#jd Sandy
karis17love · 1 month
ꨄ ᴅᴀɪʟʏ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴄᴏᴀᴄʜᴇs ꨄ
"𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑜𝑙𝑑, 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦
𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜𝑜 𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒."
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Requested by: @auzeythestrfish on X!
If you want a specific map, feel free to ask <33
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as-salty-as-the-sea · 11 months
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if there’s at least one thing just dance 2024 is doing right, its CHARACTER DESIGNNNNN
ive drawn the ones that caught my eye, but most of the ones in the new game have stolen my heart. especially wtvr is going on in tainted love xP
for now take a sketch dump while i scream about just dance 2024 irl because oh my god its so good
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lightning-and-sparks · 2 months
what made you pick the canon coaches (Hadley, Sandy (Whitney coach), Talia, and Alzena) to appear in your fic? Was there any reason or did you just like them?
So he’s the Harry Styles coach but he also gives like similar vibes to Jack Rose and kinda has this very “I’m better than you, I was the leader of the boy band” vibe that I loved. I didn’t talk about this in Thorns yet but I may as well, the real reason Jack Rose hates him is because he believes Hadley was spreading rumors around the industry that he sleeps with producers. Did Hadley say it? Maybe.
Also because they seemed like rivals and one of them stole this move from the other.
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She’s every woman.
I’m jk, originally I had Sandy as Whitney but I just decided to change it and make it the coach’s name. I did have her aged up because idk felt like her map was way before others but it gives her a more funny and mature vibe. Hopefully, we see more Sandy and how she ended up on Eternyx.
Talia Sway:
She had a last name… no but for real, I may get some heat but I’m not a Swifty and thought I’d seek some revenge for all those private jet flights. Talia kinda screamed fake with the shifting backgrounds and again, I don’t really like Taylor Swift and I wanted pop stars pitted against each other. Taylor Swift vs Bruno Mars. Also, she has beef with the Vampire Lestat @lizards-wizards-and-magpies
If you didn’t know I’m such a huge Linkin Park fan. Kinda shot myself in the foot with the music aesthetic but I wanted to weave them in. Alzena is such a cool coach and looks Eternian so I wanted some solid proof to back Roland’s hate of Eternians. She’s so pretty and the map screams like liberation from someone especially, “be more like me and be less like you.” Hinting at her rejecting Dancite standards and doing what she decides. Keep your eyes peeled for Alzena ;D
Thank you so much for this ask! My inbox is always open but I try my best to get to all of them😁
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jdshipoftheday · 3 months
Sandy x April
Because Sandy is the coach for Whitney and April is the coach for a Whitney Houston Song
JD Ship of the Day: Sandy x April
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Requested by @th3b4dk1dzz
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sandflakedraws · 4 months
god i need to draw more (dreamworks) trolls. please ask me to draw more trolls
it is insANE the kind of traction these movies are giving my brain rn
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03/30/23: Opening Day at Blue Heaven on Earth.
 Dodgers beat the Diamondbacks 8-2.
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Robert Plant and Alison Krauss at Rose Music Center at the Heights, Huber Heights, Ohio, May 3, 2023
Emerging from opposite sides of the stage without introduction, Robert Plant and Alison Krauss clasped hands when they met in the middle and launched into “Rich Woman.”
It was the first of 17 selections from 2007’s Raising Sand and 2021’s Raise the Roof - plus a few smartly reimagined Led Zeppelin numbers - the pair played May 3 in opening the summer concert season at Rose Music Center at the Heights in Huber Heights, Ohio. But the first night of proverbial summer was “really fucking cold,” as Plant, in layers with hand warmers in his pockets, put it while Krauss stood beside him with her hands pulled into the sleeves of her heavy winter coat.
“Welcome to Norway,” the maracas-playing Plant said to the sold-out house that remained standing throughout the 90-minute, low-ember-glow of a performance.
Stoking the warm aural flame were drummer Jay Bellerose, who employed mallets, sticks, shakers and tambourine on his kit; double bassist Dennis Crouch; multi-instrumentalists Viktor Krauss (Alison’s brother) on guitar and piano and Stuart Duncan on guitar, mandolin and violin; and guitarist JD McPherson. The latter pulled double duty, opening the gig with a self-described “quick, efficient, (3)0-minute rock ‘n’ roll set” that mixed originals and such covers as Iggy Pop’s “Lust for Life” into a blend of 1950s rockabilly with sax and 1970s, guitar-based rock.
Plant and Krauss went back further, setting songs like “Fortune Teller,” “Please Read the Letter” and “Gone Gone Gone” in hazy, swirling arrangements that evoked misty sounds of bygone eras that wafted through vintage amps. The stage, with lighting and beige and white curtains to give the outdoor shed the ambiance of an indoor theater, bolstered the aural illusion.
Long reluctant to revisit his past, Plant transformed “Rock and Roll” into a country rocker built upon Duncan’s violin. He and Krauss would play twin lines on a dark, moody version of “When the Levee Breaks.” Its bright, sonic anthesis, the slowed-by-half “The Battle of Evermore,” sparkled on Duncan’s mandolin as Krauss subbed in for Sandy Denny on vocals.
Singing gently and passionately, Plant and Krauss wavered out of perfect key only occasionally, the former likely owing to his 74 years and the latter - who ceded all banter to her partner - fighting against the cold air and adjusting her earpiece.
Slightly less than flawless is nevertheless a Herculean achievement - particularly given the unseasonable temperatures and the newness of this leg of the Raising the Roof tour.
Grade card: Robert Plant and Alison Krauss at Rose Music Center at the Heights - 5/3/23 - A
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hasanabiouttakes · 15 days
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akultalkies · 1 year
Ben Affleck, Alice Braga, Hala Finley, JD Pardo, Dayo Okeniyi, Jeff Fahey, William Fitchner, Jackie Earle Haley, Zane Holtz, Ruben Javier Caballero, Sandy Avila, Kelly Frye, Corina Calderon, Hala Finley,
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vilevenom · 5 months
One more quick little thing before I head to bed for the night! This one is for @em-doods, because we got to chatting about some sweet, sweet JD and Clay sadness ❤️ If you haven't gone to check out her adorable trolls art, I highly recommend it! I especially recommend checking out this post here, as well as this one, since those are the versions of BroZone's parents referenced in this ficlet~
It's relatively short, but I hope you enjoy it, anyway!
One of the last things John Dory had expected when he'd settled himself on the beach outside Bruce's resort was Clay plopping himself down next to him. Truthfully, they'd been getting along much better in the few months that had passed since Floyd had been rescued, but there was still plenty of tension between the middle and eldest brother. They'd talked through a small handful of issues, such as Clay's bitterness about John taking all the fun out of him being the 'Fun Boy', and John's incessant need for their past performances to be 'perfect'. However, the two still did not tend to purposefully seek out each others company.
"Uh…hello?" John chuckled rather awkwardly, offering Clay a lopsided smile, "What's up?"
Clay simply stared out at the ocean for a moment, before turning his gaze to John Dory. "Tell me about Mom and Dad."
John blinked, a bit taken aback by the sudden demand without preamble. "Sorry, what?"
Clay rolled his eyes, but didn't seem particularly annoyed by John's confusion. "Tell me about Mom and Dad. I don't really remember a whole lot, and I know you've got a memory like a steel trap."
"Oh. I suppose you were only about nine when they were taken, weren't you?" John mostly muttered to himself, rubbing at his chin. "Okay, sure. Uh, is there anything in particular you wanna know?"
With a short shrug Clay leaned back on his hands, turning to stare back out at the ocean. "I dunno…Got any fun stories from when we were kids?"
John thought about that for a moment, before snapping his fingers, a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah! When we were little, Mom used to make up all sorts of fun little dances while she was doing chores and things around the pod. She liked singing well enough, but she loved dancing. One of my personal favorites of hers was her laundry dance. When you were old enough to walk on your own, you started trying to mimic her dance moves. You usually wound up falling over and tugging whatever laundry Mom had just hung up down, and getting all tangled up." John let out a fond laugh, shifting to sit forward a bit. "She'd laugh and help you get untangled, all while you cried about messing up the dance."
"Is that why you got me doing the choreo for BroZone?" Clay sniffed, a small frown on his face.
John sighed, his joy at recalling his mother quickly dampened by Clay's apparent need to constantly remind John Dory of what a horrible brother he'd been. "Maybe a bit, yeah," he admitted quietly, letting out a little puff of air. "You loved dancing. With Mom, especially. I guess, maybe…maybe it was a bit to keep her spirit alive with us. With the band." He sighed, rubbing at his face, "That sounds selfish."
Clay snorted, shooting John a wry smile. "It totally does, man."
"Shut up," John laughed, shoving his brother gently in the shoulder. Clay swayed slightly, but made no move to retaliate. John chewed on the inside of his cheek for a moment, before blurting, "You look like her."
Clay startled slightly, turning wide eyes on John. "Excuse me, what?"
"Sorry, I-ugh," John raked his fingers though his hair in mild irritation at himself. "You look like Mom. You take after her. A lot. The rest of us sort of take mostly after Dad, but you look so much like Mom. And it's way more apparent, now that you're older."
"Do I?" Clay sat up and glanced at his hands, flexing his fingers.
"Yeah, bro. Mom was super into books, and she had all these amazing ideas," John sighed wistfully, watching the waves roll into the sandy shore, "She was super smart, and really kind. And she was just ridiculous. Any time one of us would go to her with some stupid little kid idea, she'd do her best to help us achieve whatever it was, even if it was practically impossible." He laughed, before he began to rummage around int the pockets of his vest, finally pulling out a well worn photo. "Here! I almost forgot I had this on me."
Clay accepted the photo reverently, eyes wide as he took in the still frame from so long ago in their past. A very young John Dory was stood next to a tall, lean looking troll with voluminous teal hair. Clay barely recognized himself in the photo, a trolling no older than perhaps five, propped on her hip, shyly waving at the camera. "Is that…?"
"That's you and Mom, yeah. I think this picture is right around your fourth or fifth hatchday. You were starting to get a bit too big to be carried around, but you kept getting jealous of Floyd, so Mom would make a point of carrying you around as much as she could."
"Oh," Clay murmured, startling a bit as a wet drop hit the corner of the picture. He tipped his head back to find the sky devoid of clouds, only to quickly touch his face and realize he'd begun to cry.
"Even despite being in that cage, she always did her best to make sure everyone always had a smile on their face," John continued quietly, not noticing his brothers plight. "After Mom and Dad got taken, you started trying to do that. Fill that void that Mom left behind, trying to make everyone laugh or smile…" Finally, he looked up to find Clay with silent tears pouring down his ruddy cheeks. He looked alarmed for a moment, reaching out hesitantly, not quite sure if his touch was welcome, only to jerk in surprise as Clay fell into his side with a sniffle. With mild trepidation he gently settled his arm around Clay's shoulders, giving him a little squeeze.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, the only sound the soft crashing of the waves on the beach, and Clay's quiet, hiccupping sobs.
"I forgot what she looked like," Clay admitted after a time, not moving from his brother's hold.
"Sometimes I forget, too," John sighed, rubbing Clay's shoulder, "It's why I'm so glad I managed to get hold of our old photo albums when I went back to the tree. You can keep that one, if you want."
"Can I?"
"Of course. I've got plenty more, back in Rhonda."
"Thanks, JD."
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dear-tortured-adam · 5 days
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fandom: obey me! swd | contains: x gn!reader content, a mix of canon and musical aus, songfics? songfics!
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⋆.˚ 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐃𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐓 — salute! this is my first october anthology event that i'm hosting. while not part of the usual flufftober, whumptober, or even kinktober, i thought about writing a collection of works based on one of my greatest passions. and what's that? musicals and theatre!
do you wish to be tagged in any specific work? you may signup for my taglist here !
this event will be tagged as: !! [🎭] tick tick boom!
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OCTOBER 4TH 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 | SOLOMON - cast: reader as calypso, solomon as odysseus ↳ epic the musical au, greek myths reimagined, angst, cw: talks of death & grief
"now 'til the end of time, from here on out, you're mine, all mine."
OCTOBER 8TH 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 | MAMMON - cast: reader as sandy, mammon as danny ↳ canon au, fluff, crack/humor
"you better shape up 'cause I need a man; and my heart's set on you."
OCTOBER 11TH 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 | LUCIFER - cast: reader as christine, lucifer as the phantom ↳ phantom of the opera au, angst
"say you'll share with me, one love, one lifetime. lead me, save me from my solitude."
OCTOBER 15TH 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐞𝐭 𝐮𝐩𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧 | BELPHEGOR - cast: reader as eliza, belphegor as alexander ↳ hamilton au, angst, cw: talks of death & grief
"forgiveness, can you imagine?"
OCTOBER 18TH 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 | SATAN - cast: reader as aaron, satan as cady ↳ mean girls au, fluff, crack/humor
"i didn't get it, somehow smart with math but stupid with love."
OCTOBER 22ND ��𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐞 | SATAN - cast: reader as veronica, satan as jd ↳ heathers au, drama, cw: blood & injury
"hey, mister no-name kid, so who might you be?"
OCTOBER 27TH 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢'𝐝 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 | LEVIATHAN - cast: reader as christine, leviathan as jeremy ↳ canon au, fluff, henry is the squip
"i guess a part of me likes to sit with you. i guess a part of me likes to, who knew?"
OCTOBER 31ST 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐮𝐬 | DIAVOLO - cast: reader as evan, diavolo as zoe ↳ canon au, fluff, slight angst
"you don't have to convince me, you don't have to be scared you're not enough."
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updated as of 09/ 17/ 2024 | check out my masterlist!
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karis17love · 1 month
Have a nice day, guys!💙
Just Dance 2025E Premiere ↓
Overall left: 63 days
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bellysoupset · 22 days
Heyy soupppp! You tagged you were requesting for Bell and Luke so maybe this could work? 😭
Luke is hanging w the guys, Jonah, Leo, Vince, and he’s already pretty out of it, and he falls asleep while the rest are playing video games or sm (idk)
When he wakes up it’s dark, he’s sweating, and he pukes on the floor. His fever is so high he’s delerious, crying, and finds Vince, he takes his temperature, panics, gets Jonah and decides he needs a hospital?
No hospital in this one, sorry, but I think I got everything else!
Leo was sure they were doing this for his benefit and part of him thought he should be embarrassed, but he really wasn't. He had missed spending time with his friends so much, Leo couldn't care less what had motivated their little "boys night".
It had been almost a full month since everything had gone down and he was back into therapy twice a week. His boss had pulled him aside asking if there was something she should know, thanks to his week long absence leave he had taken, but when Leo had brushed it off as just a family emergency, coupled with a hellish flu — an excuse Wendy had been happy to corroborate as his "doctor" —, she had left him alone.
His coworkers weren't as easy to convince, Leo had caught Sandy, Dean and Chuck whispering and all three of them had approached him separately to ask if everything was okay. Chuck seemed convinced it was something related to Jonah, judging by how he had squinted when Jon appeared to pick Leo up, seeming incredibly confused as if he had made up his mind about them breaking up, when nothing in reality supported that rumor.
"Yo," Vince slung an arm around Leo's neck and pressed their foreheads together, "get out of your head and help me with the beers."
"I'm not in my head," Leo bitched, following Vince to the kitchen, "I'm thinking- Oh, hi baby," he dropped to a crouched down position, finding JD happily eating away her food. The cat rubbed her head lazily against his hand, before getting back to the task, ignoring his pets.
"I said help, not come pet the kitty cat," Vince groaned, grabbing multiple beer packs and passing them along to Leo, "thanks- Luke's late. Amazing how he's never on time."
Leo snorted at the whining, then started tearing up the beer packs in order to plant the bottles on top of the table, while Vince hummed a song under his breath, making the snacks. He had shown up earlier than everyone, with his arms filled with grocery bags to prepare bruschetta and other Italian goodies.
Despite the music playing, Vince shared Leo's musical taste and they had been secretly playing Kit Howard since Luke wasn't there, they both heard Jonah outside the front door, his keys jiggling and also his voice as he talked with Luke.
"You guys started without us?" Jonah asked, stepping inside and moving straight to their sound system to change the music. No matter how quick he was, Lucas had clearly heard it, because he was frowning as he walked in.
"I brought dessert," he said in an annoyed manner, holding up a huge box of cupcakes. Behind his back, Leo cringed to Vince, gesturing how annoyed their friend was.
Vin planted his hands on his hip, "fucking finally guys, we almost lost the game!"
Leo was having a blast. They watched the soccer game while sprawled in the living room and stuffing their faces and, of course, Jonah and Luke were cheering for opposite teams, so they were yelling bloody murder at each other by the time the game ended.
Vince was down on the ground, more than a little tipsy, playing with JD and giggling, shoving Luke's leg playfully, "oh my god, sit down, you prick!"
"It was clearly a fault!"
"You're such a sore loser, Atwood, grow uuuup," Jonah retorted, planting his fingers in his ears to ignore him and Leo cackled, not lost on him how childish his fiancé was acting.
"Real Madrid would've won if your stupid team wasn't cheating," Luke glared, grabbing a cupcake angrily and shoving it entirely in his mouth.
Leo was shaking with laughter as he heard Jonah start to argue it wasn't cheating if Chelsea was simply superior. Across the room the phone was ringing, so he crawled on the couch to go grab it, giggling as he shushed the other three.
"Mr. Wagner? It's Matt, from the front desk-"
"Oh shit, hi Matt. I'm guessing the neighbors are complaining about the noise?" Leo cringed, turning down the music and heard a sigh.
"Yes, sir. I need you to tune it down and to remind you that parties are only allowed with the administration's permit," Leo rolled his eyes, he abhorred this HOA rules, but he knew Matt was only doing his job.
"I know, I'm sorry. It's not a party, we're just watching the game and they got a little riled up. We'll be quiet."
"Thank you, sir! Have a good night!"
"Thanks Matt, you too," Leo hung up, then turned to glare at the group, "shut up all of you, the neighbors are complaining about the noise."
"Him and his stupid fucking team," Luke mumbled darkly, grabbing the cupcake box and sitting down in the couch, slapping Jonah's hand sharply when the man tried getting one.
"I said, hush," Leo flicked at Luke's ear, "the Olympics are on, you guys wanna watch the gymnastics solo?"
"I thought that was yesterday!" Jonah perked up, shoving Luke's head so he could grab three cupcakes and they all settled down to watch the beautiful floor routine from Simone Biles. It was probably the one thing Luke and Jon both agreed on, so they were fairly quiet and the previous animosity melted easily.
After Olympics, they switched up to a video game and it was Leo's turn to all but hiss at Jonah, while Vince and Luke watched, since neither of them cared much about that.
They played only one round of Apex each, then switched up to Mario Kart so Vince could join, at what point Luke had already spread out in the bigger couch and was playing quietly with JD, sulking.
"Don't be a horrible loser, you're not five," Jonah passed him a controller, "stop sul-"
"I'm not sulking," Lucas groaned, pushing the controller away, "I'm sleepy, today was a long day. I think I just wanna sit here, you guys play."
They all exchanged an amused glance, Lucas was definitely sulking. However, they had learned long before to just let him ride out the poutiness, so they kept playing for another one hour and a half, when exhaustion caught up with them.
It was a Friday night, so both Vince and Luke were crashing there, their respective girlfriend (and wife) had their own thing going on, because Bella was going to NYC with Wendy so they could watch the Family Addams play.
Leo yawned, resting his head on Jonah's shoulder, "I think we should call it a night," he was pleasantly buzzed, almost in drunk territory but not quite and every surface felt so soft... He looked to his right, to Jonah, the giggles as he looked past his shoulder and saw Luke was curled up, knocked out, and JD was sleeping almost on top of his head, "that's sooo cute, Vin-"
"On it," Vince didn't need to be told, as he crawled on the rug to get a picture, fixing JD's tail so it looked like a hat on top of Luke's head, "send it in the group chat, Bella will love it."
Leo did just that, leaning fully against Jonah and not missing how burpy his boyfriend was. They stared at the screen expectantly, then Bella sent a picture of them in the traffic jam, Wendy curled up against the passenger window, wearing a sleeping mask and a thick hairband that had cat ears on top.
Bells: they're matching 🥰
Jonah snorted and Vince let out an amused huff, sending a bunch of hearts about his girlfriend, then he yawned, "let's call it a night?"
Thirty minutes later most of the trash was put away and Leo was changed into his PJs. He walked down the hallway to throw a blanket on top of Luke and retrieve his cat, pulling JD to his chest and smiling as he noticed how much she was purring.
Vince was in the guest bathroom, flossing, so Leo leaned on the door and knocked, "I got Luke some blankets and there's extras for you in the guest room-" he yawned, "and the fridge is all yours, you know the drill."
"Ioweeeill," Vince agreed, the words coming out all mangled since he was busy. Leo smiled, patting his friend's arm softly, then turned around to go to the master suite.
Jonah was in bed already, sitting up against the headboard and muffling deep burps against his fist, while JD napped on his lap.
"Beer got to you?" Leo guessed, turning off the lights and shutting the door, crawling on the bed.
"Uhm, it'll pass in a minute," Jonah's voice was all soft, he was definitely a little drunk, "come cuddle."
Leo locked their legs together, pressing his cheek to Jon's bicep and rolling on his side, so he could move his hand between smoothing JD's fur and rubbing his fiance's belly.
Luke hadn't been feeling well since morning. That was the truth, he had felt pretty damn shitty since he opened his eyes and had even skipped gym, something he never did, in lieu of lying in bed and trying to force himself to go to work.
He had wanted nothing more than to cancel all plans, but Bella was vibrating with excitement about her plans with Wendy so he didn't want her to know he was feeling gross and consider staying behind.
It was the same logic that got him to actually show up to his night plans. He felt horrid, but it was their first time all together since the mess with Leo and Luke didn't want to mess it up. Hell, Vince was driving four hours and missing a cool weekend with his girlfriend for this, Luke could suck it up about the lethargic feeling that kept trying to pull him down.
He had chugged an energy drink on his way there and plastered a smile on, that had quickly turned into a frown thanks to all of Jonah's picking on him, but thankfully his friends had chalked that up as their usual prickliness and laughed it off.
Lucas was feeling almost proud of himself when he fell asleep to the track of his friends laughing and JD's heat near his face.
He should've known better.
Luke woke up drenched in sweat and feeling like his heart was racing, drumming in his ears. He was flat on his back on the couch and was shivering, like they had left the balcony's door open and the freezing night air was inside.
He sucked in the air, feeling more than a little desperate and... Scared? For some reason? Then his stomach lurched suddenly and Luke coughed, nearly drowning himself. He managed to roll on his side in time to retch a large stream of vomit on the ground and Luke let out a pained whine.
His throat and nose hurt, since he had almost choked, and his stomach felt awful. He was sorely regretting everything he had eaten during the night, in his effort to force normalcy. All the damn cupcakes were churning inside and he could taste the chocolate on the back of his throat...
Lucas sat up, wrapping an arm around his stomach and waiting for the room to quit spinning. HIs head felt like it weighted more than it did, lolling to the side and causing Luke to plant a hand over his lips, muffling a wet belch in it.
He didn't want to cause a mess. Well, a bigger mess. Luke grabbed on the couch and forced himself up, wavering dangerously as wooziness washed him over, then blindly moved around the room. His mouth was watering all over again and he couldn't fight a sick burp, which caused liquid fill his mouth, but he gulped it down, all but falling inside the guest bathroom.
It was like his body was painfully aware this was a safe zone, because Luke didn't even have a chance to move over to the toilet, squeezing his stomach as another cramp hit and then coughing, struggling to breathe, when the motion set off a projectile stream of vomit all over the fucking tiles and down his front.
His knees buckled and Luke curled up, more than a little disgusted and humiliated, his thoughts a wind whirl- dark spots clumping together...
Jon woke up with a weight on his chest and it took him a minute to realize he was looking straight into his cat's big blue eyes. He frowned, blindly reaching to push her off his chest and causing the kitten to meow.
"G'away," Jonah rolled on the bed, still dizzy with sleep, snuggling up with Leo and hiding his nose in the crook of his fiancé's neck- There were whispers outside his door and he let out a sigh, rolling back so he was facing the ceiling.
"What do you mean don't tell Jonah, Luke?!" Vince's voice, louder than a whisper, filtered through the closed door and caused Jon to snort in amusement.
What were the two idiots up to?
He glanced at the bedside table clock, while JD climbed on his lap once more, nibbling at his fingertips when his hand automatically went to pet her. 3:23 AM. Definitely far too late for some secretive midnight snack.
Jonah leaned in, kissing JD between her ears, "keep daddy company," he whispered, before picking her up and slotting her in the little space that Leo left since he was curled up on his side.
The closer he got to the door, though, the less the whispers sounded humorous, turning frantic and distraught... Jonah tiptoed out of the room, hitting the hallway's light switch, "what is going on?"
Chaos erupted.
Luke let out a cry, while Vince shouted "JON!", behind him JD jumped from the bed and came to meow at his feet and Jonah's stomach reacted before he could fully realize the mess in his hallway, causing him to gag.
He swallowed, pressing a fist to his mouth, trying to piece together what was going on. Vince was crouched down in front of Luke, who had fallen flat on his back near the guest bathroom door and there was vomit... Well, everywhere. On Vince's and Luke's shirts, all over the ground near Luke's head, leading up inside the bathroom...
"Please, don't be mad..." Luke whined and Jonah's stomach froze over, not with nausea, but guilt and misplaced anger. He scoffed, shaking his head and stepping closer to the mess, despite his body begging him to turn away.
"What happened?" Jonah crouched next to them and Vince's shoulders sagged with visible relief.
"I- I don't know, I woke up just now and he had already fallen and was throwing up everywhere and- and-" he cupped Luke's red cheeks, "he's burning up, Jon-"
"Grab the thermometer in our bathroom," Jonah instructed, moving his hands so they were in Lucas's neck, "and wake up Leo."
"O-okay-" Vince jumped up and rushed away, while Jonah tried to ignore the way their sick friend was sweating buckets, fever so high he was shaking as if he was freezing.
"Don't tell Jon..." Luke groaned, pressing his forehead to the inside of Jonah's wrist, while the other man checked his vitals. Luke's heart was racing, "please, Vin-"
"I'm not mad," Jonah glared at him, grabbing Luke's ruined shirt by the shoulder and using all his strength to pull his friend sitting up, instead of lying on the groud, "c'mon-"
"Uhm," Luke moaned, Adam's apple bobbing up and down, "don'feel-good..." his words stuck together and he folded in the middle, all but drooling over his lap, "I want Bell..."
Jonah's own heart was racing now and he turned his head to holler, "VINCE, WHERE'S THE DAMN THERMOMETHER!?"
That caused some rustling inside the bedroom and Vince rushed out, holding the little device, as well as the bathroom trash and a bunch of towels, with Leo hot in his heels, although the blonde looked half asleep still.
"Here-" Vince dropped to his knees in the sick covered hallway, mess be damned, "what do I do...?"
"Luke," Jonah patted the other man's cheek, nervously, "hey. Lucas, Luke-" Luke finally opened his eyes, although they were dazed and confused, "look at me. Hey-"
"Jon...?" Lucas frowned, gulping down, "I'm sorry, I- I tried to stop-"
"It's okay, it's okay," it was terrifying to have Luke apologizing to him of all people, "you think you can hold the thermometer in your mouth?"
"Do we really have to? Anyone can tell he's got a fever," Vince protested and Jonah raised a hand to shut him up.
"I- Ye-yeah..." Luke nodded, squeezing his eyes shut, "I don't feel good..."
"We know, buddy," Leo had moved closer as well and was holding JD to stop her from getting her paws dirty, "Jon's gonna help, alright...?"
Luke sniffled pitifully and Jonah forced the thermometer in his mouth and under the tongue, checking the time on Vince's phone, since the man was the only one who had one.
"I'm gonna start cleaning this," Leo decided, squeezing Jonah's shoulder as he got up, "and put JD away."
"What do I do?" Vince asked in a small, worried voice, eyes glued to Luke's face, "this was so out of nowhere-"
"You're gonna help me get him in the shower," Jonah explained, "let's just wait a minute..."
Under his hand, Luke jerked and gagged, pressing his lips tightly around the plastic of the thermometer. He moved a hand to wrap around his stomach, but Vin held his wrist, "no, Luke, your shirt is covered in sick..."
"-urtsss," Lucas moaned, sniffling again and gulping down once more. A thin line of drool started to run from his bottom lip to his lap, as he was unable to fully close his mouth. He gagged and Jonah rushed to retrieve the device, as he heard the disgusting noise of liquid splashing...
It was just in time. Vince shoved the trashcan under Luke's chin and Jonah's hand was barely out of the line of fire as more vomit rushed up and splattered inside the bin.
Jonah glanced at the thermometer, a new one they had gotten after Leo complained about their European device one too many times, and cringed. 103.5ºF
Next to him, Lucas retched loudly once more and Vince rubbed his back in a reassuring manner, although his face was desperate as he said, "Jon!?"
"Lucas," Jonah moved so he could cup his friend's burning forehead and rubbed his opposite arm, "we're gonna get you up, okay?"
Instead of answering, Luke just nodded dizzily, and Vince removed the bin from his lap, wrapping an arm around Lucas' waist, while Jon did the same. Together, they pulled him up quickly to his feet, causing the man to let out a loud groan and pitch forward with a gag, bringing up another mouthful of bile all over the floor, just as Leo returned with a bucket and a mop, causing the blonde to cringe.
"Jesus," Leo winced, "that's some virus..."
Luke shook with a hiccup, which quickly turned into a sob and he crumpled towards Vince's side, hiding his burning face against his friend's shoulder and bawling.
"Aw man, it's okay, I got you..." Vince cooed, rubbing Luke's back while Jonah started to guide all three of them inside the ruined guest bathroom.
Jon side stepped the mess on the ground, gagging harshly himself and stopping in the middle of the way, still squeezing Luke's bicep, so he could spit inside the toilet. The lid was lifted, but the water clear, Lucas had never even made it inside the bathroom.
"Jon?" Leo poked his head inside the bathroom and Jonah shook his head, lips pressed in a line, swallowing down a burp.
"I'm fine," he pulled them further in, inside the shower area. Besides him, Luke let out another hiccup-sob, tears running down his swollen face, completely out of it.
Jonah opened the shower, turning the registers until the water was from lukewarm, ignoring the fact he was getting completely soaked as well, "Okay, c'mere-" he moved out of the stream, so they could hold Luke under it and the man immediately let out a pained yelp, very similar to the noise JD made when they accidentally stepped on her tail.
"Hurts..." he whimpered, sobbing harder, "please- pleasssstop... Why are you doin'this?"
Over his head, Vince looked mortified, and Jonah understood the feeling well. Last time he had seen Luke this distraught, had been back in Christmas when he was sick while in the midst of depression, but even then the fever hadn't been this high.
"You think he had a fever before?" Vince voiced his thoughts, worry coloring his words as he hugged Luke close, all but rocking him under the water, "shhh, bud, almost over."
"Probably," Jonah answered gruffly, turning around and starting to peel off Luke's soaked, sick covered shirt, "there's no way this climbed this high so quickly."
"What can I do?" Leo entered the bathroom, now with three towels draped over his arm, having just ditched the mop, "hallway is clean and living room too."
"Living room?" Jon frowned, glancing at Vince, who looked just as confused.
Leo cringed, nodding, "yeah, living room, I think he woke up sick..." Between them, Luke let out a groan and suddenly stopped crying- His knees buckled and both Vince and Jonah let out a shout as they almost went down with his weight.
"Oh my God," Vince cursed, stepping all over the place and forgetting Jonah was holding half of Luke's weight as he moved to fully grab his best friend, "Luke- Lucas, please, please, open your eyes-"
"Vin," Leo said in a small voice, "Vince, he's coming back to, calm down-" the blonde stepped almost inside the shower area, planting a hand on Vince's back in a reassuring way.
Lucas let out a little moan as he came back to, with Vince still patting his cheek frantically and all but snarling, "aren't you a doctor?! Do something!" at Jon.
"Was-what's going on-" Lucas' voice was raspy, but lucid, and all of them breathed out in relief. Jonah turned off the water, while Luke started to shiver violently, "M'fff-freezin'-"
"Yeah, we're gonna get you dried up," Jonah let go of his arm, side stepping Lucas and Vince, since Vin had a vice-like grip on the man, and as soon as he stepped out of the shower area Leo threw a towel over his head, starting to rub it in.
Jon squeezed his boyfriend's hand, but pulled away, stepping out of the rug so Vince could drag Luke there. The bathroom wasn't built for four men, so Jon was forced to step back in the wet section, while Luke fell sit in the still open toilet and Leo and Vin started to dry him up as if he was a toddler.
"Luke," Jonah wanted to touch him, but there was no space, "when did you start to feel sick?"
"Morning," was Luke's lethargic answer, head lolling with sleep, "I don't feel well..."
"Are you gonna be sick again?" Leo looked up from his crouched down position as they stripped Luke out of his soaked sweat pants, "Luke?"
"Hmmmm... No," he breathed in, "I'm sorry I got sick everywhere..."
"Shut up about that," Jon glared at his friend and Vince scoffed, rubbing the towel vigorously over Lucas' wavy hair, with so much force he was creating curls.
"Let's get him up-" Leo said and Vince was about to do just that, when the blonde shook his head, "you're getting water everywhere, dry yourself. Jon can help me."
"You two can't-" Vince started to protest and Leo glared at him.
"He's our best friend too," he said in a calm, but serious voice, "we can handle him. Dry yourself, you don't wanna get a cold on top of this mess."
Jonah decided he didn't need to explain contagion didn't happen like that, feeling a swell of pride at Leo voicing what he was thinking. He circled Vince, exchanging places with him, and helped Leo get Luke up.
They stumbled into the guest bedroom, which was the closest one. The bed was already unmade, since Vin had been sleeping there and Luke collapsed against the pillows with a heavy sigh, brows meeting in a frown.
"What hurts?" Jonah asked, going for the dresser where they left most of their older clothes for guests, and stripping of his wet pajamas, sliding on some new sweatpants.
"Head," Luke rolled on his side, until his head was resting on Leo's lap and the blonde promptly started combing his fingers through his hair, stroking lightly at Luke's cheeks.
"Like a migraine?" he asked in a whisper and Luke shook his head, while Jonah rushed out of the room to get their first aid kit. Once he came back, not a full minute later, Vince was inside the bedroom, now clad in his spare set of boxers and nothing else, curled up in the bed with Lucas and Leo.
Jon scoffed, pausing at the doorway, "do I need to explain you guys don't wanna catch this plague?"
"Get in here," Leo rolled his eyes, "you can fit right here."
"Are you crazy?" Jonah pouted, planting the first aid kit on top of the dresser and fishing out an antipyretic, as well as a painkiller, "Luke, are you still feeling sick?"
"No," the man's voice was sleepy, as his head was still in Leo's lap and he was being lulled to sleep by the hair pets, "stomach hurts."
"Yeah, that's because you puked things you ate back when you were three," Vince joked weakly, squirming on the bed so he could rest his own head on Luke's thigh and starting to rub his friend's belly, "this alright?"
"Get him to drink this," Jon climbed on the bed, over Vince's legs and handed the pills to Leo. He was planning to climb back out, but then Luke grabbed the cords of his hoodie and Jon nearly faceplanted over all of them.
The bed let out a whine under their weight and Vince snorted, "this thing is gonna go down with us."
"Here, swallow this," Leo pushed the two pills unceremoniously inside of Luke's mouth and caused the man to splutter and almost bite his fingers.
Lucas swallowed with a grimace, then curled up even further, "you guys are warm..."
Jonah sighed, collapsing between all three of them, resting his cheek on his hand and draping his legs over Vince's. Clearly, no one was going anywhere.
Luke met his eyes, little pained lines around them, but no longer the previous confusion, "Thank you..." he closed his eyes, relaxing, as Jon reached in and pushed his bangs back, brushing his thumb over Leo's knuckles buried in Luke's hair.
The blonde smiled at him, then squirmed until he was lying down instead of sitting against the headboard, causing Luke's head to rest fully against his tummy instead of his lap. Vince moved closer and Jonah went boneless, resting his cheek to Leo's thigh and planting a kiss there, feeling exhaustion catch up with him as the adrenaline wore off.
Last thing he heard before fully passing out was JD sneaking back into the guest room and climbing the bed so she could snuggle up against Vince's tummy.
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kismets-barista · 9 months
"Aren't you tired?" Branch's voice was quiet as he held a hand out the older troll. Whether it be that JD took it, or at least made a notion Branch was allowed touch him, the younger wanted to offer him comfort.
Cicadas chirped their song slowly in the air of the forest, small, lighting bugs and fluorescent lights casting a dim glow onto the fur of the trolls as they made their way down the peacefully bubbling creek's bend. Following a well-trod path, sandy and worn with stacks of rocks that JD and Branch had kicked over into piles earlier.
John Dory's steps slowed, and he shoved his hands in his pockets, face sinking into the fur of his worn gilet. The moon cast a grey wash over him, and the troll shrugged softly.
"Maybe... just of pretending that things we going to go back to the way I thought they'd be. I built a little dream in my head, but here I am. Stupid, old John Dory stuck in the past. He wants to be happy but he's just a scrapbooked version of what he used to be. He can't move on."
His voice was so small. And it broke Branch's heart, to see him like this. Tail dragging on the ground, the troll looking half his size. His face, grey and wary. Exhausted, in every sense of the word.
JD didn't know why the word had such an effect on him, but his stormy blue eyes were pulled from the discolored fur of his feet and up to Branch's much brighter, bluebird iries.
"You don't have to be stuck in the past anymore. I know exactly what that's like, JD. Let me help, okay?"
Dory shook his head minutely, a rush of anxious adrenaline filling his chest and shooting up his shoulders and down to his hands. His brother became a watercolor of himself as tears blurred and distorted JD's vision, and a trembling hand went up to wipe at the tears gingerly.
"Branch... I'm *scared.*"
"I was too. But I'm here for you. We all are."
He held out his arms, and JD collapsed into the hug. They went crashing down to the sand, and Branch held his brother as he sobbed his heart out.
He had him. And he wasn't letting go.
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beautouslysandy · 1 year
The Boys with a Street-smart S/O- HC’s
Request-The boys with a street-smart girlfriend please?
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• Darry wants to always make sure your safe, he has times where he can’t be with you when your alone. And that worries him, even though you know your way around and you grew up in this environment. I could see him finding an ounce of comfrot in knowing that you can protect yourself but that still doesn’t stop him from worrying. He tries to prevent you from having to go somewhere by yourself as much as possible which kinda irritates you but you know it’s out of love. • I feel like he would love the fact that you can kick ass but not the idea of you fighting with someone even more you getting jumped. • You aren’t the average gal, you know how to fight and you know that the world isn’t all sunshine and unicorns. Sometimes it prevents you from making female friends but you don’t crap so it’s better not to have them. • Darry likes protecting you even though you don’t need it. You and him have definitely had some arguments about the fact he acts like you need to be saved all the time. Which is where your iconic nickname for him “Superman” came from. • You have totally knocked somebody out for saying shit about Darry. • He gets his ego bruised when you do that, so annoying, but you don’t tell him so it’s your little secret that your protecting Darry every now and then • You have totally outsmarted him in the streets logic wise. As it says your street smart, while Darry is mostly book smart.
•The boys like you a lot, they have invited you to rumbles and you went once and just guess how that went over with Darry….yeah not great
•Your his role model. He wants to be just like you it’s almost hysterical. He will pick up on things you do and say to become a better “jd/hood” in his terms. You find it adorable.
•Totally cheering for you when you are in a fight. No doubt. But once you get hit, who ever hit you is going to have more than a couple of bruises. • He doesn’t doubt for a minute that you can protect yourself, but he likes doing almost about everything with you. So if he is going with you everywhere it’s not that he doesn’t believe you can stick up for yourself its that he wants to be with you ninety nine percent of the time.
•You have definitely gone to a rumble. He strikes me as someone who would totally dig having a s/o to go beat people up with (that sounds so horrible omg). I think the fact that you know how to live life the same way he does makes you even more attractive to him.
•Definitely make out sessions after fights/rumbles.
•After your make-out session (i’m so cheesy) his first priority is for you to get all cleaned up. He loves you and doesn’t like seeing you hurt. I mean it the dude could have a deep cut on his arm and it’s bleeding out but he is still putting on your band-aid
•”Soda your blood is on the kitchen floor. Let me clean it up” You sighed in disbelief
“No..” He pauses struggling to open the band-aid “Just. Wait. One..ah there we go” He says as he puts the band-aid on precisely (definitely has his tongue out when he is really concentrating)
•Steve and you definitely get along well, the three of y’all are like the Three Musketeers. Or more like the Three Ass-Kickers
• You and him definitely do almost everything together, you guys like similar things and you like each-other. Sounds pretty nice to me. •I feel like similar to Darry he doesn’t feel great when you stick up for him but unlike Darry (stupid darry…. just kidding. love ya dar-bear) he can admit that he appreciates it. • You and him definitely share tips and stuff, very couple goals like
• He is fine with you going to rumbles but is definitely having you stick by him the entire time or at least in his sight so that you don’t get kidnapped or whatever the dude comes up
•I feel like your street-smarts and his book smarts even eachother out. Not him helping you in school and you helping him in the streets (why does that sound weirder , whatevs)
•When you first met he definitely was shocked about how fine you were with all of the greaser things :0
• Your a greaser by far, you dig the rumbles and stuff. You probably have been to the cooler once. Ponyboy was definitely petrified (their so dramatic)
• Power house couple. That’s what I have got to say. Wait no. Partners in crime. Okay sorry for the cheesy nicknames. It’s just that you and Dally are so alike which can good and bad.
•You both get pissed off if the other one is hurt. You guys workout together, he suddenly works out now. Probably because you do. •Darry and him have the same ego problem. Only Dally ego gets bruised if you stand up for yourself when your there which to be honest is expected..I mean come on guys…it literally Dallas Winston. •If someone say one thing about Dally that’s no good, happens more often than we’d like. They were gonna wish they kept it to themselves because now they have Dally and you to deal with.
•You guys are both pretty smart in the street smarts department. You guys balance each other out and to help when something goes off course.
•Dallas is a protective person. His belongings are his. And no one interferes with that rule. Then you came along (dun dun dunn) I am only playing with y’all…
• He likes that you can stand up…um actually no. He can get annoyed with the fact that most of the time you don’t even need him to lift a finger. He wants to protect you but you won’t let him which makes him angry.
• You and him argue about you going to the rumble or if your going to fight this person. He just doesn’t want to see you hurt. And he would rather him fight than you. It’s just Dally. Which is irritating at times.
• Oh my lord. When y’all first met he was ready to piss in his pant. (i am hilarious…i mean come on)
•He has never seen a female who actually knows how to defend themselves. For some reason this intimidated him. •He doesn’t like seeing you hurt but also admires that you know how to stand up for yourself and those who can’t stand up for themselves, which means lil’ Johnny from time to time. •He doesn’t have an ego to bruise. I am serious it’s sad but true. The guy has zero self-confidence which equals no ego. Poor thing. • But that means that he doesn’t care if you fight somebody that was being mean to him.
•However, it might make him feel like he can’t protect you well enough. And personally I won’t wanna do that to Johnny so I advise keeping your protective girlfriend fights on the down low.
•You have met his parents on “accident”, scared the shit out of his dad. Johnny was in disbelief the whole time. His mom was speechless. • So that was fun :)
•You are like another one of Johnny’s bodyguards expect that he is your bodyguard too, when necessary.
• Rumbles and then cartoons. Mhm. Yes I did. •Y’all are the cutest, you guys party together, beat up Socs together, and watch cartoons together. •He honestly isn’t bothered by the fact you can give a punch and then take one. To be honest, I think it’s one of his favorite things about you. • You definitely outsmart him by a long shot (im
sorry two-bit)
•You guys party together a lot but, somehow he is the one that’s drunk while your sober. You began to think it’s a personality trait of his. •You guys definitely keep score of who punched the most Socs (oh god that’s so mean) it’s a thing that’s been going on for too long.
•You’re really competitive and having Two-Bit as your s/o you are inclined to be in competition. •I mean I don’t know what else to say other than your Two-Bits dream girl
• I am not sure with Steve cause he seems like someone who would love to have a s/o that’s street-smart but then he is protective and wants to protect you. •I am gonna try and see if I can get a mix of both.
•Steve protects the things he loves but he knows you don’t need any protecting but he will try to with every chance he gets.
•Steve probably will get yelled at for making you look weak, he will apologize profusely not wanting to get his ass kicked by his own s/o (not that you would ever do that)
•Definitely thinks your a queen, bow down. (okay this is just me being goofy)
• You think it’s sweet that he wants to be there for you but you always find it annoying how he will always act as your shield, like man come on
• You definitely have a handshake, after any sort of fight. • Rumbles…are the best. You always talk with Steve to not act as your personal shield during the rumble. (it’s very important you don’t look like a weakling, he understands)
•You like many outsmart him on the street smarts maybe not in cars but definitely in everything else (if you couldn’t tell, you’re very smart)
•Honestly Steve and his protectiveness gets to the better of him and will probably win him a silent treatment.
• Dally copy and paste. He hates that you won’t let him stick up for you. He gets so infuriated. • He has trouble understanding why you don’t want him to protect you, when you tell him why it goes through his ear and out the other.
•Like Steve, will try his best to protect you when he can. But you don’t let it happen…ever (well almost every time)
•Tim is a guy, so like many he has an ego, so you standing up for him no no no. His rule is if you don’t let me stand up for you, you don’t get to stand up for me. Honestly even if you let him stand up for you, you would be caught dead standing up for him.
• Tim and Dally are buddies so they fight. Guys like that so compassion to the buddies through giving them a black eye or calling them an idiot and many other disrespectful names. •You have tried to stop Dally and Tim fighting….didn’t end well for anyone. • You ended up with a black eye form Dallas accidentally hitting you, Tim is very angry and puts Dallas in hospital, Tim is hurt but not like Dallas. You get silent treatment for a week. So really Tim was fine.
•It’s literally just a Dally copy and paste expect it’s Tim Shepherd only difference is one likes kids the other doesn’t. (not exactly the same but ifykyk)
• Finds your streetsmarts very very hot. Dudes like Sodapop almost, cheering you on. And all that stupid guy stuff.
•But can get jealous that he isn’t able to protect you like the other guys do with their s/o’s. (he always finds a way to be jealous)
•You notice this but don’t acknowledge it because you don’t want to have to deal with his whining (it never ends…)
•You aren’t as aggressive when he is watching though cause that equals the same amount of aggression or more from the other person(s)
•You don’t want him to be all up in your space everytime you go out to get a bite, do you?
•He isn’t protective it’s just that he is jealous
•Makes zero sense but that’s all it is.
•He is jealous that he can’t protect you.
•Your just built different
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kittyball23 · 1 year
Could you make a fanfiction of how Spruce's brothers would have reacted when they learned that his married and has 13 children, and that they were uncles, please? Also how would his brothers react when they meet his wife and kids, for the first time? How would they feel that they were uncles and have a sister-in-law they never met, were they happy for their brother, Spruce?
I sure can, here it is :D (I incorporated some parts from my previous oneshots "Meeting Spruce" and "Nieces and Nephews")
Meeting Bruce (a Trolls fanfic)
“Maybe we’re in the wrong place?” John Dory suggested. He was awkwardly trying to make his way across the sandy dunes on the beach, but kept sinking with each step he took.
“He’s gotta be here,” Branch insisted. “Where else would you find Spruce?” He remembered how much Spruce talked of wanting to move to an island one day back when they were kids. And this place - Vacay Island, where “everyday is a vacay” -  fit the bill perfectly. But, he could see where JD was coming from. So far, there didn’t seem to be any Troll inhabitants. It was just very large, somewhat strange-looking creatures that they had never seen before, tall and puppet-like in their appearance.
Poppy in the meantime trotted along behind them, happily sipping on a concoction that was given to her by one of the islanders. This place was hip, even if Spruce may not be here.
But he has to be… doesn’t he?
Without thinking, she cast her eyes over to the beach where crashing waves resounded. It was stunning the way that the setting sun reflected off the water. But it was also something else that caught her eye in that instant. Her jaw fell open a little and her eyes widened, and Poppy had to stop right in her tracks.
“Um… guys?” she asked Branch and John Dory, who also paused and were looking in the direction she was. They too were surprised at what they saw.
Gliding easily through the waves upon a surfboard was a purple-haired Troll, his locks flowing in the wind as he rode like a pro, silhouetted stunningly against the sunset’s light.
Poppy did all she could not to drool. She distracted herself pulling out one of the old BroZone magazines that she’d stashed in her hair. It was of an advertisement to enter a contest to date Spruce. She held it up, and compared it to the Troll on the surfboard. She got the same tingly feeling from the picture as she did from the Troll, and gave a breathless little laugh.
“Oh yeah, I totally see it,” Poppy nodded.
Branch and John Dory hurried over to meet him as he washed ashore gracefully, shaking himself off of any excess water droplets that clung onto his blue skin.
“Yo, Spruce! Is that you?” JD said.
The purple-haired Troll blinked in surprise and gave his head a little shake. “Brandi was right,” he mumbled to himself, “I really am taking too many shots at a time.” Now he was imagining that his brother was in front of him!
But it wasn’t a dream.
“No, dude, it’s me, John Dory! Come on, you remember me, don’tcha?”
Spruce blinked at him, an unreadable expression on his face. But then he broke out into a grin. “Of course I remember you!” he shouted and then threw his arms out at him for a hug. JD hugged back, both of them exclaiming and laughing together as though they were still the two teenage boys they’d been back then.
“My gosh, bro, it’s great to see you again!” Spruce said.
“It’s great to see you, too!” John Dory said. “You don’t know how much I’ve gotta tell you, Spruce, I - “
“Ah, ah, wait a sec,” Spruce interrupted him. “Please, don’t call me that.” He put a hand over his heart and properly introduced himself. “My name is Bruce.”
“Aw, man!” Tiny Diamond angrily kicked the sand. “You’re telling me we traveled all this way and we got the wrong dude?” What a waste of time!
“No, Tiny, this is the right guy,” Branch said, walking up to his brothers.
Spruce - or Bruce, as he wanted to be called - paused. “Baby Branch?” he gasped, astonished. “Look at you! You’re all grown up!”
“Yeah, I know,” Branch said, crossing his arms.
“I can’t believe this!” Bruce exclaimed. “Who else is here?” He peeked around them, wondering if he would maybe see Clay or Floyd, but intrigued when he found a pink Troll instead. “Who’s this?” he asked.
Poppy noticed he was talking about her and she blushed, shyly coming up to him. “Hi, Spruce! Er, oh I mean, um, Bruce. I um, I…” She squealed and hugged him, unable to contain herself. “My name’s Poppy. I’m Branch’s girlfriend, and I’m SO excited to meet you!” She let go of him and hopped up and down on the sand.
“Baby bro’s got a girl? Cool! Well, it’s nice to meet you, too,” Bruce said politely.
Poppy held back another squeal and gestured her arms out. “This is such a beautiful place to live!”
Bruce nodded. “It sure is,” he agreed. “Sunset 24/7, awesome beverage service…” He pulled out a couple of readily made drinks out of his hair, offering one to Poppy and another to his brothers. John Dory took it, happily sipping the pineapple-flavored concoction, but Branch declined.
“... Oh, yeah,” Bruce added, “and not to mention the kids absolutely love the beach.”
Branch cocked his head curiously. “Kids?”
“Oh, uh-huh,” Bruce said. “Got me a whole brood, as a matter of fact.”
“Aww!” Poppy cooed. “How many?”
“Thirteen little angels!”
“SPPPFFFTTT!” John Dory spat out his drink and coughed. “Th-thirteen?” he managed to ask.
“Yes, that’s what I said.”
Tiny Diamond shook his head. “Yo, that man got to work!” he mumbled at Branch, who was also looking rather surprised.
“Wow!” Poppy exclaimed. “I didn’t know there were other Trolls on this island.”
Bruce chuckled at that. “Who said anything about Trolls?” he asked.
“Whaa?” Branch was confused by what he meant, but followed his brother as Bruce waved the group over to follow him. They entered the large sandcastle that was in the middle of the island, and found a cantina within. A lazy river snaked its way throughout the lounge, and a seashell stage was at one the far end. There were several creatures lined up at the bar area, awaiting their orders. Bruce greeted everyone and strolled right up to the creature behind the counter.
“Hey, baby!” he greeted a yellow-and-orange striped creature.
She batted her lashes at him. “Brucie!” she cooed, leaning down so that she and Bruce could share a kiss.
“You’re not gonna believe who I ran into…” He extended his hand out to the Trolls, and she gained a look of shock.
Bruce addressed his brothers, Tiny, and Poppy. “Guys, I want you to meet the lovely lady of my life, Brandi!” He then turned to his wife. “Brandi, meet my brothers and their friends.”
The Trolls and wife exchanged polite hellos, though both sides were quite stunned at the revelations - the Trolls at the realization that Spruce had actually hooked up with one of the puppet-like creatures on the island (not that there was anything wrong with it, of course - they were delighted that Spruce had a great big loving family!), and Brandi at the prospect of seeing other Trolls - two of which were her husband’s brothers.
“Bruce, why didn’t you tell me you have brothers?” Brandi asked suspiciously.
Bruce got a sheepish look. “I uh, I sort of told you I did,” he said, shuffling a foot on the ground.
“You said you had friends when you lived back in the Troll Village, you said nothing about brothers.”
“Wait, wait… Mommy, did Daddy just say he has brothers?!”
The new voice that piped up was kiddy in its nature, and the Trolls all regarded the newcomer with curiosity. Having been reaching into the shelf behind Brandi to grab a fresh box of cookies, this creature was also very puppet-like in appearance, though unlike the other islanders she was smaller and had Troll-like ears protruding from the side of her head. A tall stack of hair stood upon her head, styled with bangs that looked very similar to Spruce’s. That’s when the realization hit the Trolls, even before Brandi’s next words came out of her mouth.
“Yes, Brenda, that’s exactly what your father said.”
“Wow!” the child replied, the box of cookies forgotten and a new mission set on her mind. She turned to face where she came from, cupping her hands around her mouth and calling out. “Guys! Get over here quick! Daddy has brothers!”
In response, about a dozen similar-looking children frolicked into the space, all eager and wide-eyed and chatty.
Poppy giggled at how energetic the bunch was, while John Dory and Branch in particular were being poked and prodded by the kids’ felt-like hands. The brothers exchanged an astonished look. These were their nieces and nephews? One thing was for sure - becoming uncles to 13 kids sure didn’t happen everyday!
Bruce and Brandi watched with amusement as the kids had their rounds with each Troll.
Branch felt a tug at his leaf vest and heard a voice right behind him afterwards.
“Hey! Hey, Mister!”
“Uh… yeah?” he responded awkwardly.
“What’s your name?” the kid asked, blinking her wide blue eyes at him.
“Branch?” she repeated, testing the word out on her tongue, and then looking back at him. “Huh. Does it mean anything?”
“It’s something you find in trees,” he said with a shrug.
The Trolling cocked her head at him. “Huh? Whaddya mean?”
“Well…” Branch began, “It’s, um, you know… that part of the tree that kinda sticks out and has leaves on it?”
“Ohhh,” the kid said, nodding her head. “You’re talking about a frond! Like those!” She pointed up to the very top of some nearby palm trees that decorated the interior of the cantina.
“Err, well, not exactly - “ Branch started to correct, but was cut off when the kid interrupted him with “Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Mr. Frond!”
Branch, however,  was not the only one being questioned. Poppy in the meantime was occupied with a kid of her own.
“Is that guy your baby?” the kid asked, pointing at Tiny Diamond.
Poppy giggled. “No, he’s not.”
“Ohh… I guess that makes sense,” the kid concluded. “He doesn’t really look like you… or your husband!”
Poppy was taken aback by this. “My husband?” she asked.
“Uh-huh. That guy, right over there! He is your husband, right?” Poppy followed the direction his finger was pointing, and blushed heavily when she saw that it was at Branch.
“Oh! UH… n-no!” she squeaked, and then cleared her throat. “He’s, uh, just my boyfriend!”
The kid looked confused for a second, and then shrugged. “Huh. Could’ve fooled me. My Daddy looks at my Mommy the same way that guy looks at you. And usually it’s right before they kiss!” He scrunched his nose and made a face. “YUCK!”
“Heh heh, yeah… yuck…” Poppy tittered in agreement, but not thinking it would be so horrible if Branch’s lips ever made their way onto hers.
As Poppy did her best to recover from that child’s suggestions, Tiny Diamond was handling his own pair of kiddos.
“How old are you?” one of the two kids asked him.
“One month,” Tiny proudly declared, crossing his arms.
“Really?” the other kid said. “Wait, so doesn’t that mean you’re a baby?”
Tiny was appalled to hear this. “A baby? I’m not no baby, I’m a man!”
“Hmmm,” the first kid hummed in thought. “His voice is pretty deep. Maybe he’s right! But then, why are you so small?”
“And why are you naked?” the second kid piped up.
“I have clothes on,” Tiny insisted, holding up his yellow-tinted glasses at them. “See?”
“Cool!” the first kid said, swiping them from his hands and running off with the second kid giggling after him.
Tiny gasped. “HEY! Those are mine, come back!” he yelled, running after them.
Yet another kid was having his share of time with John Dory. This kid whispered at Bruce in confusion, loud enough for JD to hear.
“Daddy, who’s the funny-looking guy?” he asked.
JD huffed. He could take Tiny calling him a random dude, but this was pushing it! “Funny-looking? What exactly makes you say that?” he asked, crossing his arms.
The kid giggled. “Who wears a snowcoat in the summer?”
Oof, got me there, John Dory realized, suddenly all too aware of how warm his jacket was making him feel with the intense humidity that Vacay Island had.
“Junior,” Bruce said warningly to the child, “That’s not the way we talk.”
John Dory smiled in relief for the reprimanding, at least until Bruce said, “It’s ‘who’s the funny-looking Troll,’” to which that smile promptly disappeared.
Bruce smirked, and then said, “And your sister was right, he’s my brother. Your uncle.”
“Wow, really?” Junior said. “But Daddy, where’s he been all this time? And why is he here now?”
“Good question,” Bruce replied, realizing that he hadn’t exactly gotten an explanation for why he’d come. “John Dory, why are you guys here?” he asked.
John Dory seemed to remember exactly why he and Branch had come seeking him in this tropical getaway in the first place and grimaced a little. “Oof, yeah, about that. See, Bruce, something’s kinda happened to our brother, Floyd…”
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