jbone-bigdude · 2 months
Nowadays, asking digital bae (Siri) a question or one Google search, tells all.  Information is at our fingertips.  But there's a big difference between just reading and applying knowledge.  2 humans that have been consistently putting in work are J.Bone & BIG Dude.  With over a decade of success, missteps and lessons learned in their music journey.  They're glad to pay-it-forward.  Offering some sage advice.
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Progress is a Process. We still send out more emails than we get back.  But over time we learned that the responses are the important ones.  Simply reaching out has opened doors for us.  Networking with other artists, producers, film supervisors, etc.  And that's worth focusing on.  Not energy on who isn't replying. Power to the Peeps. Doing music (really, any creative work) is hard.  There's been plenty moments when we were down and unmotivated.  But people we've met along the way, their grind and seeing their wins, helped us back up.  Surround yourself with people that push you to be better. Pop Out. Jordan Peele told you and we are too—get out!  Out of your comfort zone.  City and usual scene.  Never know who you'll meet and where those connections might lead to.  Say what's up: exchange contacts. Practice makes Prepared. Iverson might not like it, but practice is good!  Honing your skills when all the lights and everyone's eyes are not on you; is the best time.  Routine builds confidence.  Whether it's coding or public speaking, with time it will become natural for you. Persevere. You're going to hear, NO.  Some people won’t listen and messages will go unread.  Don’t sweat it too much.  That next song or performance, connection with a new person, could be what turns the tables in your favor!  Keep moving.
Follow the duo and stay social @jbone_bigdude Photo by Superb Visions Written by Pat Hill
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nicohischierz · 1 year
team 100: nolan moyle au
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hisch
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when nolan came back from work he was not expecting to find his daughter crying in her room.
you had gone to grab AJ some snacks for his game while your daughter finished her homework. she was fine when you left but it seemed her mood changed quickly.
“nicole, are you okay sweetie?” nolan asked softly.
he heard your daughter sniffle and wipe her eyes before responding.
“yeah i’m fine dad!”
nolan knew she wasn’t fine. so he gently opened the door and sat by her bed. nicole immediately latched onto her father, slow tears coming out of her eyes.
“hey, what’s going on peaches?” he asked, going into full dad mode.
“how could you leave?” nicole whispered.
nolan was confused.
he had never left his family. they were his whole life.
“i don’t think i understand sweetie. i’m not going anywhere,” he reassured nicole.
“how did you leave michigan?” nicole asked.
that’s when it all became clear to him.
the twins were in their senior year of high school and now his baby girl was scared of leaving.
“i didn’t.” he answered.
“i graduated senior year with uncle jimmy and uncle pasta cause nick was already playing pro. but i went back,”
“i went back and did another year. this time i graduated with your mum and jbone and grano. that one was tougher than the first. and your mum and i thought we’d stay in michigan but then i got offered a contract in russia for two years,”
“but mama stayed here,” nicole finished.
nolan smiled at his daughter. “yeah. mama stayed here and worked with the blue jackets so she was with kj, uncle nick and adamo,”
nicole nodded and gave her father one last big hug.
“can i ask why you got sad all of a sudden? i thought you were excited to go to michigan,” nolan asked gently.
“i was on tiktok and i got this edit of you crying during your frozen four interview and then it said uncle luke, uncle mackie and adamo left that year,”
nolan closed his eyes as he remembered that year. sure, it was eighteen years ago but he remembered it as if it was yesterday.
“but now we all live close together and we always meet for the summer,” nolan reminded.
nicole just smiled and snuggled into her father a bit, enjoying his embrace.
“hey dad,”
“yeah peaches?”
“is it true you made a slip n slide with beer and dish soap on your kitchen floor?”
“i think you need to stop watching tiktoks,”
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greazyfloz · 2 years
You Don't Love Me Anymore Pt.1
Posting this again because someone noticed I made a mistake and added a random name oops
Warning: Angst, Swearing, Alcohol
Word Count: 1.9k
My Saturday nights typically go one of two ways during the hockey season. 1 I either sit at home with some of my friends or some for the other sophomore’s girlfriends that I have grown close to and watch movies or Mark’s games while he is away or 2 I am at Yost and then immediately after drinking my liver away with the team at one of their big Saturday night parties. Tonight was the 2nd option. 
After the game, we headed to the sophomore house to drop off the car, then Mark, Eddy and I along with the rest of the house all walked to Nolan’s so we could all enjoy our nights. 
After about an hour, I was really starting to feel it. Mark looks down at me under his shoulder, “Stay here, I will be right back. Do you want another?” he asks looking down at my almost empty cooler. “Of course” I say “actually, can you mix me something with the new tequila Nolan just got?””Babe, that stuff is strong” mark protests, “I can handle it, pleeeease” i say giving my boyfriend sad puppy eyes. Mark leans down and pecks my lips “I’ll be back” he says in a tone that signals I am getting what I want. 
As I am talking to Luke and Mackie waiting for Mark to return with my drink, music finally starts to play loudly through the house. Mark finally returns, handing me my drink and joining the conversation. 
“Hello Estapa, would you mind if I stole your girlfriend for a second”, Mark and I turn around and laugh when we see Jay standing there with a stupid smile on his face, “I am in need of a new pong partner, and Grano is just awful” Jay continues. “Wait I’ll play!” Luke yells over the music “No no no, I want to win hughesy. If I wanted to lose I would have asked one of you three” Jay says pointing at the three boys, “plus Y/N kicked all of our ass’ last time!” Jay continues. I look up at Mark and stuck out my tongue before looking back at Jay, “alright let’s go jbone” I say before chugging the full cup in my hands. I follow Jay to the table and Mark, Luke and Mackie follow behind us to watch with Luke yelling behind us “I’m not that bad you know!!”. 
It really wasn’t weird for me to be playing beer pong with Jay because of how close I got with the team. I became one of the boys really quick into my and Mark’s relationship. Once we got to the table Jay looks over at Jacob and his girlfriend and yelled, “I BROUGHT OUT MY SECRET WEAPON!!!”, “NO FAIR, WHERE IS GRANO?! YOU CAN’T SWITCH NOW” Jacob yells back. Jay and I were losing until I started getting one in after the other. “GO BABE!!” Mark chants. 
After my streak ends, Jay and I are jumping up and down, hugging eachother out of excitement. The game ended after I sunk the final cup after getting redemption, everyone cheered again and I jumped into Jay’s arms, wrapping my legs around his waist as he jumped up and down not even realizing how we may have looked. Jay was just as drunk as me at this point and it clearly showed.
[Mark POV]
I watch Y/N wrap her legs around Jay and I immediately see red. “Wooo!! Go Y/N” Mackie yells out. I roll my eyes and Luke notices “hey man, you good?”. Why is everyone acting like the way Y/N is acting is normal?! I can’t watch this anymore. I walk to the staircase and go up halfway before sitting down, away from her.
“What’s going on?”eddy asks, plopping himself down next to me, handing me another can of beer. I take the can opening it and than taking a slip. I look over at eddy before looking back straight ahead. “Alright then, where is Y/N at?”,“Probably hooking up with her new boyfriend” I say gripping tighter on the can as I start thinking of the scene I just witnessed. “Oh shit, you good?” eddy replies, “fine.” “come on estapa , maybe you guys should call it a night” he says after he notices my jaw harden as I grit my teeth together. I say nothing. 
Eddy is sitting beside me continuing to talk about whatever happened to him and Mackie a couple days ago, but I was too angry to care. I did not catch a single word he was saying I just nodded my head and continued to think about my girlfriend and my teammate. My friend. That’s when my phone started buzzing.
Y/N <3 : babvy whred u go>?
Y/N <3 : cpme hree plx
“So than we wer-”, “You were right earlier, Y/N needs to go home” I say to eddy as I get up and walk away. “Well I think I will join ya” eddy says, but I quickly reply with “no, I am taking Y/N home”. I get up with eddy closing following behind to find Y/N. I am pushing through people in the crowded house when I see holtzy and phil outside the kitchen. “Where is she?” I say to them trying to sound normal but failing with anger ripping through my voice. They both didn’t say anything but hesitantly pointed towards inside the kitchen. 
I was greeted by the sight of my drunk girlfriend hanging off of my drunk teammate's neck dancing around the kitchen, I look around to see a bunch of freshmans looking at me with an expression on their faces that read ‘oh shit’. Oh shit was right. Y/N turned around and looked at me smiling trying to stand on her own. 
“We are leaving” I grind through my teeth. “I’m staying” Y/N replies “Come on, let’s go. I am tired” I say rolling my eyes at Bone. “Okay, wellll you have a good sleep *hiccup* see you in the mor- *hiccup* nin’”, “Y/N I SAID LET’S GO” I yelled causing everyone to watch. “Hey hey heyyy stop sign, calmer down buddy. Me and Y/N are just having some fun” Bone ruthlessly interrupts. I really didn’t want to cause a scene but the anger took control “Like fuck you are” I say pushing Bone down to the ground. Before I could even throw one punch, I was being held back by holtzy and phil. “Woah, woah. Calm down” holtzy is says while he holds me back. “Bro he is your friend” phil adds. 
I know I am too intoxicated to think straight right now. I look down to see Jay getting back up off the ground. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?” I say ignoring the burning gaze from Mark. “Save it for the ice there stop sign” Jay chuckles over at Mark, gaining a chuckle out of me. Jay reaches over to the fridge and grabs a beer and tosses it to Mark before getting another for himself. “I don’t want this” Mark says handing it to holtzy. “I’ll have it” I say. Mark walks over to me and says “I am going home” quietly before turning around. “Whatz your problem Mark?!” I yell to his back as he is facing the way to the door, he continues walking out the front door and I follow him out to the front of the house. He is a lot steadier than i am right now so by the time I am outside he is already at the sidewalk. “Excuseeee meee, Mark. I asked a question. Where ya think yer goin?!” I yell across the yard to him. Suddenly Mark stops giving me some time to catch up. He turns when I am almost close enough to touch him when I stumble in his arms. “Hehe oopsies” i giggle in his arms. But he takes a step back and says “we are over”.
After he said that I suddenly stopped giggling and just stared at him. I was in disbelief “b-but w-why?” I say “y-you don’t love m-me anymore?’. Mark takes a hard breath, I can tell his next words he wants to yell, I can sence his anger. “I can’t love a whore”, “I am not a whore!” I yell back at him quickly, getting on the same level of anger as him. “I watched you practically fuck my friend in front of everyone tonight Y/N, you were all over him. You are just a disgusting whore”. That hurt. “Why are you being so jealous?”, “Jealous? Ppfftt, I came to have a good time with my friends and my girlfriend and she’s too busy hanging off my friends and wrapping her legs around him in front of me. You are embarrassing me!”, “Fine if that is how you really feel, than I guess we are over” I retort before turning towards the front door. “You going back in to fuck J-bone?!” Mark yells behind me, I turn to say “maybe I will! After all, I am single now!” before stumbling back into the party. 
I stumble all the way to the kitchen to grab the bottle of tequila. After grabbing the bottle off the shelf, I turn to find myself somewhere to be alone, as I turn I run into Nolan’s chest falling back, good thing the wall was there to catch me. “Where do you think your going with that?” Nolan asks. Without saying anything I slide past Nolan putting the bottle to my lips before taking a large swig straight from the bottle. I raised my eyebrows at him before opening the back door to the back porch and sitting on the lawn chairs. I was wearing nothing but a short sleeve crop top but I wasn’t cold even in the February weather.
Nolan followed me outside sitting on the chair beside me followed by Mackie and eddy joining too. “Go inside Y/N, you are going to freeze” Nolan says again. Again with the same response as last time he said something to me I put the bottle up to my lips again. Nolan rolled his eyes and looking at the boys he says “Alright go get Estapa”. “He gone” eddy answers, “Well-” Nolan starts,“We broke up” I quietly interrupt with no expression, taking another slip from the bottle. 
  They’re all just looking around awkward, before I speak up “yunno I came out here to be alone”. They just sat there still, staring at me sadly until I whispered out almost breathlessly “please”. They all got up, each giving me a shoulder squeeze or a sad facial expression on the way back in. I pull out my phone to see if maybe there would be a text or call or something from Mark, but there was nothing. I miss him already. Maybe he was right and I am embarrassing. 
I sit outside for what felt like maybe an hour, sipping on the bottle of tequila straight. I let a tear fall from my eye before looking down and seeing it is 3:30 in the morning. I get up from the chair, and bring the bottle of tequila with me on my way to the door. “Where do you think you are going?” I turn to see Nolan. “Home” I say, “by myself, all alone” i continue followed by tears threatening to fall as I turn back towards the door. “Nah, you’re staying here”, “Why do you care?”,”Because it’s dark, and Estapa would kill me if he knew I let you go”. The tears that threaten to fall are now flowing down my cheeks. “He doesn’t care about me anymore”. Stumbling even worse than before I took a seat on the couch. 
I start to get tired and slowly pass out on the couch.
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jbones34 · 1 year
when i was little i had a neighbor who was four years older than me and sometimes i just randomly remember some batshit insane thing he told me. like i got my username from him bc when he was fourteen he told me that jbones was his nickname and that people at school would tpose around him and chant jbooooones jbooooones
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jbones12 · 11 months
Check Out My Merch Shop
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writ3rtha3rd · 1 year
Faithful by Writ3r Tha 3rd (Feat.Samaria) Prod.by @astoldbymvlcolm
Engineering by @joyrizer
#Musicvideo production by @gamkata Aka #jbone
#hiphop #rnb
#viral #singersongwriter
#fyp #samaria #faithful #youtube
#SoundCloud #applemusic #spotify
#enjoy #sanfrancisco #goldengatebridge
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guitar hero 3 cheats wii trainer AVG+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 YO, RB, RO, GB, RY, YO, RY, RB, GY, GY, YB, YB, YO, YO, YB, Y, R, RY, R, Y, O. GRBO, GRYB, GRYO, GYBO, GRYB, RYBO, GRYB, GYBO, GRYB, GRYO, GRYO, GRYB, GRYO. Get all the inside info, cheats, hacks, codes, walkthroughs for Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock on GameSpot. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Guitar Hero 3: Legends Of Rock for Nintendo Wii. The letters in the code below correspond to the coloured frets. Unlock Hyperspeed: Press O, B, O, Y, O, B, O, Y. Unlock Performance Mode. Also, there are five levels of hyperspeed in GH3. To switch between them, you press the green button while the code is highlighted after you enter it. All codes except Unlock All Songs may be turned off directly from the cheat menu by pressing the green button. You now have to strum with the frets on just like normal playing! Two or more notes in parentheses indicate a chord. Start GH3 and sign into the profile you dont want to beat the boss on. Go to cheat menu and turn on "No Fail" and "Easy Expert". Back out to main menu. Go to quick play, then choose "Expert" and then choose "Slow Ride". Play like the 1st 10 notes, when you get to the long orange note, click start and go to main menu. Sign out, then sign into your profile you want to beat the boss on. Then go straight to career and go to the boss battle. The computer will miss all his notes and lose within a few seconds! Contributed By: jbone 0 1 Fight Lou in expert mode with Easy mode notes. Note: Your notechart will stay in expert mode, But his will be changed to Easy. X First attain the correct sum of cash to get the stuff normally; then buy them. Following the achievement blip, return to the xbox dashboard but don't return to the game's store menu. Restart the game and you'll still have all the money. The song will be unlocked for all difficulties. You must complete these tasks in career mode. The song will then be unlocked for all difficulties in the bonus song list. Bat Guitar 5-star all songs in Easy mode. El Jefe Guitar 5-star all songs in Expert mode. Jolly Roger Guitar 5-star all songs in Medium mode. Moon Guitar Complete Easy mode. Risk Assessment Guitar Complete Expert mode. Guitar Complete Hard mode. Saint George Guitar Complete Medium mode. Contributed By: Anonymous 0 0 Unlocking Additional Guitars There are many guitars not in the store but are available for purchase after completing tasks. You can submit new cheats for this game and help our users gain an edge. You can submit a problem report for any non-working or fake code in the lists above. Log In Sign Up. Then play the following notes. Codes X Enter the following in the cheats menu under options. Codes PC Enter the following in the cheats menu under options. For each code, you have to strum while you press the given buttons. Notes in parenthesis are held together while you strum. Contributed By: jkeskel , DeathIce , bigjeremy2k , Wesker , tarheel4life Various codes Go to "options" and then go to "cheats. Beat any boss battle in seconds on expert X 1st off you have to have 2 xbox profiles. Contributed By: jbone Fight Lou in expert mode with Easy mode notes. Contributed By: FlamingStarwind. Contributed By: SoulknightX0. Contributed By: SnowVixen. Contributed By: DonkeyDood. Secret Guitars PS2 To unlock these guitars, you must complete these tasks. Contributed By: DeathIce. Slash, Lou, and Tom Morello X To unlock these 3 characters, simply beat them in career mode and then buy them from the shop. Slash, Lou, and Tom Morello PC To unlock these 3 characters, simply beat them in career mode and then buy them from the shop. Through the Fire and Flames PS2 To unlock this song, you must defeat Lou in the final guitar battle on any difficulty. Contributed By: the0mega. Contributed By: trombonology. Unlock new characters PS3 Beat the respective character in a Guitar Battle during Career to unlock them for purchase in the shop. Unlockable Guitars PS3 For each guitar, you need to either complete the corresponding difficulty or 5-star every song on that difficulty. Contributed By: Hackerboy Unlockable Guitars X After unlocking, buy these guitars in the shop. Unlockable Guitars PC There are many guitars not in the store but are available for purchase after completing tasks. Contributed By: Stevewins Contributed By: Anonymous. Unlocking Additional Guitars There are many guitars not in the store but are available for purchase after completing tasks. You won't fail any song on any difficulty. This does not work with career mode, online, or with top scores online. Easy Expert makes the timing window bigger for hitting notes, Cannot be used in single career mode.
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candycloth · 6 years
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trioxina245 · 3 years
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Will Eisner’s Spirit meets Dave Steven’s Rocketeer by Darwyn Cooke & J. Bone
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bonesmen · 4 years
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Quick sketch in Procreate.
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jbone-bigdude · 2 years
3 Amigos
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The Cru is back at it!  Alongside longtime friend and collaborator, Kovax.  The do-it-yourself rappers get it poppin' in Pontiac this spring.  Sharing the stage with a slew of talented artists to celebrate the release of Komplex.  The 6th studio album from Kovax. Live DJ's + hype performances all inside a dope venue.  Tell a friend, come out and catch a night of high-energy Hip-Hop on full display! Saturday April 22, 2023 at The Pike Room - Grab tickets Here Photo by Timothy pAULE Written by Matthew Adams
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tazertime · 5 years
One more win and I can change my url back
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artlesscomedic · 5 years
Do you know what he does next 👀? -JA📝
Does he,, light me on fire?
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jbones34 · 1 year
*steals the phone of jbones and types something they very obviously would post* mwahahahah
they will never know
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evans-heaven · 7 years
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JBone feat. Aaliyah and Timera😂🚗
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candycloth · 6 years
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