#jax teller x yn
a/n: reposting bc it felt incomplete :P Also I do not understand if my blog has been restricted or something :( I have a couple of asks in my inbox but I cant access them for some reason & I dont know how to fix it 😢
TW: ! brief mention of choking.
He pins you down, covering your body with his as he fucks you into the mattress. He noses at your cheek, his beard rasps across your cheek just as he surges forward, burying himself to the very bottom of you.
You've gone boneless. Your cheek scraping up the white cotton sheets as he rocks his hips in a lazy rhythm, barely easing out your sopping cunt before shoving forward again. He gets off it - overwhelming you until you cant think straight. "Too deep Jackie..! s'too much!" He's heavy. He drives further - and it would hurt if you weren't used to it - stretching your cunt obscenely. Your pussy is so desperately full it's overwhelming. Consuming.
He takes a pause to pull his weight off of you, wrapping an arm around your midriff to pull you into the air until your back is flush against his chest.
You can feel the scratch of the hair at his groin against the curve of your ass as he rolls his pelvis upwards, ass jamming back against his hips as he hits balls - deep. "That's my girl," he coos - rubbing his bearded jaw against the soft skin of your cheek. “Still with me?” He‘s arrogant. Condescending. He knows that he has you.
His palm circles your neck - he thrusts faster, snapping into you with the full brunt of his weight - constricting your air flow. Its risky. Dangerous. He could break you if he wanted to. Your eyes are glossy. You look drunk. Fucked out. “You cock - drunk or somethin’?” You have no words left - nothing else to give him but pathetic, needy whimpering. He enjoys every part of it. Every spear of his cock makes an indecent sound. Its filthy. Indecent. He's pushing you right to your limit. "C'mon," he croons. "Let go for me, darlin'."
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rebelwrites · 6 months
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Twenty One: He’s Already Forgot About Me!
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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The air in the house weighed heavy on my shoulders, the tears I had been holding back all morning were threatening to spill over my lash line. Today was the day I had been dreading, there was only a few hours left before Charles had to leave town. I couldn’t stay in this house any longer, I needed some space. Charles was distracted with Elenor meaning it gave me the perfect chance to slip out of the back door. I found myself wandering around the back garden until I was standing at the bottom of the ladder to the treehouse Pops built when me and Jax were kids. Over the years Pops kept everything maintained, swapping out any rotted boards so Elenor could get the same enjoyment out of it. Letting out a shaky breath I slowly started climbing the rungs until I had pulled myself into the treehouse.
Leaning against the wall I pulled the box of cigarettes out of the pocket of Charles hoodie, I had already gone through half a pack since I woke up this morning and I knew it wasn’t going to be long before I was crumpling the cardboard, reaching for a fresh carton. Placing the smoke between my lips I tried to light it but my emotions finally took over. Growling in frustration I dropped the lighter into my lap, pulling my knees up to my chest. I didn’t want to have to imagine a life without Charles but soon that was going to be my reality. The last month had been amazing, I had never felt so free and full of love and in what felt like a blink of an eye he was being ripped away from me, promises on making a long distance relationship work but that voice in my head kept telling me it wouldn’t work. His lifestyle was completely different to mine, he would constantly have women throwing themselves at him, always having that temptation dangled in front of him.
This was the reason I held back from letting myself fall for him but I had to go and listen to my stupid heart.
I couldn’t hold the tears back any longer and soon enough sobs had taken over my body. I wanted to pause time, I was so torn all I wanted to do was pack my suitcase leaving with Charles but the reality was I couldn’t leave town. Pops was getting worse and I needed to help Jax with all the interviews for the new hires we needed across all of the businesses.
“Je me demandais où tu avais disparu, Sunshine. I was wondering where you disappeared to, Sunshine.” Charles said softly, pulling himself up into the treehouse. I refused to look up at him, I couldn’t, it was too painful. “Viens ici, babygirl. Come here, babygirl.” he whispered, moving over to me, the moment he was close enough he pulled me onto his lap wrapping his arms tight around my shaking body. “It’s okay, everything is going to be okay.”
“It’s not,” I sobbed, gripping onto his hoodie, like he was going to disappear if I let go. “Je ne veux pas que tu partes. I don't want you to go.”
Charles stayed quiet, he slipped his hand underneath the hoodie letting his fingers graze across my skin, I knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to calm me down.
“I’m scared Char,” I whimpered, finally admitting my true feelings, “I’m scared you're going to forget about me the moment you go back to the fast life.” I cried, burying my face into his chest. The pain in my heart was getting too much, in a short space of time I had fallen head over heels in love with the boy from Monaco.
Charles let out a shaky breath, pressing a soft kiss to the top of my head, his fingers moved to under my chin, his movements were slow as he lifted my head up so I was now looking into his eyes. He had silent tears streaming down his cheeks, the sight of him crying made me feel even worse. “I could never forget you, Sunshine. Not in a million years.” He whispered, moving his thumb to my cheek, trying to wipe away tears but it was no use they just kept falling. “Talk to me, babygirl, what’s bothering you?”
“Everything.” I choked, letting my eyelids flutter closed, partly from embarrassment and partly because I couldn’t bear to see the sadness shining bright in his amazing green eyes. My insecurities were trying their hardest to break through the surface and right now they were winning the battle. The fear of being abandoned had once again reared it’s ugly head, it was a demon I had thought I had overcome but then Charles sped into my life and apparently the fear once again had a death grip on me. “I’m nothing special, even your fans see it. And I am scared that you will realize it soon enough like everyone else in my life. I don’t want to be abandoned again Charles, I don’t know if my heart could take it.”
“Nova, babygirl,” he whispered, his voice strained as he spoke. “I only have eyes for you, I don’t care about anyone else okay. You are the only one I want and nothing will ever change that. I could never forget you, you do not have to worry about me walking away from you okay, I am always going to be here, you are stuck with me now Sunshine.”
As much as I wanted to believe his words, my demons were making it extremely hard. “How can you be so sure?” I mumbled, still refusing to open my eyes, I was trying my hardest to quieten the demons in my head screaming at me.
“I wasn’t looking for anything when I met you, Nova Teller. Actually, I wasn’t planning on falling for anyone so soon,” he said softly, leaning forward resting his forehead against mine, “but then I met you, and everything changed. All of a sudden I had forgotten about how shit the season has gone, that didn’t matter, all that mattered was you,” he paused for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t realize it at first but the moment I laid eyes on you my heart was screaming ‘she’s the one’. Nova you are beautiful, smart, strong, courageous, fuck what the fans think they obvious don’t see the girl that’s in front of me.” His words caused my tears to fall harder, I had never had anyone say anything like this to me before, hell no one had ever made me feel like Charles did. “Sunshine, there will never be anyone else for me. You are the only one I want, the one I want to have a family with, the one I want to have by my side the day I win the world drivers championship,” he whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “Nova I love you, and I will until I take my last breath.”
My heart lurched out of my chest hearing him say those three little words. Slowly i leant back from him, letting my eyelids flutter open. The moment I saw his gorgeous eyes I felt the demons retreat back into their cages, all of a sudden it was like the sun coming out after a thunderstorm you never thought was going to end.
“Charles,” I breathed, reaching up letting my hand rest on his cheek, “I love you to, I love you so fucking much it hurts. I can’t lose you, I can’t say goodbye.”
“Ce n'est pas un adieu, Sunshine, c'est juste à plus tard. It's not goodbye, Sunshine, it's just see you later.”
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The hours had passed since Charles and Pierre left for the airport, each minute that went by caused the pain I felt in my chest to worsen. He promised he would text me when he was boarding the private jet, yet all I received instead was radio silence.
No calls.
No texts.
All I was left with was silence.
My grip was tight around the neck of the bottle of Jack, slowly bringing it to my lips trying to ignore how bad my hands were shaking. I should have known this would have happened, I must have done something terrible in a past life to deserve this. Pulling the bottle away I took a long drag of the cigarette, I knew Pops would be pissed I was smoking inside, especially at the bar, but right now I didn’t give a shit.
“Mamacita, where you hiding?” Nero’s voice echoed around the empty bar, making me regret the decision to give him a key. My movements stilled, I didn’t want him to know where I was, I just wanted to be alone, drowning my emotions with alcohol and cigarettes. “Oh mama,” Nero sighed, causing me to look up through my lashes finding him standing at the end of the bar, a sad look consuming his face.
“I want to be alone.” I scoffed, taking a large gulp of the amber liquid, feeling the familiarity of burning in the back of my throat.
“Yea, like I’m leaving you,” he whispered, holding his hands out, “especially not like this.”
I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him, don’t get me wrong I loved Nero but I wasn’t in the mood for one of his motivational talks right now.
“Whatever!” I huffed, dropping the cigarette butt into a glass of water I was using as a makeshift ashtray.
He stayed silent as he lowered himself onto the floor next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, he didn’t speak right away letting the silence simmer between us before he finally spoke, “do you want to talk about it”
“Fine, sit here, drinking yourself into oblivion, but we both know it’s not helping.” He said, with a slight shrug of his shoulders.
The only sound that could be heard in the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall behind the bar. What was the point in talking about it, it wasn’t going to bring Charles back or make him text me. Every time I checked the conversation the words ‘delivered’ were teasing me, once again reminding me he was gone. Dropping my gaze to what I currently saw as my lifeline in my grasp, I realized I had nailed a quarter of the bottle. A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I slowly screwed the cap back on before raising my arm, launching the bottle through the air watching as it collided with the wall.
The glass shattered, like my heart, the moment it made contact.
“Feel better?”
“Not really.” I laughed coldly, leaning my head back against the mini fridge. “He said he wouldn’t, he said he never could.” I screamed, letting my fingers tangle with my roots.
“Wouldn’t what, Chika?” Nero asked, placing his hands on mine, slowly pulling them away from my scalp.
“He said he wouldn’t forget me, he said he wasn’t going to abandon me like everyone else.. But I guess everything he said was a lie, he promised he would text me when he got on the plane but that was five hours ago now.” I stuttered through strangled cries. “I guess he’s already forgotten about me. Outta sight, outta mind.”
I knew I was lashing out to try and hide the anger and pain I was feeling. Just like I knew I was acting childish but the last time I felt abandoned like this was when my so-called parents chose drugs over me, so I didn’t know how else to process the feeling. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten involved with Charles Leclerc, from the day he walked into the bar I knew it would only end in heartbreak, my heartbreak.
This is what I get for opening my heart up.
Emptiness and pain.
“I told Jax this would happen but no he had to make me believe that this would work, that we could survive the distance.” I sobbed, hiding my face in my hands. “So much for soulmates.”
Nero let out a heavy sigh, adjusting his position so he was now kneeling in front of me. “Nova, both you and I know you don’t believe the words you are saying right now.” He said softly, once again taking my hands in his. “I’ve seen how that boy looks at you, there is no way he wouldn’t keep his word.”
“Well why the hell hasn’t he text me back then?” I scoffed, finally making eye contact with Nero.
“You know I don’t know the answer to that, Mama.” He whispered, brushing his thumb over the top of my hand. “But you gotta have faith, you have always jumped to the worst possible scenario, it might just be something as simple as his phone dying, his flight getting delayed or many other things but I do not believe for one moment that boy has forgotten about you.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because you are a Teller, and Teller’s are unforgettable.”
Part of me wanted to believe him but the pain was becoming unbearable, Charles' words from the treehouse earlier this morning were ringing loud and clear in my mind making matters worse. If only I had the courage to have packed my case, getting on the plane with him, then I wouldn’t have been a mess on the bar floor, trying to find the answers in the bottom of the bottle. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t hear the main doors of the bar opening, that was until the person spoke.
“Je n'ai pas pu prendre l'avion, Sunshine. I couldn't get on the plane, Sunshine.”
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @burningcupcakefire @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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willowsages-blog · 8 months
Your Crush: Jax Teller x female reader
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You and your friends are in an abandoned building exploring when all of a sudden you hear a loud screeching sound. you look to your right and see your crush Jax with his friends.
staring at you and your friends everyone greeted each other they all decided to stay and drink. while hanging out
after a while, you were sitting by yourself because no one was talking to you.
then you look around and no one is looking so you decide to sneak away.
after a few minutes, you finally found a comfy spot to hide. when you hear the sound of a deep man's voice what's a pretty girl doing over here by herself' said the man I knew who it was straight away.
what are you doing? over here, Jax, you blush?
why did you come over here? Y/N Jax said while coming sitting next to you?
I just wanted to have alone time plus no one was talking to me, so you shrugged your arms around.
I felt alone all my friends cared about the boys.
'' well, I'm here Y/N so start talking I'm not leaving here until I see your beautiful face smile again, sweetheart' Jax said while staring at Y/N'S face like she was the prettiest girl in the world.
thank you so much for reading❤️
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munsonmolls · 4 years
My Model || Tig Trager
Pairing: Tig Trager x Model!Reader
Summary: A little surprise goes a long way...
A/N: requests are open!! 💕
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Being gone for over 4 months, makes you miss your friends, family, home. This is the case for (Y/N) as she sighed dreamily out the bus window thinking of her home in Charming. Sure, she lived in Los Angeles, but her home was not a place, no, but a person; Tig Trager.
Tig Trager and (Y/F/N) had met while (Y/N) was doing a modelling gig and he was doing a last minute run down in Nevada. She was reminiscing about the days where she would have to make excuses as to why her parents cannot come over to visit her during her holidays and vacations. Tig was the same back in Charming, as he would make his brothers wonder why he had to make so many last minute runs to see the daughters that hated his guts. But the thing was; (Y/N) and Tig had discussed that they were ready for their families to meet them. The only thing is that Tig thinks (Y/N) has another 3 months left with her modelling tour.
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Making her way to Teller-Morrow after getting off the bus, (Y/N) walks confidently to the entrance to the clubhouse to surprise her Old Man.
"Damn Mama! Look at those legs, wanna wrap them around my waist while I do you so good that I ruin you for another man?"
(Y/N) turned around to find a boy no older than 30 staring at her like a piece of meat. She smirked to herself and said; "I'm looking for Alex, ya seen him baby boy?"
All of Tigs brothers had gathered round to witness the scene unfold.
"Baby boy? I'm not a baby, I'm Jax," he smired at her, biting his lip while looking her up and down.
"Well, Jax," she emphasized his name, "I'm not interested. Now; Tig Trager?"
"Right here baby!"
She turned around to see her handsome darling make his way out from the back and smiled so wide her cheeks were starting to ache.
"Darling!" She squealed in excitement and ran so fast to him that she nearly knocked him down.
Raining kisses all over her face, she giggles and he says; "Baby Doll, what are you doing here? I thought you had a few more months in Italy."
"Well I wanted to surprise you but I think that you are not the only one that is surprised, I mean look at all these men in here, Darling!"
Looking into (YN)'s eyes, he smiled and kissed her while taking her ass in his hands and giving it a squeeze, making her gasp and open her mouth for her Darling to ravish her.
A throat clearing had them getting up and settling themselves.
"Guys," Tig started. "This is my Old Lady, (Y/N)."
She waved awkwardly and the men all laughed as Jax blushed.
"Doll, this is Chibs, Juice, Bobby, Happy-"
"He don't look Happy," (Y/N) mumbled, causing some of the sons to chuckle, as Tig carried on pointing and naming his family.
"-Opie, Gemma, Clay and Jax."
"Jax and I have met," she smirks. "He asked me if I wanted to wrap my legs around him so he could do me good and ruin me for any other man."
"Oh, really?" Tig quirked an eyebrow at her.
"Yes, but I didn't get to answer him."
She then turns to him and says so all the members can hear her, "Tig has already ruined me for any other man."
She smiles so sweetly and kisses her old man on the mouth while they hear Tigs brothers all cheer behind them.
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Forbidden Fruit - Part Four
A/N: First attempt at Sons of Anarchy fanfiction. It's been awhile since i watched the show, so i'm sorry if my characters aren't in character. This is part 4 of 7. It's all written up and I will post every other day except during the weekend, so next part will be up Monday. Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks to my beta @thorne93. You rock.
Characters: Reader x Jax, Opie, Chibs.
Warnings: Language. Smut (poorly written, but still). And I think that's it...
Wordcount: 1688
Catch up here
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Jax just stood there, dumbfounded, It hadn't happened that many times that a girl had said no to him, but then again, you weren't just another girl, he just needed to make you realize that.
“Don't you want this?” he questioned, not knowing what else to say.
“That's not the point, Jax,” you sighed in defeat, knowing that this was the moment to lay all your cards on the table.
“Then enlighten me.”
“This is so fucked up.” You shook your head. “First there is my dad, who will never be okay with this, and then there is Wendy, Abel and the club, not to mention all the other girls and your ‘what happens on the road stays on the road’ rule. It's just too many... complications.”
“And if it weren't for all that shit?”
“It doesn't matter! We can't just pretend like it's not there.”
Jax took a few steps closer to you, again reaching out for your hand, lifting it to his lips. He started kissing his way up your arm, stepping closer and closer as he did, placing openmouthed kisses along your shoulder and your neck, stopping only to whisper in your ear. “Tell me to stop and I will.” He cupped your face in his hands and looked deep into your eyes, needing you to make the next move.
Your eyes flitted between his, your mind foggy from the affection he had just shown you. Never had your body responded to someone's touch like it did now. You knew this probably was a mistake, but it was one you decided to make. You lifted your hand to take his before you turned around and lead him towards the bedroom.
Jax kicked the door closed behind him, wasting no time to get his lips back on yours. He pulled you close to his body, kissing you deeply, for a moment just appreciating the taste of you. When he tried to pull himself away from you, you captured his lower lip between your teeth, making him growl, attacking your lips once more, swallowing a moan you let escape. He pushed you backwards until the back of your knees hit the bed and he carefully laid you down, climbing after you as you crawled up the bed. You stayed like that, pinned under his strong body, kissing and feeling each other. As soon as he pushed himself off you, sitting back on his heels, you missed his touch. You sat up in front of him and raised your hands in the air as he started to pull on your shirt, helping him ease you out of it before he grabbed his own shirt in the back and pulled it over his head, discarding it on the floor. The rest of your clothes were shed in much the same way, hurriedly helping each other out of them, like you was scared that the moment would pass if you didn't get to each other fast enough.
Jax’ hands and lips was all over your body, kissing, biting, exploring. The things he wanted to do to you. He wanted to taste you, to feel you cum on his tongue, he wanted to feel your soft mouth wrapped around his dick, but there would come a time for that later, for tonight he just wanted, needed, to be inside you, to be as close to you as humanly possible.
He looked you deep in the eyes as he pushed himself into you slowly and it was all you could do not to close your eyes and get lost in the moment. He gave you both a moment to adjust to each other, brushing a stray hair away from your face, kissing you ever so softly.
“Fuck me, Jax,” you whispered, needing him to move.
He started moving his hips agonizingly slow at first, like he was trying to hold back. You wrapped one of your legs around his waist, letting him deeper inside of you and he took the hint, snapping his hips against yours at an unforgiving pace, hitting that sweet spot over and over again with deadly precision. It didn't take long before he had you writhing underneath him, begging him to let you come, his name like a curse on your lips. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him and no more than two thrusts later you came undone, clenching down on him, setting off his own orgasm.
You had fallen asleep in Jax’ arms, and that was the exact same place you woke up. Your back pressed up against his chest, your head resting on one of his arms while the other was lazily thrown over your waist, his hot breath in your neck sending shivers down your spine. You didn't dare move, you just wanted this moment to last a little longer.  
“Mornin’, beautiful,” Jax mumbled into your neck in a groggy morning voice. His lips ghosted over your bare shoulder while the hand around your waist moved down to settle between your legs, picking up where you left off the night before. His callused fingers circled around your clit a few times before he slid two of them into you, making you moan and press your ass against his hardening cock. He peppered your neck with sloppy kisses as he fucked you with his fingers, his palm pressed against your clit, drawing you closer and closer to the edge. “Not yet, baby, I want to feel you cum,” he whispered. He lifted your leg just a little so that he could easily slide into you. This time it wasn't about finding a release, it was all about being together, feeling each other. It was slow and tender, it was Jax letting you know that he really wanted you, and only you.
“So, now what?” you asked, resting your head on his chest, your fingers drawing lazy patterns over the rise and fall of his muscles.
“Now we hit the shower.” He grinned down at you, making you chuckle.
“Be serious,” you mused, playfully showing at his side.
A surprised squeal escaped you as Jax flipped the both of you around, pinning you under him. “I'm dead serious, darlin’.” You couldn't help but laugh at his antics. The laughter soon faded as he looked into your eyes, the smile falling from his lips as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, leaning in to kiss you, soft and tender. There was so many things he wanted to tell you, but the words eluded him and he could only hope that if he poured enough emotion into the kiss, you would understand.
The moment was interrupted by a quick knock on the door followed by Ope sticking his head in. “Hey (YN), why is Jax’ bik…” he trailed off as he saw the two of you. “Man, you’re fucked now,” he chuckled.
“I might have been if you hadn't walked in,” Jax answered, not breaking eye contact with you, a devilish grin on his lips.
“How about some privacy, Winston?” you chimed in.
Opie rolled his eyes and closed the door. He couldn't help but be happy for you, both of you, but he knew that this would stir things up between Jax and Chibs. Didn't matter how much the scott respected his VP, he would never condone this relationship.
You slipped out of bed and threw on Jax’ shirt from last night before walking over to your dresser to find some clean clothes.
“Looks better on you than on me,” he mused from the bed, watching you intently.
A smile crept to your lips, just knowing he was looking at you that way was enough to make your knees weak. There was a definite possibility that if you didn't get him out of your bed soon, he would talk you back in it.
“So, where did we land on that shower?” you asked teasingly, turning around you saw him mirroring your smile.
“Not gonna say no to that.”
Showering with Jax took forever, and as soon as you were both dried up and dressed he told you he had to go, club business. That all too familiar feeling of dread settled in your stomach at the sound of those words. You told him to be careful, to let you know that he was safe after.
“And I'll see if i get a chance to talk to Chibs,” he informed before pressing his lips to yours.
You hated watching him walk away, especially when you had no clue what he was getting himself into, but you figured not knowing was probably better.
“You’re not going?” you asked Opie, throwing yourself down on the couch next to your friend.
“Nah, they have it covered.” He wrapped his long arm around your shoulder and pulled you into his side. “So… Wanna tell me how Jax ended up in your bed last night?”
“No, not even a little bit.” You leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder. “What are the odds of Jax telling my dad and he’ll just be okay with it?”
“Not good. But if it's any consolation, I'm pretty sure Jax is the one he’ll take it out on.” he chuckled.
“That's really not a consolation at all.”   
Jax was having a good day, first he got to wake up next to you, then the meeting with the Mayans had gone far better than expected, and now he was on his way to talk to Chibs about the fact that he was fucking the scott’s daughter. Yeah, that was going to be one hell of a conversation. Jax dreaded this, but he knew that if he wanted anything real with you, and he did, he needed Chibs’ approval.
As soon as they parked their bikes outside of Teller Morrow, Jax motioned to Chibs that he wanted to talk.
“What's up, Jackie boy?” he questioned with a smile.
Jax rubbed his neck nervously, he had no idea how to even begin this conversation, so he decided to just come out with it. “I'm in love with your daughter.”
Tags: (let me know if you want on/off)
@spontaneousam @michaelreaderreblog @girl-with-no-faith-in-medicine @avasmommy224 @pixellarious @spn05winchester @coldwarsagas @lucianshuman @grlwtskulltattoo @fangirltrash-25 @thatbrokengirl34 @daughterofanarchy997 @deadlystiles @karissadarling @idorkish @sxbering @svtvn-hvs-a-cvrch @bertbert08 @frozensunshine @rohz148 @whys0sinful @sparklemichele @mogaruke @clairese1980 @ly--canthrope @thran-dulis @mementomori-mementoviviere @nlsupernatural @small-town-wayward-daughter @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @percussiongirl2017
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❗I accidentally deleted the draft where I answered to the ask so I'm reposting it like this. Anyway, TYSM anon ! Means a lot to me ! I always feel like what I'm writing makes absolute no sense LOL. I hope you enjoy! 🫡🩵
a/n: Tomorrow I go back to class but we're up to a slow start, so I'll try to post as much as I can during these months ! If you guys have any other requests - about any soa character (both male and female) - dont be shy to send them, I have so much fun doing these & I looove hearing your thoughts ! ♡
TW: mean !Jax & rough sex.
"Aw fuck - darlin' - what'd he do?" Your eyes are puffy and red - lashes clumping together from your tears - lips swollen from biting them. Jax makes a soft mouth sound as he sweeps his thumb over your cheekbone, rubbing slow, soft circles meant to soothe you.
"Clay," you sob. "He said I was jus' a cheap lay to you," your voice cracks and more tears fall across your pathetic, broken expression. "Jesus Christ," He hisses between clenched teeth. He's seething. "Where is he?"
You shake your head, digging your fingers into the lapels of his vest. "He left," you murmur. "Jus' leave it alone." The words hitched in your throat - blathering something incoherent.
"Baby," he urges. He can hear your heart beginning to thump - pounding too hard and too fast against your chest. "You're with me. You're okay." He rubs his cheek firmly against your own - skin sheathed in cool sweat - his nose probing your hairline.
It ends like it always does. He threads his fingers through your hair - tugging the strands gently - before he crashes his mouth against yours. "I love you."
He wraps his fingers around the bends of your knees - forcing them apart. He is hard between your legs; tip leaking and heavy as it presses against your belly. Fisting his cock, he sinks into you in one brutal stroke. He's meaner today. He had hurt you with his words, even when he'd slam the thick of him inside your cunt till you'd bruise, but it never mattered. You were too in love for it to ever matter. This was for him. Not you.
You don't know the specifics about his 'jobs' - he couldn't tell you - but you do know the state that he comes home in. You let him use you as he needs.
"Jackie," You mewl - brow wrinkling in discomfort - as you reach for him. You're full of him. You wonder if you could feel him if you placed your hand on your belly. You cradle the hinge of his jaw and you're blathering against the slope of his cheekbone. You hiccup and sniff - you couldn't help it - he's stretching you apart and it aches something fierce. "Quit whinin'." he bits out as he hits balls deep - cock hitting something deep and sensitive inside of you.
You meet each thrust - even though your cunt is raw - lifting your hips to take his cock again and again. "Don't stop - fuck - m'close." He rolls his hips into you - grinding his pelvic bone against against the peak of your sex - knocking a sharp cry from your kiss-swollen lips. Rough and sharp. It's aggressive and a little ugly - still, you kiss him like you're dying.
He tightens his grip on your waist as you writhe against his hold. He ducks his head - rubbing his cheek firmly against yours - as he presses deeper. He can feel you tighten up - muscles clamping down his length - and fucks you through it. "That's it," he exhales against your teeth - you feel his cock pulse inside you - hips stuttering against your own. "Fuck - I love you."
Still — he leaves. But oh - it feels just like love.
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band--psycho · 3 years
Christmas Writing Celebration Masterlist
As it's December 1st I thought I'd post a masterlist for all the upcoming Christmas stories I am planning on writing up until Christmas!
I'm really excited to write all of these- thank you to everyone who requested a story! 💛
Requests are CLOSED
Jax Teller x Reader - Just An Act? - Jax and the reader are fake dating and he spends Christmas with her family to get them off her back-he makes it really believable; during this time the reader realises just how much she likes Jax and that she doesn't want the next couple of days to end...for @rebelwrites
Draco Malfoy x Reader -Snowed In (Smut)- Draco Malfoy smut while being snowed in...for @little-diable
Neville Longbottom x Reader -A White Christmas- Neville and the reader are spending their first Christmas together as a couple. Everything is warm and happy and then the reader sees that it's snowing, she runs outside to be in the snow but eventually Neville brings her inside and warms her up with hot chocolate and cuddles...for @queen-asteria04
Jax Teller x Reader -My Daughter?(Part 1 & Part 2)- A Christmas story where the reader used to be a Crow Eater-she was Jax's favourite and they were really close friends too; but then the reader got pregnant and abruptly left Charming. Now, after the birth of her daughter, she's back because she wants her baby to spend her first Christmas with both of her parents...for @lawblood
Negan x Reader- Secret Santa - ...for @impala1967dwinchester
Steve Harrington x Reader- Not A Total Surprise But Not A Total Disaster- Steve and the reader make Christmas cookies together...for @yn-ymn-yln
Jax Teller x Reader -Tangled- The reader is Jax's wife and Opies sister and she's really clumsy and accident prone-while she's decorating the house she manages to get herself tangled in the Christmas lights...for @beth-gallagher22
Natasha Romanoff x Reader -The Best Reason To Be Late To A Christmas Party (Smut) - Natasha and the reader are getting reader for Tony's annual Christmas party. The reader is wearing this gorgeous dress and Natasha says " I love this dress on you..I'd love it even more if it was on the floor"...for Anon
Harvey Specter x Reader - Two Lonely Hearts On Christmas Eve - It's late on Christmas Eve and the reader is at the office-Harvey says about the fact that she should go home to be with her partner / family / friends on Christmas Eve, but the reader says she lives alone and doesn't really have anyone to celebrate with...for Anon
Chibs Telford x Reader -Mistletoe- Lyla persaudes the reader to come to the annual Christmas Party at the Clubhouse, to help her out with the guys. The reader ends up being the one who sits under the mistletoe, kissing all the guys and then she kisses the Son she's got a crush on, Chibs Telford...Own Idea
George Weasley x Reader -It’s Okay Not To Be Okay, Even At Christmas- George is struggling with Freds death around the festive period and the reader comforts him...Own Idea
If there are any stories that you want to be tagged in, just let me know-or join my taglist !
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