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karandeeparora · 3 months ago
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abnormallybetrayed · 9 months ago
made the mistake of posting something on tumblr dot coma nd now its borken. again as i type this is takes several minutes for a single letter to appear please forgive typos. im sending you guys back to seeing only the queue qhy is babygirls javascirpt so FUCKED
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minniejarts246 · 11 months ago
Park Postcard and Ch 8
Park Postcard:
This first week on working on this project mainly includes the research. My park of choice is Devils Fork located here in SC. It's a special park as it was regarded as one of the state's top 10 beautiful locations. Lake Jocassee being its front liner. Along the way I found out there are numerous waterfalls at this location. It gave me ideas that I could begin incorporating text bleeding into the water fall, or hiding behind this dynamic splashing scene. My goal for this project is to play with typography more than I did in the Zine project.
Ch 9: Typography on Screen
This chapter has been one of the more in-depth and informative chapters I have read in awhile about design. This was eye opening in terms of how web pages work and the details inside of JavaScirpt, HTML, and CSS. The book gave great reference points to other sites that would help designers out, one even including what I could use in this Postcard project we're working on in class, jQuery.
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caylakyazilimci · 8 years ago
javascript butona tıklandığında yazının rengini değiştirme
 Ufak bir javascript örneğiyle butona tıkladığımızda css değişikliği gösterelim mesela yazı rengi değiştirme
        <script>        function degistir(){            document.getElementById("para").style.color ="red";        }                    </script>            <p id="para"> deneme</p> <button onclick="degistir()"> tıkla </button>
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socialdribbler-blog · 6 years ago
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masterprograming · 4 years ago
JavaScript Objects In Hindi
JavaScript Objects In Hindi
JavaScript Objects In Hindi – Objects Ek Data Structure hai joki aap bol sakte hai unordered collection of items in key : Value:Pair | Js dictionary in hindi me ham kuch bhi data store kar sakte hai for example :- float , string , integer | Functions In JS in Hindi Objects in Javascript ko Or Accha Samanjh ne ke liye iske A To Z example dekhte | JavaScript Objects In Hindi Agar Ham Real Life…
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katabicara4 · 4 years ago
Sejarah munculnya bahasa pemrograman Javascript
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Ada banyak ragam bahasa pemrograman yang dipakai oleh para developer, salah satunya adalah bahasa pemrograman JavaScript. Uniknya JavaScript ini memiliki nama yang hampir sama dengan bahasa pemrograman Java.
Mungkinkah mereka memiliki sejarah yang identik? Dilansir dari EKRUT.com diketahui bahwa bahasa pemrograman JavaScript pertama kali dikembangkan oleh Brendan Eich sekitar tahun 1995.
Brendan saat itu merupakan seorang karyawan dari perusahaan Netscape yaitu perusahaan software yang juga memiliki browser sendiri yang diberi nama Netscape Navigator seperti layaknya Google.
Nah kala itu, Netscape tempat Brendan bekerja tengah membuat Netscape Navigator versi II.
Brendan oleh atasannya di intruksikan untuk membuat bahasa scripting seperti Java yang nantinya bisa diaplikasikan pada Netscape terbaru tersebut.
Brendan pun akhirnya membuat bahasa pemrograman dalam waktu 10 hari yang ia beri nama Mocha. Nama Mocha itu lalu sempat bergani menjadi LifeScript.
Dan karena Netscape bekerja sama dengan oracle yang saat itu menjadi pemilik resensi dari Java kemudian nama Lifescript pun diubah untuk kepentingan marketing menjadi Javascript.
Kenapa proses marketing memerlukan pengubahan nama ini? sebab pada saat itu bahasa pemrograman JAVA memang sedang booming dikalangan pengembang.
Sehingga penggunaan nama Java di bagian depan mungkin bisa membantu Lifescript lebih terkenal, jadilah dipilih Javascript. Hingga akhirnya bahasa pemrograman ini bisa digunakan untuk berbagai jenis aplikasi.
Kekurangan dan kelebihan bahasa pemrograman Javascript
Walaupun kini bahasa pemrograman Javascript telah lebih banyak berkembang, nyatanya bahasa pemrograman ini tetap memiliki sisi kekurangan yang meliputi:
Penafsiran bahasa pemrograman Javascirpt bisa ditafsirkan berbeda di tiap browser
Kode Javascript selalu terlihat karena dibagikan secara eksplisit ke dalam halaman web
Kode Javascript tidak aman dan rentan untuk dieksplorisasi dalam tindak kejahatan
Disamping semua kekurangan dari Javascript, bahasa pemrograman ini juga memiliki kelebihan di antaranya:
Mudah diujikan
Gampang dipelajari
Membuat situs menjadi lebih interaktif
Lebih ringan dan lebih cepat dijalankan
Bisa digunakan lintas platform dan browser
Itulah beberapa hal yang perlu kamu ketahui tentang bahasa pemrograman Javascript. Lalu sebagai programmer kamu juga sering menggunakan bahasa pemrograman ini?
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gatelockservice · 8 years ago
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Better MV-ish Framework – jsblocks Better MV-ish Framework From simple user interfaces to complex single-page applications using faster, server-side rendered and easy to learn framework
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arkylus · 8 years ago
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Better MV-ish Framework – jsblocks Better MV-ish Framework From simple user interfaces to complex single-page applications using faster, server-side rendered and easy to learn framework
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fjordsprogblog · 6 years ago
I had another job interview today.
The first programmer job interview I’ve had in about a year. The interview was presented with a more causal environment, to alleviate any pressure, and I thank the interviewers for that. The first question that one of the three interviewers asked was “How did you survive three years working at a call centre?” (and in my opinion I should get the job by that merit alone).
After that nonchalant repartee, we got down to brass tacks. The first part of the interview was soft skills (attitude, motivation, getting a good judge of character). Questions like “What would you do if a friend who was falling behind on a project asked for your assistance?”, and “What are your aspirations for the next 5-10 years?”, and I answered them with honesty (albeit a bit of stumbling due to running on only 4 hours of sleep, and having a head cold that was killing my sinuses).
Once the soft skills questions were done (basically 30% of the interview), we got to the technical questions. Some were hit, some were miss, but a majority of the questions were on subjects I’ve spent the last weekend studying. They use C# as their language, with Microsoft SQL Server for their database system. My experience with Ruby on Rails, and a co-operative research project I did in my final semester of college helped me with explaining MVC (Model, View, Controller. Weirdly enough, I didn’t get a question about the Software Development Life Cycle, but I made sure to explain the work I did on the research project using that as a guideline.
Then I reached the code part of the technical questions. First part was to look over some code samples, explain what they do, and optimize it. I was successful in that part. Then there was a FizzBuzz example, where you set up a counter to print out numbers, and print Fizz if the number is divisible by 3, Buzz if it is divisible by 5, and FizzBuzz if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5 (i.e: 1, 2 Fizz, 4, Buzz ....) that I mercifully didn’t have to do in great detail, because the interviewer just wanted to know if I understood how a modulus operator works (Modulus ‘%’ is used to find the remainder of a quotient, like 5%3 would equal 2)
The last part of the technical interview was to spend one hour working on a web page that uses JavaScript to take the input of a text box, print it out regularly, and also print it out in reverse, with rules like “Input cannot be more that 8 characters”, and “Input must have a Capital letter, and one number”. I worked as much as I could for one hour, making sure to document whatever JavaScirpt I had in great detail, and trying to at least get the validation functionality to work, but I was not successful. The interviewer assured me that no one who applied for the position got the project done, and will just review whatever code I have as is.
Leaving the job site, I felt strangely confident, mixed in with the usual anxiety I have whenever I have an interview. I should find out whether or not I got the job on Friday, but whatever happens, I will take it as it is, and move on. Right now, I’m relaxing a bit after all the work I have done to prepare for this interview, with some sushi, and Dragon Ball FighterZ (kicking the shit out of the same old Goku-Vegeta-Vegetto Saiyan shitters with my team of Yamcha, Nappa, and Hit always puts me in a good mood).
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ultimatespider · 7 years ago
i just spent 2 hours figuring out a cool javascirpt effect for my fake tom holland website idk if i should be proud or question what am i doing
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caylakyazilimci · 6 years ago
javascirpt constructorlar ve obje oluşturma basit örnekler
javascript es6 öncesi oop için örnek yapılandırıcı oluşturalım
function Emploee(name,age,salary) {  // yapıcı fontsiyon  contructor    this.name = name;    this.age = age;    this.salary = salary; } const emp1 = new Emploee("Caylak",25,400); const emp2 = new Emploee("Prof",24,3000); console.log(emp1) console.log(emp1)
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this burada içinde bulunduğu objeyi ifade ediyor. Şu örneğe bak ilk fonsiyon çalışyor ilk obje üretiliyor. this bize şuanki objeyi gösteriyor yani emp1sonra da emp2 veriyor. This şuanki objeyi gösterir . Thisi global scobe da kullansak window objesini verirdi biz Emploee içinde kullandık diye onun içindekini veriyor
function Emploee(name,age,salary) {  // yapıcı fontsiyon  contructor    this.name = name;    this.age = age;    this.salary = salary;    console.log(this) } const emp1 = new Emploee("Caylak",25,400); const emp2 = new Emploee("Prof",24,3000);
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içine birde fonksiyon yazalım
function Emploee(name,age,salary) {  // yapıcı fontsiyon  contructor    this.name = name;    this.age = age;    this.salary = salary;    this.showInfos = function () {        console.log(this.name,this.age,this.salary)    } } const emp1 = new Emploee("Caylak",25,400); const emp2 = new Emploee("Prof",24,3000); emp1.showInfos(); emp2.showInfos();
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tamz1598dreamer · 6 years ago
Node.js was at first installed so that it allows me to run javascirpt on a computer or a server. It can run, delete and update files without having to learn additional code as well as that it includes a huge package of a npm packages.
The image below shows a screenshot of the homepage I downloaded it from.
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commentsense888 · 8 years ago
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Did you ever hear the tragedy of javascirpt? by 1simplejack https://www.reddit.com/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/6br1ty/did_you_ever_hear_the_tragedy_of_javascirpt/?utm_source=ifttt
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pubgboard · 5 years ago
Python, Flask, Jinja2, Babel ile I18N
Python’da web projesi yapmak için Flask kullanmak lazım. Ayrıca template engine ile hayat çok kolaylaşıyor bana en iyisi jinja2 gibi geldi. Web projesini internationalization (I18N) yeteneği de kazandırmak isteyince Babel modulunu buldum. Sonra da setup için tam benim ihtiyacıma göre hazırlanmış bu makaleden faydalandım. 
Dikkat edilmesi gereken bir kaç konu var:
Jinja2 için kullandığınız tüm extension’ları makalede bahsedilen ini dosyasında olması lazım. loopcontrols makalede yoktu beni biraz uğraştırdı. Benim ini dosya özetle  şöyle oldu:
[python: **.py] [jinja2: **/templates/**.html] silent=false extensions=jinja2.ext.i18n,jinja2.ext.autoescape,jinja2.ext.with_,jinja2.ext.loopcontrols
Keyword’leri, html ve py uzantılı dosyalardan extract etmek için aşağıdaki komut yeterli. Bu komut yuarıdaki ini dosyasına göre çalışıyor:
pybabel extract -F babel-mapping.ini -o locale/messages.pot ./
javascirpt dosyalarınız var ve içinde de çeviri gereken keyword’ler bulunuyor ise ini dosyasında jinja2 parametresine **.js ‘de eklemek lazım.
Extract edince oluşan dosyada çeviri yapmıyoruz. Bu dosya tüm mesajları içeren bir base file. Her dil için po dosyası oluşturmak gerekiyor. O da mesela TR için şöyle:
pybabel init -d locale -l tr -i locale/messages.pot
Bu komut her çalıştığında önceki dosyayı eziyor. Yeni mesajlar eklediğinizde po dosyanız ezilmemesi lazım. O zaman init yerine update parametresiyle aynı komutu çalıştırıyoruz:
pybabel update -d locale -l tr -i locale/messages.pot
po dosyası üzerinde çevirilerinizi yaptınız bitti ise şimdi derlemek gerekiyor. Aşağıdaki komut da mo dosyasını oluşturuyor. Python ve jinja2 mo dosyasını kullanır.
pybabel compile -d locale -l tr
Jinja2, hangi dil için mo dosyasını kullanacak? render_template fonksiyonununa locale parametresi ile söylüyoruz:
@app.route('/', methods=["POST", "GET"]) def index():   return render_template('index.html', locale='tr')
Bir web uygulamasında dil ve ülke kullanıcıya sorulabilir. Ben sormadım. Flask’ın, kullanıcının yaptığı isteğin header’ındaki veriye göre karar veren mekanizmasına bıraktım kararı:
@babel.localeselector def get_locale():    return request.accept_languages.best_match(["tr", "en"])
Jinja2 ok. Son olarak python kodunda kullandığınız mesajların çevirisi için de bişey yapıyoruz, gettext kullanıyoruz ki buradaki önemli nokta da lcaledir’i full path vermek:
SITE_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) tr = gettext.translation('messages', localedir=SITE_ROOT+'/locale', languages=['tr']) tr.install() _ = tr.gettext
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gatelockservice · 8 years ago
Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
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