wordnerdriss-blog · 7 years
Live Your Truth!
Pursue your dreams and goals continuously.  I know it may sound cliché, especially because so many people post it on social media or say it when giving a motivational speech but it is absolutely essential for personal growth, development, and overall happiness.
There was a point in my life I was borderline terrified to pursue something I loved or enjoyed (hence why it took me so long to actually start my blog).  There were many reasons but the main one had everything to do with my confidence in myself.  I worried tremendously about whether people would support me or if I would actually succeed.  So much so that it left me paralyzed with fear and stagnation.  I've missed out on a bunch of opportunities because of this... too many to name. 
Furthermore, I never have really enjoyed being in the spotlight so I would dim my own light to avoid it.  Big mistake.  One, it didn't keep me out of the spotlight and it also didn't give me time to adjust to being in it lol.   I would strongly advise that you accept the acknowledgements of your accomplishments that other give you, give it your all the FIRST time, and don't resent your talents and abilities just to feel "normal".  Because quite frankly, "normal" doesn't exactly exist.  It's actually pretty relative if anything.  I was recently nominated for my high school hall of fame and for a while I was a tad apprehensive about mentioning it to anyone.  But then after a pep talk from my husband as well as one of the mental ones I have with myself in my own personal time, I decided that this is sort of something to brag about lol.  I worked hard and I deserve it.  It's nice to be recognized every so often.  Plus...  these type of acknowledgements can open many other doors later! 
Do what you love and do what you do because it makes you happy.  Do not worry about anyone's opinion because people will have one regardless. Good, bad, or indifferent, live your truth unapologetically.  It leads to a life with way less regret and a lot more joy!   
Oh and by the way... if you are a Cathedral High School Alum and you want to vote or nominate me for the Cathedral High School Athletic Hall of Fame, just follow this link: cathedralhighschool.net/athletics 
Thank ya kindly! 🙂
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