#je au
lazilybeinglassie · 6 months
Jam Egg AU (Cookie Run Kingdom)
So being on discord just makes my imagination go wild. I was talking in a server and we were talking about soul jams. Someone in the chat made a random comment about the soul jam along the lines of "squeezing it to see if it mitosis' a new ancient" and I'm about to go nuts here on an idea.
Blame @aviilux for this madness I have been making. So let me weave you the summery tale!
Long ago, when the chaos of iron and flame still reigned, the witches created the Soul Jam. Powerful relics unlike any cookie had seen before. Bearing the fruits of knowledge, volition, happiness, change, and solidarity, they were to allow the cookies to reshape their world into a new era of peace and prosperity. However, even the witches were unable to predict what the Soul Jams could do next.
A day came where they cracked open and produced cookies with wisdom and powers unparalleled. Once these new cookies were born, the Soul Jam repaired themselves, leaving the precious gift of life in the hands of the witches and cookies. Raised to be the wielders of these powers, the five cookies were respected and called saviors as they became leaders and warriors for cookie kind.
Alas. Great power always begets corruption. One by one, the cookies became corrupted and known as the beasts. Using the Soul Jams for their own selfish gains and spread destruction around them.
Heartbroken by this, the witches punished the beasts and sealed them away within the continent of Beast Yeast. Gathering what was untainted by the beasts, the remains of the Soul Jam were scattered and cursed to not be found, except for those who valued truth, passion, resolution, prosperity and freedom. With that, the witches disappeared, never to be seen again.
Years go by, and the day came when the Soul Jams were found again. Held by different kingdoms, they were used with wisdom as shining beacons for the new era.
That was until, the cycle began again. Cracking once more, the Soul Jam were able to produce new cookies, that once again could wield the powers of the relics.
Not wanting to repeat this mistake again, the kingdoms respectively devised their own plans to ensure the tragedy of the beasts would never happen again. The newly baked were raised as servants to the crowns of each kingdom. Praying they would never cause harm to the world again.
So, long story short, if you skipped the summary above, the soul jams are relics that are also eggs. And gives birth to new wielders sometimes.
You could guess the first few were the beasts and the second batch were the ancient heroes. So yeah, that happens. I've literally been rolling this around my brain for hours and now wanna see if I can keep this ball going. I have four things I know I wanna write one shots about.
The Beasts
The Ancients
The Witches
The Kingdoms
These won't be just four one shots, but this is more how I will section it off. This is not in order and it will never have an order. Well, okay, the one shots will have an order, but these segments are just isolating which one shots are focused on which parts of the cookie world.
Until then, I'm gonna go make an outline and figure out how to organize this AU, cause it's gonna be nuts.
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hedgehog-moss · 4 months
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Good news! I managed to find the last dandelions of the season :) I really thought I'd missed the window to harvest them this year; it's usually a late-April activity for me but it rained so much in the past couple of months, it just ruined my flower-harvest schedule.
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The only dandelions left where I live are all in their wish-granting puffball phase, but I thought I'd try my luck at higher elevations—yesterday I called a neighbour who lives 150 metres higher, it went something like "Hello I would like to inquire about your dandelions and what stage of their life cycle they have reached." Neighbour told me if I hadn't introduced myself first she would have assumed I was a salesperson cold-calling to pitch a product ("You sounded so professional.") But she confirmed that she saw a few still-yellow dandelions during her last walk! Pandolf and I were immediately on our way.
Neighbour also told me that the cows were out in one of the pastures I was about to cross, but I didn't tell Pan, it was a surprise. He was so happy! Look at him bouncing his way towards them:
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I was ready to call him back if the cows looked nervous, but instead more cows arrived to meet this visitor, to Pandolf's extreme delight (I had to call him twice before he deigned to stop greeting cows and join me on my dandelion search.)
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Usually I just sit in a pasture covered with thousands of dandelions and I barely have to move to fill my basket, but in late May the harvestable dandelions are few and far between, so I had to walk long distances to find a couple here, a couple there—and I had to really inspect the tall grass, where they are much better-hidden than in April grass.
And guess what else I found in the tall grass?
A lion!
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Worse! it's Texas :) I guess he is officially a recurring character. (Here's Texas' memorable introduction, for those who missed it.)
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He makes Pandolf look small and scrawny!
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I went to say hello to his owner but she wasn't home, so we returned to our dandelion field, followed closely by a suspicious Texas.
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Sure, I'd scritched his ears and it was nice, but he's a diligent guard dog and unlike Pandolf he doesn't think friendly ear-scratching and malicious intent are two circles that can't overlap. But once I showed him my harvest he lost interest in us. Catching dandelion thieves is not in his job description.
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Another animal I had to negotiate with were pollinators, who were clinging to the last few dandelions even though there were other wildflowers for them to feed from. They probably thought I was being similarly unreasonable with my single-minded focus.
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I also found an adorable tiny spider in my harvest—she was dandelion-yellow and perfectly camouflaged to hunt insects in there! Here she is giving me a tiny spider high-five (or maybe angrily shaking her fist at me as I deprived her of this ideal hunting ground)
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I let the llamas out to eat the weeds in my (still not planted) vegetable garden, like last week, as I started the long and meticulous process of destemming 400 dandelion flowers one by one. It started raining at some point but I had to stay outside to keep an eye on Pampe—it wasn't cold at all, and after the initial "oh no! rain" reaction, it started feeling pretty nice and meditative, sitting outside in the soft spring rain with the animals while preparing flowers.
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I proudly told my mother that despite being one month late I managed to make 5 jars of dandelion honey just like last year, and she complained about shrinkflation seeing as I used significantly smaller jars than last year. I'm sorry but that's just called making clever use of packaging to meet unreasonable customer expectations in difficult times. Plus, I used 1 more lemon than usual in my recipe, so what this product lost in quantity it gained in quality. ("That's what they all say," she tutted)
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(If my hen looks grumpy it's because she was sheltering from the rain under the table and I unceremoniously caught her and dropped her on top of it to enliven my photo. Not only did she get wet but she felt used, like a mere prop. She's back in her sheltered spot and it's been over 10min but you can still hear muffled resentful clucks when you walk past the table.)
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crazylittlejester · 7 months
I’ve done sooo much yapping about Warriors today, here are some headcanon about some of the others!
- Twilight’s hair grows similarly to a wolf’s pelt in that his roots are just permanently very dark and his hair is incredibly thick (I also think his hair is definitely a red toned brown)
- Time is not at all a natural born leader or an intentional father figure. He’s just very kind and genuinely wants to help others, and everyone else has really bad Daddy Issues. He’s not being fatherly on purpose and has no idea they’re all interpreting it that way
- More on that: The others all see Time as this stoic, mysterious man, but the reality is Time has HORRIBLE control of his facial expressions and will sit down and think his silly little thoughts and the others will be like “WOAH- He must be THINKIN- Hylia, he’s so wise!!!” but Time’s thoughts are actually just “Did I clean my sword… Wild was hurt earlier I hope he’s feeling better… Is this how Warriors felt about me during the War…”
- Wild is very extroverted and a reasonably chatty guy. He knows like EVERYONE in his era and they all just adore him (except that flower lady by that shrine). He’s cautious around new people because of the yiga, but the town regulars are people he very much enjoys chatting with
- Part of the reason Legend is so grumpy is because he has chronic pain, he doesn’t mean to snap at people. The other part is that he struggles to control his tone. He’s never intentionally rude or cruel to people, he’s incredibly nice and sweet once he relaxes around people
- Warriors and Legend have gotten into a full on physical brawl at least twice over a bet and Time had to break them up
- Sky will wander off with Hyrule and Wild sometimes to find more wood to carve
- Wind is a SHOCKINGLY good artist, he likes drawing places he’s been and the people around him. The others are just impressed he can sit still long enough to finish a piece
- Four would regularly take walks by himself, but Twilight got anxious about him disappearing off alone so he’d join him, but as Wolfie, out of respect of the fact that Four didn’t want Hylian company
- Hyrule has healing magic but is/was NOT a medic, or trained to be one at all. He knew a few basic things from his quest, but the more complex things he learned from Warriors who was trained as a field medic
- Wild is very independent, and is very responsible when he wants to be. He just… rarely WANTS to be
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zeldabecameaqueen · 8 months
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The back of the signs Richas designed, I know it'll probably change over time but I love these ones
I didn't put Gegg's one because well too many images for tumblr
screenshots from badboyhalo's stream
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ƁƳ ©️ԼM®️
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sibmakesart · 8 months
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c tres tres specific comme idee mais il fallait que ca sorte
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
Camp counselor Garrance. save me
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bbaycon · 11 months
In america, I found that some people called them chocolate croissants
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They are not french enough if there never had been the pain au chocolat controversy THERE
Plus lil doodle
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shapelytimber · 8 months
Blood Hound
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Don't have a lot to say about this, I just wanted to draw this iconic sw scene, but with fem Palpatine (still Stagbeetleboy's design) and fem Anakin :))) because the lesbian star wars au is consuming my life rn lglgkflogkg
And you get a close up of palpatine because I'm kinda proud of how I drew the freaky cunty lady :)
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Process below vvv
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(img source)
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unepersonnelouche · 7 months
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Holidays somewhere in France with the family ✨ (Or : Miles Edgeworth cannot say no to his girls and they know it)
(Drawing in a comics format is harder than I thought it would be, hence why this is so short)
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yes-asil · 7 days
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Doodle for the Eden arc
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hedgehog-moss · 5 months
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My recipe is for blackberry-frangipane tart, though I'm sure it could work with other fruit! (note: I tried with plums and found that the texture wasn't right, so maybe not with very juicy fruit)
For the frangipane filling, whisk in a bowl: white sugar (100g), melted butter (40g), almond powder (125g), and 2 eggs. If it looks a bit grainy rather than smooth that's normal. Spread it over whichever kind of crust you usually use for fruit tart (not sure what the English equivalent of pâte sablée is but that's the one I use)
Add your blackberries over it, enough to more or less cover the tart but only in one layer (you don't want to smother your frangipane). If you use frozen blackberries, do not unfreeze them before! It'll make the tart too watery.
Put in the oven for 20 to 40min at 180°C (depends on how powerful your oven is, but until the frangipane looks golden all over)
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Bon appétit :) It's my favourite fruit tart!
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
The large swan just sat there staring at him, and Time couldn’t help but stare right back. He was fighting very hard not to laugh at how utterly ridiculous the whole situation was, but here was his brother, with a little blue scarf around his neck, in the form of a swan.
“And this…” Time paused to clear his throat, not breaking eye contact with Warriors. “And this happened how?”
“He touched my crystal,” Twilight answered miserably, throwing his head into his hands. “I tried to tell him not to but it was too late.”
Warriors waddled forwards and Time had to bite his tongue. The poor captain was clearly not at all used to his new form, and moving around looked very awkward for him. Time didn’t think he’d ever seen a bird look so pissed before in his life, it was incredible how expressive Warriors was without the ability to actually frown and put his hands on his hips like he so often did on a normal day. When he was a normal hylian. Like he should be right now.
“And we don’t know where Sky or the others are?” Time asked the rancher, reaching out towards Warriors and snatching his hand back when the swan hissed at him. “That wasn’t very nice, Captain.”
Warriors gave him a look that said, “I’m going to bite you if you don’t shut the fuck up.”
And that was completely fair.
“No, we have no idea where Sky or the others are, he’s stuck like this,” the rancher sighed, face still buried.
Warriors was not very happy to hear that, he spread his wings and waddled towards Twilight making very angry noises.
“Don’t attack Twilight, it’s not his fault,” Time scolded when Warriors started trying to bite at the rancher’s boots. In hindsight he really should’ve anticipated that what he said was only an invitation for the bird to come at him.
Twilight groaned, peaking between his fingers at their brother as he stomped around making little sounds. “At least you look great, Wars, lovin’ the scarf, buddy.”
The swan did not look amused, and Time was starting to feel a bad for poor Warriors. Without Sky and the master sword they had no way of turning him back; for the foreseeable future, the captain was stuck as a swan.
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elilmwenseni27 · 1 month
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This is the only moment (2x03 No Pain) where we see Armand feeding on a human!! It took me a while to pause the video and to be sure it was him but I finally did it and we see his face.
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𝙲𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚊 𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚊
𝙸𝚕𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚘 / 𝙿𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚞𝚐𝚊𝚕🇵🇹
𝙱𝚢 ©️𝙻𝙼®️
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ruins-and-rewritez · 8 months
Nina: it's just...the way he looks at you
Inej:...and how is it that he looks at me
Nina: I don't know, it's like he wants to carve out your heart and sew it in his chest just so he can feel it beat with his or something...it's just intense
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