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The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled that frozen embryos are “children” under state law and therefore subject to legislation dealing with the wrongful death of a minor.
Full Story Here: https://uinterview.com/news/alabama-hospitals-stop-ivf-procedures-after-state-supreme-court-rules-that-frozen-embryos-are-children/
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"I Want My Son!"
Monday 19th October 2020
Good Evening everyone! Hope your week is going well so far. Tonight I'll be reviewing Monday's episode, my plan is to do two blog posts tomorrow so when Friday comes I'll be all up to date! I apologise once again for slacking a bit this week - it's been a busy one that's for sure! I'm just going to jump straight into it!
The episode starts with Ben and Callum discussing Phil in the kitchen. Ben informs his boyfriend that his Dad as been pacing all night, racking his head about Ellie and Raymond. He explains that they don't even know if Ellie is her real name, considering she's just taken 5 grand off them under false pretences! As Ben is explaining the whole situation to his boyfriend and how it's really hurting Phil deeply, something in the way Callum looked, could he help in someway? Will he able to find any information on Ellie at work? Will he do this to help his boyfriend and his Dad? Or even just to help Ben alone so he can find his brother, something is telling me that Callum will act and perhaps do a bit of digging off his own accord.
Outside on the Square, Max approaches Ian - it's been perhaps about week or two so since he's threatened him, demanding him to give him his money back. Ian happily informed Max that he should have his first instalment that morning ... however, it's what he happens to mention next to his son Peter which starts to ring alarm bells ... he's borrowing money off someone else to pay Max back! I'm just putting it out there, but I'm convinced it's Kathy! He's taking money off his own Mum just so he can pay off his debts! Is it the money he's received from selling Kathy's Cafe?! Has Kathy's Cafe been sold to someone else? Oooo so many questions that I need answers to! But Peter does look a bit suspicious of his Father after he questions him about it!
At home, Denise is confiding in her boyfriend, Jack, about her decision to give up Raymond. She explains that all she wanted to do was to give him a better life, a life she couldn't give him. She informs him that herself and Phil were never meant to see Raymond again, but now things have changed and she can't bare the thought of Phil getting involved with the toddler. Jack consoles his girlfriend and informs her that he is going to sort things out, one way or another and make it all go away. I'm unsure as to how he's going to do that, but I don't think he's going to find a way of getting through to Phil. When Phil wants something, he goes for it, especially where his family is concerned. Meanwhile on the Square Callum finds Phil in the gardens sitting on Dennis's memorial bench, he says to Phil that perhaps he could do Ellie for fraud in an attempt to get him his money back, but the next sentence spoken from Phil really touched me "I'm getting used to losing sons now, aren't I?!" - That is something that no one should ever have to say! I feel so devastated for Phil! I think I asked this a while ago but I am really eager to find out who you're backing in this current story ... are you Team Phil, Team Denise or Team Ellie?! I think I'm Team Phil - all the way!!! ... As Phil thanks Callum for the offer of the attempt to get his money back, Phil walks away looking very solemn.
Meanwhile, at the Cafe, Gray and Shirley are having a one-to-one. Gray is informing Shirley that he feels ready to have the children back living with him, even though it's only been a day or two since he attempted to blow the house up. Shirley informed the grieving Dad that his children are doing fine with their Grandparents. Suddenly, Mick walks in looking for Linda - it then that Shirley tries again to talk to her son, she asks politely whether she can take her Grandson to the park, Linda agrees, much to Mick's disapproval - as you can clearly see by the look on his face - but the only thing Mick mentions is how pally Shirley has become with Gray all of sudden, after slagging him off for having a go at Linda last week. Little does Mick know actually why she's started being there for Gray, they have no idea what she walked in on.
At the Vic, Bobby brings Sharon some boxes for the Queen Vic stock, he's quite reluctant to even pass the boxes over to her. She tries to reassure him that she's healthy but Bobby asks her politely to keep an eye on her temperature, just in case. The one thing I forgot to mention in last night's post was how Bobby was counting how many times he was wiping and cleaning the cutlery. 5 times he would count and make sure he'd washed everything thoroughly! He had even laid everything out on the kitchen table! This is definitely going to be some kind of OCD storyline for Bobby, what do you guys think? As Bobby walks behind the bar, Kathy let out a little giggle and announces she's made a match on her dating app. Ian isn't impressed with his Mother and insists she's too old to be dating - which I think is completely rude! You can date at any age, why can't the older generation have any fun?! It doesn't matter whether you're 17 or 70 - everyone deserves happiness, right?! I found it hilarious when Sharon cackled at the reveal of the name of Kathy's match - Iain (with an extra I)! I also noticed the fact that Kathy pointed out that the gentleman happened to be 43, to which Ian commented "Does he know you're 70?" - obviously us viewers know that Peter has changed her age on her profile, I feel so sad for Kathy at this point because she is actually acting incredibly happy and giddy to have finally met someone, and yet they aren't even aware of her real age - could things go wrong for poor Kathy? Or will she find the man may look past the age gap and fall for her properly?! Next thing, Peter asks his Gran whether she's aware of Ian borrowing money to pay Max back, of course she has no idea who he's borrowing money from - wait till she finds out it's her money, she'll be fuming!!
Oooooh no! The next scene makes me fear for Honey's future! She and Jay are delivering food parcels for neighbours - it's clearly something she must've been doing over the recent months during Covid-19! It appears her food parcel is for an elderly lady but instead, a young gentleman answers the door by the name of Paul. He thanks Honey for bringing the parcel round and compliments her by saying it's a fantastic thing she's doing for her community. He insists he takes her number so he can help out. Of course, our precious Honey is all smiley. But something tells me that this Paul is bad news! Recently it's been revealed that EastEnders is going to kick off a new dark storyline for Honey and it'll have something to do with a new love interest named Paul. This Paul!! I also read recently - I don't know how much truth there is in this but, Honey will end up being raped after having her drink spiked! Will Paul be the culprit? Will Honey be aware of what's happening? Will it be another consent storyline? Rape and consent is something that is covered a lot in soaps, but it's something that tragically happens to both men and women every day! It's something that needs to be portrayed and something that people need to talk more about, I feel that watching these dark moments happen in soaps, does help for victims to seek help and speak up and not suffer in silence! I'm sure EastEnders will cover this story carefully.
Oh it's been a while since we've seen that horrible Detective! Callum is in desperate need though, he probably can't find any other way. He asks him for help in finding information about Ellie Dawkins. It's only then that he finds out that he real name is Ellie Nixon that she's some kind of "Gangster Granny!" - I think Callum's idea is, if he gets information on Ellie to give to Phil, he'll be able to report back to him with information of Phil. But something tells me he won't really, he's just lying to help his boyfriend's Dad out. But will he stick to it?! The Detective (Sorry, I can't remember his name!) informs Callum that if he wants to know everything about Ellie it's going to take him all day to be given the information! Ooo could there be whole big file about Ellie and why is she so dangerous?!
Back at the Beale household, Kathy is excited to see that Iain (with an I) is wanting to take her out on a date. FINALLY Peter comes clean about changing her age on her dating profile. He approaches the subject carefully, trying to compliment his Gran by saying she doesn't look or act the age of 70 - which I agree she doesn't, but at first Kathy doesn't really mind suggesting that maybe 60 would be okay, but when Peter admits he went below 60 and put her age at 45, she's absolutely mortified that her Grandson has knocked a quarter of a century off her actual age! It's then that Ian walks in and Kathy confronts him about borrowing money pay Max back. It's clear to see that she's concerned for her son, she informs him that to help she will remortgage the Cafe, but Ian is quick to instruct her not to and that there'll be no need for her to do that, she insists that the offer is there if he needs to help! ... I honestly can't wait for Kathy to find out that Ian has been stealing money off her!
In the Cafe, Honey and Jay are discussing the new fella they've just met. Honey is unsure as to whether Paul was flirting with her, but Jay is adamant that he was and tries to persuade her to message him. He gives her a good point, she shouldn't let what happened with Adam ruin future possible relationships, she deserves happiness and she should go for it! Whilst he is trying to persuade her to go for it with Paul, he mentions that he's a bit worried that Lola is getting bored of him. Which is really sad really, he admits that during lockdown they've had to live apart and, to him, it feels like instead of going forwards, their relationship is going backwards. It's a bit of shame as I've always thought that Jay and Lola were a brilliant couple and they've been through so much together, perhaps the younger version of Kat and Alfie - in the sense that they belong together, don't you guys think?! However, something maybe tells me that Jay has a little crush on Honey or perhaps has feelings for her? I could be looking into something that isn't there - it even may even come down to the fact that Jamie Borthwick (Jay) has admitted he's had a crush on his co-star Emma Barton (Honey) for a long time! What do you guys think, would Jay and Honey make a good couple? It would be an interesting road to go down, considering Billy was always there to help bring Jay up as a kid when his Dad passed away, and Billy also being Honey's ex-husband!
At Ruby's club, Jack is meeting up with the Detective ... THOMPSON! That's his name!!! It's just come to me!! This looks like this is Jack's way of getting rid of Phil and putting Denise's mind at rest. He informs DI Thompson about the attack Phil played upon him at the end of the last year. He admits he didn't report it for personal reasons but asks whether he'll back him up just go get rid up Phil Mitchell for good! DI Thompson says it's a little bit too late, considering any evidence would be long gone, he informs Jack that Phil Mitchell isn't worth losing his job over. It's looking like Jack's attempt has failed, but will DI Thompson take this information and confront Callum about it? Does Callum even know about the attack? Will he use this information to put Phil behind bars? Who knows?!
Back on the Square, Shirley bumps into Mick, she seems ready and excited to take her Grandson out to the park, but Mick informs her that his son is at a friend's house. Something tells me he's done that deliberately just so his Mum couldn't spend time with him. Shirley tells her son just because he's angry with her, Ollie shouldn't have to miss out on time with his Gran. Mick only then makes a dig at his Mother saying he's just trying to be good parent - putting the dig in that she wasn't to him! It's then he sees Gray exit the Minute Mart and he calls over to his neighbour that the only reason Shirley is hanging around him is because she wants something, he informs him that the Slaters have asked her to leave so Gray should watch his back. However, Shirley has only had to leave the Slater household because Stacey moved back with Lily. As Mick walks off and Shirley walks in the other direction, Gray follows and informs Shirley that she's welcome to stay with him as he has spare bedroom. He points out that she did him a favour and he wants to repay her. Shirley agrees. I have to admit, I like the new friendship between Shirley and Gray - it's two characters that I would never have put together, but it's nice that they have this mutual understanding with each other and what each other have been through. But should Shirley be careful? What do you make of this new found friendship? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Returning to the Beale household, Peter is seen scrambling through the draws as if he's finding something. As he's doing this, Bobby approaches and asks is older brother whether their Dad will be okay. It appears that young Bobby is worrying that if Ian is borrowing money, is he going to eventually find himself in a deeper hole that he won't be able to get out of? Peter reassures his young brother and insists that their Dad will be fine, he always lands on his feet. With that, Bobby breathes a sigh of relief and leaves the room. As he leaves, Peter continues to search in the draws and finds an envelope addressed to Kathy. He looks inside and opens the letter - what has he found?! Will it be some kind of paper work which confirms the selling of the Cafe?!
Meanwhile at the Mitchell household, Callum comes rushing in to his boyfriend! He's found news about Ellie! He reveals to his boyfriend that Ellie Nixon is her real name, and the car crash that little Raymond's parents were in wasn't an accident at all, but in fact a retaliation attack. She is the reason they're dead. She and it seems the whole family are dangerous. Ben is dumbfounded to hear the news he's being given. He instructs his boyfriend to not tell his Dad. Phil cannot find out, otherwise it'll start a war between them and that is the last thing they need right now. But suddenly, Phil walks in - looking as if he's heard just a small amount of what they were talking about. What can't he know?! But they're stuck now, they're going to have to tell him! Raymond is his son and he deserves to know the truth - as does Denise! If Phil finds out the truth, will he also inform Denise? Will they team up to get Raymond away from Ellie?!
Back at the Beale household, Peter is reeling over the letter he had just found. Suddenly his Dad enters the room and Peter takes his chance to confront his Dad and asks the very important question - Why would Kathy offer to remortgage the Cafe, when it turns out she already has?! So that's what Ian's done, he's not sold it, he's remortgaged it - still, he's still stealing from his own Mum! Ooooo he's such a weasel isn't he? He convinces his son that Kathy didn't want anyone knowing and she told Ian in confidence that she's having cash-flow problems, he also plays the guilt-trip to his son, asking why does he think so little of him? Why doesn't he support him?! Oooo I don't like Ian right now, he's being sneaky and lying to everyone around him and I don't like it! He's going to be found out soon, surely? It can't be long until Kathy finds out the truth!
The final scene of this episode, we're back with the Mitchell's and Phil is reeling from what he's been told. His head is running away with him saying he'll get Ritchie involved and he'll track down a phone number and an address. But Callum mentions that he's got a phone number, Ben warns his boyfriend not to hand it over. But Phil is desperate, he takes no chances and dials the number that Callum gives him. Ben looking absolutely gobsmacked as to what is happening around him, warning his Dad that he's not thinking straight. I love how passionate Phil is in this moment, he dials the number and we here the dial tone ring, Ellie answers and Phil is quick to the point! He wants Raymond!!!
I am so excited to see what's going to happen with this storyline. In all honesty, I love any storyline involving Phil Mitchell at the forefront! Steve McFadden is absolutely incredible and I can't speak highly of the man, he's such an astounding actor, blows me away every time he's on screen! What do you think is going to happen next? I aware I am perhaps one or two episodes behind, but I'm going to try my absolute best to post up two posts tomorrow, that way by Friday I'll be completely up to date. I hope you've all enjoyed reading, I've quite enjoyed writing this post! I'll be back tomorrow. Goodnight everyone! Love you all! xXx
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The Library’s First Anniversary!
Unbelievably it has been a whole year since the library opened!
We’d like to acknowledge the support from our 416 followers most of whom tumblr is convinced are not pornbots…
Library posts
Number of posts - 86
Number of Asks - 57
Number of fics recommended - 478
Number of authors recommended - 152

We know Jack, fairly impressive stats, don’t you agree?
I also want to thank my fellow librarians @whopooh, @firesign23, @solitarycyclistadventures, @kanste and @olderbynow for all the awesome effort they have put into the library over the past year. [Loud clapping and raucous cheers of appreciation.]
But most importantly we should look at how the world of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries fan fiction has developed over the last 12 months…
The size of the fandom
On AO3 there are 2,567 entries of which 2507 are fics, 25 fanvids, 13 podfics, 7 icons, 7 fanarts, 5 meta and 3 fanmixes. 125 fics are crossovers. 2,350 of the fics are marked as completed.
On fanfic.net there are 587 fics (remember that to see M rated fics you must change the filter). 9 fics are crossovers. 433 of the fics are marked as completed.
There are also many fics that appear on both FFN and AO3.
The Library only has easy access to these two main platforms but if we are made aware of other repositories we are happy to include those in our posts – just let us know where to find them : )
Number of works by year
Season 1 of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries aired February – May 2012. Season 2 aired September – December 2013. Season 3 aired May to June 2015.
In September 2017 the Kickstarter campaign for Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears was announced (IndieGoGo December 2017), with filming commencing October 2018 and an expected Australian release date of February 2020.
In February 2019 Ms Fisher’s Modern Mysteries, focused on Phryne’s niece Peregrine, was aired in Australia.
2012 - AO3 6 / FFN 0
2013 - AO3 29 / FFN 61
2014 - AO3 106 / FFN 153
2015 - AO3 466 / FFN 110
2016 - AO3 504 / FFN 56
2017 - AO3 580 / FFN 111
2018 - AO3 652 / FFN 71
2019 - AO3 224 / FFN 25
Looking forward to much more fic as further details and photos from the movie are released...

A couple of new to the fandom writers and artists in the last year to check out are:
(Hint: If the creators name is bolded you can click on it to see all their other MFMM fics.)
mekare - lovely drawings of our favourite detectives 😍
Irresistible Force Paradox or: The Desk and the Tennis Dress by maenad9 - Jack is trying his best but that dress is not helping...
Jack’s desk is a clever piece by o0Anapher0o.
UndeadWithoutCoffee’s The Doomed Inspector is a great little piece with Jack telling a story to Jane.
jazzyproz does angst, if you like that sort of thing (and honestly who doesn’t?) 🤣
The Other Whole Against the Sky by Mountainana is a lovely piece to read after angst.
How To Train Your Constables by whosrickygoldsworth is a Jack and Hugh centric WIP.
The Constabulary’s Guide to a Certain Miss Fisher by JayMitchell
raindrops, refracted by Miss_Ash is a Phryne and Mac fic.
Roots by meanderingsoul - holiday jack? Sighhhhh
ifwednesdaywasaflowerchild’s Perhaps, I Will is set after the Jane holds up the mistletoe...
boccardo_syllogism’s Misplaced Evidence is a great collection of short one shots.
Whilst I adore the excellent research in Scratch_Pad’s Money Meta 🤓you should try Imprinted too.
This is My Body, Given For You by musicalmonster99 is a Phryne/Concetta piece.
wombatpop fics are Phryne/Original Character pieces.
Cumquatmarmalade’s Bomb is more than worth a read 💕
A Bicycle Built For Two by Patricia_Holm.
TheGirlWhoWrote27′s Always is short and sweet.
Tinnie_Peeters’s Trapped in a blizzard - because we all love a good trope!
Snake on a Plane by 17romanticovertures
chicagothighs, a drunk Jack after Blood At The Wheel in This Creature in My Chest.
Welcome to the madness to them and any other newbies that I have missed!

We are way behind with answering your asks so if you’re looking for a particular type of fic remember you can see our previous posts either by going into the Archive where they are displayed by date of posting or the Index where they are displayed by tag. Annnd I think these links may not work if you are on a mobile device so try putting these into your browser...
Take care and happy Phracking!!!
#2.0: library facts#stats about the mfmm fanfic#library anniversary#miss fisher's murder mysteries#mfmm fanfic#the wardlow collection
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#jaymitchell Your Mama and Your Daddy Again #gbirecordings 1974 SUPER RARE #calypso #soul #funk #reggae (at Siren Records)
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Take and Receive
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SHVYNP
by JayMitchell
The archangel Gabriel tries to go through the events of the Armageddon't without remembering an old song, and with this slightly tolerable headache. If only the sensation wasn't that familiar.
Words: 6282, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Beelzebub (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens)
Relationships: Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens), Beelzebub & Gabriel (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: unexpected use of an actual church song, church song song fic - who knew
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SHVYNP
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The Constabulary's Guide to a Certain Miss Fisher
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ClaLXL
by JayMitchell
Jack Robinson once had a small, spare notebook he carried around during his investigations. It was something he did for fun - but a certain detective seems to have taken it seriously.
Words: 1347, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Ms Fisher's MODern Murder Mysteries (TV), Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Peregrine Fisher, James Steed (Ms Fisher's MODern Murder Mysteries), Phryne Fisher, Jack Robinson
Relationships: Peregrine Fisher/James Steed, Phryne Fisher/Jack Robinson
Additional Tags: mfmmm, miss fisher's modern murder mysteries, james knew phryne why else would he eagerly work with peregrine on their first case
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ClaLXL
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34°05'42.7"N 118°22'19.3"W
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KXxaOo
by JayMitchell
There's some workload imbalance over at Hell, and Gabriel thinks he has the solution. It may involve some heavy negotiating with his long fallen brother, in a city aptly named "the City of Angels".
Words: 1553, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Coordinated Coordinates
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Lucifer (TV), Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Gabriel (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Dan Espinoza, Trixie Decker
Relationships: Gabriel (Good Omens) & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens), Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar
Additional Tags: Angels are bros fic, Canon Divergence, Canon Adaptation, So clearly we are taking some canon from one show and adopting it to the other
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KXxaOo
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Lead Me Lord and Never Leave My Side
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NuZpbQ
by JayMitchell
Aziraphale may have doubts, but he hasn't openly questioned the Ineffable Plan. Until now, a day into Armageddon.
(Event reversal, and an adaptation of a famous monologue directed at God.)
Words: 1830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: angst as inspired by tumblr text posts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NuZpbQ
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"I'll Never Forgive Myself! Never!"
Thursday 12th March 2020
So so sorry for the late blog guys, thank you again for being so patient with me! So yesterday there were two episodes of EastEnders, I will now write two separate blogs and review each episode. I believe there is a lot to get through so i'll not make you wait any longer! I've just had a really odd thought, how odd would it be if one of the soaps did a story about one of the characters getting coronavirus?! I know it's probably unlikely, but at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised, considering it's all that I've been hearing about lately!
But anyway, enough about that, none of us are here for that are we? So lets focus on the first episode which aired last night ... Oooo so, Lola has woken from the night before, I'm happy to see that she's regretting her bunk-up with Peter. She was drunk and I'm pretty sure it meant nothing to her, was it just a case of Peter just being there at the time when she was most vulnerable? I do have a feeling that this Peter is a kind of trouble-maker ... I could be really wrong, but I feel like since he's been back, the character has changed, and not just in appearance! I mean, we still don't know the full reason as to why he came back and what happened between him and Lauren, I believe Peter is hiding a secret and it's only a matter of time before it's revealed! I only hope Jay never finds out about Lola and Peter, it will break his heart! I'm kinda sad that Lola went through with her termination, I'm curious as to how Jay truly feels about it, I mean, it's good that he's standing by her, but its obvious he would've loved her to have kept that baby ... in my view anyway! Do you think Lola and Jay will be able to get past this? Will Jay find out about Peter? Let me know your views on this current story-line, what do you guys think will happen next?!
Awww so Linda decided to go to her AA meeting alone, that is a massive step for her! That scene between her and Mick earlier, when she's getting changed and he tells her he loves her and she responds with "I don't know why!" and he abruptly said her name "Linda!" and she said "I love you too!" For a split moment, it reminded me of myself and my boyfriend. There have been times when I've put myself down and stuff and whenever I do, he always calls me out by my name and not my pet name! I know it sounds daft, but I kinda understood that moment with Linda. Mick will not let her put herself down, he wants her to remain positive and focus on getting better and for her to believe that she can do it! I kinda got that, on a personal level! Mick still loves her with all his heart and that is never going to change, she's his L!
Also it was so sweet how Stuart actually supported Linda, after the history they've had and even though Linda still hates his guts, it seems that Stuart's words really helped her at the time she needed it. Stuart has really come full circle, I just love his character now! I do hope that one day Linda will see what a changed man he really is!
Ha! The Prince Albert now has an air-hockey table!!! Awesome!!! I loved seeing all the lads egging each other on and wanting to have a go! But ... really, what is Isaac's problem?! Does he feel that Patrick is replacing his "Dad"? ... I mean, the poor lad doesn't even know that Patrick is his actual Dad! I'm looking forward to that secret coming out ... but the way he spoke to Patrick, there really was no need for it! Is it just me, or do you think Isaac may have a mean streak? I feel as if he may have anger issues of some kinda, he nearly kicked off at Jack for leaving the air-hockey table, then he had a go at a group of lads for cheating of some kind, and then had a go at Patrick?! What is this guy hiding and what has happened to him in his life to have made him so angry?! Are you noticing this as well as me, or am I looking into it a completely different way? I mean, I could be completely wrong! Please tell me what you guys make of Isaac, I know he's fairly new, but from what we've seen of him so far, do you like his character or do think there's more to it and we've still got a lot more to see?!
Ohhh, Whitney is still sticking to her hunger-strike! How long will it be until she starts losing her mind and starts hallucinating?! This really isn't going to help her or her case! I think EastEnders have done an amazing job at tackling this, as it may be really hard to watch, I mean, Whitney's mental state and physical state is going to change dramatically if she continues not to eat. I'm looking forward to seeing how this story-line progresses, mainly because i'm looking forward to seeing Whitney in a different way, another vulnerable position. We know Bianca is meant to be coming back to help Whitney ... is she going to turn up and it'll be too late, will Whitney be diagnosed as "insane" before Bianca gets to her on time?! One thing for sure, it's going to get worse for Whitney before it gets better!
Oh no! Again, Mitch is jumping to conclusions! Now he's convinced Gray is cheating on his daughter ... Okay, we all know that's not the case, BUT, how is he going to react once he's found out that Gray has been physically hurting Chantelle? Why do I also feel that Mitch is only going to make things worse, if Mitch confronts Gray, Gray will accuse Chantelle of spreading lies or something and speaking to her father, and once again, Gray will take his anger out on his wife! From what I've read over the past few days, I believe it's only going to get worse for Chantelle and some scenes are going to be getting a lot more physical and violent! Poor Chantelle, I just hope she'll come to a point where she feels enough is enough and she'll tell someone exactly what Gray is like!
I, also, just wanted to say a huge thank you to you all! I noticed recently that my last post got a few likes and caught some of yours attention! I just want you to know, that I truly appreciate you all taking the time to read my blog, I know I waffle on and I do have a habit of repeating myself sometimes, but honestly, I can't thank you enough! I hope you all enjoy reading my blog and enjoy taking the time to visit my page now and again! So, that's the first post done, i'll be back very shortly with Part 2! Thank you everyone! xXx
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34°05'42.7"N 118°22'19.3"W
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KXxaOo
by JayMitchell
There's some workload imbalance over at Hell, and Gabriel thinks he has the solution. It may involve some heavy negotiating with his long fallen brother, in a city aptly named "the City of Angels".
Words: 1553, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Coordinated Coordinates
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Lucifer (TV), Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Gabriel (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Chloe Decker, Amenadiel (Lucifer TV), Mazikeen (Lucifer TV), Linda Martin (Lucifer TV), Dan Espinoza, Trixie Decker
Relationships: Gabriel (Good Omens) & Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV), Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens), Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar
Additional Tags: Angels are bros fic, Canon Divergence, Canon Adaptation, So clearly we are taking some canon from one show and adopting it to the other
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KXxaOo
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"Can We Talk?!"
Tuesday 10th March 2020
Okay, so I decided i'll do two blogs in one night, I mean why not? So in my previous post, I reviewed Monday night's episode, this post will now review tonight's ... makes sense I guess, now i'm up to date! I shall get right to it!
So it ended with Whitney deciding to go on a hunger strike, I fear things are only going to get worse for Whitney, this hunger strike will only make her health worse but also her mental state will be affected and I fear she'll be seen as insane, then people won't believe a word she is saying. Gray has said he'll take the case completely on his own, but it looks as if Whitney wants to do things her way, which I feel will just be the worst idea! Both Sonia and Tiffany are worried for her safety, which is understandable, will Gray be able to get through to Whitney as make her see sense before it's too late?!
Did anyone else notice Tiffany look a little upset when Iqra told Keegan that she's always there for him if he ever needed to chat? Is Tiffany going to become jealous of Keegan's relationship with Iqra? It's understandable she's worried about her sister, but it seems the closer Iqra and Keegan get, the more jealous Tiffany will be, and could she end up jumping to conclusions?! From new pictures which have been revealed, it shows Tiffany having a word with Keegan, will she start to reach breaking point over Keegan's recent behaviour?

It looks as if arranging Dennis's funeral is going to be a bit too much for Sharon, she clearly isn't coping and is still having to leave her newborn son with Linda and/or Karen. It just looks as if she's not able to bond with her new child while she's grieving. EastEnders have revealed that Sharon will come to a heart-breaking decision after being told the news that her son's body is to be released. Will this mean she'll be giving up her newborn son? Will she approach Karen into bringing up the child? Or will she put up the baby for adoption? I, personally, think this is the only heartbreaking scenario Sharon will decide to do, I mean, what else could it be?! However, when Ian finds out, it seems he hatches a plan to help his life-long friend. What could he do to help poor Sharon?

Suki has absolutely no shame does she?! I, for one, felt absolutely furious at her after she spoke to Jean the way she did! Thank God Ash had a go at her after she made that visit to the Slaters! Does anyone else think that Suki has a problem and is just lashing out? Because, unless it's just me, but I don't think how anyone could ever act the way she has been! I mean, pretending to have cancer and to then not apologise to the one person she manipulated and insult her by saying her children aren't with her, I just think it's downright cruel! I hope, whatever it may be, that Suki gets her comeuppance, I hope her children will disown her! It'll only be what she deserves! Unless, as I said, there's more to it ... we shall see, but i'm not feeling anything positive coming from this!
Does anyone else agree that Stuart and Rainie make a lovely couple? When they first got together I thought it was a bit pathetic and silly, but now, I feel as though they just fit perfectly! They have both battled their demons and each of them have had society look at them in the worst way possible! They have both come leaps and bounds since appearing on the show, and I feel them being together helps them both, personally and together. I love how much Stuart adores Rainie, it's incredibly sweet, I hope this is a couple that we shall see last on the soap! They have fitted perfectly into each other's lives and they both make the other a better person! I'm looking forward to seeing more from this couple! What do you think of Stuart and Rainie? I'd love to hear your opinions on them!
Oh no!!! Not Lola and Jay???!!! Why???? Why have EastEnders done this?! Who else is hoping Jay and Lola can resolve this! I don't really understand why Lola refused Jay's proposal? Maybe she didn't feel ready? Or maybe she thought it was just a way for him to get to stop going through with the termination? Her turning to the booze, while pregnant, really not a good idea! Her kissing Peter?! Really not a good idea! She's clearly vulnerable, I feel like Peter kinda took advantage there after she told him they'd split up, there was a small smirk on his face!!! Did anyone else notice that?! I don't know what's going to happen for the young couple, but one thing is for sure, Jay is not going to be happy when he's learnt , one, that she's drunk while pregnant with his child and two, she kissed someone else! I hope there will be something they can do to sort this mess out!
Thank you for being incredibly patient with me, I hope you've enjoyed reading my last two blogs, I'm so sorry they've been late! But I am now back on track and I shall be back on Thursday! I believe there is no episode on Friday due to Sport Relief, and instead there will be two episodes on Thursday night, so I shall attempt to do what I did tonight and post two separate blogs reviewing the two episodes! I shall look forward to hearing all your comments and opinions about the current story-lines, please drop me message and feel free to ask me any questions you may have! Thanks again guys! Love you all! Goodnight xXx
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Lead Me Lord and Never Leave My Side
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NuZpbQ
by JayMitchell
Aziraphale may have doubts, but he hasn't openly questioned the Ineffable Plan. Until now, a day into Armageddon.
(Event reversal, and an adaptation of a famous monologue directed at God.)
Words: 1830, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: angst as inspired by tumblr text posts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2NuZpbQ
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51°56'11.8"N 1°15'28.5"W
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GV5qsv
by JayMitchell
Lucifer Morningstar calls it a day - only, he has a rather odd dream. Demons don't exactly dream, do they?
Words: 1239, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Coordinated Coordinates
Fandoms: Lucifer (TV), Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Lucifer Morningstar (Lucifer TV)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GV5qsv
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14°33'24.1"N 121°03'15.5"E
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZR3yIK
by JayMitchell
Beelzebub, Gabriel and an attempt at conducting an interoffice meeting in a neutral ground.
Words: 3245, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Coordinated Coordinates
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Beelzebub (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens)
Relationships: Beelzebub/Gabriel (Good Omens)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2ZR3yIK
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Ok so I was caught up with the diving I decided to watch Eastenders. Omg I wish I didn't, I had enough emotion watching Tom and Dan and then Ben in Eastenders! First off, him holding Pauls hand and it was all grey and cold and the shot of the tattoo, so emotional and hard to watch. Harry is an amazing actor! Then the scenes of him and Jay, Wow wow wow! Love watching these two actors working together! When Ben said to Jay "Pauls dead, my gran is dead, my dad is dying! You are all I have left now" that just choked me! Cannot wait to see where their story is going to go.
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