#jedi consular storyline
chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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I'm pretty sure this is a minor bug/glitch (I've never had a companion photobomb a story cutscene this badly before) but it amuses me greatly that it looks like he's trying to play with the noetikon LMAO Rawhide, bby, pls, that's important do not punt that. 😔🤣
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parseolegacy · 1 year
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A painting of Akk'rai doing Nadia's padawan braid after her apprenticeship begins around the time they get to Voss~
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abbee-normal · 2 years
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Forge at Tython
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Have finally created a jedi consular character that I like enough to play through the entire story. That being said I know absolutely nothing about this storyline. I’m actually kind of excited not knowing anything about the companions or when I’ll get them.
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fabeong · 2 years
Archive Conversations - SWTOR
Summary: “Lord Vivicar had been dead for little over a week,  but his shadow had by no means retreated.” The newly-titled Barsen’thor struggles with the sacrifices she’s had to make, but Syo Bakarn has a promise to keep.
Characters: Master Syo Bakarn, Rysan Ni (Consular OC, Mirialan and mostly light-side-leaning). Mentioned: Lord Vivicar/Parkanas Tark, Yuon Parr, Qyzen Fess.
Word count: 1673
The clock that hovered somewhere high in the walls of the Archives chimed delicately, and Master Syo Bakarn jerked up from the text in front of him. He stared at the time in wonder for a moment, having been so absorbed in his reading that the hours had flown away and it was far later than he had wished. Through the windows he could see marvellous constellations painting intricate pictures across Tython’s sky and Syo stood, stretching his legs and working the aches from his cramped wrists – stars, when had he gotten old?
The Jedi wandered over to the closest window and stood for a while, marvelling anew at the spectacle of the stars above and the scenery below. There was no doubt that Tython had to be one of the most beautiful planets in the galaxy, and that was just to the naked eye! Through the Force a person could see, as Syo did, far more than just the rolling hills, waterfalls, and smoke of far-away camps; he could feel the life of every individual who called it home, he could sense their joy, the satisfaction of a hard day’s work, the relief at survival, and hopes for the future…
And he could sense distress.
Syo frowned. He stared out of the window for a moment longer and then glanced around, searching for the source of this tremor in the Force and deciding it was definitely coming from within the Archives rather than somewhere out in Tython’s forests. But where? He walked back to the table he had been hunched over and closed the text, bookmarking his place for next time, and paced slowly through the rows of illuminated holo-texts. He seemed quite alone, unsurprising for so late at night when padawans had all been packed off to bed and most sensible Knights and Masters had followed them there. But still that current of distress called out in the Force and Syo looked up another corridor of shelves – and his heart sank.
The Mirialan was clearly asleep, slumped over the desk with her head in her arms and her short black hair falling haphazardly from its previously high ponytail. The blinking light from a holo-transmitter beside her flung light onto her dark green face and intricate tattoos but all Syo could notice was how tired the young Jedi looked, the dark shadows under her eyes only worsened by the dim glow of the desk’s failing lamp. Quietly as he could, the Jedi Master approached the desk and gently laid a hand on the Mirialan’s shoulder.
“Wha-” She jolted awake, her head snapping up and her violet eyes sweeping everywhere before focussing on Syo. “Master Syo! Sorry, I was just…”
But the young Consular’s sleepy grin faltered and then fell as she woke up properly, and the shadow across her face only grew. Syo’s brow knitted together in worry; her mental shields were still weak from sleep and he could easily sense the memories flooding back into her mind, the stress and despair, the loss. Lord Vivicar had been dead for little over a week, but his shadow had by no means retreated.
“Hello Rysan.” He greeted the Mirialan, keeping his hand gently on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”
“I think so.” It wasn’t really an answer, and they both knew it. Instead of pushing it Syo shifted, moving to the seat beside Rysan’s and sitting down beside her.
“Are you sleeping alright?” He asked at last.
“I never did” Rysan replied wryly, and Syo just nodded. This wasn’t exactly news to him; Yuon Parr had often mentioned Rysan’s unique mind in training, her issues with focusing yet bursts of hyper-concentration, an incredible brain that could trace complex mysteries to their source yet would deny her sleep when she needed it most. Something was resting against his foot and he leant down, picking up the diamond-shaped object that must have rolled off the desk. Its metal surface was cool to the touch, and he could feel the calming energy rolling off it as he held it out to the younger Jedi with a soft smile. Her mouth twitching in what Syo hoped was the beginning of a grin, Rysan took it. “Thanks, Master.”
“Does it still help?” Syo asked curiously. Rysan held her green palm out flat and the object rose a few inches before beginning to spin rapidly.
“Yeah, it helps keep me grounded.” Even as she spoke, the focus-imbued shape was steadily slowing its rotations and the tension was bleeding out of Rysan’s shoulders. “Theran’s been building me other things too,” she added, “Things to keep my hands busy, so I can concentrate.”
“He’s a very skilled man. Though please, never let him take you to a casino.”
Rysan’s violet eyes glanced mischievously back up at the master,
“Are you telling me that from experience, Master Syo?”
“Perhaps. A mistake I have never repeated! ” Syo admitted with a chuckle and decided it was safe to ask, “What are you reading?”
He had misjudged, and Rysan’s growing smile vanished and her focus object fell into her hand heavily. She didn’t say anything for a while, just curled back into herself and raked a hand through loose black hair. He worried that she might not reply at all, but then Rysan just turned back to the datapad propped up in front of her and slid it over; taking the hint, Syo leant forward in his seat, only to see a list of names. He frowned in confusion for a moment before realising that these names were familiar, Jedi names, names that had been recently read out at a memorial ceremony in the peaceful courtyard that the Archives overlooked. These were the names of the Jedi who had died with Vivicar, and Rysan was on page four out of twelve. Now Syo was quiet for a while too, using the pad of his finger to slowly scroll down the list.
“It’s a good thing to honour the dead, Rysan.” He said at last, his voice calm and gentle. “But we shouldn’t hold onto them beyond their time.”
The Mirialan Jedi shifted, now hugging her knees to her chest. The motion threw dark shadows across her exhausted face, and Syo’s heart ached – she’s far too young to look so pained.
“Master Tyken. Master Fain. Master Vossan, Master Sidone.” Rysan recited those names as if they were seared into her brain. “I saved them for nothing.”
Her hollow voice would have betrayed her emotions even if her powerful Force signature hadn’t.
Rysan. Look after her. Promise me, Syo, please.
Syo had made that promise to Yuon Parr, and now he took a breath, switching off the datapad before turning to look at the knight head-on.
“That’s not true. Cin Tyken’s padawan is safe and will be well supported in her future studies. Nar Shaddaa has one less gang roaming its streets. Master Vossan’s research, which you yourself saved, will be preserved and used just as he wanted. And do not underestimate the peace which you brokered on Alderaan, Rysan. Master Sidone rested knowing you brought healing where she could not.”
Rysan had slowly lowered her knees from her chest and was spinning the diamond-shaped object again. Syo paused before adding “And I’m sure you know that Yuon Parr would be incredibly proud of you.”
“You think so?” It was barely audible in her voice, but Syo could relax as he sensed the sliver of relief, of hope sink through the young Jedi.
“No. I know how proud she was of you.”
Tell Rysan I’m proud of her, Syo.
There was no mistaking the small smile that flickered on Rysan’s face. Syo smiled too, and leant forward to lay a hand on her shoulder again. “You have done well, padaw-” he broke off, catching his near-mistake with a wry smile, “Barsen’thor. You ensured the end of a plague that could have wiped us out and undoubtedly earned that title. There’s no need to be so hard on yourself.”
“Thank you, Master Syo.” Anyone who knew Rysan Ni would tell you her smile was infectious and now certainly proved it; despite his own tiredness and concern for the young Jedi Syo found himself returning her smile in kind.
“It’s alright.” He replied, “I will always be here if you need me, Rysan.”
Rysan’s grateful smile lit up her face, and she suddenly moved forward to fling her arms around the elder master in a tight hug. Syo blinked, startled for a moment; the Jedi didn’t exactly encourage such overt expressions. But he had made a promise and he cared enough to keep it, and he returned the embrace gently.
“Thank you.” Rysan whispered into his shoulder. The urgent flashing of her commlink drew her attention and she drew back to pull it over.
“Qyzen’s looking for me.” She murmured, her violet eyes scanning the message “I should-”
“Get some sleep.” Syo interposed, trying and failing to sound stern. It didn’t work, Rysan actually laughed – a welcome sound – as she got to her feet and stretched. Her left wrist and hand cracked as she did so, not from the popping of natural joints but from the whirr of mechanical gears in her cybernetic.
“I’ll just see what he wants, then go to bed. Promise.” She almost turned to go before Syo cleared his throat and held out the focus object she was about to forget on the table. Rysan took it with a sheepish grin. “Thanks. Goodnight, Master Syo.”
“Goodnight, Rysan. Sleep well.” The Master watched the young knight vanish into the depths of the Temple, no doubt to find her Trandoshian friend who was also grieving for her former master.
Syo knew he should worry about Rysan. Her capacity for care, for emotion, for attachment even, was such that only her shocking sacrifice of Vivicar and the masters had kept the Council’s mouth closed on the subject. It really should worry him.
But Syo had no idea that same care would one day save his life.
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ingellvargallus · 11 months
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thinking of my dear jedi consular sage today
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krisslegacy · 5 months
sorry that jedi consular is one of the best classes. sorry that yall can't handle depth and layered storylines.
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larena · 1 year
Wanted to try ranking SWTOR class stories in order of "importance" - how relevant they are to the games overarching ongoing storyline, based on factors like how often aspects of them come up in other class stories, or elsewhere in the story, how easily they flow into the expansions, how important their companions end up being later, etc.
Jedi Knight: This one's undeniable, I think. It's basically the main plot class. Knight kills Vitiate first, deals with a lot of the more important problems on most of the planets they go to. And Kira, Scourge, and T7 all get main character status in the expansions regardless of your class.
Imperial Agent: This one is a tossup with Sith Warrior for me. I can see arguments for either, but Agent wins out imo just because of how far-reaching the Star Cabal is, and, maybe somewhat paradoxically, how relevant *other* class stories are to its story. Kaliyo and especially SCORPIO also end up being pretty important in the expansions, as well as a few other Agent companions and NPCs.
Sith Warrior: You are literally the Emperor's Wrath. The class with the closest direct connection to the Emperor, besides maybe Knight. Again its a tossup for me whether Warrior or Agent are the "A" plot for the Empire storyline, but the Wrath almost single handedly reignites the war for Darth Baras. As well as being a fairly close acquaintance of one of Vitiate's potential successors, Vowrawn. Vette also ends up being fairly important in the expansions, though not as much since Eternal Throne.
Jedi Consular: The Children of the Emperor have only recently become very, very relevant again, and we don't fully know where that plot is going, but I think thats still a compelling argument to put Consular relatively high. None of their companions have been super relevant post-class story besides Nadia on Ossus, but the Rift Alliance does end up feeling like a precursor to the Eternal Alliance, to me.
Sith Inquisitor: This may feel low for Inquisitor, given they become a Dark Council Member but honestly they don't do that much. They're somewhat responsible for the Dark Temple being Like That in the other class stories, and the Silencer Fleet is somewhat important, as well as Moff Pyron. But none of their companions are relevant anywhere else and I don't think the events of their class story are referenced anywhere except some passing name drops of Darth Thanaton. I could realistically rank them lower, but again, they ARE on the Dark Council.
Bounty Hunter: Honestly the remaining three tech classes are hard to rank. But I think BH gets a lot of credit for technically allowing Saresh to rise to power. And not for nothing, a lot of their companions have been relevant in expansions, especially Torian recently. You only get a *lot* of the earlier Mando stuff through BH, which I think also counts for something.
Trooper: I think Trooper mainly gets points for Jorgan being a main character in Fallen Empire. They do a lot of stuff that *feels* important, and General Garza, Rakton, and the Bastion come up elsewhere, but it never feels like there's much impact from the Trooper story overall.
Smuggler: I mean what can I say. I love the Smuggler storyline, and Nok Drayen *is* a member of the Star Cabal, but none of this shit mattered lol. Which is totally thematically appropriate imo, it's at least meant to be a pretty personal story with personal stakes. At least everyone can meet Akaavi and Guss in the expansions.
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hurricanek8art · 1 year
Okay, so, um... Hi? So, I've been a lurker on Tumblr for a while, including the SWTOR tag, because I've got major social anxiety. Recently, I think I've finally worked up the courage to interact, which is great! Especially now, because I think I need advice about the game and don't really know where else to ask! Other social media sites scare me and I'm not currently a subscriber, so I can't access the SWTOR forums. :P
I've just finished Corellia on my Jedi Knight. She's technically my main, even though I already finished the class storylines for Consular and Smuggler. I got burnout on doing the planetary missions and side quests around Balmorra (I'm a huge goody-two-shoes, so I was doing almost every quest I came across) so I figured, hey, I'll just focus on the story for a while and come back to it another time! Except now I feel kinda bad for skipping them because my Knight's leveled at 53, when my other two finished their class stories around 60/65. I know over-leveling's pointless, but at the speed I take getting through stuff, they'll have to have raised the level cap again by the time I catch up. 🤣
Should I go back and do them before finishing the class story? I know it's pretty harmless to skip them but I dunno, I want to do as much as I can with my Knight so I haven't missed out on anything. My brother plays too, we share an account, but his philosophy is skip absolutely everything that's not important unless he's underleveled, so obviously we have differing opinions on the subject. 🤣🤣🤣 Can some more experienced players give me some advice? I'm paralyzed with indecision, help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, etc., etc., you get the gist.
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Unnecessarily adding pictures of my Knight because she is awesome and I love her to pieces and I only really get to talk about her with my brother. I'm a writer/artist and I've got loads of stuff I've created about her and my other legacy characters but. y'know. extreme social anxiety says no sharing yet. You guys make such cool stuff and I'm a huge chicken, but I'm working on getting over that, so maybe someday I can actually tell their stories!
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sith-shenanigans · 2 months
Introduction and Masterpost
Hello! I’m Io (with an i, not an L), they/them, enthusiast of evil space wizards and other assorted terrible people everywhere. This is primarily a SWTOR blog, but I post about other fandoms occasionally, and have recently fallen down a terrible hyperfixation hole about Fallen London. I write longfic, on a somewhat inconsistent schedule; chronic illness makes it difficult to put out chapters consistently.
I don’t have a DNI, but I block bigots and anyone whose posts I’d prefer not to see. I don’t do shipping discourse, and I don’t necessarily care what you ship, but see the previous sentence; if it makes me uncomfortable, and there are definitely things that make me profoundly uncomfortable out there, I’ll probably block you. (This has much more to do with tone than content—I have triggers, I’m all for people experiencing unpleasant things in safe ways, but the moment it feels like they’re being written as good and sweet and normal I’m going to nope on out of there as fast as I can. For my own mental health, and because the alternative is me biting someone’s head off.)
For my own part, I often write about dark subjects (especially in regards to my SWTOR OCs), and this blog may contain untagged discussion of fictional slavery, speciesism, systemic child abuse, state violence, toxic and abusive relationships, and similar topics. Mentions of sexual assault are generally tagged as “sexual assault cw.” I try to tag discussion of parental or school-based child abuse as “child abuse cw,” as well as in-depth descriptions of it in general, but I can’t 100% guarantee it. I try to remember to tag what friends ask me to tag, but if we don’t know each other well, I may not be able to manage it.
For neurodivergence reasons, I find it extremely difficult to describe images most of the time, but I’m trying to include alt text on screenshots of tags more consistently, and I’m attempting to tag my own posts with undescribed images as “undescribed.” (This includes most of my Fallen London posting, because there’s just enough formatting to poke me in the “cannot easily transcribe visuals to text” issue.)
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Liminality/Discontent (SWTOR):
Liminality Main Cast:
Discontent Main Cast:
Sunlight (SWTOR):
Other/Miscellaneous (SWTOR):
Fallen London:
Amias Arling, the Calescent Inquisitive. Heart’s Desire. A former freelance detective with a few unfortunate soft spots, who came to the Neath for a case and ended up framed for something their target did. Extremely clever and extremely driven, but embodies the maxim that everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. Practically allergic to the direct route, unless it seems like no one would ever expect it. And even then, they’d rather take a convoluted way around.
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Liminality/Discontent, a sometimes-AU SWTOR novelization in multiple parts. Has a heavy focus on the implications that the game didn’t go into, the politics of the galaxy, and the pressure the protagonists go through.
like a moth to you, sunlight, a collaboration with my sibling @azems-familiar. Not very much is written on it, because collaboration is hard even when both people involved aren’t chronically ill (and our hyperfixations are largely elsewhere right now), but we love our terrible children anyway.
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The Dead Star; The Ruin, a prologue of a sort. As yet unpublished. Also works as a standalone work.
Anamnesis, a KOTOR novelization with a certain amount of playing with the format. A tragedy, if a bittersweet one, and a case study in why villains with good motivations are still villains. On hiatus.
Liminality, my pride and joy and occasional mortal enemy. The first and primary of two SWTOR base game novelizations, covering the Sith Inquisitor, Smuggler, Sith Warrior, and Jedi Consular storylines. It deals heavily with loss and family—the latter both by blood and by choice, and sometimes unexpectedly uncovered. It’s also about history, about the boundaries between past and future and life and death—and the things that survive when someone is gone. The galaxy is full of dangerous secrets, and cycles that seem inexorable; in the end, though, what matters most are the choices you make and why.
Discontent, the fic I will someday definitely write. Covers the Jedi Knight, Imperial Agent, Bounty Hunter, and Republic Trooper. It’s about war, mostly, and cleaning up other people’s messes. Nobody gets to step off a battlefield as the same person who walked onto it, if they make it off at all, but there are reasons to keep trying—even if only some of them are good ones. And somebody has to be the one to chase down the conspiracies in the dark.
Sacrifice, as yet not even started, which will cover the portion of the game running from the end of the class stories to Ziost. There’s a fourth fic for the Alliance era, tentatively titled Conviction, but there’s less in my head about how that one’s going to go.
still my heart is heavy (with the hate of some other man’s beliefs), about spies and loyalty and people making slightly better decisions than they could have. Written primarily by @azems-familiar, who Illami belongs to. (I helped write Ardun.)
Other/Miscellaneous (SWTOR):
your last serving daughter, a collaboration with @reconstructionlegacy. Our silly little AU about Empire and the people who wish they didn’t live in it. Also infrequently updated due to the trials of life and coauthorship.
Fallen London:
None, yet, but it will happen. I can feel it.
The organizational banners used can be found here.
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kemendin · 5 months
Can you tell me about your other Swtor Ocs?
By 'other' I'm gonna assume 'ones who are not my main lads Cas and Khel' haha. So let's see....
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Damaskh, aka Cipher Twelve: My Imperial Agent, who actually doesn't follow the game's IA storyline. Genderfluid half Zeltron, half Sith pureblood. His specialties are disguise and infiltration, primarily for longterm undercover missions. He's a background character - I really don't have a lot of actual story or plot for him, except when he pops up occasionally in Khel's world, but I do find his 'casual but deadly' manner to be immensely entertaining.
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Darius Serapis: My canon Republic Trooper, and Caspian's older brother. He's a die-hard Republic loyalist with a no-nonsense attitude, sometimes harsh and unyielding, but he's got an excellent reputation among the lower ranks as a commander who never leads from the back or leaves a soldier behind. He and Cas do share a fierce family loyalty to one another, even if they disagree on a lot of things.
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Emryn Solari: A Republic medic who's highly Force sensitive but actually declined to join the Jedi, preferring to serve as a field medic in the military. He often comes off as naive and mild-mannered, but he's surprisingly level-headed when working under fire. He was Caspian's best friend when they were growing up on Corellia, and he joins Cas' crew as their medic during Chapter 3 of the JK story (basically replacing Doc, who doesn't join up in my canon).
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Maahes: A Sith battle prodigy who defected to the Jedi at the tail end of the Great War, and who is now a respected if somewhat maverick Jedi Master. Stern but kind, he has an understated sense of humour which I adore, and is often tasked with chaperoning groups of Jedi-in-training on field trips. He's also Caspian's former mentor, and something of an unspoken father figure for Cas.
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Shod'al Kur, aka Darth Syphon: Similar vibes to the Sith Inquisitor story, only a few generations earlier, aka former slave who clawed his way to power and now sits on the Dark Council. He's far more about cunning than brute force, and always has a feel out for the pulse of how things are going in the Sith Order. He's a newer OC, so I don't know a lot more about him yet - but I do know that he went through Sith training with Maahes, and the two became friends, then lovers, and while Maahes defected, Shod'al refused to give up his place of power and remained in the Empire.
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Vanirr Kel-Su - My canon-ish Jedi Consular. He embodies everything the Jedi are supposed to be, in the layman's eye - good and bad. He's calm and scholarly, an exceptional diplomat and excellent at sneaking around to find the path of least violence, both literally and figuratively. Unfortunately, he knows he's all of this, and so he's also quite preachy and thinks he can handle anything, especially all those dangerous artefacts out there. He and Caspian went through Jedi training together - they didn't get along then, and they don't get along now.
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Ibis: A non-canon-story smuggler who's really out there just to cause some chaos and then sit back with popcorn. They live for danger and entertainment - credits are just a bonus. Like Damaskh, more of a background character till they deign to tell be more about themself.
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chaoticspacefam · 2 years
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Well, this sure was the weirdest cutscene for BOTH OF YOU to get the odd invisible-saber glitch huh
sjhdkjdgjdg I was too busy laughing at the stupidity of it that I didn’t get to ESC out of it in time for a re-run so ig we’re just stuck with these screenshots now 🤷🤣
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parseolegacy · 2 years
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Akk'rai musing in meme format (this appeared in my brain and it forced my hand) Vaguely related to this:
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arcann · 2 months
just realized that the acolyte is the walmart version of the first arc of swtor's jedi consular storyline. lol. lmao.
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jb-nonsense · 2 years
Jedi Knight Storyline: We're breaking the Jedi Code by dating!!
Jedi Consular Storyline: and if you pass this discussion with the Jedi Council and we're deemed trustworthy, we can get married.
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rikki-roses · 8 months
Fluffy February Day 10: Care
Time Period: Early Chapter 3 of Consular storyline
I think Nadia is "supposed" to be older, like 21-ish, but honestly I headcanon her as closer to Ashara's age based on how she acts and how her father treats her, and I think Ashara is about 16? Definitely picture an older sister/younger sister dynamic between her and my Consular, bordering on a mother/daughter dynamic; Setra's 25/26 here.
Setra and the boys gathered around Nadia, trying desperately to provide comfort to her after the death of her father, all four of them woefully unprepared to care for a grieving orphaned teenager. While Setra could formally make Nadia her Padawan as per Nadia's father's last wish, ensuring the girl would be cared for and still have a Responsible Adult in her life, it didn't provide solace in the moment. And Setra certainly hadn't expected it to come about like this, the months of them training in secret notwithstanding.
In the end, they situated Nadia on the couch in the ship lounge, keeping a steady stream of tea (Zenith promptly tried to mix it with brandy - "that's what we do when we're grieving the loss of someone in the Balmorran Resistance, and 17 is totally old enough for alcohol" - but Setra quickly put a stop to that) at her elbow and practically burying her in lap blankets and stuffed animals. The remaining diplomats, for their part, provided comforting words to her but otherwise stayed out of Setra and her crew's way.
When Nadia hadn't moved from the couch after several hours, leaving her lunch untouched, Setra gingerly perched on the edge of the couch next to her. Nadia looked up at her, eyes welling up with tears, and leaned into Setra hard as she wrapped her arms around the older woman's neck, weeping into her shoulder.
For the briefest second, Setra froze; she was not used to providing comfort like this - normally, when she dealt with someone experiencing high emotions, it was anger or fear, not sadness. But her Jedi training came through, and she wrapped her arms around the girl, pulling her close.
Relax. No different than comforting Kiki when we were children, before...
She closed her eyes and gently swayed the two of them, reaching out to her Padawan through the Force, letting her presence in the Force wrap around the girl's. Nadia gratefully seized upon the offered connection, steadying her breathing to match Setra's. She pulled away after several minutes, sniffling; Setra handed her a handkerchief, brushing the hair out of Nadia's eyes.
"There's my girl. Do you think you can try eating?"
Nadia's lower lip trembled, but she nodded and grabbed the untouched plate. Nadia picked at the food, offering bites to Setra, who in turn politely declined. Setra herself had eaten little, but she didn't want the girl to worry or get distracted. Not that she had an appetite after the recent events, anyways. Nadia got through a good chunk of her food before finally speaking."
"When...when are we going to Tython? Does the Council know yet that I'm your Padawan?"
Setra took a long moment to respond. "Master Syo knows I was planning on training you regardless of what your father had wanted, but he and the others know yet what happened, or that you're officially my Padawan now. We can go to Tython and tell them in person whenever you're ready, but I didn't want to rush you so soon."
"Will they be angry?"
Setra quickly shook her head. "No, no; this isn't the first time a Jedi has taken a Padawan in these conditions. Master Kaeden on the Council might complain since I technically didn't get Council approval beforehand, but he'll be an outlier. He's...more rigid about the rules. And again, Master Syo is on our side."
Nadia bobbed her head, mimicking how Setra often nodded. "Can...can you read one of your texts to me, tonight? Daddy always read to me before bed."
"Of course, sweet girl. We can make for Tython tomorrow, if you think you're ready?"
Nadia bobbed her head again, and Setra felt a weight lift that she hadn't realized was there. She looked up and saw the four men hovering in the doorway; she gave them a thumbs up, and they left to prepare the ship to leave.
Setra hadn't expected to have to care for a Padawan so soon, but if the Force willed it, she would follow.
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