#javi rivera x gn reader
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months ago
Paws - Javier Rivera X GN Reader
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Title: Paws
Javier Rivera X GN Reader
Additional Characters: Tyler (Mentioned), Lily, Kate (Mentioned), Boone (Mentioned), the rest of the Tornado Wrangler team (Mentioned), and Storm Par (Mentioned)
WC: 2,423
Warnings: Post-Twisters events, Reader's bored, nicknames, love at first sight mentioned, banter, teasing, tornados mentioned, mentioned of marriage (brief), italics, very sight angst, and fluff
Letting out a deep sigh, you covered your arm over your eyes. You were lying on your couch, the TV was playing some TV show, but you weren't paying attention. It was the end of the Tornado Season, and to say the least, you were bored out of your mind, and somewhat disappointed... And sad? Probably.
Chasing tornadoes was your life. The thrill, the anticipation, the adrenaline. It was what fueled you. Without it, you didn’t really know what to do. And you were so not looking forward to getting back to your job, even if it was a stay-at-home one. You wanted to get out there and do something.
Hearing the front door open and shut, you stayed put. Feeling as if you were unable to move. That strange numbness settled over you, a frown upon your face. Feeling the couch cushions dip, you felt a presence above you, hovering; you didn’t have to open your eyes to know who it was. And with a soft kiss placed on your cheek, that stubborn frown quickly melted away, replaced with a smile. The butterflies in your stomach made themselves known. 
Moving your arm away, and opening your eyes, they met his brown ones. Hands propped up beside your head, he gazed down at you with a warm smile; above you was the man you fell in love with. He could’ve been an angel, you were sure of it.
Javi Rivera. You met him a year and a few months prior. He had been a part of Storm Par, and you were a part of Tyler's 'Tornado Wranglers.' You remembered the day you first saw him extremely well. Standing in his neatly pressed dress shirt, nice pants, black curly hair slicked back. To say you were entranced would be an understatement. 
Tyler and the crew had warned you about Storm Par when you joined, telling you about what they did to those who had lost so much after dangerous tornadoes. It pissed you off, hearing that news, to say the least. But when you pulled up to the gas station - 'Ain't No Love In Oklahoma' playing loudly from Tyler's truck speakers - seeing Javi standing with his crew... Well, you couldn’t help but think about how cute he was. 
You were sitting in the back seat, your arms pressed against the open window's ledge, resting your cheek in your hand. Not really using the seat’s buckle, but you trusted Tyler enough. Dangerous, yes. But, upon driving by, it was like time had slowed down for you. Everything was in slo-mo, like in one of those somewhat cringey rom-com movies. Your eyes flickered from one Storm Par member to the next, ignoring their glares and irritated glances - especially as Boone teased them - you saw a young woman with them all, before your eyes landed on Javi. 
Again, you were entranced. For lack of a better word. Once your eyes met his, you felt all the breath you had in your lungs leave you, butterflies replacing whatever you had in your stomach with their rapid fluttering. It was like something clicked within you. That day, you had hoped that no one had noticed how much he affected you. But, it wasn't like you were really hiding it either. 
"You're staring again," You heard a voice, making you snap your head away from where the Storm Par crew were huddled together. Furiously blinking your eyes, you cleared your throat, looking up to see Lily beside you.
Lily had been the first to really bond with you. Everyone from the 'Tornado Wranglers' was your friend, but you really thought Lily was the one you felt most connected with. She always offered you snacks and gave amazing advice whenever you needed it. She understood you, and you understood her. You considered her your best friend.
"Hmm?" You hummed, pretending as if you didn't know what she was talking about. "Staring?" You laughed out, as if it was ridiculous. 
Lily gave you a look, raising an eyebrow, "You were staring at Storm Par over there." She gestured to the group with her eyes, a slow smirk growing on her lips, "You like one of them or something?"
"What? No!" You laughed, feeling your cheeks become flush as you gleaned to the ground and back up at your friend. "I'm just looking at them, trying to read their lips. See what they're planning."
"Uh-huh, sure," She nodded her head slowly, totally believing you, "You've been staring at them for a while. Did you find out anything?" She tested you, making you huff.
"Fine," You muttered, accepting defeat, "I wasn't gathering intel." You confessed, making Lily hum, amused. She knew. “I must have zoned out, looking in that… Uh, general direction.” You waved your hand dismissively in the air in their direction. 
Crossing her arms, Lily pivoted her weight to one side, "Is it Mr. Clipboard?" She suddenly asked, making you scrunch up your face.
"No! Ew. Not that one-"
"Oh! So you do like one of them!" She grinned, making you huff and roll your eyes. "I knew it!"
"Shush, would you!" You whispered, placing your hand on her arm, becoming a bit panicked. "I don't want him overhearing. I don’t want anyone overhearing. Besides, I don't know why it's such a big deal. I'm not the only one who's been staring at someone over there.” You nodded your head over in Tyler's direction before Lily took your hand into her fingerless gloved one.
Pulling you around the camper van, away from Storm Par, and the rest of your friends - and anyone else that could possibly hear - Lily smiled up at you with such excitement, practically bouncing on the balls of her feet. "So..." She trailed off, "Which one is it? Who's captured your heart?"
Huffing once more, you felt your cheeks burn at her playful teasing. You knew that she meant well, and you trusted Lily, you did with your words and life. She was an amazing person, a very sweet person, she would keep a secret. So you told her. You described him to her, and Lily could see how much you really liked this guy, even from just one glance. You had to cut yourself off at some point, realizing that you were talking way too much about a guy you've only just seen, and never spoken to. You didn't even know his name… ‘Love at first sight.’ Lily had thought with a grin. She then wasted no time in peeking out from behind the camper to spot him in the Storm Par group. 
Well, you finally got to speak with him during the second night. All the tornado chasers were in the large dirt parking lot of a motel, bonfires aflame, music playing, people eating, drinking, and having fun. 
You had arrived back at the motel with dinner - pizza - for the crew, and when you weren't really paying attention, you had bumped right into him; he almost dropped his bag of hot Cheetos. And it wasn't on purpose, you swore to Lily, your attention was on the nine pizza boxes in your arms; trying to remember whose box was whose. 
Well, to make a long story short, you apologized, and he apologized, it was awkward and you offered him one of the extra boxes of pizza. From then on, your interactions were few and far between. Until after the EF5 and after he partnered up with Tyler and Kate. Since then, you and Javi had gotten closer and became friends, which then slowly turned into something more. 
It had been a year since the two of you had officially begun dating, and you couldn't have been happier. He was everything you ever dreamed of and more; you loved everything about him... His passion, humor, bravery, his determination, his kindness... Not to mention he was super handsome, you could get lost in those eyes of his, your fingers tangled in his soft, ebony curls… Everything about him was perfect. Every time you woke up next to him, you couldn't help but fall deeper and deeper in love with him.
"Hey, baby," He muttered, leaning down to press a soft, lingering kiss to your lips, "How was your day?" He then asked, lifting back up slightly as your hand raised to brush his curls out of his face. 
"Hi," You greeted, your fingers began to trail along his jaw, eyes flickering around the freckles on his face before meeting his eyes once more. "I missed you." You breathed, the pad of your thumb brushing along his cheek.
"I missed you more," He leaned down once more to press yet another kiss upon your lips, before rising again, his smile grew into more of a grin, "But, you're avoiding my question."
Sighing, you glanced away from him briefly before returning your eyes to his, "I don't know, Javi," You began, "You know how much I love chasing. I just feel so... Empty without it." 
Humming thoughtfully, Javi pushed himself up, and off the couch. Taking your hand, he pulled you up into a sitting position. Your hand remaining in his, he bent forward slightly, raising your hand to press a kiss to your knuckles; keeping the intense eye contact - the action causing your cheeks to flush. "I know how much you love chasing,” He began, "But I might have something that can cheer you up." 
"Javi..," You trailed off, "You don’t have to get me anything."
His black curls bounced slightly as he shook his head, "Nah, baby, I saw it and thought you had to have it."
"You're not proposing, right?" You asked slowly, with a raised eyebrow, grinning; though inside, the mere thought of Javi proposing made your heart race, and your skin to tingle. You would love nothing more than to marry Javi someday, but you and Javi wanted to take things slow; to make the most of each second.
He bit his lip, his own cheeks flushing slightly from your question, "No, I'm not proposing, yet." He answered. ‘Yet’, the way he said it, made your chest warm, and your gaze to soften. “You actually might like this better than a ring.” He spoke, before letting go of your hand and leaving the room.
You sat on the couch, your leg shaking with anticipation and excitement. Your mind racing with possible gift ideas. So many ‘maybes’ and ‘what-ifs.’ You bit your lip, your eyes trained on the entrance to the living room, waiting for his return at any moment. Your smile widened at the sight of Javi walking in with a small cardboard box. It was an Amazon box, but it was open; the cardboard box flaps bent open at a slight angle. Carefully, he placed it down on your lap, and sat beside you. 
Looking over at him, you placed your hands on the sides of the box. “You really didn't have to get me anything,” You repeated, “You've already given me so many wonderful things. Not that I don't appreciate the thought you put into things or anything. I love everything you've given me-”
“Baby,” He reached out, placing his hand on your cheek, calming your rant. “Let me spoil you.”
Huffing, you felt yourself smile, admiring him for a moment - thinking about how lucky you were - before you returned your attention to the box. Reaching out, you pulled back the cardboard flaps, peering inside only to gasp. There, looking around confused, was a small kitten. 
Snapping your gaze up to your boyfriend, your mouth slightly agape, he chuckled lightly at your reaction. “Javi, are you serious?” You looked back down at the kitten, not even waiting for his answer as you reached into the box and pulled out the kitten. 
The small kitten let out a small ‘meow’ and yawn that made your heart melt and tears welled up in your eyes from the sheer cuteness that you held in your hands. Bringing the kitten up close to your face, you could’ve died from pure happiness as the kitten nuzzled their face into yours. 
The kitten was a tabby, with multiple shades of brown. She looked up at you, sharing with you with big, green eyes. You sighed deeply, your bottom lip quivering as you sniffled as Javi took the box from your lap as you held your new kitten in your arms. 
‘She’s just too cute.’
Javi watched you, feeling an overwhelming amount of love and adoration for you, as you ran your fingers through the kitten’s fur. She purred against your fingertips, her little paws pawing at you; tiny toe-beans in show. You cooed at her softly, pressing a gentle kiss on top of her head. “I think she needs a name.” He stated, his voice warm with affection.
Without even looking up, and without a second to think, you answered, "Storm Chaser. Stormy for short." You looked up at Javi, before feeling your smile turn into a somewhat worried frown. "Or is that a bit too on the nose?" 
"It's perfect," He reassured you, "Especially for someone who loves chasing so much."
"Thank you," You smiled again, before leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Thank you so much. This was exactly what I needed. Someone to take care of and keep me company." Returning to pay your full attention to your new fur baby, who was playing with a stray strand of string from your sweater, "She won't replace you though, don't worry. You’re stuck with me."
He couldn’t help the chuckle that left him at your words, “And you're stuck with me.” He muttered, his arm wrapping around you, pulling you close to his side as he watched you play with the kitten; named Storm Chaser. He let himself get lost in the moment and just enjoyed the fact that you were happy - truly and genuinely. He knew that you had been feeling rather bored, and lonely, and missed going out and chasing tornados.
He didn't know what to get you at first, but after asking Lily, Tyler, Boone, and the others, he figured it out. He didn't want to wait for a holiday or anniversary to get you a furry friend, so his trip to the pet store was a bit spontaneous. The moment he walked into the pet store and saw that little kitten sleeping in her cage, he knew that you'd love her. Running his fingers through your hair, he pressed a kiss to your temple, seeing the smile on your face… He couldn't have been happier.
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littlesunshine1223 · 7 months ago
!Twisters Spoilers!
Javier “Javi” Rivera X GN!Reader Headcanons
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- there’s two sides to Javi, the side where he’s serious while chasing a storm then the side where if he isn’t chasing storms he’s cuddling you and refusing to let go
- waking him up is like trying to wake up a bear but if he’s latched onto you then you won’t be getting up anytime soon
- loves whenever you praise him for doing good while hunting a storm
- he loves giving you kisses and physical affection whenever he can
- after he quit working for Riggs he instantly grew closer to you due to not having to put your relationship on the back burner while on the job and always being busy
- he absolutely adores when you play with his hair and spoils him rotten
- after a rough day he loves when you cuddle him and pepper his freckled face with kisses while the two of you share snacks and watch TV in bed
- sometimes he has nightmares of losing you just like he did three of his old friends, he wakes you up crying and depending on the severity of the nightmare it can take an hour or so to calm him down
- he’s very protective of you while storm chasing and if both of you are caught up in a storm (like when his truck got flipped) he’ll do anything to protect you
- he loves to call you nicknames like: babe, baby, sweetheart, my one and only, and honey
- if you keep teasing him while he’s trying to hunt a storm then after the storm is gone he won’t hesitate to pull over and drag you into the backseat of his truck just so he can rail you into next week (new fanfic idea😳)
- he definitely whimpers and moans when he’s really worked up and balls deep inside you
- speaking of him loving when you praise him, he has a praise kink and will practically melt in your hands if you ride him while telling him how he’s your good pretty boy
- he loves the times you take control and make his mind malfunction as he’s shooting blanks
- covers you in love bites and makes you see stars every single time
- if the two of you are in a motel and you’re rearranging his guts/pegging him then he will have to shove his face in a pillow so he doesn’t scream your name but sometimes he slips up and everyone in the entire motel hears him
- each member of the crew has walked in on you two at least once because they heard noises and thought one of you was hurt
- he’s willing to experiment in the bedroom as long as it isn’t something that would hurt one of you or make too big of a mess
- he loves hearing you scream his name while you tug his hair when he’s between your legs
- when he’s tired he wants you to treat him like a pillow princess and he’ll repay you in the morning by making you breakfast
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floralcyanide · 7 months ago
Heyy, I got something for tmrw's sleepover.
I'm super cheesy and cliché to think about either of them doing this but hear me out. Tyler or Javi and dancing in the rain with their lover/partner.
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫!
Javi Rivera x GN!Reader
a/n: I loved this request (:
You sit inside the sunroom of your farmhouse, your husband Javi in the kitchen behind you finishing up the dishes from dinner. You’re watching as a storm is rolling in, remembering how both of you used to chase storms like these. 
“Looks nasty out there,” Javi says from behind you, a soft hand on your shoulder.
“I don’t think it’ll get too crazy out there. I actually might sit on the porch when it comes in. Wanna join?” you hum.
“Of course.”
So, you and Javi sit out on the front porch and relish in the sound of steady rain and occasional thunder in the distance. It wasn’t close enough for there to be lightning nearby. This gives you an idea. You get up from your rocking chair and slowly walk toward the front stairs. 
“Where are you going?” Javi asks.
“Just follow me,” you grin, descending the steps and entering the curtain of rain.
Javi shakes his head at you, but follows. He’d follow you anywhere. You hold out your hands for Javi to take as you begin to dance to no music in particular. The feeling of warm summer rain on your skin as you dance with your lover is something you’ll always cherish. It’s a contrast to the violence of the storms you’d chase years ago, and so you appreciate the calmness of this rain storm.
Javi presses his chin to the top of your head and you tuck your head into his neck. The two of you stay like that until you grow cold and the wind picks up. You giggle like children as you run up the steps and into the house, making a beeline to the laundry room to toss your shopping clothes. 
You decide this is what you love most about life with Javi- the simple things like dancing in the rain.
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justsomerandomfanfic · 3 months ago
Recently Uploaded - 12/13/24 - Fanfic Friday
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