#jean-louis maury
letterboxd-loggd · 2 years
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Bluebeard (Landru) (1963) Claude Chabrol
January 15th 2023
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Le commissaire Philippe Jordan est un flic aux méthodes expéditives. Encombrant tant pour ses supérieurs que pour ceux qu'il traque, en raison de méthodes souvent peu licites, il ne manque pas d'efficacité. Récemment muté à Marseille, il veut mettre hors d'état de nuire Sauveur Mecacci, un des parrains de la French Connection et pédophile notoire, pour qui Jordan éprouve de la rancœur. Après une poursuite en hélicoptère, duquel il saute sur un bateau, il saisit deux cents kilos d'héroïne qu'il jette à la mer. Jordan est cependant saqué à la suite de la découverte du cadavre d'un indicateur dans son salon pour le faire tomber. Jordan se retrouve alors dans un commissariat de police parisien, un « placard à balais », où il fait équipe avec l'inspecteur Rojinski, l'un de ses amis dans le commissariat.
Jordan reste toujours fixé sur son objectif, coincer Mecacci, et ne néglige aucune piste pour obtenir des témoignages contre celui-ci. Il fréquente donc les lieux les plus mal famés de la capitale, se liant au passage avec Livia Dolores Maria, une prostituée qu'il défend contre ceux qui lui reprochent de parler à un flic. Il compte aussi sur de vieilles connaissances : Francis Pierron, patron d'une salle de boxe qui s'occupe aussi de machines à sous ; « Tonton », qu'il a mis à l'ombre, mais qui accepte de le renseigner à condition qu'il arrache sa fille au squat des Antillais. Ainsi Jordan arrive-t-il à « Freddy le chimiste », ancien complice de Mecacci. Contre une somme rondelette, Freddy accepte de témoigner, mais un des sbires de Mecacci l'élimine. Jordan rattrape le tueur, Marc Villa, qui ne dit rien. Mecacci fait ensuite abattre Francis car il a refusé sa « protection ». Jordan se venge en neutralisant les tueurs lors d'une course-poursuite en voiture.
Contacté par un certain Baldi, Jordan doit arriver jusqu'au caïd, mais il déjoue un piège en neutralisant les tireurs, qui tuent Baldi au passage. Avec l'arme de ce dernier, Jordan va à la rencontre de Mecacci et le tue. Plus tard, Rojinski annonce à Jordan l'assassinat de Mecacci. Celui-ci feint la surprise, se gardant bien de lui dire que c'est lui qui a éliminé l'impitoyable criminel.
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vivelareine · 1 year
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A set of 34mm miniatures of French figures, mostly the French royal family. 18th century. Included: Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette (2 miniatures); The comtesse de Artois; Madame Royale; the comtesse de Provence; Jean Sylvaine de Bailly; Jean-Siffrein Maury; and the marquise de Lafayette. Thies Militaria Auctions, LLC.
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Androgyne  Fashion + Gender
Patrick Mauriès
Thames&Hudson, London 2017, 191 pages,  24.89 x 34.29 cm, 120 illustrations in color and black and white, Hardcover, ISBN  978-0500519356
euro 56,00
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The first visually led exploration of androgyny—from representations in antiquity to its current prevalence in the fashion world and beyond
In January 2011, Jean Paul Gaultier’s haute couture runway show ended with the image of a willowy blonde bride in a diaphanous gown. The bride was a man, and one of the first models to walk for both men’s and women’s collections. The event marked the start of a trend. “This ad is gender neutral,” proclaimed a 2016 poster for the fashion brand Diesel; “I resist definitions,” announced a Calvin Klein ad in the same year, while a Louis Vuitton shoot featured Jaden Smith wearing a skirt.
The art of Edward Burne-Jones and Gustave Moreau, the writings of Oscar Wilde, and the mystic Joséphin Péladan prove that the turn of the previous century was as compelled by androgyny as this one. From the late nineteenth to the early twenty-first century, the genders have blended: from Berlin in the 1920s to Hollywood of the 1930s with Garbo and Dietrich; from the 1940s Bright Young Things to the androgynous pop stars of the 1970s, and beyond.
Patrick Mauries presents a cultural history of androgyny—accompanied by a striking selection of more than 120 images, from nineteenth-century painting to contemporary fashion photography—drawing on the worlds of art and literature to give us a deeper understanding of the strange but timeless human drive to escape from defined categories.
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papillon82fluttersby · 8 months
Famous Five Art Nostalgia #LC05 – Part 1
Introductory post
Introduction to ‘Les Cinq’
‘Les Cinq’ Masterpost
🌴🎥🛳️ Les Cinq à la télévision – The Famous Five Go on Television
Original publication date: 1973 (France), 1981 (UK)
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(Original cover by Jean Sidobre, 1973)
In this volume, the Five get celebrated for their past exploits and get to enjoy a moment of fame on television!
Plot summary:
(Disclaimer: All provided translations are my own.)
The Five get to spend their spring holiday in Nice, where Uncle Quentin is attending a conference. On a stroll on Promenade des Anglais, the children are hailed by a man who introduces himself as Ralph Maury, a TV director. Maury recognised the Five after reading about their exploits in the newspapers, and offers them the opportunity to star in a TV movie recreating their latest adventure*. The children are excited about this, and George and Julian ultimately convince Uncle Quentin to agree to it.
[*Note: This is an ‘untold’ adventure in which the Five were confronted with cigarette smugglers. It does not refer to any of the stories written by either Blyton or Voilier.]
The children soon get to visit the studio where most of the footage will be shot and they meet the rest of the cast, who will play the villains of the movie.
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(Meet the cast!)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: Once in his office, Ralph introduces the Five to the professional actors. Ralph: Stéphane Vallant, Marc Ternot, Jean-Louis Féral, Renato Sudi. And… Suzy Marchal.]
As the first day of shooting comes to a close, a rich American guy comes strutting into the studio. The children recognise him as Gary Findler, a famous billionaire who made his fortune in the plastic industry. Findler says he is a huge admirer of the TV business in general, and Ralph Maury’s work in particular, and invites everyone on set to a party organised on his yacht the next evening.
Despite George’s annoyance at having to wear a dress, the party is a success, with the Five particularly enjoying the buffet and people-watching. Actress Suzy Marchal suddenly realises that her fellow actor and fiancé Stéphane Vallant has disappeared. The police are called and they search the yacht to no avail, concluding that Stéphane must have left on purpose, to gain publicity from the press.
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(The police investigate…)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: The police are called and two detectives come on board. George (thinking): It looks like the Five are at it again... Detective: In my opinion, this runaway is just a publicity stunt. Ralph: That’s not like him. Suzy: Oh! 😦 George: Oh! 🤨 Anne: Oh! 😶]
The shooting continues with another actor replacing Stéphane. Suzy is understandably upset at her fiancé’s disappearance and moves in with the Five (the Kirrins are renting rooms at a bed-and-breakfast). The Five decide to do their own investigations, starting with interrogating Gary Findler. Unfortunately, the billionaire is busy and only agrees to talk to Suzy. The Five thus return to their bed-and-breakfast and, later, receive a phone call from Suzy saying that she thinks her taxi is being followed. She never comes back.
The police are informed that Suzy is missing, and the Five are vaguely suspicious of everyone on set but don’t have any conclusive evidence. Reflecting upon the auditory clues from Suzy’s last phone call, George suspects that may not have been Suzy at all, but an impostor. She also suspects Gary Findler, who had ample opportunity to kidnap Suzy. Obviously, the police dismiss these theories as far-fetched.
Meanwhile, Ralph places an advertisement looking for a stand-in for Suzy, and an Italian starlet named Yolanda Stafini turns up.
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(A disbelieving detective and an aspiring actress…)
[TRANSLATION: Detective: Mr Findler is a very honourable man. George (thinking): He doesn't believe me... Narrator: The same day, a starlet turns up at the studio to replace Suzy. Yolanda: I'm Yolanda Stafini. Ralph: Oh yes, you've come for the part...]
The Five are a bit suspicious about Yolanda, whose sudden arrival is a bit too opportune to be on the up and up. Indeed, they soon overhear a conversation confirming that Yolanda faked Suzy’s voice during her last phone call.
On the next day, another member of the cast – Marc Ternot – gets injured when a set piece falls on him. An ambulance is called to bring him to the hospital, but he never reaches his destination, as the ambulance is later found on the side of the road with the two medics knocked out and Marc gone.
Marc’s wife Aline arrives two days later, and Ralph gives her a small role on set to distract her from her worries about her husband. The Five incidentally learn that two of the missing actors, Marc and Stéphane, are related, being cousins.
A few days later, the Five and Aline are enjoying some downtime on a secluded beach between two takes. Alice steps away for a few minutes to change out of her bathing suit… and never comes back. Once again, the police are called but they don’t have any lead. Discussing the events in the evening, Julian and Anne remember seeing Gary Findler’s yacht coasting near the beach. This only reinforces George’s suspicions about the billionaire and, despite Julian’s admonitions not to go, she sneaks onto the yacht that night.
George overhears a conversation between Findler and his wife confirming that they organised the kidnappings with the aim of getting hold of an inheritance: more than 50 years ago, Stéphane and Marc's uncle Victor emigrated to the United States to seek his fortune. Over the years, the French side of the family forgot about him. Victor later adopted Gary Findler, then an orphan, and gave him a job in one of his plastics factories. Victor is actually the owner of the fortune that everyone thinks belongs to Gary. Victor is now seriously ill and has decided to divide his fortune between Gary, Stéphane and Marc. On his wife's advice, Gary had them kidnapped (along with Suzy who was snooping around and Aline who, as Marc's wife, is also in line for the inheritance). Findler plans to return to the United States and declare himself sole heir, then let the four kidnappees go once the deal is done.
The Five take this information to the police who, again, disbelieve the children. So the Five decide to go back and search the yacht themselves the next evening.
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(Anne and Timmy keep watch while the others are boarding the yacht)
[TRANSLATION: Anne: Let’s keep our eyes open… Be still, Timmy!]
The children manage to locate Aline and Marc (still injured) onboard, but Stéphane and Suzy are kept elsewhere. Dick gets caught by the Findlers and the other three can’t do anything other than report it to the police.
The time it takes for the police to obtain a search warrant allows the Findlers to move the prisoners elsewhere, and when the police search the yacht, there is nothing to be found.
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(The police told the Five to stay on dock, but obviously they were too worried about Dick to stay away)
[TRANSLATION: Narrator: But the trio could not do as instructed. George: To heck with it, we need to know how It goes with Findler. Detective: I told you to stay on land. Anne: Oh, sir!]
After some rest, the children decide to take matters into their own hands and they rally the TV crew as backup. Timmy finds Dick’s trail on the docks and leads them to an isolated villa.
The rescue party sneaks onto the grounds, then into the basement where they find all five prisoners tied up. A fight ensues with the guards at the villa but everyone manages to escape. The police are called and they set up a trap for the Findlers.
The shooting of the movie resumes with its original cast and concludes smoothly, while the Five yet again get to enjoy a moment of fame in the media. Over the next summer, the TV crew invites the Five to shoot another movie based on this very adventure.
Fun lines:
After her successful eavesdropping mission onboard the yacht, George returns home and wakes up her cousins to tell them the news, resulting in entertaining reactions:
Original text:
Là, Claude se changea, réveilla Annie éberluée et alla frapper à la porte de ses cousins :
« Debout là-dedans ! Je vote la réunion d’un conseil extraordinaire du Club des Cinq ! »
Dag, assis sur son arrière-train, semblait présider la séance. Claude entreprit de conter son expédition nocturne. Des exclamations diverses lui coupèrent la parole.
« Je t’avais défendu d’aller là-bas ! s’écria François.
- Tu aurais pu m’emmener ! déclara Mick l’intrépide.
- Dire que je ne t’ai pas entendue partir ! soupira Annie.
- Ouah ! fit Dagobert qui n’aimait pas que l’on interrompit sa jeune maîtresse.
Once home, George got changed, woke a bewildered Anne, and went to knock on the boys' door:
“Get up in there! I'm calling for an extraordinary meeting of the Five’s Council!”
Tim, sitting on his hindquarters, seemed to be chairing the meeting. George set about recounting her nightly expedition, interspersed with various exclamations.
“I told you not to go there!” tutted Julian.
“You could have taken me with you!” Dick exclaimed, ever the intrepid.
“I can't believe I didn't hear you leave!” sighed Anne.
“Woof!” scolded Timothy, who didn't like his young mistress being interrupted.
This isn’t specifically how Dick got caught on the yacht, but it might as well be:
Original text:
Soudain, Mick ressentit un picotement dans les narines. Il en fut épouvanté. S’il ne pouvait réfréner ce besoin d’éternuer, c’était la catastrophe ! Les éternuements de Mick, en effet, ressemblaient au barrissement d’un jeune pachyderme dont on aurait coincé la queue entre deux troncs d’arbres.
Dick suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his nostrils. He was appalled. If he couldn't curb the urge to sneeze, it was going to be a disaster! Dick's sneezes usually sounded like the trumpeting of a young pachyderm whose tail had been wedged between two tree trunks.
--Dick the trumpeting elephant! 🐘😂
Cover art through the ages:
(Disclaimer: This is not an exhaustive list; sometimes the dates are difficult to pinpoint; and I have purposefully not included editions that re-used similar cover art, with differences only in layout and font style.)
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(Original cover art by Jean Sidobre, Hachette, 1973)
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(Paul Gillon, Hachette, 1997 – the Five on set)
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(Munch and Prunier, Hachette, 2000 – 1) I can see Julian being interested in the technical side of movie making, 2) WHAT’S WITH DICK’S HAIRCUT???!!!!! 😱😱😱)
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(Frédéric Rébéna, Hachette, 2011 – as much as I usually don’t care for Rébéna’s cover art, I like the composition of this one!)
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(Auren, Hachette, 2022 – everything looks so fake omg looollll  – the macho guy holding the camera, Dick and Anne smiling while supposedly tied up, while George produces a valiant but pitiful attempt at playing ‘prisoner’ – too bad we can’t see Julian’s face, I can imagine him rolling his eyes🤣 – even the palm trees seemed fake to me at a first glance, before I realised they’re supposed to be the palm trees from Promenade des Anglais)
Thanks for reading!
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fourorfivemovements · 2 years
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Films Watched in 2022:
81. Madame Bovary (1991) - Dir. Claude Chabrol
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lentecreativo · 7 years
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“Madame Bovary” (1991)
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Raquel wore a Louis Vuitton LV 30 Monogram Reversible belt - 370 EUR, a Mackage Bomber Cut Down Romane jacket - $690 (Sold Out in Red), Mango Soho Skinny jeans - 29.99 EUR and Stuart Weitzman Hiline Over the Knee boots - 840 EUR
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cinemalerta · 4 years
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93rd Academy Awards Nominees
The Father – David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi, and Philippe Carcassonne
Judas and the Black Messiah – Shaka King, Charles D. King, and Ryan Coogler
Mank – Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth, and Douglas Urbanski
Minari – Christina Oh
Nomadland – Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Javey, and Chloé Zhao
Promising Young Woman – Ben Browning, Ashley Fox, Emerald Fennell, and Josey McNamara
Sound of Metal – Bert Hamelinick and Sacha Ben Harroche
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Marc Platt and Stuart Besser
Lee Isaac Chung – Minari
Emerald Fennell – Promising Young Woman
David Fincher – Mank
Thomas Vinterberg – Another Round
Chloé Zhao – Nomadland
Riz Ahmed – Sound of Metal as Ruben Stone
Chadwick Boseman (posthumous nominee) – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Levee Green
Anthony Hopkins – The Father as Anthony
Gary Oldman – Mank as Herman J. Mankiewicz
Steven Yeun – Minari as Jacob Yi
Viola Davis – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Ma Rainey
Andra Day – The United States vs. Billie Holiday as Billie Holiday
Vanessa Kirby – Pieces of a Woman as Martha Weiss
Frances McDormand – Nomadland as Fern
Carey Mulligan – Promising Young Woman as Cassandra “Cassie” Thomas
Sacha Baron Cohen – The Trial of the Chicago 7 as Abbie Hoffman
Daniel Kaluuya – Judas and the Black Messiah as Fred Hampton
Leslie Odom Jr. – One Night in Miami... as Sam Cooke
Paul Raci – Sound of Metal as Joe
Lakeith Stanfield – Judas and the Black Messiah as William "Bill" O'Neal
Maria Bakalova – Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan as Tutar Sagdiyev
Glenn Close – Hillbilly Elegy as Bonnie "Mamaw" Vance
Olivia Colman – The Father as Anne
Amanda Seyfried – Mank as Marion Davies
Youn Yuh-jung – Minari as Soon-ja
Judas and the Black Messiah – Screenplay by Will Berson and Shaka King; Story by Will Berson, Shaka King, Keith Lucas, and Kenny Lucas
Minari – Lee Isaac Chung
Promising Young Woman – Emerald Fennell
Sound of Metal – Screenplay by Darius Marder and Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder and Derek Cianfrance
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Aaron Sorkin
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan – Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Anthony Hines, Dan Swimer, Peter Baynham, Erica Rivinoja, Dan Mazer, Jena Friedman, and Lee Kern; Story by Baron Cohen, Hines, Swimer, and Nina Pedrad; Based on the character Borat Sagdiyev by Baron Cohen
The Father – Christopher Hampton & Florian Zeller, based on the play by Zeller
Nomadland – Chloé Zhao, based on the book by Jessica Bruder
One Night in Miami... – Kemp Powers, based on his play
The White Tiger – Ramin Bahrani, based on the novel by Aravind Adiga
Another Round (Denmark) in Danish – directed by Thomas Vinterberg
Better Days (Hong Kong) in Mandarin – directed by Derek Tsang
Collective (Romania) in Romanian – directed by Alexander Nanau
The Man Who Sold His Skin (Tunisia) in Arabic – directed by Kaouther Ben Hania
Quo Vadis, Aida? (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Bosnian – directed by Jasmila Žbanić
Onward – Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae
Over the Moon – Glen Keane, Gennie Rin, and Peilin Chou
A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon – Richard Phelan, Will Becher, and Paul Kewley
Soul – Pete Docter and Dana Murray
Wolfwalkers – Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Paul Young, and Stéphan Roelants
Collective – Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
Crip Camp – Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
The Mole Agent – Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
My Octopus Teacher – Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed, and Craig Foster
Time – Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino, and Kellen Quinn
Judas and the Black Messiah – Sean Bobbitt
Mank – Erik Messerschmidt
News of the World – Dariusz Wolski
Nomadland – Joshua James Richards
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Phedon Papamichael
The Father – Yorgos Lamprinos
Nomadland – Chloé Zhao
Promising Young Woman – Frédéric Thoraval
Sound of Metal – Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Alan Baumgarten
The Father – Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara and Diana Sroughton
Mank – Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale
News of the World – Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
Tenet – Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Emma – Alexandra Byrne
Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom – Ann Roth
Mank – Trish Summerville
Mulan – Bina Daigeler
Pinocchio – Massimo Cantini Parrini
Emma – Marese Langan, Laura Allen, and Claudia Stolze
Hillbilly Elegy – Eryn Krueger Mekash, Patricia Dehaney, and Matthew Mungle
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Matiki Anoff, Mia Neal, and Larry M. Cherry
Mank – Kimberley Spiteri, Gigi Williams
Pinocchio – Dalia Colli, Mark Coulier, and Francesco Pegoretti
Love and Monsters – Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camailleri, Matt Everitt, and Brian Cox
The Midnight Sky – Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawren, Max Solomon, and David Watkins
Mulan – Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury, and Steven Ingram
The One and Only Ivan – Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones, and Santiago Colomo Martinez
Tenet – Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and
Da 5 Bloods – Terence Blanchard
Mank – Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
Minari – Emile Mosseri
News of the World – James Newton Howard
Soul – Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross, and Jon Batiste
"Fight for You" from Judas and the Black Messiah – Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas
"Hear My Voice" from The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite
"Husavik" from Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga – Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus, and Rickard Göransson
"Io Sì (Seen)" from The Life Ahead – Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini
"Speak Now" from One Night in Miami... – Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom Jr. and Sam Ashworth
Greyhound – Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders, and David Wyman
Mank – Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance, and Drew Kunin
News of the World – Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller, and John Pritchett
Soul – Ren Klyce, Coya Elliot, and David Parker
Sound of Metal – Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortes, and Philip Bladh
Feeling Through – Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski
The Letter Room – Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan
The Present – Farah Nabulsi
Two Distant Strangers – Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe
White Eye – Tomer Shushan and Shira Hochman
Burrow – Madeline Sharafian and Michael Capbarat
Genius Loci – Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise
If Anything Happens I Love You – Will McCormack and Michael Govier
Opera – Eric Oh
Yes-People – Gísli Darri Halldórsson and Arnar Gunnarsson
Colette – Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard
A Concerto Is a Conversation – Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
Do Not Split – Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
Hunger Ward – Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Shueuerman
A Love Song for Latasha – Sophia Nahali Allison and Janice Duncan
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extrabeurre · 4 years
MANK part en tête d’une course aux Oscars bien bizarre
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Je me suis réveillé tantôt, j'ai parti la cafetière, puis en checkant Twitter, je me suis dit: "Ah oui, c'est vrai, les nominations des Oscars ont été dévoilées." 
 C’est la première année depuis une éternité où je ne suis pas au poste au moment où les nominations des Oscars sont annoncées. Je l’ai déjà dit, mais je suis assez désinteressé cette année par cette course aux remises de prix où sont honorés des films que presque personne n’a pu voir sur grand écran, pandémie oblige. 
Oui, il y a d’excellents films en lice, comme Nomadland, Sound of Metal et Promising Young Woman. Il y en a aussi que je vais essayer de voir prochainement, Minari notamment. Mais je n’ai pas l’impression qu’il y ait de gros titres qui ont enflammé la planète cinéma comme par exemple Parasite, Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood ou même le divisif Joker l’an dernier.
J’ai vu Mank de David Fincher sur Netflix, j’ai trouvé ça correct, mais c’est loin d’être un film marquant pour moi. Je reviens quand même sur Nomadland, un de mes préférés de 2020 (même s’il ne sortira techniquement pas en salle au Québec avant avril 2021) - ce sera un bon moment de voir Chloé Zhao probablement remporter l’Oscar de la Meilleure réalisation. Il y a plein d’actrices et d’acteurs talentueux qui sont en nomination. Je serais content que Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross soient récompensés pour la musique de Soul. Je trouve ça plate que TENET de Christopher Nolan ait presque été complètement ignoré.
Mais dans l’ensemble, je suis assez indifférent face à tout ça. Je vais sûrement regarder le gala quand même, en espérant que ce ne soit pas un désastre avec des fenêtres Zoom comme les Golden Globes...
Best motion picture of the year
“The Father” David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi and Philippe Carcassonne, Producers
“Judas and the Black Messiah” Shaka King, Charles D. King and Ryan Coogler, Producers
“Mank” Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth and Douglas Urbanski, Producers
“Minari” Christina Oh, Producer
“Nomadland” Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey and Chloé Zhao, Producers
“Promising Young Woman” Ben Browning, Ashley Fox, Emerald Fennell and Josey McNamara, Producers
“Sound of Metal” Bert Hamelinck and Sacha Ben Harroche, Producers
“The Trial of the Chicago 7” Marc Platt and Stuart Besser, Producers
Achievement in directing
“Another Round” Thomas Vinterberg
“Mank” David Fincher
“Minari” Lee Isaac Chung
“Nomadland” Chloé Zhao
“Promising Young Woman” Emerald Fennell
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Riz Ahmed in “Sound of Metal”
Chadwick Boseman in “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”
Anthony Hopkins in “The Father”
Gary Oldman in “Mank”
Steven Yeun in “Minari”
Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Sacha Baron Cohen in “The Trial of the Chicago 7”
Daniel Kaluuya in “Judas and the Black Messiah”
Leslie Odom, Jr. in “One Night in Miami…”
Paul Raci in “Sound of Metal”
Lakeith Stanfield in “Judas and the Black Messiah”
Performance by an actress in a leading role
Viola Davis in “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”
Andra Day in “The United States vs. Billie Holiday”
Vanessa Kirby in “Pieces of a Woman”
Frances McDormand in “Nomadland”
Carey Mulligan in “Promising Young Woman”
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Maria Bakalova in “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan”
Glenn Close in “Hillbilly Elegy”
Olivia Colman in “The Father”
Amanda Seyfried in “Mank”
Yuh-Jung Youn in “Minari”
Adapted screenplay
“Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan” Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen & Anthony Hines & Dan Swimer & Peter Baynham & Erica Rivinoja & Dan Mazer & Jena Friedman & Lee Kern; Story by Sacha Baron Cohen & Anthony Hines & Dan Swimer & Nina Pedrad
“The Father” Screenplay by Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller
“Nomadland” Written for the screen by Chloé Zhao
“One Night in Miami…” Screenplay by Kemp Powers
“The White Tigers” Written for the screen by Ramin Bahrani
Original screenplay
“Judas and the Black Messiah” Screenplay by Will Berson & Shaka King; Story by Will Berson & Shaka King and Kenny Lucas & Keith Lucas
“Minari” Written by Lee Isaac Chung
“Promising Young Woman” Written by Emerald Fennell
“Sound of Metal” Screenplay by Darius Marder & Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder & Derek Cianfrance
“The Trial of the Chicago 7” Written by Aaron Sorkin
Best international feature film of the year
“Another Round” Denmark
“Better Days” Hong Kong
“Collective” Romania
“The Man Who Sold His Skin” Tunisia
“Quo Vadis, Aida?” Bosnia and Herzegovina
Best animated feature film of the year
“Onward” Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae
“Over the Moon” Glen Keane, Gennie Rim and Peilin Chou
“A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon” Richard Phelan, Will Becher and Paul Kewley
“Soul” Pete Docter and Dana Murray
“Wolfwalkers” Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Paul Young and Stéphan Roelants
Best documentary feature
“Collective” Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
“Crip Camp” Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder
“The Mole Agent” Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
“My Octopus Teacher” Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed and Craig Foster
“Time” Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
Achievement in cinematography
“Judas and the Black Messiah” Sean Bobbitt
“Mank” Erik Messerschmidt
“News of the World” Dariusz Wolski
“Nomadland” Joshua James Richards
“The Trial of the Chicago 7” Phedon Papamichael
Achievement in film editing
“The Father” Yorgos Lamprinos
“Nomadland” Chloé Zhao
“Promising Young Woman” Frédéric Thoraval
“Sound of Metal” Mikkel E. G. Nielsen
“The Trial of the Chicago 7” Alan Baumgarten
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score)
“Da 5 Bloods” Terence Blanchard
“Mank” Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
“Minari” Emile Mosseri
“News of the World” James Newton Howard
“Soul” Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste
Achievement in production design
“The Father” Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O’Hara and Diana Stoughton
“Mank” Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale
“News of the World” Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
“Tenet” Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Achievement in costume design
“Emma” Alexandra Byrne
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” Ann Roth
“Mank” Trish Summerville
“Mulan” Bina Daigeler
“Pinocchio” Massimo Cantini Parrini
Achievement in sound
“Greyhound” Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders and David Wyman
“Mank” Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance and Drew Kunin
“News of the World” Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller and John Pritchett
“Soul” Ren Klyce, Coya Elliott and David Parker
“Sound of Metal” Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortés and Phillip Bladh
Achievement in makeup and hairstyling
“Emma” Marese Langan, Laura Allen and Claudia Stolze
“Hillbilly Elegy” Eryn Krueger Mekash, Matthew Mungle and Patricia Dehaney
“Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson
“Mank” Gigi Williams, Kimberley Spiteri and Colleen LaBaff
“Pinocchio” Mark Coulier, Dalia Colli and Francesco Pegoretti
Achievement in visual effects
“Love and Monsters” Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camilleri, Matt Everitt and Brian Cox
“The Midnight Sky” Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawrence, Max Solomon and David Watkins
“Mulan” Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury and Steve Ingram
“The One and Only Ivan” Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones and Santiago Colomo Martinez
“Tenet” Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and Scott Fisher
Best documentary short film
“Colette” Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard
“A Concerto Is a Conversation” Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers
“Do Not Split” Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook
“Hunger Ward” Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Scheuerman
“A Love Song for Latasha” Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan
Best animated short film
“Burrow” Madeline Sharafian and Michael Capbarat
“Genius Loci” Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise
“If Anything Happens I Love You” Will McCormack and Michael Govier
“Opera” Erick Oh
“Yes-People” Gísli Darri Halldórsson and Arnar Gunnarsson
Best live action short film
“Feeling Through” Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski
“The Letter Room” Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan
“The Present” Farah Nabulsi
“Two Distant Strangers” Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe
“White Eye” Tomer Shushan and Shira Hochman
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)
“Fight For You” from “Judas and the Black Messiah” Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas
“Hear My Voice” from “The Trial of the Chicago 7” Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite
“Husavik” from “Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga” Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus and Rickard Göransson
“Io Sì (Seen)” from “The Life Ahead (La Vita Davanti a Se)” Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini
“Speak Now” from “One Night in Miami…” Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom, Jr. and Sam Ashworth
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bongaboi · 3 years
93rd Academy Awards: The List.
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Best Picture
· Nomadland – Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey, Frances McDormand, Peter Spears and Chloé Zhao
o The Father – Philippe Carcassonne, Jean-Louis Livi and David Parfitt
o Judas and the Black Messiah – Ryan Coogler, Charles D. King and Shaka King
o Mank – Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth and Douglas Urbanski
o Minari – Christina Oh
o Promising Young Woman – Ben Browning, Emerald Fennell, Ashley Fox and Josey McNamara
o Sound of Metal – Bert Hamelinck and Sacha Ben Harroche
o The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Stuart M. Besser and Marc Platt
Best Director
· Chloé Zhao – Nomadland
o Thomas Vinterberg – Another Round
o David Fincher – Mank
o Lee Isaac Chung – Minari
o Emerald Fennell – Promising Young Woman
Best Actor
· Anthony Hopkins – The Father as Anthony
· Riz Ahmed – Sound of Metal as Ruben Stone
· Chadwick Boseman (posthumous) – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Levee Green
Gary Oldman – Mank as Herman J. Mankiewicz
· Steven Yeun – Minari as Jacob Yi
Best Actress
· Frances McDormand – Nomadland as Fern
o Viola Davis – Ma Rainey's Black Bottom as Ma Rainey
o Andra Day – The United States vs. Billie Holiday as Billie Holiday
o Vanessa Kirby – Pieces of a Woman as Martha Weiss
o Carey Mulligan – Promising Young Woman as Cassandra "Cassie" Thomas
Best Supporting Actor
· Daniel Kaluuya – Judas and the Black Messiah as Fred Hampton
o Sacha Baron Cohen – The Trial of the Chicago 7 as Abbie Hoffman
o Leslie Odom Jr. – One Night in Miami... as Sam Cooke
o Paul Raci – Sound of Metal as Joe
o Lakeith Stanfield – Judas and the Black Messiah as William "Bill" O'Neal
Best Supporting Actress
· Youn Yuh-jung – Minari as Soon-ja
o Maria Bakalova – Borat Subsequent Moviefilm as Tutar Sagdiyev
o Glenn Close – Hillbilly Elegy as Bonnie "Mamaw" Vance
o Olivia Colman – The Father as Anne
o Amanda Seyfried – Mank as Marion Davies
Best Original Screenplay
· Promising Young Woman – Emerald Fennell
o Judas and the Black Messiah – Screenplay by Will Berson and Shaka King; Story by Berson, King, Keith Lucas and Kenny Lucas
o Minari – Lee Isaac Chung
o Sound of Metal – Screenplay by Abraham Marder and Darius Marder; Story by Derek Cianfrance and D. Marder
o The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Aaron Sorkin
Best Adapted Screenplay
· The Father – Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller, based on the play by Zeller
o Borat Subsequent Moviefilm – Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen, Peter Baynham, Jena Friedman, Anthony Hines, Lee Kern, Dan Mazer, Erica Rivinoja and Dan Swimer; Story by Baron Cohen, Hines, Nina Pedrad and Swimer; Based on the character by Baron Cohen
o Nomadland – Chloé Zhao, based on the book by Jessica Bruder
o One Night in Miami... – Kemp Powers, based on his play
o The White Tiger – Ramin Bahrani, based on the novel by Aravind Adiga
Best Animated Feature Film
· Soul – Pete Docter and Dana Murray
o Onward – Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae
o Over the Moon – Peilin Chou, Glen Keane, and Gennie Rin
o A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon – Will Becher, Paul Kewley, and Richard Phelan
o Wolfwalkers – Tomm Moore, Stéphan Roelants, Ross Stewart and Paul Young
Best International Feature Film
· Another Round (Denmark) in Danish – directed by Thomas Vinterberg
o Better Days (Hong Kong) in Mandarin – directed by Derek Tsang
o Collective (Romania) in Romanian – directed by Alexander Nanau
o The Man Who Sold His Skin (Tunisia) in Arabic – directed by Kaouther Ben Hania
o Quo Vadis, Aida? (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in Bosnian – directed by Jasmila Žbanić
Best Documentary Feature
· My Octopus Teacher – Pippa Ehrlich, Craig Foster and James Reed
o Collective – Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana
o Crip Camp – Sara Bolder, Jim LeBrecht and Nicole Newnham
o The Mole Agent – Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez
o Time – Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
Best Documentary Short Subject
· Colette – Alice Doyard and Anthony Giacchino
o A Concerto Is a Conversation – Kris Bowers and Ben Proudfoot
o Do Not Split – Charlotte Cook and Anders Hammer
o Hunger Ward – Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Shueuerman
o A Love Song for Latasha – Sophia Nahali Allison and Janice Duncan
Best Live Action Short Film
· Two Distant Strangers – Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe
o Feeling Through – Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski
o The Letter Room – Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan
o The Present – Ossama Bawardi and Farah Nabulsi
o White Eye – Shira Hochman and Tomer Shushan
Best Animated Short Film
· If Anything Happens I Love You – Michael Govier and Will McCormack
o Burrow – Michael Capbarat and Madeline Sharafian
o Genius Loci – Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise
o Opera – Erick Oh
o Yes-People – Arnar Gunnarsson and Gísli Darri Halldórsson
Best Original Score
· Soul – Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste
o Da 5 Bloods – Terence Blanchard
o Mank – Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
o Minari – Emile Mosseri
o News of the World – James Newton Howard
Best Original Song
· "Fight for You" from Judas and the Black Messiah – Music by D'Mile and H.E.R.; lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas
o "Hear My Voice" from The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Music by Daniel Pemberton; lyric by Celeste and Pemberton
o "Husavik" from Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga – Music and lyric by Rickard Göransson, Fat Max Gsus and Savan Kotecha
o "Io sì (Seen)" from The Life Ahead – Music by Diane Warren; lyric by Laura Pausini and Warren
o "Speak Now" from One Night in Miami... – Music and lyric by Sam Ashworth and Leslie Odom Jr.
Best Sound
· Sound of Metal – Jaime Baksht, Nicolas Becker, Philip Bladh, Carlos Cortés and Michelle Couttolenc
o Greyhound – Beau Borders, Michael Minkler, Warren Shaw and David Wyman
o Mank – Ren Klyce, Drew Kunin, Jeremy Molod, Nathan Nance and David Parker
o News of the World – William Miller, John Pritchett, Mike Prestwood Smith and Oliver Tarney
o Soul – Coya Elliot, Ren Klyce and David Parker
Best Production Design
· Mank – Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale
o The Father – Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone
o Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara and Diana Stoughton
o News of the World – Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan
o Tenet – Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Best Cinematography
· Mank – Erik Messerschmidt
o Judas and the Black Messiah – Sean Bobbitt
o News of the World – Dariusz Wolski
o Nomadland – Joshua James Richards
o The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Phedon Papamichael
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
· Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson
o Emma. – Laura Allen, Marese Langan and Claudia Stolze
o Hillbilly Elegy – Patricia Dehaney, Eryn Krueger Mekash and Matthew W. Mungle
o Mank – Colleen LaBaff, Kimberley Spiteri and Gigi Williams
o Pinocchio – Dalia Colli, Mark Coulier and Francesco Pegoretti
Best Costume Design
· Ma Rainey's Black Bottom – Ann Roth
o Emma. – Alexandra Byrne
o Mank – Trish Summerville
o Mulan – Bina Daigeler
o Pinocchio – Massimo Cantini Parrini
Best Film Editing
· Sound of Metal – Mikkel E.G. Nielsen
o The Father – Yorgos Lamprinos
o Nomadland – Chloé Zhao
o Promising Young Woman – Frédéric Thoraval
o The Trial of the Chicago 7 – Alan Baumgarten
Best Visual Effects
· Tenet – Scott R. Fisher, Andrew Jackson, David Lee and Andrew Lockley
o Love and Monsters – Genevieve Camailleri, Brian Cox, Matt Everitt and Matt Sloan
o The Midnight Sky – Matthew Kasmir, Chris Lawrence, Max Solomon and David Watkins
o Mulan – Sean Andrew Faden, Steve Ingram, Anders Langlands and Seth Maury
o The One and Only Ivan – Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones and Santiago Colomo Martinez
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deqpelis · 4 years
Oscars 2021: lista completa de nominados
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Tarde pero seguro. El próximo 25 de abril se entregarán las estatuillas más esperadas del cine; entre estrenos cancelados y cines transformados en salas de living y streming, llegarán finalmente los premios más ansiados por los amantes del séptimo arte.
Best Picture
THE FATHER David Parfitt, Jean-Louis Livi and Philippe Carcassonne, Producers JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Shaka King, Charles D. King and Ryan Coogler, Producers MANK Ceán Chaffin, Eric Roth and Douglas Urbanski, Producers MINARI Christina Oh, Producer NOMADLAND Frances McDormand, Peter Spears, Mollye Asher, Dan Janvey and Chloé Zhao, Producers PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN Ben Browning, Ashley Fox, Emerald Fennell and Josey McNamara, Producers SOUND OF METAL Bert Hamelinck and Sacha Ben Harroche, Producers THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Marc Platt and Stuart Besser, Producers
Actor in a Leading Role
Riz Ahmed in SOUND OF METAL Chadwick Boseman in MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Anthony Hopkins in THE FATHER Gary Oldman in MANK Steven Yeun in MINARI
Actor in a Supporting Role
Sacha Baron Cohen in THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Daniel Kaluuya in JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Leslie Odom, Jr. in ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI... Paul Raci in SOUND OF METAL Lakeith Stanfield in JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH
Actress in a Leading Role
Actress in a Supporting Role
Animated Feature Film
ONWARD Dan Scanlon and Kori Rae OVER THE MOON Glen Keane, Gennie Rim and Peilin Chou A SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE: FARMAGEDDON Richard Phelan, Will Becher and Paul Kewley SOUL Pete Docter and Dana Murray WOLFWALKERS Tomm Moore, Ross Stewart, Paul Young and Stéphan Roelants
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Sean Bobbitt MANK Erik Messerschmidt NEWS OF THE WORLD Dariusz Wolski NOMADLAND Joshua James Richards THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Phedon Papamichael
Costume Design
EMMA Alexandra Byrne MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Ann Roth MANK Trish Summerville MULAN Bina Daigeler PINOCCHIO Massimo Cantini Parrini
ANOTHER ROUND Thomas Vinterberg MANK David Fincher MINARI Lee Isaac Chung NOMADLAND Chloé Zhao PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN Emerald Fennell
Documentary (Feature)
COLLECTIVE Alexander Nanau and Bianca Oana CRIP CAMP Nicole Newnham, Jim LeBrecht and Sara Bolder THE MOLE AGENT Maite Alberdi and Marcela Santibáñez MY OCTOPUS TEACHER Pippa Ehrlich, James Reed and Craig Foster TIME Garrett Bradley, Lauren Domino and Kellen Quinn
Documentary (Short Subject)
COLETTE Anthony Giacchino and Alice Doyard A CONCERTO IS A CONVERSATION Ben Proudfoot and Kris Bowers DO NOT SPLIT Anders Hammer and Charlotte Cook HUNGER WARD Skye Fitzgerald and Michael Scheuerman A LOVE SONG FOR LATASHA Sophia Nahli Allison and Janice Duncan
Film Editing
THE FATHER Yorgos Lamprinos NOMADLAND Chloé Zhao PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN Frédéric Thoraval SOUND OF METAL Mikkel E. G. Nielsen THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Alan Baumgarten
International Feature Film
Makeup and Hairstyling
EMMA Marese Langan, Laura Allen and Claudia Stolze HILLBILLY ELEGY Eryn Krueger Mekash, Matthew Mungle and Patricia Dehaney MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Sergio Lopez-Rivera, Mia Neal and Jamika Wilson MANK Gigi Williams, Kimberley Spiteri and Colleen LaBaff PINOCCHIO Mark Coulier, Dalia Colli and Francesco Pegoretti
Music (Original Score)
DA 5 BLOODS Terence Blanchard MANK Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross MINARI Emile Mosseri NEWS OF THE WORLD James Newton Howard SOUL Trent Reznor, Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste
Music (Original Song)
"Fight For You" from JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Music by H.E.R. and Dernst Emile II; Lyric by H.E.R. and Tiara Thomas "Hear My Voice" from THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Music by Daniel Pemberton; Lyric by Daniel Pemberton and Celeste Waite "Husavik" from EUROVISION SONG CONTEST: THE STORY OF FIRE SAGA Music and Lyric by Savan Kotecha, Fat Max Gsus and Rickard Göransson "Io Sì (Seen)" from THE LIFE AHEAD (LA VITA DAVANTI A SE) Music by Diane Warren; Lyric by Diane Warren and Laura Pausini "Speak Now" from ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI... Music and Lyric by Leslie Odom, Jr. and Sam Ashworth
Production Design
THE FATHER Production Design: Peter Francis; Set Decoration: Cathy Featherstone MA RAINEY'S BLACK BOTTOM Production Design: Mark Ricker; Set Decoration: Karen O'Hara and Diana Stoughton MANK Production Design: Donald Graham Burt; Set Decoration: Jan Pascale NEWS OF THE WORLD Production Design: David Crank; Set Decoration: Elizabeth Keenan TENET Production Design: Nathan Crowley; Set Decoration: Kathy Lucas
Short Film (Animated)
BURROW Madeline Sharafian and Michael Capbarat GENIUS LOCI Adrien Mérigeau and Amaury Ovise IF ANYTHING HAPPENS I LOVE YOU Will McCormack and Michael Govier OPERA Erick Oh YES-PEOPLE Gísli Darri Halldórsson and Arnar Gunnarsson
Short Film (Live Action)
FEELING THROUGH Doug Roland and Susan Ruzenski THE LETTER ROOM Elvira Lind and Sofia Sondervan THE PRESENT Farah Nabulsi TWO DISTANT STRANGERS Travon Free and Martin Desmond Roe WHITE EYE Tomer Shushan and Shira Hochman
GREYHOUND Warren Shaw, Michael Minkler, Beau Borders and David Wyman MANK Ren Klyce, Jeremy Molod, David Parker, Nathan Nance and Drew Kunin NEWS OF THE WORLD Oliver Tarney, Mike Prestwood Smith, William Miller and John Pritchett SOUL Ren Klyce, Coya Elliott and David Parker SOUND OF METAL Nicolas Becker, Jaime Baksht, Michelle Couttolenc, Carlos Cortés and Phillip Bladh
Visual Effects
LOVE AND MONSTERS Matt Sloan, Genevieve Camilleri, Matt Everitt and Brian Cox THE MIDNIGHT SKY Matthew Kasmir, Christopher Lawrence, Max Solomon and David Watkins MULAN Sean Faden, Anders Langlands, Seth Maury and Steve Ingram THE ONE AND ONLY IVAN Nick Davis, Greg Fisher, Ben Jones and Santiago Colomo Martinez TENET Andrew Jackson, David Lee, Andrew Lockley and Scott Fisher
Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
BORAT SUBSEQUENT MOVIEFILM: DELIVERY OF PRODIGIOUS BRIBE TO AMERICAN REGIME FOR MAKE BENEFIT ONCE GLORIOUS NATION OF KAZAKHSTAN Screenplay by Sacha Baron Cohen & Anthony Hines & Dan Swimer & Peter Baynham & Erica Rivinoja & Dan Mazer & Jena Friedman & Lee Kern; Story by Sacha Baron Cohen & Anthony Hines & Dan Swimer & Nina Pedrad THE FATHER Screenplay by Christopher Hampton and Florian Zeller NOMADLAND Written for the screen by Chloé Zhao ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI... Screenplay by Kemp Powers THE WHITE TIGER Written for the screen by Ramin Bahrani
Writing (Original Screenplay)
JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Screenplay by Will Berson & Shaka King; Story by Will Berson & Shaka King and Kenny Lucas & Keith Lucas MINARI Written by Lee Isaac Chung PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN Written by Emerald Fennell SOUND OF METAL Screenplay by Darius Marder & Abraham Marder; Story by Darius Marder & Derek Cianfrance THE TRIAL OF THE CHICAGO 7 Written by Aaron Sorkin
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Jean-Pierre Aumont.
1931 : Jean de la Lune, de Jean Choux, con Michel Simon y Madeleine Renaud
1931 : Échec et mat, de Roger Goupillières
1932 : Faut-il les marier ?, de Pierre Billon y Karel Lamač
1933 : Dans les rues, de Victor Trivas
1933 : Un jour viendra, de Gerhard Lamprecht y Serge Véber
1933 : La Merveilleuse Tragédie de Lourdes, de Henri Fabert
1933 : Ève cherche un père, de Mario Bonnard
1934 : Lac aux dames, de Marc Allégret, con Simone Simon y Michel Simon
1934 : Le Voleur, de Maurice Tourneur, con Victor Francen
1934 : Maria Chapdelaine, de Julien Duvivier, con Madeleine Renaud y Jean Gabin
1935 : Les Yeux noirs, de Victor Tourjansky, con Harry Baur, Viviane Romance y Simone Simon
1935 : L'Équipage, de Anatole Litvak, con Annabella y Charles Vanel
1935 : Les Beaux Jours, de Marc Allégret, con Simone Simon y Raymond Rouleau
1936 : Tarass Boulba, de Alexis Granowsky, con Harry Baur y Danielle Darrieux
1936 : La Porte du large, de Marcel L'Herbier, con Victor Francen
1937 : Le Chemin de Rio, de Robert Siodmak, con Jules Berry y Suzy Prim
1937 : Drôle de drame ou L'étrange aventure de Docteur Molyneux, de Marcel Carné, con Louis Jouvet y Michel Simon
1937 : Le Messager, de Raymond Rouleau, con Jean Gabin y Gaby Morlay
1937 : Maman Colibri, de Jean Dréville
1937 : La Femme du bout du monde, de Jean Epstein, con Charles Vanel
1938 : Chéri-Bibi, de Léon Mathot, con Pierre Fresnay
1938 : Hôtel du Nord, de Marcel Carné, con Annabella, Louis Jouvet y Arletty
1938 : Le Paradis de Satan, de Félix Gandéra, con Pierre Renoir
1938 : Belle Étoile, de Jacques de Baroncelli, con Michel Simon
1939 : Le Déserteur, de Léonide Moguy
1939 : S.O.S. Sahara, de Jacques de Baroncelli, con Charles Vanel
1943 : Assignment in Brittany, de Jack Conway
1943 : The Cross of Lorraine, de Tay Garnett, con Gene Kelly
1944 : Croix de Lorraine en Italie, corto de François Villiers
1946 : Heartbeat, de Sam Wood, con Ginger Rogers
1947 : Song of Scheherazade, de Walter Reisch
1948 : The first gentleman, de Alberto Cavalcanti
1948 : Siren of Atlantis, de Arthur Ripley y Gregg G. Tallas, con Maria Montez
1949 : Hans le marin, de François Villiers, con Maria Montez y Lilli Palmer.
1949 : Golden Arrow, de Gordon Parry
1950 : La vie commence demain, documental de Nicole Vedrès
1950 : L'Homme de joie, de Gilles Grangier
1951 : L'Amant de paille, de Gilles Grangier
1951 : La vendetta del corsaro, de Primo Zeglio, con Maria Montez
1951 : Ultimo incontro, de Gianni Franciolini, con Alida Valli y Amedeo Nazzari
1951 : Hollywood sur Seine, corto de François Villiers
1952 : Les loups chassent la nuit, de Bernard Borderie
1953 : Moineaux de Paris, de Maurice Cloche
1953 : Lili, de Charles Walters, con Leslie Caron y Mel Ferrer
1953 : Kœnigsmark, de Solange Térac
1953 : Vedettes en pantoufles, corto de Jacques Guillon
1954 : Charge of the lancers, de William Castle, con Paulette Goddard
1954 : Si Versailles m'était conté..., de Sacha Guitry
1955 : Dix-huit heures d'escale, de René Jolivet, con Maria Mauban y Georges Marchal
1955 : Napoléon, de Sacha Guitry
1955 : Mademoiselle de Paris, de Walter Kapps
1956 : Hilda Crane, de Philip Dunne, con Jean Simmons
1957 : The seventh sin, de Ronald Neame
1959 : La Verte Moisson, de François Villiers
1959 : John Paul Jones, de John Farrow, con Robert Stack y Bette Davis
1960 : The Enemy general, de George Sherman, con Van Johnson yt Dany Carrel
1961 : Una americana en Buenos Aires, de George Cahan
1961 : El diablo a las cuatro, de Mervyn LeRoy, con Spencer Tracy y Frank Sinatra
1961 : Le Puits aux trois vérités, de François Villiers
1961 : L'Art de vivre, corto de Edouard Berne
1962 : Les Sept Péchés capitaux, episodio "L'Orgueil", con Marina Vlady y Samy Frey
1962 : Five miles to midnight, de Anatole Litvak, con Sophia Loren y Anthony Perkins
1962 : Una domenica d'estate, de Giulio Petroni
1962 : The horse without a head, de Don Chaffey
1962 : Socia de alcoba, de George Cahan
1963 : Vacances portugaises, de Pierre Kast
1965 : Il était une fois un tracteur, de Leopoldo Torre Nilsson
1967 : Blind man's bluff, de Edward Mann, con Boris Karloff
1969 : Castle keep, de Sydney Pollack, con Burt Lancaster
1970 : El coleccionista de cadáveres, de Santos Alcocer
1971 : L'Homme au cerveau greffé, de Jacques Doniol-Valcroze
1971 : Biribi, de Daniel Moosmann
1973 : La noche americana de Franço.
1951 : Robert Montgomery Presents, episodio A christmas gift
1951 : Celanese Theatre, episodio No Time for Comedy
1952 : Goodyear Television Playhouse, episodio A Softness in the Wind
1952 : Studio One, episodio Letter from an Unknown Woman
1953 : The Philco Television Playhouse, episodio The Way of the Eagle
1953 : Lux Video Theatre
1954 : Lady Warner a disparu, de François Chatel
1954 : Studio 57, de Paul Landres
1955 : The Martha Raye Show
1956 : Climax!
1957 : Errol Flynn Theater, de Lawrence Huntington
1957 : Kraft Television Theatre
1958 : Playhouse 90
1960 : Letter to Loretta
1960 : So Help Me, Aphrodite
1960 : The United States Steel Hour
1963 : The Patty Duke Show
1963 : L'Affaire du cheval sans tête
1965 : The Nurses
1967 : Le comte Yoster a bien l'honneur, episodio "La troisième prophétie de l'ange de la mort"
1968 : Les Chevaliers du ciel, de François Villiers
1968 : The Name of the Game, episodio "The White Birch"
1969 : Au théâtre ce soir: Carlos et Marguerite de Jean Bernard-Luc, escenografía de Christian-Gérard, dirección de Pierre Sabbagh, Teatro Marigny
1970 : La Pomme de son œil, de François Villers
1972 : Comme il vous plaira, de Agnès Delarive
1972 : Joyeux Chagrins, de François Gir
1975 : Au théâtre ce soir: On croit rêver, de Jacques François, escenografía del auteur, dirección de Pierre Sabbagh, Teatro Edouard VII
1975 : N'oubliez pas que nous nous aimons, de Luc Godevais
1976 : Starsky y Hutch, de William Blinn, episodio "Murder at Sea"
1977 : Rendez-vous en noir, de Claude Grinberg
1978 : La Corde au cou, de Marcel Moussy
1979 : Paris-Vichy, de Anne Revel
1979 : Le Petit Théâtre d'Antenne 2: "La Belette", de Charles Vildrac
1979 : The Love Boat", 1 episodio
1979 : The French Atlantic Affair, de Douglas Heyes
1979 : Beggarman, voleur, de Lawrence Doheny
1980 : La Mémoire d'Eva Ryker, de Walter Grauman
1980 : Un temps pour les miracles, de Michael O'Herlihy
1981 : Carte Vermeil, de Alain Levent
1981 : Arcole ou la terre promise, de Marcel Moussy
1981 : Emmenez-moi au théâtre, "Le fleuve étincellant", de Charles Morgan
1982 : Hart to Hart, de Earl Bellamy
1983 : Quelques hommes de bonne volonté.
1958 : Lucy Crown, de Irwin Shaw, escenografía de Pierre Dux, Théâtre de Paris
1959 : Ange le Bienheureux, escenografía de Jacques Charon, Théâtre des Célestins
1926 : Au grand large, de Sutton Vane, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
1926 : Le Carrosse du Saint Sacrement, de Prosper Mérimée, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
1930 : Le Prof d'anglais ou le système Puck, de Régis Gignoux, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
1932 : La Pâtissière du village ou Madeleine, de Alfred Savoir, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre Pigalle
1934 : Au grand large, de Sutton Vane, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
1934 : La Machine infernale, de Jean Cocteau, escenografía de Louis Jouvet, Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
1936 : Le Cœur, de Henry Bernstein, Théâtre du Gymnase Marie-Bell
1937 : Famille, de Denys Amiel y Monique Amiel-Pétry, escenografía de Marcel André, Théâtre Saint-Georges
1939 : L'Amant de paille, de Marc-Gilbert Sauvajon y André Bost, escenografía de Jean Wall, Théâtre Michel
1944 : Une grande fille toute simple, de André Roussin, escenografía de Louis Ducreux, Théâtre des Ambassadeurs
1947 : L'Empereur de Chine, de Jean-Pierre Aumont, escenografía de Marcel Herrand, Théâtre des Mathurins
1949 : My Name Is Aquilon, a partir de L'Empereur de Chine, de Jean-Pierre Aumont, adaptación de Philip Barry, escenografía de Robert B. Sinclair, Lyceum Theatre (Nueva York)
1950 : Le Voyage, de Henry Bataille, escenografía de Henri Bernstein, Théâtre des Ambassadeurs
1953 : Les Pavés du ciel, de Albert Husson, escenografía de Christian-Gérard, Théâtre des Célestins
1954 : Carlos et Marguerite, de Jean Bernard-Luc, escenografía de Christian-Gérard, Théâtre de la Madeleine
1954 : Les Pavés du ciel, de Albert Husson, escenografía de Christian-Gérard, Comédie Caumartin
1955 : Il y a longtemps que je t'aime, de Jacques Deval, escenografía de Jean Le Poulain, Teatro Edouard VII
1955 : The Heavenly Twins, a partir de Les Pavés du ciel, de Albert Husson, escenografía de Cyril Ritchard, Booth Theatre
1956 : Amphitryon 38, de Jean.
1958 : L'Impromptu de Barentin, de André Maurois, Festival de Barentin
1959 : Ange le Bienheureux, de Jean-Pierre Aumont, escenografía de Jacques Charon, Théâtre des Célestins
1959 : Mon père avait raison, de Sacha Guitry, escenografía de André Roussin, Théâtre de la Madeleine
1960 : A Second Sting, de Lucienne Hill a partir de Colette, escenografía de Raymond Gérôme, Eugene O'Neill Theatre (Nueva York)
1962 : Flora, de Fabio Mauri y Franco Brusati, escenografía de Jules Dassin, Théâtre des Variétés
1963 : Tovarich, de Anne Croswell y Lee Pockriss, escenografía de Peter Glenville, Broadway Theatre, Winter Garden Theatre
1970 : Camino Real, de Tennessee Williams, escenografía de Milton Katselas, Vivian Beaumont Theatre (Nueva York)
1971 : Les Anges meurtriers, de Conor Cruise O'Brien, escenografía de Joan Littlewood, Théâtre de Chaillot
1971 : Murderous Angels, de Conor Cruise O'Brien, escenografía de Gordon Davidson, Playhouse Theatre (Nueva York)
1972 : Nous irons à Valparaiso, de Marcel Achard, escenografía de Jacques-Henri Duval, Théâtre des Célestins, Giras Herbert-Karsenty
1975 : Des journées entières dans les arbres, de Marguerite Duras, escenografía de Jean-Louis Barrault, Théâtre d'Orsay
1976 : Des journées entières dans les arbres, de Marguerite Duras, escenografía de Jean-Louis Barrault, Ambassadors Theatre (Nueva York)
1981 : A Talent for Murder, de Jerome Chodorov y Norman Panama, escenografía de Paul Aaron, Teatro Biltmore (Nueva York)
1982 : Coup de soleil, de Marcel Mithois, escenografía de Jacques Rosny, Théâtre Antoine
1984 : Pense à l’Afrique, a partir de Think of Africa, de Gordon Dryland, escenografía de Jean-Pierre Granval, Théâtre Renaud-Barrault.
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia
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suzylwade · 5 years
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Bright Young Things The wild and hedonistic world of the Bright Young Things is to be explored in an exhibition bringing together photographs by Cecil Beaton. The show will tell the stories of a dazzling cast of often beautiful and extravagant bohemians who partied their way through the 1920s and 30s. About 150 works will go on show, some of which have rarely been exhibited. Many of the sitters have fabulous costumes and equally fabulous names. They include Beaton’s friend Mary Liliane Matilda, Baroness d’Erlanger, who was known as Baba and became Princess Jean-Louis de Faucigny-Lucinge after marrying a French aristrocat descended from Louis IX. She was a close friend of Paula Gellibrand, who became the Marquesa de Casa Maury and was Beaton’s favourite model. The two women were so close they were known as the Twins. There will be portraits of prominent socialites such as Edwina Mountbatten and Diana Mitford, the Mitford sister who went on to marry the British fascist Oswald Mosley. The ceremony took place at the home of Joseph Goebbels with Adolf Hitler as a guest of honour. Other sitters include the sulky and eccentric Stephen Tennant, the brightest of the Bright Young Things, who had a four-year affair with the poet Siegfried Sassoon and whose aim in life was to do as little as possible. He helped inspire the fictional characters Sebastian Flyte in Evelyn Waugh’s ‘Brideshead Revisited’ and Cedric Hampton in Nancy Mitford’s ‘Love in a Cold Climate’. There will also be portraits of the artist Rex Whistler, the composer William Walton, the stage designer Oliver Messel, the poet Iris Tree and the Anglophile actors Tallulah Bankhead and Anna May Wong. Beaton’s own life and relationship with the circle will also be explored, showing his transformation from middle-class suburban schoolboy to glittering society figure and Vogue magazine mainstay. ‘Cecil Beaton’s Bright Young Things’ will be at the ‘National Portrait Gallery’ from March 12 to June 7, 2020. #neonurchin #neonurchinblog #dedicatedtothethingswelove #suzyurchin #ollyurchin #art #music #photography #fashion #film #words #pictures #neon #urchin #cecilbeaton #writer #photographer #diarist #gardendesigner (at National Portrait Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9qqmW_g3gc/?igshid=sbp8sgsdloje
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drzito · 6 years
Las 241 películas que he visto en 2018 (parte 2)
121. El jefe de todo esto  (Lars von Trier, 2006).
122. La muchacha que saltaba a través del tiempo (Mamoru Hosoda, 2006)
123. The devil wears Prada (David Frankel, 2006)
124. À l'intérieur (Julien Maury y Alexandre Bustillo, 2007)
125. Casual day (Max Lemcke, 2007).
126. Concursante (Rodrigo Cortes, 2007)
127. It’s a free world (Ken Loach, 2007)
128. La question humaine (Nicholas Klotz, 2007)
129. Los falsificadores  (Stefan Ruzowitzky, 2007).
130. August (Austin Chick, 2008)
131. Bienvenido a Farewell-Gutmann (Xavi Puebla, 2008)
132. Flash of genius (Marc Abraham, 2008)
133. Gigantes de Valdes (Alejandro Tossenberger, 2008)
134. Slumdog millionaire (Danny Boyle, 2008)
135. Tokyo sonata (Kiyoshi Kurosawa, 2008)
136. Exam (Stuart Hazeldine, 2009)
137. New in town (Jonas Elmer, 2009)
138. Rien de personnel (Mathias Gokalp, 2009)
139. The box (Richard Kelly, 2009)
140. The damned united (Tom Hooper, 2009)
141. The informant! (Steven Soderbergh, 2009)
142. The scam  (Lee Ho-Jae, 2009)
143. Made in Dagenham (Nigel Cole, 2010)
144. Notre jour vindra (Romain Gavras, 2010)
145. También la lluvia (Iciar Bollain, 2010)
146. Wall Street: Money never sleeps (Oliver Stone, 2010)
147. Cinco metros cuadrados (Max Lemcke, 2011)
148. Moneyball (Bennett Miller, 2011)
149. The adjustment bureau (George Nolfi, 2011)
150. A puerta fría (Xavi Puebla, 2012)
151. Arbitrage (Nicholas Jarecki, 2012)
152. Beasts of the Southern wild (Benh Zeitlin, 2012)
153. Le capital (Costa-Gavras, 2012)
154. Promised land (Gus van Sant, 2012)
155. The Lorax (Chris Renaud, 2012).
156. Total recall (Len Wiseman, 2012)
157. Upside down (Juan Solanas, 2012)
158. Il capitale humano (Paolo Virzi, 2013)
159. These final hours (Zak Hilditch, 2013)
160. The internship (Shawn Levy, 2013)
161. The shadow people (Matthew Arnold, 2013)
162. Creep (Patrick Kack-Brice, 2014)
163. Deux jours, une nuit (Jean-Pierre Dardenne y Luc Dardenne, 2014)
164. Draft day (Ivan Reitman, 2014)
165. El futuro (Luis Lopez Carrasco, 2014)
166. Hermosa juventud (Jaime Rosales, 2014)
167. Jack Ryan: Shadow recruit (Kenneth Branagh, 2014)
168. Selma (Ava DuVernay, 2014)
169. Stonehearst asylum (Brad Anderson, 2014)
170. The one I love (Charlie McDowell, 2014)
171. 99 homes (Ramin Bahrani, 2015)
172. Amama (Asier Altuna, 2015).
173. Cerca de tu casa (Eduard Cortes, 2015)
174. Daddy’s home (Sean Anders, 2015)
175. El desconocido (Dani de la Torre, 2015)
176. Eye in the sky (Gavin Hood, 2015)
177. La loi du marche (Stephane Brize, 2015)
178. Techo y comida (Juan Miguel del Castillo, 2015)
179. Ares (Jean-Patrick Benes, 2016)
180. Colossal (Nacho Vigalondo, 2016)
181. Doctor Strange (Scott Derrickson, 2016)
182. Esa sensación (Juan Cavestany, Julian Genisson y Pablo Hernando, 2016)
183. Gold (Stephen Gaghan, 2016)
184. I, Daniel Blake (Ken Loach, 2016).
185. Kubo and the two strings (Travis Knight, 2016)
186. La doncella  (Park Chan-Wook, 2016)
187. La punta del iceberg (David Canovas, 2016)
188. Los del túnel (Pepon Montero, 2016)
189. L’outsider (Christophe Barratier, 2016)
190. Money Monster (Jodie Foster, 2016).
191. Shin Godzilla (Hideaki Anno y Shinji Higuchi, 2016)
192. Split (M. Night Shyamalan, 2016)
193. Teenage mutant nija turtles: Out of the shadows (Dave Green, 2016)
194. The brothers Grimsby (Louis Leterrier, 2016)
195. The founder (John Lee Hancock, 2016)
196. The love witch (Anna Biller, 2016)
197. The Osiris child (Shane Abbess, 2016)
198. The shallows (Jaume Collet-Serra, 2016).
199. The thinning (Michael J. Gallagher, 2016)
200. Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade, 2016)
201. Train to Busan (Yeon Sang-ho, 2016)
202. Zootopia (Byron Howard y Rich Moore, 2016).
203. Atomic blonde (David Leitch, 2017)
204. All the money in the world (Ridley Scott, 2017)
205. Brava (Roser Aguilar, 2017)
206. Corporate (Nicolas Silhol, 2017)
207. Creep 2 ( Patrick Kack-Brice , 2017)
208. Daddy’s home 2 (Sean Anders, 2017)
209. Detroit (Kathryn Bigelow, 2017)
210. Estiu 1993 (Carla Simon, 2017)
211. Fe de etarras (Borja Cobeaga, 2017)
212. I don’t feel at home in this world anymore (Macon Blair, 2017)
213. It comes at night (Trey Edward Shults, 2017)
214. La llamada (Javier Ambrossi y Javier Calvo, 2017).
215. Logan Lucky (Steven Soderbergh, 2017)
216. Numero Une (Tonie Marshall, 2017)
217. Pieles (Eduardo Casanova, 2017).
218. Selfie (Victor Garcia Leon, 2017)
219. The disaster artist (James Franco, 2017)
220. The lost city of Z (James Gray, 2017)
221. The post (Steven Spielberg, 2017)
222. The sacrifice of a sacred deer (Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017)
223. The shape of water (Guillermo del Toro, 2017)
224. Tulip fever (James Chadwick, 2017)
225. Under the shadow (Babak Anvari, 2017)
226. You were never really here (Lynne Ramsay, 2017)
227. Anihilation (Alex Garland, 2018)
228. Ant-man and The Wasp (Peyton Reed, 2018)
230. Avengers: Inifinity War (Anthony y Joe Russo, 2018)
231. Batman: Gotham by gaslight (Sam Liu, 2018)
232. Batman ninja (Junpei Mizusaki, 2018)
233. Black Panther (Ryan Coogler, 2018)
234. Hereditary (Ari Aster, 2018).
235. Hotel Transylvania 3: summer vacation (Genndy Tartakovsky, 2018)
236. Jurassic World: Fallen kingdom (JA BAyona, 2018)
237. Mission Impossible - Fallout (Christopher McQuarrie, 2018).
238. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (Peter Ramsey, Robert Persichetti Jr. y Rodney Rothman, 2018)
239. Teen titans go! to the movies (Peter Rida Michail y Aaron Horvath, 2018)
240. The incredibles 2 (Brad Bird, 2018)
241. The night comes for us (Timo Tjahjanto, 2018)
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journaljunkpage · 6 years
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David Sanson / Nadia Lena et Lionel Marchetti. - © Gérard Rouy
En matière de musique classique, la Nouvelle-Aquitaine compte une grosse vingtaine de festivals estivaux. La musique baroque – Saintes oblige – et le Périgord s’y taillent la part du lion, mais le Limousin s’y distingue singulièrement. Tour d’horizon subjectif à défaut d’être exhaustif.
Cet été, en matière de festivals dédiés à la musique « classique », nos deux coups de coeur se situent en Limousin ; pour être plus précis : en Haute-Vienne et en Creuse. Coup de coeur, d’abord, pour un lieu. À une cinquantaine de kilomètres au nord de Limoges, la ferme de Villefavard, étonnante ferme-modèle construite à la fin du xixe siècle par le pasteur Édouard Maury, est devenue depuis 2002, sous l’égide de Jérôme Kaltenbach, un « centre de rencontres artistiques » d’initiative privée proposant toute l’année des résidences d’artistes qui donnent lieu à des concerts, spectacles, enregistrements, masterclass… C’est autour de ce bijou à l’acoustique remarquable que se tient le Festival du Haut Limousin, qui fêtera ses 20 ans en compagnie d’artistes qui ont marqué son histoire, de tous horizons et de toutes générations : du jeune pianiste américain Kit Armstrong au King’s Singers, en passant par le Quatuor Ébène, le trio de percussions SR9 ou par Emma la Clown, ceux-ci composent une affiche « festive, éclectique et décalée »… On y court et on vous en reparlera. Coup de coeur, ensuite, pour un esprit. Celui qui anime, au fin fond de la Creuse, le Bruit de la musique – cofondé par le percussionniste Lê Quan Ninh et la violoncelliste Martine Altenbruger, également aux commandes de l’Ensemble ]h[iatus, dont on vous a déjà dit tout le bien qu’il fait à la création dite « contemporaine » – rappelle les Nuits d’été, le festival que le fabuleux Quatuor Béla organise chaque été en Savoie : sa convivialité, sa simplicité, le soin qu’il accorde à la présentation des concerts et l’originalité de ceux-ci prouvent une nouvelle fois que l’ambiance d’une manifestation importe au moins autant que sa programmation. En plus, celle du Bruit de la musique est excellente, qui se joue des frontières, géographiques – les Estoniens de l’Ensemble U, le joueur d’épinette allemand Christoph Schiller, la joueuse de yangqin (tympanon chinois) Yaping Yang – ou esthétiques : ainsi de My Dog and I, création de la compositrice irlandaise Jennifer Walshe pour une danseuse, une violoncelliste et un chien (!), des nombreuses installations multimédia, ou encore d’Eine Brise, pièce du grand Mauricio Kagel pour 111 cyclistes ! Il s’agit là, comme le dit joliment Lê Quan Ninh, de « retrouver les sensations premières et oubliées que procure le phénomène sonore », d’« imaginer des enjambées entre nature et culture », d’« écouter avec ses oreilles bien plus qu’avec sa mémoire »… Un festival d’autant plus nécessaire qu’entendre de la musique – « savante » – du xxie (et même du xxe) siècle, l’été, en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, tient de la gageure.
Baroque forever C’est que depuis le triomphe du Festival de Saintes et de l’Académie qui y est adossée, le Sud-Ouest s’est imposé comme la terre d’élection des baroqueux (au diapason, il est vrai, d’un patrimoine architectural et historique qui s’y prête particulièrement). Cela dit, pour sa 46e édition, le festival offre quelques programmes « modernes » des plus séduisants : citons notamment les concerts des pianistes Claire-Marie Leguay (Bach, Debussy, Dutilleux, Escaich) et Bruce Brubaker (mêlant les pièces médiévales du Codex Faenza aux partitions des minimalistes américains Philip Glass et Terry Riley), et de l’ensemble vocal britannique Voces8, brassant cinq siècles de musique vocale, de William Byrd à Arvo Pärt. Le coeur vibrant de la programmation, passionnante de bout en bout, reste toutefois la musique de Bach et de ses contemporains (dont l’opéra Issé d’André Destouches par Les Surprises dirigé par Louis-Noël Bestion). Parmi les nombreux festivals voués à la musique ancienne, du Moyen Âge à l’ère préclassique, la 28e édition de Sinfonia en Périgord mérite une mention spéciale pour la pertinence de ses choix artistiques : notamment en faveur d’une jeune génération résolument féminine (les ensembles Kapsber’girls et Les Dames de Ferrare, la claveciniste Chloé de Guillebon ; sans parler de l’Ensemble Pulcinella d’Ophélie Gaillard), mais aussi des collectifs qui cherchent à proposer de nouvelles approches interprétatives, tels que La Tempête de Simon-Pierre Bestion (le frère du précédent). Une édition marquée également par la venue de l’Ensemble Hespèrion XXI du génial Jordi Savall, et qui s’achèvera sur un opéra de Mozart, Così fan tutte, par l’Ensemble Les Ambassadeurs.
Festivals d’artistes Beaucoup de ces festivals émanent d’ailleurs des artistes eux-mêmes : l’Itinéraire baroque en Périgord vert a vu le jour (en 2002) à l’initiative de l’organiste, claveciniste et chef néerlandais Ton Koopman ; Bordeaux Estivale Baroque a été créé (en 2015) par l’Ensemble Baroque Atlantique du violoniste Guillaume Rebinguet Sudre. Dernier né, à Bordeaux toujours : Les Nouvelles Saisons (trois concerts à la Grande Poste, au Grand-Théâtre et dans la cour de la mairie) a été initié par le violoncelliste Jeremy Genet et le compositeur Christian Lauba. Quant à l’organiste et pianofortiste Maude Gratton, native de Niort et fondatrice de l’Ensemble Il Convito, elle est aux commandes du MM Festival (pour « Musique, Mouvements », anciennement Musiques en Gâtine), dont l’édition 2018 se déroule en deux temps mixant répertoires et traditions – médiéval ou moderne, savant ou populaire –, mais aussi histoire de l’art, lutherie et littérature : 5 jours à La Rochelle, du 19 au 23 septembre, seront suivis d’un grand week-end à Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet (Deux-Sèvres) les 20 et 21 octobre. Du baryton caméléon Marc Mauillon au pianiste Bertrand Chamayou, en passant par une ribambelle de jeunes collectifs et une performance vocale participative du compositeur Nicolas Frize, se dessine une manifestation rare, attentive à nouer une vraie relation avec son public. On y reviendra. C’est également un artiste – le pianiste et chef d’orchestre Jean-François Heisser – qui préside aux destinées du Festival Ravel, autour de Ciboure, ville natale du compositeur, sur la côte basque : les chanteuses Natalie Dessay et Béatrice Uria-Monzon, les violoncellistes Jérôme Pernoo et Henri Demarquette, les pianistes Nicolas Angelich, Katia et Marièle Labèque, Laurent De Wilde ou encore Philippe Cassard, le trompettiste Romain Leleu, le flûtiste Philippe Bernold ou le comédien Didier Sandre, excusez du peu, figurent parmi les têtes d’affiche d’une édition qui fera revivre certaines des très riches heures de cette belle époque de la musique française, mais pas seulement…
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Oubliez le guide Il y a, enfin, les festivals qui n’ont pu, allez savoir pourquoi, avoir les honneurs du SUMMERJUNK, l’excellent guide des festivals musicaux édité par votre mensuel favori. À commencer par ce Château d’Excideuil en Musique qui animera, dans le Périgord vert, ce (superbe) édifice des xiiie et xve siècle, dont une partie appartient au très mélomane Tom Van Der Bruggen, fondateur de la mythique firme Kapla. Dédié à la musique de chambre instrumentale et vocale, voici un festival qui se singularise, outre la qualité de ses hôtes – le violoniste Nicolas Dautricourt, le violoncelliste François Salque, le pianiste François Dumont... –, par la rareté des répertoires qu’il propose : on y pourra entendre du Grieg et du Dvorák, du Fauré et du Clementi, du Boccherini et du Glinka, mais aussi, bien évidemment, Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt ou Brahms… À côté des Périgord vert et noir, il fallait bien que le Périgord pourpre eût son festival. Sous-titré « L’été musical en Bergerac », cette manifestation tout juste trentenaire propose en tout cas un programme choisi, intégrant le jazz (avec notamment la famille Belmondo), mais aussi la danse et le théâtre : s’en détachent en particulier les concerts de l’immense luthiste Paul O’Dette (17 août), du non moins immense pianiste brésilien Nelson Freire (Mozart, Beethoven, Debussy, Paderewski et Chopin, le 15), et de la soprano Patricia Petibon, le 2 août en l’église de Monpazier : ce concert, aux côtés de la pianiste Susan Manoff, promet d’être intense en émotion, non seulement en raison de son programme, l’un des plus beaux de cet été musical (de Debussy à Nicolas Bacri, en passant par Fauré, Falla, Turina, Granados, Satie, Poulenc, Villa-Lobos, Bernstein, Gershwin…), mais aussi parce qu’il est l’un des rares que donnera la chanteuse cet été, à quelques mois de la disparition de son époux, le violoniste Didier Lockwood.
À propos de grandes voix, on conclura en mentionnant les Estivales de musique en Médoc, qui se distinguent des autres manifestations en associant dégustation oenologique et émois esthétiques et en étant la seule en Europe à être entièrement dédiée aux jeunes lauréats de concours internationaux : c’est là en effet (le 10 juillet au château Batailley) que la soprano franco-danoise Elsa Dreisig, révélation lyrique des dernières Victoires de la musique (mais aussi premier prix des concours Opéralia - Plácido Domingo 2016 et « Neue Stimmen » 2015), donnera un récital au programme mariant mélodies françaises et lieder de Schumann. Mais les six autres concerts promettent également leur lot d’émotions fortes !
Estivales de musique en Médoc, du 3 au 13 juillet. www.estivales-musique-medoc.com
Festival de Saintes, du 13 au 21 juillet. www.abbayeauxdames.org
Les Nouvelles Saisons, du 19 au 21 juillet. www.lesnouvellessaisons.com
Festival du Haut Limousin, du 27 juillet au 12 août. www.festivalduhautlimousin.com
Château d’Excideuil en Musique, du 31 juillet au 6 août
Festival du Périgord pourpre - L’été musical en Bergerac, du 31 juillet au 18 août. www.festivalbergerac.com
Le Bruit de la musique, du 16 au 18 août. www.lebruitdelamusique.org
Sinfonia en Périgord, du 25 août au 1er septembre. www.sinfonia-en-perigord.com
Festival Ravel, du 26 août au 16 septembre. www.festivalravel.fr
MM Festival, du 19 septembre au 21 octobre. www.mmfestival.fr
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