#java hosting vps
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hostinghome02 · 6 months ago
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Improve Your Java Projects with Hosting Home's Java VPS Servers
With Hosting Home’s Java VPS servers, your Java applications get the speed and reliability they deserve. Enjoy top-tier performance, robust security, and expert support tailored for your success.
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nubecolectiva · 2 months ago
The 5 Best Java VPS in the World.
Los 5 Mejores VPS Para Java del Mundo.
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domainoffices · 1 year ago
DomainOffices.com - Secure Domain Hosting - Domain Registration - Encrypted Web Hosting
Domain Offices Oversees Security Updates
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Support: 24/7/365 Technical Support via Phone, Live Online Chat, and Support Ticket
DomainOffices.com is an International Domain Name Registrar Registering all Global Domain Name Extensions, including Encrypted Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Secure Domain Hosting, Register Domain Name, Secure Web Hosting, Domain Offices, Domain Renewal, DNS System, Virtual Private Server, Semi-Dedicated Server, Dedicated Server, Shared Hosting Plan, Whois Protection, Cheap Domain Hosting, Cheap Web Hosting, Free Domain Name, Reliable Website Hosting, Cloud Web Hosting,and SSL Encryption. Domain Offices offers you the opportunity to host your web sites in one of our five first-class secure data center facilities located in 1) Chicago, USA, 2) Sydney, Australia, 3) London, England, 4) Pori, Finland, and 5) Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Steadfast, Chicago data center offers ideal conditions for hosting web sites whose visitors reside in the United States, Canada, or Latin America, and will guarantee you the fastest web page load speed feasible. The US data center facility option is available with all our shared web hosting plans, KVM and OpenVZ-powered VPS servers, semi-dedicated hosting servers and dedicated servers. Simply pick your package and then select the US data center facility from the drop-down menu on the signup form. Domain Offices works with one of the most famous data centers in Australia - SISGroup, which is situated in the Sydney central business district. The data center offers excellent Internet connectivity and perfect conditions for hosting websites whose visitors are physically located in Australia and Oceania. The Australian data center facility will guarantee you the fastest web site load speed possible. This data center option is available with all shared web hosting packages and OpenVZ-powered VPS web hosting packages of ours. Select the plan that you want on the signup form and then select the Australian data center from the pull-down list. If your web site will be targeted at users from the United Kingdom, the rest of Europe or Africa, we offer the perfect solution for you. We partner with top-class data centers situated in 1) London England, 2) Pori Finland, and 3) Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria, which offer the highest level of security for your web site and which will guarantee you the fastest web page loading speed possible. You can select the desired data center from the pull-down list on the signup form. This data center option is available with all shared web hosting plans, as well as with all KVM and OpenVZ-powered virtual servers offered on our website. Domain Offices has forged strong partnerships with international data-centers in the United States, Australia, Britain, Finland, and Bulgaria, to provide our clients with secure and reliable web hosting. Shared Hosting Features: -- Free Setup -- Disk Storage: Unlimited with Data Backups -- Domains Hosted: From 1 to Unlimited (Depending on Plan) -- Full Shell/ SSH/ FTP/ SFTP Users: Unlimited -- E-mail Accounts (POP/ IMAP/ Webmail): From 100 – Unlimited (Depending on Plan) -- MySQL 5 Databases: From 5 to Unlimited (Depending on Plan) -- Custom WHOIS Details and Custom DNS Records -- Programming: Perl, PHP5, Java Servlets, Python, Contrab -- One-Click Automatic Software Installers: WordPress, PrestaShop, OpenCart, Joomla, Drupal, Moodle, vTiger, Open-Realty, phpBB, and others -- Multi-lingual Control Panel -- Account Accessibility: Domain Offices Control Panel -- Five Secured Global Data Centers - With Data Backup -- Support: 24/7/365 Technical Support via Phone, Live Online Chat, and Support Ticket -- Guarantee: 99.9% Uptime Guarantee Website: DomainOffices.com Video Link: Domain Offices - Video
DomainOffices.com is an International Domain Name Registrar Registering all Global Domain Name Extensions, including Encrypted Web Hosting, Domain Registration, Secure Domain Hosting, Register Domain Name, Secure Web Hosting, Domain Offices, Domain Renewal, DNS System, Virtual Private Server, Semi-Dedicated Server, Dedicated Server, Shared Hosting Plan, Whois Protection, Cheap Domain Hosting, Cheap Web Hosting, Free Domain Name, Reliable Website Hosting, Cloud Web Hosting, and SSL Encryption.
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vndta-vps · 1 year ago
Dịch vụ và ứng dụng cài đặt khi sử dụng vps windows
Khi sử dụng VPS Windows, bạn có thể cài đặt và triển khai nhiều dịch vụ và ứng dụng tùy thuộc vào nhu cầu cụ thể của bạn. Dưới đây là một số dịch vụ và ứng dụng phổ biến mà bạn có thể cài đặt trên VPS Windows:
Dịch vụ:
IIS (Internet Information Services):
Một dịch vụ web server của Microsoft, được sử dụng để host các trang web và ứng dụng web ASP.NET.
SQL Server:
Dịch vụ cơ sở dữ liệu quan hệ của Microsoft, thường được sử dụng để lưu trữ và quản lý dữ liệu.
Active Directory:
Dịch vụ quản lý danh sách người dùng và tài nguyên trong một môi trường mạng Windows.
Remote Desktop Services (RDS):
Cho phép bạn cung cấp desktop và ứng dụng Windows từ xa cho người dùng.
Exchange Server:
Dịch vụ email và collaboration server, giúp quản lý email và lịch trình.
Windows Server Update Services (WSUS):
Cung cấp cách để quản lý và triển khai các bản cập nhật Windows trong một môi trường doanh nghiệp.
FTP Server:
Dịch vụ truyền tải file qua mạng thông qua giao thức FTP (File Transfer Protocol).
Ứng dụng:
Microsoft Office:
Nếu bạn sử dụng VPS để làm máy chủ email hoặc chia sẻ tài nguyên, bạn có thể cài đặt Microsoft Office để làm việc với các tệp văn bản, bảng tính, và email.
.NET Framework:
Cung cấp môi trường chạy cho các ứng dụng phát triển trên nền tảng .NET.
Java Runtime Environment (JRE):
Đối với các ứng dụng yêu cầu Java để chạy.
Môi trường chạy mã JavaScript phía máy chủ, thích hợp cho việc phát triển ứng dụng web.
Web Browsers:
Cài đặt trình duyệt web như Google Chrome hoặc Firefox để kiểm tra và quản lý các ứng dụng web.
Control Panels:
Nếu bạn không thích sử dụng các công cụ quản lý Windows native, có nhiều bảng điều khiển quản lý từ xa thứ ba như Plesk, cPanel hoặc Webmin.
Antivirus Software:
Bảo vệ máy chủ của bạn khỏi virus và malware bằng cách cài đặt phần mềm diệt virus phù hợp.
Backup Software:
Cài đặt phần mềm sao lưu để bảo vệ dữ liệu quan trọng của bạn.
Firewall Software:
Nếu không sử dụng tường lửa Windows m���c định, bạn có thể cài đặt phần mềm tường lửa bảo mật.
Lưu ý rằng danh sách này chỉ là một số ví dụ, và các dịch vụ/ứng dụng bạn cài đặt sẽ phụ thuộc hoàn toàn vào mục đích cụ thể của bạn và yêu cầu của ứng dụng. Hãy đảm bảo rằng bạn tuân thủ các hướng dẫn cài đặt và bảo mật để đảm bảo máy chủ của bạn là một môi trường an toàn và ổn định.
Xem thêm: https://vndata.vn/vps-windows-gia-re/
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uwteam · 1 year ago
29 września 2023
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◢ #unknownews ◣
Zapraszam do najnowszego, subiektywnego przeglądu internetu z ostatniego tygodnia. Oto interesujące treści, na które wpadłem w ostatnim czasie.
Nadal trwa sprzedaż szkolenia AI Devs - koniecznie zapoznaj się z agendą i wykorzystaj obowiązującą obecnie niższą cenę.
1) JS Crush - jedna z trudniejszych gier uczących JavaScriptu (gra!) https://js-crush.vercel.app/ INFO: To typowa gra polegająca na łączeniu takich samych elementów. Zasady są takie same jak w każdej grze typu "Match". Możesz połączyć dowolną liczbę elementów, które przedstawiają taką samą wartość. Na czym polega problem? Zamiast kolorów/kształtów są... wyrażenia z JavaScript i to sprawia, że zaczyna robić się naprawdę ciekawie. Zdobądź jak najwięcej punktów w 60 sekund. Metoda losowego łączenia elementów nie daje przyzwoitej punktacji - sprawdzałem ;)
2) Technologiczna niezależność - jak ją uzyskać? https://sive.rs/ti INFO: Jedna firma zapewnia Ci skrzynkę na maile, druga serwer VPS, trzecia synchronizację plików w chmurze, kolejna daje hosting pod stronę itd. Od jak wielu firm zależna jest Twoja obecność w sieci? Ten poradnik pomoże Ci zmniejszyć tę liczbę do 1-2 firm.
3) Efektywny inżynier? - zbiór porad zwiększających produktywność i rozwój ludzi z IT https://gist.github.com/rondy/af1dee1d28c02e9a225ae55da2674a6f INFO: Co sprawia, że niektórzy inżynierowie są tak efektywni? Edmond Lau podpowiada jak zdobywać nowe umiejętności, jak skupiać się na najważniejszych zadaniach i jak usprawniać swoją pracę. Wszystko to znajdziesz w jego książce 'Efektywny Inżynier', a jej podsumowanie znajdziesz w tym artykule.
4) Lex Fridman i Mark Zuckerberg - pierwszy w historii wywiad w Metaversie (film, 1h i 5 minut) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVYrJJNdrEg INFO: Rozmowa na temat samego Metaversu, postrzegania rzeczywistości, sztucznej inteligencji i przyszłości ludzkości. Sama tematyka to sprawa drugorzędna, ale sposób przeprowadzenia tej rozmowy jest naprawdę wyjątkowy, a poziom realizmu renderowanych twarzy mnie zaskoczył.
5) Jak zrobić sobie API z pliku ZIP od Europejskiego Banku Centralnego? https://csvbase.com/blog/5 INFO: Bardzo sprytna metoda na odpytywanie 'w locie' pliku ZIP z danymi walutowymi banku centralnego. W praktyce plik jest pobierany, mapowany na bazę SQLite i przeszukiwany już docelowo zapytaniami SQL. Po drodze autor rozwiązania pokazuje jeszcze jak wygenerować wykresy na podstawie tych danych i kilka innych ciekawych sztuczek. Jeśli zadajesz sobie pytanie 'po co mi jakieś dane z banku centralnego', to pomyśl, że możesz użyć tych samych trików do odpytywania zbiorów danych z innych stron.
6) Zbuduj swój pierwszy plugin ChatGPT w JavaScript (GPT-4) https://www.sitepoint.com/javascript-chatgpt-plugin/ INFO: Ten artykuł pomoże Ci zrozumieć, czym są pluginy czatu, jakie możliwości oferują i jak zbudować swój własny, wykorzystując JS. Jak się okazuje, tworzenie takich rozwiązań nie jest wcale tak skompliowane, na jakie wygląda wg dokumentacji.
7) Konferencje Infoshare Dev [sponsorowane] https://dev.infoshare.pl/ INFO: Infoshare Dev to 2 konferencje dla branży IT: 24.10 w Katowicach i 26.10 w Gdyni. 4 ścieżki: Front-End, Java, AI / ML, DevOps & Cloud. Dla czytelników newslettera bilety 10% taniej z kodem unknow10
8) Deno - nauka przez przykłady https://examples.deno.land/ INFO: Jeśli kiedykolwiek przeszła Ci przez głowę myśl o nauce technologii Deno (runtime dla JavaScript/TypeScript), to ta strona wprowadzi Cię w ten temat w ekspresowym tempie, przy założeniu, że znasz już podstawy JavaScriptu. To zbiór krótkich przykładów kodu z adnotacjami. Świetne do nauki.
9) KGB, komputer i ja - film dokumentalny (1h) https://youtube.com/watch?v=PGv5BqNL164&si=4eo3WARIm7JzQprC INFO: Akcja filmu dzieje się w 1986 roku. Główny bohater, astronom z Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory zauważa 75 centów nieścisłości w pewnych rozliczeniach księgowych. Po głębszej analizie zauważa, że manipulacje finansowe, to prawdopodobnie robota hackera. Postanawia więc go wyśledzić.
10) Lista 12 wzorców projektowych używanych przy pracy z mikroserwisami https://levelup.gitconnected.com/12-microservices-pattern-i-wish-i-knew-before-the-system-design-interview-5c35919f16a2 INFO: Na najpopularniejszym rozwiązaniu polegającym na wrzuceniu wszystkich usług za API Gateway świat się nie kończy. Istnieje jeszcze kilkanaście innych rozwiązań, które także mają swoje zastosowanie.
11) Free software, free society - wstąpienie Richarda Stallmana na TEDxGeneva (film, 14 minut) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag1AKIl_2GM INFO: Dlaczego potrzebujemy wolnego oprogramowania? Jakie są filary wolności użytkownika i dlaczego to jest takie ważne? To wystąpienie ma już 9 lat, ale natrafiłem na nie dopiero w tym tygodniu. Z racji tego, że jest to wykład niby technologiczny, ale bardziej światopoglądowy, dość naturalne może być to, że nie każdy będzie się zgadzał z punktem widzenia Stallmana.
12) Dlaczego chmurowe środowiska programistyczne zyskują popularność? https://blog.pragmaticengineer.com/why-are-cloud-development-environments-spiking-in-popularity-now/ INFO: "Środowisko programistyczne w chmurze? A co to za wymysł?!" powiedzielibyśmy jeszcze kilka lat temu. Czasy się zmieniają i coraz więcej firm decyduje się na tego typu rozwiązanie. Pytanie jednak brzmi, dlaczego to robią? Artykuł stara się wyjaśnić to zjawisko.
13) Ile będzie ważyć node_modules po instalacji paczki? https://pkg-size.dev/ INFO: Podaj nazwę paczki lub wrzuć swój plik packages.json, a dowiesz się, o ile zwiększy się Twój codebase po użyciu wybranej paczki wraz z jej zależnościami.
14) Historia pewnej krótkiej, dwuliterowej rejestracji z USA https://100parkingtickets.com/ INFO: Co złego może się stać, gdy zamówisz sobie personalizowaną rejestrację z dwoma literami będącymi Twoimi inicjałami? W zasadzie to nic się nie stanie. No, chyba że w systemie komputerowym z mandatami, te dwie literki mają pewne szczególne znaczenie - wtedy masz przechlapane.
15) Notify - wysyłaj powiadomienia na Discorda i telefon https://infosecwriteups.com/find-bugs-while-sleeping-get-phone-notifications-when-a-bug-is-found-b06ef95a6df7 INFO: Przykład wykorzystania aplikacji Notify, umiejącej wysyłać powiadomienia na różne kanały komunikacji. Możesz dzięki temu np. informować swój team o stopniu zaawansowania builda, czy wysyłać sobie powiadomienie na telefon, gdy coś przestanie działać.
16) Jak pytać GPT-4 o akcje, a nie odpowiedzi (film, 2h i 26 minut) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbsiT1AH8MM INFO: ChatGPT najczęściej używany jest do generowania odpowiedzi na pytania użytkownika. Jeśli jednak jesteś programistą i masz dostęp do API, to ten sam mechanizm, zamiast tylko generować tekst, może także sterować wybranymi przez Ciebie procesami. Jak to zrobić? Wersję no-code oraz code znajdziesz w nagraniu.
17) Pozbądź się tego "ELSE" z kodu! https://preslav.me/2023/09/22/ditch-that-else/ INFO: Wielokrotnie zagnieżdżony kod składający się z dziesiątek 'IF-ów w IF-ach' bywa naprawdę trudny do analizy i debugowania. Gdy dodamy do tego jeszcze kilka zapisów ELSE, może z tego wyjść niezły śmietnik. Jak to uprościć?
18) Twoja nowa dziewczyna to... AI? - do czego może doprowadzić rozwój technologii? https://www.freyaindia.co.uk/p/we-cant-compete-with-ai-girlfriends INFO: Artykuł zwraca uwagę na problem nieracjonalnych standardów zarówno piękna, jak i emocji, które mogą narzucić nam AI, które nie tylko wyglądają, ale i zachowują się idealnie. To alarmujące spojrzenie na to, jak technologia może wpływać na nasze relacje, poczucie własnej wartości i oczekiwania wobec innych.
19) Operacja Upsert w SQL - da się zrobić to lepiej? https://antonz.org/sql-upsert/ INFO: Zastanawiałeś się kiedyś, jak w SQL-u dodać nowe rekordy do bazy danych i jednocześnie zaktualizować już istniejące? Ten artykuł pokazuje, jak to zrobić w różnych systemach zarządzania bazami danych. Przykłady są interaktywne, więc możesz nie tylko czytać, ale i ćwiczyć na bieżąco. Znajdziesz tu informacje dla MySQL/MariaDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQL Server i Oracle.
20) Sztuczna Polska - czyli uroki naszego kraju widziane przez AI https://www.instagram.com/sztuczna_polska/ INFO: Przeważnie nie linkuję do pojedynczych kont na Instagramie, ale tym razem zrobię wyjątek. Twórca tego konta publikuje różnorodne przeróbki polskich miast, polityków, zabytków itp. Wszystkie wykonane oczywiście z użyciem sztucznej inteligencji. Każdy kafelek to tzw. karuzela (zbiór zdjęć, a nie pojedyncza fotka!), więc pamiętaj, aby zobaczyć wszystkie w danym zbiorze. Momentami zabawne ;)
21) Jak i w jakim celu co wykrywać tenele SSH? https://www.trisul.org/blog/detecting-ssh-tunnels/ INFO: Tunelowanie połączeń przez SSH to w pełni normalna, często stosowana technika uzyskania dostępu do usług np. za NAT-em, czy w odciętej przez firewall części sieci. Problem zaczyna się, jeśli działasz w środowisku korporacyjnym z bardzo wyśrubowaną polityką bezpieczeństwa. Tam tunele SSH mogą nie być mile widziane. Jak jako admin możesz takie tunele wykryć? Tego dowiesz się z artykułu.
22) Whiz - copilot dla Twojego terminala https://github.com/searchableguy/whiz INFO: Jeśli wiesz, jak działa Copilot dla kodu, pracujący np. w VSCode, to wyobraź sobie, jak mogłoby działać takie rozszerzenie w terminalu. Opisujesz, co chcesz zrobić (np. "wylistuj mi pliki które..."), a aplikacja generuje Ci odpowiednie polecenie wykonujące akcję, o którą prosisz. Przed wykonaniem wygenerowanej akcji trzeba oczywiście potwierdzić, że wygenerowane polecenie ma sens i jest wg Ciebie bezpieczne.
23) Czym jest "zlobotomizowana sowa" w CSS? https://blog.logrocket.com/css-lobotomized-owl-selector-modern-guide INFO: Mowa oczywiście o zabawnie nazwanym selektorze CSS, który w języku polskim funkcjonuje po prostu pod nazwą "sowa". Do czego on służy, jak działa i jak go wykorzystać w praktyce?
24) Optymalizacja wydajności builda w Next.js https://blog.logrocket.com/optimizing-build-performance-next-js/ INFO: Ten artykuł to zbiór porad na temat optymalizacji wydajności procesu builda w NextJS. Autor krok po kroku omawia różne techniki, automatycznej optymalizacji plików statycznych, po optymalizację skryptów 3-party.
25) ChatGPT teraz słyszy, widzi i mówi (mobilna appka) https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-can-now-see-hear-and-speak INFO: Mowa oczywiście o oficjalnej aplikacji mobilnej wydanej przez OpenAI. Można jej teraz używać do rozpoznawania obrazów i dźwięków, a następnie zadawać pytania związane z rozpoznanymi obiektami. Aktualizacja jest wprowadzana stopniowo u kolejnych użytkowników, więc jest szansa, że jeszcze jej nie masz.
26) Workery od Cloudflare oferują dostęp do GPU i LLM-ów https://blog.cloudflare.com/workers-ai/ INFO: Cloudflare prezentuje Workers AI - platformę umożliwiającą twórcom oprogramowania korzystanie z modeli AI przy pomocy kilku linii kodu. Dzięki niej masz dostęp do popularnych modeli open-source, które mogą działać na serwerach GPU Cloudflare.
27) Przegląd narzędzi do tworzenia diagramów blokowych https://chriscoyier.net/2023/09/19/when-you-need-to-draw-some-gosh-danged-boxes-that-are-connected-to-some-other-gosh-darned-boxes-with-arrows-connecting-them/ INFO: Czasami potrzebujesz po prostu narysować kilka prostokątów połączonych strzałkami, ale chcesz, aby wyglądało to estetycznie. Jaki soft do tego wybrać? Oto kilka propozycji.
28) SeaGOAT - semantyczna wyszukiwarka kodu w lokalnych repozytoriach https://github.com/kantord/SeaGOAT INFO: Opisujesz krótko (językiem naturalnym), co chcesz zmienić/znaleźć w kodzie, a aplikacja mówi Ci, w którym miejscu kodu jest to, czego szukasz. Zgadujesz, że prawdopodobnie w backendzie siedzi jakiś ChatGPT? No to tutaj Cię zaskocze - zero AI. Po prostu wektorowa baza danych ChromaDB.
29) Ochrona zasobów AWS przed ransomware - jak to osiągnąć? https://www.primeharbor.com/blog/awsbackup/ INFO: Tak, ataki ransomware na zasoby chmurowe także istnieją. Może zdarzyć się, że całe Twoje środowisko produkcyjne padnie po takim ataku. Jak przygotować się na taką sytuację? Garść informacji na temat AWS Backup.
30) Ataki na modele językowe - przykłady https://github.com/dropbox/llm-security INFO: Rosnąca popularność LLM-ów sprawi prawdopodobnie również wzrost ataków na te rozwiązania. Firma Dropbox postanowiła zebrać kilka ciekawych metoda ataku i przetestować je na modelach. Zapytania i ich rezultaty umieszczone są w podlinkowanym repozytorium.
31) Sprytna wyszukiwarka ofert pracy - WFH, praca z biura i sporo filtrów https://uw7.org/un_e0952cf0590af INFO: Ciekawie zbudowana wyszukiwarka ofert z różnych krajów i serwisów. Możesz zawężać wyniki wyszukiwania po słowach kluczowych, wymaganym doświadczeniu, zarobkach, a także np. po tym, czy firma zezwala na pracę w 100% zdalną.
32) Jak (nie) ubiegać się o pracę w IT https://uw7.org/un_da0d274726ccc INFO: Chcesz aplikować na stanowisko techniczne w branży IT? Autor, pracownik firmy Canonical, dzieli się swoimi spostrzeżeniami, pokazując, co robić, a czego unikać, by Twoja aplikacja przyciągnęła uwagę potencjalnego pracodawcy.
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myresellerhome · 2 years ago
Best practices to strengthen Plesk server security
For any web hosting company or server administrator, server security is the most important aspect of server management. Every internet company needs to provide careful attention to protecting its servers. In this section, we will discuss the most crucial parts of hardening Plesk servers and monitoring them for security flaws.
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What is Plesk? 
Plesk was initially introduced to the public in the year 2001 after being developed by Plesk, Inc., a Russian corporation. In 2003, Plesk was acquired by SWSoft, which then transformed itself into Parallels the following year. After Oakley Capital had purchased it in 2015, it was spun off into its own independent company. The commercial web hosting data centre automation software known as Plesk was designed specifically for Linux/Unix and Windows-based companies that provide commercial hosting services.
The user-friendliness of Plesk's menu makes it an excellent choice as a control panel solution for virtual private servers (VPS) and dedicated servers. To put it another way, a server that uses Plesk is so simple to operate that even someone with little to no prior server administration knowledge may begin managing their server right away. The administrator has the ability to establish client and site templates, which, in essence, is the process of allotting resources for domains and/or customers. In addition, Plesk was developed with the goal of making the normal management and administration of websites easier to perform. On a single server or across numerous servers, Plesk can automate a wide variety of operations and tasks. Plesk is a web hosting platform that comes with a control panel that gives the administrator the ability to set up websites, reseller accounts, e-mail accounts, DNS, and database accounts from a web browser.
Integration of support for content management systems (CMS) is included in Plesk; supported CMS include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal, among others; this list is not exhaustive. Other technologies, such as Docker, multi-server management, and framework environments for Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby on rails, and a great deal more, have also been added to it. In addition to Microsoft Windows, Plesk is compatible with a variety of Linux and Unix operating systems. In addition, the MySQL and PostgreSQL databases, the Microsoft SQL Server and Desktop Engine, the Apache Tomcat Java platform server, and the ColdFusion server are all supported by Plesk.
The term "extensions" refers to "add-ons," and those "add-ons" comprise software packs that are not included in the core codebase. These extensions interact and integrate completely with Plesk on every level. In addition, you do not have to pay for extensions that you do not require because Plesk's user interface was built to just add the features that you require.
Hardening the Security of Plesk Servers Using Generic Steps
Latest After installation, Plesk immediately provides a higher level of protection than before. Advisor, which integrates the best possible security practices and speed tune-up of the server and hosted domains, was recently released as part of the Plesk software suite. At the same time, it is a smart idea to make certain that the following normal actions are carried out:
Ensure regular Plesk updates 
Change the strength of your password to Strong.
Install Google Authenticator on your device and use two-step verification to access your account.
To protect the mail server, make use of SSL and TLS.
Set sFTP connection
Restrict the access that administrators have to the system
Limit remote access via XML API
Be sure to make regular use of the Web Application Firewall.
You should make regular use of the WP Toolkit Security Check.
Configure automatic updates for all instances of WordPress.
Ensure that out-of-date web applications are not being used and that those that are being used are regularly updated. Failure to comply with this guideline may result in unanticipated holes in security.
Checking existing websites with VirusTotal's Website Check is recommended.
The Firewall should be used to close any ports that are not currently being used.
Tips for Maintaining Server Safety with Plesk on Linux
Make use of the key file in order to enable SSH access.
When establishing SSH connections, use a port of your choice.
There is no root SSH authentication available.
If you do not use Perl or Python on your website, turn off those languages' support and do not use them yourself. Mod /mod python
Use the Opsani vulnerability scanner.
Configure Fail2Ban to thwart any efforts at hacking.
Stay away from PHP handlers that are served up as Apache modules because this is not a secure approach.
Ensure that the option to update system packages automatically is selected.
Server Security Tips for Plesk under Windows
Custom port usage for RDP connections is a must
Get rid of unused programming languages
Make sure you install the latest Windows updates
Restrict users from overriding handlers via the web. config files
Keep DDOS protection  enabled
Top Security Best Practices to Protect Your Plesk Server
 1. Always Use the Latest Version of Plesk
Before you do anything further, check to see if your Plesk configurations have been brought up to date. The updates to Plesk install any additional components that you might require in order to significantly improve the server's level of security. The most effective method for ensuring the safety of a Plesk server is to ensure that it is always kept up to date. You may determine whether or not you have an updated version by using the following methods:
In the options menu, select the option to "Automatically Install Plesk Updates."
As part of the security updates, you need to make sure that the Plesk Firewalls, Fail2Ban, and ModSecurity packages have been properly installed.
2. The Safeguarding Process
It's possible that the security settings in Plesk will let you make secure FTP connections to the server. You have the ability to change the password settings by using a robust password.
To make changes to the minimum password requirement:
Under "Settings," click "Security." Once there, locate the "Password Strength" button within that section, and choose the level of security that best suits your needs. Now, select the OK button.
If FTP is configured to only allow authorized connections to the server, it can prevent attacks from occurring. The use of a strong password to protect the server from intrusions at the principal login location is one way to increase the level of security provided by Plesk. By employing this strategy, we are able to protect the server from being attacked with brute force.
3. Attack Utilizing Both Fail2Ban and Force
With the assistance of the Fail2Ban, the log files on the Plesk server are monitored and secured against attacks using brute force. It treats as suspect any attempt to log in that is not authorized. In the event that any of these failed login attempts are performed, the Fail2Ban will either send a notification to the user or temporarily prevent the user's IP address from gaining access to the server.
How to Configuration instructions for Fail2Ban
Make a filter that looks for odd activity in log files by utilizing one or more regular expressions. This filter may be used to search for it.
The sentence you receive in jail depends on the specific circumstances of your case. In the event of an attack, this might make it possible to carry out vital measures by utilizing the information that has been provided.
Please provide a listing of the IP address that was provided. You can protect your server from being attacked by limiting access to only the IP addresses that have been allowed.
In addition to this, you might also try either activating or deactivating a jail that you have set up. On the other hand, if you think it's necessary, you might make an effort to unblock the IP address that was previously banned. In general, Plesk comes equipped with a large number of predefined prison configurations and filters.
4. The configuration of the Web Application Firewall under ModSecurity
ModSecurity is a tool that assists in the detection and prevention of attacks on your web applications. The web application firewall has a rule set that decides how to respond to incoming requests and how they should be treated. In other words, the Firewall is activated whenever a user makes a request, and the HTTP request will only acquire material from the website if the check is successful.
Using Plesk, you are now able to activate ModSecurity and add your own personalized configurations to the parameters for the ruleset.
In order to install the ModSecurity component, you should follow these steps:
You will need to navigate to the "Updates and Upgrades" settings in order to get rid of or add any component. Find the Web Hosting Groups by going to the submenu that says "Add/Remove Components" under that.
You now have the option of using predefined ModSecurity rules or creating your own from scratch.
5. Changing the settings on the Firewall
The network connections that are trying to establish a connection to your server are monitored and kept safe by the Plesk Firewall. The following is a list of the steps to configure:
The first thing you need to do is go to "Tools and Settings" and then pick "Firewall Management." Pick "Firewall Rules Management" from the menu, and then activate it.
At this point, a preview of the status box that authorizes the Firewall module will be displayed. You just need to turn it on.
You have successfully arrived at your destination when a green box indicating success displays and the firewall rules management is operational.
To modify the settings of the Firewall,
Using the Plesk Tools and Settings interface, you are able to modify the Plesk Firewall rules.
At this point, pick the SSH server.
Select the option for the property that will permit you to allow traffic from some sources while preventing it from entering from others.
Include the IP address to which you would like access to be granted.
Select the OK button.
What to do in the event that the server's security is breached
Moving everything over to the new server is what we recommend in this situation. If the attack is successful, the invaders will have their privileges raised to the root level, which means they will have complete control over the server. Even if you uncover malware or rootkits during the investigation and remove them, this does not guarantee that there will be no more instances of either on your system. Malware can be loaded straight into RAM if the user so chooses. It is possible for already infected servers to have backdoors enabled or even common cronjobs set up for use in order to download rootkits.
Even if you successfully restore the server to a previous snapshot, there may still be issues with the server. Because, in many instances, it is unclear exactly when the server was hacked and when rootkits were uploaded to the server.
The question now is how to locate the origin of the issue.
When utilizing security solutions that are specifically designed to scan for rootkits and malware, it is important to keep the following in mind: these solutions rely solely on previously identified patterns in order to determine the presence of malware, and they may be completely ineffective in detecting brand new forms of malicious software. Please call a security audit company that specializes in such circumstances if you want to be absolutely certain about how the server was compromised. Please refrain from changing anything before the investigation has been completed in order to prevent the loss of traces.
There are a few recommended procedures that should be carried out in order to improve the security of a Plesk server. Among these is the utilization of a firewall, the updating of software, and the monitoring of logs. In the event that you come under assault, having a backup and security strategy that is kept up to date is of the utmost importance.
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Buna ek olarak, her zaman var sunucunuzu ek sabit disklerle tamamlama seçeneği. Yeni özel kök sunucunuz ile dadhost, önde gelen uluslararası üreticilerin üstün marka donanım alacaksınız. Tüm sunucular Almanya'da geliştirilmiş ve dadhost için özel olarak üretilmiştir. Bu dadhost'u etkinleştirir ekonomik şartlarda yüksek performanslı sunucular sunun. Donanım Intel, Samsung'dan temin edilir, Kingston ve Supermicro, diğerleri arasında. Ayrıca, dadhost her zaman için en son donanımı kullanır müşterileri. Bizim Güç ve nihai sunucuları ile, uzaktan yönetim üzerinden KVM üzerinden ücretsiz dahildir FM. IP üzerinden KVM (IPMI) ile adanmış sunucular için, uzaktan kumanda için kapsamlı bir araç alırsınız sunucularınızın ücretsiz yönetimi. dadhost yapmak için ilk Alman sağlayıcılarından biriydi bu hizmet başından itibaren kullanılabilir. Daha önce, bu tür hizmetler ayrılmış veya bireysel sunucu çiftlikleri veya özel sunucu donanımı. 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geraldhelsinki-blog · 5 years ago
What are the Best Website Hosting Services
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Website hosting is a critical part of company that deserves attention. Without it, your site can be rendered futile.  Whether you are just beginning or a seasoned practitioner, a fantastic web host can help you keep focused on your business goals.
Luckily, a good deal in the past few decades has improved, providing a vast array of hosting options to you. Let us take a look at some of the types of services which are available to business owners these days.
Dedicated Internet Hosting The dedicated hosting company is great for business owners that want flexibility and the security of a host, but without the costs. A web host functions as the computer for your site.
As you control you are able to take control of almost any software you don't want on your own server. Additionally you have the choice of adding third-party software like servers, Java, and Java applets.
The interface will be familiar with you if you are using a Windows operating system, but when you are not, you may choose to look into a web hosting service which offers the Apache. The cPanel interface for Apache is much more user-friendly than the Plesk interface.
Bulletproof VPS is a extremely common service for company owners. The hosting provider gives a dedicated server for each of their customers, which means that each client will get a single special server in addition.
As you don't need to install any hardware, you don't need to be concerned about keeping an eye on hardware failures. Since this kind of support is more secure than shared hosting, a VPS can be a useful investment for your site.
Shared Hosting Service The shared hosting system is designed to supply you with a quick and efficient host's uptime. Shared hosting involves using resources from a single server as well as sharing bandwidth.
However, is a higher price to be paid for hosting providers, as you'll need to cover the service. Shared hosting can be an excellent solution for webmasters that need high-bandwidth to their sites, but don't need to worry about security.
Virtual Private Servers (VPS) VPS is often considered a less expensive solution for webmasters that have large numbers of visitors. A VPS acts as a host that shares a host's resources.
Website developers often us A VPS, as they often want the reliability of a dedicated server but do not wish to spend money on the price of one. Also, VPS hosting is ideal as the requirements of the client will not be addressed by the host they already have for websites which are fresh.
With so many types of website hosting services readily available, the question remains: which agency is perfect for you? Well, it is possible to discover a service that will fit hosting needs your budget, and overall needs.
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dedicatedhosting6647-blog · 5 years ago
Hidden Responses To Dedicated Server Cost In India Unveiled
Since it performs a part in changing the total partition functionality created for VPS virtualization technological innovation should also be assessed. It's likewise vital you do not proceed as a result of a fresh server cost every month . There are 3 factors why you would need to manage the page straight. Cpanel is among the absolute most widely used control panels for world wide web hosts today, however there are tons of others available on the market. These dedicated server cost in India change , and will also be discussed further on in these articles . You'll discover lots of web hosting providers emerging online. So the purpose is when we're practicing search engine optimisation tips we will secure traffic except to transform the visitors to useful customers we have to introduce our products and services in an attractive way. By way of example, if you advertise via ad words this really is an AdWords effort, even in the event that you promote a own newsletter subscribers via email then this is a contact campaign. In doing so, they mightn't have left the best choice possible. One particular good thing about VPS is the fact that it has got the capability to perform onto its own system. You are able to opt to buy a shared bundle, a VPS (Virtual private server) offer, or even some separate host package. like it As well as when you should be a business in Australia, determining to employ products and services also gets the maintenance of your web site easier personally, also means tremendous that a rescue for you personally.
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