know where the Commander is?” Echo asks incredulously.
“No-no-Rafa, you know as well as I do that Ahsoka’s situation…is tricky,” I argue.
“This is an emergency-those kids, they’re Jedi and Ahsoka could help them,” Rafa argues back.
“Rex if you know where Commander Tano is then you have to tell her about the kids,” Echo insists.
“Echo-Commander Tano was banished from the Jedi. She was asked back but…but she didn’t trust them, so she left. She only recently came back and I was helping her when..” I trail off, remembering the horrors of Order 66. Memories of how I nearly killed the Commander—of how we had to bury the bodies of our half of the 501st.
“Order 66?” Echo asks and I nod.
“Rex..we’re soldiers. What are we supposed to do with children? I know Hunter means well, but he’s not thinking realistically. We’re not prepared to raise these kids,” Echo says. I sigh. He has a point.
“That would mean separating them,” I say.
“Yeah..I don’t think that’s going to happen-“ Trace says, looking out the window. I follow her gaze and see Tech holding Maisy on the floor of the garage with the two older kids hugging either side of Tech, wrapping their arms around the pilot and Jedi youngling. Wrecker walks over and sits behind Tech, wrapping his arms around the group and I see Hunter smile. In a different universe, they’d be able to raise those kids without fear of the Empire.
“We still have to go back for Crosshair,” Echo points out, getting my attention.
“Where is he?” I ask.
“Back on Kamino. His inhibitor chip was the only one active on Kaller but we hadn’t seen him since escaping Kamino after removing our chips. We’re not sure what they did to him,” Echo explains. I sigh.
“I can’t locate Commander Tano because I don’t know where she is, truly. She went into hiding after our ship crashed and we buried those that didn’t make it,” I explain.
“That’s where they come in,” I explain, glancing at the Martez sisters, who nod.
“Any clones we come across, we direct to Rex,” Trace explains and I nod.
“And any Jedi, we tell Ahsoka,” Rafa adds.
“In these times, they won’t be safe anywhere,” Echo comments darkly.
“I can send out a distress signal. It’s an old clone captain code of mine. Ahsoka would know it…if she’s listening,” I say.
“Thanks Rex,” Echo nods at me. I feel my lips tug upward in a small smile. I’ve watched lots of my brothers fall. I was there on the Rishi Moon outpost when Cutup, Droidbait and Hevy were killed. I was with Fives…he had tried to warn me-and General Skywalker but I…I didn’t understand. I’d do anything to keep Echo and the rest of them safe, including the kids because none of this is their fault. They shouldn’t have had to go through Order 66 at their age. And now…they are genocide survivors.
3rd POV
Back on the now former Republic gunship, Crosshair waits patiently for the ship to drop out of hyperspace.
“Approaching Ankus, sir,” the sniper hears through the comms in his helmet.
“Good. Here. I’m assigning each of you a sector. East wing, south entrance, roof. We meet inside. Eliminate anyone in your way,” Crosshair orders to a silent squad and from what happened on Onderon, it’s out of fear, not respect.
The ship touches down in the swampy marsh. The doors open and Crosshair steps out first to see a settlement in the distance.
“This way,” he says and leads the squad as quick as he can.
“Commander-what’s the hurry?” A trooper asks but Crosshair doesn’t answer and merely speeds up. Crosshair knows that the faster the mission here is completed, the faster he can get to the nearby planet Dantooine, Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts.
Crosshair’s POV
I let my visor on my helmet guide me until I get to a rocky, vine-covered cliff. I already manage to fire off my ascension cable just as the others catch up. The hook catches up at the top and I pull the trigger of my rifle so the cable pulls me up the face of the cliff. I hear the other cables launch near me, but I try not to think about them. Just finish the mission so I can leave. Just finish.
I get to the top of the cliff and see the wall of the outpost through the vegetation. I use the heat signature function and see at least 20 people inside and patrolling around the wall.
“Split up,” I order the others once they make it to the top as well.
“You two take the north side. We’ll meet at the control center inside,” I point to the left and the TK troopers nod.
“Yes sir,” they reply obediently. They must’ve learned from Onderon not to disobey me. The two disappear into the distance and I look to the remaining TK trooper.
“You, scout ahead,” I order and she nods.
“Yes sir,” she says and hurries off.
Being the sniper, I’m unused to being the leader and on Clone Force 99, I would always bring up the rear, watching our backs. But I focus on completing the mission. It’s the only way I can get help. Faster…I have to go faster. I nearly keep pace with the female TK trooper and she looks at me.
“What’s the rush sir?” She asks.
“Our timing is important,” I snap and at first she’s quiet.
“Understood sir,” she says and speeds up much faster than I anticipated. I blink in surprise and speed up a bit. A small part of me, very deep down and VERY BRIEFLY thinks that she respects me. No. No that can’t be. I shot and killed ES-01 on Onderon. They just fear me. As they should but…but if my plan is going to work…I hope-
“Sir!” I hear a voice through the comms on my helmet snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I’ve found a weak point in the security system. The ventilation shaft doesn’t have any weight or motion censors. That’s our way in,” the TK trooper partnered with me explains and I’m suddenly reminded of Tech, but I shake that thought away. She opens the vent and climbs in and I take a small breath before following after her.
It’s quiet, the only sound is the slight sound of our armor touching metal. I can hear the other troopers update me on their position and every so often, I can hear blaster fire through the comms but it eventually stops.
“Sir, I believe we’re just a corridor away from the central control panel,” the trooper whispers. After a bit more crawling, we arrive at a grate in the vent and open it. I drop through the opening and we look around.
“Report ES-03,” I order through my helmet comms. I hear two shots fire off before a quiet moment passes.
“ES-03?” I ask again but that’s when the door whooshes open and I see the other troopers walk in.
“We have infiltrated the base successfully,” ES-03 says.
“We must sweep the base for any remaining insurgents-“ ES-04 suggests.
“It’s faster to send out a fake emergency call. Sound the evacuation alarms,” I order and no one questions me this time. An alert alarm rings throughout the building.
“ES-03-“ I say, getting the TK trooper’s attention.
“Take the north corridor-I’m taking the south-“ I order and make my way through the southern wing to the landing pads.
I make it outside when the commlink in my helmet comes on.
“Sir, there’s no one else here-“ I hear.
“The base is secured. Hold it until further orders,” I instruct.
“Understood sir-but-..where are you?”
“I’ve got a new mission-alone,” I add hastily.
“ES-03 is in charge while I’m away,” I announce.
“Yes sir,” I hear the obedient replies through the comms and hurry over to a nearby transport shuttle and power it up. I put in the coordinates for Dantooine, Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts before flying the ship up and off planet. I feel a twinge of pain flare up through my temples. I completed my earlier mission, so why does it still hurt?
Back at the Lower Levels of Coruscant…
3rd POV
CF99 and the kids say their goodbyes to the Martez sisters and the group makes their way back to the Marauder from the lower levels of Coruscant. Padawan Wyyntrr mumbles sadly and sighs as Omega looks at him, then at Tech.
“He’s asking what’s going to happen to them now that the Jedi Temple is destroyed-“ Tech explains cautiously looking at Hunter.
“We’re…not going to decide anything right now,” Hunter answers when he notices Echo and Rex talking in hushed tones.
“We’ll look after you kids for now…until we do decide what would be best,” Hunter assures the kids and Tech nods.
“I could really use your help Echo,” Rex whispers quietly to the ARC trooper, who nods.
“I know. If there’s a chance he’s still alive…then we have to go back into the Temple ourselves. We’ll leave the kids with Hunter and the others,” Echo says and Rex nods in agreement.
Speaking of the children, Omega gently puts a hand on Wyyntrr’s shoulder as he picks up Maisy, who clings to him and buries her head into his thick, curly snow-white fur. The albino Wookiee uses one arm to hold the Youngling and the other to cup the back of her head gently with his pale pink hand.
Omega’s POV
As we make our way back to the Marauder, I look over at the Jedi and see Maisy keeps her head buried into Wyyntrr’s thick, white curly fur and she’s clinging to him so tight her knuckles are white. I don’t say anything. How could I? After what we saw at the Temple…all the destruction and death….the bodies we passed. We saw it all. And Wyyntrr…he could’ve been here…all this time. Maybe he was here when it happened. Now…all the Jedi are gone…it’s just Maisy and Wyyntrr left.
I’m not sure why but I feel the overwhelming sense to protect them. Perhaps it was all those years on Kamino. The others…the soldiers, they were taught that the Jedi were our superiors. That their job is to protect others so we must protect them. At least, that’s what I’ve thought. I don’t have a lot of memories of the Jedi personally because Nala Se often kept me confined in her secret laboratory. I would get to go to the mess hall to eat or make very occasional trips to the library. It was during those times when I was out that I would see a Jedi. I believe her name is Jedi Master Shaak Ti. I got to see her once briefly in passing. We never spoke to each other. I never really got to see the Jedi’s powers. I’d heard they could do amazing things…things no ordinary human can do. But I never saw…not until-
My mind flashes to Crosshair choking, gasping for air before flashing to Maisy, her hand outstretched towards him. I managed to get her to stop by grabbing hold of her and picking her up but I’ll always remember it. It was like Crosshair couldn’t do anything despite nothing being around him. I shake my head slightly to clear the memory when I hear Maisy whimper. I put a hand gently on her shoulder.
“We’ve got you. It’s ok. We’re here,” I say and Wyyntrr grunts and nods in agreement as his grip tightens slightly in a reassuring..big brother..type of way. I look between them and I realize why I felt the need to protect them. It’s not because of Kamino or what the Kaminoans told the other clones about the Jedi…it’s because we’re family.
We finally get back to the Marauder.
“Hunter, can we talk?” Echo asks. I look between Echo and Rex and then finally Hunter. He nods and turns to Tech and Wrecker.
“Take the kids inside,” Hunter says and Tech nods, escorting Wyyntrr up the stairs. I watch as he cautiously walks up the steps.
“C’mon kid,” Wrecker tells me when I look back at Rex, Echo and Hunter. I look back up at Wrecker and nod before following the others inside. Wrecker follows behind me and I watch as Tech escorts Wyyntrr over to an empty seat. I walk over and sit next to Wyyntrr, who’s still keeping a firm grip on Maisy.
“I’m going to reset the fuel log and nav computer,” Tech announces before walking into the cockpit. I notice Wrecker looking a bit nervous so I motion to come sit with us. He nods and immediately walks over. I move over and once he sits down, I climb into his lap. Wyyntrr seems to notice and shifts Maisy so he can also climb into Wrecker’s lap. The demolitions and weapons expert wraps his arms around me and Wyyntrr.
3rd POV
Hunter watches Wrecker and Tech escort the kids onto the Marauder, leaving the sergeant with Echo and Rex.
“What’s going on?” Hunter asks.
“Hunter. The troopers at the Temple…they were 501st. Rex and I think that one of us might still be at the Temple. But we had to get the kids out of there and now that they’re safe, Rex and I want to go back before it gets swarmed by Imps,” Echo explains.
“And before you start to argue, we have to do this, no matter what you say,” Rex adds.
“Actually, I was going to apologize for not being able to go with you…but I can’t leave those kids. They need us,” Hunter explains and the 2 others nod understandingly.
“We know,” Echo says and looks to his captain.
“Here. These are coordinates to someone who can help you,” Rex explains, handing Hunter a data chip. The sergeant looks at the chip then at Rex.
“Who?” Hunter asks.
“A deserter. We met during the War,” Rex explains then glances at the Marauder.
“And he’s got kids,” Rex adds.
“So?” Hunter asks and all Rex does is smirk and let a small chuckle escape his lips.
“I always forget that you boys haven’t worked with the Jedi Commanders before. Trust me. He’ll be helpful in more ways than one,” Rex says.
“We’ll rendezvous with you at those coordinates once we’ve searched the whole Temple,” Echo says.
“Who…who is it?” Hunter asks.
“Kix..my medic,” Rex says and Hunter nods, remembering the soldier well from the Anaxes mission to rescue Echo.
“I hope you find him. In the meantime, we’ll be waiting for you,” Hunter says, flashing the data chip with the coordinates on it and Echo nods, offering a hand. They grip forearms and shake brotherly.
“Thanks Hunter, I’ll be back,” Echo assures the sergeant who nods with a small knowing smile before parting ways.
Hunter’s POV
I watch Rex and Echo head back towards the seemingly endless maze of streets before turning back to the Havoc Marauder. We’ll need to disappear. Hopefully Rex’s contact can help us with that. I walk back into the Marauder and see Wrecker with the kids while Tech is up in the cockpit messing with the nav computer. Deciding not to disturb Wrecker or the kids, I decide to join Tech in the cockpit.
“I’m almost done with the fuel log and nav computer,” Tech says and I nod once before handing him the data chip.
“What’s this?” the pilot asks.
“Coordinates for a contact of Rex’s. It’s a place where we can lay low and wait to regroup with the two once they find Kix,” I explain and Tech adjusts his goggles.
“Kix, CT-6116 from Anaxes?” Tech asks and I nod.
“Rex believes he’s back at the Temple, but it’s too dangerous for the kids so we’re going to wait with Rex’s contact until they return,” I explain.
“Who is the contact and how do you know we can trust them?” Tech asks.
“Rex trusts him. Besides, he said that the contact is a deserter,” I tell my brother.
“A deserter?” I don’t miss the concern laced in his tone.
“Yeah, why? It’s not like we’re not deserters either,” I argue back rationally.
“True enough,” Tech admits and nods.
“I’ll input the coordinates-“ Tech says, tossing the chip and catching it with one hand. I nod and walk over to the kids.
I wasn’t prepared for the Temple and if I could go back, I never would’ve taken the kids there. I know we found Wyyntrr there and Omega’s a medical assistant, but they’re both only 11 and shouldn’t have had to experience that, especially Wyyntrr and Maisy since they probably know the slain Jedi. And Maisy…she’s only 4. As I silently approach, Wrecker opens his eyes and he immediately makes eye contact with me.
“The baby Jedi’s are asleep,” Wrecker whispers. I look and see Omega looking at them.
“Will they be alright?” Omega asks me quietly.
“They will with time…and if we help them,” I assure Omega, who smiles.
“Because we’re a family?” She asks and I nod. The young female clone looks at the two Jedi kids and a look of fondness washes over her.
“It might not always be easy,” I warn but Omega nods.
“I know,” she replies easily but with a knowing look in her deep, shining, dark brown eyes. The same eyes we all share.
3rd POV
In hyperspace, Crosshair stares out the window. Crosshair winces in pain and he rubs his temple. He can’t stop thinking about what the Kaminoans, specifically Nala Se, did to him back on Kamino. The others stayed with that kid. He sighs irritatedly so he keeps his thoughts on Commander Cody. While they weren’t exactly close, the sniper knows that the former Marshal Commander of the GAR would help him. The commander took an interest in the ‘defective’ squad when he first learned of them from 99, before his passing.
The ship Crosshair took from Ankus drops out of hyperspace as it arrives at Dantooine and heads to the coordinates the 212th troopers gave him. Commander Cody’s last known whereabouts. While the sniper flies the ship in through the atmosphere of the planet, his mind doesn’t fail to remind him how grateful he should be to Cody because he doesn’t have any friends or contacts, even within the army. Echo’s voice of reason rings in Crosshair’s head.
“If your squad pushes away our brothers, you won’t have anyone to rely on,” the ARC trooper had told Crosshair when they first met, on the Anaxes mission. Out of everyone, Crosshair’s severe and unyielding personality make it hard for him to admit when he has a shortcoming. But in this case, when he can’t even rely on his own squad…it would be beneficial to have contacts other than squad mates. The sniper made a mental note to talk with Echo the next time he saw him.
Crosshair watches the scenery through the windshield before deciding to take over and shut off the autopilot. He’d seen Tech fly the Marauder enough and even picked up a few of Tech’s tricks. His dark brown eyes shine as he scans the area before glancing at the nav computer console. Crosshair sees the dot of the location he’s heading towards as well as the blinking dot of the ship.
It starts to rain as Crosshair touches the ship down in a grassy plain next to a river connecting to a small lake. Crosshair initiates the landing sequence and feels the ship lurch to a stop on the ground before hearing the bay door open. Rain blows in, hitting the loading ramp. He grabs his helmet and rifle and hurries out into the rain.
He heads to the exact coordinates and spots a clearing in the tall golden grass, about 50ft away from the ship. The sniper sees signs that someone was there. Footsteps, a small burn spot of ash from what used to be a fire that’s gone out. Crosshair sees another footstep before a trail of bent blades of grass and follows the trail. Tracking, something he’d seen Hunter do since they were cadets in training on Kamino. While he’s grateful for any help at this point, Crosshair had hoped that Hunter and the rest of the squad would’ve tried harder to understand the sniper’s point of view.
Crosshair keeps his rifle out and ready just in case. The tracks stop at a small flowing river and Crosshair sighs but he spots a smoke trail rising towards the sky in the distance. That’s as good a place as any to start looking. Crosshair didn’t actually think Cody would be at the coordinates, but the sniper had hoped the commander didn’t leave the planet. But Crosshair trusted the coordinate information because Cody often talked fondly of the 212th, as well as the 501st and anyone Cody trusts must be worthy of it.
As the sniper keeps a brisk pace through the grassy plains, Crosshair speeds up with every pulse of pain through his right temple. This cannot be normal, he thinks to himself. Something is wrong.
By the time Crosshair can see the silhouette of the village in the distance, the pain is so intense, taking a step hurts. He groans and rubs his head. Crosshair’s rifle is now barely in his grip and his helmet is under his arm. The breeze provides a nice coolness that in reality does very little, but it allows Crosshair to take a focusing breath when he becomes lightheaded and dizzy. Whatever Nala Se had done to the inhibitor chip was now clearly aversely affecting Crosshair and he needed to get help now. Crosshair ignores the pain long enough to focus on the distance to the village.
The sun starts to set and Crosshair sighs with relief when the sun finally sets. The sunlight was aggravating his headache but wearing his helmet made his lightheadedness nauseating. Crosshair nearly stumbles into the village before collapsing onto his knees. He groans as everything feels like it’s spinning.
Shut your eyes and take slow breaths.
That was what Crosshair told Hunter when his senses got overstimulated. Following that advice, Crosshair shuts his eyes and braces himself before taking a slow breath. The pulsing pain remains for a moment before slowing and lessening in severity.
Crosshair’s POV
I have to shut my eyes and take a slow breath. The ringing in my ears is deafening. I feel a bit nauseous. I’m so focused on the pain that I don’t even register someone approaching me.
“Oss-air…Cross-….Crosshair-“ I hear a familiar voice. I lift my head but keep my eyes shut. I open my eyes with a wince. I’ve got a bit of double vision going on and everything is a bit fuzzy, but I don’t miss the unmistakable deep, bright dark eyes of a clone staring at me with concern. As my vision focuses, I’m able to see the large scar running down the man’s forehead and to his cheekbone.
“C-Cody? Commander Cody?” I ask weakly.
“It’s ok, I’ve got ya,” he tells me before moving next to me. I feel his hands wrap underneath my arms and haul me to my feet. Cody groans slightly and that’s when I see his left leg is wrapped in a bandage. It goes from his ankle all the way up to his mid thigh and I realize he’s hurt.
“You’re injured-“ I comment and he nods.
“Yeah nothing that won’t heal in time but you look like you got hit by a freighter ship. Come with me,” he tells me.
As we walk through the small village, I look around and take in the surroundings. Mostly small shops mixed in with housing either next to or on top of the shops. It’s not really crowded either and I spot some rusty droids every other alleyway.
“What are you doing here Cross? What happened? Where’s the rest of Clone Force 99?” Cody asks as we hobble down the stone street.
“Everything fell apart during Order 66,” I explain and I see Cody’s face harden.
“Were you on Utapau with General Kenobi when it happened?” I ask and he merely nods, avoiding my eyes.
“I…don’t have a lot of regrets in my life but…that was one of them,” Cody says and I look at him with a quizzical look.
“Look, good soldiers follow orders. But what separated us from the battle droids we fought is that we can make our own choices and that’s important now more than ever,” Cody tells me.
“Why’s that?” I ask.
“Because the Jedi that protected us are gone now. The government that ordered our creation has disintegrated. We have to protect each other now that the galaxy has changed,” Cody explains and I think on his words. He…does have a point.
“Tell me something Crosshair,” the commander says, getting my attention.
“Why are you here?” He asks.
“To find you…sir,” I answer and he cocks his head at me, raising an eyebrow.
“I…I knew without the rest of the squad, I had to find someone I could trust,” I explain.
“Because…the Kaminoans did something to me…and…and it’s only getting worse-“ I say as my free hand instinctively comes up to rub my aching temple. The pulsing pain makes it hard to concentrate.
“I need your help,” I beg and Cody nods.
“Don’t worry. I’ll do what I can-“ he says looking around. I see his eyes widen.
“Ah! We’re almost there-“ he comments.
“Mmhmm,“ I acknowledge since nodding my head would’ve been too painful.
With my left arm draped over Cody’s shoulders so he can take my weight, he has us turn down a small alley and walk down all the way until it gets to a dead end. I look and see a rusty door that looks abandoned.
“We’re here,” Cody says and presses the door pad. The door whooshes up with a slight squeak that grates against my ears, but I don’t say anything because at this point, I’m just so happy to have found Cody…or that he found me.
The place is a small one room building with a sink, a couple chairs, and a rickety looking wooden table that’s scratched up like war-ravaged armor.
“It’s not much but it’s a good place to rest that none of the locals really cares about,” Cody says and I nod.
“How long have you been here?” I ask as he gently sets me down in one of the chairs.
“I left Utapau just after Order 66. I tried to convince the men with me to come with but after that we were to report to Kamino. I went with them and…and when we got back…everything…everyone was different,” Cody explains.
“I was demoted because there’s no need for a marshal commander when there’s no GAR but Governor Tarkin assured me I still had a place within the Empire by assigning me and ghost squadron a mission on Dantooine. But, the more I thought about what happened on Utapau, the more upset I got,” Cody explains.
“I got injured after falling from a cliff and told everyone else to complete the mission. I gave Crys my last known coordinates and told them to return to Kamino without me,” Cody says.
“Why? Why didn’t you go back with the others once they finished the mission?” I ask.
“Because I’m going back to Utapau. At least, once my leg heals up,” he adds, gently rubbing his leg.
“You’re going back to Utapau?! Why in all the galaxy would you go back? You could easily rise through the ranks of the Empire,” I ask, surprised he’d even suggest such a thing.
“I…I have to go back and look for General Kenobi. I ordered to shoot him down. I took a couple shots myself as he fell. I looked into the water he fell in and saw no sign of him,” Cody answers seriously. I’m reminded of what happened on Kaller. I didn’t see, but Hunter told me he shot the padawan and he fell off the rocky cliffs. I don’t believe him. A wave of pain makes me wince and I groan slightly. Cody frowns.
“You said the Kaminoans did something to you…do you remember what?” Cody asks.
“I…I saw Nala Se…in the halls. She took me and enhanced the inhibitor chip—I…I knew what was happening but…but I couldn’t move. I couldn’t do anything-“ I explain, rubbing my temple. Cody nods and pulls up one of the wooden floorboards to reveal a small container. I watch as he pulls up the other chair and sits directly across from me. He opens the rusty container and I see some medical supplies. He pulls out a stimpack and gives me an apologetic look.
“Sorry-“ Cody says.
“For what-AGH!” I ask but he suddenly injects the needle into the side of my neck. I feel the cold pinch before the cold liquid numbs the pain enough that I sigh with relief.
“What…what is that?” I ask.
“A local concoction. After what happened with my leg, a few locals from this village found me and brought me back here. Their healers have been looking after me, making sure I don’t overdo it. It’s a mix of medicinal grasses and oils from seed pods from the plains surrounding the village,” Cody explains.
“What’s this ‘inhibitor chip’?” The Marshal Commander asks curiously.
“I…I’m not really sure but…but it’s..it’s here-“ I say, pointing to my right temple.
“Nala Se did something to it before taking it out-“ I tell him.
“But whatever she did…it’s permanent,” I add.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna do everything I can. But I don’t have the right tools. There’s a machine chop shop in the village square. I can get a scanner and start working in about an hour. You think you can hang on ‘til then?” Cody asks me.
“I’ll be ok. But your leg-“
“I’ll be alright—just try and relax. I’ve got a canteen of water by the bed-“ Cody points and without waiting, I hurry as fast as I can over and grab the metal can. I unscrew it and take a swig before putting the cap back and holding the canister to my temple. The cool metal feels good against the hot pulsing pain.
“Here’s the medical supplies in case you need anything. Sorry I don’t really have anything to eat-“ Cody says, limping over as he sets the supply box next to me on the old mattress in the corner. The thought of food makes my stomach churn and I guess my face must’ve shown it because Cody nods.
“Or not—sorry. I’ll be right back,” Cody says, grabbing a sturdy stick and walking out with a slight limp.
Once I’m sure I’m alone and Cody isn’t coming back for a while, I let the first of many tears form and fall from my eyes. I didn’t want to say anything but…what Nala Se did…it was the first time in a long time that I felt afraid. And I don’t have my brothers with me. They probably hated me for what I did on Kamino. But they don’t know what happened to me. How could they have known? I lay on the lumpy old mattress, waiting, hoping Cody comes back soon because even though the stim helped, I can still feel the pulsing pain as I think about the inhibitor chip. Good soldiers follow orders…don’t they?
3rd POV
CF99 gets the Havoc Marauder out of Coruscant’s atmosphere before going into hyperspace, following the coordinates Rex gave Hunter. The kids are sleeping on the floor of the gunners mount, huddled together in a snuggle pile.
“I hope Echo comes back with Rex soon,” Wrecker comments as he glances at the kids.
“He’s had the most experience with children out of all of us,” Tech adds and Hunter sighs.
“Don’t worry. Once we get to the coordinates Rex gave us, we’ll figure out what to do…now that we know the Jedi Temple isn’t safe,” Hunter says.
Maisy whimpers sadly and clings to Wyyntrr’s shaggy, curly fur on his arm and Omega’s tunic sleeve as she sleeps between the two. She gasps awake, bolting upright, clawing at the air. Hunter notices first.
“Hey-easy-easy-it’s ok-you’re ok,” Hunter assures the younger girl before she starts crying quietly. He approaches and that’s when the Youngling stretches her arms out, wanting to be held. Hunter easily grabs hold of the little girl and holds her close against his chest plate.
“It’s just a bad dream,” Hunter tries to assure the girl, who clings even tighter to the sergeant.
“Don’t leave me…please…don’t leave please-please-please-please-“ the Youngling begs.
“Shh-sshh little one, we’re not going to let anything happen to you or Wyyntrr or Omega. You’re our kids now,” Hunter says, wrapping his free arm around the little girl with his hand holding the back of her head.
“We’re on approach to sector J19,” Tech announces as the two older kids wake up as well.
“Rrrgh?” They ask as Omega looks around. Wyyntrr points, not looking in that direction so Omega does. She sees Hunter holding Maisy and a worried look crosses the female clone’s face.
“It’s ok, she just had a bad dream,” Wrecker tells Omega as she swings her legs over the side before hopping down. Wyyntrr follows and the older kids approach Hunter and Maisy as the ship drops out of Hyperspace.
“Approaching a planet called Saleukami,” Tech says.
“Saleukami? Never heard of it,” Wrecker says.
“Don’t worry. We’ll be safe here,” Omega says, patting Maisy’s leg.
“First we need to find this contact of Rex’s,” Hunter reminds the girl.
“That shouldn’t be too hard. The coordinates have us touching down just east of 25 acres of farmland,” Tech explains, causing Hunter and Wrecker to exchange a wary look.
Chapter 4
Chapter Index
#star wars#bad batch#star wars bad batch#fanfic#tbb#bad batch fanfic#tbb self insert fanfic#tbb oc#bad batch oc fanfic#bad batch oc#bad batch jedi oc#youngling maisy#padawan wyyntrr#tbb oc maisy#tbb oc wyyntrr#our love#our love fanfic#our love tbb#tbb our love#our love chapter 3#chapter 3
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Hi all! I’m sorry I’ve been MIA but I’m back with another chapter for my Bad Batch OC fanfic Our Love (link for all chapters).
This chapter took forever because it’s not a 2pt like the show and I rewrote this chapter about 4 different times (and I’m still not sure if I’m satisfied with it but I think it’s as good as it’s gonna get).
Warnings: POV changes, OC jedi characters, typical TCW violence, NOT A 2pt LIKE THE SHOW!! DID NOT PROOF READ!!! POSSIBLE GRAMMATICAL ERRORS!! (lemme know if I need more)
Summary: CF99 go to Ryloth to rescue Cham Syndulla, the freedom fighter.
Word Count: 10,216
The Bad Batch Our Love
Chapter 6–Protect the Family
3rd POV
As Bail finishes up his transmission with Fulcrum, he sends his r-series astromech droid, R2-C4, to a shuttle.
“C4-be sure to tell Captain Rex everything I told you about Fulcrum. If you convince the Captain, he’ll convince the others, understand?” Bail asks his droid, handing over a data rod Bail used to record the Fulcrum transmission. C4 beeps happily in response before turning and rolling out to the landing pads on the property. The group had just left in the modified omicron-class attack ship, so Bail knows his droid pal can easily catch up to the group of soldiers. His wife, Breha returns after putting their infant daughter down for a nap. She approaches Bail and puts a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Hm?” He hums before smiling at his wife.
“Are you sure telling Fulcrum about the children was a good idea?” She asks and Bail gives his wife a curious look.
“Of course I’m sure, why do you ask?” He asks, turning to face her. She sighs lightly and rolls her eyes, as she thought it should’ve been obvious.
“You saw how they interacted. The soldiers…they are like parents to those children. And the kids, they acted just like siblings. They’re a family. If they separate, it could do more harm than good, especially to the kids,” Breha explains. Bail sighs a bit and rubs his temple slightly.
“I know but…the Jedi are gone now Breha. And with the changing galaxy…we need them back. But I understand what you are saying. I saw it plain as day. I just feel if I don’t say anything then it’s like I’m doing nothing to help. I have the information for a choice I should not make. I’m trapped between a rock and a hard place here,” Bail says, clearly letting the stress get to him.
“I understand my love. I know you do what you believe is right,” Breha says, offering a gentle, loving kiss to Bail’s cheek.
“I must admit, they do seem like a family,” Bail adds and his wife smiles. Meanwhile, R2-C4 boards the shuttle and tracks the Havoc Marauder’s position. It just left the atmosphere. The droid flies after CF99 and sends out a signal, which is almost immediately answered.
3rd POV
As Crosshair and his Imperial squad arrive on Ryloth, Captain Howzer hides Hera and her droid pal Chopper at an abandoned security checkpoint just outside Lessu, the capital.
“Ok kid, I need you and Chop to get to your father’s abandoned outpost. I parked the bike over there-“ Howzer points to the ruined structure they’re hiding by.
“Why can’t we stay with you?“ Hera asks.
“I need you to stay safe. Plus, I’ve got some reinforcements coming and I need you to greet them. I gave them the coordinates of the base so they should be here soon,” Howzer explains.
“Reinforcements? Who? More of your men?” Hera asks.
“No-they’re rogue clones. They want to help us so I gave them the coordinates,” Howzer answers, just going off of what he learned talking with Bail Organa. Hera nods at the clone captain.
“Chop, power up the bike-,” Hera says. The droid obediently does as he’s told, but not without a couple beeps. The young Twi’lek girl looks up at the captain with teal blue armor and suddenly jumps into him, wrapping her arms around his neck.
Howzer returns the gesture and waits for Hera to pull back.
“Be safe, don’t leave. Call me if you need me. Ok?” Howzer asks and Hera nods.
“I will,” she assures him. The two part and the captain watches as Hera mounts the hoverbike. Chopper is sitting on the back, a magnetic port holding him in place.
“Take care of Hera ok Chopper?” Howzer orders and the astromech beeps before Hera takes off on the bike.
Howzer watches Hera until she disappears into the distance. He steels himself before heading back to the capital building.
Hunter’s POV
Rex, Echo and Kix are talking to themselves while Tech pilots the ship and I keep an eye on the kids. A sudden beeping gets everyone’s attention as Tech patches it through. A beeping sounds and I realize it’s a-
“A droid?” Tech asks, finishing my thought. I nod.
“He says he was sent by Senator Organa. That he has some last minute information for-“ Tech says but pauses and I look at Tech. Wrecker shakes his head slightly and takes a step towards him.
“Well?” Wrecker asks impatiently.
“Captain Rex,” Tech reveals and everyone, even the children, look to the 501st captain, who blinks in surprise.
“What is this ‘last minute information’?” the 501st medic, Kix, asks.
“We know our location and it should be a simple stealth and extraction mission,” Tech explains.
“Let’s dock with him then we’ll figure out what to do,” I say and Tech nods, giving our coordinates to Senator Organa’s droid.
We dock with the shuttle and open the hatch. An r-series astromech rolls in.
“Hey little guy. What kind of information do you have for me?” Captain Rex asks, kneeling down to be at the droid’s level. Something tells me he’s had a relationship with a droid. Not many beings in general treat droids with respect. C4 beeps and spins before a hatch opens and he extends a robotic arm with pincers out to Rex. The droid’s holding a data rod! My eyes widen.
“Huh interesting-“ Rex says. That’s when the droid plays a holovideo projected from his camera. It’s Senator Organa!
“Thank you again Clone Force 99. I had just gotten some last minute intel involving your Ryloth mission that I feel you should know before going in,” Bail says.
“I’ve got confirmation of coordinates for a secret entrance into the abandoned base. New patrols have been sighted in the area so be sure to be careful entering the atmosphere,” Bail says, “I am also including a direct communications channel to Captain Howzer on Ryloth.”
“C4 can download the coordinates and the commlink channel to your ship’s main computer,” Bail says. Tech motions to the console as R2-C4 rolls over and plugs in.
“I’ve got the information,” Tech announces, adjusting his goggles slightly.
“I won’t keep you, the Syndulla’s have been holding out long enough,” Senator Organa says, a hint of urgency in his voice. The droid beeps twice before going back to his shuttle.
“He said he is waiting for you,” Tech says, looking at Captain Rex. He looks at the data rod the droid gave him and nods.
“I’ll check this out,” Rex says and Kix nods. I watch Wrecker turn to Echo.
“You comin’ with us?” Wrecker asks and I notice the kids visibly brighten hopefully. Echo glances at Rex and Kix. I can tell he wants to stay with the 501st troopers.
“I-uh…” he stalls a bit.
“It’s just a simple stealth extraction. We’ve got at least 20 of those on the wall,” I tell Wrecker, referring to our wall of completed missions. Wrecker keeps track with vibroknife tick marks. I notice the kids’ faces fall.
“I think Rex’s info will need more hands on deck,” I tell him and Echo nods thankfully. Wrecker nods understandingly.
“Yeah, I guess we can take care of it. We’ll regroup after the mission though, yeah?” Wrecker asks and Echo smiles.
“Of course,” Echo says, holding out his robotic hand to Wrecker. The two grip forearms and shake before Wrecker pulls him into a hug. Echo chuckles and turns to me, repeating the gesture. I can’t help the smile on my face.
“You have our commlink channel if you need us. It shouldn’t take us too long to free the Syndulla’s,” I tell the ARC trooper, who nods.
That’s when I hear a sad quiet whimpering sound and I turn to see the kids huddled together. Clearly they’re upset.
“Do we have to split up?” Maisy’s small voice asks, getting everyone’s attention.
“It won’t be forever kiddo. We’ll meet up after our missions are done,” Echo assures her as he walks up to the gunners mount, though the Youngling is still sad.
“The time will fly by, trust me,” Echo says, putting a hand on the Youngling’s knee, but the little girl just sighs sadly before moving away from the ARC trooper’s touch.
“We won’t be apart for long. I promise,” Echo promises.
“O-Ok,” Maisy stutters slightly. That’s when Echo reaches out and gently tilt’s the girl’s chin up so she has to look at him.
“I promise,” he repeats. The girl straightens a bit and nods once before leaning into Omega. Echo nods approvingly before looking at me. I give him a smile before he heads to the shuttle with Rex and Kix.
“We are detaching,” Tech announces and I walk up to the cockpit. Looking out the windshield I watch the shuttle launch an escape pod back down to Alderaan before zipping off into Hyperspace.
“We should get going, Senator Organa stressed the urgency of the mission,” Tech says and plots our course. I feel our own ship lurch forward as the stars turn into streaks of light. The sound of chatter gets my attention and I turn to see Omega and Wyyntrr comforting the Youngling. Tech and Wrecker are talking with each other but I’m not paying attention. I see Maisy smile and I can’t help but smile as well.
3rd POV
Captain Howzer returns to the capital building as the newly arrived Imperial squad walks out. Howzer adjusts his helmet as he approaches and gets a good look at each of the squad members. Despite the all black color, Howzer notices that all but one is a clone. The clone appears to be the leader and has a sniper rifle on his back. His armor is black to match the rest of the squad’s but his armor is more like altered clone armor.
“Are you the clone captain in charge?” The sniper growls.
“CT-7657, Captain Howzer, sir,” Howzer stands at attention as Crosshair approaches.
“What is the situation with the insurgents?” Crosshair asks.
“We’ve encountered some pushback by locals. I’ve got 3 patrol groups-“ Howzer begins to tell Crosshair, but the sniper just holds up a hand to stop the Captain.
“We’ll take charge of the situation now. Have all of your information sent to my datapad,” Crosshair says, showing Howzer the datapad. He nods.
“Y-Yes sir. About the locals we’ve already arrested-“ Howzer begins to ask, but the sniper interrupts again.
“Do not concern yourself with them. I have no use for them,” Crosshair says and Howzer has to keep himself from sighing with relief.
“We will set up in the main office. What is your latest information on this Cham Syndulla?” Crosshair asks and Howzer freezes, tensing. Crosshair notices but says nothing.
“I..believe he was spotted in the northern section of the city,” Howzer says. Not exactly a lie, but not exactly the truth either. Crosshair nods and motions to his squad, walking away.
“ES-02 talk to the patrols, find out what they know-“ the sniper starts giving out orders. Howzer stands there for a moment, wondering what he’s supposed to do. We’ll take charge of the situation now.
“So should I-?“
“I don’t care,” Crosshair says.
“Right,” Howzer mumbles as the sniper and his squad walk into the building. He has to get the Syndulla’s out of prison before Crosshair finds out about them. Howzer makes his way to a small empty corridor inside before contacting Hera.
“Hera? Hera do you read me? Hera?” Howzer asks quietly. There’s no response at first until he hears the mic being pushed.
“Howzer-’m -ere-“ Hera answers though the signal is weak.
“Hera? Have you seen our reinforcements yet? Turns out the Empire sent some of their own and we need to get your parents out of there ASAP,” Howzer explains.
“Not yet-who did the Empire send?” Hera asks.
“I…I’m not sure,” Howzer admits. Maybe Senator Organa can help.
“Ok-just stay put with Chopper and wait. I’ll check on your parents and report back,” Howzer says.
“Howzer-“ Hera’s insistent voice comes through clearly and Howzer pauses.
“Be careful ok?” She asks and the captain smiles.
“I will. You guys too, over and out,” Howzer ends the communication before turning to a high frequency channel. It’s spotty at best and Howzer sighs. Nothing. The Senator can’t help now.
Tech’s POV
The ship drops out of hyperspace and I see Ryloth in the distance.
“I’ve got the coordinates Senator Organa gave us already set into the nav computer. We should make a plan before flying in,” I suggest.
“We’ll go in quiet. Scramble our signature once we get through the atmosphere,” Hunter says and I nod.
“We should get the Syndullas on foot, the Marauder would draw too much attention going into the city,” I comment.
“Won’t that take too long?” Wrecker asks.
“Not if we don’t waste time,” Hunter says.
“This is so exciting!” Maisy says.
“I know! Our first mission!” Omega responds.
“Woah-woah-woah-woah, hold on now,” Hunter immediately interrupts the kids, causing the 3 to look at the sergeant.
“Now look, once we get to Ryloth, you 3 need to stay on the ship,” Hunter says.
“What?!” Omega asks, clearly upset while the two jedi kids aw in a whiny voice.
“Omega, this isn’t up for discussion. If you guys are part of the squad, then you have to listen to the squad leader,” Hunter says, pointing his thumb at himself.
“This isn’t fair! How can we get experience being stuck on the ship?” Omega asks. The defiance in her voice reminds me of Hunter when we were cadets.
“You’re not going to be stuck on the ship, you’re on standby for us in case we need a quick extraction,” Hunter corrects.
“I-I guess..” Omega says, though she doesn’t seem completely satisfied.
“Plus we don’t even know this contact we’re supposed to meet up with. Whoever it is, shouldn’t know our numbers just in case. If you 3 stay on the ship, you can keep an eye on us,” I add rationally, hoping the logic makes the kids happy.
“Fine, we’ll wait for a signal,” Omega relents. When they seem satisfied, I nod approvingly. I notice Hunter also looking at me. He gives me a ‘good job’ look and tilts his head towards the kids, who are all chatting away. I nod at Hunter before turning back to the steering.
“Heading towards the coordinates,” I announce and fly the ship towards the huge beige and green planet.
3rd POV
“Are you sure you don’t have any information?” Howzer asks through the commlink channel.
“I’m afraid not. Isn’t there anything else you can tell me about him?” Bail asks, the reception a bit crackly and the sound cuts out for half a second every so often.
“He carries a sniper rifle but other than that, I don’t know anything else,” Howzer answers.
“Sniper?…” Bail asks.
“Yeah, why?” Howzer asks back.
“…”, “Talk to him. Get his name. I can’t confirm anything but if it’s who I think it is, things may just come to a tipping point,” Bail says and it cuts out.
“Senator? Senator Organa!? Ugh…” Howzer sighs. As Hera often tells him, he’ll have to improvise.
Howzer straightens and makes his way to the office Crosshair and his squad were ‘commandeering’ as their own. The teal-color clone stops at the doorway. It’s an open doorway with no door.
“Uhhm-sir,” Howzer announces and Crosshair looks at him.
“What?” Crosshair asks, turning to face him.
“May I come in?” Howzer asks.
“Make it quick,” Crosshair says.
“I-I’ve got those coordinates of Syndulla’s last known location for you sir,” Howzer says and Crosshair motions for him to approach. The clone captain is going to have to gage Crosshair as best he can in this limited amount of time, but hopefully that gives Hera enough time.
Howzer knows it’s really simple to input coordinates, so he doesn’t take too much time.
“Sir, if I may speak?” Howzer asks, breaking the quiet, oppressive silence that had engulfed the room. Crosshair looks at him.
“I know my boys could be helpful to your squad. Maybe if we team up and start our search for Cham Syndulla-“
“Howzer, isn’t it?” Crosshair asks, interrupting the teal-colored captain.
“Uh-it’s Captain Howzer, sir,” he corrects.
Crosshair’s POV
“Uh-it’s Captain Howzer, sir,” he corrects me.
“It’s Sergeant Hunter now Cross, just you remember that on our next mission,” Hunter’s voice echoes in my mind.
“Hmph, well Captain, I don’t remember asking for your opinion on the situation at hand. As it stands, we were called in to help you. You lost control here and need me to fix it for you,” I snarl angrily.
“Commander-?” He asks me and I realize he doesn’t know me.
“CT-9904,” I tell him.
“CT-9904, sir, I didn’t mean to imply-“
“No, of course you didn’t. My squad is more than capable of handling the Syndulla situation, do you understand?” I ask.
“Yes sir, it’s just-“
“It’s just my men and I have been stationed here since the start of the war. We’ve all…gotten close to the community here. We could be helpful to your squad…to you,” Howzer tells me. I suppose they might know the terrain better than us and could serve as scouts.
“Fine. I sent ES-02 to start patrols, you’ll find her around the city’s perimeter,” I wave a dismissive hand at the captain. He nods.
“Thank you, sir,” Howzer says before walking out. Once I’m alone I sigh irritatedly and take off my helmet, setting it down on the desk. This ‘Captain Howzer’ could be a potential problem. He also reminds me a bit of Hunter, if I’m being completely honest. Only Kamino has a database of all clones so I’m going to have to work around that. Cody. Cody was a Marshal Commander, I’m sure he got to know more clones than most.
I pull out the commlink Cody had given me before I left him on Dantooine. This will reach me, and only me, Cody’s voice echoes in my mind.
“Cody? Cody come in, do you read me? It’s Crosshair,” I say. Static answers me and even after waiting, I don’t hear anything. I try not to get discouraged. Try again.
“Cody, come in, Cody, it’s Crosshair, are you there?” I ask. Static again, but only for a moment.
“Crosshair? Hey, how’s it going? I made it to Utapau like I said,” Cody says. I blink.
“Is your leg better? You still went?” I ask.
“Yeah it healed up fine…Of course I went, I had to be sure. But…there’s no sign of anything anymore. Even the Pau’ans left the settlement I was at before…well, you know,” Cody tells me, trailing off. Even though I didn’t think it was a good idea to go, I’m still upset for Cody.
“I’m sorry you didn’t finish your mission,” I tell him.
“Ah, the mission’s not over yet. You know me, I don’t quit. So, what’dya need? I know this isn’t a social call,” Cody says and even though he can’t see me, I find myself nodding slightly.
“Uh-y-yeah actually I need your help identifying a clone captain,” I explain.
“Oh yeah? What battalion?” Cody asks.
“Not sure, but he goes by Howzer and he wears teal colored armor,” I explain.
“Hmm, I can’t say I know him personally but I’ve heard stories about him. Apparently he got close to the Syndulla family during the War,” Cody says.
“Close? How close?” I ask.
“I’d say pretty close if I had to guess. I heard Howzer could sit in on meetings with Senator Taa and Cham himself so I’m sure he knows things that are going on in the Senate,” Cody explains. Hm, interesting.
“Ok, thanks Cody, I appreciate it,” I say.
“No problem Cross, be safe out there,” Cody says and that’s when I remember what Cody had said earlier.
“W-Wait-Did you say your mission wasn’t over? If you couldn’t find your general on Utapau, what else can you do?” I ask.
“I’ve got a couple leads to follow up on. But don’t worry, I’ll always have our commlink,” Cody tells me.
“Alright. I…hope it works out for you Cody,” I say.
“Thanks Cross, be safe,” he says.
“I will, you too,” I say and cut the receiver before shoving the commlink back into my utility pouch. So Howzer’s close with the Syndulla’s. This’ll be interesting.
3rd POV
Tech follows the coordinates and lowers the ship into the atmosphere.
“There-I believe that is our destination,” the pilot announces. The kids hurry to the cockpit to look out the front window.
“What is that?” Omega asks, pointing at the ruined, nearly destroyed structure that seems built into the rocky terrain.
“It was Cham Syndulla’s outpost, a meeting place, at one point,” Tech answers.
Tech sets the Marauder down under a rocky overhang. The top of the ship nearly scrapes the rock. Tech opens the bay doors as an alarm beeps on the console.
“What is it Tech?” Hunter asks.
“There is a life form approaching-“ Tech warns.
“I’ll check it out,” Wrecker says and hurries out without waiting for Hunter’s response. The kids attempt to follow the demolitions expert, but the sergeant stops them.
“You 3 stay on the ship,” Hunter says.
“But-“ they try but Hunter shakes his head firmly.
“Stay,” he repeats.
The boys walk out and look around while the kids sit in the doorway. A droid suddenly speeds towards the soldiers and they stop as the droid circles them and beeps wildly.
“Were you sent by Senator Organa?” A voice asks. The group turns and a young Twi’lek girl walks into view, motioning to the droid.
“We were. Who are you?” Hunter asks.
“I’m Hera. I’m your contact,” she says.
“A kid?” Tech asks and she nods.
“We’ve been waiting for you,” she explains.
Crosshair is thinking on his earlier interactions with Captain Howzer when an alarm on his desk beeps, getting the sniper’s attention. He answers it and sees video of the Havoc Marauder flying away into the distance before setting down in what looks like the rocky cliffs. Crosshair’s eyes widen and he freezes. He hadn’t seen them since…Kamino. He presses a button on his wrist comm.
“ES-02, launch the probe droids to the northern sector,” Crosshair says.
Back in the Marauder…
The kids see Hera approach the group and Omega’s eyes widen.
“Hey-it’s a kid,” Omega says before turning to Wyyntrr and Maisy.
“Stay here,” she says.
“H-Hey!” Maisy exclaims and chases after Omega, which causes Wyyntrr to chase the Youngling.
The kids stop short and cautiously approach the group.
“You’re Cham Syndulla’s daughter?” Hunter asks and Hera nods before spotting the 3 adopted siblings. She blinks and Hunter notices first.
“I told you 3 to stay on the ship-“ Hunter sighs.
“Who are you?” Hera asks the 3 kids.
“We’re siblings. Are we here to help you?” Omega asks and Hera nods.
“Come inside, the patrols will be by in a little bit,” Hera says, ushering the group into what is left of the base.
“I need your help rescuing my parents from prison inside the Capitol building. I’ve got someone on the inside locating my parents now,” Hera explains before taking out her commlink. She presses the button on top.
“Howzer? Howzer do you copy? I’m with the reinforcements now. Did you find my parents yet?” Hera asks.
“Hera! Thank the stars, can they hear us?” Howzer asks and that’s when Hunter motions to Hera to hand over the comm device.
“This is CT-9901, Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99. We’re Senator Organa’s backup,” Hunter says.
“Sergeant, I’m CT-7657 Captain Howzer. I’ve located the Syndulla’s prison cell and I’m working to get them out before they find out-“ Howzer says.
“They?” Wrecker asks.
“The Empire’s sent reinforcements of their own. The leader of the new squad…I don’t know what the Empire’s ordered him to do to the Syndulla’s, but I know he will follow orders,” Howzer says.
“I can get the Syndulla’s out of their cell, but we won’t get very far,” Howzer says and that’s when over the comm device, an alarm sounds.
“What’s going on?” Wrecker asks.
“I’m not sure—I-wait—wait I see someone-“ Howzer says and the group tenses. Hera wants to call out to her dad, but Hunter puts a hand on her shoulder and motions a shush to her with a shake of his head.
“It’s Gobi-he’s been captured!” Howzer warns. Hera gasps and everyone looks to her for an explanation.
“He’s a family friend,” Hera explains and Hunter nods.
“I’m sending coordinates-“ Howzer says when his voice starts to cut out.
“Try-get-out,” He says but then the signal cuts out.
“Howzer? Howzer!” Hera exclaims as tears form in her eyes. Captain Howzer and his batallion have been stationed on Ryloth for almost the entire duration of the War. Cham Syndulla and his family had gotten particularly close to Howzer and his men.
“We need to create a diversion so we can sneak in and find Howzer and the Syndulla’s,” Hunter suggests.
“Wrecker, Tech, you two stay with the kids. Your group will be our distraction. I’ll go in and find Howzer and use your distraction to get out,” Hunter says. The two share a look.
“Are you sure you wanna go alone Sarge?” Wrecker asks and Hunter nods.
“I’ll be fine. As long as you guys make a big enough distraction,” Hunter says and Wrecker nods, punching his palm.
“You know me boss, that’s my specialty,” Wrecker replies confidently.
“What is our distraction?” Omega asks.
“I have an idea,” Hera pipes up excitedly. She grabs a stick and starts drawing in the dry dirt.
“There is an old factory refinery on the outskirts of the Capital. It’s big enough to draw attention,” Hera explains.
“If you attack the refinery, I can sneak into the Capitol building and find Howzer and the others,” Hunter tells Wrecker.
“What kind of security does the refinery have?” Tech asks.
“There are 5 cannons surrounding the perimeter, but they are all unmanned,” Hera explains, marking where the cannons are around the refinery with her stick.
Hunter senses something approach and Tech notices the sergeant first.
“Hunter? What is it?” Tech asks. Hunter looks through the destroyed parts of the base and sees a black shape whizz by in the air. Hunter takes a breath and feels the pulsing coming from the left. He whips around and throws his vibroknife has hard as he can. The knife pierces the figure watching them and falls to the ground. They run and gather around.
“It’s a probe droid,” Tech says.
Rex, Kix and Echo plugged in the data rod C4 delivered. A holoconference appears. Bail is standing to the left and there’s a space on the right that hasn’t been filled yet.
“Hold on, I’m sure they’re coming,” Bail assures the clones. A stylized symbol appears with two lines and 2 diamonds, making a symmetrical symbol.
“Thank you for meeting with me,” a familiar voice announces. Rex feels tears form in his eyes as Echo gasps and Kix freezes.
“C-Commander Tano? Is that you?” Echo asks.
“Yep, it’s me Echo. I’m so happy to hear your voice again-“ Ahsoka says, “I’m glad that you and Kix found Rex, but I heard from Senator Organa that you ran into a group of rogue clones” Ahsoka Tano answers.
“Yeah, Clone Force 99. They didn’t follow the order…well, almost all of them,” Rex explains.
“I see-the Senator also mentioned there are children with them,” Ahsoka says. Rex glances at Echo, who nods.
“Yes, 3 children,” Echo says and takes a step forward, “2 of them are Jedi.”
“The albino Wookiee and the little one,” Rex says and Ahsoka pauses.
“The ‘little one’?” She asks.
“Uh-yeah, she’s only 4,” Echo answers.
“I can’t believe a Youngling survived. I-I-thought...th-the Temple-“ Ahsoka says, her voice faltering a bit and everyone knows she’s talking about the slaughter. Rex hears Ahsoka take a breath before speaking.
“I think we should meet and talk about…certain developments that would effect those children,” Ahsoka says and the soldiers nod.
“Sure thing boss. Where’s our rendezvous location?” Echo asks and the holoconference changes to a map. A glowing red point marks the meeting location.
“Coordinates S-7. We can get there once we return the Senator’s droid and shuttle,” Rex says.
“Good. I’ll see you boys shortly then, Fulcrum out,” Ahsoka’s voice cuts out and the map shuts off. The group of 501st soldiers return to Alderaan and find their ship repaired and ready to go.
Hunter’s POV
Once the probe droid drops to the ground, I look around and sense troopers starting to close in on us.
“We have to split up now. I’ll head to the Capitol building while you guys destroy the refinery,” I instruct.
“I see them!” A trooper exclaims and starts firing on Clone Force 99. Hera ducks and her droid beeps wildly, taking cover as well.
“Go! Get out of here!” I order, firing back.
“Hunter! No! Don’t!” The kids exclaim and I hear Wyyntrr cry out. I watch Tech and Wrecker take the kids including Hera and her droid, Chopper, back to our ship as I’m surrounded by troopers. I raise my arms and drop my pistol.
“You’re under arrest,” a trooper says as my arms are forced behind my back and cuffed. There’s about 10. Easy.
Once I’m loaded onto their ship, I wait until we take off and head back to the city that I make my move. I slam into two troopers before ducking under a swinging fist. I see another one pull out a blaster and aim right at me. I turn as he fires so my back his to him and that’s when I hear the bolt hit something metallic. Perfect. I rip my wrists from the damaged cuffs and pull my vibroknives out, slashing in a wide circle at neck level, decapitating 6 people at once. I take a hit and get slammed against the door. I dodge 2 blaster bolts before taking my knife and throwing it like before, piercing the trooper’s helmet. The other 3 are piloting the ship and weapons. I take out the rear gunner easily before moving to the cockpit. I sneak up behind the pilot and copilot before stabbing one and choking the other. Once they go limp, I push their bodies to the side and get into the pilot’s seat. Now I can sneak into the Capitol and find Howzer and the Syndulla’s.
3rd POV
Wrecker and Tech get the children and the droid on board. Tech is the last onboard and looks back to see Hunter get surrounded by 10 troopers. This will work to Hunter’s advantage if he does the plan Tech is thinking of. Once he infiltrates the building, Hunter will need Tech and Wrecker’s distraction to get out. Hunter makes eye contact with the pilot and nods. Tech nods back and boards the ship. The kids protest, saying they want to help Hunter.
“I can use the Plan B my father taught me,” Hera says.
“Plan B? What’s plan B?” Wrecker asks.
“My father has a close relationship to the Wookiees of Kashyyyk. He gave me the comm channel for Kashyyyk before all this happened,” Hera says sadly. Omega gently puts a comforting hand on the Twi’lek girl’s shoulder. Maisy looks between the two girls while Wyyntrr senses Maisy’s feelings. To the blind albino Wookiee, Maisy feels…anxious.
“I can send them a call for help,” Hera adds.
“Everyone strap in, we’re on approach to the refinery,” Tech announces before Wrecker could respond to Hera.
“You heard him guys-take a seat-“ Wrecker says and motions to the row of seats lining the wall of the main area of the Marauder. Everyone takes a seat and Wrecker helps the Youngling and the blind albino Wookiee with the restraints and safety belt.
“I’m picking up a main entrance, sealed, along with 5 lifeforms,” Tech says and Chopper beeps angrily.
“I know Chop! It was open when we were last here. The patrol team must’ve closed it. We’ll need someone to go up to the door panel and slice it open,” Hera says and glances at Chopper who beeps in protest, spinning his head, waving his small extendable arm.
“Relax! I’ll go with you,” Hera insists, calming the droid.
“Not alone. We’ll go too, right guys?” Omega asks Wyyntrr and Maisy, who nod and agree enthusiastically.
“Yeah!!” The two exclaim.
“There are troopers down there. You children aren’t going to go by yourselves. I’ll go with you,” Tech says.
“Seriously?” Wrecker asks and the pilot nods.
“I do need someone with me to take out the cannons. One to fly, one to shoot,” Wrecker says. The albino Wookiee padawan steps forward and puts a pale pink fist to his chest.
“I’m with you,” the Wookiee says and Wrecker chuckles and pats Wyyntrr’s back.
“Alright lil’ Jedi-we can do this,“ Wrecker says confidently.
Tech lands just outside the refinery and departs with the girls and Chopper.
“We take out the group of troopers so Wrecker can come in with the cannons. C1-10P you-“ Tech explains but the astromech beeps at him.
“Sorry, Chopper, you’ll scomp in and we’ll cover you,” Tech explains, correcting the name. The droid beeps as the ship with Wrecker and Wyyntrr takes off. Tech peeks out from their cover spot and sees the soldiers all posted around the door. They’re all spread out enough to cover the huge entrance.
“If I fire, the rest will attack,” Tech warns.
“Chop, you have to help Tech,” Hera says. The astromech salutes before rolling off.
“Wait!” Tech exclaims before growling in frustration.
“Don’t worry, Chopper knows what to do,” Hera assures the pilot. Chopper sneaks around the farthest trooper on the left and shocks him!
Tech’s POV
I move to a closer vantage point, leaving the children at a safer distance. I see them peek out from their cover to watch Chopper roll off. That’s when he approaches the trooper!
“Hey! A rebel droid! Get it!” The troopers exclaim, blasting at the astromech.
“No-no-no-“ I growl, pulling my blasters. I fire two quick shots, hitting a trooper on the 2nd hit, also getting their attention.
“There! Another insurgent! Blast him!” They exclaim and start firing at me! I let the rocky pillar I’m using for cover shield me. We’ve defeated thousands of clankers. But clones are different. A clone is equal to a hundred clankers in a fight. I see Chopper try and take on the other troopers before he gets grazed on his left leg!
“Chopper! Fall back!” I yell.
The droid flies back using his rocket booster and rejoins the children when my comm beeps in my helmet.
“Tech! Tech what’s going on!?” I hear Wrecker.
“3 clone troopers have me pinned down-“ I explain.
“We’re on our way!” I hear Wyyntrr and Wrecker exclaim.
“Negative! If they spot the ship, they’ll call in reinforcements!” I order.
“W-What-so-so what should I do?! Hunter’s still silent on all channels-“ Wrecker asks.
“Listen. Hera has a comm channel for Kashyyyk. We will transmit the signal from Chopper and you can boost its signal if you fly out of the atmosphere,” I explain.
“Chop, do what he says,” Hera tells the astromech. Chopper deploys his signal dish and starts transmitting the comm channel to Kashyyyk. Chopper beeps. Hera gives me a thumbs up.
“Ok, we have it on our end,” I say as blaster fire interrupts me.
“I think I can pick it up-“ Wrecker says as I shift behind the rocky pillar. I wait a good few moments since Wrecker doesn’t really care for computers like I do but he still doesn’t respond.
“Wrecker? Are you able to transmit our signal?” I ask.
“Tech!” I suddenly hear. The kids. I see them looking in the distance and when I follow their gaze, my eyes widen. Reinforcements? Already?
Crosshair’s POV
I’d heard about the Syndulla sympathizer trying to sneak in, but luckily ES-03 was nearby and arrested him. I was on my to my office to message Admiral Rampart when I got a call.
“There’s an insurgent by the refinery. Took out 2 of our patrol squad-“ the trooper says so I send reinforcements.
As I walk, I see Howzer glance around, as if looking for something…or someone. I decide to follow him and see where he goes. I’m careful to make sure he doesn’t see me as he heads down to the prison cells. Prison cells? Why would he be going there?
I see Howzer round the corner. I wait a moment before moving to the corner. I peek around and see Howzer with-
I freeze when I see the distinctive red and black paint and dark curly hair. Hunter! I catch sight of his face. The two are locked in conversation so he doesn’t notice me, but I know he’ll sense me if I stay here. I knew Howzer wasn’t loyal. I make sure to waste no time getting back to my office and once I do, I activate the commlink.
“Squad, I need everyone to report in,” I order.
Tech’s POV
There’s 3 whole squads now with the reinforcements and I manage to take out 5 of them. I dive out of the way of blaster fire and check on the kids. They’re huddled together with Chopper and pressed against a boulder. Amazingly, none of the troopers seemed to have spotted them yet. There’s 13 troopers left. I have to expose myself. I jump out and start firing. I fire my blasters and after 2 or 3 hits, I hit a trooper. And another. I dodge, jump and duck as I shoot. I’m not sure how many I’ve gotten since I’m focused on protecting the girls. I dive out of the way and feel a sharp, searing pain in my left side.
“GAH!” I cry out in pain, tumbling to the ground, clutching my lower side. I hadn’t noticed but a trooper is pointing a blaster at me.
“Tech!” I hear the kids cry out as they try running to me, but the remaining 2 troopers point their blasters at them.
“1-2-3-GO!” Hera says before leaping at one trooper.
“Hey! AGH! GET HER OFF ME! Get off him!” The troopers exclaim and Omega follows suit, jumping on the 2nd trooper’s back. Maisy gasps and looks at the older girls struggling to bring down the fully-grown men in armor. I struggle, unable to stand as Maisy realizes there’s no way for Omega or Hera to get the troopers down, they’re simply too small for the grown men. The one pointing a blaster at me switches to the girls but doesn’t focus on a target. My blaster pistols are on the ground. The older girls struggle against the troopers. I shakily reach out to my weapons when a distinct cracking shatter gets my attention. My head turns and I see all 3 troopers drop to the ground, which also causes the older girls to fall.
“Gah!” The older girls yelp. I see the dead troopers heads are at unnatural angles. Snapped. My eyes widen. I don’t think they did that. I look and see Omega and Hera exchange a confused and scared look before glancing over at Maisy. I follow their gaze and see the Youngling standing there. Her messy bangs cover her face, shadowing her features but the most unsettling thing about her is how her eyes turn a sickly yellow color but are also streaming with tears, covering her cheeks. I use my visor to zoom on her face and I’m able to see the red vein lines easily against the flickering, unsteady, unnatural golden glowing yellow color. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this…unsettled. Almost afraid.
“Maisy? What’s wrong? Y-Your eyes-they’re changing color,“ Omega says. I’m fading and roll over onto my back, getting Omega’s attention. Maisy gently puts her hand over my wound. I feel a warm pulse radiating from her hand. It’s like bacta but…faster? More effective? Both? I expose the wound and watch the blaster bolt’s burn turn from what looks like a burnt stabbing to a pink scar to completely disappearing. No injury. No scar. Nothing. My eyes widen in complete shock. That’s when the little girl suddenly collapses and Omega catches her.
“I feel…shaky…and tired. And cold-so cold,” I hear Maisy’s small voice whimper. She slowly opens her eyes to look at me and I see they’re the normal dark brown, like ours. Thank goodness they’re not flickering that sickly golden color anymore. And my injury!
“Did…Did Maisy..heal you?” Omega asks me as she shifts the younger girl into her arms as she stands. I nod.
“I think she did,” I say. That’s when my comm device beeps.
“Guys! We’re in the upper atmosphere but Wyyntrr says he senses something wrong with Maisy! What’s going on?” Wrecker asks. Our eyes widen, but mine are in realization. It’s a Jedi power! It has to be if Wyyntrr senses something with Maisy all the way up there.
“Get down here as fast as you can. It’s clear for you to finish, did the signal already reach Kashyyyk? We’ll need their help holding off the reinforcements until Hunter and the Syndulla’s arrive,” I tell him.
“Yeah and there was a response—Imperial presence on Kashyyyk has grown, numbers dwindling, can’t send full battalion,” Wrecker says.
“That’s ok, whoever they can send will be helpful. Just get here so the kids can get on board,” I say.
“Copy that,” Wrecker says before cutting out.
“Maisy’s skin is cold and clammy,” Omega tells me. I walk up to her and see that she appears fine, but I see a light sheen of sweat on her face and neck. I scan her with my visor and find nothing wrong.
“She appears to be fine, overexerted perhaps,” I explain when the Marauder comes in and lands. I usher the kids on board and Wrecker’s eyes widen when he sees the girls.
“Wh-What happened?!” He asks.
“I’ll explain later. Kids, strap yourselves in. Wrecker, get on the guns. We have to get these unmanned cannons offline now since we haven’t heard from Hunter,” I say, jumping into my chair in the cockpit. I see Omega help Wyyntrr into a seat before handing him the sleeping Youngling. I lift the ship up and start flying around the refinery. Wrecker fires the gun turret and hits the 1st cannon. Then the 2nd. I cut the ship to the right and he hits the 3rd and 4th cannons. I fly forward and cut the ship at a 180 to face the last cannon that Wrecker destroys.
3rd POV
Once the cannons are destroyed, Wrecker heads to the cockpit. A beeping sound alerts everyone, even the children.
“It’s Hunter-“ Tech says and answers it.
“I’ve got the Syndullas and Captain Howzer. We’re on our way out now. Stand by for our location,” Hunter says.
“Copy that Hunter,” Tech answers. Omega sighs with relief as Wyyntrr keeps an eye on Maisy, sensing the power fade from her as she relaxes.
After assembling his squad, Crosshair was alerted to the refinery being attacked by a shuttle. He knows it’s CF99.
“Shouldn’t we go to the refinery?” ES-02 asks.
“That’s not their target,” Crosshair says.
“Then why are they attacking it?” ES-03 asks.
“It’s a distraction. Surround the building. They will try to escape with Cham Syndulla,” Crosshair says.
“Cham Syndulla’s been in prison this whole time?” ES-02 asks surprised.
“If you see Captain Howzer, arrest him,” Crosshair orders, ignoring the question.
“Y-Yes sir, and his men?” ES-02 asks.
“Leave them until I say. I don’t know their intentions or how loyal they are to Captain Howzer,” Crosshair explains. The soldier nods and hurries out to join the other ES troopers.
Hunter’s POV
It wasn’t hard to sneak into the facility and take out the guards to the Syndulla’s cell, especially once I ran into Captain Howzer. Together, we freed the Syndullas and their friend, Gobi. Now we’re on our way out.
“Here sir, this is a commlink to Hera-I gave it to her before I left to get you,” Howzer says, handing the device over to the Twi’lek freedom fighter.
“Hera?!” Cham exclaims and takes it.
“Hera-it’s your mother and father-are you there? Hera?” Cham asks as we hurry down a hallway.
“Dad! I’m here!” Hera replies, “I did Plan B like you taught me,” Hera says. Plan B?
“Then the Wookiees are on their way-“ Cham realizes and my eyes widen. The Wookiees are coming?
3rd POV
On the Marauder, Hera talks with her dad via the comm device when Tech gets everyone’s attention.
“The Wookiees are on approach. I will tell them to hold the refinery for us for as long as possible,” Tech alerts.
“Dad did you hear that?” Hera asks.
“Yes, I understand. We’re on our way out now,” Cham replies. A transmission comes through.
“Hello? We received a call for help-“ a Wookiee announces.
“It was me!” Hera exclaims, and Omega’s eyes widen. Maisy groans and blinks awake in Wyyntrr’s lap. He smiles at her and gently strokes her cheek with his pale pink hand.
“You know Shyriiwook?” Omega asks and Hera nods. Omega smiles.
“Cool! I’m learning Shyriiwook now,” Omega tells her.
“We need you to hold this refinery until we return. Can you keep our children with you while we retrieve our friends?” Tech asks.
“Of course. We will keep your children safe,” The Wookiee replies.
“Wait-what?!” Omega and Hera exclaim.
“I have to go! I have to rescue my parents!” Hera insists to Tech.
“It’ll be too dangerous once we get to the Capital. I won’t let you children get hurt, do you understand? We will finish the mission, I promise,” Tech says. Hera is clearly unsure and she turns to Omega.
“What do you think?” Hera asks.
“Our brothers can do any mission…they will get your parents back. I think you should trust Tech,” Omega tells Hera, who nods.
“I need you older children to look after Maisy,” Tech says.
“Hey!” The Youngling exclaims.
“You should take it easy, we’re not even sure what happened to you,” Omega agrees with Tech before nodding.
“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Omega tells him.
“Hey!” The little girl exclaims again. Tech connects the Marauder to the ship the Wookiees came in and Wrecker escorts the kids on board.
“Don’t worry lil’ ones, we’ll be right back with Hera’s parents in no time. In the mean time, be sure to blast any reinforcements that might show up,” Wrecker tells them and Omega nods.
Back in the Capital building, Hunter leads the group out while Howzer brings up the rear with Cham, his wife Eleni, and their friend Gobi following Hunter’s quick pace. Hunter stops and motions for the others to stop. A group of clone troopers run by. Howzer sees them and recognizes them as his own men. He attempts to run towards them, to tell them to stop when Hunter grabs him before the Captain can do anything.
“You shouldn’t,” Hunter says seriously, though Howzer can hear the sadness in his voice. Before Howzer can argue, Cham walks up to him and puts a hand on his shoulder.
“They are his men…brothers, as you clones say. He has to try if he feels obliged,” Cham argues for his teal-colored captain. Hunter pauses and seems rather surprised by Cham’s words. They get under his skin and he wants to argue but…but deep down Hunter knows Cham is right.
“Are you sure sir? I came to get you out and…and you’re still trapped here-“ Howzer asks. Cham gives him a nod of assurance.
“You and Hunter freed us from prison. You’ve fixed your mistakes Howzer. I never lost faith in who you are. I know you didn’t want to, you had to,” Cham tells him.
“And most importantly, you did it to protect Hera,” Eleni says and her husband nods in agreement.
“Ever since the death of our son, Hera has been all we had. You did well Howzer, you’re a good man,” Cham says and extends his hand out and the two shake forearms.
“Tell Hera-“
“I will,” Cham says and Howzer nods before turning and hurrying off where they saw those troopers go.
“We gotta move,” Hunter says to the remaining group and that’s when Cham tosses Hunter the comm device.
“Thanks,” the Sergeant says and Cham nods before continuing to sneak down the halls, looking for a side or unused entrance.
“Tech, I’m sending our location. We need a way out of here,” Hunter says.
“Copy that, we are on approach to the Capital now. The Wookiees are holding the refinery for us since reinforcements have been alerted.
“Hunter, take the next right and go all the way down. You’ll go left and take the lift all the way up. Whatever you do, do not take any exits,” Tech warns.
“Why Tech?”
“There are Imperial troopers posted all around the exits. It’s a trap, you have to go up,” Tech tells him.
“Got it,” Hunter says, taking the right. It’s not a straight line, but Hunter runs all the way down with the group keeping pace behind him.
Crosshair’s POV
I’m about to go track down Hunter and the prisoners when I get an alert from one of Captain Howzer’s men.
“Sir, the refinery has been destroyed and rebel reinforcement has taken over the place,” I hear. I growl frustratedly. They weren’t supposed to call for backup. Something must’ve happened.
“Send your squad to deal with them,” I say.
“Yes sir,” he answers and cuts out. I have to keep my squad posted at the Capital building. I walk up to the roof of the building across the pavilion and set up my sniper rifle. I use the heat scope to see where they are before spotting the Marauder approach the roof of the building. I adjust my rifle and aim for the ship. I see Hunter and the others get on top of the exposed roof, so I take off the heat signature and zoom in.
3rd POV
Rex, Kix and Echo make it to sector S-7 and Rex sees the mark is on an Outer Rim planet named Jabiim.
“I’ll send out my clone number, see if she answers,” Rex says and transmits his CT number on the open channel for the planet. A response of ‘Fulcrum’ in binary gets their attention and they meet on the western hemisphere, just past a small refinery. Kix sets the ship down and the group walks out.
“What do you think Ahsoka wanted to talk about regarding the children?” Echo asks Rex.
“Maybe figure out what to do with them?” Rex answers.
“I wouldn’t put it like that exactly,” Ahsoka’s voice gets their attention. She walks out of the slight fog. The soldiers remove their helmets to look at the girl they consider to be their little sister as much as Anakin did.
“Ahsoka-“ Rex says and she runs to him, not caring about the tears in her eyes. She is still a teen at 17 after all. She leaps into him, and the captain catches her. She’s not as small and light as she once was. Now she’s only about 4-5 inches shorter than him and thanks to her time as a padawan, a bit more muscular than she was as a scrawny 13yr old. She parts with him and hugs Echo and Kix as well before Rex pulls the 3 of them into a hug and they all stand there, enjoying the moment. After all, they are the last of the 501st.
“I can’t believe you two are alive,” Ahsoka says, looking at Echo and Kix. They nod. Ahsoka turns to Echo.
“Echo…I…I don’t know if you know but Fives-“ Ahsoka says-remembering what Rex had told her during the Order. He nods sadly.
“Rex told me earlier when we met up a while ago,” Echo confirms.
“I’m so sorry about everything Echo-“ Ahsoka tells him.
“I’m thankful to still have you 3. And Clone Force 99,” Echo says.
“Speaking of, I don’t mean to get right into it, but it’s rather important,” Ahsoka says and escorts them to her ship. A Jedi T-6 shuttle.
“You mentioned 3 children, but only 2 are Jedi? How do you know the 3rd isn’t a Jedi as well?” Ahsoka asks.
“Because Tech said she’s an unaltered clone of the donor, Jango,” Echo explains and Ahsoka’s eyes widen.
“She?” Ahsoka asks and Echo nods.
“Omega. She mentioned someone called Alpha, who is the other unaltered clone,” Echo explains.
“Boba Fett-“ Ahsoka says.
“Fett-as in the donor’s last name?” Kix asks and she nods.
“Boba was raised by Jango. Master Plo Koon and I apprehended him once on Florum. I heard he escaped during a prison riot on Coruscant,” Ahsoka explains.
“And you’re sure she’s not Force sensitive? I wouldn’t put it past the Kaminoans to try and make a Force sensitive clone,” Ahsoka asks.
“You can meet her too if you want, in fact, it’d probably be better to have all 3 kids together instead of separating them,” Echo says.
“I thought you were in hiding for protection, how are you going to protect these kids?” Kix asks her.
“That’s what I want to talk to you boys about. This has to be kept secret no matter what, understand?” She asks. They nod.
“Of course ad’ika,” Rex says and she gives him a small smile.
“Ever since the Order, I’ve been hearing certain rumors, about the Jedi,” Ahsoka says.
“What kind of rumors?” Rex asks.
“Rumors of survivors like me…like those kids,” Ahsoka explains.
“I’m not too sure of anything just yet, but I’ve been hearing of a secret network of surviving Jedi called the Hidden Path,” Ahsoka adds.
“There are Jedi survivors that could help these kids, more than I could. I’d just be able to get them to where they need to go,” Ahsoka finishes. Echo and Rex exchange a look.
“What? What is it?” Ahsoka asks.
“If Omega isn’t Force sensitive, they’d have to be split up, right?” Echo asks and Ahsoka nods.
“Well, yes I suppose, but they would be safe,” Ahsoka says and can sense that Echo and Rex aren’t fully on board.
“Why don’t you just suggest the idea to that squad—what did you say they were called?” Ahsoka asks.
“Clone Force 99, the Bad Batch,” Echo says and Ahsoka nods.
“Nothing has to be decided now. After all, times have changed and everyone has choices to make, including those kids. Just…let me know ok?” Ahsoka asks and Rex and Echo nod.
“If a whole squad is out there, does that mean you’ll be searching for clones who didn’t follow the Order?” Ahsoka asks Rex and he nods.
“If you run into any clones-“
“I’ll send ‘em your way,” she finishes his sentence. He nods and the two make sure they can contact each other before parting with a long hug. Both ships take off and leave Jabiim at different directions.
Hunter’s POV
We’re on the roof of the Capital building and the Marauder comes in to pick us up, despite the blaster fire from below. The soldiers that were part of the trap have started chasing after us but luckily Wrecker shot the door panel so it won’t open. Tech opens the bay door and the stairs unfold.
“All aboard!” Wrecker says, holding his hand out. Gobi goes first. Cham’s wife goes next but that’s when I sense a blaster bolt about to hit her! I grab hold of her and whirl her around so she’s tucked into my armor. I feel the blaster bolt hit my left pauldron. I’m ok but I know it’ll bruise.
“Eleni!” Cham exclaims.
“Take her!” Hunter orders to Cham, who grabs his wife’s hand and jumps onboard. That was a warning shot. I know it well. Crosshair. I look where the bolt came from and while I can’t actually see him, I know he’s there, watching me. Once everyone’s onboard, I jump on, dodging more blaster fire.
“Go Tech!” I say once I’m inside. The door shuts and Tech makes his way back to the refinery. Tech rejoins the Wookiees, helping them take out the last of the troopers with the Marauder’s gun.
Howzer’s POV
After separating from Cham Syndulla, I managed to catch up to a few of my boys. They were supposed to go to the refinery, but I convinced them not to.
“We have to leave now. If we stay any longer on Ryloth, we’ll be arrested or worse,” Fireball tells me.
“C’mon, let’s get to a shuttle,” I tell them. We see a ship near the roof of the Capital and I smile as the ship flies off. They got out. They got away. Thank the stars.
“Howzer! Let’s go!” A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. I nod and hurry to the shuttle bay, unaware that now that Cham has escaped, the Imperial troopers will now be turned on us. The giant door opens and we see the Imperial troopers blocking our way, aiming right at the 6 of us.
“Commander, we’ve trapped Captain Howzer and the traitors with him,” one says.
“Drop your weapons,” another orders to me. I feel my nose twitch angrily behind my helmet but I do as I’m told and drop my blaster pistols.
“Arrest those traitors,” I hear CT-9904’s voice on the other end of the comms. Fireball swings when an Imperial trooper tries to cuff him.
“Fireball—“ I say gruffly to let him know I’m serious. When he looks at me I shake my head ever so slightly but I know he saw it because he sighs and drops his blaster. The others do as well before we’re arrested. But to me…I’m just glad the Syndullas got away. My boys and I..we’re tough. We’ll get out and find Cham again. I know it.
3rd POV
When Tech joins with the Wookiee ship, Hera immediately races to her parents and they happily reunite.
“Mom! Dad!” She exclaims and jumps into her father. The 3 embrace and everyone smiles. Even the Wookiees roar in delight.
“Thank you for rescuing my family and for saving my wife,” Cham tells Hunter, who nods.
“Of course,” the sergeant replies.
“I wish we could pay you more-“ Eleni tells the group.
“Pay us? We’re soldiers, not mercenaries. We help people because it’s the right thing to do, right guys?” Wrecker tells the kids, who nod in agreement.
“We were talking with Myrrna, and she told us about a Wookiee named Gungi that needs our help,” Wyyntrr pipes up and the Wookiees all nod and roar.
“Can we help him Hunter? Please?” Maisy asks.
“The Wookiees helped us when we needed it, we should help them. It’s only right,” Omega says. Hunter nods and begrudgingly accepts the new mission. The Wookiees give Hunter and Tech the information they have on this ‘Gungi’ before separating and taking off back to Kashyyyk, to wait for CF99. CF99 take the Syndulla’s to a rebel outpost nowhere near the city where a shuttle is waiting for them.
“Do you have to go? You can come with us to help Gungi-“ Omega tells Hera.
“I’m sorry, but I know you guys can do the job. You rescued my parents, so…thank you,” Hera says and hugs Omega. Maisy shifts and Wyyntrr feels her grip tighten a bit. Wyyntrr reminds himself to ask Maisy about that later.
“We’ll see each other again, I know it,” Hera tells the other kids. Maisy and Wyyntrr nod before she heads off with her parents.
Once CF99 see the Syndullas off, they leave the planet as well.
“Hunter, there’s something I have to tell you about what happened-“ Tech says to his older brother.
“What is it Tech?” Hunter asks tiredly as he slumps into the copilot chair. Before he can answer, Tech notices a light beeping on the console. He presses it.
“Hunter? Tech? You boys read me?” Echo’s voice comes through.
“Echo!” The kids exclaim.
“Echo-we read you, what’s going on?” Hunter asks, giving Tech an apologetic look, but the pilot merely shakes his head.
“We just met with a contact of ours…we need to talk to you…about the children,” Echo says almost ominously. The kids exchange a worried look with each other.
“Where should we meet?” Hunter asks.
#fanfic#star wars#bad batch#star wars bad batch#tbb#tbb oc fic#tbb jedi oc fanfic#tbb jedi au fanfic#tbb oc wyyntrr#tbb oc maisy#padawan wyyntrr#youngling maisy#tbb our love#found family fic#chapter 6#ch6#chapter six
0 notes
Hi everyone,
First off, I’m so sorry I’ve been inactive. I’ve been busy with life as we all get sometimes.
Here is Chapter One of my Bad Batch fanfic Our Love which I definitely recommend reading before this.
Warnings: spoilers for TBB, spoilers for CW, AU fanfic, Jedi OC fanfic, POV changes, lemme know if I need anything else
Our Love
Chapter 2: Good Soldiers Follow Orders
Words: 8,216
3rd POV
Padawan Wyyntrr’s ship drops out of hyperspace after hours of travel as it approaches Coruscant. Wyyntrr gasps slightly as he catches his breath from sobbing.
“Approaching Coruscant,” the ship’s AI system alerts the blind albino Wookiee. Wyyntrr wondered if the Jedi at the Temple even knew what was happening to the clones.
Wyyntrr shuts off the autopilot and flies the ship himself once he gets close to the planet’s atmosphere. He’s able to use the Force to guide him to the Jedi Temple but something’s different. The Temple didn’t feel like it normally did to the blind albino Wookiee padawan.
The ship slows down and lowers onto the landing platform and Wyyntrr walks out holding his lightsaber, though keeping it off for now. Usually Temple guards would be posted but Wyyntrr doesn’t sense them. In fact…he doesn’t sense anyone. The Force feels cold…dark. He knows this isn’t right. Unbeknownst to Wyyntrr, the Jedi Temple lays in ruin.
He walks cautiously up through the ruined entrance and that’s when he can sense life fading. His blood red eyes widen and he gasps when he realizes he’s walking past slain Jedi and Temple guards.
“N-No…No-no-no!” Wyyntrr starts to panic. He starts running inside until he trips over something, tumbling to the floor, grunting slightly. The Wookiee shakes off the daze and reaches out to feel for what he tripped over and when his hands touch flesh that’s still warm, he yanks back, gasping in fear as more tears start falling into his snow-white fur. Wyyntrr scrambles to his feet and keeps moving, searching the areas himself, hoping, praying that there were survivors.
Back on Kamino, Crosshair is ordered to report to Governor Tarkin. The sniper grabs his helmet before exiting his now empty barracks. There are a few things that still belong to everyone still laying about the room but most everything else is on the ship. Everything of importance at least.
As Crosshair walks through the hallways, he sees squads of troopers walking in formation through the halls. Crosshair keeps to himself as he gets to Tarkin’s office. The door whooshes open and the sniper sees Governor Tarkin sitting at his desk with another Imperial officer sitting across from him.
“CT-9904, this is Officer Rampart. From now on you will be reporting directly to him, understood?” Tarkin asks.
“Yes sir,” Crosshair replies curtly.
“I’ve requested you CT-9904 because of your skills specifically. Emperor Palpatine has ambitions beyond the clone army in regards to Kaminoan technology and Officer Rampart has brought to my attention the value of conscripted soldiers,” Tarkin explains and Crosshair glares coldly at Rampart at the suggestion of being replaced.
“Do not worry. You have proven your worth by complying with Order 66, which is why I am offering you a place within our new Empire. You will be leading a squad of TK troopers back to Onderon to clear out the insurgents. They were obviously too much for you alone to handle and I believe you work best with a squad,” Tarkin says and Crosshair shifts on his feet.
“Here is your mission objective. Your new squad is waiting for you in the barracks,” Tarkin says, handing Crosshair a datapad. The sniper takes it and nods.
“Yes sir,” he replies. He turns to walk out when Tarkin clears his throat.
“CT-9904,” he says and Crosshair stops and turns to face the older man.
“I hope you understand that you are in charge of this experimental squad because out of your original squad, you were the only one that was able to do what needs to be done,” Tarkin explains and Crosshair nods.
“I..understand sir,” the sniper says and Tarkin nods and waves a dismissive hand at the clone, who walks out.
As Crosshair makes his way back to the barracks, he looks at the datapad.
He feels his muscles clench and he stops in his tracks. Crosshair breathes as he feels an overwhelming urge to comply with the mission. Memories of meeting Saw Gerrera and his people flash in his memory, but it’s like none of that matters now. Something feels wrong and there’s nothing the sniper can do about it.
The Havoc Marauder zips through hyperspace. After about an hour, Youngling Maisy and Omega finally went through every nook and cranny of the ship. Wrecker even got to show the girls his Tooka doll, Lula.
“I think Lula likes you,” Wrecker says. Omega hugs the doll before offering Lula to Maisy. The Youngling takes it and looks at it.
The Crèche Masters all kept toys like Lula for the Younglings but it’s not like the toys belonged to the Younglings. They were communal toys. The Jedi didn’t really promote attachment, even to objects. Maisy didn’t understand the need to own such a thing because the Crèche Masters always had what she needed. So her only belongings were really the drawings taped up on Master Jaeruho’s ship and the Jedi clothes she wore.
“Well, I have bad news and worse news,” Echo announces, getting everyone’s attention. Maisy quickly hands Lula back to Omega, but before she can ask the younger girl what’s wrong, Hunter steps towards the ARC trooper.
“What’s going on?” Hunter asks.
“I located Captain Rex’s last known position,” Echo says.
“After being promoted to Commander, Rex was given command of half of the 501st and sent to Mandalore,” Echo says.
“That’s strange. Why split the battalion?” Wrecker asks.
“I’m not sure—a lot of the report was redacted and sealed,” Echo admits.
“So what’s the ‘worse’ part?” Hunter asks.
“On the way back to Coruscant, Rex’s venator-class starship, the Tribunal, was heavily damaged and destroyed mid-hyperspace,” Echo says, “He is presumed missing since no evidence of his body was found.”
“If we’re not going to Rex, then where are we going?” Omega asks. Maisy tenses.
“Nowhere important, just an asteroid belt in a backwater part of space the Empire won’t know about,” Hunter explains.
“You said you would take me to the Jedi Temple!” Maisy argues.
“We will, I promise. It’s dangerous now so we can’t just go to the Temple. We were hoping to have our friend, Captain Rex, get us there, but…” Hunter trails off, and even though Maisy is only 4 years old, she understands what Hunter said.
The ship lurches out of hyperspace and slows down.
“Don’t worry kid, we’ll get you home, I promise,” Omega says, putting a hand on the Youngling’s shoulder.
“Wrecker, how’s our ration supply?” Hunter asks.
“Runnin’ low sarge,” Wrecker says. That’s when Tech joins the group after hiding the ship in between 2 large asteroids.
“You know, Coruscant is a big planet,” Tech says.
“Where are you going with this Tech?” Hunter asks.
“We could go to Coruscant and go through the Lower Levels up to the surface,” Tech explains. Hunter raises an eyebrow.
“Hm..interesting,” Hunter thinks on Tech’s plan.
“Coruscant is the heart of the Empire now so if we do this, we’d need to go in quiet,” Tech adds.
“Uhm, what about-..” Wrecker trails off, but motions not-so-subtly towards the girls.
“Hey!” They exclaim.
“We won’t get in the way, and I can protect Maisy,” Omega says assuredly. Hunter looks at the pleading looks the girls are giving him and nods.
“Alright, but you do what I say when I say it, no questions asked got it?” Hunter asks and the girls nod excitedly. Hunter looks to Tech.
“Put in the coordinates for Coruscant,” Hunter orders and Tech nods before heading to the pilot’s seat.
Hunter’s POV
“Put in the coordinates for Coruscant,” I tell Tech and he nods before heading over to the pilot’s seat. The girls talk excitedly about the planet and because the Youngling’s been there before, tells Omega all about it.
“Wow! So there’s no nature anywhere?” Omega asks the younger girl, who thinks on the question. I feel the ship lurch into hyperspace.
“There’s only one thing I know about. The tree. There’s a tree in the Jedi Temple’s courtyard,” I hear Maisy say.
“I can’t wait to show you around, you’re gonna love it,” Maisy says. I don’t have the heart to ruin it for her…at least not yet. It’s likely the Temple is in ruin and if I’m being completely honest with myself, I don’t even want to be going to Coruscant.
Personally I get really intense headaches due to my enhanced ability being around so much electromagnetic energy. Not to mention that it’s now the heart of the Empire. Every bone in my body, all my instincts are telling me that the girls are not safe here. But the promise I made the Youngling rings in my head. Besides, we’re not Jedi. We can’t protect her, but Omega’s different. She’s a clone like us. I feel my hand shake so I clasp my other hand over to try and stop the shaking. If anything happened to the kids…
“Hey, you ok?” Echo asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at him and manage to shake my head.
“Look…I’m not so sure we should even be doing this if I’m honest,” I admit.
“What? Why?” Echo asks.
“Echo, we have kids with us and we’re going into the heart of the Empire. Wrecker’s right, we have to be cautious,” I tell him but frown when I see the confusion.
“You don’t think they’re capable?” He asks.
“That’s not what I said-“ I try, but he holds up his real hand.
“Look Hunter, I know she’s young, but Maisy is a Jedi. You guys haven’t worked with them like I have. My commander was around Omega’s age and she did things I never would’ve thought possible for someone so young,” Echo argues. I sigh when I realize he has a point.
“You’re right, we don’t work with the Jedi. I just…don’t want you to overestimate Maisy and her Jedi powers. She’s just a kid, and we don’t even know if she can even control it like the older Jedi,” I explain and Echo nods.
“We can protect her, we’re an elite squad, remember?” Echo assures me before joining the kids. As Echo joins the kids, my thoughts wander to Crosshair.
Echo’s POV
The kids call my name as I talk with Hunter. I join the girls and see Maisy sitting on the edge of the gunner’s mount with her legs hanging where the ladder is. Omega is looking around the gunner’s mount seat. I smile.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
“We need a 3rd person for this Jedi game Maisy’s teaching me,” Omega explains. I nod.
“Ok,” I say and join the girls up in the gunners mount. We all sit cross-legged though I’m a bit more cramped just because I’m an adult. Maisy explains the rules before starting.
After getting the hang of it, my mind flashes to Rex and Fives.
“Echo? Echo are you ok?” Omega asks.
“Huh?” I ask.
“It’s your turn,” Maisy says.
“Oh, sorry-it’s just…this reminds me of a game I’d play with Captain Rex and my old squad mate Fives,” I explain. I tap Maisy’s hand and she adds one finger to her left hand as part of the game.
“He’ll be able to get us to General Skywalker,” I tell her.
“Echo-“ Hunter interrupts.
“He would survive. They both would. Rex is formidable and resilient and the General has a padawan to protect,” I assure him.
“A padawan? Who?” Maisy asks.
“Ahsoka Tano,” I say. Her eyes widen.
“She came to talk to my class one time at the Temple,” Maisy explains and that’s when I see tears form in the little girl’s eyes, the loss is still clearly fresh.
“My Master was killed because he saved me. They could be dead!” Maisy suddenly exclaims. I flinch at the little girl’s outburst.
“It wasn’t your fault Maisy. There wasn’t anything either of us could’ve done,” Omega says, putting a hand on the Youngling’s shoulder. Being on Kamino when Order 66 happened, I’m sure it was different compared to being on the war front. Maisy hugs Omega tightly, who returns the gesture.
That’s when Hunter and Wrecker join us. Maisy pulls back and the girls look at them.
“I think we’ve got a seat for you ready Maisy, just need you to come try it out,” Wrecker says. Maisy wipes her eyes, nods and hops down to follow Wrecker up to the front. Omega moves but I silently motion for her to stay.
“Omega, I wanna ask you something,” I tell the girl quietly. She nods.
“What is it?”
“Did…Did Maisy see?” I ask and Omega immediately knows what I’m talking about. She turns sad and she nods slightly.
“Yeah…I saved her…that’s why I promised I’d stay with her and get her back to the Jedi Temple safely,” Omega explains. I put my real hand on her knee.
“You did good…soldier,” I tell her and she beams, lighting up happily before nodding once.
3rd POV
Wrecker shows Maisy the safety seat he made out of basic spare parts laying around as the ship comes out of hyperspace.
“Omega!” Maisy calls and the older girls runs up.
“Look,” Maisy tells her, pointing but the older girl is already in awe.
“Echo, I need you to pilot the ship while I make a fake chain code,” Tech says and switches seats with him.
“What’s a chain code?” Hunter asks.
“It’s the Empire’s new way of identifying people,” Tech explains.
“And you’re just now telling us about them?!” Echo demands from the pilot seat.
“Well I only just learned of them moments ago. Do not worry, I am nearly finished,” Tech says as he programs his datapad. He presses a button and a small disk is ejected from the bottom.
“Got it,” Tech says, showing the small metal disk before heading over to the console. Tech inserts the disk and prepares to transmit the data.
“The Empire will think we’re nothing but a cargo ship,” Tech assures Hunter as the ship approaches a nearby venator-class starship.
“Approaching vessel identify yourself,” a voice announces over the comms. Tech gives Echo a thumbs up.
“Transmitting now,” Echo answers and a tense moment passes.
“All clear for Lower Level admission,” the voice announces and the boys sigh with relief.
“See? No need to worry,” Tech says before Echo they continue towards Coruscant.
As the ship gets closer, everything gets bigger and bigger. Omega awes at the enormous buildings, bright colorful lights and the sheer number of people.
“It’s so big,” Omega awes quietly but there is something that catches her attention.
“You’re from here, right Maisy?” Omega asks and Maisy nods.
“Where’s your water?” Omega asks and Maisy blinks.
“Water? There are water tanks all over,” Maisy explains.
“But…no natural water? You know, like an ocean?” Omega asks and Maisy shakes her head.
“Not on Coruscant. Too many people,” Maisy explains.
Once they get to the Surface Level, Hunter groans and braces himself.
“Hunter?” Maisy asks, getting everyone’s attention.
“What’s wrong Hunter?” Omega asks. Being Nala Se’s medical assistant, she can see the squint in Hunter’s eyes and how tense his neck muscles are. A headache.
“Coruscant has such a high level of electromagnetic energy that Hunter’s senses are overloaded…headaches, dizziness, sometimes nausea…but he usually adjusts after-“ Echo explains but that’s when Tech wordlessly grabs a medical stim and injects Hunter with bacta.
“Gah! Tech!” Hunter exclaims, rubbing his arm where Tech pierced him.
“After that,” Echo says, referring to the shot.
They fly with traffic until they get to a tunnel that leads down to the Lower Levels. Maisy clings to Omega’s hand and the female clone looks down at the Youngling.
“The Masters would tell us it’s dangerous down here,” Maisy explains.
“Dangerous?” Omega asks and looks to Hunter.
“Just stay with us and you’ll be fine,” the sergeant says.
Tech flies the ship to a landing dock that only has 2 other ships and lets the ship down easily.
“Here, you can hold Lula. She’s good to hug if you’re scared,” Wrecker offers Maisy, who shakes her head.
“She’s yours though,” Maisy argues gently. She learned from the Crèche masters that even though the Jedi do not have personal objects of attachment, that others do and to respect them.
“Maybe we can find something for you while we’re here,” Omega says and Maisy nods because despite being a Jedi, she is only 4.
“Ok, stay with us and don’t leave our sights,” Hunter tells the girls.
“Are you sure we’ll be ok?” Maisy asks and Hunter nods.
“Here,” Omega says, kneeling down in front of the Youngling. She takes off her head circlet that matches Nala Se’s which makes her bangs fall naturally. Omega turns Maisy and carefully puts the insignia around Maisy like a necklace.
“There. That’ll keep you safe,” Omega says and Maisy smiles.
“Thanks,” she says, looking at the carving before Hunter gathers the girls and the squad heads off the ship.
As they walk into the nearest district, Omega grabs hold of Maisy’s hand and they start making their way into the giant city.
“Where are we going?” Wrecker asks.
“We need to get to a central computer console. That way we can check on the status of the Jedi Temple,” Echo explains.
“The nearest terminal is located by a garage not too far from here,” Tech adds when he taps on his datapad.
“Lead the way Tech,” Hunter says and lets the goggled clone lead. The girls look around as they walk past various shops, vendors and people walking the streets like them.
The group finally gets to the computer terminal.
“Give me a minute ok?” Echo asks and uses his scomp to plug in. While they wait for Echo, a young woman from the garage nearby approaches the group stealthily. Maisy notices first and gasps, getting everyone else’s attention. The boys immediately draw their blasters and point them at the hooded figure.
“Not another step,” Hunter threatens.
“It’s ok, I’m not armed,” the voice of a young female says.
“You’re clones, aren’t you?” She asks and at first no one answers. Echo and Tech share a look while Hunter glances at Wrecker.
“If we are?” Wrecker asks.
“CT-7567,” the female says and the boys freeze.
“W-What did you say?” Echo asks in shock.
“CT-7567…he told me to say that to any clones I come across,” she says as she lowers her hood. She has tan skin, dark eyes and short, curly hair that’s shaved on the sides and long on top.
“That means something to you, doesn’t it?” The woman asks but she knows already.
“Who are you?” Echo asks.
“Martez. Trace Martez,” she introduces.
The computer console beeps, getting Echo’s attention.
“Blast it, the only thing I could find out is that the whole Temple area is sealed off,” Echo announces as the others put their blasters away.
“C’mon, we shouldn’t talk outside,” the young woman, Trace, says, ushering the group to follow her.
“My garage is right over there,” she explains, pointing to the small garage tucked in between two shops.
“Stay close,” Hunter whispers to the girls. Omega nods and keeps a firm grip on Maisy’s hand.
Back on Kamino…
A heavy storm rages on with no end in sight. Crosshair has been assigned a new experimental squad of ‘TK troopers’ and even though he hasn’t said anything, he’s wondering who the squad is. The sniper’s never heard of that designation before.
He gets to the barracks and sees troopers in dark armor like his new Imperial armor is but is surprised to see a female among them. Their helmets are different too and Crosshair realizes they’re not clones. They spot Crosshair and look at him.
“Look, it’s the clone,” one of the troopers says before taking off his helmet. The others follow suit and Crosshair sees how different they look.
“Humph, I guess the new Empire’s going for quantity over quality,” Crosshair sneers.
“Yeah well at least I joined the Empire because I wanted to, not because I was created to,” the blonde trooper says.
“Clearly you were never a soldier because as your superior, you will address me as sir, understood?” Crosshair growls and at first the trooper doesn’t reply, allowing a tense moment to pass before sighing.
“Yes..sir,” he says and Crosshair smirks before pulling out his datapad.
“Here, our mission debrief,” the sniper says and tosses the datapad to the troopers, who gather around to look at it.
“I expect all of you to follow orders,” Crosshair says before they gather what they need for the mission and head out.
The new squad boards the ship and Crosshair’s reminded of the Marauder. Instead a generic gunship waits for them but the instant he has that thought, he feels his muscles tense and that same urgent sense to complete the mission overcomes the sniper. Crosshair feels his legs moving forward almost against his will but deep down…the desire to complete the mission burns through him.
The ship lurches up and out into the storm and at first Crosshair is ignoring the rest of the squad as they talk with each other.
“Hey…can I ask you something?” The blond trooper from earlier asks the sniper. Crosshair glances at him, shifting his toothpick.
“I joined the Empire because they saved my home town from starvation and infections…I wanted to join. But…why are you here?” He asks. Ever since the chip augmentation, Crosshair hasn’t really thought about why but he remembers a thought he had back on Kaller.
“I saw the singular moment when the galaxy changed. I was part of it. I need to be part of the new galaxy, the newly formed Empire. They provide stability and order now that the war is over,” Crosshair explains as the ship exits the atmosphere and enters hyperspace.
The rest of the trip was quiet. Once the squad arrives at Onderon, Crosshair takes the lead. The sniper motions with his hand to follow his lead before running into the dense jungle-like forests.
Crosshair treks through the familiar area and heads to the last place he was at when meeting Saw Gerrera. The sniper sees an empty clearing but picks up signs of a trail.
“They’ve moved,” he alerts the rest of the squad and continues on the trail.
As they pass a small creek, one of the troopers stops.
“Wait—Commander-look,” he says, pointing. Crosshair stops and looks to see another set of footprints in the mud. But…they’re tiny.
“There are kids here?” One of the troopers asks.
“Insurgents are insurgents,” Crosshair growls. The TK troopers don’t argue but share an unsure glance before continuing to follow Crosshair.
Once the squad is close, the troopers use their helmet visor’s heat signature feature to identify the insurgents while Crosshair finds the high ground and uses his rifle scope. Instead of talking, Crosshair and his squad attack the unsuspecting civilians turned rebels. The squad easily disarms and ambushes their targets and Crosshair intelligently stays hidden in the forest to watch as his squad does the actual capture. The squad surrounds the group.
“Who are you?” The blonde trooper, designated ES-01, asks.
“We are a growing few that’s willing to stand up to the Empire-“ a female with brown hair answers.
“And our families,” she says, looking at the children with them. ES-01 sighs, dropping his weapon to the ground and looks away.
“I can’t go through with it,” he says, taking off his helmet, letting that drop too. The other TK troopers look at each other before lowering their weapons as well.
“Insurgents aren’t survivors,” he says, looking at her.
“What are you doing ES-01?!” Crosshair demands over the comlink in a deadly almost raspy tone.
“Doing what’s right,” ES-01 responds before shutting off his receiver.
ES-01 turns to the nearest captive and frees her, unlocking the cuffs. She rubs her wrists and looks at ES-01 before nodding slightly. He gives her a small smile but that’s when a single blaster bolt whizzes by and strikes the young woman in the head.
“No!” ES-01 gasps and catches her limp body. The others in the squad stand by in shock before looking where the bolt came from. Out of the shadows in the forest walks Crosshair.
“What are you doing?! These are innocent people!” ES-01 argues.
“You wanted to know why I joined the Empire?” Crosshair asks and ES-01 goes quiet.
“Power. You see…power doesn’t come to those who are born strongest or smartest…no, it comes to those who will do anything to achieve it. The Empire values strength and power above all else to provide stability and peace and I am showing them I can do what needs to be done,” Crosshair explains.
“I didn’t join the Empire to execute civilians. I’m not following orders and neither are they. C’mon, don’t listen to this clone,” ES-01 says, trying to convince the rest of the squad to turn, and at first, they all hesitate, looking between Crosshair and ES-01. The blond trooper looks at his squad mates.
“ES-01,” Crosshair says getting his attention. When the trooper turns back, he sees Crosshair pointing a blaster pistol at him. Crosshair fires a single shot and ES-01 falls limply to the ground next to the dead civilian. The other hostages gasp and yelp in fear.
“Good soldiers follow orders,” Crosshair growls.
“Crosshair! Crosshair please!” One of the hostages exclaims, using the sniper’s name.
“What about earlier?! Do your words mean nothing?” He asks.
Crosshair’s POV
“Crosshair! Crosshair please!” One of the hostages exclaims, using my name. He’s a male Twi’lek and has a bit of an accent.
“What about earlier?! Do your words mean nothing?” He asks. Memories from my first visit, from talking with Saw flash by in my mind but a searing wave of pain in my head causes me to growl and shut my eyes. No…none of that matters now. But…but it should. I just…any thought of resistance or independence feels painful. It’s either them or me.
“Good soldiers follow orders,” I repeat almost robotically before firing a single headshot at the Twi’lek, killing him. The other hostages cry out and gasp but that’s when I turn to the rest of my squad.
Even though I’m wearing a helmet, I can tell my glare gets through the visor. One trooper raises their blaster and the others follow suit. Without waiting, the other TK troopers fire on the remaining hostages like a firing squad.
“Burn down the camp,” I order and the troopers use their flamethrower packs to incinerate everything, including ES-01.
As the fire grows and consumes everything, the others decide to go wait on the ship but I stare at the fire, thinking on what I’ve done. No…I…I followed orders. I..I will be rewarded upon return and even if I won’t…it’s better than the excruciating pain in my head when trying to disobey. Ever since getting ambushed and experimented on, I have been different. I can feel it, deep down. I can’t think about it for too long because the pain happens. I turn away and head back to the ship.
After boarding, the ship takes off and it’s completely silent between everyone all the way back to Kamino. As we fly through the stormy atmosphere, the ship rattles and shakes as lighting flashes that’s quickly followed by a crack of thunder.
The ship lands in one of the hundreds of identical hangars located all over Tipoca City. The squad exits the ship and I see Governor Tarkin and Admiral Rampart waiting for us. The two approach me.
“I see your mission was a success, despite the loss of one of your troopers,” Rampart notes and I nod.
“All insurgents were eliminated,” I confirm.
“Very good CT—9904. Admiral, I understand why you place such value on conscripted soldiers and I think CT—9904 is the perfect example for future clone troopers and their value within the Empire. Do not worry CT—9904, I will inform Dr. Nala Se of your achievement,” Governor Tarkin says before looking at me then turning back to Rampart. I manage to hold my ground but I feel my blood run cold at the name of the chief Kaminoan scientist.
“Admiral,” Tarkin says and walks out, leaving me alone with the man.
“You are dismissed,” he tells me. I spin on my heels and hurry out silently, following my new squad.
We walk through the sterile halls. When I was younger, these halls were torture. Nothing but testing. Physical tests to strengthen us for battle and mental tests to make sure our mental fortitude could stand up to the horrors of war. Any emotional outburst or independent thoughts were met with punishments by Nala Se. The memory makes me shiver as I follow the group. Hunter, Tech or Wrecker would comfort me when we were young if I needed it. Other times, albeit a bit reluctant, I would comfort them. I miss them. We get to the barracks and the others walk in. I sigh before following, wondering what else is going to change.
There’s a tense quiet in the room and I can tell the others are against me…of course they are, after what I did. There’s only one other person I can possibly talk to. Commander Cody. Before the 501st, Cody was the only clone we’ve worked closely with. I wonder where he is and what he’s doing.
On Coruscant…
3rd POV
Trace escorts CF99 to her garage and they look around until they spot a man in white and blue painted clone armor talking with another young woman, not much older than Trace and who looks a bit like Trace herself. Echo’s eyes widen in shock first and he freezes.
“R-Rex?” Echo asks. The Captain turns around and spots the group of clone troopers in black, red and white armor.
“Echo?” Rex asks before his legs suddenly spring the captain forward and the two embrace tightly.
“I can’t believe it. You’re alive-“ Echo comments as tears stream down his face.
“And what about you? I never thought I’d see you boys much less here on Coruscant,” Rex says, equally tearful as he pulls back to look at the rest of the squad. Hunter approaches the captain and the two clasp hands.
“Rex,” the two greet, smiling but that’s when Rex notices they’re a man down.
“Where’s Crosshair?” Rex asks.
“It’s a long story-“ Hunter says.
Wrecker approaches Rex, being out of earshot and easily picks up the Captain, hugging him.
“It’s good to see you too Wrecker,” Rex tells the demolitions expert before exchanging a friendly nod of acknowledgement from Tech.
“It is rather surprising to see you here Captain,” Tech says but before Rex can respond,Omega steps into his view and the Captain freezes. Rex looks at Omega and he can tell by her eyes and face that she’s a clone. The young female clone reminds Rex of himself.
“Rex, this is Omega,” Hunter introduces. Rex takes a couple steps towards Omega and kneels down.
“In all my years I’ve seen many clones, but never one like you,” Rex says. Omega looks at him.
“You’re a generation one,” she says and he blinks in surprise.
“How’d you know that?” Rex asks.
“The lines on your face. I was Nala Se’s personal medical assistant. Generation one clones are the oldest clones,” Omega explains. Rex smirks.
“I’m impressed. How old are you kid?” Rex asks.
“11,” she says.
“Ah, a shiny,” Rex smiles and Omega beams at the nickname. She had heard many clones over the years call each other that. The more experienced ones would take the cadets under their wings…but not Omega. She was to follow Nala Se instead.
That’s when Maisy pokes her head out from behind Tech to look at Captain Rex. He sees the smaller, younger girl and blinks in shock.
“Oh-wh-who are you?” Rex asks but he spots a thin long braid in the girl’s shaggy, wild dark brown hair. He looks at her tan and beige robes.
“It’s ok,” Echo tells Maisy, seeing how unsure the little girl looks.
“Rex, this is Maisy,” Echo introduces. She looks between Rex and the other young woman.
“I’m Raffa, Trace’s older sister,” she explains and motions for everyone to come further in. There’s a small office area with a door so they walk in for privacy.
Once the door’s shut, Rex turns to Maisy.
“You’re a Jedi, aren’t you?” He asks. Maisy looks at Omega and the others. The older girl nods encouragingly as she puts a hand on the younger’s shoulder. Maisy nods.
“I’m a Youngling,” Maisy explains and Rex and the Martez sisters’ eyes widen in shock.
“That’s why we came here,” Echo tells Rex, “to get her back to the Jedi at the Temple. I tried looking for you, but your file the Empire has on you has labeled you MIA.”
“A lot’s happened since Order 66. Where were you boys when it happened?” Rex asks.
“We were with General Bilaba and Commander Dume on Kaller,” Hunter explains, “the General’s battalion turned on them and..” he trails off but Rex nods understandingly.
“We weren’t affected but Crosshair was,” Hunter adds and Rex’s eyes widen.
“I let the Commander go and…Crosshair disagreed with my decision…my decisions,” Hunter explains, glancing at the girls.
“Me and Master Jae were on Kamino-“ Maisy says as her lip quivers and Omega comes up to the Youngling to pick her up.
“I promised Maisy we’d get her back to the Jedi Temple,” Omega explains holding the little girl in her arms.
“And how did you two meet?” Echo asks the Martez sisters.
“Our friend introduced us after the clones turned,” Rafa explains.
“Your file in the Empire’s records state you’re MIA but there’s nothing else about the rest of the 501st,” Echo says and Rex sighs, nodding.
“After you joined Clone Force 99, Commander Tano returned in need of men to help her retake Mandalore from Darth Maul,” Rex explains. Omega and Maisy share a look as the Youngling’s grip on her tunic tightens.
“The Jedi Council wouldn’t allow reinforcements since Ahsoka wasn’t part of the Order anymore but General Skywalker decided to split the 501st in half. Jesse, Vaughn along with myself were all assigned with Commander Tano on the Tribunal when Order 66 happened. I…I fought with everything I had but it was all Ahsoka. She managed to subdue me and remove my inhibitor chip. The Commander and I were the only survivors,” Rex explains, rubbing his scarred temple, where the chip used to be.
“The other half…they came here…to the Temple. General Skywalker was here on Coruscant to save the Chancellor and the 501st left to storm the Temple, at least that’s what I’ve heard from the info I’ve managed to get,” Rex says.
“That means the Temple is no longer safe,” Hunter says and Rex nods.
“I know, but I’m hoping to get to the Temple to find my medic Kix. He wasn’t with my half of the 501st during Order 66 and I know he would never attack the Jedi,” Rex explains.
“That’s the best we can hope for under these circumstances,” Tech says, fiddling with his datapad.
“What about your Commander? Why can’t you contact her to come get the Youngling?” Hunter asks.
“After we escaped our crashing venator-class ship, Commander Tano decided to go into hiding, leaving no trace of her existence. The last time I saw her was…at a funeral,” Rex says, his eyes full of sadness.
“You’re going to the Temple? I thought the entire area was sealed off,” Echo says and Rex nods.
“There is a way in I know of,” Rex explains. Maisy looks at the soldiers before feeling something…something familiar. It’s the feeling the Youngling would get when she was around other Jedi. She could sense their presence through the Force. It feels…like a call for help.
“We hafta hurry,” Maisy says and Omega nods.
“Here, these’ll get you to the surface,” Trace says, handing Hunter a leather pouch.
“What…what is this?” Hunter asks, looking inside. He pulls out a handful of credits.
“It’s to bribe the transportation employees. You guys don’t have chain codes,” Rafa explains.
“Chain codes?” Hunter asks. She nods.
“Just another way for the new Empire to keep tabs on you. But everyone here has a price,” Rafa explains.
“Why are you helping us? Not everyone can spare this kind of cash,” Hunter asks. The sisters share a look before turning back to the squad.
“We have a complicated relationship with the Jedi but the clones were the ones that were there for us to help us rebuild what little was left of our home. So, when our friend contacted us, she gave us a mission to help any defecting clones that want to escape the Empire,” Rafa explains. Hunter nods appreciatively.
“Keep the commlink open. I’ll be back in a few days,” Rex tells the Martez sisters, who nod.
“If you hear from her, tell her-“ Rex begins to tell the two mechanics.
“We know Cap,” Trace says, saluting him and Rex nods. He grabs his pack before motioning to everyone.
“Let’s go,” Rex says and the group heads out.
They step into a lift and once the doors close, Rex takes off his pack and takes out a bunch of clothes, handing them out.
“Here, just in case,” Rex says and Hunter nods and has Echo, Tech and Wrecker all put on the ponchos Rex gave out. It’s a long trek to the surface level taking a maze of lifts, taxis, and a tram but they finally reach the surface of Coruscant with a mere 5 credits left. The whole time Echo was telling stories about Kix and different missions he went on.
“When Rex told me about Fives, I knew I could count on Kix to listen to me,” Echo explains to the girls, who are sitting on opposite sides of the ARC trooper.
“Look-there!” Maisy says, pointing on the window. The others follow her finger and see a giant building that makes a distinct shape in the skyline, poking out over the other buildings.
The closer they get to the Temple, the stronger Maisy feels the call for help. She wonders if the feeling is because of Order 66. The taxi the squad managed to squeeze into comes to a stop at a platform just outside the Temple.
The group heads out and looks around. It’s interesting how the whole galaxy had changed but the constant chaos of Coruscant seems unfazed.
“Oh kriff,” Rex grumbles.
“What is it?” Tech asks.
“That’s the way into the Temple…it’s swarming with the Coruscant guard now,” Rex says.
“Now?” Echo asks.
“It wasn’t earlier. I don’t know any other way in-“ Rex says.
“I can get us in,” Maisy pipes up. The soldiers and even Omega looks down at her.
“Really?” Omega asks and Maisy nods.
“We have to get in,” the Youngling says, clearly determined.
“Lead the way kid,” Rex tells the younger girl, who nods.
“This way,” Maisy says, grabbing Omega’s hand, pointing.
The squad walks inconspicuously down different alleyways until they come upon a dead end.
“Great,” Hunter sighs.
“There,” Maisy points to the grate on the ground before running over to it. She tries grabbing it but the metal is too heavy for the Youngling so Omega helps her. The two girls struggle to get the grate off but they manage to do so with a grunt of effort.
“We’re going through the sewers?” Hunter asks.
“It goes to a bathroom in the Temple,” Maisy explains.
“How do you know?” Omega asks-not with any venom in her tone but pure curiosity.
“I saw the door once. It was boarded over but I can get through it,” Maisy explains.
“Alright, I’ll go in first,” Rex says and climbs down the rusted ladder. Maisy follows him and the rest of the squad follows the Youngling.
Rex uses his helmet light to see and once he gets to the ground, he holds his hands out for the Youngling.
“I’ve got ya,” Rex assures the Youngling as he lifts her down to the floor. She looks up and helps Rex with the others. The boys grab their torches and shines the light around the dark but empty tunnel.
“Ugh, it smells in here,” Wrecker groans.
“That way,” Maisy points and the group starts walking.
3rd POV
On Kamino, Crosshair heads to the mess hall after feeling stifled in the barracks with the other troopers. His new squad leaves much to be desired as far as a team goes and the sniper can’t get his mind off of Cody. Perhaps if his own squad wouldn’t help him, maybe the clone who vouched for them would. After all Cody was a Marshal Commander. If anyone could help the sniper, it’d be him.
He heads to the library to see if he can look up where Commander Cody is stationed. The sniper finds a computer out of the way and secluded though it’s practically empty anyways. He sits at the chair and turns on the monitor. Not that he didn’t know how to use a computer, he just wasn’t as proficient and as fast as Tech or Echo.
Crosshair’s POV
I type in the search file and put all the info in. CT Number: CT-2224. Designation: Cody. Battalion: 212 and finally, Rank: Marshal Commander. I hit the ‘enter’ key on the keyboard and the screen loads before a bunch of info appears on the screen. My eyes scan each line.
CT-2224 Status: Alive. Rank: Commander. Currently stationed on Utapau. This information seems pretty recent but my eyes stop when I get to the last part.
“Successfully executed Order 66,” I read. It doesn’t say when he will return. There’s only one place in all of Kamino where things are truly said: the mess hall. I log out of the computer and hurry out of the library.
I make my way to the mess hall and when I walk in I see it’s a bit crowded. Cody belonged to the 212th so anyone who served in that battalion or who worked closely with the 212th would know something. I glance around and that’s when I spot two troopers in golden yellow painted armor. They’re alone so I grab a tray of food before making my way over.
Once I get close, the two stop talking and look at me.
“You mind? Everywhere else is full,” I ask, motioning with my head to the noisy mess hall. The two share a look before shrugging so I sit.
“Haven’t seen you before,” the trooper on the left says, taking off his helmet. His mop of messy blond hair and 5 o’clock shadow makes the man look…battle-worn.
“Name’s Crys, that’s Trapper,” the blonde trooper introduces.
“Crosshair,” I introduce myself before taking my helmet off.
“Woah, you’re a CT-99? I heard you guys completed more suicide missions than a battalion,” Crys tells me. I nod.
“Where’s the rest of your squad?” Trapper asks curiously.
“Busy…I’m actually looking for one of your boys,” I explain.
“Oh yeah?”
“Commander Cody. He knows me and my squad well and was wondering if anyone in the 212th knew where he was?” I ask. The two exchange a look before leaning in closer to me.
“There’s talk Cody was reassigned,” Trapper whispers.
“We’ve heard some of our brothers talk about Cody…how he’d talk about the Empire. But he’s been reporting to Governor Tarkin so it’s only a matter of time before he shows back up here,” Crys adds in a hushed tone.
“Thanks,” I tell them before standing and grabbing my tray. They nod and I walk off to find Admiral Rampart. I have to convince him to let me go find Cody.
As I walk through the halls, I actually pass by Admiral Rampart.
“Ahem-Admiral-a word?” I clear my throat before I ask, causing the man to look up, mildly irritated at me but motions for me to follow him anyways.
“What is it CT—9904? You completed your mission on Onderon and there haven’t been any new assignments for you yet,” Rampart tells me.
“I understand—sir—I was just wondering about my new squad,” I say.
“What about them?”
“Well sir, one of them disobeyed orders,” I say, though not explaining what happened.
“I’ve talked with Governor Tarkin and we agree that one casualty is worth the price of success. How many droids did the Separatists go through? How many clones?” He asks.
“Actually that’s what I mean. I was wondering if maybe a clone trooper could replace the trooper I lost on Onderon? Commander Cody perhaps? I’ve worked with him before and he is just as if not more capable than I am-“ I vouch for the commander but Rampart holds up a hand, stopping my slight rambling.
“I do recognize the value of you clones CT—9904, but the whole point of your new squad is to prove that conscripted soldiers can and will follow orders. As for CC—2224, he has been assigned on a mission to Dantooine,” Rampart adds that last part about Cody rather off-handedly. My eyes widen but I nod in acknowledgement.
“Actually, since you seem to show such enthusiasm and eagerness, I’m going to assign you and your new squad a rather…controversial mission,” Rampart says.
“Controversial?” I ask.
“As such I hope you understand that this mission comes with a certain level of discretion? Here’s everything you need to know,” he says, handing me another datapad. I look at it and nod.
“Yes sir. We will prep and leave immediately,” I tell Rampart before we part ways and I head to the lift.
Once I’m alone in the lift, I think on our conversation and look at the datapad.
“Destroy Separatist stronghold on Ankus and eliminate any and all survivors,” I read. If I use my time wisely, I could complete my mission then go to the nearby planet of Dantooine to look for Cody. But the mission comes first—it always does.
Back on Coruscant…
3rd POV
Youngling Maisy manages to successfully guide the group through the tunnels and into the Temple. They get to the sealed off door so Rex, Echo and Tech get to work.
“We hafta hurry,” Maisy repeats.
“Why? No one’s after us,” Omega says.
“You don’t hear the call for help?” Maisy asks and Omega frowns in confusion.
“Call for help?” She asks worriedly.
“No one’s calling for help kid,” Hunter tells the Youngling.
Before the younger girl can argue, Echo, Tech and Rex get through the door and make a hole to climb through. They walk into a storage closet before stealthily walking out with the rest of the group following.
Rex uses his torch to look around. It’s a bathroom that looks as if it’s been unused for years.
“Where are we?” Rex asks.
“We’re underneath the Archives,” Maisy explains, “there’s the way out,” she points.
Rex, Hunter and Echo are out first and the rest follow. The group makes their way down the eerily empty and silent corridor. There’s no sign of anyone.
They keep walking but stop when they get to a destroyed room. Maisy gasps quietly as her eyes widen, seeing the dead bodies. Omega notices and immediately pulls the little girl into her so the Youngling’s face is buried in her hip.
“Don’t look,” Omega instructs and Maisy nods, letting Omega pick her up.
“They’re…501st,” Echo gasps as Rex stares at the bodies. Rex looks over at a Jedi. A Mon Cala Jedi he doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter.
“We should keep moving,” Hunter says and Rex nods, leading the way.
They get to the destroyed great room and bodies are laying everywhere.
“Wait—we hafta go that way-“ Maisy points to the left.
“What? Why?” Echo and Omega ask.
“It’s the call for help—it’s that way-“ the Youngling points before squirming out of Omega’s arms. She hurries down the connecting hall and clones chase after her.
“Wait! Maisy!” They call but the Youngling keeps running.
Maisy’s POV
“Wait! Maisy!” I hear the others call out for me, but I keep running. I’m so close. I can feel it. The hall opens up to a destroyed room and that’s when I notice the dead Younglings. I gasp, slowing down, allowing the others to catch up. They see the bodies as well.
“Even the children,” Rex gasps, clearly in shock that his men would do such a thing.
Me and Omega walk towards the pile of rubble at the back and when we come around the pile, we gasp when we see a white Wookiee.
Chapter 3
#star wars#bad batch#fanfic#bad batch fanfic#tbb fanfic our love#tbb fanfiction#tbb our love#our love#our love fanfic#tbb our love fanfic chapter 2#chapter 2#jedi oc#jedi oc fanfic#tbb jedi oc#tbb au fanfic#thank you all for being so patient with me
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I’ll update this as I post.
Fandoms I write for:
—Star Wars: Clone Wars, Rebels, Bad Batch, Tales of the Jedi, OG trilogy, Prequel trilogy, The Acolyte
—Arcane (Vi, Caitlyn, Powder/Jinx, Jayce, Viktor, Heimerdinger, Ekko, Silco, Vander, Sevika, Mel, Singed)
—Avatar the Last Airbender/Legend of Korra
—Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus
—Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire/House of the Dragon
—Harry Potter
—Marvel (Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Miles Morales, Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers)
—Jungle Book (I prefer either the 2016/2018 versions but any iteration is fine with me including the OG book)
—Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse (ITSV), Across the Spiderverse (ATSV)
—The Penguin (Oz Cobb, Victor Aguilar, Falcone family, Eve, Maroni family, Francis Cobb)
What I WILL write:
—Single and multi chapter fics
—Crossovers with any of the fandoms listed
— x Reader Insert (FEMALE)
—Angst, hurt, fluff, comfort, etc
—OC fics
—**Mental Illness/slight NSFW/TW (any and all warnings will be placed visibly on each fic)**
What I WILL NOT write:
—Graphic sexual scenes/situations including ABO
—Incest/‘Clonecest’ (for Game of Thrones fandom but also including clone shipping for Star Wars fandom)
—Male Reader (I will consider gender neutral but anything but female reader is unfamiliar to me)
—Non-Ace Yelena Belova (Marvel). I will not change a character’s gender identity or sexuality either for ANY fandom.
—Beastiality (Jungle Book)
**I want this blog to be safe for minors so any warnings will be placed accordingly**
Clone Wars
I’m Sorry Anakin—How Anakin got his scar
Bad Batch
Older Sister—Omega befriends my Jedi Youngling OC Maisy while the rest of CF99 are off on Raxus and becomes an older sister figure to the Jedi Youngling. *follows the show/test fic*
Our Love—Original Bad Batch story that introduces my Jedi Youngling Maisy and Padawan Wyyntrr OCs.
Better Half—Echo finds out about Fives
Family—Part 2 of Better Half
New Friend— Fix it fic
Sisters of Mine— Female child reader insert that mostly follows the show.
Jungle Book
A Chance Encounter—Request
The Simple Delights of an Ordinary Day—Mowgli spends the day with Bagheera and Baloo.
*Fics in white are one shots*
*Fics in red are discontinued*
*Fics in blue are multi-chapter*
Scene Comparisons
Arcane/Bad Batch
Left Behind Scene
—Part 1
—Part 2
Eavesdropping/Listening to a Conversation Scene
—Part 1
—Part 2
#writingforfun0714#masterlist#Star Wars#arcane#AtLA#avatar the last airbender#GoT#ASoIaF#HotD#marvel#Harry Potter#pjo#Percy jackson#pjo hoo#legend of korra#LoK#jungle book#the penguin#penguin#crossover fics#reader insert#idk what else to tag
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